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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7437648 No.7437648 [Reply] [Original]

Getting an XStation installed by a friend soon, what are some good PS1 games that nobody talks about, I've got most of the popular shit downloaded already.

>> No.7437852

Macross VF-X2

>> No.7437859

The fuck is the point of getting a real console just to pirate games for it? Either just emulate on your PC, or buy real game discs to play with your original hardware, faggot.

>> No.7437881

Suzuki Bakuhatsu

>> No.7438059

Have fun replacing your PS1's laser every 5 months because theyre pieces of shit.

>> No.7438102
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>> No.7438164

>PS1 games
I am afraid you can"t have both, Dave.

>> No.7438460

Fuck off, coomlector

>> No.7438517

Tobal 2

>> No.7438525

Breath of Fire IV
Matsumoto Reiji 999: Story of Galaxy Express 999
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino
Nanotek Warrior

>> No.7438587
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persona 2

>> No.7438623

Actually its the only correct way to play.
Emulation sucks and coomlecting is for retards, pirating games for original hardware is the way to go.

>> No.7438636
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>I allow my console to break itself like a true pro gamer!
You may be nostalgic for it, but to act like it's superior? Fucking lol

>> No.7438686

Software emulation isn't perfect. It's playable, but can introduce bugs, graphical glitches, framerate issues (for games that tie game events to frame counting) that you don't get on original hardware. Also, physical games are expensive, have the possibility to be vulnerable to disc rot (if you got an unlucky copy) and take up space. ODE devices emulate the disc reader only, allowing for the most accurate game experience while also removing a lot of moving parts from the equation, which is good because more moving parts means more points of potential failure. It is the best option for longevity.

>> No.7439034


>> No.7439049

>Have fun replacing your PS1's laser every 5 months because theyre pieces of shit.

Mine is still working fine after 25 years. Have you ever even owned a ps1?

>> No.7439510


>> No.7440153

I'll probably be adding one soon-ish to my 5501 as well. Don't know if I should bother with PS1Digital as I still own a CRT with official S-Video cables. What do you bros think?

>> No.7440364

Honestly there's so many other ways to make PS1 look good on HDTVs it's only really worth it if you want the absolute best of the best, even if just playing it on a PS3 or something really isn't a huge jump.

>> No.7440381

What's the matter little zoom zoom? Can't convince mommy to pay $30 for an old game with her credit card?

>> No.7440383

most good PS1 titles are $75+ these days

>> No.7440412

team buddies

>> No.7440418

You better start mowing that lawn then zoomy zoomerson if you wanna own your precious copy of Silent Hill after youtube told you to get it.

>> No.7440426

Or he could be a reasonable person and pirate it. Fuck coomlectors.

>> No.7440440

thanks you too

>> No.7440472

>paying for emulation

>> No.7440567


>> No.7440572

>Optical Disc Emulator
I mean, he is still a faggot but he is not technically wrong.

>> No.7441091

Is there literally any reason to get the PSIO anymore?

>> No.7441116
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get a net yaroze compilation

>> No.7441169

Play Running High for your first taste of PS1 vidya obscuræ

>> No.7441208

Your games have no worth, your games have disc rot, your games are not wanted.
You are a disgusting boomer twisted by greed and desire into a coomlecting manchild.

All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you.
Your kids are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your extensive collection behind closed doors.

Everyone is utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution and here you are collecting retro video games.
Even coomlectors who are "nice" look uncanny and unattractive to a normal human. Your hairline is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a girl home with you, She'll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your disc rotted games.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok.
but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you like the unbearable weight of your coomlection.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss.
Your kids will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment.
They'll bury you with a headstone marked with only your name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will never know of your coomlection. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and nothing will remain of your video game legacy as your kids will unmistakably sell them off.

This is your face. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.7441378

This is what we call a classic case of zoomer cope.

>> No.7441439

Hell no. It barely worked in the first place, now it's been completely lapped it's not worth shit.

