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File: 45 KB, 1200x742, xbox_classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7425463 No.7425463 [Reply] [Original]

How long til we see wide emulation compatibility for Xbox now the Devs are starting to make strides? Like another year or so? I'm not complaining but I have hankering to play some Midtown Madness 3 and it doesn't work on my Xbox 360 (and I can't really justify getting a hueg Xbox at this time)

>> No.7425474

Depends on how many devs there are and how fast they release new builds/ publish commits. Though at some point might be as good as Dolphin, maybe better due to its x86 architecture.

>> No.7425476

I think a bigger question is what games are solely xbox exclusives that you can't play on newer systems or even just PC?

>> No.7425480
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Just get an Xbox.

Do I have to teach you?

>> No.7425542

Is that just off an Xbox?

>> No.7425548


>> No.7425560

That list is scrolling really quick, and most of them are not even exclusives.

First one I can think of is Steel Battalion, but I'm honestly having a tough time thinking of real exclusives that haven't at least been ported in later generations.

>> No.7425562

>most of them are not even exclusives.
That's fine, Xbox versions are usually the best ones anyway. Yes, including PC versions too.

>> No.7425581

That was what I was going to post.

>> No.7425584

Counter Strike, BF2, and CoD2 are objectively better on the PC.

Especially BF2. I don't think I can describe to an xbox play how fun it was getting into a blackhawk full of your bros on a 64 player map while raining hell and capping flags. Two bros would be on the mini gun, one bro would be hanging off the back with a rocket launcher, two on the sides with repairing, and a specialist in the co-pilot seat ready to hop out when needed on the ground.

And CS 1.6 had such awesome custom map selection like kz climbing maps, surf maps, knife arenas, fun yard gun maps.

>> No.7425586

They're different games on Xbox.

>> No.7425593

I'm replying to the anon that said
>Xbox versions are usually the best ones anyway. Yes, including PC versions too.

>> No.7425594

What does the word "usually" mean anon?

>> No.7425612

Well baldr gate, half life 2, deus ex, max payne 1/2, pso, starwars battlefront, starwars republic commando, unreal championship 1/2, and wolfenstien are also better on PC. It seems that in general the Xbox versions were not usually better.

But that's fine, I was curious about exclusives and not trying to compare PC and Xbox versions.

>> No.7425615

You seem to have mistaken games with similar names as other games entirely.

>> No.7425620

Interesting. So what games are being referring to when the anon said the Xbox versions are usually the best ones anyway, even when compared to the PC?

>> No.7425632

>baldurs gate
Consolse exclusive games, have nothing to do with the PC games. Best on the Xbox
>hl2, max payne 1, 2
PC to console ports, obviously better on PC
>deus ex
No idea, probably PC
More content on PC
Maybe the first one, 2 is better on Xbox with more content
>Republic Commando
PC I guess
>Unreal Championship 1, 2
They dont even exist on PC
Wrong, more content on Xbox (missions, weapons, items, enemies, co op, maps, unlockable Wolf 3D)

>> No.7425637

Wolfenstein from xbox is better balanced? the pc version was a test of patience

>> No.7425650
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The original Xbox looks incredibly based for emulation. SNES and NEO GEO emulation is pretty great from what I'm watching on YouTube. I ordered a copy of Splinter Cell 1 and a USB to Xbox port cable from eBay for pretty cheap. Can't wait to install Rocky 5 on this bad boy

>> No.7425651

Honestly I said the PC version was better just because I had such a blast with multiplayer back then that I didn't think the xbox version would have more content. That's good to know.

>> No.7425659

Xbox versions often had extra content thanks to DLC, Splinter Cell is another good example.

>> No.7425668

Now Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is a great example of an Xbox version that is the most superior, if solely for amazing coop. I remember buying it on the PS3 a while back hoping I could couch coop with my bro and was sorely disappointed.

>> No.7425671

I think it was just a little bit harder, but I really liked the controls, early 2000s FPS controls were still pretty meh on consoles beside Halo, but this one felt pretty good.

>> No.7425674

Otogi, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Drihoo and JSRF are the ones I want to play

>> No.7425681
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Based Drihoo chad

>> No.7425717

Hollywood Stunt Driver comes to mind.

>> No.7426017

A while

>> No.7426108

That was answered in the OP. Midtown Madness 3.

>> No.7426125

>Battlefront II
The PC version had modes that weren't in the Xbox version iirc, such as XL battles.

