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7429401 No.7429401 [Reply] [Original]

This is my first and favorite rts. I’ve played C&C and AoE2 and TA is still my fave. Want the opinion of rts coinnesseurs, how does it actually stack up in the grand scale compared to Warcraft and Starcraft and all the other rts titans?

>> No.7429687

Way less competitive ceiling and micro-macro feasibility but honestly still extremely fun to sandbox and fuck around.

>> No.7429695

You might get better responses over at /vst/.
I also love TA because it's different from Starcraft or CnC. It's scale it much larger than the prior two. Also I know it might not be /vr/ yet but have you tried SupCom?

>> No.7430006

It is a great game, but some of the missions can get a little tedious - the water planet in the Core Contingency was painfully annoying.

>> No.7430019

Nothing can match an 8-10 player skirmish on a metal map where multiple AI opponents are all blasting away at each other.

>> No.7430049

Arm rules, motherfucker! Fuck the Core,you. Ugly ass bastards

>> No.7430074

Fun game but pretty clunky since 1997 release, some of the missions are batshit hard. Lots of units and buildings to choose from, and the power and mass system is a great alternative to the traditional gathering system found in most RTS games. SupCom took the same gameplay and made it bigger and more controllable, which is why it's still played to this day but TA has some neat characteristics too.

>> No.7430086
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Suck my autonomous robotic cybercock.

>> No.7430090

I've had battles on Yerrot Mountains that lasted six hours. Fuck that map.

>> No.7430126

Anybody still play this online with randoms or is it pretty dead?

>> No.7430131

some guys play the escalation mod on gameranger but you'll find more people playing supcom faf.

>> No.7430230

I played this a lot as a kid, the way I did any other RTS - like a sim / tower defense game and trying to build a tidy base.
Fun, but Red Alert / Tiberian Sun was more memorable for me.

>> No.7430247

More people play spring these days.

>> No.7430262

>my first and favorite rts
mine as well, despite;
-1 not having stats, meaningful for the units or description that are worthwhile
2-having two factions that are in effect the same
3-having a campaign that is kind of lame

despite this i played the skirmish for endless hours for years.

Music is great, gameplay is great, aesthetics are great.

>> No.7430303

>ARM cuck
Get Krogoth'd faggot

>> No.7430543

I will definitely try out supcom!!

I agree, I love the metal and energy system and the ability to turn them into each other via certain units and shit

>> No.7431265

years ago we used to do game nights on /v/ but this was like 2010/11

>> No.7432215


>> No.7434072

Is the Arm one the better expansion pack?

>> No.7434251

>despite this i played the skirmish for endless hours for years

Nothing is as intense as a battle on a metal map where you can build infinite armies.

>> No.7434407

Sea maps are always a PITA.

>> No.7434486

Honestly i loved the big sea battle maps, arm had better late game ships i think though

>> No.7434531

Are there any mods to force the AI to engage in more sea battles?

>> No.7434908

That would be so tight. They never seem to want to engage via brawler aircraft or boat. Just bombers and cars and k-bots

>> No.7435689

So as I said earlier, set up several AI allies and opponents and watch them blast away when you're on a metal map. It gets pretty intense.

>> No.7437321

The AI is really TA's biggest letdown

>> No.7438046

it needs a troop formation mod like the capacity that exists in myth, but for large numbers of course.


integrated in AI so we don't have straight lines of enemies marching like morons. For players and the computer. It will fundamentally upgrade the game.

Short Line
Bungie says: Units in this formation will line up four abreast.
Long Line
Bungie says: Units in this formation will line up eight abreast.

and the rest; https://lparchive.org/Myth-The-Fallen-Lords/Update%2011/

>> No.7439763


>> No.7440262

Do you really want an AI that's cracked the tactic of 'build a shitload of Peewees and shit them all over your base?'

>> No.7440304

No but they'll still zerg rush you anyway since the AI can multitask while you can't. On open maps like Greenhaven you'll get bum rushed constantly and have to always be building defenses. It's quite stressful actually.

>> No.7440332

Always hated Four Continents since that island at the top of the map would crash the game if you scrolled over it.

>> No.7440345


man there's some wild fanmade maps out there

>> No.7440663

Soundtrack is stellar, to boot

>> No.7441241

Yeah water maps kinda suck not in the least because your commander has nowhere to run from being torpedoed by random attacking submarines. And gameplay is slow too. Ships take forever to build and don't move very fast.

>> No.7441260

Fun pointer: The standard AI does not know how to use nuclear mission silos. It will build them but it never fires the things. There are AI patches however that enable this fun feature.

>> No.7441726

i never knew that. kek.

>> No.7442171

not many people know this but total annihilation has a spiritual successor called zero-k that's pretty good.

>> No.7442334

call us when its on gog

>> No.7442383

the AI got better in the 2.x patch, and then regressed in the 3.x patch for whatever reason.
it was so frustrating seeing them mass up land units on water maps that would just get stuck on the shore. or a full attack force turning back over and over again just to regroup with newly produced units.

