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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 82 KB, 640x360, gex-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421526 No.7421526 [Reply] [Original]

Was he funny?

>> No.7421541

I never found him funny, but the other characters and stuff going on always was.

Solid games.

>> No.7421821

No he made references to things forgotten long before I was born and his jokes offended several people in my nonbinrary polyamorous relationship

>> No.7422554

Idk, but he sure got some real bedroom eyes on every 3d render of him. He kinda hot

>> No.7422590

you weird animal fucking creeps always confound me, there is nothing sexy about talking animals, it's as confusing as the foot fags or fart huffers, there is nothing at all sexual about any of that, paraphilic mindrot and autismal echolalia

>> No.7422614

>foot fags
>On date with woman who removes her shoe under the table and rubs her bare foot up your leg to your crotch. "Wow, that is so not sexy. I think ive lost my appetite" >>>>you

>> No.7422624

Relatable. I think character designer knew exactly what he was doing.

>> No.7422625

that is her intentionally doing something with her foot, explicitly engaging in a sexual touch, this isn't the same as wikifeet which is just photos of celebs bony looking feet, this is what they jerk off too, just as you jerk off to cartoon lizards, both equally confounding, I would like to study your brain after you are gassed

>> No.7422629

Gex is coo. I would love to see a return of him parodying games instead of movies/tv. Lots of potential they could do with the years of gaming since he's been gone. Also the fact that he's owned by Square now could mean they could throw in some actual references to other games in it. Like imagine a world parodying JRPGs and Gex is wearing a low-poly Cloud wig

>> No.7422637
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>> No.7422647

British Gex kinda was.
also they should do a reboot with Norm MacDonald

>> No.7422652

sad and strange is wanting to fuck cartoon animals that will never exist, sad and strange is building your entire personality around what you nut over

>> No.7422748

funnier than Bubsy

>> No.7422754

gex was really hot, i always wanted to fuck him

>> No.7422761

He doesn't have colored hair and he doesn't speak a language that I don't understand. this is cringe for me

>> No.7422762

t. the smelly creepy weirdo kid who always wore wolf thsirts at school

>> No.7422772

just imagine putting your hands around his little throat as your throbbing penis slides inside his lizzard anus.... damn

>> No.7422782

>deriving pleasure from seeing a naked part of a woman is as bad as fucking animals!
anti-footfags are worse than footfags

>> No.7422787

feet, armpits, the back of the knee, all not sexual
animals, also not sexual

both as as confusing, this doesnt mean your kink is identical as animal fucking, animal fucking is clearly more depraved, just equally confusing, I'm not trying to insult you if your kink is feet, I'm just saying its impossible to understand you.

>> No.7422805

>part of a woman
Wrong. Footfags are gross because they get off to fungal bacteria that grows only under the nails of feet. Its not like the actual sexy pheromones thats in Woman sweat or pussy, but actual fungi. And smell is one of the biggest components of being a footfag, besides the shape of the foot, they are always about the smell
>god i want to smell that girls shoes
In a lot of footfag art, its an anime girl taking off their leggings, revealing some type of stink line that comes off.

So no, footfag is not about being attracted to a woman, you are attracted fungus

>> No.7422810

>feet, armpits, the back of the knee, all not sexual
tits and face are also not sexual. if we're strictly going by your standards, people would only be allowed to be excited for pussy and nothing else. God forbid you can find a piece of clothing sexy or something

>> No.7422852

what about animal feet? and what if the animal also wears a curly, blond wig???

>> No.7423450

What type of gecko is he?

>> No.7423476

tits are directly sexual, big boobies show the woman is prime for child raising, sex exists to create children

>> No.7423523

That or parodying social media

>> No.7423529




>> No.7423534

every thread about a game that involves a talking animal will get some creepy furfag in it

>> No.7423559

Yeah, and smartphones.
Oh wait, everyone does that already.

>> No.7423790

>thread about vidya with furry character
>thread is full of furries all of a sudden
Wow, who would ever thought we'll be like this?

>> No.7423816
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>go ahead, make my lunch
will never not be funny. Lets talk about the ridiculous amount of gex cut content.

