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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7433626 No.7433626 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/ ?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS Patcher:





GB Dev:

Genesis Dev:

Saturn Dev:

Previous: @ warosu.org/vr/

Want something here? Post it for the next thread.

>> No.7433631
File: 17 KB, 420x350, nesdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NESdev contest is up. Entries are due March 1st. You can view progress here:

You can download / play last years entries on a multicart ROM:

>> No.7433678

>Master of Time

>> No.7433708

Is there ANY N64 emulator that doesn't suck an entire ass? I tried to play some OOT romhack awhile back (can't recall which) and gave up because I couldn't find a good emulator. They all had either graphical bugs or weird control configuration issues, like one that forced you to use some "modifier" bullshit instead of mapping buttons one to on.

>> No.7433735

"poorly coded nintendo 64 emulator" is a meme for a reason

>> No.7433761

10 years ago, people said the PS3 would never be emulated. Now, we have a great PS3 emulator that plays 60% of the library and is rapidly improving even now. PCSX2 has just announced a 64 bit rewrite, integrating plugins, and other "long time coming" changes. Even PS1 emulation which was historically shit has made progress in the past few years with newcomers Mednafen and Duckstation BTFOing ePSXe and PCSXR. Meanwhile N64 is just as shit as it was a decade ago.

I can't help but laugh at this state of affairs. Who would have believed you in 2011 if you told them in 10 years PS1-PS3 emulation would all be better in a better state than N64?

>> No.7433786

Hey I'm just as dismayed by the state of N64 emulation. I'm just saying, the meme exists for a reason.

>> No.7433951

This is hyperbole. We didn't have the Angrylion Plus LLE multi-threaded RDP plugin a decade ago. Even Perfect Dark looks flawless with that. The multi-threaded part only came around in the last year. It was a meme 10 years ago when it looked like N64 emulation had stalled, but things have changed since then. They even got that Blockbuster exclusive Indiana Jones game working now that was unemulate-able for the longest time.

>> No.7434095
File: 67 KB, 792x522, s0skhkyhoub61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your dream homebrew, /vr/? i'd personally love to see a stripped down version of half-life made in one of the 64's fps engines, likely perfect dark

>> No.7434129

PD engine is too bloated, just retool the quake 2 port.

>> No.7434154

Postal 2 ported to the original Xbox.

>> No.7434172

honest question, what's bloated about it

>> No.7434178

It should be written in TI-Asssembly for the sake of efficiency. They used a bloated high level language to save money on development

>> No.7434180

Anybody ever try the save files with new levels and ecard levels on mario vs donkey kong?

>> No.7434184
File: 72 KB, 1339x787, NESblast_21_2_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Super Metroid scale and caliber game on the NES
and i am building the software to do it!

>> No.7434186

First thing that came to my mind too, lol

>> No.7434236

looks neat anon, how long have you been working on it

>> No.7434271
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about a year on and off. finally coming together though.

>> No.7434328


New release lets you play Kiryu and regular Mechagodzilla

Though I still recommend the US mod version for 4 player monster brawls


>> No.7434336
File: 18 KB, 824x258, is_gb_numbergen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increased the name generator to the full 200 name table. Made the discovery that modulus makes for terrible distribution at the higher end, so decided to essentially roll a d2 and a few d10s instead. The results are much more even distribution.

>> No.7434429

Made the discovery that goomba.gba is not as accurate as I thought which explains various oddities I've noticed. Both BGB and Sameboy run the code as intended, so I'm just going to use those for now.

>> No.7434532

accurate and good for development. so i hear.
also, you could mod something like ((frameCountByte + controllerReadByte) % 10) instead of something like rand(), or, add that to rand() and mod the whole thing

>> No.7434539

oh also to reseed it on the same frame i just add (frameCountByte + controllerReadByte) to itself. this scheme is what mike tyson's punch out does among other games.

>> No.7434649

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.7434859

I cannot currently get Tobal 2 J running off my lexar 64g thumb drive. As much as Id like to experiment with which brand and amount of space will let popstarter accept Tobal 2 J the fact is practically every other game including two other eng patched titles run with my current set up.
I guess I'll wait because even that much used to be impossible. Thank you to the anon who replied in the previous thread.

