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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7446143 No.7446143 [Reply] [Original]

I understand people hating others for buying stupidly expensive retro games. But why hate people who already have existing libraries or games on the cheap? I was a kid with a bunch of GameCube games. Should I sell them and emulate otherwise I’m a hoarder? What about buying a copy of Sonic 1 for 5 bucks is that hoarding?

>> No.7446172
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>> No.7446189

Dude the people you're worrying about are retards. A fair price is $5 if they're buying Game A, and a fair price is $100 is they're selling Game A. They're just mad faggots.

>> No.7446195

hardwarefagging is for autistic manchildren. play the way that's easiest for you but don't come on here and bitch that the sky in Mario is purple

>> No.7446214

must suck being poor and jealous.

>> No.7446798

There is nothing more childish than envy.

>> No.7446972
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It's all completely understandable.
>I didn't buy X when it was cheap and I'm upset I can no longer get it for cheap. I'm going to choose to be upset at people who bought X when it was cheap, people who bought X while it's expensive, and engage in sour grapes posting all while being angry at the nature of a fluctuating luxury goods market.
People content with their choices don't make posts like >>7446195. People upset that they can't have something will go out of their way to try and ruin it for other people and it's a behavior that most people grow out of in their teens. It's okay to be sad you missed out, and it's okay to be upset that supply and demand is making some games out of reach, but instead of throwing little tantrums on an anonymous forum and wallowing in self-pity, you can instead choose a number of other productive solutions, like saving your money to get that game, scouring local listings and used game stores to find a cheaper copy, emulating so you can at least play the game in some capacity, or keeping an eye on other games you desire that might jump in price next. It's a collectable hobby where the supply isn't being replenished, so at some point you have to accept that for some things you simply missed the boat, make peace with that fact, and move on with your life.

>> No.7446981

I wanna correct my post. >>7446195 I mistook this post as asserting that playing on original hardware is for autistic manchildren, and not that getting obsessed with what hardware you use. So by bad, sorry. I actually agree with this post.

>> No.7447217

I have no reason to give a fuck if someone "hates" me for owning physical copies 2bh.

>> No.7447372


>> No.7448081 [DELETED] 

I enjoy posting about my collection just to make shitholers and zoomers on here seethe.

>> No.7448113
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