>> No.7423869

he is a total whore

>> No.7423872

he's so unfunny that he crosses the boundary and becomes funny again

>> No.7424373

woman clearly sexualize those parts of their bodies as well when they pick outfits and poses they do when trying to be whoreish, so your Amish views are inaccurate to reality

>> No.7424381

but those are only the degenerate ones. Just like you have guys that want to fuck ass and those who want to get literally sprayed with shit when doing so

>> No.7424391

Why is the first Gex so hard to find? I thought that was the one everyone played!

>> No.7424401

it didn't exactly fly off the shelves, and no, everybody didn't play it

>> No.7424412
File: 530 KB, 1004x672, gex_ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it didn't exactly fly off the shelves

Would that make the game easier to find? That would mean that there's an excess of Gex games out there.

>> No.7424424

No, that would mean there was once an abundance of unsold copies that had to be destroyed once the warehouse space rental ended. What a shame! That said I believe the Gex games did sell well. In America. They're not very expensive here, like $20 tops.

>> No.7424431

No, and I have no idea how you get to that conclusion, the reason things are rare or uncommon is that they didnt sell so fewer units are out there, even as pirate seller back then, nobody was coming to me asking for gex, the age of the platformer seemed over, like fully over

>> No.7424507
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>> No.7424553
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>Why is the first Gex so hard to find? I thought that was the one everyone played!

I have a feeling that the second and third ones were the two that were played the most. The first Gex was launched on the 3DO, which was a limited market. Gex still is the best selling game on the system and was even a Panasonic 3DO pack-in game. The PS1 port is probably the most common. Saturn is probably harder to find than the 3DO version. Microsoft published the PC port for Windows 9X, and this port it is currently available on GOG:


>> No.7424574

Pfft, he's about as funny as Pamela Anderson on bingo night!

>> No.7424578

>asian version looks western
>western version looks asian
That damn gecko

>> No.7424580

So we can't talk about any anthropomorphic characters at all? How about you just control your retarded impulses for once in your life, instead of being a faggot to everyone around you?

>> No.7424587

the autistic furries cannot control their impulses, its always "i wish he would fuck me", just like how they sexually harrass tony the tiger on twitter, don't blame the people disgusted with degenerate furfags actions, blame the furfags

>> No.7424605

do you even know where you are

>> No.7424612

Well it's not /trash/, which means no furfag shit.

>> No.7424696

No but I liked him for trying

>> No.7424702

Footfags need to go. Worst taste ever and they shit up every board. Huge group of weird retards, the lot of 'em

>> No.7424716

Gex isn't furry. He has scales.

>> No.7424727

that doesn't work on anybody, we all know you are the exact same perverts

>> No.7424748

hornyposting is a mainstay of, like, every board. i don't even like it, but you won't see me complaining about it. >>7422554 was probably a shitpost, which you might have figured out if you weren't underage or senile, and even if it wasn't a joke, who fucking cares? it's fucking 4chan, not facebook. this is not a place with social standards. you're shitting up the thread far more than the original poster was by making a big deal of it.

>> No.7424751

take the hint
nobody likes the coomers
nobody likes hearing about your fucked up dogfucking fantasties

>> No.7424759

>bannished to /trash/
>everybody likes us really! were just like the coomers!

>> No.7424804
File: 115 KB, 258x211, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.7424830 [DELETED] 
File: 506 KB, 1360x704, sf90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready for the second relaunch of the sf90 as sf21?

>> No.7424836

>what I'll do is prove them all right, I bet they'll feel foolish being correct

>> No.7424847
File: 308 KB, 433x371, cans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you found that post erotic then it says a lot more about you than it does about me.

>> No.7424873

>sex in thumbnail
>mating mentioned
>pervert tries to play it cool as his neighbors dogs corpse rots under his bed, covered in cum

>> No.7424903

In case you couldn't tell from the clinical tone and all caps, it was a joke.
What are you even doing here if you're so sensitive?

>> No.7424910
File: 44 KB, 500x320, snatchr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a joke bro, I only came on your cat as a joke bro, haha look at this furry porn, isnt it so funny haha

I know all your tricks, cunt.

>> No.7424921

Did you have a bad experience with a neighbor or something?

>> No.7424937

No, I'm fucking sick of disingenuous groomers, take the hint and take your ridiculous fetish with you

>> No.7424946

Is your entire personality just complaining about things you don't like?

>> No.7424958

Have you ever considered switching to a more tame website? GameFAQs or Facebook might be more your speed.

