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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 66 KB, 600x446, Finalfantasy5_jobs_mastered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
744763 No.744763 [Reply] [Original]

I've brought this up a few times before. Anyone participating this year? All you need is a twitter account. EVERYTHING is explained here:


It's a ton of fun and a great way to get additional playability out of the game if you've already exhausted traditional methods.

>> No.744776

Fuck, I don't want to sign up for Twitter.
I love Final Fantasy V buy fuck Twitter.

>> No.744781

This. Twitter is for twits. I almost punched two of my friends in their respective faces for the dumb shit they were reposting on Twitter all the time, when my ONLY post before terminating my account was to announce that the Syrian military was shelling its own citizens last year, because the American media didn't give a shit until like last month.

>> No.744783


It takes 5 seconds to sign up an account. I made one last year for the fiesta and I don't use it for anything else. Ever. No one is asking you to follow Beyonce with it.

>> No.744786

>dem GBA classes

>> No.744789

What is the best system to play the game on? Emulated SNES? GBA? PSX?

>> No.744793

>my ONLY post
And look at how thrilling it was!

>> No.744798

GBA is the best version. Emulating it gives you frame skip as well.

>> No.744830

What's so bad about the Berserker?

>> No.744850


It's in constant berserk mode. Always. Which means it attacks, attacks, attacks, attacks, and attacks some more. It's not a fun class because you can't do anything with it in battle besides attack. That's not to say that the class is totally awful. When you need something to hit enemies hard, he's alright.

It's just that in a challenge like this, it's good to be able to have some control over your characters.

>> No.744857

My scanline filters are ready.

>> No.744862

> And if more than $5000 is raised, RevenantKioku will drop everything else he is playing and livestream himself playing Final Fantasy 12. And he really, really hates that game.
>Loved Final Fantasy 5
>Really hates 12

I like this guy, whoever he is.

>> No.744905

The only games I ever see at yard sales are shitty sports games.

>> No.744910

Well, it was a link to a live stream of people being shot in the goddamn streets, so I guess it wasn't as interesting as TIRED-ASS MEME SAID WRONG LOL and STUPID MEDIA SLUT DOES SOMETHING DUMB.

>> No.744919


Video games. No one cares about why you don't like twitter (especially when it has nothing to do with this, seeing as no one is asking you to follow your friends or MEME OF THE DAY) and this discussion doesn't even belong on /vr/ anyway. Yes, it's horrible, but please go elsewhere to talk about it.

>> No.744945

Alright, I guess I signed up, what now?

>> No.744959
File: 34 KB, 344x517, 136478220350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We wait 16 days for the event to start so we can roll our Wind Shrine jobs.

In the meantime we can get our save files ready, which will take...10 minutes.

>> No.744963

Oh, I have to wait for this? Well shit, I should just do my own thing in the meantime. I did this a while back, just assigned a number to each job and used an RNG to assign jobs. I don't remember what I got but it was pretty fun.

>> No.744983

I've gotten pretty far before, but have never beaten the game. Should I just try a regular run?

>> No.745013
File: 55 KB, 480x272, ff4somethingawful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best version? Was the GBA version "translated" by SA goons like FF4? I don't want to play that one if that's the case.

>> No.745018

oh, you need twitter? nevermind

>> No.745070

Yes, let the rectal range flow through you.

>> No.745086

I don't get what people have against Twitter. It's like the least privacy intruding social network. Hardly any ads, and they don't even do creepy things like push you to add your real name or phone number.

>> No.745327

Me either. I think some people are just being willfully ignorant/stupid. It takes about as much info as a throwaway yahoo address and no one is forcing you to actually read anyone's tweets.

Especially in this situation in which it's a robot that allows classes to be distributed easier.

>> No.745409

You know that's an actual phrase people say and not a reference to an internet forum, right?

>> No.745418

The general public has inflated Twitter's importance too high. One can not express well thought out ideas in the character limit that Twitter allows. I don't use Twitter because I don't want to be part of the problem.

>> No.745425

Now kids, heed my word: THIS is the proper type of person to call a hipster. Not Earthbound fans.

>> No.745435


But you aren't even using it to communicate. You send a message to the robot, and it tweets back your jobs. You aren't part of anything.

Sage because this isn't Final Fantasy.

>> No.745441


I've nothing against twitter, I just have no use for it , I don't give a fuck what other people have to say and don't expect them to give a shit about me.

>> No.745442


That's supposed to say communicate with people*

I need to not post at 5 AM

>> No.745447

No, it's a reference. SA members call themselves "goons."