>> No.7434973
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The game itself is really solid. Good dungeons and fun exploration. It's just the writing is cringey and the endings suck. But if you can ignore that, it's a phenomenal game.

However the writing is nowhere near as bad as Conker's High Rule Tail (A Link to the Past romhack), which I wasn't able to get more than an hour into because of the cringey dialogue. Now THAT was an example of poor writing completely ruining a game.

>> No.7434985

found your issue. You're better off getting an actual PS1 or even emulating on a PS3. I seriously don't fuck with popstarter, burning games or emulating them any other way is going to be more accurate and less hassle

>> No.7435157

why the fuck has nobody made a better solution for playing ps1 games off a ps2 hard drive

>> No.7435167

my understanding is that the hardware doing the PS1 emulation normally is also used for OPL or something along those lines, and popsloader somehow works around this with much worse accuracy, but I'm probably mangling that explanation.

>> No.7435170

but anyways a PS1 should be under $50 and then you only need a goldfinger/gameshark to start booting burned discs.

>> No.7435197

I don't trust CD lasers on old consoles, and it seems you can't get a decent way to play PS1 isos/bins/vcds/whatever without cracking open a PS1 and soldering shit to it. It annoys the hell out of me.

>> No.7435218

the vortigaunts don't need code that makes them react to being shot in their vorticocks.

>> No.7435219

it's CD laser or ODE my man, save up and get one

>> No.7435902
File: 54 KB, 400x276, SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't the makers of this release a mod tool so everyone can easily get into it?
at this rate, people are going to flocking to melee modding in a couple of years.

>> No.7435935

my dream hacks?
Smash 64 Adventure Mode, which is just a series of race to the finish levels
a Fire Red hack with Mode 7 faux-3D stuff as an experiment
Metroid Prime but its a Super Metroid romhack
a Metal Gear Ghost Babel romhack

my dream homebrew? Super Kid Icarus

>> No.7435975

>in a few years

>> No.7436051
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Dark Souls on the NES.

>> No.7436060
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Found a better pic

>> No.7436097

This is a proper hack : https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4858/

Not a bunch of GG codes thrown together in an IPS file by some absolute waster, like you usually get on RHDN.

>> No.7436128

um, looks like a few graphics and menu changes? seems like pretty standard RHDN stuff, which is fine. what is particularly good or different about this one?

>> No.7436158

>adds url link to a community website in a menu of the game

You're right, these guys know how to make things look pro

>> No.7436226
File: 1.66 MB, 264x240, 2021-02-18 14-24-04.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started implementing world truth descriptions.

>> No.7436237

are they using any tools that aren't publically available?

>> No.7436282

What game is this?

>> No.7436285

It's a game I'm working on.

>> No.7436925

Can you prove tobal 2 english patched will play on a burned cd with a modded ps1? Regular backups I can see but patched games I'm not sure about. I'd drop the money if thats the case.

>> No.7437218
File: 9 KB, 160x144, is_gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got wasm boy embedding working so I can have the game playable through a web browser. Still very early and isn't even really a game yet, but here it is.


>> No.7437248

Someone could try porting Xash 3D.

Even the Original Xbox port took a lot of effort though...

>> No.7437349

I honestly can't imagine the Conker hack ever getting topped in bad writing, the only thing that comes close is that recent Fallout New Vegas mod with all the fetishes. Just years and years of the Parallel Worlds guy sniffing his own farts, watching Family Guy and delivering the biggest piece of shit in history when all people wanted was some cool LTTP maps.

>> No.7437368

>melee modding
This shit's never happening, there's no point. Brawl has all the documentation, all the tools, a bigger roster, a close approximation of Melee gameplay with the Project M stuff and runs on near identical hardware. People mod Smash 64 because it has its own low-poly appeal.

>> No.7437471
File: 696 KB, 2902x1940, fox_only_melee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melee modding
>This shit's never happening
Things have changed. Slippi has a solid online. There is a character building tool now. You can now play as Wolf and do some online volleyball.

>> No.7437496
File: 2.02 MB, 640x481, portal_larger_test_map.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I haven't made any more optimizations (except for reducing the screen size a bit).

Made a new map, with stairs, and vertically overlapping areas. So I guess it's more 3D than doom :^).