>> No.7424965

I've been here from the start faggot, the very fucking start, furries, gaiaweebs, bronies, we've had to endure your cancer, you are not liked, wanted or welcome.

>> No.7424969

remember when moot made a furry board, just so he could collect all the IPs and rangeban them for years? I do.

>> No.7424971

Gex isn't even remotely furry.

>> No.7424972

everybody knows about your BUT MUH SCALY trick, it works on nobody

>> No.7424985

No but Enter the Gecko is pure Soul from start to finish

>> No.7424986
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 2809631-gex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was saturday and i was home like always, in my bed bored af. I was
preparing to watch some movie on Netflix. I found the movie and start
watching. The movie was so shitty that i almost fell asleep. Later i got a
text from my friend asking me to go to party with him. I said sure
cause i wasn't doing anything anyways and i can't remember last time i
was at a party.
I got dressed and did my makeup and was ready to go. My friend came
to pick me up and we went to party together. There were many drunk
dudes and hoes at party and i was just ignoring them. All i did was
watching one beautiful person. Her name was GEX. I didn't now how to
talk to him so my friend introduced us. We started talking and it was
pretty fun. I fell in love with his beautiful, seductive eyes. He was so sweet
to me. While we were talking some random dude came to us
and tried to kiss GEX. I was really mad and started yelling at him
but he didn't stopped being pervert. I stood up and beat the shit out
him. I was still mad so i grabbed knife and start stamping him till his till
he didn't bleed out on the whole floor. He probably died idk. We were
happy that hes finally gone and we kissed each other. The end.

>> No.7425159

b-b-but it makes be special to be an edgy little pervert and no one would even know i exist otherwise

>> No.7425657


How is the Windows version, in comparison to the others? PC game ports from this era could be pretty dicey.

>> No.7426082

My dad had the PC version of Gex and I played it a ton as a kid and never had problems. Everything loaded super quickly and playing the PS1 version years later I couldn't believe how much slower all the loading was.

>> No.7426148

>So we can't talk about any anthropomorphic characters at all?
We are talking, and you are the one going full bitchy sperg.
Go take your meds.

>> No.7427389

What about saving? Apparently the 3DO original had a limited form of manual saving, while the subsequent ports were password-only.
Also, how playable is it with the keyboard?

>> No.7427437

>tits are directly sexual
Just because the jews who made our cultural standards said so, doesn't make it so.

>> No.7427440

breastfeeding predates jews you greasy spastic virgin

>> No.7427446

>Footfags are gross because they get off to fungal bacteria that grows only under the nails of feet.
source: your ass
>Its not like the actual sexy pheromones thats in Woman sweat
Umm, for smellfags that's exactly what it is?

>> No.7427465
File: 564 KB, 640x837, sopa de japones uma delicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7427469

>maternal activity makes boobs sexual
Holy alabama

>> No.7427478

sex exists solely for procreation, it's the reason it exists, the reason orgasms exists is to ensure you go impregnate something so your genetic legacy continues, you cant even fuck right, you are so confused you think the sole reason for sex existing is wrong and its for you to jerk off into a pokemon plush

>> No.7427908

>you must only enjoy things the way the devs intended!

>> No.7427910

>I'll cum on my face and eat it, I'm smarter than 3 million years of humanoid evolution

>> No.7427912

not even that, because it's an emergent mechanic. it's like saying you have to play the game the most effective way instead of just having fun with it.

>> No.7427923

faggots are a terminal illness to humanity

>> No.7427930

it's OK if the human race dies out from sucking cum out of anuses! we had our hedonism!

>> No.7427962

that sounds an awful lot like projection.

>> No.7427967

your transparent damage control fools nobody, catamite

>> No.7428252

Why do you judge all footfags by the tiny sect that gets off to THAT site? Only future serial killers jerk off to the tops of feet, and that's 90% of the content on that website

>> No.7429184

>sex exists solely for procreation

>I'm smarter than 3 million years of humanoid evolution
Yes, human instincts are retarded.

>> No.7429185
File: 45 KB, 640x512, 1597211652378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool videos.

>> No.7429193

your arrogance is why your genetic line ends with you, as your ancestors cringe

>> No.7429256

You say this like I care.

