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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 1100x618, Super-Metroid-large-170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7448868 No.7448868 [Reply] [Original]

how was anyone supposed to find all these secrets?

>> No.7448890

Xray Scope

>> No.7448896

They sell the information to magazines and code book makers. So they get a second stream of income. You make the game, let people play for like a day, then release cheat books and magazine “specials”. This was all before the internet fucked that up.

>> No.7448987

By looking around for secrets. I know the concepts of exploration and hidden treasure are lost on your generation, but do remember the year this game was made.

>> No.7449013

Rely on the level designers to guide your exploration so your retarded ass doesn’t miss necessary upgrades

>> No.7449234

You weren't. You were suppose to buy the player's guide that told you where the secrets were.

>> No.7449312
File: 17 KB, 512x446, 1603405856363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course! why didnt I think of looking in the corner of this completely flat wall

>> No.7449337

i'm starting to believe this is true

>> No.7449351

>its another episode of larping zoomers who got filtered by games made for 8 year olds trying to blame everything that's not an obvious """""""""secret"""""""" on magazines

>> No.7449397

They knew everyone wouldn’t care to find all of them, that’s why most of them are piss easy. People that like the game will keep finding it so they can find all the secrets. The rest won’t care either way.

>> No.7449418

If I were a level designer that is exactly the sort of place I would hide a completely optional powerup. You're standing by a door at a ledge. There's a wall right across from you, but the only way to go is down. You could accidentally fire a shot from where you're standing and discover it... or not. Because it's a hidden powerup. And those tend to be... hidden.

>> No.7449424

>space jump
>a secret

>> No.7449586

games of this caliber did cost 120-160 DEUTSCHE MARK per module so you better played the fucking shit out of it and found every secret yourself

>> No.7449589

You probably won't find them all without a guide, but you'll randomly stumble on new ones whenever you replay the game. It's fun.

>> No.7449596
File: 2 KB, 128x94, Ultros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize German kids were so Probotective of their money.

>> No.7449863

>I didn't realize German kids were so Probotective of their juden neighbors teeth.

>> No.7449865

He said necessary upgrades lmao

>> No.7449870

You weren't supposed to, they're secrets. Games didn't always expect everyone to be able to 100% complete them.

>> No.7449876

>Itt idiots

The real answer is word of mouth used to be a thing in gaming. Many Zelda and Metroid insights were given to me via friends

>> No.7449939

>see circle on current screen section of the map
>test out the walls of current room, or just come back with X-Ray because the map marker isn't going to disappear
Why is this out of the question for some players? The only annoying part of this system is that it cannot indicate when there is more than one findable item present.

>> No.7450019

>itp zoom

>> No.7450027


>> No.7450030

Bad pun Ultros posting needs to become a thing here. Like Carlos posting, but /vr/.

>> No.7450052

>The real answer is word of mouth used to be a thing in gaming
This. And it was better that way. You had to play the game to see all the cool shit, you couldn’t just watch it on YouTube and you had to try to figure out which rumors were full of shit or were true and you could spread your own and try to get other kids to waste their time doing some insane combo of mechanics to fight Sheng Long or whatever. It was so much more fun than looking up a FAQ and spoiling everything. And you only knew what was local and in magazines, you didn’t know if some kids in another part of the country or world knew some shit you didn’t about a game

>> No.7450067

Also zoomers missed out on the rental days where they’d come with a photocopied version of the manual, cause kids would write about secrets and cheat codes and special moves and draw maps and stuff in the back pages of the manual. That kind of shit was so cool.

And sometimes you’d have some asshole kid at school who knew how to do something but wouldn’t tell anyone else and everyone would be trying to figure out how he does it and trade tips and hints and bribe or beg or threaten the secret out of him

>> No.7450105
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All games are made for little babbies now. No zoomer could complete a single level of Tomb Raider 2 let alone actually complete any of the original 4 games.

>> No.7450139
File: 14 KB, 882x758, 2934B4FD-CAEF-424B-AA51-F4889C5E42EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how will I ever beat this game without those 5 missiles when I already have 70 missiles?

>> No.7450143
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>> No.7450146
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you got a new game every 3 months IF lucky or rich, so you explored the shit out of every game.

>> No.7450495
File: 119 KB, 500x500, 5B6AD252-2223-4869-93AE-1892D4B387B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you rented a game you were stuck with it for the weekend or the week because you didn’t have a Steam library to play a million other games the second a game didn’t let you easily win or provide non stop dopamine dumps unlocking achievements and in-game currency to spend on microtransactions. So if you rented a hard as fuck game you still played it relentlessly no matter how impossible it was because it was that or be bored and you had to get your money’s worth on that rental. Even if the game was absolute trash because you fell for the cool cover art or screenshots on the back or it was your favorite licensed property, you still dumped hours into it trying to find some redeeming qualities in it and occasionally discovered a gem that you would have otherwise tossed away because it got off to a rocky start...or you managed to enjoy a game that objectively wasn’t great just because you were forced to stick it out all week and see all the plot and levels and ending

>> No.7450514

Completionists are almost always autists or women.