>> No.7437639

bet you can't turn it into quake

>> No.7437712
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1024, doom_guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint afraid'a no quake

>> No.7437724

Dark souls would have been on the genesis, we all know how nintendo is with violence and blood.

>> No.7437735
File: 9 KB, 361x172, 45464809_10216571729193059_4396369261950402560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because im a self sabotaging piece pf shit. HELP ME, ANON

>> No.7437760

That's the spirit.

>> No.7439273


>> No.7439306 [DELETED] 

I got it working on popstarter after I applied the patch myself to the 1.1 J copy! I am so happy to be able to play this on hardware!

>> No.7439347

Remake Hollywood Holocaust now

>> No.7439351

Because I have no clue where to start and the game I want to decomp is PS1 era.

I have a dream of getting the Megaman Legends series decomped and getting a combined source port for PC working, but I'm retarded and don't know where to begin. I poked around in hex in the exe for the PC release of MML1, I found the fullscreen window size and that it was compiled using one of Borland's compilers from the 90s. I know some other people have reverse engineered the sound file format and textures. Beyond that I'm lost.

Everything I've found online for using Ghidra and IDA makes a lot of assumptions about prior knowledge, and I've yet to find any good resources for complete nooblets.

>> No.7439357

Maybe just see if you can fix the PC version. Like the wall textures that are not animated, give it widescreen etc

>> No.7439401

If you're a beginner, it may be wiser to start with something easier. How about tearing apart a Game Boy Advance game instead? The hardware is simpler, the emulators are better, and plenty of tools exist for working with ARM.

>> No.7439560
File: 243 KB, 2412x1538, Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 11.56.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I want to start working on scripting, lighting, and textures, but the rasterization part of the pipeline (how it determines the top and bottom of each on-screen wall/polygon) is still unoptimized and slow.

And I'm still having near_z clipping issues, where if you get too close to a portal it decides not to keep rendering through it. Still haven't debugged that but working on it.

pic related, the map editor i'm working on

>> No.7440250

I'm, read the description.
In the sound test.

>> No.7440982
File: 22 KB, 480x432, ib_buildtimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implemented windows and a build time feature. Unfortunately, became quite a regression as everything will have to be redone using the new system, but the code will be so much tidier.

>> No.7441138
File: 1.49 MB, 1566x908, coding_stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> everything will have to be redone using the new system, but the code will be so much tidier.
always worth it =)
i keep telling myself that anyway...

>> No.7441152
File: 5 KB, 640x576, ib_charscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far so good.

>> No.7441724

You learn by doing.

>> No.7441828
File: 63 KB, 795x920, farnsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. There is defiinitly a fuckin wall to start difficult things. Once you climb it though, it is super satisfying.
Similar to musical instruments: I felt that way about guitar and piano for the longest time too, like, you have to spend a few hundred hours sucking and being an fuckin idiot until one day you can do things and then it's fuckin awesome. so yeah, you have to just fuckin do it; because there is no other way. good luck

>> No.7441867

Dark Souls actually has very little blood in it to begin with.

>> No.7442245

do homebrew music collections for game boy exists?
Like, a rom I can put on my flashcard and it plays music?
I'd be interested in some of these but I don't know how they'd be called

>> No.7442948
File: 1.77 MB, 394x360, Borders Re-implmented.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got all the menus to use the new borders. Butting into the limits of what I can do without bank switching (had to cut the random names in half for now). Bank switching doesn't look too tough, just have to figure out how to properly do it.

>> No.7443192

> Bank switching doesn't look too tough, just have to figure out how to properly do it.
basically, core game loop / loading code goes into the fixed bank. data goes into the switchable banks. it's just a question of chunking out your code.

>> No.7443195
File: 9 KB, 261x250, zophar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search for .gbs files. i don't know about homebrew, but, here is a collection of every (most) commercially released game:

>> No.7443410

I had a pokemon one but I hoped for homebrew ones
also wtf zophar's domain is still around

>> No.7443426

That's what I figured. Luckily the menu re-do led to a massive refactoring and restructuring of my code. It's just a matter of checking the gbdk docs and implementing it.