>> No.7429260

3 million years your ancestors farmed dirt, hunted in the cold, eeked out survival, all for you to become an autistic manchild and that genetic line to end

>> No.7429316

IIRC you could make as many saves as you want as save files, even though the password VCRs were still in the game. The game ran in a proper Windows-esque enviroment as it was actually handled/published by Microsoft themselves.
And also IIRC the keyboard controls were fine. I beat the game at least multiple times, though as a kid the final Rez world was super difficult.

>> No.7429360

I'm smart enough to know what I want which includes fucking however I want. I don't give a shit about children, people that fucked three millions years ago, or your autistic view on what sex is for. If you want to fuck purely for procreation then do it but don't go around preaching that it's correct because "it's natural" as if evolution isn't capable of producing retarded shit like you. As far as I'm concerned you're on the same level as the natural medicine shills that have nothing to backup their bullshit besides "it's natural".

>> No.7429365


Interesting that the third Gex game was only released on the PS1 and N64. Not even a PC port, like the second game. Or some sort of 'enhanced' Dreamcast release. I wouldn't mind if the 3D games were remade.

>> No.7429396

the human race only continues via multiplication, there is only one method, you are a net loss to humanity

>> No.7429425

>you are a net loss to humanity
>There's literally no way to contribute to society aside from impregnating someone
You're not too bright are you?

>> No.7429437

where are your contributions?
where is your continued genetic line to ensure more contributions?
hedonism is a net loss and clearly you're the low IQ individual if you dunk on the ONLY METHOD humanity has for survival

>> No.7429454

These threads only exist for the author to have his opinion confirmed, but when it is a game that has a ''soul'', you cannot criticize it because you are considered a contrarian

>> No.7429474

Gex isn't exactly a widely liked game, Anon.

>> No.7429480


which is why I said the thread exists to confirm the author’s opinion.

Go do a thread like that about something that has SOUL.

>> No.7429483

what opinion? he asked a question.
you're not very smart are you.

>> No.7429496
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>> No.7429509

tell me what his opinion was, retard

>> No.7429538

God you are dumb.

>> No.7429541

>where are your contributions?
Significant enough to have a very good six-figure salary.
>where is your continued genetic line to ensure more contributions?
So if someone finds a cure for cancer saving countless lives in the future you would call them a waste if they didn't have children? Are women incapable of having a baby also a waste? What about someone that lost their nuts to testicular cancer? Should we gun them down for having nothing to contribute along with the handicap?
>hedonism is a net loss
Doing what you want is hedonism now?
>you're the low IQ individual if you dunk on the ONLY METHOD humanity has for survival
Learn to read because I never made fun of sex. Just your idea on what sex is for.

>> No.7429549 [DELETED] 

Funny 'Ha ha' or funny queer?

>> No.7429553

sex IS for multiplication, it's the sole reason it exists, arrogance levels are now so high that cum-eating catamites deny biology

>> No.7429568

What deterministic worldview, do you believe in eugenics too?

>> No.7429571


>> No.7429576

are you one of those weirdo commies who tried to ban genetics, leading to 100 million starved to death?

>> No.7429585

You have to be braindead to not believe in eugenics.

>> No.7429591

>sex IS for multiplication, it's the sole reason it exists
Says who? God? Animals that also eat their own shit and gay fuck each other? I gave you an answer for everything you asked but you couldn't be bothered to do the same because you know you're wrong. Who's really arrogant here?

>> No.7429597



>> No.7429602
File: 34 KB, 460x580, shoecap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we were using eugenics then ideally you would be the first to be sterilized.

>> No.7429606

>If you want to fuck purely for procreation then do it but don't go around preaching that it's correct because "it's natural" as if evolution isn't capable of producing retarded shit like you. As far as I'm concerned you're on the same level as the natural medicine shills that have nothing to backup their bullshit besides "it's natural".

>> No.7429608

ah yes, the textbook response of a cornered degenerate with no arguments.

>> No.7429616

I'm not the autistic furry, retard, I have 5 kids, 2 of them are young adults.

>> No.7429627

>when you are so arrogant that even evolution of your own species is wrong because you want to eat the cum

>> No.7429645

Until cloning is here, you're a fucking retard, you got here because your parents fucked, you didn't get here because somebody spunked into a bodypillow, anus, hair, cd-tray or floor tiles

>> No.7429651

>Thinks evolution is done through smart decisions instead of random circumstances
>Thinks evolution has never led to dead ends
>Thinks evolution is unquestionably right to the point where humans have no place to question it
Learn how evolution works and what appeal to nature.