>> No.745448

Hipsters do things ironically because they think it's funny.
I am genuine.

>> No.745451


>> No.745458


Was the word "goon" in the GBA version? Because I remember a shitdrizzle (not shitstorm) coming from that when it came out.

>> No.745468

They really need to use a synonym for "job" that begins with 'f' so that it's a full alliteration.

>> No.745471

It is a small shout out, but fuck it, it's something Cid would say. A buncha lousy government-backed glorified thugs banging up his precious babies? Those are exactly what goons are in a non-SA context.

That or Cid is just casually joking around with Cecil. He's pals with the captain of the Red Wings, so hell, he can get away with playfully mocking Baron soldiers like that.

>> No.746019


Because time spent using Twitter is time not spent playing or being around video games. I ain't got time for that shit.

>> No.746047

>Mystic Kunt

>> No.746095


>5 minutes to make an account and tweet something is too much time wasted that can be spent playing video games

Says the man who's been repeatedly coming back to a 4chan thread to defend his asinine reasoning for being afraid of a website.

>> No.746126


Yeah but on 4chan I can still be around video games and have quality discussions about video games. No such thing on Twitter.

It's not all bad though, I find the troll accounts on Twitter quite amusing like KazHiraiCEO.

>> No.746143

>GBA or iOS are recommended. GBA for it being the best version

What the fuck

>> No.746147

GBA is the best version of FFV released in the West. unlike 4 and 6, there are no problems with its GBA release, other than the fact that its on a GBA.

>> No.746148

It has bugfixes,a hell of a lot better translation, and extra content.

iShit version is based on the GBA version so it has the same. However knowing the porting quality of now compared to then, you're better off emulating with a sound patch on the GBA version for less slowdown.

>> No.746158

The sprites of iShit look bad too, mostly because "hey guise, let's make it exactly like that other new game."

>> No.746162


I highly disagree about the GBA version being better than the SNES one.

Amano art doesn't belong in the actual game, it has inferior music and the translation is pretty cringey at times. Having Faris do the whole ARRRRR MATEY bit and some of Gilgamesh's lines just made me put my head down.

The iOS version just looks horrible all around.

>> No.746182

The translation is sure better than the SNES version's Mystic Kunt and sometimes hard to understand shit though. Literally all the SNES game retranslations share the same problem because the translation is literal as fuck. Especially in this specific cas when the PS1 version is just as bad as iShit and there's no SNES localization to fall back on. Also, while I agree with Faris I liked Gilgamesh sounding stupid as fuck. The game is supposed to be more lighthearted than the rest and humorous at times, and It just makes the whole deal with the Excalipoor even better.

Sound patching makes it sound almost identical to the SNES version while fixing it up better than it was before. If you'd rather not patch, it could've been a whole fuckload worse. It could've been DK3 GBA.

>> No.746195

>Literally all the SNES translations
Look up Lina Darkstar's FFVI. You won't be sorry.

>> No.746368


>> No.746415

>Having Faris do the whole ARRRRR MATEY bit and some of Gilgamesh's lines just made me put my head down.

I thought Faris' pirate talk was only in the inferior Playstation version?

Either way, the translation really hams up what was already something lighthearted and silly for the most part. Thankfully they knew when to tone it down when it came to the (mostly boring) serious moments.

They take a funny jab at the highly bizarre nature of Ex-Death's nature for one, something that was not present in the original. It's that level of disconnecting self-awareness I can understand that some might not like though.

>> No.748475
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>> No.748493

She doesn't have ARR anymore, but still talks in pirate-ey lines. I THINK that's what he meant but I'm not sure.

>> No.749314
File: 101 KB, 762x1046, 95193e287ae20dc0c342e5095924b323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.749361

This sounds pretty neat, I originally played FFV on emulator on a whim and it ended up being my 2nd favorite FF behind IX

>> No.749430

Okay, I beat FFV and I have no idea what he means about breaking rods.

>> No.749441
File: 43 KB, 478x428, 02fa4a4e361641999eb792073b1a4da2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When rods are used in battle as items (not equipped), they cast the level 3 version of that spell. After this, they are no longer usable, so the rod is "broken"

It's a great way to cast high level spells early on in the game. It's even better during this challenge since it means some classes (like Time Mage) will have access to elemental magic.

>> No.750198
File: 654 KB, 700x878, 778715d2b5901aa7792163cf564e6e10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.750235

> Needing an event just to play a game
> Needing some fag on Twitter to tell you what to use

I've got a much better idea. Just play the damn game and roll a die to determine what jobs to use.