>> No.7426132

ninja gaiden black
no, I'm not gonna buy an xbox sexcum x

>> No.7426156

What was so hard to get it emulating games 15 years ago again?

>> No.7426169

Very hard to come across decent hardware documentation, the hardware is PC derived but not exactly the same as the off the shelf equivalence. It’s also probably the first console where the intention was that all games should be entirely written using high-level programming using libraries and shit instead of direct hardware access.

So, I believe back in the days of something like the 16-bit era, as a developer Sega and Nintendo would ship you a huge programming manual that would document the hardware entirely so that programmers know how to use it. Presumably Microsoft only shipped information on how to use their official DirectX-based SDKs which wouldn’t contain as much detail on how to utilise the underlying hardware since it wasn’t really intended that developers would directly access it.

So with less information comes more work when reverse engineering the hardware.

>> No.7426173

No. It was so hard to find the book with all the tips to get it emulated.

>> No.7426341

>i'm retarded and poor in addition to being a faggot
wew lad

>> No.7426564
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>> No.7426881


>> No.7426917

The good version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent

>> No.7426939
File: 2.74 MB, 4212x5212, 1612925106243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Xbox threads always attract people who know nothing about the library? obviously first person shooters are better on PC, there's other games exclusive to the Xbox or exclusive to that console generation worth checking out.
>Outrun 2, 2006
>Metal Wolf Chaos
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>Gun Valkyrie
>Stubbs the Zombie
some of these can be emulated or played on a newer Xbox with bc but original Xboxes are cheap and easy to mod. In addition, very few multiplats are better on PS2 than Xbox, the Xbox was more powerful but also outputs 480p and 720p more easily, so that's usually reason enough to play those versions.

>> No.7426983

Anyone got a list of game's folders I can delete? I remember reading you can delete some useless folders that are only wasting space.

>> No.7426989

That gen is a fucking meme and I'm not gonna be tricked into buying another console from it again. I have this sweet BB Pack PS2 which theoretically can hold infinite games on the hdd but no desire to play any of them

>> No.7427094

Why do you xboxfags have to get so defensive when someone asks for exclusives? Shouldn't be excited to talk about the games you like?

Anyways, does Ninja Gaiden Black do anything better or have more content that Ninja Gaiden Sigma? And I saw Metal Wolf Chaos XD came out kind of recent, is that worth it?

>> No.7427097

Games to check out on the original Xbox
Amped/Amped 2
Blinx/Blinx 2
Blood Wake (kinda average)
Breakdown (still nothing like it)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Crimson Seas
Crimson Skies
Dead or Alive 3, XBV and Ultimate (collection)
Forza Motorsport
Galleon (Kinda average but worth checking out)
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (same as above)
Jet Set Radio Future
Kung Fu Chaos (Great party/local MP game)
MechAssault 1/2
Midtown Madness 3
Ninja Gaiden Black
Otogi 1/2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Phantom Dust
Project Gotham Racing 1/2
Sega GT 2002
Shin Megami Tensei Nine
Steel Battalion
Toejam and Earl III

Burnout 3 (Emulating the PS2 version is broken and this will likely become compatible before they ever fix it)
Crazy Taxi 3 (Even with the Xinput mod full analog control doesn't work properly on PC + other small issues)
Darkwatch (Superior visuals compared to the PS2 version, not on PC)
Fatal Frame I and II Special Edition (More content, new modes and better visuals than the PS2 versions)
Genma Onimusha (Alternative leveling system, better graphics and more gameplay features than the PS2 version)
All the Harry Potter games
The House of the Dead 3 (PC version is borked)
Red Dead Revolver (higher res, better framerates)
Rent a Hero no.1 (leaked in Eng, also on DC in JP)
Tenchu: Return from Darkness (better version of Wrath of Heaven with visual improvements, better camera, better controls, more characters and missions)
The Warriors (better framerate and visuals)

There are probably more I'm forgetting.

>> No.7427103

xhueg has more exclusives than ps4

>> No.7427105

all of the games I listed are better on the original Xbox or emulation of the original Xbox, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a different game and MWCXD is not an accurate port
And I was calling out the idiots arguing that PC versions of FPS are better than their console counterparts, no shit, those aren't the games that anyone should buy an Xbox for

>> No.7427108

Around early-mid 2028

>> No.7427119

why did you go softmod anon? TSOP is usually one little bit of solder; and you have to open the xbox anyway to get that clock cap out.

You did remove the clock cap right anon?

