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File: 12 KB, 280x357, Thief_The_Dark_Project_boxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7382143 No.7382143 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to play Theif for the first time, should I play TDP or Gold?

I've heard mixed things.

>> No.7382160

TDP. Gold redesigned its maps for the worse and the new levels aren't very good aside from Song of the Caverns.

>> No.7382164

Gold is fine. The new missions really aren't as bad as people make them out to be. Song of the Caverns is easily the best mission in the game along with The Sword and Cragscleft.

>> No.7382185

Gold is fine. Use TFix Lite.

>> No.7382258

Gold, and if you don't like the new levels you can skip them using ctrl-alt-shift-end

>> No.7382310

The Dark Project, absolutely. Song of the Caverns is over rated and Thieves Guild and Mage's Tower are fucking awful. Gold also adds humans to the Lost City, which shits all over the amazing lonely atmosphere of the original level.

>> No.7382350

As someone who has actually played both, Gold is just a polished version of TDP with 3 extra maps. TDP is missing basic things like sounds when dropping bodies, the texturework and brushwork on some maps are worse, and the AI patrols were reworked in some maps like Cragscleft to be much better. Preferring TDP is just posturing and people who use GoldtoDark aren't actually playing TDP.

>> No.7382358

Every redesign except for arguably the Lost City was an improvement. I'm curious how you think the Bonehoard being full of oversized gray bricks is an improvement to actually using textures that fit a crypt in Gold.

>> No.7382378

>Song of the Caverns is over rated
It's still really fucking good though.

>> No.7382386

And the Lost City is still an improvement since you can no longer soft lock your progress by jumping across the bridge without the lever since in TDP there was no way to get back if you did.

>> No.7382394

And one of the greatest improvements is zombie behavior. In TDP zombies don't make warning grunts on the ground in many missions as you walk by them, and if you knock them down with a sword they immediately get back up instead of staying down for a short period of time.

>> No.7382628

I know you made this thread because of Mandalore. All I can say is I'm glad he didn't bitch about zombies like a zoomer.

>> No.7382657
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>getting filtered by zombies
Do people unironically complain about that?

>> No.7382739

I used to like his reviews until I made the mistake of watching some of his streams. He plays games like a video game journalist, like an 80 IQ brainlet who can't get the grasp of even the most basic mechanics in games he's played for hours. Hell, his twitchy ass can barely control where his mouse is pointing. He can't even click things right. On top of that even the simplest narratives presented by games fly over his head and he will obnoxiously shout WHAT at the most telegraphed twists, or even things that aren't twists at all that he just missed.

It hurt to watch and I can't watch his reviews now either without being reminded of that.

>> No.7382775
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>thinking drunken meme streams on twitch with audience interaction = how people play games on their own

>> No.7382783

You are picking up minor fixes (which sound like good improvements if you read them from a list) and pretending they are making the difference. While in reality the biggest difference is that you have 3 mediocre missions which are breaking the game's pace. Also, there is nothing particularly better in guard patrols in Cragscleft, they're just different. The bright crypt in the middle of dark Bonehoard is also a dubious "improvement".

>> No.7382812

Not using Gold is a meme that a few Lost City fans have tried to push for years.
I've seen Dillon Rogers fuck up playing Gloomwood on stream over and over and he made the game. If you don't want a stream to be dry as shit it's to be expected so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.7382851

>Not using Gold is a meme that a few Lost City fans have tried to push for years.
Also the same people who heard that the Guild is bad so they go into it already thinking it's bad and then they're comforted in their opinion that it's bad and repeat it.

>> No.7382861

The Guild still isn't great, but people calling it to be removed from the game are retards.
Dark Project and Metal Age have no maps that are outright bad.

>> No.7382889

I would argue Kidnap is terrible, but that's just my opinion. I happen to like the Guild even if I recognize it's not the best mission by a long shot.

>> No.7383002

The worst level is haunted cathedral because it's the absolute worst fucking scavenger hunt in the world to make the gold quota (LMAO we put like one diamond on the top of a rafter in one of the 700 run down houses in this level, good luck faggot!) it's nonstop zombie juking and YOU NEVER ACTUALLY GO TO THE FUCKING CATHEDRAL UNTIL LIKE 7 MISSIONS LATER

>> No.7383115

Isn't there like 700-800 more loot than you need in the map on expert? Never had an issue with it.

>> No.7383128

The city level and the final area in Thief 2 fucking suck dude

>> No.7383135

your mom sucks dude

>> No.7383162

It's way more likely than you think

Yeah I fucking hate that one.

Is there like 5 125gp pieces of loot crammed under a floorboard somewhere?

>the final area in Thief 2 fucking suck dude
I can't agree with this. The Mechanist Cathedral was amazing.

>> No.7383163

>You are picking up minor fixes (which sound like good improvements if you read them from a list)
Because they are good improvements. The hammerites barely patrol the mission in Cragscleft TDP and are almost entirely stationary yet in Gold they actually patrol it as if it was a prison. If you think this isn't a major change you either haven't played TDP, you used Tfix on a TDP install, or GoldtoDark which uses the Gold map and is an extremely misleading mod.

Haunted Cathedral is one of my favorite missions of all time and has only ever been matched by Lost Among the Forsaken in terms of FMs.

>> No.7383279

Yes there were no Thief threads before some e-celeb made a video on it. Fuck off.

>> No.7383359

I'm not the spammer your thinking of. I just know because the OP doesn't really match the format of the other threads.

>> No.7383406

I played both TDP and Gold when they were released and the introduced guard patrols is a cosmetic change that barely affects the experience.

>> No.7383414

I just played both right now instead of 22 years ago for the sake of comparison and I can in fact, confirm it is not cosmetic.

>> No.7383429

Basically this. I never liked the mages. I dont get why they replaced the crab people in the Lost City mission. There was never any explanation given as to why they were down there in the first place. And besides Lost City and the Mage Tower missions, I dont think mages ever appeared or were even mentioned again in the entire series. With the exception of Song of the Caverns the new levels felt hastily designed.

>> No.7383449

>before some e-celeb made a video on it. Fuck off.
you are fucking obsessed

>> No.7383551

is it possible to mod the tdp lost city into gold? that seems like the only major fuckup.

>> No.7383570

You can play the gold maps in TDP so probably. The talisman objectives might be an issue though.

>> No.7383582

you're not an actual thief in this game, you're more of a D&D rogue, an adventurer who goes into ruins and old tombs full of zombies and creatures. if you want the genuine thief experience skip it and play 2, you spend 99% of the game sneaking in and out of peoples houses, there is also a bank mission.

>> No.7383584

This isn't true at all. Thief 2 has the same amount of mansion missions as 1 and actually has far less loot requirements. You actually do more thieving in the first game.

>> No.7383589

How well someone plays while streaming isn't necessarily a reflection of how well they play on their own.

>> No.7383694

Gold also has far more loot overall than 2.
Thief Gold: 32,260
Thief 2: 25,876
Expert values.

>> No.7384210

Thief 2 also has more bad missions

>> No.7384403

Gold doesn't just add in 3 new maps. It also makes a couple changes to a few others, including fixing a few possible softlocks.

>> No.7384434

This. Thief 2 had much more espionage involved than actual thieving.

>> No.7384442

>there is also a bank mission.
You mean the bank mission that completely lacks a gold objective?

>> No.7384485

>replaced crab people with generic mages that never get mentioned again
real shame they butchered that.

>> No.7384487

the mages would have been mentioned again if they hadn't gone out of business, there was going to be a necromancer in thief 2 gold as well iirc

>> No.7384508

>From unknown origins they came
>They live isolated beyond the city
>The extent of their arcane power is unknown
>We must be very cautious in dealing with them
>Close observation must continue

Top tier writing and lore

>> No.7384558

Is this one of those games that get absolutely wiped from existence once a remaster or a "better" version comes out? Why do companies do that?

>> No.7384562

Would've been nice if we had Thief 2 Gold. Though I can't help but wonder if it would've made the game overly long.

>> No.7384593


>> No.7384648

game was shorter than the first so no

>> No.7385046

I wouldn't say Thief 2 was shorter than TDP.
Thief Golds additional levels were very long compared to the rest of the game, too.

>> No.7385061

Thief 2 definitely has smaller levels than 1 on average, and there is also less loot to find and less loot objectives so less time is spent in them.

>> No.7385104

So I can avoid making a new thread I'll just ask here:
I'm thinking about trying out Deadly Shadows for the first time; are there any mods that anons feel are must-haves? Or should I just go through the vanilla experience first?

>> No.7385110

Again, Gold is not TDP. TDP not only lacks the much larger than normal Gold levels, it also has less proper missions than Thief 2.
Thief 2 has a few short missions, yes, but it has more of them than TDP, and the final mission is also very large, too.

>> No.7385115

Sneaky Upgrade is a must have, if only because it makes the game more stable overall but also includes Thief 3 Gold which is a godsend. Its biggest feature is that it stitches mission maps together instead of them being split into two like in vanilla. I would however not enable the Minimalist Project if it's bundled with the Sneaky Upgrade.