>> No.7450526
File: 449 KB, 480x432, ECCCDDBA-AB8C-47CB-9F2B-81E08D8CC517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Same for buying a game, I thought you meant renting every 3 months but what I wrote goes double for buying or getting a game as an xmas or bday present where you’d inevitably get a shitty game because your mom is like “I know you love Spider-Man!” and now that’s in your game collection of 3 games and that’s what you have to spend the year playing, in front of her so she knows you appreciate that she bought it because a game was like $60-$80

>> No.7450539
File: 55 KB, 768x432, 25AD623C-C748-4E21-BEE5-6890E31F4BB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Completionists are almost always autists or women.
How often do you think pic attached daydreams about ending it all to finally feel the sweet release of death from the endless nightmare he’s trapped himself and his income in with his brand gimmick?

>> No.7450932
File: 115 KB, 250x364, qf270wwl7ew21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: boomers seething that new generations dont have to worry about spending thousands of dollars on rotting cartridges and discs or renting them and can just emulate them en masse and dissect their obvious shortcomings like artificial difficulty and "shoot/attack every pixel for hours to find the secrets" gameplay

>> No.7451086

At least a couple people have done it for a while. I think most of these are probably one guy.

>> No.7451195
File: 66 KB, 1024x914, 0AB2C588-0E9F-4209-9257-E17C02C6EE85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers seething that new generations dont have to worry about spending thousands of dollars on rotting cartridges and discs or renting them and can just emulate them en masse and dissect their obvious shortcomings

>> No.7451204

I pirate every single video game, new and old, and the average retro game outshines the average modern game in every sense.
>birds fly, grass grows, zooms seethe, etc.

>> No.7451276

By replaying the game multiple times. This is an insane idea but a lot of secrets were made to give people something nice to discover on repeat playthroughs rather than for some faggot zoomer to 100% effortlessly on their first try.

>> No.7451363
File: 609 KB, 250x188, E845851F-BF10-4423-A0C2-FD843ADB07D2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers can only 100% a game by training & memorizing everything using save states and FAQs and YouTube walkthroughs. There are games from my childhood that I put hundreds of hours into and never saw the ending. There are games I put hundreds of hours into that have secrets I still don’t even know about

Games back then were like a companion you adopted and cherished your whole life, instead of a one night stand pump & dump from Steam you can’t even remember the name of the next day

>> No.7451636
File: 806 B, 148x125, samus_stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did except the stupid missile in the wall of norfair in midair WTF

>> No.7451642

Zoomers can choose a better game.

>> No.7451647

That is literally impossible.

>> No.7451972
File: 3.94 MB, 728x408, B48B7F3F-32BB-4065-A8E6-3A2B7BAE4561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translated that zoomer-speak for you, Mr Takahashi

>> No.7451991

The only upgrade I didn't get was the ball jump.

>> No.7452161

you are a dumb retard

>> No.7452168

Play the game?

Zoom Zoom

>> No.7452171

thats fine youll probably die in 2 years of old age

>> No.7452176
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, 1594044755424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers now buy games and don't even play them. It seems so absurd to me this concept of a "backlog"

>> No.7452216
File: 44 KB, 340x432, 6A8FB646-2E0D-40C4-9029-BBD513B6CB0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452286

I'm 21.

>> No.7452465


>> No.7452517

This game was made in a time when the average gamer was a child with no income, who would accumulate maybe 5 or 6 games over the life of the system (due to the various store visits they'd take with their parents), and a shitload of free time.
So they'd play the few games they have over and over and over again.
Also its in a period of time when developers were still adjusting from the arcade standard of make-it-as-hard-as-possible.

>> No.7452679

They're secret for a reason, you're not meant to find them all in one go or maybe ever. I don't know why younger gamers have an intense fear of missing things in games or an intense need to prepare beforehand with tips and tricks.

>> No.7452686


Video games have always been and will continue to be the hobby of rich people.

I grew up and I don't feel any resentment about it, but we're not going to lie to ourselves, right?

>> No.7452697


>> No.7452960

That's a pretty ridiculous statement right there

>> No.7453293
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 4BF09C59-D3F7-4EE7-9B77-21EC9FED672E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomers now buy games and don't even play them
Lmao this. Imagine asking your parents for a new game when the one you begged them to buy you for your last birthday because it was on sale is still in the plastic wrap, and having to explain to them why you haven’t even touched it but want new games. Zoomers don’t even buy games to play them, they buy games to try to be trendy “omg I fucking LOVE Undertale and how it’s about being a tranny”. Zoomers are the Reddit of gamers

>> No.7453304
File: 54 KB, 500x413, 6D50BF7D-2B34-41D8-992A-99E889D48388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video games have always been and will continue to be the hobby of rich people.
You were supposed to learn to be a likeable human being so you could make friends at school and in your neighborhood so your rich friends would let you come over and play their games or borrow or trade their games or console for a few weeks, or go to their house to play 2 player games or take turns on the controller, or if the game was cool enough just be happy watching them play it. Now zoomers can wait for a Steam sale instead of learning any sort of social skills. Explains a lot about them, really

>> No.7453315

I'm thirty one years old. Please explain how you think button combo cheats were discovered. Do you think the people working at the magazine just tried random combinations of buttons on the title screen until they heard a chime, you fucking idiot?