>-1 not having stats, meaningful for the units or description that are worthwhile
..and at the same time you could hit F1 on a unit for info and see that Vamps travel at 140 m/s. fun but completely useless info.

>> No.7442489

i thought if they had some more stats and lore behind them it would be much better.

>> No.7442774

Young me thought it was hilarious the way they massed up on the shore and were easy pickings for a sub to blow them all up. The computer really was retarded sometimes. All it had to do was take the useless land units away from the coast on which they were all dying.

>> No.7443216 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure what would be a good way to program the AI to avoid that. It's not like there's any good way to detect "Oh I'm on Seven Islands, better not build 50 K-Bots I can't move anywhere."

>> No.7443259

I'm not sure how you could program the AI to avoid that. It's not like there's any good way to detect "Oh I'm on Seven Islands, better not build 50 K-Bots I can't move anywhere."

>> No.7443278
File: 4 KB, 126x124, luschie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maps with only a few metal deposits are super fun to duel in
my friends and i always ban air in TA since it trivializes fights pretty hard

>> No.7443335

Over Crude Water is another typical example where the AI will build ships in the little bodies of water it can't move anywhere.

>> No.7443423

Gameplay becomes completely different depending on the map. For example a small land map like Red Planet or Dark Side of the Moon is going to lead to quick short battles while stuff like Ring Atoll will be very slow and drag on forever.

>> No.7443467
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Always fun plugging up those narrow bridges with dragon's teeth so your opponents can't get out of them.

>> No.7443589

I think TA is one of the greats. Though one thing I absolutely hate when playing MP is that if you control-click the map with bomber planes they beeline to the position and drop the bombs immediately, but if you click on an actual enemy building/unit, they first do a "recon run", then turn around, THEN drop the bombs. The click-glitch or whatever it is makes them OP in my eyes, you can have as much AA as you like, they're still coming through.

>> No.7443791
File: 5 KB, 200x150, Arm_Hammerhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your fav 3rd party unit that isnt bullshit OP cheese Anons?
I really liked this Design-X custom Annihilator ship as a counter against the Core battleships laser battery since the Arm ones lacked a secondary weapon for closer ranges.

>> No.7443989


>> No.7444495

Ever tried using a Valkrie to nab an enemy commander? Fun.

>> No.7445121

Yerrot Mountains is a beast of a map, easily one of the hardest OG maps in the game. Not for sissies who want a short easy speed burner round. That map will test your endurance.

>> No.7445142
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I've had casualty counts run into the thousands, in fact I'm sure I've topped 10k before. Also you can tell the beige Core team got killed a few minutes into the game when its commander was blown up.

>> No.7445165

you can get third party AI packs that improve a lot on the original and add fun features like the AI actually being able to fire nukes. some of them are offensive and others defense-oriented and geared to constructing fortress bases.

>> No.7445535


>> No.7445804

The original AI just wants to attack, it has little concept of base defense.

>> No.7446405

>Try to hijack enemy Comm with massed air transports for guaranteed success
>AA guns kill their own Comm once he gets lifted up
Works everytime vs computer

>> No.7446410

It was featured in game magazines in the late 2000s
Doesn't mean it's good though, it's long been in obscurity

>> No.7447021

If you can nab him since he'll often try to shoot at you.

>> No.7447541

Anyone here play TA: Kingdoms? I always found it to be much more enjoyable than the original TA.

>> No.7447625

>-1 not having stats, meaningful for the units or description that are worthwhile
>2-having two factions that are in effect the same
>3-having a campaign that is kind of lame
>despite this i played the skirmish for endless hours for years.

it was fun
compared to TA robots
1-same flaw; not having stats, meaningful for the units or description that are worthwhile
2-many different factions
3-good campaign

but had too many flaws, TA robots was better.

>> No.7447661

So you think Kingdoms fixed 2 of TA's biggest flaws, but still think TA was better?

>> No.7447742

yesm i played single player for a long in TA, but in TaK the campaign a little of the skirmish. But skirmish in TA, for years.

>> No.7448342


>> No.7448454

That's funny, I played many hours of skirmish in TaK. I may have to go back to the original.

>> No.7448791

actually they're just annoying

>> No.7448939

Another popular trick you can do with Valkries is having one carry a Roach as a flying bomb, but it's tricky to pull off since you need to hit Ctrl+D to start the destruct sequence and time it just right.

>> No.7448940
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Favorite Unit Go!

>> No.7448948

There's also a hax trick you can do by having a dozen construction units reclaim a single rock at once and all of them will individually reclaim the full metal value of the rock. Thus you can get 1000 metal from a 100 metal rock if you have ten construction units reclaiming it.

Note this does only work with rocks, not wreckage.

>> No.7448970

Different maps have different gravity levels which affects the trajectory of units such as Stumpies that make ballistic shots. The lunar maps like Full Moon have very low gravity, and these units can shoot halfway across the map there.

