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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 300x300, eaa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7416659 No.7416659 [Reply] [Original]

We are now officially further removed from the 2002 release of Grand Theft Auto's Vice City then it was from the time it was set in.

>> No.7416705


>> No.7416732


>> No.7416735

I’m old as balls

>> No.7416736

Dude! Open world! Killing npcs! Mob simulators!

>> No.7416737

I thought it was released in 2003?

>> No.7416739

Objectively yes

>> No.7416741

oh wait fuck it is actually true.
how can that be? not that its so long since then but rather, how can a 2002 game be doing a "retro" setting of only 16 years before ?

>> No.7416746

16 years felt like a lifetime to kids back then. I was born in 87

>> No.7416758

but i thought the 'pace of change' was speeding up. and we're talking about setting a "retro" game in 2005. like what the fuck would be different. phones don't have color screens

>> No.7416832
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I'm almost 30 and when I first played minecraft I was a kid.
Just the other day I had to explain what a memory card was to my youngest brother.

>> No.7417084

Are you really saying 2005 doesn't feel like a significantly different era than now? I sure as fuck think it does.

>> No.7417116

It did speed up, in the late 2000s and early 2010s because of web 2.0.
In 05 people were still using CRTs and large amounts of the western world still didn't have internet access outside of institutions.
Also to answer your question properly, people were nostalgic about the 80s (and to a lesser extent the 70s) practically the moment the culture faded away.
>what the fuck would be different

>> No.7417126

Didn't vice city come out before I love the 80s?
They got in early.

>> No.7417152

The PS2 is older now than the C64 was then

>> No.7417153

you see how that stuff is pretty hard to imagine as showing a clear aesthetic and sensibility, in a game though? like a cultural gulf like 80s vs 2000 or 60s is just not comparable.
Think GTA something set in 2005 whats it gonna look like sound like feel like that's different

>> No.7417161

>then it was

>> No.7417178

2012 was actually a tipping point. We expected the end of the world but what it was, was the transition from one world to another as the internet connects humans in a way they never have been before. It's just hard to see from the ground and a slow process.

>> No.7417226
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Not really, your perception is pretty normal though. When it's staring you in the face you'll notice the differences in cars, music, fashion, interior design, advertising, current events, drugs etc.
For example
>cars from the 80s and 90s were still common and cars still looked boxy in general.
>ringtone ads were everywhere
>music television still existed
>RnB the disco of the time
>Emos, scenekids and indiekids were everywhere but goths were disappearing
>mobile phones and laptops hit the big time
>peoples houses looked fairly plain and didn't all look some instagram hand models set
You could go on forever

>> No.7417236

GTAIV already feels like a different planet

>> No.7417238

I made out with the actress who plays Donna in the '90s.

>> No.7417249

you just can't engage with what i'm saying. Fucking ringtone ads and nonsense like
>mobile phones and laptops hit the big time
Does not have any visual or spatial manifestation that could make a game look like "another time".
This shit is trivial little adjustments. The only difference from 2005 is the instagram kardashian look on the women

>> No.7417261
File: 12 KB, 205x246, 1582984886501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lash out at me because you cannot comprehend that 2005 was a different time or that objects are visible kek

>> No.7417372

The 2000s were defined by the implementation of web 2.0 design in everyday life after the dot com crash. What defined the 2000s to me is dedicated MP3 players replacing diskmans, Line Rider for Palm Pilot, and http://www.dvdrewinder.com..

>> No.7417589
File: 263 KB, 405x480, 1356226683877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a weird girlfriend in 2002. I think she had a mental illness that forced her to take a 2 hr bath every day. This completely ruined her vaginal flora and her pussy stank like rotten fish. I remember after she gave me a bj, she asked me to go down on her too. It still feels like I'm watching myself from outside of my body at this moment. I dunno how, but I managed to refuse it.
I dunno, usually I like the smell of pussy on my dick, but with her, I needed to shower afterwards asap.

>> No.7417590

I never had sex.

>> No.7417602

Whatever you do, don't go to a hooker. It's not the same as genuine sex with somebody you like or even love. Sex is much more than getting your dick wet.

>> No.7417661

GTA II took place 8 years ago.

>> No.7417743

i hope you're just the previous anon baiting me, if you're not and you actually think this drivel has anything to do with games and the fucking aesthetics of a city that you'd create for a GTA game, you need to kys

>> No.7417776
File: 2.16 MB, 750x1334, 1612784376065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lying in an anonymous image board

>> No.7417790
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>> No.7417817

Then you're the same age as me, too (30 in a bit more than a month), and by Jove, that's the most memorable image from my early days on this site.

>> No.7417852

desu I hate how VC spawned the pseudo-80's style that kids today love so much

>> No.7417958
File: 111 KB, 1488x1392, 1576069681654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone already said GTA4 and you're indignantly disengaged because you don't understand how modern web design affected the world around you. High resolution displays? Social media? 3G? Is none of this getting through to you?

>> No.7417991

>High resolution displays? Social media? 3G? Is none of this getting through to you?
how... the fuck.. do you think this changes the look of a city...