>> No.750247

The event apparently made $3385 last year for charity. It's already made $689.75 this year and it's not even started, so it's not like it's utterly pointless.

>> No.750521

Where does the money come from

I always mean to play this again to find an old bug I used in the SNES version

One of the alchemy mixes completely restored all your mana, and it wasn't documented anywhere. Even the game itself just called it a half-elixir

I was just summoning continuously against trash

>> No.750526


well I mean theres obviously an item like that

but it was a second version that used cheap items, it was supposed to restore all health but it worked on mana instead

funny how a simple coding error remained so vivid in my mind

>> No.750540

It's like a modern FF simulator - the game practically plays itself.

>> No.750648

Can somebody explain the 750/no750 stuff a bit more for me?

>> No.750678
File: 401 KB, 700x700, e5b7d583052c2bdd493d0088732d26d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got a better idea. If you don't want to do it, don't. Meanwhile, we can have our fun and you can have yours. We'll be fine. Life will find a way.


Except the game playing itself can easily end in your death here!


750 - You get assigned a party from a group that can break rods (see: >>749441)

No 750 - You get assigned a party from a group that cannot break rods.

>> No.750702

So only certain classes can break rods?

>> No.750719
File: 147 KB, 850x850, sample-b9fc8a412b058b04e8f988afadbf5ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, the only classes that can break rods are those that can equip them in the first place.

>> No.750738

Ah, thanks. Also, ninja krile and mystic knight faris are so cute (although kind of out of character for faris).

>> No.750782
File: 494 KB, 640x1190, a216ce56aa4083266f47c7d6d162d8e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White mage Krile is cutest Krile.

>> No.751546 [DELETED] 

Only the classes that can equip rods can break them

>> No.751580

muh dick

>> No.751679

Is RPGe's tranlsation of this game good?

>> No.751730


Yes, but GBA's is far better.

>> No.751736
File: 44 KB, 480x320, krile final fantasy v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.751782

that fucking skull eater

>> No.752260

Is there a way for me to change the character portraits for the GBA version?

>> No.752668

Kinda looks like she had a stroke.

>> No.753148


I lurked the neogaf thread from last year and someone had a portrait hack


No idea where it shows up.

>> No.753204

Found it.


>> No.753957


You know, it doesn't fit the ingame at all, but I love Amano's art.

>> No.754104


That would be neat if the dude could actually do some decent sprite art.

>> No.754117

Didn't even know /vr/ existed... of course I drop by 4chan once a year these days.

This sounds very tempting. I remember loving FF5... perhaps the most of all of them? Possibly even more than 6 or 7... never did any after, of course.

Feeling so depressed today, though. Not sure if I really want to...

>> No.754204

Holy shit you are stupid.

>> No.754220

1.A silly, foolish, or eccentric person.
2.A bully or thug, esp. one hired to terrorize or do away with opposition.

You are getting angry over nothing.

>> No.754232

Are you people really that new to the internet? How do you end up on a site like this?

Goons are infamous for throwing shout-outs in every game they get their dirty hands on, like Morrowind and Recettear. This line is so out of place that it has to be the same.

As they say, please "lurk more," preferably on a different site, before you make yourselves look even more stupid.

>> No.754252

It's an accusatory stare.
You let a small childs grandfather - her sole guardian - die, and now you're forcing her to fight monsters.

>> No.754438

Pardon my ignorance but after reading the FAQ I'm confused as to what type of run I should do.

I've played the game numerous times and done job challenges myself but in this context I'm not sure what to pick.

To anybody who has done the normal randomized run before, is it ever hard? Is there a combination of jobs that'd make things noticeably more difficult?

I'd like to utilize one of the challenging criteria but they all seem to restrict the job pool a little too much for my liking, can anybody recommend one that still has a large job selection but is difficult?

Sorry for sounding needy but help would be appreciated on this front.

>> No.754447

>To anybody who has done the normal randomized run before, is it ever hard? Is there a combination of jobs that'd make things noticeably more difficult?

Depends on the party you get. I had some issues last year, but I made it through the game. White Mage, Time Mage, Geomancer, Dancer

>I'd like to utilize one of the challenging criteria but they all seem to restrict the job pool a little too much for my liking, can anybody recommend one that still has a large job selection but is difficult?

Random run maybe? You have a chance of getting any class that you've unlocked when you get it.

>> No.754545

Somebody make something better then I think I'm fine with the regular art really

>> No.754557

Y'know, the FFIV one was actually pretty damn subtle. At least, that line is.

I'm sure many people didn't realize what it was referring to until it was pointed out, I know I sure didn't.