>> No.7385119

Thief Golds extra levels are good. Don't know why people hate them. I hate everything after return to the cathedral. Wow that was shit

>> No.7385120

I know, I've played TDP, and I still stand by what I said. Thief 2 is a shorter game than 1 in both versions with smaller maps on average.

>> No.7385142

I think Thieve's Guild would've been more well received if they included it as an official FM, rather than shoving it into the main campaign. It has no story relevance whatsoever, and its fuckhuge, which can make getting through it exhausting.

>> No.7385171

Thief 2 also has more maps than Thief TDP, and I'd argue Soulforge is much larger than anything from TDP.

>> No.7385186

Doesn't change the fact that its missions are smaller on average...

>> No.7385523

Smaller levels on average isn't the same as shorter overall whole campaign length. More maps, and one map actually being larger than any of TDPs makes up for this fact.

>> No.7386169

What do we know about Thief III? Every now and then I seem to find something that alludes to more info on it before LGS shut down.
I know it was going to run on a different engine called the Siege engine, they planned to have a hub, and Garrett was probably going to have the same ending
I still can't help but feel the story would have been a little less retcon-happy with shit like those god awful Enforcers.

>> No.7386178
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that part of the briefing is comedy gold
the map itself is also amazing

>> No.7386218

Does anyone have the So You Want to play Thief image, can't find it

>> No.7386632

If it's the one that still recommends Tafferpatcher for Thief 2 it's outdated.

>> No.7387250
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the sense of scale probably wouldn't have been as neutered
a hub would have been bad no matter what though, it just ruins the idea of the city being this massive place

>> No.7387268

That said, the concept of hub areas within missions is not bad, like Rocksbourg part 2.

>> No.7387665

Which one would you say is more fun, Thief 3 or the Thief reboot? I've already played 1 and 2 and wanted to give the others a try even if they aren't very well regarded by most people. Both are dirt cheap right now.

>> No.7387670

Both are shit but the reboot is irredeemable dogshit whereas 3 is mediocre dogshit.

>> No.7387710

people who argue that T1 is inferior to T2 because the former is "less consistent in quality" always use the Gold exlusive missions as examples.

make of that what you will

>> No.7387715

not true, song of the caverns is highly regarded

>> No.7387734

perhaps, but it doesn't meet the standards of the original missions. it feels more like playing a really good FM than playing a genuine thief mission.
it's something about the scale of the place. it's like they designed a normal mission, and then upscaled it to give a false impression of it being larger than it actually is.

as for the other Gold missions, they are overwhelmingly negatively perceived, and I have unironically seen anons argue that T1 is inferior because it has them

>> No.7387874

>but it doesn't meet the standards of the original missions. it feels more like playing a really good FM than playing a genuine thief mission
what the fuck are you even on about, the standards of the original missions is floating tables and chairs everywhere

>> No.7387943
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I still have nightmares of getting lost in the crypt as a kid.

>> No.7388013

Some people seem confused here. Gold includes TDP.
I would recommend Gold anyway.

>> No.7388014

Yeah I like the gold levels too

>> No.7388023

Thief 3 is really good. And the asylum mission is one of the best missions in a Thief game. Wasn't a fan of the reboot, disappointing.

This guy doesn't know anything. Porbably never played them.

>> No.7388031

I played Thief 3 when it was new and somewhat recently and it destroyed any potential nostalgia I had over the game. It's thoroughly mediocre in every aspect from plot, to stealth gameplay, to level design.

>> No.7388096

>opinion from someone who hasn't played the game

>> No.7388114

>There's an unironic Thief 3 shill
I remember you from the last thread. The one where you tried arguing graphics fidelity = art direction.

>> No.7388119

I have used /vr/ for about 3 days so no.

>> No.7388121

I remember him. it's the anon who claimed that thief's art direction was "pixelated graphics"

>> No.7388125
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Random screenshot from my last playthrough. The game is shit.

>> No.7388130

wtf is wrong with Thief 3? Great game.

>> No.7388142

Metal Age > Dark Project > Deadly Shadow > literal shit > Thief Reboot

Original 3, amazing games. The reboot? Sleeper fest with no character.

>> No.7388152

Awful movement, tiny levels, cartoonish depiction of the original games' factions like the keepers, buggy engine where throwing flash bombs at enemies causes them to teleport, everything tied to third person animations so you can't even blackjack guards sitting down as there's no animation for it, wall hugging button that makes you invisible to anything around you, including guards right in front of you touching you, removal of sword and sword combat for a wimpy dagger only useful for stealth assassinations instead of being a tool to deal with creatures and undead, idiotic hub world where shooting bugs and cornerstones makes factions like you, no rope arrows, crouch walking trivializes sound, persistent loot means you will always be topped off on every gadget.

>> No.7388179

>Mandalore Gaming does video praising Thief 1
>sheep start posting about it on /v/
>sheep start saying Thief 3 is bad when people recommend it too
>Mandalore Gaming does another video praising Thief 3
>sheep start praising Thief 3 because of daddy Mandalore

>> No.7388184
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>> No.7388187

cool selfie

>> No.7388191

You are obseseed with youtubers. Literally every thread gas you shilling literally who's names no one ever mentions . Get off soitube retard.

>> No.7388206
File: 116 KB, 1280x1290, 20170424-4O1GHDF3vyAAcQfG8B1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I play TDP or Gold?
Play Metal Age and Deadly Shadows instead

>> No.7388231
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>Don't play the game that's practically identical to the second game

>> No.7388274

Wanted to try it for a while but i can't seem to find the gog version on any torrent site. Even the version for modern pcs apparently needs bugfixes and shit, this modding tranny stuff makes me very annoyed, i am not interested enough to buy, i don't even pay for any digital games ever.

>> No.7388276

>sheep start saying thief 3 is bad
It's always been the weakest of the three and it's not a new consensus

>> No.7388280

It's literally 69 cents right now what African hut are you posting from

>> No.7388284

If you're too stupid to get the game you won't even make it past the first mission

>> No.7388287
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>69 cents
is about the principle, i will never pay for a digital only anything

>> No.7388306

so is one of those only CS trannies like , i figured

>> No.7388452
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Never ever

>> No.7388525
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Is this worth playing? Is the female lead annoying?

>> No.7388540

What does tfix do?

>> No.7388686

Latest version of NewDark + DML fixes.

>> No.7388725

Fixes the cutscenes. They wont play without it and you'll be in the dark for most of the missions.

>> No.7388731

Dont play theif. Play the much better game metal gear solid.

>> No.7388750

MGS can barely be called a game

>> No.7388790

Nice bait.

>> No.7388965

What are some good fan missions?

>> No.7389043
File: 1006 KB, 1920x1080, dump010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost Among the Forsaken
Into the Odd
Sound of a Burrick in a Room
Endless Rain

>> No.7389061

Cool, I'll check 'em out

>> No.7389072

Theif is like being an alien in a humans body. Like the alien from men in black who asks for water.

>> No.7389097

sounds based

>> No.7389135

Eh, I've seen plenty of dislike for Escape!, Strange Bedfellows, and Into the Maw of Chaos, which were original TDP missions.
And its only really Thieves Guild that's consistently disliked out of the Gold missions, too,

>> No.7389428

Nah. Mage Towers is hated as much as Thieves Guild. It's actually worse in my opinion to. The only reason people are more vocal about Thieves Guild is because it's like the 4th or so mission in the game. Meanwhile Mage Towers comes in around the time the shitty missions you just listed do.

>> No.7389449

I actually just replayed thieve's guild for the first time in years and it's ridiculously overblown as being an arduous slog. The sewers are as easy to navigate as heading south and heading north, you can also skip a good portion of the treasure and still easily meet the loot requirements.

>> No.7389452


Mage's Guild also has this delightful glitch in the air tower where the moving platforms get stuck in the walls. And when it happened to me, I just assumed I was an idiot and had missed something.

Cue 90 minutes wandering around the map trying to figure out what the fuck was going on before I gave up and found out it was a known issue.

>> No.7389454


I still think the location of the bracelet is bullshit. The game usually does a good job giving you clues with notes, but you have to basically pixel hunt to find it.

>> No.7389583
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This was made for the reboot but applies to the OG games.

>> No.7389649

It's very well made.

Best fan campaign is easily Death's Cold Embrace. What stunning atmosphere. Insanely memorable. Even when I'm not on a Thief kick I'll somehow think of it.

>> No.7389795

Thoughts on Downtown Funke?

>> No.7390090

I've seen more mixed opinions on Mage Towers rather than consistent hatred for it.

>> No.7390097

Who is Mandalore Gaming?

>> No.7390196

Mage stower is a good level, one of the standouts for me. Thieves guild is a fucking abortion and I can't believe it was ever included.