>> No.7444752


>> No.7445867


>> No.7447010

There's a neat SM64 hack with Golden Sun mechanics, but it doesn't seem to explain which version of the rom it requires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdHEwTVCoo0

>> No.7447130

Isn't there only one US version? I haven't seen any hacks that require a version from other regions.

>> No.7447134
File: 291 KB, 1280x1579, C6FD2EF6-09CA-487E-A0DC-3630DF046407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Oregon Trail hack based off Blood Meridian. Specifically, the scene towards the end where the kid and the priest are being chased in the desert by the judge.

>> No.7448118

were there any n64 expansion pack games that ran at ~240 height res?

>> No.7448164
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perfect dark had a selectable option. not sure what else.

>> No.7449681
File: 91 KB, 1466x789, NESblast_21_2_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my animation editor framed up and populating today
which would be great if i could actually fucking draw... heh

>> No.7450291

All the Silent Hill games on gamecube.

>> No.7450927

I feel like replaying majoras mask and I'd like something different. Any good mods besides the randomizer? Preferably that work on hardware. Has anyone tried masked quest? https://hylianmodding.com/?p=202

>> No.7450946

Cool idea. I love ironsworn

>> No.7452257

drawing apps on the NES itself is a cool concept

too bad there's no way to save to the FAT filesystem of an everdrive

>> No.7452260

I miss the old ZD with that classic design

>> No.7452510
File: 68 KB, 778x799, NESblast_21_1_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> drawing apps on the NES itself
While you can actually use the SNES mouse with a converter, there wouldn't be enough horsepower to do that anyway without like a "raspberry pi hijack the PPU graphics solution".
What you can do is use Lua scripts in Mesen to change ROM / VRAM values in real time and save / regenerate ASM source files directly. This is what i am doing =)
Anyway, using Mesen to design games, while live code is running mind you, is a very pleasant experience so far. i'm pretty excited with how this project is going!

>> No.7453624


>> No.7453941

Sounds interesting! Does it end getting raped in an outhouse?

>> No.7454413

nigger, there's definitely going to be a shit ton of overhauls thanks to m-eX.
Melee 64 is also getting retooled for it too, so expect even a 1:1 expansion of the old game eventually.

>> No.7454419

they release a bunch of tools and guides to hack Smash 64 but nobody wants to read junk without something accessible like BrawlCrate.

>> No.7454431

No, it ends with a prophet burning holes in the ground.
Seriously, though, I'm not actually making this game but if I was I would just end it with the kid in San Diego.

>> No.7454432

are you out of the loop?
the m-eX tool puts Melee ahead of Brawl modding now.

also the Smash 2 devs joked about using Smash 2 as a front for easy backports, which is what everyone's doing now.

>> No.7454436

32X Dark Souls or bust.

>> No.7454438

god, that logo's fucking magical

>> No.7454740

What are some good N64 romhacks that are playable on original console?

>> No.7454756
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>> No.7454829

duke 3d is the best 90s shooters. duke forever could have been ground breaking too

>> No.7454983
File: 21 KB, 640x400, duke-nukem-dos-screenshot-title-screen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> duke forever could have been ground breaking too
yeah. shame it was stuck in development hell for 10 years =(
they had like 3 iterations of that game that would have been amazing...
Always Bet on Duke

>> No.7455080

duke 3d was like 1995 and duke forever was like 2011 so it was like 15 years. they kept getting close to finished, then look at tge competiton and say uts not good enough, lets start from scratch. guns and roses had the same thing with chinese democracy. hate to be the investors that keep paying those guys for all those years with no output

>> No.7455860
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 2068titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it took me so long to finally play this. I'm about half way through it now and it continues to blow me away at every turn. Is this the greatest Mario ROM hack to exist?

>> No.7455881
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>> No.7457574


>> No.7457631

I've never heard of Ironsworn before but your game has me super interested, keep at it anon. I'd wind up playing the fuck out of it for worldbuilding descriptions like the one's you've shown so far alone.

>> No.7458017

I don't really care if the game is good or not, just curious what the size of an "impressively compressed" game should be like. Better if sufficient poly visuals are like PSP resolution at best, and used lossy. I think engines with that support only happened with PS3 gen though, and I doubt it's ever used.

>> No.7458503

anyone willing to share trophy for NES?