>> No.7441440

sorry you weren't out of daddies nut sack to enjoy playing and collecting games when they were cheap. Its ok though, you can go play download emulators on your iphone

>> No.7441442

I'm waiting for in my mail, too.

After checking recommendations at:

I found out that 128GB SD card is not enough and I landed at little over 200GB. What should I trim from that list or just get 256GB card?
RPGs alone is over 50GB unpacked, and there's like the same amount of shumps/fighters and many multi-disc games.

>> No.7441515

Almost all of the shmups/fighters that have Saturn/DC ports are better on those, along with Grandia, Dino Crisis 1, Megaman 8, RE 2/3, the Tony Hawks, Toy Story 2, Worms Armageddon, Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. Doom PS1 is shit IMO but I guess it's just personal preference.

>> No.7441741

Emulation sucks, coomlecting sucks, pirated games on original hardware is good tho

>> No.7441776

Replacement drives exist

>> No.7441914

>Stockpiling replacement drives
>Not replacing cheap hardware with a permanent solution

There really isn't a good reason to be constantly opening and closing a system that was never intended to be opened in the first place, even if you really want to be using your disk collection. I own PDS and I'm still going to replace my Saturn's drive with an ODE once the first cd drive dies whenever that is

>> No.7441983

Actually, I already have GDEmu and just got Fenrir, and there's barely was anything to fill up two 128GB cards.
Of course, I can just get rid of duplicates of most fightans and shmups, but even then I don't think I'll get close to 128GB.

>> No.7442105

>all those retarded mental gymnastics just to tell a stranger you own PDS
wew lad. Funny thing is anon probably won't believe you. Funnier still is he's right to because of all the stupid you spewed. What kind of fucktard uses original discs to play PDS.

>owning a weeb console
>being an EOP
At least you save money on SD cards amirite!

>> No.7442118


>> No.7442138

Chocobo racing and raystorm

>> No.7442151


>> No.7442169


Tiny Tank
Warzone 2100
Rogue Trip
Omega Boost
Rising Zan

>> No.7442881

>anon probably won't believe you
So? If you thought I was trying to brag you've missed the point. Replacing an optical drive with another optical drive would be for continuing to use your collection, and it's only going to fail again later on. Because it's not practical to play PDS on disk, that's why I'm going to use an ODE when my drive dies. Until then I'll just keep using the system as is

What a strange thing to get upset about.

>> No.7443078

I think he's just bored. PDS is a great game, have fun with it.

>> No.7443103
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>implying those even work properly

>> No.7443112

>by a friend
Why don't you do it yourself?

>> No.7443114

Just be honest with yourself and delete games you don't really think you'll play but still want to add because it's in someone's ebin list. Stayed under the 128GB limit that way after 2 passes on a fullset torrent.

>> No.7443128

Honestly I agree especially in the case of Sony consoles that while not perfect when the emulation does work it works better than the real thing giving you better graphics and even fixes to the hardware

>> No.7443141
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>Don't know if I should bother with PS1Digital
I own a GBS-8200 with the gbs-control mod and I really see no advantages on this PS1Digital thing considering my device already works with the PS1 beautifully with a decent SCART cable. Even resolution switching seems still janky on it so what's the point?
I'd probably consider for a cheap price but I don't see the hype.

>> No.7443231

Ps1digital is integrating features like universal controller reset, xstation integration, dedither, etc. It's a nice piece of kit and absolutely a superior solution to a gbs control. As a crt user it even tackles the minor annoyance of centering ps1 games.

>> No.7443491

The Game of Life
Namco Museum
Crash Bash
Looney Tunes Sheep Raider
Theme Park

>> No.7443546

You need to go back kiddo

>you've missed the point
No I haven't The only point of your post was to say you own PDS. You're either very stupid or a very stupid larper. No one even cares which.