And? They wanted a kid and I don't.

>> No.7429654

And what's the problem with that?

>> No.7429667

you cant evolve as a species without the iterative process of breeding, you deny breeding, outright, you seem to think there is some other magic method, either you say you know sex is for multiplication or you are wrong, simple as.

>> No.7429673

>you deny breeding, outright
No I don't. If you want to have kids that's your business.

>> No.7429682

>I have 5 kids
That's unfortunate

>> No.7429686

is sex the only way to breed?

>> No.7429691

Not at all, once you dad up, you'll see the joy in the tiniest things.
I have a feeling this seeming hatred of breeding comes from virginal autists or people who put sticks up their arses.

>> No.7429698

Naturally yes, are legs the only way to walk? Can they be used for other things too?

>> No.7429712

so sex is for breeding, the sole method of it, orgasms evolved to make even the most reluctant, lazy retard, want to nut inside, its pleasure as a payoff for doing your human duty

short circuiting it doesn't make you smarter, it makes you a net loss, imagine if our ancestors were as dumb as you, nothing would exist, we would be extinct

>> No.7429714

no, i meant it's unfortunate that you reproduced

>> No.7429718

Feet have a distinct smell because certain fungi can only grow under the nails of your foot that is pretty much unavoidable. While yes, sweaty feet can smell, that is different than the natural smell of feet that footfags crave

Stupid stinky footfag.

>> No.7429719

>are legs the only way to walk? Can they be used for other things too?
Avoid the question again. Maybe you should stop using your feet to drive because it's unnatural.

>> No.7429721

im pretty sure thats what these weird commies want dude, they want to drive us close to extinction so its easier to control, the last lot tried to ban genetics, that isnt even out of living memory yet and the war against procreation and genes continues, heralded by faggots and barren genderclowns

>> No.7429728

>I can use a gun for a dildo so all guns are dildos
>guns are not for firing, they are for sticking up my asshole
Just stop.

>> No.7429730

You are contradicting yourself

>> No.7429760

The difference is that guns would make horrible dildos. Sex is great for feeling good and building a close relationship with someone. Benefits you like to pretend don't exist so you're forced to come up with this retarded analogy.

>> No.7429762


>> No.7429765
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I wouldn't know, I've genuinely never shoved junk up my asshole.

>> No.7429773

Give up again? It's fine, I'm not even gay. I just find picking your stupid ideas apart fun.

>> No.7429794

>breeding is a stupid idea
well done fag, you should have never been born

>> No.7429808

Cry more makes me hard.

>> No.7429821

>im not gay
>please give me a boner
genetic dead end

>> No.7429827

wild thread, from gex, to furfags, to footfags and now people who don't even know that their dick is for

>> No.7429837

>Anon forgot his söyjak

>> No.7429841

pretty sure more than half of the posts in this thread are yours.

>> No.7429842

s0ys are the ones against breeding, the kind that will get a vasectomy at 24 because their hog wife wants to be child free, then take her surname in a civil union as marrying is just too passe

>> No.7429849
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1Sun2_ZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man who gets a vasectomy has more respect than a soi with a daughter

>> No.7429852

disagree, homo, women are annoying but they are the only method to multiply

>> No.7429853

>women are annoying
You're not exactly proving that poster wrong.

>> No.7429857

I already did, no women, no future for mankind, we go extinct, we have to deal with the nagging as we can no longer just beat them, unless you're muslim, but I like my pints too much and they ban nutmeg thinking its a drug, I like nutmeg

>> No.7429860

The statement was
>A man who gets a vasectomy has more respect than a soi with a daughter
Clearly, you're lacking in respect.

>> No.7429863

respect from whom, dear poster? respect from whom? homosexual jizz jugglers, autists? furries?

>> No.7429864

>I'm not the autistic furry, retard, I have 5 kids, 2 of them are young adults.

what kind of father wastes his precious free time arguing with homosexuals on a video game forum.

jesus christ you have to be on welfare or some shit with 5 kids and such stupid time-wasting. i feel sorry for your offspring

>> No.7429865

it's illegal to be outside, has been for a year

>> No.7429870
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>> No.7429871

Not from. For.

