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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7407740 No.7407740 [Reply] [Original]

RG350 is the best portable /vr/ machine.

>inb4 3ds vita

I have those, see pic related. RG350 is more comfortable and plays SNES better than Vita retroarch, and PS1 roughly the same as Vita adrenaline. Only thing it sucks for is GBA/GBC, since I have to play in a tiny stamp sized screen if I don't want to stretch it and filter it (I don't, and neither should you). So I have modded some GBC/GBA devices for those ones. And the HDMI is ass, of course. I run a script to sync my RG350 saves between my laptop/MiSTer to play on tv. But if I'm going on a trip, I'm grabbing the RG350p over the Vita/3ds to play SNES/PS1 games.

>> No.7407758
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x796, visible_input_delay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your input lag.

>> No.7407770


Why did you post about a Retroid Pocket 2 running Android when my post was about the RG350 running OpenDingux? That's like pointing out flaws in the Nokia N-Gage in a topic on the Neo Geo Pocket.

>> No.7407780
File: 647 KB, 4608x2112, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely come to /vg/ and I'm not deep in to the emulation scene, but what's everyone's beef with the retroid? I got one for christmas and I guess I can see some of the criticism but I really enjoy it overall. I've never noticed any lag but can't that be fixed with settings anyway?

>> No.7407831


Looks comfy anon, I would get one but the wait time is so long compared to the devices that have resellers on Amazon.

>> No.7408116

How good is PS1 emulation? (Haven't used Vita adrenaline) Thread has piqued my interest. Any extra setup or just drag and drop rom files?
And/or, any other handheld recs that are more GB(C) friendly?

>> No.7408120

No thanks. I’ll stick with my Vita.

>> No.7408164


PS1 emulation is mostly great in my experience. More taxing 3D games are indeed better on the Vita. I think Tekken 3 in particular won't run full speed without frame skip. But yeah, it is drag and drop, it has 2 sd card slots and you just format an SD to fat32 and put files on there in whatever file structure you want and your emulators can access them. The RG350m is a perfect integer scale of GB/C content (640x480) and the same guts as the RG350p, which I have, so that will play those games perfectly. Still won't support GBA with an integer scale. If you want that, you'll need a RG351 device, which is a perfect 2x scale of the GBA screen at 480x320 but would not scale well with the ~240p content like SNES and PS1, which is why I got the RG350 instead. If we want a device that does integer scaling with 240p content and GBA content, I think it would have to be something like a 720x480 screen. With the rate that China is churning these things out I'm sure we'll see one that does perfect integer scaling for everything within a year or so.

>> No.7408979

They say you have to get your own roms, but if you buy the RG350 off amazon there just happens to be almost full rom setson the SD for everything except ps1 on it, though it still had MGS FF7 and Arc the lad, some weird games and classics

>> No.7409025

>this pic
I fuckin love handhelds bros

>> No.7409794

GPD XD+ is better though.

>> No.7410496

no thanks, i'll take a rg350m instead. gba actually looks good on it scaled thanks to the higher res.

>> No.7410761

>flavor of the month handheld chinkshit is the best /vr/ machine

>> No.7410846


Best portable /vr/ machine. Which device do you think is better? 3DS? How is the PS1 emulation? Vita? Try playing Super Mario RPG or GBA in Retroarch. The rg350 isn't perfect but for under $100 it does better than anything else that can fit in your pocket.