>> No.7390214

I didn't know shit about the extra levels in gold, played through Thief for the first time last year, and Thieves guild made me nearly give up on the game. It's such an abysmally badly designed and boring map that I will never understand why it was included. It's like it's from another game, the drop in quality is that jarring.

>> No.7390749
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>It's such an abysmally badly designed
it isn't though

>> No.7390758

I really don't know what's up with these smooth brains who can't follow simple directions especially when the thieves at the beginning of the sewer literally spell out for you where you must go.

>> No.7390762

Gold 100%. Frankly I'm shocked public opinion turned against gold. when it came out everyone loved it. I was skeptical because I was super into ss2 and I loved it. The game and the plot flow much better in gold.

>> No.7390848

>a mess of samey textured corridors
>loot hidden in retarded places (the fucking small locker on the far side of the fireplace)
>huge level that takes ages to slog through

stop memeing

>> No.7390906

Four levels to open one door can hardly be considered a better flow. TDP had 12 missions, so 4 missions is basically 1/3 of what the original game was. It's too long. And TG has no relation to the plot whatsoever, it just pops out of nowhere to break the progression.

>> No.7390934

stop being a midwit

>> No.7390998
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What map is this? Song of the Caverns? Also why would the Keepers create such a useless ass map like that?

>> No.7391020

Agreed, really liked the moments of safety when you got back to the hub in between objectives. It's different than the hubs in T3 though, those are awful. They should be part of the mission.

>> No.7391323
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nearest filtering is superior in games with low texture quality.

>> No.7391423

>git gud is the counter to every criticism ever

>> No.7391435

he seems like the type

>> No.7391530

I don't mean being relaxed and inattentive (except for the plot stuff I guess) which is natural to streamers and I can watch many of them. I mean having basic problems with controls such as turning and aiming smoothly in a first-person perspective game and brute force banging his head against challenges which have in-game mechanics to address them which he apparently doesn't know.

It's like watching my grandfather try to use a smartphone, makes me grit my teeth in frustration.

>> No.7391560
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>makes me grit my teeth in frustration.
Nigga you need to relax

>> No.7391906

yes, people who make video essays generally suck ass at videogames

>> No.7391973

Some dude is here just to bait and he changes it up when no one bites.

>> No.7393040

Is Thief 3 worth playing? I hear mixed stuff about it.

>> No.7393175
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Finished Downtowne Funke. All in all an enjoyable alternate take on Thieves' Guild.

>> No.7393395

It's a fine mission but isn't particularly memorable especially when put against the other missions in the anniversary contest.

>> No.7393543

On its own merits it's fine, perhaps with levels that are a little oddly caustrophobic. As a follow up to thief 1 and 2, and the end of the series, it's going to be disappointing more than anything.

>> No.7393545

any thief fan missions with particularly good atmosphere/story?

>> No.7393547

It's a lot easier if you have some experience with it. I knew that I could largely skip the two outposts, and several sections of the sewer, a first timer exhausting every single dead end for treasure they don't need or objectives that aren't there is going to drive themselves crazy.

>> No.7393550

Anything by Lady Rowena fit your criteria, The Tower especially.

>> No.7393754
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I actually liked Thieves Guild. Not trying to be contrarian at all, I just played it without coming across any of the widespread hate it receives online and had a pretty good time. It definitely doesn't fit story-wise and the visual design is a bit meh in some of the sewer sections, but playing through is absolutely amazing, especially the early sections where you slowly make your way through the casino to the secret entrance into the sewers and that killer moody soundtrack plays. The whole "sneaking between two opposing factions' bases" idea and the vertical design in the sections with multiple floors were also amazing.

>> No.7393873

The city level which was also in the demo was awesome

>> No.7394371

>Lady Rowena
yeah rip

>> No.7394390 [DELETED] 

>It definitely doesn't fit story-wise
eh, it's clear that before the trickster storyline kicks they were doing heist of the week type episodes to establish garret was in a class of his own that would take crazy jobs, if it was shoved in after the sword people would have a point.

>> No.7394402

>it definitely doesn't fit storywise
It's not even that bad in that respect. Before the trickster plotline kicks in they were doing heist of the week type episodes to establish Garret as in a class of his own that would take crazy jobs, if it had been shoved in after the sword people would have a point.

>> No.7394492

You're actually right. I went and rewatched the cinematics and checked the briefings and it doesn't bother me at all. Another instance of herd mentality taking over I guess.

>> No.7394524

Even if it isn't related to the bigger picture that begins with The Sword onwards, I still think it feels out of place with the continuity. Every other early mission leads into each other, with the next mission's cutscene mentioning the previous mission in some capacity as being part of why it's happening. But Thieves Guilds cutscene makes no mention of what happened in Assassins, and The Sword's cutscene talks about Assassins as if Thieves Guild never happened.
I do think its an overhated level, though.

>> No.7394543

Information probably travels a bit slow. For instance two thieves are talking about the scepter job in Bafford's as if they only just learned about it. If I were autistic and had too much time on my hands I would cross reference the dates of Bafford's ledger and Donal's journal but I can't be arsed.

>> No.7394657

The problem by far is how repetitive and ugly the sewers are and how linear the levels are. There's practically only 1 way into each mansion, except one forks off into 2 paths. Not to mention bugs like the shadows not lining up with the lightgem.
>The whole "sneaking between two opposing factions' bases" idea and the vertical design in the sections with multiple floors were also amazing.
You get like 3 sections with vertical level design which you can't even take advantage of unless you screw up and that makes it amazing for you?

>> No.7394661

>I actually liked Thieves Guild. Not trying to be contrarian
In this day and age a contrarian would be somebody attempting at criticism for Thieves Guild, so you're perfectly normal my friend

>> No.7394672

>Not to mention bugs like the shadows not lining up with the lightgem.
that's newdark's fault and there are wooden ceilings un the multi floor areas you can rope up with

>> No.7394707
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It's mostly just dumb zoomers and me included that couldn't find that damn hidden loot in the fireplace or were too retarded to use the compass, the level itself is pretty decent.

I would totally replay it over any of the city missions in T2, Kidnap, The Mage Towers, Return to the Cathedral or Escape!

>> No.7394749

Why? All I see is people shitting on it constantly.
>There's practically only 1 way into each mansion, except one forks off into 2 paths.
It makes sense context-wise, since these are secret underground entrances into highly guarded territory.
Good point on the inability to take advantage of the verticality tho. I guess the feeling of verticality alone was worth it for me?

>> No.7394784
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It was nice to play a straight mission that felt like it would fit in the original game compared to the other ones that go crazy with scripting and custom objects.

>> No.7394850
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I also started playing this. Done with mission 1 so my questions are

1. Does amount of gold I save after making purchases carry over and adds to further loots of mine?

2. If not, what essential items I should keep buying before each mission?

>> No.7394859

>1. Does amount of gold I save after making purchases carry over and adds to further loots of mine?
No. Spend everything you have between missions.

>2. If not, what essential items I should keep buying before each mission?
Depends on the mission but flash bombs, water, and moss arrows are generally a safe bet. Just think about what you might need to use based on the mission briefing and remember lethal tools can be used on all nonhumans.

>> No.7395398

How do you even get there?
that was into the odd, right?

>> No.7395408

I would say the mage tower is a more serious blunder in fucking up the story(and also messing up the atmosphere in Lost City). In the original there's a simple triangle between the Trickster pulling things back towards the primitive and arcane, the hammers pulling into the technological, and the keepers being the balance. The mages feel like a major retcon that's just sort of haphazardly thrown in. Do they represent the same pull as the trickster? Are they in conflict with the hammers? Eh whatever we want a necromancer level in thief 2 gold.

>> No.7395410

there was also a crypt hidden in the mission as well if you step on a pressure plate then trigger a lever on the ceiling of a tower nearby

>> No.7395497

I know but where's that specific spot? north? south?

>> No.7395506

near the benis, i can't remember off the top of my head but there's an area with some rooftops and a sharp metal fence on one of the rooftops nearby

>> No.7395579
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finally, thanks

>> No.7395583

nice, now look for the pressure plate on one of the turrets of a stone tower, then find the other lever on a ceiling nearby

>> No.7395651
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already did, what I'm missing now is 50 loot somewhere in the whole fraggin level

>> No.7396340

Do people prefer Thief with or without the modded HD textures?

>> No.7396353

Without obviously, and if you ever choose to dabble in fan missions I would recommend you do the same.

>> No.7396357

there are some fan missions that use the graphical mods well but they absolutely butcher the gold and 2. Just use tfix.

>> No.7396369

Tfix comes with some textures form Thief 2 that look fucking jarring next to vanilla Thief 1 textures and they're enabled by default.

>> No.7396382

I personally use TFix lite, I don't like how they just change visuals of maps like all the skyboxes and particle effects even if some of the brushwork gets fixed.

>> No.7396398

I'm pretty sure Lite still fucks with some things like red alarms in a game that didn't support colored lighting. Thankfully these can be removed by deleting a .dml I think.

>> No.7396409

So you admit the gold version is better and you're just posturing. I swear vr is dumber than v.