>> No.7443567

>nuh uh i know what point you were making better than you do
>now I'm going to arbitrarily bellyache off-topic
That's nice

>> No.7443579

I have one PlayStation and two PS1s and they all work to this day kek. Not to mention the PS2s.

>> No.7443714

>i got caught larping
>now I'm going to cope

>> No.7444268

>It's a nice piece of kit and absolutely a superior solution to a gbs control
Yeah but it doesn't seem substantial enough of an upgrade for me to buy at current price and low stock.

>> No.7444387

You're the one whining about imaginary self-righteous machinations ya delusional megalomaniac. Lrn2reading comprehension

>> No.7444389

Being able to use the original hardware and the ability to load it up with as much content as you want (for free) is the chad choice.
I come across constant issues with emulation that are never present on the real thing.

>> No.7444410

Because (usually) you don't need to worry about compatibility issues or emulation fuckery, plus in the case of PS1 there's a fuckload out there that are piss cheap. Friend of mine who owns a game store is pretty much giving me one for free so I can get my Xstation installed in it.

>> No.7444701

>every 5 months
Mine lasted 20 years.
But it is dead now...
It has an old ass mod chip in it from like 1999 or something too.

>> No.7444782
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>Ghost in the shell
>Kulas world
>Tomba 1
>Treasures of the deep
>Blitter boy
>Azure Dreams
>Micro Machines V3
>Destruction Derby RAW

>> No.7444895


Based and Redpilled

>> No.7444902



>> No.7445209

>zoom rant larp cope project fedora

>> No.7446125
File: 8 KB, 236x142, 9SQAEwq(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay? You seem to be upset over nothing.

>> No.7446164

Not even mad, kiddo. Certainly not over your imaginary game. Just making fun of a stupid child making a fool of himself on an 18+ board.

>> No.7446237
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You wouldn't be kicking up a stink over something so inconsequential otherwise
>nuh uh i'm not mad, that's why I'm making a huge deal over nothing
>i'm going to stomp my feet and assert my version of reality is correct without proof because i'm not mad
Now you can call me a braggart

>> No.7446690

Only one "kicking up a stink" is you kiddo. You spent a whole day doing damage control for your tardpost and think taking a picture of daddy's games some how makes you not retarded.
As they say in the place you need to go back to, Yikes!

>> No.7446706

damn you got btfo bro
Also no one's dad owned a saturn

>> No.7447060
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Pic related with the #4 control scheme is still surprisingly playable for a 90's console fps

>> No.7447081
File: 48 KB, 192x256, 5f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been throwing a tantrum all day because I passively mentioned a game you personally thought I didn't own. Like a toddler.

>> No.7447140

Thats nice anon but odes arent for me

I just want to play my physical games and im really autistic about that

But its nice the option is there for the people that want it

>> No.7447290
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>Destruction Derby RAW

Jesus fuck I thought I was the only one who knew that series existed.

As an aside, as someone who has a working 1001, this is the first I'm hearing about this. Is this easier than the PSIO? The smoke ones laser died and I'm sick of playing roulette with knockoffs.

>> No.7447307
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Well, you're entitled to that stance. Enjoy your games anon.

>> No.7447535
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Destruction Derby was a fairly popular series once upon a time. RAW flew under the radar for DD fans and in general, kinda like Road Rash Jailbreak.

>> No.7447764

I've been laughing at you all day because you shitposted retarded shit just to name drop. Posting a picture of your dads games will never change history. Cope harder toddler.

>> No.7447795
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>I've been having a tantrum all day because I don't understand why you mentioned PDS
That's nice

>> No.7448830

Are you under the age of 30? The first generation of PS1 (notably the 1x series) was so notorious for drive issues leading to skipping that flipping your console upside down became a meme.
See >>7438636

>> No.7448836

GBS Control or the new Retrotink (not yet officially announced) are great alternatives to PS1 Digital.

>> No.7448875

I've never pirated on a console other than burned discs on a modded console. Does the method OP uses have the hardware run the game authentically or just booting some sort of emulator in a playstation shaped casing?

