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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7422913 No.7422913 [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of japanese RPGs that let you actually influence the story based on your choices and behavior?

I don't mean just unlocking stuff by doing optional harder quests or that sort of thing, but real branching paths in the story based on the things you do or don't do.

>> No.7422928

SMT? Chrono Trigger?

>> No.7422948
File: 226 KB, 800x600, uncharted-waters-new-horizons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons.
The greatest RPG/simulation game on the SNES.

Yeah, it's me again and yes, I will NEVER stop talking about this game whenever I can.

>> No.7423072

Are you me?

>> No.7423084

redpill me on this game

>> No.7423110

You wanna take the blue pill here, trust me

>> No.7423118

>Actual roleplaying
Fuck off retard.
> real branching paths in the story
This is not roleplaying.

>> No.7423145
File: 337 KB, 640x376, DATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only mechanic jRPGs take from tabletop roleplaying is a very general idea of numeric stats that you can boost with equipment and experience levels, and occassionally a character class systems that rarely has weight on the story development. Beyond that, there's only "pretend" roleplaying with either no real effect or just an easter egg-type effect, on what's otherwise basically an interactive visual novel.

>> No.7423150 [DELETED] 

Don't get defensive, little jarpiggy

>> No.7423157
File: 42 KB, 220x232, hoo-boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever sat and played through that barret date scene btw? you should, or at least watch it on yt, the entire thing hints at cloud being a lolicon who isnt interested in any of the girls so barret assumes he's into little marlene

>> No.7423174

TrueRPGs like Final Fantasy aren't tabletop substitutes like Fallout. Fall Out games are largely this new thing part of a genre called Choose Your Own Adventure RPGs, or CYOARPGs. They put an over-emphasis on choice (literally none of them have done it well, it's just a bad idea) but the idea is to sound impressive in marketing. Usually works, TrueRPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest pay homage to the originators of the genre like Ultima and Wizardry, instead of shun it like Balder Gate and Fall Out do.

>> No.7423197

This is so cringe it approaches basedness from the other side

>> No.7423209

Jrpgs and Wrpgs have similar names and some similar aspects but are completely different genres.

>> No.7423231

>Ultima and Wizardry are the progenitors and not just abstractions of the table top pen and paper games
really nigga? really?
You're gonna say the D&D licensed game, doesn't pay homage to its roots? You're going to say fallout isn't modified GURPs
eat shit and die

>> No.7423261

He's probably 12 and lazily making shit up he heard off youtube. Don't waste effort trying to figure out why he's ignorant.

>> No.7423309

The original Dragon Quest you could choose if you wanted to save the princess or not and on too of that if you want to defeat the Dragonlord or join him.
Apparently there's a timeline split of sorts depending on your choice.

>> No.7423389
File: 666 KB, 1283x994, UnchartedWatersSNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncharted Waters I and II are sailing RPG/Simulation games set in the Age of Discovery.

In the original you are a portuguese merchant on a quest to restore his noble status by sailing around Europe and eventually the world trading, exploring, going on missions to raise your fame until you are sent on quests by the King of Portugal who will reward you with noble ranks.
The game is open world and nonlinear, you're able to explore the world for new ports and goods to trade, meet and recruit new mates, invest in ports to win them over for Portugal and access better stuff, fight pirates or decide to be a pirate yourself and terrorize other sailors you meet on the seas. Besides pirates there are sailors from two other countries as well, Spain and Turkey(Ottoman Empire), they will trade an invest in ports too and if your actions piss off their respective countries too much they will send warships after you.

It has some flaws like the 60000 carried gold limit which gets frustrating and some design oddities like having to be outside a port, sailing, to be able to change characters in each ship but it's a good, comfy game with a lot of charm if you can get over it's dated presentation.

Uncharted Waters II: New Horizons improves MASSIVELY upon everything the original did. It looks and sounds much better, fixes the flaws of the original and brings in a lot of new stuff for a much more complete experience with a ton of replay value.
You choose from six characters each from a different nation, one of which is the son of the original main character, each one of them has it's own story, objectives and qualities. There are many new ships, goods to trade, weapons, itens, ports around the world, treasures, secrets and a lot of stuff to do.

If you find the original difficult to get into, play New Horizons, it is an incredible game and nails what a sequel should be, it's a fun, comfy aventure with neverending possibilities.
I'd say SNES version for both games is the best.

>> No.7424161
File: 38 KB, 1066x805, CryingAsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/o I've been playing eurojank Sea Dogs for years because I thought it was the only decent nautical RPG. Thank you for telling me about this, I can't believe I've never heard of it before.

>> No.7424175

>Beyond that, there's only "pretend" roleplaying with either no real effect or just an easter egg-type effect, on what's otherwise basically an interactive visual novel.
That's 99% of what WRPGs do is just as equally pointless. And most of the rest is just annoying. Oh boy a game has 2 different narratives to choose from instead of 1! So much roleplaying! Various content and battles that can only bee seen or done in one or the other storyline, forcing you to play through the entire game twice to see the alternate storyline or encounter.
>b-but that type of completionist thinking isn't roleplaying!
exactly. You're just fucking pretending so stop acting like it's fundamentally different from JRPG pretending.

