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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 289 KB, 1800x1350, 32992210_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7431978 No.7431978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You don't belong here if you don't know what this is.

>> No.7431984

some kind of gramophone lmao

>> No.7431990

it's a white persons spice rack

>> No.7432006

>t. kiddo who just found this in his parent's closet of old shit and asked them what it was

>> No.7432013

Truthfully even when they were relevant very few people owned them because the vast majority of people rented games during the NES era and didn't own enough carts to need a big storage bin. I grew up in a middle class school with a few doctors kids on the upper end of things, but mostly restaurant owners, plumbers, accountant type parents. Most kids had between 4-6 carts they actually owned, regardless of their parents wealth they were considered something you rent not own, except for a special game for birthday or christmas maybe.

This was peak of the VHS era, and any place that rented movies also had a Nintendo section. It also helped parents regulate time spent on video games as they could limit rentals to the weekend. Few people owned VHS tapes so why own games?

>> No.7432018

It's for audio cassettes

>> No.7432020

Except that little zoomie's picture is of a cassette tape organizer. Nothing to do with games.

>> No.7432025

They had NES cart version too. Zellers sold them and no one ever bought one.

>> No.7432026
File: 37 KB, 640x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432027

Something to store all my condoms and weed in

>> No.7432031

t.insecure loser who had to reverse imagesearch a genesis cart holder and is now shitting up my thread
Get fucked zoomer.

>> No.7432034

it's audio tapes you spanner, stop trying to double down when you were wrong, and that "fre people owned vhs tapes" part, that outed you as the zoom you are

>> No.7432041

t. larping zoomer upset that he's been outed

>> No.7432042

Go home.

>> No.7432050

I'm sorry for ruining your thread, lil zoom. I'm sure the other kids will show up for a nice larp session.

>> No.7432053

Leave me and my thread alone. You got outted after having to reverse imagesearch my photo now stop damage controlling and GET OUT!

>> No.7432065

Are you going to be okay, little guy? You're trying real hard to make it seem like this is all an elaborate troll, but pretty much everyone can tell it isn't.

>> No.7432067
File: 1.63 MB, 480x272, 1606624572529.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to claim few people owned VHS
>random long post that had nothing to do with OP
>random babbling about video rental stores
>claims to not be a larger
>claims to not be a zoomer
Get fucked underageb&

>> No.7432070


>> No.7432082
File: 49 KB, 410x380, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another kiddo larping thread successfully derailed.

>> No.7432086

The first VHS tape that people bough to own in any measurable number was Top Gun. Before top gun most movies on VHS cost $60-$80. In a brilliant marketing move, Top Gun was sold in stores for only $26.99.

The next movie to do this kind of stunt was Batman when it launched its VHS also at a very low price of just $19.99. Disney followed with their clamshell packaged classics and convinced consumers to finally own and not rent movies by the early 90s. Even then most people limited their collections to thing's like the star wars trilogy and Jurassic park. Rentals still dominated all form of home media until the late 90s.

>> No.7432089

Nothing got derailed you got found out with your google searching bullshit which is what it's for. Now GTFO BITCH!

>> No.7432093

>not keeping your games hidden under your underwear in your dresser so your brother can't play them

>> No.7432096
File: 239 KB, 500x448, baited.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to farm those sweet butthurt (You)s.

>> No.7432097

What was the point if this thread? No one gained anything and literally all of us are worse off for having read it.

>> No.7432098

you are absolutely fucking retarded and wrong, home vhs wasnt even about the retail tapes, it was about being able to record the tv, or hook two decks up and straight up pirate the vhs tapes, which we did all the time

>> No.7432105

>most movies on VHS cost $60-$80.
I'm british and if you're not pulling this out of your arse, im laffin

>> No.7432127
File: 56 KB, 584x576, eightiesnerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was the point if this thread?
This thread happened because some weird little kid recently discovered that what he thought was old junk in his parent's attic was in fact an authentic vaporwave certified, Max Headroom approved, original 80's relic. The problem is that he didn't know exactly what the relic was for and assumed it was something to do with video games. Instead of just asking someone who'd know, he decided to start a thread with a shitty pic and some cringy gatekeeping. Imagine how stupid and embarrassed he's feeling now that he's discovered his authentic eighties artifact has shit to do with vidya like he thought?

To answer your question, this thread never had a point.