>> No.7417997
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody would ever, ever think that this was the 80s. or that vice city was the 60s.

>> No.7418001
File: 207 KB, 864x1390, northward-view-of-times-square-mysteryyear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you're going to this as 2005 and not 2021 because of "modern web design"? No really, kill yourself

>> No.7418013 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, crime city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 80s weren't all pink and cyan neon, anon.

but i agree, a GTA game set in 2005 wouldn't look unique yet. Crime City New York could be set in 2001 save for minor details like flip phones and baggy trousers.

>> No.7418015 [DELETED] 

*set in 2021

>> No.7418025
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, true crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a game from 2005 set in 2005.

>> No.7418032
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>> No.7418036

You accidentally a verb

>> No.7418038
File: 398 KB, 1920x1200, K4bCKlJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7418049
File: 390 KB, 500x338, BitterLeafyAyeaye-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I can, because there's no Ubers. also
>Batman Begins
July 2005. You apparently have no sense of nuance or subtlety. NBD.

>> No.7418107

I'm going to give the absolute opposite advice. Absolutely DO go to a hooker, it's fucking great, and you need to get over the fear of women.

>> No.7418134

moron. if anything, going to a prostitute will teach you the real value of sex. it will be a real tangible experience he can relate to, unlike reading the "advice" of some condescending prick online

>> No.7418139


>> No.7418163

>you see how that stuff is pretty hard to imagine as showing a clear aesthetic and sensibility, in a game though? like a cultural gulf like 80s vs 2000 or 60s is just not comparable.
>Think GTA something set in 2005 whats it gonna look like sound like feel like that's different
The Matrix was based on a true story: the world ended circa the year 2000, every year since has been a creation of the simulation. The machines haven't really been able to come up with any new or interesting ideas, so they keep recycling the same crap and extrapolating on millennial tech trends in very unimaginative ways.

>> No.7418173

When you think of it that way, the Wii and Xbox 360 are retro.

>> No.7418207

>it will be a real tangible experience his dick can interact with
Fix'd; They call it a relationship for a reason. By relating emotionally. Are you suggesting you relate with your junk?

>> No.7418216

Watch season one of 24 if you don’t think early/mid 00s is any different than now.

>> No.7418217

how much of a low test based boy are you that you can't enjoy sex with a stranger? men have been fucking prostitutes since the dawn of time.

>> No.7418235

does it look different? or is it different in some intangible ways that wouldn't show up in a screenshot of a game unless you scoured it for specifics

>> No.7418287

I'd rather be old than dead.

I just wish I had friends to play old games with...

>> No.7418290

Oh god they're making a matrix 4

>> No.7418307

>What, you want intimacy in your sex? Be a real lizard-brain like me and emotionally detach yourself from a physically intimate act like a sociopath
Already over that propagandized delusion... How sex-obsessed/desperate do you have to be to justify paying a whore to shlurp her greasy cunt around your half-erected whiskey dick?
No wonder you're stuck with credit card pussy, you've tacitly accepted that no decent person would look twice at an emotionally unavailable partner while delusionally fantasizing their self-centered nature would attract anyone other than stupid hoes that will drain your bank account and steal your watch off the nightstand.
Practice humility, or don't, I'm not your failure parents and I'm not your parent's failure.

>> No.7418313
File: 373 KB, 1600x1196, 120883263_191052615868653_3532810470417705651_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've had a permanent nostalgia boner for the 80s that started as soon as they ended. even san andreas, set in 1992, is basically the tail end of the 80s. but the idealized version that is, the 80s in europe were pretty depressing.

>> No.7418317


>> No.7418343

>make all this intensely detailed 3d with photo real materials
>just use white paint material for the milk

>> No.7418347

>I just wish I had friends to play old games with...

>> No.7418351

>the 80s in europe were pretty depressing
In eastern europe maybe. On the west side of the Berlin wall the 80s were great.

>> No.7418352

>We are now officially further removed from the 2002 release of Grand Theft Auto's Vice City then it was from the time it was set in.


>> No.7418617

2021 - 2003 > 2003 - 1986

>> No.7418621

have sex incel

>> No.7418648

I've had a lot of relationship sex as well as with sex workers and yes it's very different but neither is bad. Both can be great or disappointing. The majority of the escorts I've seen have been pretty rad people doing a hard job that usually gets shit on.

>> No.7418660

Missed the point entirely; The only reason incels exist is because of poor interpersonal skills. Lrn2read

>> No.7418693

There's multiple things in this image that date it. You're just too young or autistic to understand that the only reason you have an intimate knowledge pop culture in the 80s is from pop culture exaggerations of it.
It's telling you stopped responding to me when I called you out on your bullshit.

>> No.7419158

>>Batman Begins
yeah remember that "Batman" guy that used to be popular back when they made all those superhero movies?

getting some serious early aughts nostalgia

>> No.7420169

Batman Begins released in '05. Dark Knight was '08 which was the same year as Iron Man. Do you really not remember that?