>> No.7424223

SMT has the alignment system in one form or another in each title.

>> No.7424284

I have absolutely no interest in that kind of game but you made me curious anon, I'll it out this week.

>> No.7424307

Never hear of it before, but from a quick glance it seems really good too.

You're welcome.

>> No.7424491
File: 47 KB, 930x370, unchartedwatersnewhorizons1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have absolutely no interest in that kind of game
Well, if you do not like simulation, strategy or RPGs at all, you probably won't like it.

It's not a fast, action packed game, it's mechanics take some time to learn and it's a comfy game better enjoyed at a slower pace while you discover things and learn more about the world of the game and the characters, it's an RPG after all.
Do give it a try anyway, who knows, at the beginning I disliked it, but it grew on me and now I recommend it all the time on /v/ an /vr/.

Like other KOEI simulation games, Uncharted Waters, specially New Horizons, are full of little details, references and intricate mechanics that give it a lot of personality and depth. For example, in the first game, some sailors you can meet are based on real life sailors from the Age of Discovery, the winds and currents in both games are also based on real life and storms happen more often at the tropics and Japan during summer, in New Horizons, you can recruit other captains you have defeated in battle if they didn't die, some sailors are vagabonds at the beginning of the game and can be seen at the bar but you might encounter them out in the seas later, if you recruit a sailor from a certain country and attack fleets from that country, he'll grow resentful and might betray you.
These are just a few examples of all the fun little details in these games.

Also, beware of the Bermuda Triangle.

>> No.7424512

Throwing a "No!" in there would have been a nice touch lmao

>> No.7424652


The only one I've played I can think of that really attempted this was Romancing SaGa 2; I haven't played any other SaGa games but I gather this is kind of that series' trademark

>> No.7424657

I thought it had never been localized.

>> No.7424968


There was a remake recently. It was generally pretty good I guess. I played that.

>> No.7424992

thanks anon I'll be checking out the sequel

>> No.7425021

Dungeon AI is pretty much as close as videogames are gonna get to actual role playing and nobody plays it because it's text only!

>> No.7425056


You mean AI Dungeon? I tried to do some porn stories in that and it couldn't keep track of which character had a penis and which one could get pregnant. Like it forgot stuff FAST. AI is surely going to become much better than that eventually.

>> No.7425170
File: 39 KB, 456x280, 1595434365557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A huge problem in UW2 is the combat. You could waste an hour tediously shooting some cannons in the turn-based battle and finally sink a ship. Or you can switch all your crew to fighting just before the encounter and take a ship in melee combat in 2 turns, no matter how expensive said ship is.
The music from Yoko Kanno is beautiful, though.

>> No.7425184

No, barrett is just a retard an accuses cloud for no fucking reason. plus japan is fucked and they have shit like that in a lot of media and its just ok there

>> No.7425250

The fucking soundtrack in UW2, god damn.

>> No.7426005

That's neat. But it sounds more like Colonization but with a JRPG flair, than an RPG.

>> No.7426025
File: 52 KB, 596x359, japan ukvsjapanrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus japan is fucked and they have shit like that in a lot of media and its just ok there
Yeah it's Japan that's fucked up, sure.

>> No.7426381

Not the anon you're coping to
You need help

>> No.7426387

Based author of Rurouni Kenshin

>> No.7426395

yeah, that's why the west is crumbling while japan remains.

>> No.7426529
File: 214 KB, 838x598, unchartedwatershorizons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think like that too, but cannons are actually powerful and can sink ships quickly provided your ship has at least 50 cannons and the ship's captain has decent combat level.

Rushing attacks have a cap, you can't kill more than 50 men in a rush and cannon damage seems to have no cap, furthermore a ship's durability value will be less than it's crew number most of the time.
If you captain has at least level 10 in combat with the Gunnery special ability and is sailing a Barge, Full-Rigged Frigate, Tekkousen or even a Galleon with cannons, you can sink anything in 2 or 3 turns, on the other hand you'd have to rush a Venetian Galleass 5 or 6 times to kill all it's crew.

Guns are inefficient in small ships that can't hold at least 35 or 40 of them, since they won't deal much damage and the space is better used for more crew or supplies.

>> No.7426567
File: 210 KB, 904x573, 1_r_WVniTvWSEzNTg6SDrcZQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any story you can influence is a shit story with zero emotional impact

>> No.7426618

Whatever. Combat is very basic and is extremely abusable. You can have some starter cheap shit with 75 crew and 0 level and take an endgame 300 crew ship with ease. Plus you take the ship every time you win them by boarding.

>> No.7426623


>> No.7426716

not an argument


>> No.7426729

whores shoe theory

>> No.7426731

Based. I really need to learn japanese so I can play the sequels and gaidens.

>> No.7426734

Uncharted also has one of the GOAT soundtracks courtesy of Yoko Kanno.

>> No.7426740

>couldn't keep track of which character had a penis and which one could get pregnant.
all this trans nonsense has even the best AI confused

>> No.7426743

>Space Patrol
>You are a shark

How can some sound so based and other so absolutely bad?