>> No.7429874

>But the cheesy aroma coming from fetid feet is from Brevibacterium festering between sweaty unwashed toes and producing stinky S-methyl thioesters.
>between sweaty unwashed toes
It's pathetic enough that you hate feet enough to look up sources to validate your hatred, but it's even worse that your own source contradicts you and makes you look even more retarded.

>> No.7429876

Does this have anything to do with it?

>> No.7429878

it's 6:24am, they are all in bed, I cant sleep so im playing the settlers 2 and making fun of faggots who have no idea what their penis is even for, you're acting as if the entire world isnt closed for biz, that it hasnt been shut down for a year, if you said this 2 years ago, your point would have been solid.

>> No.7429879

respect is earned, not issued out randomly, anybody who doesn't know how to fuck right, deserves no respect, its a basic part of being human

>> No.7429881

trashy pol memes saved from kym are not convincing, maybe it works on you, but I'm not a retarded virgin

>> No.7429882

How does it contradict? Brevibacterium is a bacteria is signature of toe nails and it's always present. Washing and cleaning your foot is only a temporary fix, but the Brevibacterium will still always be there.

If you clean your hands with alcohol, how long do you think your hands with still bacteria free?

>> No.7429884

Don't call your cats your kids, that's just cringe

>> No.7429885

Disrespect being the default makes you a very unpleasant person.

>> No.7429887

>Does this have anything to do with it?
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSQXmieSJHU [Remove]

British voice is awesome. CD went overboard with the localization's, but it works.

>> No.7429891

How is it trashy?

>> No.7429893

I don't want to be seen as pleasant to catamites and sodomites, I openly mock them, I deride them, I laugh at them for missing the point of the most basic steps of being a human.

>> No.7429897

Stop sidestepping. You said they only grow underneath the toenails. Your source said they grow in between the toes.
And if it's the same bacteria that grows on cheese, then why do some feet smell more like corn chips or vinegar?

>> No.7429902

I have a feeling you're unpleasant to more than just people you dislike.

>> No.7429906

oh it's one of you types, if the poster has kids, you have to pretend they don't so you feel less of a failure, is the world larp run too thin to use, its what they usually use.

>> No.7429910

a true norf man, love me wife, me kids, me pints, 'ate poofs and pakis

>> No.7429925

what in the hell are you doing on /vr/?

>> No.7429940

>Your source said they grow in between the toes.
The source's title says
>why do toenails
>area between the toes
Even if the bacteria originally comes from between the toes it could mean the toenails harbor it.
>why do some feet smell more like corn chips or vinegar?
Kill yourself footfaggot

>> No.7429941

I play old games, and were in a prolonged lockdown that banned all the footy.
I'm also not new here, been here before /vr/ was a thing, I would make command and conquer and settlers 2 threads on /v/

>> No.7429952
File: 7 KB, 238x183, murder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either talk about gex or stick to threads about games you actually want to discuss.

>> No.7429959

tell that to the furries that shit up every thread with their "i want him to fuck me" tripe, don't blame the reaction, blame the cause

>> No.7429968

no. you are the fucking cause.
you're the only one who made a big deal of it. you're the only one who gives a single shit.

>> No.7429982

>you have to let furries yiff all over to win
cowardly furfag, a man never backs down from eradicating vermin

>> No.7429984

you believe that vaccines cause autism just shut the fuck up

>> No.7430001
File: 120 KB, 800x450, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't refute your actual point so I'll just strawman you and refute that
He literally said that breeding isn't a bad thing, it just isn't what *he personally prioritizes for himself*. Guess what? The fact that sex is pleasurable means we won't go extinct, you said as much yourself:
>orgasms evolved to make even the most reluctant, lazy retard, want to nut inside, its pleasure as a payoff for doing your human duty
>short circuiting it doesn't make you smarter, it makes you a net loss, imagine if our ancestors were as dumb as you, nothing would exist, we would be extinct
Good thing that didn't happen then (despite sexual deviants existing). On another note, if everyone was forced to breed for the sake of propagating humanity, we'd be overpopulated. Moreso than we already are.
You can stop worrying about sexual deviants collapsing society because decent people have no intention of going around castrating everyone, regardless of what your pastor or blue-haired fanfic writers pretend. There is no evidence to a "critical mass" of sexual deviants, so your belief that we would go extinct because deviants exist is pure paranoia.