>> No.7396417

>I swear vr is dumber than v.
Just take a gander at the old-school FPS general and you'll be convinced it's indeed the case.

>> No.7396456
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I consider Thief 1/2 to be along my favorite games ever made but I never got into fan missions or the Dark Mod. I think I felt like it'd be lonely with no voice acting, particularly without Stephen Russell, as autistic as that sounds. What are the essential FMs?

>> No.7396467
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There are a bunch of recut lines as well as FMs with Garrett impersonations. >>7389043 are some good modern ones to try.

>> No.7396482

A Midsummer Night's Heist from the latest contest has a really really convincing Garrett narration in the briefing video.

>> No.7396510

It's not that /vr/ is dumber, it's that /vr/ is less active therefore the retards are more visible.

>> No.7396535

Lite didn't do that last time I had it installed, but really you might as well just use plain newdark.

>> No.7396623
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I've started playing Thief Gold after finishing System Shock 2 a couple of weeks ago, just got through Thieves Guild tonight, and oh boy, this level does deserve its reputation.
It should have been included as a bonus level at the end of the game, because it is pretty challenging at the beginning (went Normal + 0 kills) but then it transforms into an endless downward spiral of Final Fantasy 2-tier filler rooms, with chests and doors that are pointless to lockpick most of the time.
Then you are supposed to know that once you get the safe key, you have to go back 30 levels above to one specific room with drapery and cut those clothes to get the fucking purple vase, and then go one level below into a deadend where you can happen to look at the sky. None of this is hinted at in all the papyruses talking about irrelevant internal drama you won't give a single shit about during the next mission. Say what you want about MGS but this kind of shit never happens with Kojima-san.

My advice would still be to get Thief Gold because it's overall comfy as fuck -- loved Break From Cragscleft Prison and Down In The Bonehoard, their level design is still astonishing to this day -- and use a walkthrough when you get bored of the filler levels.

>> No.7396661

>Then you are supposed to know that once you get the safe key, you have to go back 30 levels above to one specific room with drapery and cut those clothes to get the fucking purple vase
Do you happen to have ears and eyes? Because not only do a few thieves tell you outright where you must go, but one parchment mentions the tapestry room and how the maid is forbidden to clean there.

>> No.7396686

>especially the early sections where you slowly make your way through the casino to the secret entrance into the sewers and that killer moody soundtrack plays
This is true, stealing money from NPCs incognito in the casino over a edgy drum n'bass loop feels great, but then it goes downhill from there.

>> No.7396724

I will admit I drank and smoked hash while playing it, but still in SS2 you would get a log or two that reminded you where to go after getting lost in the 3D maze in such situations. I never got totally confused in Thief Gold until this mission. It should have been bonus stuff like the optional bosses in Final Fantasy, not the fifth mission.

>> No.7396819

>I will admit I drank and smoked hash while playing it
So you're blaming the game for being a braindead retard, based.

>> No.7397171

Zoomers aren't very clever.

>> No.7397190
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Currently playing through Feast of Pilgrims. Beautiful brushwork and good sound ambience so far although there's the occasional microstutter since the map is so massive.

>> No.7397228

The slowness use to keep the retards at bay.

>> No.7397459

>lethal tools can be used on all nonhumans
I always knock out a few monkey men in Trail of Blood and toss them over the bridges until they die; I also like to knock the two out by the big campfire and drop them in and watch them die.

>> No.7397489
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A fantastic game. My friends and I played the shit out of it back in the day. This is what I do because I'm a weirdo. I play TDP first up to level Down in the Bone Hold. I liked the original design of the level before they fucked it up in Gold. The original design fills with this sense of horror at staring at the enormous tomb complex and you get this sense of ancient, dusty, cold and dreadful sense while playing the original. Once I beat the Bonehold I then play Gold. I can't remember how I did this, but I would edit the file or use some cheat to enter in Gold and add in the loot I got from the Bonehold and then play Assassins on Gold and continue the rest of the game. Yes I know I'm strange but I like my zombie horror levels in Thief.

>> No.7397490

based, frogbeasts can kill humans without failing the mission too

>> No.7397501
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>I liked the original design of the level before they fucked it up in Gold.
The Gold version looks much better than this.

>> No.7397509

No sorry. Gold version looks like some 60s acid trip. Sorry but you have no taste.

>> No.7397514
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You mean it looks like an actual crypt full of graves and distinct locales instead of the same massive brick texture stretched across every wall.

>> No.7397524

I don't hate it as much as everyone else seems to. It's not great, but it's fine.

>> No.7397526

No it looks too bright and terrible. Read my original text and you will understand. Sorry but you have no taste.

>> No.7397538

The "HD" texture pack is absolute shit.
Even the canon texture pack feels unnecessary, though I can appreciate their efforts.

>> No.7397550

My suggestion to play Mage Towers is this. There is a trap door located near one of the towers in a courtyard. Enter that trap door to get to the basement. There's quite a few useful items that will make the level easier for you. Don't fully complete the basement, you just need the gear in the two storage rooms. Leave the basement. Enter the water tower and then enter the Earth Tower. Once you complete the Earth Tower go back down the way you came. Do this the same for the air tower. Once you complete the Fire Tower go through the door that opens up near the key. This door leads directly to the main tower. Go up to the top of the main tower to get the Earth Talisman. Once you get that then go down the main tower completely each floor while you head to the basement. This will make it less tedious. Don't forget that there is guards walking the courtyard and there is a couple of rooms that have loot that lead to the courtyards too.

>> No.7397570

I meant thieves guild.
But I don't mind the mage towers either.
It's a little inconsistent throughout the map iirc. Haven't played it in a while.

>> No.7397578

Thieves Guild is a good map too. Each map in Thief is unique with it's set of different challenges, design and little nuances that make most of the levels enjoyable to play.

>> No.7397839

>So you admit the gold version is better
Reading comprehension much?
A retard steps forward to call others dumb, typical

>> No.7397917 [DELETED] 

there's a mod on steam that removes the mages from lost city in gold. The water talisman and the crab people aren't there but the flame elementals and Burricks. Very lonely, creepy atmosphere, it begs for some sort of stalker enemy to pop up out of nowhere.

>> No.7397927

psa: there's a mod on the steam community that removes the mages from the gold version of lost city, the water talisman and the crabmen aren't added back in but the flame elementals and burricks are enough of a challenge. Really gives it a different feel never encountering a single human. It's creepy as is, but it's the sort of atmosphere that begs for a stalker enemy to make an appearance, guess that would have been too far into horror.

>> No.7397932


>> No.7398097
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Try the next room. Why is everything so clean and shiny...

>> No.7398098
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...as opposed to what it used to be.

>> No.7398105
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Also, what is this supposed to represent? Other than being one wall made of three different textures

>> No.7398120
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The entrance to the Marad extension also looks like a disjointed mess. And what's with the stone plank being replaced with fresh wood? Apparently someone couldn't make the climbing jump and broke his neck, so this got replaced for them to use rope arrows and be a winner? Sorry, but no, just no.

>> No.7398125
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The original consistent style, which does not scream "look! there's a hidden section here! quick! use your rope arrows"

>> No.7398687

the same beick texture in every room, gold looks better

>> No.7398950
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>mfw single segment run with 1hp near the end of the mission

>> No.7400331

I know this is a bit hipsterish but I can make Thief 1 with no texture filtering look nice with tfix, but Thief 2 has some weird blocky shadows everywhere.

>> No.7400334

The 3 missions are good thematically but play like ass. No wonder they got cut.

>> No.7400338

You know what would be fucking cool ? Deadly shadows on the dark engine with some rewritten dialogue.

>> No.7400342

Not really.

>> No.7400351

There is very little interest, if any, in that.

>> No.7400354

The idea is amazing but its a jank mission.

But it is really a cool mission to setup Garrett as so above all these merer mortals he can fucking sneak intoi a fucking thieves guild and make absolute fools out of them.

He flexes hard, only a Thief like that could attract the attention of Gods.

I know but man can dream.

>> No.7400371
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I tried necroage for both thief 1 and 2 and I must say while being a bit dark they really respect much of Thief setting.
I love vanilla hand painted textures, but I really think most of Thief lives in the sound.

I know this might sound crazy but the sound is so good in Thief my brain as over the years conjured a complete different world in my brain that looks more like the kino cutscenes then the game itself.

Only Thief has ever touched me on this level and I love other games. Fuck I remember playing the Truart mansion in 2 all those years back and I swear to god when i find his body in the end of the mission I swear I think the assassin was still inside the mansion and I could somehow " see" him or try to catch him.

Also pic related dear fucking lords, in a black shadows pitch crt I was not fucking ready.

>> No.7400378

>Break From Cragscleft Prison

That mission progression is absurdly unbelievable how good it is in creating atmosphere and showing the world.
Over the years I love as much as the most famous ones.

It progresses in a really cool way, the haunted mines, the factory, the moaning halls of the prison and the cool barracks.