>> No.7432149
File: 103 KB, 1024x716, 1609116357866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek he keeps doubling down
Keep larping sweetie

>> No.7432152

Dude, you got outted. Stop trying to defend your honor you failed miserably even more than Atari when they released E.T on the 2600.

>> No.7432159

The reason why this board fucking sucks is just the endless amounts of gatekeeping there is and the resulting hissy fits.

No one gives a fuck about an Atari cartridge drawer, you don't need to know what a pointless, plasticky piece of shit is to enjoy the fucking games that go into it GOD DAMN YOU!

>> No.7432168

its for audio tapes, its not for game carts, that is the trap, the sperg trap

>> No.7432173

I'm not even going to try to read your post but FYI everyone had a collection of VHS tapes.

>> No.7432175
File: 5 KB, 256x224, coolstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed miserably even more than Atari
Ironic, considering this entire thread exists because you thought you'd found some old Atari shit in your parent's closet.
>oh man, it's old with woodgrain!
>i've never actually seen a 2600 game, but i bet they'd fit in this! i mean, what else could this thing possibly be for?!
>this is atari stuff! time to take a pic and larp on /vr/!
"dude, it's for storing your audio tapes"

Look at the IP counter. You're replying to the OP. He knows it's for tapes now. He's just really embarrassed and trying to distance himself from his larpy fuckup.

>> No.7432181

straight spergin'

>> No.7432184

I had one of these for Genesis. It's probably still in the attic

Fucking dead

>> No.7432186

if eating bland, unseasoned food is what keeps me from being a nigger, I consider it a bargain

>> No.7432191

>only black people season their food

>> No.7432198

Still trying huh kid....

>> No.7432208

I'm not the OP you tit.

>> No.7432213

Sauce if you want:

>> No.7432241

Your life would be so much better if you were, though. Plenty of government programs to help you become something other than a pile of excuses living in a basement you don't own. The genetics required to be within ten feet of a female without her either visibly retching or pulling her kids away from you. Hell, you might finally get laid.

>> No.7432264
File: 141 KB, 1223x839, how-do-they-cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incorrect, brown is the ugliest color on earth

>> No.7432363


I'm not done watching the OP get dogpiled. Shit's hilarious.

>> No.7432394

>only black people are niggers

>> No.7432396

>zoomer gatekeeping thread derails into petty race war

>> No.7432397

no, the word you're looking for is hysterical

>> No.7432404

You need to stop.

>> No.7432526
File: 79 KB, 650x530, 912ebayebjubopnpc98bcxpbzkoyqvqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for Speccy games lads.
Love me Speccy. Simple as.

>> No.7432557
File: 24 KB, 480x478, H854eft6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no all the dumb asses raging on the OP just got btfo.

>> No.7432563

>The genetics required to be within ten feet of a female without her either visibly retching or pulling her kids away from you
Are you implying that poop-colored skin makes you a lady's man?

>> No.7432591

Poop niggas gettin bitches every day, what's your excuse?

>> No.7432605

I had a crush on nancy from chase hq, not the speccy port though

>> No.7432610
File: 855 KB, 1688x1260, maps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape doesn't count

>> No.7432625
File: 318 KB, 925x1050, zniggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I smelled Branston pickle and shit.

>> No.7432627
File: 31 KB, 400x363, butitdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not implying it. I'm outright stating it as fact.

>> No.7432641

You realize if you'd just asked your parents what that thing was they'd have told you and then slapped you for thinking it was for Atari carts. You could've avoided making this thread and wouldn't have to be here desperately reporting every post in the hopes a janny will take pity on you and delete your shame.

>> No.7432646

You think we can't smell the google shit you drug in from here? Wow kid you're so fucking cool using reverse imagesearch then project your insecurities onto the rest of us with a smug shit attitude. You need to get the fuck off my thread now punk I've had it with you.

>> No.7432660
File: 11 KB, 292x172, znig-off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait for zniggy 2

>> No.7432663
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, farmin_nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am but a humble (You) farmer, tending to my crops.

>> No.7432702

Bump, for more embarrassed shitposting.

>> No.7432852

Bumperino, for more OP shame.

>> No.7432876


>> No.7432878

Is this for VHS, Betamax, or compact cassette?

>> No.7433025

Apparently it's for larping zoomers who thought it held Atari carts.

>> No.7433116

A GBA cart rack.

>> No.7433182

back to the top you go

>> No.7433215

Are you still at it kid? I told you to GTFO!

>> No.7433234

Why can't I hold all these (You)'s?