Besides, if you actually believed what you wrote, you'd stop acting like such a faggot obsessed with gay sex.
>Actually believed it gives him an erection
>Continues crying
You're the fag here for going along with that bait.

>> No.7430002

No I don't. what on earth made you put those words into my mouth?

>> No.7430004

>noooo you can't just ignore my retarded shit, you have to reply
and in the same post
>why didnt you ignore the retarded bait

>> No.7430007 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 1090x1280, 6cf2b3d67b16d7bf0693dc58c2e0b1c483dbcea40966cf1c350eb3abdcfde7a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430012

what the fuck happened to this thread.

>> No.7430015

It took only a 180 replies, but someone finally did it >>7430007

>> No.7430017


>> No.7430021

>Kill yourself footfaggot
I take it you don't have a proper explanation? Thanks for conceding.

>> No.7430024

can we have one mascot platformer thread without the perverts?

>> No.7430031

Strawmanning isn't ignoring, it's what idiots do when they can't refute someone lmoa

By not ignoring the obvious bait and continuing the actual conversation, you've tacitly admitted to being obsessed with dick. Get rekt fag.

>> No.7430038

I'm not taking you seriously, when you want to be taken seriously, this pains you. I don't even read half of your posts before calling you a faggot, as a faggots brain has nothing to offer me.

>> No.7430057

Of course you aren't taking it seriously, that's what cognitive dissonance does. You're signalling that you have no logical response so you reinvent what was said so you can actually refute it. That is tacitly conceding to your opposition.

I know you get mad halfway through, you're clearly closeted and full of self-hatred, otherwise you'd be having a normal conversation rather than an emotional wreck. I know a faggot's brain has nothing to offer you, because you're an idiot faggot. Get rekt.

>> No.7430061

>plz take me seriously or your these insults i wrote
still not taking you seriously or reading your whole posts homo, you have nothing cogent or interesting to add anyway, go sip some cum

>> No.7430076
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Agree with me or I'll ignore you!!
>That's what cognitive dissonance does.
Way to prove me right ya literal for real closeted faggot

>> No.7430123
File: 28 KB, 400x300, Qme3WlqMT6nS7gSi46XjHg28496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would unironically play GEX with this kind of character design.

>> No.7430125

doesn't work when I have a wife and kids, try on the /v/irgins where this always worked and where you got it from

>> No.7430138
File: 10 KB, 454x287, ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm totally not butthurt because I'm telling you so!
I remember fucking a rodeo cowboy I picked up at a gay bar. They also had a wife and kids, I saw pictures.

Food for thought.

>> No.7430145

hey it's a clone of the something awful ghost meme, you changed up from robbing the old stash from /v/ to using crap from SA, still didn't read your text.

>> No.7430157
File: 68 KB, 709x701, EuP8n2zWgAAiDad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not the autistic furry, retard, I have 5 kids, 2 of them are young adults.
>oh it's one of you types, if the poster has kids, you have to pretend they don't so you feel less of a failure, is the world larp run too thin to use, its what they usually use.
doesn't work when I have a wife and kids, try on the /v/irgins where this always worked and where you got it from

>> No.7430158

I broke you.

>> No.7430160 [DELETED] 

>Puritan and his kids. (2021, black and white)

>> No.7430162
File: 16 KB, 466x422, conceit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still didn't read your text

>> No.7430167

>Anon and his kids. (2021, black and white)

>> No.7430170
File: 49 KB, 200x200, 3015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking to at least two people smart guy. Should have picked up on that after
But you're clearly too butthurt to pay attention so gj

>> No.7430175

>anon says he's not reading the posts
>b-b-b-but you're not paying attention please take me seriously
why are you doing this to yourselves

>> No.7430182

anyone wanna talk about Gex? I thought the jokes were stupid and unfunny but that made it funny in an ironic way

>> No.7430184
File: 476 KB, 500x680, mu2lp60o2eq41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've addressed why already, but please continue proving my point with delusional indignation. It's a good look on you.

>> No.7430189

It's a bit too on the nose with its humour, feels like ameteur one-liner stand-up comedy. The gameplay isn't half bad though, scaling walls and ceilings is a nice mechanic and I wish more developers would expand on it.

