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7445583 No.7445583 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished playing this for the first time and Its really good and holds up well. Its one of the best looking PSX games I've played, the art style is what sells it. The gameplay was adequate but the story one of the best I've seen in vidya, like an authentic action movie. I was surprised to see the voice acting be this good for an early 3D title, especially given how the script and acting of two other Konami games, Castlevania SotN and Silent Hill were.

With that said, the game has some issues. I didn't like how it became a glorified boss rush later on with the stealth becoming nonexistence. All those forced action sequences, especially the damn tower, sucked because the combat simply isn't very good. The backtracking wasn't well done either. It was fine when you had to get the Sniper Rifle since you at least need to sneak through some guards but the PAL shit was the worst I've seen. Just wait around an area doing nothing and then come back, twice. Most blatant form of padding ever. Lastly, this has been said many times before, but the cutscenes/codec at times are just too long for its own good and detract from the story. MGS1 would have benefitted from some environmental storytelling. Overall though, awesome game. Can't wait to see how the later ones are like.

>> No.7445626

Ok fag

>> No.7445627

Did you see the post credits scene?

>> No.7445638

>I didn't like how it became a glorified boss rush later on with the stealth becoming nonexistence. All those forced action sequences, especially the damn tower, sucked because the combat simply isn't very good

Did you read the fucking box cover?
Tactical espionage A C T I O N

>> No.7445665
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>> No.7445693

Yes. Ocelot is apparently working with the president?
They mismarketed it then. Tactical espionage stuff was cool but the action not so much

>> No.7445725

MGS2 is better as art, the themes and concept are better than MGS, and MGS3 is probably the most enjoyable as a game and has a great story, but you won't get the same experience you get from MGS1. MGS2 shares some of the existential stuff and MGS3 is very dramatic and epic too but they don't come close to the feelings you get from the first one. I haven't played it in more than a decade but I don't remember MGS2 and 3 giving me the type of feeling I got from it. MGS2 has a scene in particular that is more impactful and meaningful than MGS and MGS3 has some scenes that are way better in terms of how they're directed but there's something special about the feeling of loneliness you get from MGS1.
It might not be the best MGS but it's the most emotionally driven
No other videogames made me feel as strong as I did for scenes like Meryl getting shot or Wolf's death.

>> No.7445953

I don't agree that it's particularly good-looking among PSX games. The models are *very* low-poly for the amount of Snake close-ups it does. Other games were also doing moving mouths at this time, while these low poly heads just nod to the words. Seeing how Syphon Filter and Fear Effect 2 did incredibly easy, system-light painted-on mouths talking on semi-realistic characters and looked good doing it, I don't see many excuses for a high-budget movie game to lack it.

>> No.7446029

True, the models don't look very good but the environmental design is fantastic.

>> No.7446106

>Tactical espionage A C T I O N
the game isn't tactical at all, so it starts with an outright lie.

>> No.7446131

The 'tactical' part is how many times I snapped a dudes neck in the first hour. It was very fun.

>> No.7446718

After playing Metal Gear 2 that one backtrack before the first Sniper Wolf fight seemed like a breeze.

>> No.7446739
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Nice OP. Glad you enjoyed it. MGS2 and 3 are even better imo. 2 has a fantastic story and improves on the gameplay a lot, making it more deep but still keeping the arcade-like style. 3 improves the hand-to-hand combat a lot and has the best gameplay in the series. Don't look up anything about 2 or 3 though. Those games are far better when you go in blind.

>> No.7446745

This. Also, do not play any Metal Gear game after 3, and this is coming from a huge MGSfag.

>> No.7446961
File: 148 KB, 800x1107, self destruct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I played and loved MGS1-3 and wish to carry on but I know not too
I know better so I just search now in other franchises...

>> No.7446971

Good move. MGS2 is my favorite game of all time and everything after 3 hurts my soul.

>> No.7446973

The production values are insane for a game from that era

>> No.7448460

the backtracking to get the sniper rifle was way worse than the backtracking to use the PAL cards. at least the backtracking to get the PAL cards made sense since it was used to push codec cutscenes for the ongoing suspense about Naomi. backtracking for the PSG1 almost made me quit the game

>> No.7449491

with MISTER president, not THE president.

Don't get them confused, or else MGS2 will make even less sense to you.

>> No.7449502

You're really missing out, storywise MGS4 is the best in the franchise, unless you're one of those pretentious douchebags who pretends MGS2 was "deep" and "complex"