>> No.7400410
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Sometimes I wish og vanilla maps could get a bit retouched making them more consistent in some parts and more brushwork more polys etc.

I know its a bit crazy but I love old engines pushed to the max for some reason. Like Arcane dimensions or Ion Fury.

>> No.7400418

There's a T2 FM that recreates the deadly shadows city hub, but I forgot the name.

>> No.7400431

Its full of weaknesses but DS had some redeeming features for its time. First off the amazing ambient brosius sounds. Elevate the game.

The graphics are good for its time. I particularly loved the moonlight and dust. All the missions also had really tight design philosophy behind them, from horror to regular heists.

>> No.7401161


I'm fucking late to the party but this video shows how to mod Gold to be not shit and run on Newdark

>> No.7401452

Two of those three mods are retarded dogshit. Use a real install of TDP or fuck off, not that fake shit that isn't actually TDP.

>> No.7401626

This. Copies of TDP aren't that hard to find on torrent sites and they can be patched with NewDark just fine.

>> No.7401865

>playing Thief

Why don't you go shoplifting or dumpster diving? Be a thief IRL, not in some dumb game. May Laverna guide your left hand.

>> No.7401924

The whole point of the gold requirement is to encourage you to explore.

>> No.7401928

Some people want the thrill of sneaking around and stealing without the risk of going to jail.

>> No.7401942

>break into back door
>servant sees you, starts screaming and running, chase them down and pound them with the black jack 3 or 4 times in the heat of the moment
>pickpocket their meager change so you aren't pixel hunting for 5 gold at the end of the mission
it's more of a rogue adventure game but sometimes it does make you feel like a real world degenerate.

>> No.7403131

>Risk of going to jail
Actually zero risk if you're smart and know the tricks of the trade. Go read Cloak and Dagger, it's a free ebook, most of the info is common sense if you've been treasure hunting as long as I have, but to a newbie padfoot it's a wealth of valuable tips and tricks

>> No.7403137

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7403139

>Actually zero risk if you're smart and know the tricks of the trade.
Thats what they all say.

>> No.7403151
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One popular book among my friends was "Shadow Prowler" by Alexei Pehov, a book about master thief Garret who robs mansions and tombs and involunterily saves the world. And he uses different arrows and gadgets in his adventures. Basically dude just wrote his Thief fanfic and officially published it... and it was pretty good. I didn't even knew about the game back then.

Fans of Thief, I recommend you this book and the whole "Chronicles of Siala" series.

>> No.7403941
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>> No.7403946
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>> No.7404294

Thief had so much effect on me that in rpgs even tough I love warriors and mages I always, ALWAYS make a run as a dick stabbing thief like Garrett.

>> No.7404378

The devs actually said in a interview they wanted to make blackjacking and sword fighting as unglamorous as possible. Not in the animations, but in the sounds, the way a guard yells in pain while dying is to make you uncomfortable and to make you feel like a nervous boyfriends waiting for your girlfriend to stop talking loud.

>> No.7404504

He's probably complaining about the system they've had since SS1 that lets you do things like lean around doors.

>GB: What else are you proud of in the programming?

>DC: We have an outrageously good physics system. For another Looking Glass game, the project leader is a guy who punted working on his PhD in high-energy physics to come write games, and damn, does he know his physics! So he wrote a physics system for that game which is far more sophisticated than what you would normally use for an indoor game, but since we had this cool modeling system we decided to put it in our other games as well. In System Shock, that gives us an amazingly realistic model of how your body moves and what you see as a result of your motion.

>GB: How is the model set up?

>DC: Well, the physics system actually has a number of models which we use. The player has the most complex model used in System Shock. Initially we were planning on using our full 12-jointed biped model, which we are using for a game to be released later this year. We simplified it but kept the essentials, such as a separate head on the body, and so on. So when the physics system runs, many of the effects that would normally have to be hardcoded in just happen automatically. For instance, the head tilts forward when you start to run, and jerks back a bit when you stop. If you run in a tight circle, you lean a bit towards the center. When you run into a wall, or are hit by a bullet, or run into by an enemy, your head is knocked in the direction opposite the hit, with proportion to mass and velocity of the objects involved, and so on. Thus we are getting a big bundle of effects automatically that normally would have to be hardcoded in one by one. And since this is all in our core physics library, as time goes on we can write bigger and better models, which allow even more interaction with each other and the world.


>> No.7404527
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>everyone says the hammer haunts are the spookiest
I just fucking HATE these spiders.

>> No.7404546

I was just thinking about a mod that would make your vision dizzy after being bitten by a spider, something that most other immersive sims have in one way or another. I wonder if it's possible to implement this in dark engine.

>> No.7404615

I'm finally playing Thief properly, that is without reloading when I get caught, and I've got to say it's 10 times better. I don't know why I was so autistically focused on Ghosting every single level.

>> No.7404617

>I don't know why I was so autistically focused on Ghosting every single level.
Because you have been trained to do this with modern videogames where stealth is a binary thing.

>> No.7404626

Yeah it feels amazing.

Perfecting a level or even ghosting is possible. But simply perfecting is great.

You can still be in credibly stealthy and bonk around at least one guy.

That is why I loved tomb raiding in thief 1 you have an opportunity to go bonkers with your equipment

>> No.7404632

Ironmanning Thief is exhilirating, especially on Expert.

>> No.7404640

I still save before doing a tricky jump, I don't want to be screwed over by weird mantling.

>> No.7404646

Depends on the jump, the engine revamp solved almost 90% of it for me to the point it does not bother me.

>> No.7404651

Jumping from ladders, or trying to descend a ladder still fucks me over.

>> No.7404653

yeah those 10% are the ladders in bonehoard

>> No.7404660

The only time mantling really fucks me over anymore is in FMs with overly elaborate brushwork or when my rope arrow lands in a spot where i'm expected to mantle something on a corner.

>> No.7404664

For beginners rope arrows can be tricky. But I can do it blind and know how to jump in and out of them.

Not a lot of times you have to use them in weird places.

>> No.7404725

So is Thief essentially impossible to discuss in /v/ nowadays?

>> No.7404730

Some unfunny redditor keeps making that same thread. He will tire out of it in a month then normal threads with FM discussion can occur again.

>> No.7404735

Thief haters are extremely unhinged and crazy, I dont know why.

>> No.7404738

I'm extremely glad that shitty low effort thread is dying with no replies, I guess there is still hope for that cesspool of a board.

>> No.7404739

for me stealth games always feel kind of conflicted. ghosting is really more fun, and feels truer to what a stealth game should be, but knocking out every single guard you encounter is so much more efficient that it's hard not to especially if you're doing no save levels. the way the prod only works in deus ex half the time sucks but if I had any criticism of thief it's that it's a little too safe to agressively approach guards and knock them out.

>> No.7404753

The thing is ghosting feels more like a puzzle game rather than a stealth one, it's very engaging and fun, but now that I'm playing the game "properly" I realize it's also very limiting, and in some instances, frustrating. I say this as someone who exclusively ghosted every level in all three games.

>> No.7404757

Agreed. its still a nice fucking attempt for being a pionner stealth game.

I like to limit my blackjacks. Maybe a mod that makes guards immune and aggressive like hammer haunts.

I think most of the decisions that aged worse are always the devs going" this shit is insane hard for people accustomed to doom clones we better have some safeguards".

>> No.7404763

Ghosting to the point people drop\leave objects as they found them is insane.

I also liked ghosting, but there were limits I agree.

Forgot to say also when you become a master at Thief, running away and doing some mirrors edge shit and even fighting guards becomes easy even in expert.

>> No.7404769

No, the game was designed around stealthing, and using blackjacking when you want to open potential avenues in patrol patterns, not sitting in a shadow and savescumming whenever you get spotted. The risk of blackjacking is when enemies go into search mode, they can spot previously hidden bodies and raise their alert level and state of awareness.

>> No.7404772

Gold is okay anon, just be prepared for boring missions like thieves guild and the wizard towers.

>> No.7404774

>people drop\leave objects as they found them is insane
I never reached those levels of...erm... dedication. But I never used noisemakers, flashbombs, mines, etc. And that's a huge set of tools I was autisticaly preventing myself from using.

>> No.7404778

Watch some of those ghosting its insane. Garrett becomes immaterial.

>> No.7404787

I always loved flashbombs to escape from guards if it ever happened only once.

Also flashbombs harm hammer haunts. I only discovered that like years later.

>> No.7404791

Supreme ghosting is called I think, I watched a guy do Bafford's Manor, and I was astonished. There must be some levels that you simply cannot do, like Undercover.

>> No.7404797

Flashbombed guards can be blackjacked.

>> No.7404803

I know.

Curiously one of the things I fucking loved as a kid and never used was washing blood with water arrows.

>> No.7404832

What's everyone's opinions on the missions from the one million unit contest?

>> No.7404930

Haven't tried them yet but limitations are always good on mappers.

