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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 254 KB, 800x1125, 200951-superman-the-man-of-steel-game-gear-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7419427 No.7419427 [Reply] [Original]

Is this supposed to make Superman look like a good guy?

>> No.7419432

no, its supposed to make him look badass

>> No.7419460

>Is this supposed to make Superman look like a good guy?
Tell me, do you bleed?

>> No.7419476

sega fans need edgelord superman

>> No.7419553
File: 78 KB, 948x435, Just Ass League.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sega fans need edgelord superman
TIL Zack Snyder was a Sega fan

>> No.7419564

That's the same face i make for all the ignorant zoomer posts on this board.

>> No.7419580


>Everything that is not gay is bad

It reminds me of the thread where they were complaining about the characters making faces. what a joke

>> No.7419645

Superman fights for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way". He was never a good guy.

>> No.7419667

Fairly sure they ignored the "American way" part from that sentence a long time ago in the comics after Superman saw that America sucks.

>> No.7419706
File: 95 KB, 474x651, superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I like sega and edgy superman actually. the only thing I really dislike is that superman doesn't get better video games.

the genesis box art makes him look less like a supervillain and more like he's just really serious about what he's doing.

I hope he gives Batman a wedgie in the new cut

>> No.7419716
File: 73 KB, 800x564, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now here is some actual edgy art.


still not clear on how Superman could ever possibly lose to a Hulk knock-off, like wouldn't landing a single punch be sufficient to knock him into outer space? like seriously don't just stand there and get punched in the face so that the plot can happen, any other strategy will work better.

>> No.7419729

are you going to make me remind you of superman 64, we both know you want to forget that one

>> No.7419739
File: 154 KB, 941x1254, str6ytqr3h651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only blood allowed on the snes was on box

>> No.7419752 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 766x960, 102387908_298472841309663_4797395007871347779_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's like this other anon said... >>7419432, it's supposed to make him look badass. After all this was released during the 90's.

Looking badass doesn't make Superman an edgelord, you faggot furry cunt.

t. Social Justice Cuck/nu-Marvel fanboy

False. Being anti-American makes you the bad guy.

>> No.7419757
File: 161 KB, 666x375, manofsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to make Superman a Christ-like figure?

>> No.7419762

Doomsday is way stronger than The Hulk. Also there is nothing wrong with that artwork.

>> No.7419764

Nice facebook picture, Cletus.

>> No.7419770

Yes. Apparently being Christ-like is too edgy for Leftists.

>> No.7419774
File: 84 KB, 632x992, 1612458532279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay triggered, Carl.

>> No.7421813

That is a cool cover.

>> No.7421823

Based post, but Superman's earliest comics were about beating wife beaters and his biggest enemy is Lex, he's not as bad as the trauma case with too much money

>> No.7421828

Take your fucking meds schizo and stay inside your own board

>> No.7421905
File: 64 KB, 500x570, idontknowwhichsidetheartistisonbutitfitsinthearticleeitherway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want women in my vidya unless I can pretend to sex them
It's typical to be weary of change, but pretending games like Dragon's Crown aren't allowed to exist anymore is just disingenuous.

Also flat chest fetishists are a thing anyway, so

>> No.7421928 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 752x490, mk2-Sorry leftist I only date strong masculine men. I do not date soyboys who put in gender pronouns on their twitter profile. Get lost before I kick your sorry ass..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Dumbass brainwashed Leftist

t. Triggered Social Justice Incel

>flat chest fetishists
t. Leftist pedophile incel

>> No.7421950
File: 193 KB, 265x329, pro-nazi-propaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know why. but it does appeal to some people.

>> No.7421954
File: 267 KB, 723x1000, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7422065
File: 2.19 MB, 3134x2418, newsimage2370b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand your point so I'm going to rely on ad hominem to look less retarded
Nobody's stopping game designers from sexualizing their characters, and nobody's stopping you from buying those games. That design aesthetic simply isn't as popular any longer, and getting mad about it to the point of name calling is hilariously pathetic

>> No.7422490

>Heterosexuality and sex appeal simply aren't as popular any longer
Mongoloid woketard

>> No.7422530
File: 171 KB, 591x563, 1569720371594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7422556

>Nobody's stopping game designers from sexualizing their characters

Their publishers are

>> No.7422583

Movie sucked. Superman was a killer by the end of it.

>> No.7422589

It was pretty early in his "career" since it was 1992 and Superman's story got a hard reboot in 1986. He's actually acknowledged later on that he was too green and now would have found a better way to deal with Doomsday than exchange punches.

>> No.7422593

The book wasnt bloody at all, i think supes died with a huge black eye and a fat lip.

>> No.7422594

It bothers me that people prefer toys or some insincere product than something more mature

>> No.7422601

Yes and its dumb. The constant messianic imagery makes him look distant when Superman's whole thing is being a man of the people. Imagine Christopher Reeve doing the Jesus thing and how out of character that would be.