>> No.754563

As I said, a "goon" is not a term used exclusively to describe a person of the SA community. It exist as a valid term in the English language. You are just choosing to make the association for the sake of having something to be angry about.

On the other hand, if they had used a word exclusively describing some community (like for example, hipster, brony, anon or furry) then you would have legitimate reason to be upset.

>> No.754612

Cid uses "something awful" and "goon" in the same text box.

Are you trying to tell us that this isn't a shoutout, despite there being a slew of goons working in the game industry, with a history of adding in little bits like this?

>> No.754620
File: 241 KB, 475x622, 56900aad5ffef102db19825d5834036c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not only is this argument silly, it's not even about FFV.

>> No.754971

I stand corrected, then. I'm just so tired of the nitpicking and constant hyperboles when it comes to discussing otherwise decent games.

>> No.754986

> Was the GBA version "translated" by SA goons like FF4?

I don't think so

>> No.754994

god, this image is so hot to me

>> No.755401
File: 120 KB, 352x470, 76887c2de0ef343c3d05dee356c0d574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that's the point.

>> No.755512
File: 13 KB, 186x240, xezat_lg2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it is a shoutout, does it really matter? It's literally one line at the start of the game. If the whole game was making stupid references and adding memes where memes don't belong, I might see your point, but it's one line, and it even makes sense in context.

>> No.755538

>Even if it is a shoutout, does it really matter?
No. But it is one.

And of course it makes sense in context. If Cid just said "SOMETHINGAWFUL WAS HERE SUP LOWTAX" then it probably wouldn't have made it past QA.

Also, I think that you think that I'm a guy from earlier in the thread, but my only posts so far are this one and >>754612.

>> No.756717

They are nice when grinding levels, just go to a place where you don't have to worry about getting too hurt, send out a team of berserkers, mash 'A' wait for battle music to end, repeat

>> No.757547

Damn it, I think I've got 5 hours left in the game, I wonder if I should restart.

>> No.757631

The fiesta is in about 2 weeks. You can finish it before then.

I believe in you

>> No.759186
File: 274 KB, 600x826, e15fc201677066062d591d2ec04ddcea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.761762

I'm probably going to leave this alive for one more day and post about it again as we get closer to the date. I just wanted to let people know about it before it starts, especially if someone wanted to sign up for Berserker Risk Mode (I doubt it).

Unless you guys want to turn this into a FFV general or whatever.

>> No.761765

Don't forget that Berserker in FFV is actually the SLOWEST job class.

>> No.761807

Signed up for the Natural Jobs challenge. Looking forward to it! Are we going to keep a thread open here to discuss how our runs are going once the competition starts?

>> No.761808

I forgot all about that. It takes FOREVER to get the Berserker's backup skills. That's a long time to put up with ATTACK AND ATTACK 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO for my tastes.

Of course, playing this challenge means you're going to max it out, but during a normal playthrough? Nah, man, nah. I don't wanna.

>> No.761824
File: 135 KB, 850x1201, sample-ea1238c0d679e5019587a9c282ac684f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm probably going to make one. A lot of fun in this challenge comes from sharing stories. I did it with some friends last year and it was a blast, swapping strategies and telling our war stories.

>> No.761885
File: 879 KB, 1488x1082, ffvdogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFV has some of the weirdest yet still pretty awesome artwork

>> No.761890
File: 254 KB, 900x720, Neo_Exdeath_by_Despear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant fanart, obviously

>> No.761887

I'm not sure that I agree with the philosophy for the Job Fiesta - the whole point of FFV is that by the end, you can become god-mode with little to no downsides.

Could be fun though

>> No.761896
File: 100 KB, 600x769, Exdeath__Open_the_Void_by_Nick_Ian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it's a pretty easy game if you have even a slight idea what you're doing. This is just a challenge run, like solo runs of the original Final Fantasy, or low-level runs of pretty much any RPG.

>> No.761917


>Lenna dog

Not..supposed...to feel...this way. Also, needs more Gilgamesh dog.


Yep, just a new way to play. In this mode, you can't just change classes when you have trouble on the boss. You sometimes have to get creative. That's where a lot of the fun comes from for me.

>> No.761925

I love this artist, so much so that I forgive her for being a fan of both My Little Pony and Homestuck

>> No.761953
File: 205 KB, 577x850, 171eba1c18d03c3405db8b642c2d0dc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding it against anyone for being part of a fandom with a bad reputation
>posting on a video game board, in a JRPG thread
C'mon, silly goose, don't do that

>> No.761973
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>> No.761987
File: 155 KB, 730x1094, Bartz_is_mai_waifu_by_emlan.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.762012
File: 457 KB, 875x782, 9015787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good.