>> No.7405278

The e-celeb mentioned in this thread summarized my feelings about ghosting almost perfectly, although it was more aimed at Dishonored's ghosting rather than Thief.
>You aren't hiding to protect yourself you're hiding to protect the guards from you

>> No.7405902

I always bring at least two frogbeast eggs with me when I can to surprise some lucky mechanist.

>> No.7407006

The people who straight up tell other people to skip Thief 1/Gold and start with 2 are the fucking worst.

>> No.7407248

People who ask what they should do are the worst.

>> No.7407704
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>> No.7407727
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hmm...today i will go outside (clueless)

>> No.7408124

So I downloaded the Endless Rain FM the other day, and I'm having sound issues, I think it's the rain sfx, it sounds like static in game. When I listen to the sound file itself it sounds fine. I tried disabling EAX and reducing the amount of audio channels, but with no success.

>> No.7408126

You have your audio set to OpenAL?

>> No.7408134

Did you disable hardware acceleration in addition to EAX?

>> No.7408137

Yep, that solved it, thanks guys, I don't how I didn't notice that option.

>> No.7408168

Played it years ago on Steam with Tfix. Should I try expert mode? I was always a filthy casual bitch and stuck to normal.

>> No.7408173
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>> No.7408186

objectives and passageways change so yes

>> No.7408204

Expert can be tedious with the loot requirements, I would recommend Hard at the very least, just so you actually have to leave the place once you finish you're objectives.

>> No.7408217

>Expert can be tedious with the loot requirements
It really isn't except for some Fan Missions where you have to scavenger hunt for individual coins hidden by autistic mappers. All the actual maps have reasonable loot requirements in Thief 1 and 2.

>> No.7408228

What's the most efficient way to kill those faggots anyway. I feel like shooting them is a waste of arrows.

>> No.7408238

If they're unaware of you a single arrow in the abdomen is enough. The small spiders have 1hp so one blackjack hit is enough to kill them if you're feeling adventurous.

>> No.7408248

You can block their melee attacks. You can also kill them with one broadhead arrow if they're unalerted.

>> No.7408253

Also with regards to blocking, it's a real shame nobody ever seems to go in depth and explore the swordfighting mechanics of the game, they are quite well done and you can get pretty good at blocking. From my experience, it is possible to block the hammer haunt overhead sword strikes of death if you press the block button before they attack, then let go and press it again for the next strike.

>> No.7408559
File: 54 KB, 1920x514, shitheadcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do that. You can download these fixed files instead:
(unpack under endless rain folder and replace)

The forum geniuses mentioned the game had problems with 24-bit audio, too bad the one retard that bothered to upload the 16-bit audio clips did so poorly and quality is much lower with silence at the end for each file (which ruins loops).
See pic related (top - original, bottom - broken crap)

Would be a complete waste to play without EAX.

How it's been like this for so long I have no idea, but then again it's the same community that approves the use of HD mods.

>> No.7408564

Post pic of your audio settings, curious to see if they match mine.

>> No.7408573
File: 655 KB, 1920x1080, thief_2021_02_11_18_32_23_082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as always, also had the static sound problem before applying the fix.

>> No.7408581

Mine's set up the same way, not the anon having problems just checking to see if my shit's in order.

>> No.7408607

I actuallly liked Thief 3 but then again it was the first thief game I ever played. I don't think I'm gonna play through it again because the Shalebridge Cradle has the scariest fuckin enemies ever.

>> No.7408610
File: 401 KB, 588x519, HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How it's been like this for so long I have no idea, but then again it's the same community that approves the use of HD mods.
Speaking of hd mods

>> No.7408613

Yet its clearly the worst and most consolized.

its still decent game and brosius did amazing work as usual in ambient sound design.

>> No.7408629

I dont know, hd mods are gross, but I find them somewhat tolerable in Thief and even stuff like Deus Ex.

The meat of the games are not in the textures. I think necroage kinda looks okay in some levels. more noir.

>> No.7408636

I'm the guy who was having issues, thank you man, it works perfectly. I'll play this mission tonight.

>> No.7408637

I have never seen an HD mod that didn't have tiling issues. Also I firmly believe Thief 2 has fantastic art direction.

>> No.7408639

What's that one FM where you rob a mansion, and in the garden there's an easter egg hidden behind 7 locked doors? Some doors you have to pick, some you have to find keys for, and the final one you need to bust open with a Sunburst device.

>> No.7408645

The left looks better.

>> No.7408646

I think this is Wicked Relics.

>> No.7408653

the tweet in question is clearly sarcastic

>> No.7408658

>that fucking metal grating

>> No.7408663

Both do, Thief 1 has some issues.

Necroage has very decent tiling and even lore friendly.

>> No.7408676
File: 859 KB, 300x338, EH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so it is . Cheers mate, thanks for quick reply!

>> No.7408704

You're welcome taffer. It's an often overlooked mission.

>> No.7408710
File: 284 KB, 762x1080, THIAF 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7408864

Newfag here, what's the best way to emulate the original Thief games on Mac?

>> No.7408893

What's the context here? I know it's used whenever Thi4f is mentioned.

>> No.7408969

It was a stream before Thiaf came out on /v/.

>> No.7408978

Expert is the definitive way to play the base games.
On top of Normal and Hard having less objectives overall, the first few levels of Thief 1 completely lack leave and gold objectives on Normal, which kinda ruins them.
Only thing I dislike about Expert is the required "don't kill anyone" objective in every level featuring human enemies. I do understand why the objective is there, as its meant to enforce to the player that combat is not the way to play. But I feel getting a game over because you killed a guard comes across as a bit gamey, especially for a game that otherwise does an exceptionally good job at immersing the player into its world.

>> No.7408984

The game was leaked a few days before released, and someone streamed a full playthrough for /v/. He wasn't very good and got into fights all the time, and guards emitted an 'EH' every time they took damage.

>> No.7408995

Best way to play the games is the first time on Hard, then on Expert.

>> No.7408998

The developers forgot to add this objective to The Lost City in Gold so you can kill every last one of the mages on Expert if you feel like it.

>> No.7409002

This is basically what I did, yeah.

>> No.7409004

Mages aren't real people.

>> No.7409024

I fucking hate the mages on the lost city. I am starting to became a TDP hispter.

>> No.7409030

Fell for the TDP meme then Gold turned out to be better.

>> No.7409034
File: 891 KB, 1024x768, cthulhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it only ruins the lost city. I think its perfect without the mages showing up. It feels like you really found a huge old lovecraftian sunken city and only you know the secret. And i guess some keepers.

>> No.7409039

That's the one aspect where TDP is better than Gold. All other level changes (little big world in The Sword mainly) are improvements.

>> No.7409528

Still working on my list of FMs but a friend has recommended Cinder Notes.

>> No.7409562


>> No.7409571

should be archived somewhere better for safekeeping

>> No.7410220
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just booted up Cinder Notes and wow is it beautiful.

>> No.7410223
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>> No.7410224
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>> No.7410226
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Pretty much. Shame it's a bit too easy and short.

>> No.7410230

I just spent 5 hours searching every corner in Feast of Pilgrims so this is exactly what I needed.

>> No.7410367

The missions in this contest shouldn't take you too long. I think the longest ones are The Turning of the Leaves and A Midsummer Night's Heist and then again they last about an hour.

>> No.7410671
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, dump004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished The Tower. It had some frustrating parts due to the lighting bugs but the visuals were nice.

>> No.7410674
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>> No.7410917

A Midsummer Night's Heist - your overall score 26 / 30
Alcazar - your overall score 30 / 30
Nightwalk - your overall score 19 / 30
Recipe for Turmoil - your overall score 26 / 30
Sabotage in Eastport - your overall score 23 / 30
Sinister Night - your overall score 15 / 30
The Cinder Notes - your overall score 26 / 30
The Perdurance - your overall score 28 / 30
The Turning of the Leaves (v1.1) - your overall score 28 / 30

My personal votes

>> No.7412014

Also are Lady Rowena's other missions worth playing?

>> No.7412140
File: 161 KB, 2560x1440, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a brainlet or is that bracelot a fucking bitch to find?

>> No.7412170

yes to both
not your fault for being a brainlet though, modern videogames train you to never look up or down or search nooks and crannies

>> No.7412372

Yes, even her first.

>> No.7412450

Thanks amazing shit.

>> No.7412773
File: 15 KB, 300x225, 54457457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the final area of thief 2 sucks dude
t. retard who got spooked by the cherub

>> No.7412781


Servants are one of the best examples of Thief series undercurrent of horror. Good horror.

>> No.7412825

If you shit on either Thief 1 or 2, you're a tasteless nonce, simple as.

>> No.7412829

You really are. The game is not perfect but its such a cocktail of great gameplay, storytelling and style.

>> No.7413132
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, a Cathedral akin to the one in Deadly shadows, but not at a Fisher Price scale.