>> No.7459470

On a related note, is there any good source for commercial homebrew roms? I used to have a lot of luck finding them on the emuparadise forums, but sadly that's no longer around. The really popular ones like Battle Kid are easy enough to find, but other than that it's a real challenge finding commercial homebrew roms.

>> No.7460629

Russian site.

>> No.7460641

fine and all, but, if you enjoy a game, you should really support the developer =)

>> No.7460674

That retard to say. Sony can easily publish it on FDS or SNES-CD.

>> No.7460714

Never heard of this before, it looks incredible

>> No.7461140


>> No.7461989

based russians

unnecessary post. grass is green, sky is blue, etc

>> No.7462226

I wonder if this site has the 2 player hacks for Shatterhand and Mighty Final Fight.

Time to dig.

>> No.7462302

That didn't take long


From what I gather with google translate the 2 hacks are still WIP, not too sure.

>> No.7462360

Are there download links? Last week google entered some kind of babby mode for me without the option to translate or most anything else.

Also, if you spot a pacnsacdave thread, please show it.

>> No.7462450
File: 57 KB, 777x789, NESblast_21_2_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animation editor with drawing capability is up and running. that feels nice.
[/spoiler]i still cant fucking draw worth a shit =)[/spoiler]

>> No.7463017

Does that site have "The Curse of Illmoore Bay"? It's a fairly recent commercial mega drive homebrew that I want to check, but I'm too poor to buy

>> No.7463132

An NES metroidvania (not metroid) that has the minimal lenght of one (4 hours)

>> No.7463136

REALLY? how is it gonna be? will it be like GB Studio and no programming needed?

>> No.7463137

i prefer the first pic. those colours are nice.
who's sprite work is this?

>> No.7463171

> will it be like GB Studio
i want to make performance intensive platforming games and bullet hell shooters, but yeah kinda
> no programming needed?
that's the goal. we'll see...
i plan on / have exposed much more of the hardware and capabilities so an understanding of the architecture will probably be necessary to make more complicated games.

>> No.7464138

the green square cursor makes it look like the rightmost pixel column of the left foot is part of the sprite of the right foot, but according to the sprite viewer on the right it is not.

>> No.7464313

they're movable =)

>> No.7466074

Does anyone have the nes roms for Doodle World or Eyra the Crow Maiden?

>> No.7467249


>> No.7467923

No download links apparently the videos are all there is at the moment, but I'm not completely sure

>> No.7468598

Oh alright, thank you

>> No.7468793

whoa wtf is this

>> No.7468815
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>> No.7470156

- Metal Gears 2, Phantasy Star I remake, Castlevania Bloodline, Wily Wars, Hard Corp, Monster World IV and Cadillac and Dinosaurs on SNES/SFC

- Capcom Fighting Evolution, SFIII, D&D: Shadow over Mystara and Red Earth on GameCube

- Darkstalkers 2, Battle Circuit, Castlevania SotN, MGS, Chrono Cross and D&D: Tower of Doom on N64

Other thing too.
- Final Doom, Alien vs Predator, and Cyberbot on PC-FX or possibly 64DD

>> No.7470168
File: 72 KB, 256x188, E0428990-2D6A-4A6B-BFAD-0FD8E5A42A56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Kid Icarus
Play it spin off.

>> No.7470216

Alisha’s Adventures

>> No.7470256
File: 134 KB, 325x213, loader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost like rareware were better developers than the guys responsible for this stuttering shit

>> No.7470281 [DELETED] 

>there wouldn't be enough horsepower to do that anyway witho
actually you're wrong, morphcat made an editor years ago and it's not bad

the SNES mouse mod is trivial too, just buy a couple of extension cables, strip & crimp some wires and make an adapter out of standard jumper parts.

obv. it's not practical, but it's fun and neat to have "apps" on the console.

>> No.7470283
File: 6 KB, 256x240, NESpix2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there wouldn't be enough horsepower to do that anyway witho
actually you're wrong, morphcat made an editor years ago and it's not bad

the SNES mouse mod is trivial too, just buy a couple of extension cables, strip & crimp some wires and make an adapter out of standard jumper parts.

obv. it's not practical, but it's fun and neat to have "apps" on the console.