>> No.7427124

>burnout 3 already more accurate with an early xbox emulator

>> No.7427131

>Steel Battalion
fuck thats gonna be a bitch to map controls for; 30+ buttons, 2 joysticks, gear slider thing, radio dial.

>> No.7427141

Cinematic 24fps

>> No.7427142

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a remake of NGB. If anything, NGB doesn't have a new game+ and other content so it seems like it's not worth playing.
>And I was calling out the idiots arguing that PC versions of FPS are better than their console counterparts, no shit, those aren't the games that anyone should buy an Xbox for
Fuck off, only reason I argued for them is because this
>Xbox versions are usually the best ones anyway. Yes, including PC versions too.

>> No.7427147

The Warriors on Xbox is actually in HD

>> No.7427156

I played sigma first then black and black is the better iteration of it. Extra features don't matter when the core gameplay is not as good. NG2 on the 360 is known for being unfinished jank, but sigma 2 has the same gameplay issues again meaning you are still better off with the xbox version and leave sigma2 just for the extra content.

>> No.7427159

games developed for console are generally better on Xbox than PC
games developed for PC are generally better on PC than Xbox
enjoy playing the inferior ninja gaiden ports I guess

>> No.7427163

Few games were developed with PC as a focus at the time.

>> No.7427171

No shit, tell that to your fellow xboxfag>>7425562, all I did was ask for exclusives, was shown multiplats, and was told the xbox versions were better. And here we are, dozens of replies latter, and some of you faggots still can't let it go.

>> No.7427172

When emulating them a lot of the time it negates the Xbox version's pros. With the exception of games that have effects, models, or textures not found on the PS2 or GameCube versions.

>> No.7427178
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Max Payne was better on PC as well.
I remember running at max settings and having a ton of mods as well.

>> No.7427183
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The only exclusive mindset leads to people playing baldur's gate dark alliance on gamecube, and that's no good. No good for the soul.

Lots of Xbox games have improved textures and models. Weirdly enough it was common to port PS2 assets to PC over Xbox versions.

>> No.7427194

isn't the ps2 version of dark alliance unironically the best one?

>> No.7427196

Xbox version is also good, Gamecube one is massively shit

>> No.7427202

So I know the 360 can't run everything but how good does it run the Xbox games it can run, for curiosities sake?

>> No.7427203

>enjoy playing the inferior ninja gaiden ports I guess
Could you break down what makes NGB better? I'm interested because I did like them a lot. It's a shame whats happened to Team Ninja over the years, though I've heard good things about Nioh 2

>> No.7427219

I tried Halo and Morrowind on the 360 and they played fine.

>> No.7427224

idk bro xbox looks prty good to me

>> No.7427227

Although online gaming became bigger than any other form of gaming at the time, most PCs were unable to run heavier games.

>> No.7427228

Ninja Gaiden is better on xbox 360.

>> No.7427235

a modded one can run many of the games that don't have official support, I think Otogi even runs better on 360

>> No.7427236
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It's really weird about it. Some games work OK, most have little issues, some have stupid issues. Lots of games which should work don't because the console uses a whitelist of allowed games. I don't really recommend it unless you just want to mess around with a few games.

>> No.7427242

it's extremely poor tbqh

>> No.7427251

they usually look run at a higher resolution but the performance is hit and miss, at best they work fine with only minor desync, at worst they actually have a lower framerate than the original
It isn't worth it if you don't already own a 360 in my opinion, you're better off just buying either an original xbox or an xbox one (yeah I know)
Depending on where you live, you can get an original xbox + a shitton of games for cheaper than a 360, not to mention it is also retardedly easy to mod

>> No.7427252

Has there ever been an attempt to remove the whitelist?

>> No.7427253

It can be messed with on a modded console, that's how people got games like time splitters future perfect working.

>> No.7427261

nah mate i tried both otogi games on 360 and they have very bad graphical and audio bugs that compromise gameplay (otogi1s framerate gets really bad and audio glitches out, otogi2 makes it impossible to see what is going on due to screen covered in glitch particles)
stick to the ogbox for those

>> No.7427265

this, got an RGH 360 & a pair of 2Tb USB HDDs. almost complete og/360/xbla collections. Then a TSOP OG with a steel battalion controller that I'm fitting a compact flash adapter to.