>> No.7422619
File: 77 KB, 429x658, 25F833AB-09EA-465E-97C2-F1BEE37C7A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April's appearance on the right is actually closer to her comics origin.

>> No.7422628

His earliest comics were amazing. It was the middle of the Great Depression so half of his stories were about finding rich assholes and fucking with them. "Oh you make people work in an unsafe mine? I'm just going to leave you in that same mine. Bye!"

>> No.7422639

Steam has actual porn so...

>> No.7422641
File: 631 KB, 1262x2068, ddg0stu-509734c3-48a4-4613-8179-8b9d3050a415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gave a fuck about tmnt comics.

>> No.7422653

Yet every TMNT product since the 90s has tried to be increasingly faithful to them. I think they're embarassed by the 80s cartoon's goofiness with Uncle Phil Shredder.

>> No.7422656

and everything since the 90s has flopped, odd that

>> No.7422663
File: 264 KB, 584x874, silveragegrounded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Superman wasn't that good. He was always having people killed and was a bit of an anti hero. Not nearly as fun as Silverage Superman where he still went after crooked foreman and other low time bad guys .

>> No.7422730

you will never be a woman

>> No.7422736

your wife's boyfriend said you can have extra time on the Switch tonight

>> No.7422743

Does anyone explain to me what sexualization is?

>> No.7422829
File: 1.96 MB, 150x150, 1588267160193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspelled hypersexuality. Did you forget that fags like burly men and dykes love big tits?

Besides, what really sells now is deep lore AND hypersexuality.
>am mad dis u
Good one!
If you are a dev that enjoys making sexual content, and then sign a publishing contract that prevents you from creating such content, you have nobody to blame but yourself. Jiggle physics haven't been deplatformed considering the existence of independent online marketplaces.
I'm commonlaw, but thanks for roleplaying. You apparently enjoy it.
The addition of sexual content to any medium. Rule 34 would be a more extreme example, convention booth babes would be a less extreme one.

>> No.7422838

I still don't understand what sexualizing means.

>> No.7422874

Then Google it. I'm not your ESL teacher.

>> No.7423046

no no STOP say duckduckgo or searx never tell people to "Google" something fuckingg REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7423310

They arent in the west

>> No.7423376

It means literally nothing.
Woketards use it to refer to attractive characters

>> No.7423460

i remember drpping this game as a child after superman died, i was still into sugary capeshit so this was easily a huge blow for the idiot kid

>> No.7423473


>> No.7423514

>Triggered Leftists reported my post
Nice going, social justice incels.

t. Marvelcuck


Not really. April was never an underage black girl. She was a lot closer to the 1987 April O'Neil.


>hypsexualize women is bad
>t. any attractive woman who isn't flat chested
Woke-fags like you should kys. There's nothing wrong with making women have breasts in video games. It's been done since the 80's. But of course woke-fags like you never grew up playing an NES or a Sega Genesis. The only people who get triggered by women with breasts, are the pedophile faggots who are into flat-chested little girls.

>> No.7423626

>Not really. April was never an underage black girl. She was a lot closer to the 1987 April O'Neil.
Its admittedly not easy to tell but she seemed black in the comic there, certainly not a redhead. And she wasn't originally a reporter either. She worked for Baxter Stockman, which I'm assuming is the direction they went with that teenage version. I haven't seen that show myself. Baxter himself started out as a black man.

>> No.7423650

Her face is literally white on the cover of that comic. The only reason they changed her race in the newest cartoon, was to virtue signal. But I do agree that Baxter Stockman was originally a black man in the comics. The only reason they changed him into a white man in the cartoon, was due to fear of being called racist for having a black villain.

>> No.7423683

She looks Latina to me.

>> No.7423734


>> No.7423776

Latina's can also look white. Lynda Carter is an example of that.

>> No.7424031
File: 103 KB, 1160x870, rsz_120210215_131022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use recaptcha every time you post. Recaptcha is from Google. Surprise.
By merit of games such as Postal 2, JFK Reloaded, Leisure Suit Larry, Dead or Alive Xtreme, No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw, etc, existing, I would beg to differ.

They just don't sell. They can be fun and raunchy, but more often than not unless you're intentionally using controversy to sell your game (GTA and Hatred come to mind) they tend to be niche titles with small albeit dedicated fanbases.

And so you can all rest assured, I've played and enjoyed each game I'd mentioned. I'm on 4chan, after all.
>In my expert opinion you didn't grow up with a Genesis OR an NES!!
You actually named both of my childhood consoles, which were hand-me-downs from my cousin. You would have picked up on this had you noticed I had used a PSIV quote earlier.
>Hypersexualize women is bad
You morons don't seem to get this, but when I say that it's not a popular design choice any longer, I'm not making any declarative objective statement of taste or quality. Look at my game choice above, I'm not so self-important that I'm above playing smut. What I'm saying is that the video gamer demographic has been realised as being a lot larger than just stereotypical male nerds, and design choices are beginning to reflect that...
Just look at all the pearl clutching that happened when I mentioned that design popularity changes, it's as if I said that it will never come back. The 80's were forty years ago, it'll swing back around. That's how style fads are. Get a grip on your sanity and off your dick

>> No.7424057


>> No.7424080

Yup. It was popular, now not so much, it'll come back eventually. Everyone lived happily ever after.