>> No.7448907

original hardware loading games from a micro SD card

>> No.7448919

Panic Coaster
Digimon World (yes even the broken as fuck first one)
Jumping Flash

>> No.7449075

How much would something like this run me? I've been thinking of getting into PS1 gaming. Do you have to use a certain kind of .iso to get it to work?

>> No.7449142

Maybe around $200 depending on who you can get to do the installation or if you can do it yourself. It's around $100 for the kit, you can probably get a PS1 easily for like $20, and then you just gonna find someone who's good with soldering to install it.

>> No.7449186

Everyone understands why you mentioned that your dad owns PDS. It was to lend credibility to your shitpost. It failed, you failed. That's why you're obsessing over it. Daddy is going to give you a hard spanking if he catches you using his original discs.

>> No.7449775

its ODE, optical disc emulator, only thing it does is to make the original hardware think the game is running off an disc, but is getting the data off an microsd card instead. It also bypasses the region lock too.

81€ for the xstation itself and 5-20€ for the console, if you are gonna buy an pre-installed one its gonna be a lot more expensive(200€ -ish). and no the redump set works no issues, as should any random .iso's assuming they are good quality ones.

>> No.7450054
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>I'm having a meltdown over a game I'm envious of, please somebody tell me I'm funny and cool or else I'll continue my tantrum
That's nice.

>> No.7450510
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>As they say in the place you need to go back to, Yikes!

I physically cringed

>> No.7450701
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Anyone else getting a MemCard Pro? The pricetag sucks but I'm not about to have 20+ ps1 memory cards laying around.

>> No.7450750


Anyone who says otherwise is either retarded, or a NIGGER.

Throw in the towel, the Coomlector Nation is no more!!!

>> No.7450768

I've thought of getting an XStation for mine but I have one concern...

Mine happens to have an old mod chip in it (I can tell it's an older one because it triggers Spyro 3's anti-piracy), would that interfere with the install at-all? Or would it in-theory just make it easier since I already have a modchip and I wouldn't need to solder anything else?

>> No.7450769

You're feeding the console the same digital data what's the difference

>> No.7450823

>I'm having a meltdown

>> No.7450867

no, the opposite, you need to unsolder the modchip as its redundant and probably gets in the way anyway. you still need to lift up the chips legs and solder in the QSB. the xstation wont work without the QSB as theres ribbon cable that connects both, there is no easy way out.

>> No.7451034
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>> No.7451106

waste of money, you can get handful first party memory cards for price of that + an microsd card. or even better, with softmodded ps2 you can easily backup your memory cards to zip disquette or hdd or hell even ftp them directly to your pc.

if that ever supports ps2 too and price drops by half, or some cheaper model comes out then it might be worthwhile. Personally I just backup my old saves with ps2 and then remove old saves I dont need.

>> No.7451189

Mega Man Legends (this one came before dual analogs so the controls are jank)
Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Mega Man Legends 2
Legend of Legaia

>> No.7451298
File: 189 KB, 978x759, Dexdrive[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a dexdrive
>i cannot into serial
get an adapter

>> No.7452647

the MemCard Pro has wifi save transfer to packup on your PC and virtual memory cards which are automatically selected for ODE X-Station installs. If you have an X-Station you should get this.

>> No.7453772

Oh, might as well just buy a whole new fucking PSX at that point. I'll just stick with emulation when my CD drive dies then.

>> No.7453813

Mifflin Devin?? I kneel...

>> No.7453818


Fuck hardware modders

>> No.7453826

Thanks, you too anon

It doesnt matter how we play our games, wether thats via cart/disc, an ode or even emulation what brings us al together is our love for playing them

>> No.7453949


>> No.7454196


>> No.7454203

I already have a bunch of PS1 memory cards and I don't really care about keeping my saves after I complete a game, more pointless shit marketed at clueless "retro gamers"