>> No.7449506

On the big water maps like Seven Islands I often just build a couple of nukes and blow up all the enemies' shit. That's the best way to do it.

>> No.7449601

Evad River Confluence

>> No.7449664

Painted Desert is a tough map too, one of the hardest.

>> No.7449678

i liked TaK it was comfy and had some good aesthetics. But it was incomplete for skirmish.

>> No.7451035


>> No.7451863

Pretty sure the absence of wind on moon maps wouldn't stop it from building windmills either.

>> No.7452019

based, I love that chubby slow lil shit

>> No.7453429


>> No.7454902


>> No.7455734
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dark reign is better

>> No.7457028


>> No.7457535

Water maps like Polyp Fields are a PITA.

>takes forever to get up and running
>not a lot of metal and ships need tons of it
>your commander takes forever to move through water and has no place to go to escape submarines; once you have enough energy you can cloak him but that takes forever as well

>> No.7457998

>troop formation mod like the capacity that exists in myth, but for large numbers of course.
this would be great

>> No.7458870

is annoying

>> No.7459002

I miss the days I used to trill my buddies by picking up their commander with an ATLAS and then letting their AA defenses shoot it down while they rage.

>> No.7459008

Fuck flashes. There, i said it.

>> No.7459012

Earth 2150..
Warzone 2100...
And ta kingdoms.

>> No.7459023

Whats everyones best units? I loved the maverick, and sumo.

>> No.7459025

>Anyone here play TA: Kingdoms? I always found it to be much more enjoyable than the original TA.

I did, varuna warrior spam was the flash of tak

>> No.7459891

build some defenses, dude

>> No.7459924

Use more flashes/slashers

>> No.7460104

Greenhaven is always good one for fast fierce battles.

>> No.7460825

Stacking 100 construction aircraft in guard mode on top of the airport to build 100 more construction aircraft

>> No.7462028


>> No.7463246

Oh nice a Total Annihilation thread on /vr/. This is an unexpected surprise.

>> No.7464170

indeed it is

>> No.7465375


>> No.7466228

water maps are annoying

>> No.7466934


>> No.7467096

trying to remember all the map types:


>> No.7467270

The acid and crystal maps didn't appear in the campaign IIRC.

>> No.7468638

Yeah they're "bonus" maps.

>> No.7469932

The Commander

>> No.7470381

Hell ya the commander is so dope. I’d take a paper craft of the commander

>> No.7470507

Among aquatic maps, there's beach and dry islands.

Shame, crystal maps always looked dope to me. Time to boor up Battle Tactics again...

>> No.7470550

In the campaign there's two or three different island planets.

>> No.7470978

Pretty much a tie between Pelicans and Sumo - but only the buffed versions from some mods that gave the Sumos either a Warlord-style longer ranged HvyLaser turret weapon, or that short range BLoD from the Doomsday Machine...
Honestly vanilla Sumos are kinda shit despite their coolness factor (obvious AT-AT vibes)

>> No.7472220

anyone else remember when Chris Taylor teased a sequel to this and we ended up with planetary annihilation

>> No.7472224


Yes, the community is still active believe it or not. You should check it out anon

>> No.7472226


Those dual pistol ARM tier 2 units called Mavericks

>> No.7472289
File: 12 KB, 96x96, ARMSNIPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I forgot about the Arm cloakable shiper Kbot (Shooter) so its more like this:

>> No.7472785

Is there a complete unit list of TA or Kingdoms anywhere? Finding only incomplete garbage lists.

>> No.7473851
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The Commander Pack was $11USD on a Black Friday sale. It was so amazing, I was hoping Supreme Commander would match its awesomeness. My first RTS was the original Warcraft, but I play at the lowest speed setting to get the ideal formations/positions leading to quite the surprise at how fast my friends prefer playing the games. I think the genre may have passed by me, but in its day it was so much fun at lan parties as a change of pace from FPS.

>> No.7475552

CORE rulez you fucking gay piece of steaming shit

>> No.7477927


>> No.7478134


CORE was for autistic children that wanted to be edgy because their stepdad beat them

>> No.7478863


>> No.7479230
File: 19 KB, 280x265, 1347458854236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fav RTS ever. Just feels grand on a scale nothing else does, even things made more recently fail to capture the sheer feeling you get having hundreds of units slam into eachother. The soundtrack only made it better.


I used to set it as me vs a full team of AIs working together on that map with clouds and purple land, where there's one small island in the top left and a huge landmass that dominates the rest of the map. Was so much fun trying to survive against the ludicrous amount of planes and long range canons and nukes being endlessly thrown at you. There were a so many damn mods too, you could endlessly find new ones that made it more fun like better AA defence and smarter AI.

CORE is the only team worth playing, senpai.

>> No.7480220

Flys bro

>> No.7481901

Hell yeah Core contigency

>> No.7482027

What's the best way to play this currently with all the mods?