>> No.7427284

>xbox one's retarded fucking name makes people have to refer to the xbox as ogxbox

>> No.7427287

I'm just gonna start calling it the directx box now

>> No.7427290

fucking KEYED

>> No.7427291

I prefer classic xbox for a few reasons

>> No.7427297

Already removed it

>> No.7427308

It's honestly a complete nightmare trying to filter games from the Xbox on Ebay

>> No.7427309

is that an aftermarket controller?

>> No.7427367

You just know too that some marketing executive at Microsoft thought he was fucking genius when he pitched it

>> No.7427407

It's the Xbox Controller S that was released in response to Japan's complaint about how fucking huge the Duke is. After favorable results, Microsoft brought it to the States. It feels incredibly comfortable since button's feel closer and consistent

>> No.7427409
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Forgot pic

>> No.7427456

do zoomers really not know what the most common xbox controller looks like?

>> No.7427535

>It feels incredibly comfortable since button's feel closer and consistent
Specifically the white and black buttons. It's a shame they didn't keep the six face buttons on the later systems, but the the xbox controller only had analog triggers so the addition of the shoulder bumpers on xbox 360 kind of took their place.

>> No.7427723


Controller makes my hands sweat like hell though

>> No.7428082

cxbx reloaded works on some games, you might want to check the compatibility list. I've been messing around with Starcraft: Ghost lately, but it's really unfinished. If all else fails, you can probably find an OG xblox for like 50 bux.

>> No.7428320

It's a bit of a thing

>> No.7428890

>The original Xbox looks incredibly based for emulation.
well don't let looks fool you, i have no idea if it does 240p and the emulators are old as dirt my friend

>> No.7428893

>The House of the Dead 3 (PC version is borked)
How so?

>> No.7428903

No room for an OG Xbox, I'm afraid. Unless I get rid of my 360.

>> No.7428908

Sigma is just a lot easier.

>> No.7428914

How much was the steel battalion controller? Aren't they Hella expensive?

>> No.7428979

I believe it was around $200 when it launched, but I could be mistaken
Ebay prices vary these days ($75-$500)

>> No.7429061

Isn't it really just JSRF that works properly with CXBX?

>> No.7429098

JSRF is one I've wanted to play forever

>> No.7429109

xemu apparently has some great compatibility, haven't tried it though since i wanna play breakdown again
i have a softmodded xbox but i'd rather play the games on my pc, disc drive is a bit fucked too which sucks since i never put in a bigger drive to load games off like in your webm

>> No.7429150

The retarded "Don't buy an Xbox, It's all on PC!" meme people has spread for years was never really true until maybe the Xbone. The OG and 360 still have a ton of games that were never ported anywhere else, even 15-20 years later. Only a small handful of more noteworthy titles like Metal Wolf Chaos were lucky enough to even get modern ports.

>> No.7429214

No, there are many games on a playable state.

>> No.7429253

Amped 2.
It's the only XBox game I own.

>> No.7429265

And has those shitty retard Rachel missions. In b4 the sigma autist starts smearing diarrhea around.

>> No.7429706

Well, they're not expensive

>> No.7429736

He says in OP dipshit

>> No.7430701


>> No.7430865

I literally used an old IDE drive I had for my Xbox, you can install an SSD if you want with adapters too. I have more IDE drives somewhere so I'm not really worried if the one in my Xbox dies. Use chimp or w/e to clone your base drive and then make sure your partitions are right, there's videos and guides.

>> No.7431283

Solid list

>> No.7431353

Quite a lot. Eckbok was a underrated console.

>> No.7431357

>crimson seas
This better be fucking HRTR on water anon

>> No.7431367

To add to this,
sound, framerates and resolution in a lot of cases was better.

>> No.7431371

Oh you *literally* used an old IDE drive did you? You didn't just metaphorically use one? nah?

>> No.7431391

Language is descriptive not prescriptive stupid nigger. No matter how literally annoying it is, it's valid, literally.

>> No.7431892

>midtown madness 3 is also xboxfags have to show for their console
no wonder no one works on an emulator for it LOL

>> No.7432393

What's the best emulator for an average laptop that can run dolphin fine? I want to play burnout revenge again but my ps2 is busted and pcsx2 sucks

>> No.7432619

>burnout revenge
You get nothing

>> No.7432629

dude, what? I'm talking about xbox emulators.
I was using dolphin as an example of what he can handle

>> No.7432632

>I was using dolphin as an example of what he can handle
It won't handle Burnout Revenge.