>> No.7426806

Nah, Dragon Quest is the progenitor of "but thou must" (literally). Pointing out that a game came from the "what if" scenario is largely meaningless as the original game just treats it as a "pick yes or game over" thing.

It's not bad but you need to teach it things thoroughly or it will fail at basic story elements. I assert that most would just say you write 95% of it yourself and it just fills things in for you on occasion.

It's a funny comment but too generous to call AI smart, even good AI are retarded

>> No.7426809

You don't want to be a shark? Anyway, the real problem with these is they aren't

>> No.7426818

Fallout is a good example of a CRPG to me; you can play the same scenario with different character and have a different experience, even down to the same choices of path requiring different executions.

I think JRPGs are fine, but they don't really offer that kind of nuance.

>> No.7426839
File: 349 KB, 1078x707, UnchartedWatersGenesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that the combat could have been better and feels bland sometimes. I disliked duels at the beginning but they grew on me after I learned that there is actually some strategy to it and the CPU draws it's moves from a limited set of "cards" just like you.
Also I dislike how sometimes the mates sailing my other ships won't fire at enemy ships in range and will instead move in and rush even when commanded to keep distance and fire, I guess that makes it a little bit more realistic however.

>You can have some starter cheap shit with 75 crew and 0 level and take an endgame 300 crew ship with ease

I don't believe this. It is possible to defeat strong warships with small merchant ships, but I doubt that it is easy or anywhere near as simple as you're implying here.
I think you're just making bullshit up now, but I'd gladly accept that I'm wrong if you could prove this.

>> No.7426963

>I don't believe this
I was playing it 10 years ago, so I don't remember the exact numbers. Basically, while you're still on the world map, you switch 100% of your crew to fighting just before you actually attack the ship. Then at the battle map, you rush the flagman and board him. I'm pretty sure 75 (maybe 100) crewmen were enough for a 300 crew enemy ship. All this while the rest of his fleet is attacking you with the cannonballs.
The game is amazing, but I wish there were some fan patches that fixed the combat.

>> No.7427041

>I will NEVER stop talking about this game
Just heard about it now so I'm glad anon. Might have to check it out if I ever get a SNES emulator.

>> No.7427092

That makes sense, I believe that it is possible and that you pulled this off, I don't believe that it is easy or abusable like you said before.

You probably had a good ship, high combat level and swordplay values against an enemy that had mediocre stats, on top of getting a very good position too. There's no way to pull this off against strong opponents like the corsair pirates, specially if you're surrounded by cannon fire and your character has bad stats.
The CPU also tends to challenge you to a duel once it's crew numbers match yours. In fact, duel is the only easily abusable thing about the combat in my opinion, buy some high grade gear and go straight for the enemy flagship during battles, rush to lower his crew number so he accepts a duel or just challenge him immediately if you already have about the same amount of crew, win and it's over even if he had a full fleet of venetians and you only had a single merchant ship.

I'd totally play a patched version with improved combat. Removing or rebalancing duel mechanics, giving NPCs access to all the ships including the secret ones, better stats and improved AI would go a long way.

>> No.7427135

>not an argument
Any more reddit cope you'd like to share with the class?

>> No.7427193

Yeah, pretty much. Romancing SaGa 1, 2, and 3 are all essentially clusters of scenarios with multiple outcomes which is cool. A good chunk of the franchise is like this, but not all (namely the first 3 game boy games - the games were weird enough as is).

Somewhat similar is Dark Law: Meaning of Death for the SFC. Also a series of seemingly unrelated scenarios with several outcomes each which culminates in a multi-variable finale. Not too amazing, and the choices sometimes are too "GOOD/BAD" but its a weird standalone game that openly looked at western contemporary CRPGs for inspiration.

>> No.7428734

>sex with children being illegal will be the end of the western world.
wtf is wrong with this board?

>> No.7429508
File: 688 KB, 2000x2344, baldur's gate vs final fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RPGs are not just about story outcomes. To me, true RPGs (in the vein of DnD) are about the emphasis freedom and interaction within the world, ie complete player control. Obviously an action/tactical game having story choices will make something "more like an RPG", but this is not a complete observation. You also get more combat-focused RPGs (ie, dungeon crawlers) which are more in line with other types of (traditional) games, and deviates away from the whole freedom aspect. I think it is here where the waters begin to muddy more heavily.

>> No.7429720

Left character designs are extremely generic and soulless. Right characters have an awesome artstyle and Garnet is fucking cute.

>> No.7429980

U shudnt stop. This game is incredible. Japanese steel and Timbuktu

>> No.7430302

>I don't want to fuck left characters

>> No.7430323

Valkyrie Profile offered a nice level of choice. Not CRPG level, but it's the only JRPG that ever really captivated me.

>> No.7431591

Kenshin author is back on top, he has an art exhibit going on now and there's ads for it in the trains, I forgot to take a pic but I'll try to grab one before it gets replaced.

>> No.7431595

Inside UFO 54-40 was fucking incredible though (if you were in the appropriate age demographic).
Zero emotional impact? Fuck off, autists need not apply.