>> No.7430193

yeah lets talk about Gex instead of the nerds flailing around to get my attention despite the fact I told them I'm not taking them serious. did you know the UK version is voiced differently from the american version?

>> No.7430198

This is a fetish thread. Go talk about Gex somewhere else.

>> No.7430214
File: 220 KB, 864x864, 6495473337_5f3b621db6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not taking them serious that's why I'm still talking about them
Sure thing pal

>> No.7430504

TIL a new word. Thanks kind stranger!

>> No.7430510

I'm bringing it back, you can only call them ball fondling bum boys so many times before you need something more elegant and classic

>> No.7430695

>Archaic reference to roman catholic pederasty is elegant and classic
We already have "sodomite", use that. You'll be better understood and taken about as seriously

>> No.7430971
File: 92 KB, 750x562, 1559019800292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430979

a sodomite isnt explictly a fuckboy kept around for bumming, sodomy means all sex not in a vagina, blowjobs from a woman, is sodomy

>> No.7430981

I'm not American so your niggerspeak is meaningless, try twitter

>> No.7430989

>"I don't understand anything I don't like"
Yes, I noticed.

>> No.7430991

go take your nigger babble somewhere else, nobody comes to 4chan for the niggerspeak, you have an entire cucked nigger-fawning internet to do it in

>> No.7430996
File: 45 KB, 620x670, 1438712400209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7431006

tryrone, explicitly picked for the memes because he will do anything, now used as evidence that 4chan loves niggers

do you think im new or something kid?

>> No.7431270

Probably, >>7430001 had to explain the first bait to you. Why are you still replying? You lost, get over it.

>> No.7431405

So basically you can save at any time in the overmap? And the control is workable? Nice. Thanks anon, there is surprisingly little info on the PC version otherwise.

The second game, based on what I've seen, is just a basic port on PC. With that said, yeah, remakes (or even just remasters) of the 3D games would be welcome

>> No.7431420
File: 62 KB, 500x323, meanwhile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I do have a specific archaic term from roman history for little cumdumpsters m'hebephiliacs
>Allow me to describe the more utilitarian term "sodomy" for you as I am an expert on it
>I am closely monitoring this thread for a modicum of praise to bolster my failing self-esteem, nigger nigger I hate niggers look honey I just wrecked these internet people

>> No.7431443

how does cum taste?

>> No.7431465

just like you, salty

>> No.7431584

salty milk and coins

>> No.7431630

someone should flood the thread with gex smut.

>> No.7431669

I accidentally came in my mouth one time while being rimmed and masturbated by a hooker. Tasted salty.

>> No.7431674
File: 87 KB, 511x606, 1588175833430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.7431976

>The second game, based on what I've seen, is just a basic port on PC.

I never even knew that this port existed back then. I have seen the jewel cases for the first Gex on Windows. Gex: Enter the Gecko for Windows 9x looks like it is using DX5 with it's fade-in fog effect, perspective correction and higher resolution. Looks like 30fps locked.


>> No.7432129

The game is a prime candidate for being haunted

>> No.7432259

>The game is a prime candidate for being haunted

A prime candidate for being "haunted"? Not sure what you mean by this.

>> No.7432278

there's a ghooooooost in the game. ooooooooooooo spooky.

>> No.7432658

>meme arrow and quotations

>> No.7433563

All the furry niggas punching the air rn

>> No.7433872

As a kid not getting any reference yes. As an adult I still say yes and that get 2 and 3 are really good platformers up there with croc

>> No.7433882

>soft a
Hello cuck

>> No.7434334

>calling greentext meme arrow
Pot, meet kettle

>> No.7434847

I like when Scott the Woz makes Gex jokes

>> No.7434849

Where is that gay little twink? Whyd he stop making videos

>> No.7434864
File: 46 KB, 750x346, EuY7AHvXUAInwL-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got cancelled after this dropped

>> No.7434870
File: 171 KB, 591x563, 1569720371594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He supports BLM. He should make the most out of his eceleb while he can still hide his receding hairline

>> No.7434932 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 369x271, 1613654004984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435641

>i only have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
>what is satire

>> No.7436949

A Gex thread with this many replies i can't let die.


>> No.7437141

Funny? No, cute? Yes.