>> No.7424084
File: 159 KB, 600x918, 4820508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like artwork by Norm Breyfogle, the Batman artist at the time.

>> No.7424087

I wish I could be an ant on that sunny spot of your shelf for an hour.

>> No.7424110

Leftists are also known to lie. So no, I don't buy that you ever grew up with a NES or Sega Genesis. You're dumb to think that sex doesn't sell in video games. Yet games like Dead Or Alive are still going strong, without making any of the women's breasts smaller or flat.The majority of gamers don't like Woke shit in their games. Which is why Woke-games don't sell.

>> No.7424139

You can make your point without lying. There is no way that DOA6 outsold Last of Us 2.

>> No.7424149
File: 8 KB, 236x142, 9SQAEwq(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't see time-stamped CDX
Because someone that didn't grow up with a Genny would invest in one of the most expensive models along with a flashcart, right? When everyone else had a PS2, GameCube or Xbox, I had my Genesis and I stood by it. I even asked for an NES of my own volition. But hey, keep deluding yourself.

Did I say sex doesn't sell? I'm pretty sure I said that sexualizing your character isn't AS popular, meaning it is still used today but not *as frequently* as it used to be.

Thanks for making my point for me.
>In its release weekend, The Last of Us Part II sold over four million copies worldwide, becoming the fastest-selling PlayStation 4 exclusive, beating Marvel's Spider-Man's 3.3 million and God of War's 3.1 million in the same period.

>> No.7424154

You keep saying that word

>> No.7424159

False. The Last Of US 2 sold because of pre-orders, but the digital pre-orders were refunded. Also players did not know it was woke until it was too late and they were pissed about it. Otherwise this game wouldn't have sold shit if they knew how bad it was.


Either way, people love the Dead Or Alive series way more than The Last Of Us 2. All thanks to the big titties and how anti-woke Dead Or Alive has been since the late 90's.

>> No.7424181

You're the one who is delusional if you think woke-shit sells more than sexualized women in video games.

>> No.7424182

I think TLOU2 is a bad game for a lot of reasons but you're completely talking out of your ass if you think its less successful than DOA6, which is actually struggling to meet the success of 5.

>> No.7424191

And you're completely delusional if you think The Last Of Us 2 is more popular than the entire DOA series, despite the amount of hate it got from The Last Of Us fans themselves. No one likes seeing their favorite characters getting killed, especially not by some ugly ass tranny.

>> No.7424290
File: 555 KB, 720x461, acch513cxxy41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(forming verbs) make or become.
(forming verbs) treat in a specified way.
>In an April 2016 financial report, Koei Tecmo revealed that Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 collectively shipped 190,000 copies within a month.
>In its release weekend, The Last of Us Part II sold over four million copies worldwide, becoming the fastest-selling PlayStation 4 exclusive, beating Marvel's Spider-Man's 3.3 million and God of War's 3.1 million in the same period.
Bigger demographics, bigger shelf space, bigger sales. Simple. If you're honestly suggesting that millions of people returned their game because of political controversy, you're delusional. Give me numbers.
>(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 2.412% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)
>Judged purely in terms of “copies out the door,” The Last Of Us 2 is a fantastic success.
>But in terms of “How happy are the people who bought Last of Us 2?” Hooo boy.
>Anecdotal journalistic opinion piece whining about their expectations being subverted leading to disgust and anger, which was the whole point
I can agree that it's been done better before, but you'd be lying if you didn't identify with what Ellie was feeling.
>Nuh uh you're delusional
Back it up with stats. I welcome it.
"Popularity" is such a subjective term. TLoU2 sold by the million in a weekend, that's a definition of popular. DOA is an established franchise with diehard fans. That's also a definition of popular.

Indignantly stomping your proverbial feet because you refuse to believe that someone could possibly enjoy something you don't isn't going to change the fact that demographics have shifted design choice.

Get a grip on your sanity and off your dick

>> No.7424840
File: 345 KB, 1280x720, superman-kills-joker-injustice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Marvelcuck
Superman killing his enemies is out of character. In the comics and in Nether realms Injustice it's caused him to have a mental breakdown.

>> No.7424947


its from the comic. The Justice league tried energy powers but it just removed Doomsday's prison outfit.

Superman did beat the Hulk in the Marvel VS DC crossover event of the 90s

>> No.7424950

libtards can't stand God and anything good. That is why they like degenerate and evil shit.

>> No.7424953
File: 96 KB, 986x553, itmatters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Carl and anyone with a penis would agree the left is better.

>> No.7424962
File: 720 KB, 1592x1445, boomer6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crooked foreman
sounds like he was beating up boomers. Keyed.

>> No.7426887

About the same

>> No.7429135

had this on game gear - could never beat the level where you're on the train