>> No.7453357
File: 83 KB, 1124x640, C7B63356-7B46-403D-A015-1D4B824218EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also its in a period of time when developers were still adjusting from the arcade standard of make-it-as-hard-as-possible.
Imagine a zoomer having to pay 25 cents every time they die in a game instead of being able to infinitely continue. Their Steam libraries would be empty because they would all be broke dying 5000 times on level 1 or getting raped by irl opponents in a fighting game where both of you had to learn the game quarter by quarter in a dark dirty arcade full of cigarette smoke and drug dealers, with no training mode or infinite replays or skill level matching automatic opponent finder, and you could get the shit kicked out of you if you pissed off the wrong asshole with your smack talk or cheap combos

Zoomers are ALWAYS asking “Why are Boomers so much better than us at videogames??” It’s because we were forged into steel with every quarter we put in an arcade machine knowing that if we wanted to avoid having to go back to follow our mom around the mall while she shops, we had to get good and make every single one of our handful of quarters last

>> No.7453382
File: 305 KB, 1008x756, 7AD8C847-8F5B-4F63-A8E3-A9B791254A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till he figures out why every game in Nintendo Power got a 7/10 or better no matter how shitty it was.

>> No.7454298

>its another larping zoomer who for some reason thinks hidden cheat codes are required to beat the game

>> No.7454326

I did this. a lot of them would give me the games and systems so I could beat the games for them. many of them would usually just give me all their games when new shit came out.

>> No.7454559
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I miss the days of picking up the phone and hearing “Wanna come over and play Nintendo?” Or hitting the rental store after school on our bikes on a Friday afternoon and going up and down the aisles debating which game to rent for the weekend to play on whoever had the new system. My friends and I strategically each got a different system so we could all play any new game that came out at whoever’s house had the right system. I was a god when Mortal Kombat came out and only my Genesis had all the blood & gore

>> No.7454567


>> No.7454573

This, I believed all the shit about Zelda 1 being obtuse and requiring Nintendo help lines or guides or asking friends at the playground, until I sat down and actually played through Zelda 1 for the first time a few years ago, challenging myself to use nothing outside the game itself. I made it through just fine.
And Super Metroid does a great job pushing you in the right direction for normal progression, plus you eventually get the X-ray scope you can use to find all the secrets if you want.

>> No.7454645
File: 228 KB, 1091x814, 45EF4CE7-39A3-47F4-93C8-C624DDCF34EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers will never experience solving mysteries together with their entire community of fellow gamers like this. Collecting rumors and clues from anyone who saw this mysterious green ninja, trying to figure out if it was true or your friend was making up lies to fuck with you. Comparing notes trying to figure out how to fight him and hearing rumors that someone actually did it and got their ass handed to them by some super secret powerful move that was so cool but you’ll have to just imagine and dream about seeing it for yourself some day and being immortalized in local legends like the kids who were there to witness it the one time someone said they actually fought him

>> No.7454681
File: 103 KB, 1377x890, 30E4696A-EF99-4976-AF90-C12ADC93FA05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*community of local fellow gamers I mean
No internet, no youtube, no gamefaqs, you just heard rumors at school or at the arcade or convenience store or wherever the machine was and you had no idea if it was true or not and no matter how absurd the rumor was there was always SOME kid who’s claim he totally did it or saw it himself and swore it was real

And if it WAS true then what OTHER secrets were hidden in that mysterious arcade cabinet or other games?? Ermac? Sheng Long? Akuma? Guile handcuffing his opponents? Bringing Aeris back to life? The negative world in Mario 1? The nude code in Tomb Raider??

I remember playing SSFII in the arcade and someone put in a quarter then did some selection box magic pausing on certain boxes and all of a sudden I was up against fucking Akuma raping me with air fireballs

Imagine describing pic attached to someone and trying to get them to believe you

>> No.7454736
File: 264 KB, 1124x625, 4CD7DFCE-6572-4757-AFA1-0A9E3CF8192E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good vid recapping what it was like back then:


I remember scrutinizing the Ermac Polaroid with a fucking magnifying glass and being disappointed that all magnifying it did was show the colored dots of ink that make up a printed page of paper. The April Fools Sheng Long was huge too.

Nowadays all this cool stuff would be spoiled in an achievement or found and immediately spread with video evidence and hackers taking apart the rom file’s data and shit ruining the fun

>> No.7455101

I just read it in a magazine mate

>> No.7457278

I remember my last item for 100% was one that could not be seen by the X-ray scope because of the fact that it was under a layer of lava at the very bottom of the screen. I found it by complete accident shooting at random with the wave beam active

>> No.7459026

everyone here is lying if they say they beat the entire game without any hints from someone or help