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7416772 No.7416772 [Reply] [Original]

Playing my first Zelda. Just reached the Dark World and I'm already feeling somewhat bored. The world hasn't charmed me, and the dungeons aren't very interesting. I think I might just replay Ultima VII, and then skip to Ocarina of Time, or should I give Link's Awakening a chance?

>> No.7416801

Don't bother, you probably won't like any of the series. Maybe Zelda II?

>> No.7416812

Zelda was never good. Nintenturds always gang up on Sonic saying Sonic was never good because of ignorant cultural osmosis but Zelda was genuinely, genuinely never good. Like it actually never was good and was always just propped up by star brand power. Sorry you got memed into this OP.

>> No.7416906

I think it's a good game, but overhyped. It may be an unfair comparison, but games like Darklands and Ultima VII are a lot more impressive in terms of what they achieved by the standards of 1992.

>> No.7416929

That's about where I dropped it the first time.
I did go back and finish it eventually, and I thought it was okay.
Try out Zelda 1. I ended up really enjoying that one.
That said, I just flicked through a 2 hour "gameplay" video of Ultima VII and all I saw was text... So maybe a JRPG/CRPG would be more your style.

>> No.7416963

I couldn't make it past the beginning castle. Got fucking bored. Original LoZ is more exciting

>> No.7417002

>Just reached the Dark World and I'm already feeling somewhat bored

Oh dear, is the lack of a progression system linked to online multiplayer limiting your dopamine hit?

>> No.7417010

Ultima VII does have a lot of gameplay (13 dungeons), but one of the main gimmicks is that every NPC has a detailed personality and schedule.
I wasn't expecting that level of depth from this game, but it would be nice if you could at least have a unique interaction with the two women that call soldiers on you in Kakariko Village afterwards. That's just laziness.

>> No.7417028

what's the fucking point of this board

>you know that cherished childhood thing you liked? well, h-heh, HEH, well uh, I *didn't like it*. How's that feel?
>*folds arms, waits for applause for brave, daring contrarian opinion*

>> No.7417073

You are being too defensive. If that were my intention, I would have just made a low effort "this game is shit" post.
The reason I create threads expressing my dislike of certain games, is because it helps me come to terms with dropping them.
If I was enjoying the game, I would have made a positive thread instead, as I often do.

>> No.7417151

>every NPC has a detailed personality and schedule.
Maybe Majora's Mask?
Don't take my word for it tho - My brother and I hated that game growing up. I tried it again a few years ago, but still only got one dungeon in before dropping it.
Personally, depth in NPCs isn't really why I play video games. I mostly find NPCs to be a nuisance because you're practically obligated to talk to every single one of them and exhaust all their dialog options - Or else the game might not let you progress.
ALttP's gimmick is interdimensional travel - which you're just getting up to. It will have some real gameplay uses in the overworld for exploration.
This, I find to be much more interesting. But yeah, obviously not too amazing as I still only found the game to be solid at best.

>> No.7417215
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The alternate dimension gimmick would be impressive if I hadn't already seen it before in countless games.
ALttP deserves credit for being the first game to do it (that I know of), but I don't play old games merely to appreciate their historical value. I want to enjoy myself as well.
Majora's Mask is the game I'm most looking forward to by the way.

>> No.7417327
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>> No.7417337

>brown ppl memes
please leave, I come to the boards to avoid the astroturfed niggers everywhere media

>> No.7417348

pretty much every zelda is the same game, if you dont like alttp, you probably wont like any zeldas, say for maybe zelda 2 or possibly twilight princess.

>> No.7417364
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Everything can be fixed, for a price

>> No.7417459

I don't mind the formula. Better dungeons/overworld and more charm would be enough to turn me around on the game.

>> No.7417462

That's pretty much where I stopped with LttP as well. The start of Ocarina is very rough as well, so I wouldn't suggest that after this one.

I would suggest playing Link's Awakening. I think it's the tightest, most quintessential Zelda experience. If you like it, try the Oracle of Ages/Seasons games after - they're basically expansion packs. If you don't like it, try Majora's Mask - it's different from the other games in ways that are hard to express, and shouldn't be missed even if the core Zelda formula doesn't jive with you.

>> No.7417464
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>> No.7417534

wind waker and twilight princess are probably the most to suit what your asking for. oot is also charming in its own way. minish cap is fucking charm and comfy out the ass

>> No.7417563

Alternate dimensions never get old, retard. It's a great concept.

>> No.7417582

The only good Zelda games are Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, and Breath of the Wild.

>> No.7417593

Based mentally ill poster

>> No.7417595

OOT is better

>> No.7417614

I can't say exactly why since I've only gone through it twice, but LttP is easily the most boring of any Zelda to me. It's not bad at all, but there's nothing particularly hooking about it.