>> No.762760
File: 198 KB, 600x800, 3125c4b2bcaf9a1fa1d22062d9ef3e70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.762763
File: 368 KB, 792x556, butzkrilebed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl.

(I have a ponytail moe)

>> No.765023


>> No.765064

I would participate but I haven't played FF5 before and I feel like a specialized run would be a bad way to first experience the game.

>> No.765074


It kinda is.

That being said, one of my friends participated blind last year. Finished the game, too. Think he got a Berserker, too.

>> No.765079

You should play it normally right now. There's still a couple weeks before it starts, and it's a great game.

>> No.765084


Also, you don't have to sign up right away. I think the last day to submit your proof of victory is like August 30. So feel free to take your time.

>> No.766325
File: 125 KB, 600x600, c24a4b89ed8b964e8dddbbdeade9e0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sword Dance

>> No.766652
File: 197 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mke4q5RH9h1qgi0pqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite class?
Design wise, mine is pic related

>> No.766689


Aesthetically? Beastmaster or Berserker.

Practicality? Ninjas. I don't care if it's cliche. Gimme dat dual wielding.

>> No.766843
File: 3 KB, 164x48, who was that masked mage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any other game and I'd agree. But blues are so ridiculously awesome in 5.

>> No.767439

Alright, I guess this'll be the last time I bump this thread unless some more discussion comes up. I figure that's enough time to drum up some interest before it all starts in a little less than two weeks.

So you guys then.

>> No.767489

Actually, I'll bump it one more time to ask if anyone's planning on streaming their runs.

>> No.767520

I might stream mine, but if I do, I'll be doing it TAS because TAS is fun.

>> No.767952

Just preregistered myself for this. I'm actually really excited for this. I haven't played FFV in quite a few years, and to be honest, I haven't beaten it before. But, this seems like this could break my lack of gaming enthusiasm lately. Going regular run with BERSERKER RISK for shits and giggles.

>> No.768898


Good luck. I think two dudes ended up with 3 Berserkers last year.

>> No.768943


Haha. Knowing my luck, I'll probably get shafted hard on berserkers as well. It'll be fun, regardless.

>> No.768972

I ought to finish the game soon. I've gotten the first tablet, so if I intend to get them all, how long am I looking at before beating it? As for what run I'll do, I'm not quite sure. I'll probably go for just a standard run, although natural jobs seem interesting; I just don't like the idea of having to use freelancer until I get to each crystal. I might go for random instead, hoping that I wouldn't miss out on some of the great latter jobs (although most of the wind jobs are good as opposed to jobs like geomancer and bard, which mainly exist for you to slap their commands on other classes).

>> No.768979


You only get to play freelancer until you get the wind crystal. It's all jobs from then on out.

So that's about 20 minutes of freelancer, really.

>> No.768997

In natural, you can only switch from freelancer once that character receives their job from their crystal (ie. Bartz switches to his wind crystal job after he reaches the wind crystal, the rest remain freelancer). Looking over it, natural doesn't seem very appealing.

>> No.769017


I forgot about natural. Natural sounds kinda boring to me because you can't even mix and match abilities. That sucks a lot of the fun out of the fiesta for me.

>> No.769039

Why not allow freelancer at the end though? You're still constrained within the jobs you rolled, but at least you get to get the best stats.

>> No.769043


Because that makes it less challenging. Freelancers can equip anything, for starters.

>> No.769057

I don't see the point of the fiesta as introducing challenge so much as constraining your job selection, so everyone doesn't just choose the own optimal strategies every time.

If we allow freelancers at the end, we're still stuck with the same ability set and have to maneuver within that, but get additional stat boosts

Also, on the point on freelancers being able to equip everything, that not so bad considering that if you get the wrong jobs you could end up being unable to equip a lot of the equipment you get

Well that's just my opinion anyway

>> No.770723


>> No.773003


>> No.775817

And that's a week.

9 days (and then some) remain

>> No.775832

Yes it was. They just took the GBA versions and gave it a coat of RPGMaker gloss when they ported them.

>> No.776097

Going back to the SA goon talk, other GBA games at the time had references to contemporary internet maymays. NoA translators were just big on doing the netboy thing for a while.

So let there be no doubt...the SA goon shoutout was extremely subtle, but it was intentional.

>> No.776108
File: 100 KB, 500x422, jearb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the pointless post. I've never found a good point to use this image, and I'm going to jump on the opportunity to do so now.