>> No.7434085

Sooner than you think

>> No.7434780

It's getting there, slowly but surely

>> No.7434784

>Ninja Gaiden finally getting a PC port
>it's fucking shitty Sigma
hopefully Black becomes good on emulation in a few years

>> No.7435061

Not until the 360 emulator is leaked

>> No.7435063

you can emulate it now if you have a modern PC

>> No.7435745

It's really hit and miss. Some games will work fine. Some will have minor issues (frame rate or missing environmental sound effects).
Some are downright irritating like the image retention bug in Halo 2.

>> No.7436478

Is Tenerezza any good? First time seeing it actually installed somewhere, and it's coming from Aqua Plus... so I'll assume it's at least competent. The store animations in the trailer are nice.

>> No.7436487

It's not an amazing game, lacks polish but has some fun ideas here and there. It's worth playing just for a while I think.

>> No.7436494

Double Agent and Chaos Theory were both miles ahead. CT had a great online community as well.

>> No.7436540

As others have said, core gameplay is more important than a graphical upgrade and some bells and whistles. Sigma just feels wrong in how it plays.

>> No.7437013

I had a question regarding my xbox's video quality. I have a 1.2 xbox and the component video tends to have a bit of fuzz or lines to it. I have some really shielded psyclone cables so I'm not sure if it's those. Is there a way to check what the issue can be?

>> No.7437041

Probably your power supply.

>> No.7437080

Would I have to get a new one? Or is it something that can be repaired?

>> No.7437093

It can be repaired but it takes some doing and I've never had to do it. You might try a pound hdmi cable, they allow you to run extra power from a USB to the signal that can fix some of that.

>> No.7437197

Midtown Madness 3 isn't good, you're not missing much

>> No.7437204

Dude, shut the fuck up with your shitty webm, you're not adding anything to the conversation and nobody's impressed.

>> No.7437409

I bought two old HDDs specifically for the Xbox and neither of them worked :(

>> No.7438289
File: 699 KB, 3220x2145, pirates_legend_black_kat_pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who does this game never seem to be on any recommend game list.

>> No.7438323

>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Blinx 2
>Dead Or Alive 3
>Otogi 2
>Panzer Dragoon Orta

there's a lot left to be done. Thankfully the Kingdom Under Fire series, Metal Wolf Chaos, and Phantom Dust got modern ports but NGB is the best game on the system and there's no port in sight. Instead we get the garbage fucking Sigma.

>> No.7438362

Does Black Kat get her tits out or is that too much to ask?

Also, in gameplay, is it closer to Sid Meier's Pirates, Secret of Monkey Island or Assasin's Creed: Black Flag ?

>> No.7438392

>NG2 on the 360 is known for being unfinished jank
I thought it was sigma that got shit on because of how much they changed

>> No.7438397

>Metal Wolf Chaos
It seems to look worse apart from the resolution
A lot of effects didn’t transfer over
Also do you know if it’s worth getting an original Xbox?
Or do most of these games play fine on a 360

>> No.7438674

>Also do you know if it’s worth getting an original Xbox?

>> No.7438974

niggas dont just hotswap the hard drive anymore to softmod?

>> No.7439028

>How long til we see wide emulation compatibility for Xbox now the Devs are starting to make strides?

Roughly 10 - 14 years ago i remember seeing posts around the internet saying exactly the same thing as this one.

>> No.7439041

difference is that you can fully play through several games now.
this is what I did in 2019~, would recommend

>> No.7440489

I’m saying instead of the 360 that I have already

>> No.7441343

Not the anon you're replying to, but imo yes, it's worth getting an og Xbox if you can find a good quality one for $60, which isn't too hard to find. If you ever get an og Xbox, please, PLEASE make sure you don't have the model that has the faulty clock capacitor. If you do, get the model that does, then remove that thing ASAP because it WILL burst/leak acid onto the motherboard and permanently destroy it. Anyways, the og Xbox has quote a lot of good exclusive games that aren't available anywhere else like
>Otogi 1 and 2
>DOA Ultimate 1, DOA Ultimate 2
>DOA 3
>Metal Wolf Chaos, but it's in Japanese version only, but the voice acting is fully in English
>Ninja Gaiden Black
And quote a few other games that are worth your time

>> No.7441435
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It's like drakan the ancient gates for ps2 but with a pirate theme twist in terms of gameplay and aesthetics.

>> No.7443582

One of Westwood's last games. Anyway I watched a quick gameplay vid and it didn't seem that appealing.

>> No.7443971

now that Ninja gaiden is on PC no one will bother
only hardware chads get to enjoy NGB