>> No.7417636

i love the combat, the items, and finding stuff. i guess if you prefer menu games then you're a faggot.

>> No.7417683
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Zelda is a slog, seriously. Never saw the appeal with any of them, they are so slow and boring. Put on Soleil instead, and prepare to never look back.

>> No.7417713

I can't attest to Ultima, but having played a bunch of other Zelda games, yeah, I'd say give OoT and LA a shot. Shoot, even give the NES games a shot, I liked 1 but was just aggravated with LttP, but maybe that's just because 1 and other Zelda games have a sense of imagination and mystery that I don't get from LttP. I get the sense that it's something along the same lines as your issues with it, given
>The world hasn't charmed me, and the dungeons aren't very interesting

>> No.7417779

I like 3d Zelda but not really ALTtP but I liked Links Awakening and Minish Cap

>> No.7417792

go floss with ninja

>> No.7417796

Damn zoomers and their DOS games!

>> No.7417985
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Yeah, I played A Link to the Past briefly when I was younger and never even went beyond that knight with the ball and chain in the beginning when you're rescuing Zelda (had a Sega Genesis instead of an SNES at home and only played it because my grandpa bought an SNES to have something for me to do when I visited).
When Ocarina of Time came out I got an N64 that came with it (also came with a gold colored controller which was neat) and was way into that, beating it with all the heart containers, skulltulas, bottles, magics, fire and ice arrows, biggoron sword, that cow you could get in your Kokiri treehouse for free milk, etc.
Much more recently (about a year ago) I finally got around to playing ALttP all the way through, and the Dark World wasn't as interesting as I'd imagined it would be. That mechanic doesn't really do much in ALttP beyond serving as an explanation for why you have another set of dungeons to play through. You stop being a rabbit very early on and the scenery and characters aren't all that radically different from non-Dark World content.
I've seen people here say ALttP was much more challenging than OoT but I didn't find that to be the case either outside of the final fight with Ganon.
I mostly liked OoT when it came out because it was such an impressive living, breathing cinematic experience with music and scenery like I'd never seen before in a video game, all tied together with a surprisingly well done movement and combat control system that neither errs on the side of being too much of a pain to navigate or land a hit with the added directional dimension nor too boring and automatic thanks to Z-Targeting as a happy medium.
ALttP didn't really have any of that going for it. Was a solid 2D adventure but definitely wasn't cinematic or mindblowing.

>> No.7417993

Hey Gamechamp3000, it's called Crusader of Centy.

>> No.7418318

desu if you prefer the Ultima games LoZ isn't for you.

maybe try some of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons games instead.

>> No.7418509

if a link to the past isnt fun or interesting to you, most other zelda games wont be. transitioning to 3d really wont change that either. they all play essentially the same way.

>> No.7418515

This game adds more gameplay elements to the franchise and is the basis for all 2d and 3d zelda that followed, but I feel that nintendo should have switched the cinematic sequences to the gameplay style of the first Zelda.

>> No.7418516

The dark world has 8 dungeons and they are mostly quite a bit more interesting than the ones in the light world.

>> No.7418517

>I need emotional validation for my decision to stop playing a videogame
You must be 18 to post here

>> No.7418528

LoZ is amazing.

>> No.7418586 [DELETED] 

Validation is unimportant to me. What I want is to develop a better understanding of why the game failed to appeal to me, so I don't make the same mistakes with my time. Listening to other anons often helps put things into perspective. I also don't mind giving games a second chance if someone convinces me to look at them in a different light. Basically I just want people to have a serious discussion about the game, instead of acting like spergs.

>> No.7418589

Validation is unimportant to me. What I want is to develop a better understanding of why the game failed to appeal to me, so I don't make the same mistakes with my time.
Listening to other anons often helps put things into perspective. I also don't mind giving games a second chance if someone convinces me to look at them in a different light.
Basically I just want people to have a serious discussion about the game, instead of acting like spergs.

>> No.7418602

>I need somebody to tell me why I didn't like this game
Fuck you dude. Kill yourself.

>> No.7418625

You go first, sperg.

>> No.7418743
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>> No.7418747

ALTPP felt like a chore to me, LA is a big improvement

>> No.7419140

trying too hard

>> No.7419163

Compulsive contrarian

>> No.7419173

>3dfags complaining that the 2d games aren't cinematic enough
every time

>> No.7419179

It was this game that introduced cinematic sequences

>> No.7419186

1. Do the first level of the Dark World, and then do level 2, 3, or 4 (they are all unlocked after you get the magic hammer). If you're still not enjoying it, ditch it.

2. You might enjoy the NES Zeldas.

3. If losing patience with ALTTP, you will probably not like Ocarina. The equivalent of the Light World in Ocarina takes 10 times and long to get through. Unless you really like walking through 90s era 3d environments and solving simple "guess how the devs implemented a real-life mechanic 3D" puzzles.