>> No.7413206

just wait until you get into the catacombs, bro

>> No.7413256

So I just finished the first level and doing second level, and I feel like I'm playing this game wrong, is it okay to kill people? I've played a lot of newer stealth games and they always reeee at you for killing people with some weird mechanic or incentive. I feel like I get caught all the time and bonking them with the blackjack is too dangerous, maybe I'm supposed to quick save a lot?
Maybe its just the first 2 levels, but most of the areas are tight corridors with patrolling guards and sometimes I feel like its impossible to get past them undetected, I also always feel the need to knock them out so I can roam the place freely and look for any secrets

>> No.7413281

the second level is a bitch for a new player I'll say that, but I'm assuming that you're going way too fast, you need to be patient, get into a spot you know is safe and wait for guard patrol patterns play so you know what to expect.

>> No.7413283

I think you should be free to play it however you like, It's an immersive sim after all, but killing every guard you come across will be difficult.
use headphones to get a better sense of awareness, you can almost pinpoint where the guards are just by listening to them

>> No.7413285

>the second level is a bitch for a new player
And it's one of my favorites. In comparison, Thief 2's early levels are way too easy for a returning player (although Running Interference is by far one of the best looking maps visually for me).

>> No.7413571

>I feel like its impossible to get past them undetected

It is not once you get the hang of it. You can explore tons of levels without bonking people. Its your nerves speaking.

>> No.7414143
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, dump014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally made it there.

>> No.7414149

>casing the joint
Boring - why the fuck am I doing the same map again? Oh yeah turning all these fucking cameras off yet again is super fun.

>> No.7414658

I was playing Mage Towers last night, and some of the mages would keep "accidentally" wandering in my direction while they were looking for me after being alerted by noise. They didn't see me, they didn't hear me, but every time I moved somewhere they would just "coincidentally" follow me, even over long distances. What is up with that?

>> No.7414705
File: 3.64 MB, 760x314, My Sympathies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is up with that?

>> No.7414742

But it's not bad luck. They were following me around, while also not being aware of my location. I quickloaded many times and moved in different places and every time they would follow.

>> No.7414756

Probably because they lacked a flee point to go to once alerted.

>> No.7414762

Shouldn't they just go back to where they stopped patrolling?

>> No.7414857

Not if they still see you. Though if they lost track of you they should, yeah. The game's weird sometimes.

>> No.7414870

It's annoying that you basically replay the same map, but I far prefer the objectives in Masks.

>> No.7414874

I have huge respect for the vanilla thief 1 and 2 levels but sometimes I think remaking some adding more detail beefing them up would be super cool.

>> No.7414917

I'm gonna level with you, I only posted that because I so rarely have a good opportunity to use the gif.

>> No.7414923

Tbh I would love a Dark Mod remake of Thief 1.

>> No.7414926

I would as well only if they made sword mechanics better.

>> No.7414928

But I forgot say I would still prefer dark engine. Its great.

The only thing I hate about the dark engine are the models, forcing guards to walk around with the swords in hand etc.

>> No.7414979

There are ways to detach their swords from their hands (on the models the swords are glued to their right hands) and make them sheathe/unsheathe them but it looks fairly janky. Duncan Malveine does it iirc along with guards wielding both bows and swords.

>> No.7414985

Even back then I hated it and looked unnatural. In ss2 it makes sense for the many to walk around with guns and wrenches.

>> No.7415383

It would be a demake at this point. Thank you NewDark.

>> No.7415568

That's what TFix does and is one of the reasons I play without it.

>> No.7415598

That is not what I meant I know the addons it includes and spices up.

I mean actually redesign the maps keep the layout but more detail more polygons and brushes. Shit that makes more sense.

>> No.7415739

My verdict on these catacombs:

>> No.7415754

the searching beheaviour works like that. it's one of the stranger AI quirks that people never talk about

>> No.7415757
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, dump015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your mission is going to be like this, at least make it on T2's engine and give me flares.

>> No.7415769
File: 980 KB, 1920x1080, dump016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7415773

ok what is this running on for the lighting to be like that?

>> No.7415774

is that Catacombs of Knoss?

that FM had so many author givaways. if you've played Behind Closed Doors, you'll recognise the style and layouts of the cathedral, the market stalls and the warehouse/office

>> No.7415778

iirc only the ossuary is pitch black, and that area has animated lamps that you're supposed to stay close to

>> No.7415796
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, dump017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I booted up Lost Among the Forsaken and Dance with the Dead just to compare and make sure my gamma wasn't fucked and it's just this mission. Here's gamma cranked up to maximum.

>> No.7415806

what FM

>> No.7415807

The second mission intentionally uses an extremely low ambient light that's almost pitch black. Usually even dark as shit missions use ambient light that's above 10 10 10.

>> No.7415828
File: 586 KB, 1920x1080, dump018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the first mission a lot but this one is killing my soul to explore.

>> No.7415841

I loved it but I'm a sucker for tomb missions. I think though that the second mission of Tomb of St. Tenor is better.

>> No.7415847

Bonehoard is one of my favorites too, but I can see where I'm going in that one.

>> No.7415869

If you've got DromEd running in NewDark you can easily edit the ambient light for the mission and save the mission file, though there's a chance you'll have to restart the mission.

>> No.7415883

I will just plow through the rest of the mission, already have most of the Knoss bodyparts at this point.

>> No.7415898

Play Thief Gold but skip all Gold levels. Use the cheat key combo to skip.

>> No.7415907

I don't know which is supposed to be which, but dump000 looks a hell of a lot better than dump007 to me here.

>> No.7415917

Is it still possible to even play TDP with original levels/textures while still using Tfix/Newdark? Or does it HAVE to be TG now?

>> No.7415929

Find a copy of TDP off torrent sites and patch it with NewDark. For the longest time TDP was easily available and TG wasn't. Now it's the other way round.

>> No.7415931

Use Tfix Lite, Tfix will convert them to gold maps.

>> No.7415932
File: 106 KB, 512x512, 1593086982975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll literally never understand what's wrong with people who do "HD texture packs". They always lose the original tone and feel of the overall picture, EVERY single time. Even if they work really hard getting it to look "just like" the original but "better" it ends up being a jarring disconnect from the overall graphical complexity of the original game.

>> No.7415937

>For the longest time TDP was easily available and TG wasn't.
At this point, TG has now been more readily available for longer than TDP since the games got re-released digitally 10 years ago.

>> No.7415941

When I originally played TDP on release on a big old Samsung CRT monitor in software rendering I played it so dark the the basement of Lord Bafford's manor was truly pitch black to the point I'd turn out all the lights in the house and lean right up against the screen and squint to see the slightest variation in pixels to pick my way through AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT.

just saiyan, don't mind me
I really miss that original software renderer though, the dithered torch particles look so great

>> No.7415956

>I really miss that original software renderer though, the dithered torch particles look so great
There is a reshade that emulates the Software renderer for Thief 1. It's really awesome.

>> No.7415969

Whoa, that looks pretty cool.

>> No.7416018

Sometimes they work, when the modder knows or has a particular idea for the game. Or just cleans up the originals

>> No.7416035
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, thief2_2021_01_09_17_52_35_865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a reshade, just a shader

>> No.7416115

Finished Catacombs of Knoss. I'd give it a 3/5 the first part was really good but the second section was mostly wandering in pitch black areas in tight spaces with zombies.

>> No.7416204
File: 366 KB, 2560x1440, dump001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat Calendra's cistern, it was alright but I did run into a few bugs, possible caused by newdark I'm not really sure.
I thought the level was a little too expansive and a few of the objectives were a bit confusing, but overall not a bad mission.
Certainly impressive considering how old the mission is

>> No.7416209

The original release has some bugs due to NewDark yeah. There is a newer version available but it uses colored lighting that looks butt-ugly.

>> No.7416245

I am completely on-board with the no-kills objective. If I were a thief, it would be absolutely clear to me that breaking and entering already means risking a pretty lengthy jail sentence or even losing a hand - but murdering someone in the process would mean an order of magnitude higher sentence, and it would mean the city guard would be more motivated to find the perp.
tl;dr, killing is far too much overhead for a thief to handle

>> No.7416256

In the type of society Garrett lives in I think B&E is already punishable by death. For the longest time in real history highwaymen would usually murder everyone they robbed because they'd get death if they were ever identified. It's more of an ideological thing for him.

>> No.7416269

Thoughts on Cell 6? An Undercover style mission sounds very cool.

>> No.7416272
File: 51 KB, 500x375, 7mrjcu2Dvq5p8bx88wv9CM6Lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what would Thief 3 had been like if Looking Glass didn't kick the bucket?

>> No.7416286

It's pretty good. Didn't leave a huge impression on me but it's not bad at all.

Probably pretty similar. They were going to use a new engine they developed for Deep Cover and I heard multiple times that the story ended up being quite similar to what was planned.

>> No.7416293

I feel like they would have gone full mindfuck with the story, much more than what we got.

>> No.7416304
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always wondered if the keepers have some sort of actual innate magic outside the sigils. Something that makes them expert spies and blend into the shadows. I like how tons of things are implied but you never get full confirmation. I mean they did rescue Garrett from Satan.