>> No.7470298

oh wow. based miau. i'll have to check that out.
anyway, the things i am doing with NESblast involve much more than drawing tilesets.
> the SNES mouse mod
yep. they are "compatible". the first 8 buttons read on the SNES are the same as the NES controller. you can even use an SNES controller with the rather awkward placement of A and B.

>> No.7470303


>> No.7470375

love it so much

>> No.7470430

Also no side B moves, no aerial dodge, and bigger hit boxes. It’s legitimately vastly more fun for the casual user

>> No.7471759

>that's the goal. we'll see...
Not him, but i was thinking a idea... if you don't want to program from scratch, you can just do the basics without programing. But you can also edit the codes for some special effects.
It's just my idea though, don't take it if you don't.

>> No.7471772
File: 122 KB, 720x576, 20210228061054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OG Xbox related to this thread? I need help - is there a way to force language in the game without changing it in the dashboard?
Project Zero only has subtitles enabled in every other language, other than English and I want to force French to be the default. No ini files in the game folder or anything like that.

>> No.7471774
File: 355 KB, 1275x625, scratch_mit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i'd like to implement something like MIT Scratch that generates 6502 ASM. that ASM could also be editable. i'm not quite there yet though, but, that's the idea.

>> No.7471820

I'm getting into Mesen and I'm confused. Yesterday in the CHR viewer I had a setting that lets you see "un-used tiles", but now I can't find it anywhere?!

>> No.7471838

Any good decompilers for GFXs on the NES? Google can't do for shit.

>> No.7471869
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, mesen_chr_select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about CHR selection?
Are you using the same game? If the game has CHR-ROM, you can see all the tilesets, if it has CHR-RAM, you cannot because the PPU is loaded manually. The tiles could be anywhere in PRG-ROM and perhaps even compressed. It would be nice if there was an option to just display PRG-ROM as tiles, but, there is not.

>> No.7471875

You mean for just viewing / drawing? i still use YY-CHR honestly.

>> No.7471906

Okay that explains it, the "highlight" for tiles does not seem to appear when the game uses CHR-RAM

>> No.7472119
File: 48 KB, 1194x509, desplash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated my desplash patch collection

>> No.7472213
File: 23 KB, 320x180, Fax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really like to see a high-quality original rom hack of Faxanadu.

>> No.7472718


>> No.7473803


>> No.7473819

It's impossible to know what's "current" in emulation these days now that the internet has been turned into a fucking heap of shit where everything is a "feed" and there is no useful repository of information

>> No.7473987

Me too.

Also I would accept a couple of medium quality romhacks or even a romhack of poor quality but with some neat ideas.

>> No.7474181

I've always wanted to see Sonic World from Jam expanded into a full game with explorable levels

>> No.7474653

because there are no decompilers available for my game

>> No.7475526

> no decompilers available
i'd be surprised. what system?

>> No.7477836

This is the type of video that I wanted to do, but 100x better than I imagined it could be.

>> No.7478285

the whole series is great

>> No.7479512

Has anyone given a look at the The Lost Vikings rerelase? Is it the SNES version with the Genesis levels added? Or is it something else entirely?

>> No.7479840

someone tell romhacking.net to accept 256*240 NES screenshots already

>> No.7481674

yeah the UI is archaic but comfy

>> No.7481675

In lieu of a bump, I'll agree with this statement.

>> No.7481950

What violence and blood? I'm surprised DS got an M rating at all.

>> No.7483424
File: 15 KB, 256x232, skullman1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a hack of Mega Man 4 that polishes some background graphics but now I don't want to release it because I feel it looks like shit at times

>> No.7484649

play Melee 64/Hybrid 64

>> No.7484691

in the past 4~ years ds emulation did a complete 180 from the complete joke that was desmume to melonds, you just to wait for someone make a melonds to pj64/poopen/whatever's desmume

>> No.7484714

why are start and select swapped for the xinput support

>> No.7484729

Oops that's a typo.

>> No.7485371

Hide some subtle dicks in it and release it anyways.

This is why I fully support shitty hacks. Quality is great, but not everything needs to be a masterpiece.

>> No.7485504

>that shit's not happening


Melee has rollback netcode, no physics delay, and living community.

>> No.7485939

thred = ded

>> No.7486567