>> No.7433380


>> No.7433445

>the cure
>depeche mode
fuck im old, and im not even that old

>> No.7433446 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1116x723, 1607755092683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433559

I have a cabinet, bought, and purpose-built for storing audio cassettes, you peasant. And it's constructed out of real wood - unlike that piece of shit. Dunno why you're even posting that anyway; I kept my game cassettes in a wooden file cabinet, and everyone else I knew kept them on shelves. That faux wood abomination is just tacky as shit.

>> No.7433569

>That faux wood abomination is just tacky as shit.
To be fair, it's his parent's taste not his. He just thinks it's cool because lel eighties.

>> No.7433576

Niggers will empty the entire cupboard onto their chicken and think they can cook

>> No.7433590

fuck you. wood paneling is the definition of soul & comfy

>> No.7433593

No he stopped thinking it was cool when he found out it wasn't for Atari carts.

>> No.7433610

>black people
>season their food

yeah, sub-saharan africa is renowned for its indigenous recipes

>> No.7433694

Not really. I'd say the Atari VCS pulls it off, but furniture, or any kind of storage? Nah. It just makes you look poor.

>> No.7433705

Which is an odd take, because when I was a kid it was considered fashionable decor. I'd imagine it was the reason why the 2600 was woodgrain, as it was trying to match what most people already had in their living room.

>> No.7433741

It's obviously for storing dilators.

>> No.7433780

You just have to look at pictures of the apartments of loaded stock brokers from the eighties to know that there was nothing fashionable about wooden furnishing. Metal shelving, glass tables; not much in the way of wood in those ludicrously highly priced abodes.

>> No.7433790

>giving a single fuck about fashion or interior design
found the mac using homosexual

>> No.7433797

I said the 80's. And stop projecting, Tarquin.

>> No.7433804

fashion only matters to gays and women, same with interior design

>> No.7433810

Oh, and this thread is basically about aesthetics - and YOU'RE in it, What, slipped fell, and landed in this thread, Mac using homosexual..?

>> No.7433813

Look below your response, pansy. Now cope.

>> No.7433814

no it isnt, it was about a retarded kid who didnt know what an audio tape is, fashion and interior design is nothing more than company driven peer pressure using fags and women as its marketing tool as they are mentally vancant

>> No.7433840

>no it isnt, it was about a retarded kid who didnt know what an audio tape is
The thread isn't about you dude.

>> No.7433845

yes, it isnt, its about the OP being a zoomer, its also not about cum eaters deciding what fashion is, fuck niggers too and their brand driven ebonics and ugly sneakers "muh drip"

>> No.7433856

Wow so you're a dumbass AND a racist. Guess it goes hand in hand...

>> No.7433857


>> No.7433860

you have to be a dumbass not to be racist, you have to deny genetics

>> No.7433861

Ugh... I think I'm gonna throw up from reading that.

>> No.7433864

good, leave

>> No.7433875

you just confirmed yourself as a faggot or woman with that passive aggressive bitchiness

>> No.7433878

Edgy xD

>> No.7433880

he's right

>> No.7433890

Just... leave. Please.

>> No.7433895

im not from pol you jizz juggler, now get the fuck out of this hobby and go back to spamming your lame brand driven "muh drip" threads

you are not wanted

>> No.7433898

>everybody who mocks me is from /pol/
every time.

>> No.7433907

Found the crack addict who lives in a single room flat, and sleeps on a shit and vomit encrusted mattress. Stay poor, you worthless wretch.

>> No.7433916

you get told what to wear, how to look, how to decorate, by brands, you will never have respect, you are a walking wallet and an easy mark

>> No.7433920

you kept your Texas Instruments cartridges in there?

>> No.7433932

Mocking is fine, racism however absolutely is not.

>> No.7433936

A Famicom cartridge holder?

>> No.7433941
File: 357 KB, 809x694, Mario3inBoomerBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433949

not him, but you're unironically fucking autistic if you think caring about your appearance and house = wasting money on expensive meme brands

>> No.7433950
File: 92 KB, 870x697, 1608277907354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433959

you do not decide what is funny, bushmeat enthusiast

>> No.7433964

t. mac using cum consuming interior decorator that fears the utilitarian with a wall full of tools

>> No.7433973

the PS5 game library

>> No.7433997

Except the only thing you've ever built, is an immunity to AIDS. Stop larping, you spaghetti-armed faggot.

