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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7408283 No.7408283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is turn-based gameplay so gay, /vr/?

>> No.7408296

Give the names OP, i wanna play the one on the left

>> No.7408301

Turn based JRPG’s are a holdover from Gen 3 when console limitations prevented dynamic action during combat.

Anyway if you like actively controlling your characters during combat check out Star Ocean the Second Story. I will never stop shilling this game.

>> No.7408308

Definitely an Ys game, probably on PSP or PSX based on the graphics. I haven't played a single Ys game, but I could recognize that red-haired lil fuck anywhere.

>> No.7408309

Ys: Oath in Felghana

>> No.7408325

Uh no. Games have had live combat forever. The reason why it was turn based was to emulate tabletop rpgs.

>> No.7408421

what about turn based tactical? FF tactics, advance wars etc?

>> No.7408454

Because most of the time it boils down to mashing one button. By the time you get to the interesting fights you are already burnt out because of the random encounters.

>> No.7408961
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Because menu navigation simulators don't require any skill, so the trannies on /vr/ can enjoy them without being reminded they suck at games.

>> No.7408970

Ys Oath, one of the most underrated ARPGs of all time. Very fluid and kinetic combat and bosses that will whoop your ass even on normal. The story and characters are kind of bland but the actual gameplay more than makes up for it.

>> No.7408993

>except when I play the latest pokemon or persona game, I'm so excited!!!!

>> No.7409027

Strategy games: Turn-based good
CRPGs/Tactical RPGs: Turn-based good
JRPGs: Turn-based bad

>> No.7410187

>CRPGs/Tactical RPGs: Turn-based good
Nope, having a progression system ruins them.

>> No.7410413

>progression system
That's not something unique for turn-based games though. That's just RPGs in general, including real-time RPGs.

>> No.7410521

Yeah, but it's something that tends to overlap with turn-based combat more often than not.

>> No.7410560

RPG elements in general are cancer. Fuck that skinnerbox trash.

>> No.7410772

Could you give me an example of an RPG without a progression system? I'm not sure I've played one, but I'd like to.

>> No.7410909

Well, there's your problem.

>> No.7411691
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>>muh turn based is bad

The point of turn based games is to abstract combat so that players can focus on building systems to deal with combat encounters rather than just click to shoot or whatever bullshit. The "Game" takes place not in the battles themselves, but in choosing abilities/materia/jobs, and synergizing them to make your party into elaborate Rube-Goldberg machine that you ram into the bosses. That's why endgame bosses have a fucknormous amount of HP/Damage/bullshit. Your supposed to experiment with the combat systems and break them.

>> No.7412585

>Strategy games: Turn-based good
What are some good turn based strategy/tactics games besides XCOM?

>> No.7412594

>Persona is now (rightfully) lumped in with pokemon
I wish I could go back

>> No.7412619

yeah those games are fun though. SMT has god tier music, interesting settings, amazing art direction, and somewhat challenging gameplay.

>> No.7412627

>CRPGs/Tactical RPGs: Turn-based good

Meh, usually it's just serviceable. Typically gets repetitive fast and it isn't the main point of the game. You're better off just playing strategy games if you want interesting gameplay.

>> No.7412640

>i only play final fantasy

>> No.7412672

The closest I can think of is Monster Hunter, every stat you have is tied to your equipment but that's still progression. Legend of Zelda does it somewhat but you still have heart pickups and new items as a progression system.

I cannot think of anything that plays like an RPG but you are permanently at level 1 with a stick other than a true pacifist run in Undertale.

>> No.7412753

Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

>> No.7413380

If you want something similar to XCOM leaning more towards tactics you could try Incubation: Time Is Running Out. It's very underrated.

>> No.7413504

Name one person that has said something remotely negative about this game.

>> No.7413512

It's not turn based gameplay that is gay, it's JRPG games themselves. For example, turn-based 4X strategy games are not gay at all.

>> No.7413529

if you haven't been on /v/ lately the threads for the last while have been shitting on falcom

>> No.7413567

more like turn basedboy combat

>> No.7414230

Retro falcom is pretty damn good, dunno about their new games.

>> No.7414517
File: 429 KB, 1498x1080, Wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except smt games actually have combat mechanics unlike og final fantasy and dragon quest.
>weaknesses push the enemy and give you another turn, emphasising the importance of remembering specific enemies specific weaknesses
>enemies can do this to you to
>misses and reflect/absorption either take away your turns or completely end your round of attacks/actions
>buffs and debuffs MUST be used for bosses, again encouraging weakness pushing so you have more time to offense whilst setting up defense
i agree that a lot of jrpgs are lifeless unthinking turn based snooze fests but smt isn't one of them

>> No.7414524

as someone who finished smt1 recently it's kinda shit. The lore and music are fine but it's still repetitive unchallenging jarpig that overstays its welcome.

>> No.7414626

Ys is not a rpg, it's a action adventure game.

>> No.7414629

hope you don't play the second one, story is shit with expetion of a few things, gameplay is the same shit but at least the music os still fine

>> No.7414641

Lol one time I was playing FF7 and my cousin was like wait you have to wait to fight and let them hit you? I said yeah and he said 'wow that's really gay' and I was like you know, that is pretty gay. And then we played Street Fightet alpha 3

>> No.7414642

they'd be decent games if they were half as long, too much filler shit in between.

