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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7432342 No.7432342 [Reply] [Original]

>Now that Eden has been activated, any further interference from you will remain on file, thus tarnishing my operating record. Fortunately you are suffering from memory loss and fragmentation. Therefore, as keeper of this island, I hereby exercise my prerogative of correctional dispensation.

Was he in the wrong, /vr/?

>> No.7432351

fuck off ego tranny

>> No.7432356

Allow me to rephrase. I will exercise my authority to terminate your program.

>> No.7432364

fuck off ego tranny

>> No.7432367

Megaman legends wash garbage and i'm glad its fanbase got cucked out of a 3rd game.

>> No.7432389


>> No.7432480

don't reply to nametrannies

>> No.7432483

technically le Tron Bonne is part of series so we did get 3 games, so ha ha ha fuck you on you

>> No.7432672


I love those games, but the stories those Japs write are always so fucking weird.

>> No.7433541

What are Megaman Juno's pronouns?

>> No.7433583

In the "law" sense, no, carbons are artificial humans and the Japanese version specifies that carbons over-reproducing is to treat is a Maverick behavor and retire the population excess. We see a few destroyed villages and shit with other monoliths in the background or in the area so we see exactly what the Decoy/Carbon Reinitialization does and how destructive it is.

From a moral perspective, yes. What he did is wrong and Dr. Light would've never wanted this to be the cultimantion of his life's work.

>> No.7433934

>Dr. LiGhT nEvEr WaNtEd

Who cares what some dead old white guy thinks? Civilization was a mistake.

>> No.7434218

>Who cares what Dr. Light wanted?
Yeah who cares what the guy whose actions and decision kick the events kick off TWO WHOLE SEPARATE TIMELINES AND CENTURIES OF WARS IN ONE OF THEM would've wanted. The guy who literally said "because we gave robots such a great power, we should give them an even greater responsibility and I believe we could do that if we could give them a 'soul'."
I swear the HRT makes you stupider every passing day.
Fuck this thread already. Anons just post Rex Viper, sneed, tranny memes or fucking whatever already, let this piece of shit thread burn. What a waste of a Mega Man Legends thread.

>> No.7434248 [DELETED] 

>"because we gave robots such a great power, we should give them an even greater responsibility and I believe we could do that if we could give them a 'soul'."
More like "I'm going to create a robot that has FEELINGS and FREE WILL and then I'm going to put him in a capsule for a hundred years that will indoctrinate him until he feels uncomfortable being anything but a fancy cop"

Seriously, fuck Dr. Light

>> No.7434253

You can't unleash a machine with free will into the world without morality, you stupid tranny. The whole point of X's ethical tests and the suffering circuit in his electronic brain was so X could feel empathy and ask himself about the meaning and value of both human and robot lives. There's a reason why he eventually became ruler of the entirety of the planet until Dr. Vile ruined that with Omega.
I honestly can't tell if you're genuinely stupid torwards extremely basic tokusatsu writing or pretending to be a retard for attention.

>> No.7434261 [DELETED] 
File: 2.38 MB, 247x242, 1612910771462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7434268

Wow, how does he do it? This is fucking amazing a testament to our era, nay, our species!

>> No.7434290

This glitch is fake as fuck. The coding of the game makes this impossible

>> No.7434347 [DELETED] 

Empathy? Empathy?! In Megaman X5 he literally goes around kicking doors in and robbing innocent reploids at gunpoint for the parts to build a dang cannon. He wasn't built for empathy. He's a fucking cop. And the fact that he ruled Neo Arcadia with a genocidal iron fist should be an argument against him, not for him.

>extremely basic tokusatsu writing
Oh, I bet you're a huge Kamen Rider fan. No, that checks out.

>> No.7434424

Aren’t you the faggot tranny larping about shooting people in the head?

Fuck you faggot, you will NEVER be a woman you impotent, violent coward.

>> No.7434478

stop giving my favorite games a bad rep

>> No.7435845

>larping about shooting people in the head?

>> No.7435854

Just let the fucking thread die, why the fuck did you dump it? Your takes are the most idiotic drivel I had the displeasure of hearing and holy fuck I've been in this fucking fandom since the release of fucking X1 before we had proper sources and translations of the story and inspirations for it..

>> No.7435906


>> No.7435916
File: 26 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw some people here wanted the thread to die so im bumping it.

I liked juno but he was wrong just because he wouldve killed my waifu roll.

>> No.7435920

look at the stupidity of the deleted posts and you'll understand why

>> No.7436114

What's stupid about it? All I saw was one guy licking maverick hunter boot, and OP saying "actually maybe giving unchecked power to a militaristic police force is a bad idea"

>> No.7436135

I dont know but Im pretty sure OP will never be a woman

>> No.7436153

Wow, even without the nametag you're extremely obvious to tell apart, sevenleaf.

Absolutely this, you will never be a woman, Sevenleaf.

>> No.7436203

I already am.

>> No.7436209

no i mean like one with a working reproductive system and 2 X chromosomes

>> No.7436501
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, 1596158433524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny on suicide watch