>> No.7434000
File: 23 KB, 430x310, EfBG86XXgAA30K-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. "yeah mummy buys all my clothes at wallmart"

>> No.7434005


The hammer is actual an eating utensil, a fork and masher

>> No.7434008
File: 1.68 MB, 3264x2448, Book Scanner (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what I'll do is make a guy up in my head to make my bottom feel better
The cuck fears the engineer, here Is where I invented the dual camera book scanner which google and amazon then went to use to scan all their books, likely back when you were in middle school, zoomer.

>> No.7434013
File: 221 KB, 1408x1056, Book Scanner (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7434014
File: 5 KB, 205x245, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mustard too spicy for you?

>> No.7434018

Imagine trying this hard? To say that smacks of desperation is an understatement. And what a surprise; your place looks like shit.

>> No.7434020

if you are wondering what the tiny CRT is for, its to output the video from both cameras, so I didnt have to crane my neck around to focus, this meant making a video switcher too

>> No.7434024

That's a VHS holder retard

>> No.7434025

I don't care what you think nigger. Never Will.

>> No.7434032

So, basically a concession that you're a lying little no-hoper faggot? Rope. Tree. As an engineer, you should know the rest...

>> No.7434034

>I-I don't care what you think!
>proceeds to post in the same thread for close to three hours

>> No.7434039

>photographic evidence
>i-i-i-i need him to be lying and not a rich engineer who made his money out-inventing the corps
teehee, must suck being this insecure and brown

>> No.7434043

I'm new to this thread my paranoid friend. And I genuinely do not care what niggers like you think, I enjoy proving you wrong and watching you scramble around.

>> No.7434049

At least you're posting your fanfic in the kiddo larping thread.

>> No.7434056
File: 804 KB, 2563x1557, Book Scanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NooooOOoooooOOOOOoooo it cant be real, it makes my pee pee small
Enjoy looking at my heavy 6ers

>> No.7434086

Sure you are.

>> No.7434091

your paranoia vs my photographic evidence
hmmm, who is more trustworthy, who is less cowardly, It's a mystery

>> No.7434116 [DELETED] 

>>7433215 >>7433116
>>7433182 >>7433234
>>7433380 >>7433559
>>7433569 >>7433593
>>7433590 >>7433694
>>7433705 >>7433780
>>7433790 >>7433797
>>7433804 >>7433813
>>7433810 >>7433814
>>7433840 >>7433845
>>7433856 >>7433860
>>7433861 >>7433864
>>7433875 >>7433907
>>7433916 >>7433949
>>7433964 >>7433997
>>7434008 >>7434013
>>7434020 >>7434018
>>7434025 >>7434032
>>7434039 >>7434049
>>7434056 >>7434034
>>7434043 >>7434086
>>7434091 >>7434000
>>7434005 >>7433741
>>7433878 >>7433880
>>7433890 >>7433895
>>7433898 >>7433932
>>7433950 >>7433959
>>7433920 >>7433936
>>7433941 >>7433973
nigger sneed

>> No.7434126

Not you certainly.

>> No.7434132

lmao @ your life, cucks truly do fear the engineer

>> No.7434159

You're posting an awful lot for someone who doesn't care...

>> No.7434167

that isn't me, is that the best you have, thinking every poster is me, my word you are broken, no wonder you need brands to tell you how to dress

>> No.7434339

>Enjoy looking at my heavy 6ers
In the pic they look like Vaders.

>> No.7434345

Whites cook without spice.
From the makers of chocolate is better than sex, your games are giving the pc viruses and other lame memes for retards.

>> No.7434348
File: 70 KB, 600x535, rightcastle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the kiddo OP back with some new schizo larp about book scanners trying to "reverse troll" the people who pointed out that the Atari cart holder that he totally owned back in the 80's (because he's just that old and totally not a little kid playing pretend) was, in fact, a cassette tape organizer? I really hope so, because I'm endlessly amused by embarrassed children desperately trying to hide their damage control as trolling.

>> No.7434350

literally we just used either shoeboxes or generic bookshelves, this shit is tryhard and cringe and I have literally never met a single person who owned something like this outside of cases for Gameboy games.

>> No.7434351

no he didn't come back, instead this thread turned into interior decorators vs an engineer, the best damage control was earlier today, I want more too

>> No.7434354

legit advice here: these cassette drawers are fantastic for Famicom or case-less Genesis games

>> No.7434358

even better for c64 and speccy, they are already the perfect size as they are tapes