>> No.7414682

>except smt games actually have combat mechanics unlike og final fantasy and dragon quest.
I only played SMT1. Every single boss seemed weak to that shock spell so they never attacked me. So much for the "hardcore" minded series. Go FF 1 through 5 are more difficult than that.

>> No.7414686


>> No.7414814

High IQ detected

>> No.7414871

>dunno about their new games
they're shit and I guess that's why /v/ shits on Falcom
but yeah their retro games are great

>> No.7414880

Ys fucking sucks. I have to commend the OP on picking the ugliest version of FF5 for his bait post, though.

>> No.7415326

dunno, i liked it

>> No.7415350

Monster Hunter us not an RPG.

>> No.7415464

SMT had a rough start, it doesn't "get good" until Persona 1, Soul Hackers, or Nocturne depending on who you ask.

>> No.7415679
File: 135 KB, 800x1108, lightcrusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best action-RPG and why is it Light Crusader by based Treasure?

>> No.7416257

You do realize all of this can be done without turns and that the game manufacturers wouldn't be able to boast about:
>700+ hours of gameplay!

>> No.7416261

Grandia 2 had very close to the perfect system. Turn+time based with clear movement and action times and positional area/line effects, sadly it was wasted by shitty power curves and spammable super spells.

>> No.7416271

Shitty argument. If turn-based games didn't have an inherent appeal to them no turn-based game would ever succeed in a world where purely dynamic combat existed. "u got conned by dev bloat lol" is just a meaningless polarized skub/noskub non-argument.

>> No.7416391

This image looks like it was made by an autist that tries to force memes and fails constantly.

>> No.7416421

yeah but it's combat is still more exciting than ff or dq.
it's high risk and high reward.
you can get up to 8 turns in a given round but so can the enemy if it manages to identify one of your weaknesses (which it'll then focus on).
it gives the series combat fluidity unlike other turn based games and makes you feel great when you string out a maximum amount of moves on a random encounter and stomp an entire team of demons.
likewise it makes you want to suck shit when the game curbstomps you in one round and you lose all your unsaved progress.
while ff does have a elemental weakness system it does fuck all but cause more damage than another move would.
they are so boring.

>> No.7416453

>yeah but it's combat is still more exciting than ff or dq
that's like saying crap is better than shit

>> No.7416558

arpgs aren't rpgs

>> No.7416747

neither are jrpgs, they are just glorified visual novels

>> No.7416768

I respect your opinion

>> No.7416816
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it's not an rpg if you can't create characters and/or pick/change classes

>> No.7416937


>> No.7417301

How is smt combat high risk? It's entirely built around minimising the inherent risk in the system.

>> No.7417324

turn based strategy > ADHD mashing

>> No.7417341
File: 81 KB, 495x693, Retarda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn based games have the potential to require thinking and strategy, instead of mindless twitchy reactions OR mindless muscle memory drills.

>> No.7417739

>action games don't require any strategy
wanna know how I know you don't have any 1cc's, let alone great scores?

>> No.7417749

Ys- Ark of Napishtim
Play 1-5 first and you'll appreciate it more

>> No.7417754

Nevermind it's Oath in Felghana but it runs on Napishtim's combat system.

>> No.7417757
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>> No.7417762

The GOAT system

>> No.7417765
File: 187 KB, 1400x1500, EoiYWL7XYAATYFo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oath in Felghana
Love to see an Oath remake with improved character models, and ORC GIRLS

>> No.7417772

Oops meant to type "right", my bad

>> No.7417824

Maybe on other sites, 4chan posters love to say it's the only Falcom game worth playing.

>> No.7417913

Is there any reason the whys series is so popular? They play like standard linear ARPG with garbage writing.

>> No.7417935

Are they really? For me theyre fun, short and sweet, fairly challenging, not excessively grindy and have great music. Not every game needs to be a 100 hour story driven slog.

>> No.7417938

>thicc orc girls in Ys
Would be nice
Too bad Falcom prefers the skinny anime teen style.

>> No.7417947

>not excessively grindy
I beg to differ.

>> No.7417963

Very emotional question. Feeling unhinged yet?

>> No.7417996

Because it's not gameplay. All you're doi3is navigating menus to watch animations and numbers play may as well make the Shrek DVD menu on topic here if you allow that shit.

>> No.7418010

Very emotional rant. Feeling unhinged yet?

>> No.7418037

I love both turn based and excessively grindy, experience in real life is slow and incremental, AHDH mashing combat is a new and intrusive thing aimed for mass appeal, not core appeal

>> No.7418056

Whatever you do, don't play Ys, it's a gateway drug to shmups which will turn you into an autistic tranny who spends all his free time on Discord.

>> No.7418574

Is Active Time Battle considered turn-based?

>> No.7419779

One character action begin only after the end of another, you tell me.

>> No.7420127

I've never thought of it as turn-based since it's real-time, but I guess ATB is both turn-based and real-time.

>> No.7420181

It's the worst of both worlds, desu.