I mean its a very cool setting and it has that typical classic fantasy feel to it, mages, guards, rogues, demons, lovecraftian monsters.
But fuck its so well done and always keeps it in a elegant magical realism nuanced kind of feel modern shit cant even touch it.

Like sometimes I earn for classic fantasy to return instead of the almost cape shit stuff we have today and Thief takes it another level with the steampunk.
I love the weird noir almost german expressionist look of the city in the cutscenes, dark engine is cool but made with a modern engine it would look dope as fuk.

>> No.7416405

The keepers would have been less retarded, the scale wouldn't have been Fisher Price tier, the sound design would probably be just as good, and the story would probably given us a better picture of the Thief world rather than a retread of the first two games.

>> No.7416410

Thief gives me more french vibes than german.

>> No.7416412

The writing would also feel less B videogame movie and more solid like the first two.

The keeper assassins would have been amazing. ALso The sunken citadel. DD has great ideas.

>> No.7416426

What's the most up to date website for FMs?

>> No.7416432
File: 93 KB, 1064x761, MV5BNmE4MDVjOGUtYzBiNC00ZGJjLThmZWMtZDZkYzhkNDA3ZTBmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzYyOTcwNjk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a mix, just like the city itself seems like a mix of all Western periods mushed together.

I remember reading, The third man was a movie the devs watched and inspired them visually.

>> No.7416440
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It certainly looks Thief.

>> No.7416442
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>> No.7416460

Darkfate or TaffersParadise I would say.

>> No.7417363
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Better Tomorrow is heart attacks: the FM

>> No.7417527
File: 998 KB, 1920x1080, they killed him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're even thinking of playing thief with some SHIT hd mod, remember it'll come out looking this this aborted fetus here. The fucking wood texture on the wall doesn't even tile right, it's just awful.

>> No.7417763

By the Builder stop this heresy at once

>> No.7417891

Is that Alcazar? oh no

>> No.7418031
File: 332 KB, 600x600, hd_mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HECKIN' love playing fan missions with the HD Mod!

>> No.7418370

Why are you so upset?

>> No.7418540
File: 341 KB, 2105x1080, Cp87dJFUEAAyzaY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE4 is the best example.. but it has been in development for seven years now so.

>> No.7418543

Why would I be upset? On the contrary I can now play the missions without having to endure the lazy, amateurish and outdated textures used by the authors and instead get immersed into the game through the superior quality of the HD Mod! It's the true, definitive way to play Thief.

>> No.7419104

more like horror cliches: the FM

>> No.7419108

Finished Cell Six. Good mission but the button in the Warden's office was a cunt to find.

>> No.7419137

>the lazy, amateurish and outdated textures used by the authors
desu some of the original textures are pretty crappy too, the unusably tiny arches and doors stamped everywhere stick out pretty bad.

>> No.7419193

There are other games as well.

>> No.7419196

Many devs of Thief themselves I think approved of some texture replacements.

I love purism but one has to reasonable.

>> No.7419209

Is it better to use regular TFix Lite over TFix? I just installed TFix into mine

>> No.7419217

I don't like the changes to skyboxes and maps in TFix, so I personally use lite.

>> No.7419258
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, thief_2021_02_13_23_43_51_468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone trying out T1: Fixed?

Currently trying to do a ghost run for the first time

>> No.7419329

Dont forget the open al thingy if you want better audio as well.

>> No.7419379

'Fixed'? That's the name?
Could you share the link, please?

>> No.7419389

Ok, thanks guys. I switched over to Lite. As a filthy casual, I might need the original maps first

>> No.7419403
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 4353453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know about you guys but both thief 1 and 2 with note texture filtering and either with some texture replacement or vanilla ones become very fucking comfy.

I dont think texture bothers me as much in thief games, its the sound that is the magic.
But I do kinda want to play Thief TDP again with that software shader and as vanilla as possible.

>> No.7419405
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, thief_2021_02_14_00_07_01_819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's mostly texture and geometry improvements for the autismo crowd.

>> No.7419406

looks like shit

>> No.7419420

There was also a pack that improved the cutscenes, some guy ran a AI on them.


>> No.7419436

Shitty interpolation and upscale filters are not an improvement.

>> No.7419442

Except they are since the originals look wonky at times. He did not exaggerate they look much better.

>> No.7419446


>> No.7419448

>Except they are
Nope, filtering the "wonky" originals does not improve them. Get back to me when they uncover the original source files for the cutscenes until then it's just shitty filters slapped on top.

>> No.7419457
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooohhhh that stuff.

The errors found in Assassins part of the charm. And all that wonky sloppiness doesn't matter, because Assassins is a fun mission. Especially the tailing part.

>> No.7419513

Thief 2 looks good with necroage.

>> No.7419596

the only geometry related thing that ever bothered me in T1 was the missing front door in cragscleft

>> No.7419824

Wasn't the door a texture?

>> No.7419849

yeah I think so. one that doesn't show up properly. so as far as the player is concerned, the hammerites need to enter cragscleft through the haunted mines

>> No.7419908


People actually like the zombies? They're awful

>> No.7419917

I love them and I love Tomb raiding missions.

>> No.7419926
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, dump021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like them, I love them.

>> No.7420231

Recipe for Turmoil is great. I hope they keep making these smaller scale mission contests.

>> No.7420282

pains me to say it because the leadup an immediate oh shit aftermath of getting the eye are great but return to the cathedral sucks. They toss the horror atmosphere in the trash for mmo quests with comical amounts of bullshit happening in the background
>you've just been such a wonderful loot-
>thirty zombies in the background groan

>> No.7420302

nope, you're a fag

>> No.7420307

Its pretty nice anon. I do agree it would have been better if murus quest was more implied than a literal ghost but still.

Its a great mission.

>> No.7420338
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>> No.7420339

It's good to have small to medium sized missions in between huge ones.

>> No.7420423

You're a very generous man, here's what I did.

A Midsummer Night's Heist - your overall score 25 / 30
Alcazar - your overall score 30 / 30
Nightwalk - your overall score 15 / 30
Recipe for Turmoil - your overall score 24 / 30
Sabotage in Eastport - your overall score 18 / 30
Sinister Night - your overall score 9 / 30
The Cinder Notes - your overall score 20 / 30
The Perdurance - your overall score 23 / 30
The Turning of the Leaves (v1.1) - your overall score 25 / 30

>> No.7420447

Oh wow, this missions looks cool, have anymore screenshots?

>> No.7420464
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, dump002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7420496
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, Cinder Notes 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd suggest playing without HUD (only for health and light gem) for better screenshots and immersion. Just add "inv_status_height 0" without quotes to cam.cfg.

If you're unsure how visible you are just bring up the blackjack and watch the model.

Also MSI Afterburner in JPG 100% quality is better for screenshots but you need Reshade (LiftGammaGain) to compensate for the gamma stuck at default in screenshots. I have a zip with all contents plus my preset.

>> No.7420503

Pardon a retarded nub, what contest was this and where do I get the FMs?

>> No.7420505

Here you go taffer. https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151009

>> No.7420524

>city mission

* yawn *

>> No.7420530

Thanks, downloaded it now. Love me some skacky/melan type shit.

Go away.

>> No.7420542

Don't just play this one only, there are some really great ones in this contest that are better than this one.

>> No.7420794

Can anyone help me out? My water is blinking/switching from one texture to another. It's frequent. Thief 2 and using some HD texture packs.

>> No.7420805

it's insanely well made. Also the plot happens at the same time as the first game. Also the Voiceover is simply great.

>> No.7420813

you should be able to narrow down the issue within your own post

>> No.7420818

Second game, not first.

>> No.7420827

Yes, but people also use these packs don't report the same issue.

>> No.7421296

t2fix also comes with enhanced water textures, maybe you accidentally installed that as well

>> No.7421351

Belated thanks, friendo!

>> No.7421403
File: 102 KB, 644x1808, thief1vs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that TMA is better than TDP/Gold

>> No.7421746

>Ambush over Bonehoard
>Haunted Cathedral "barely" better than Trace the Courier
What the fuck am I reading

>> No.7422146

>why would I be upset
>posts "basedjaks"
do you know how retarded you look doing that
do you really think those memes serve any other purpose?

>> No.7422150
File: 274 KB, 851x366, 1582267570446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've really been wondering whether Blue Velvet was another influence on TDP, particularly the sound design. The ambient noise/tones in the alley/stairwell scenes really sound like lurking through a Thief level.

>> No.7422198

Are there any mods that gives the AI ability to wake up knocked out soldiers and stuff?

>> No.7422525

Not to my knowledge but it's something that could be easily implemented with Squirrel scripting I reckon.

>> No.7422919

The only change I would make in my initial scoring would be to lower the score of Sinister Night. It is the only mission I didn't finish. The textures and the custom objects clash so much with the overall design of the game that I kinda hate it if I think about it.

>> No.7422931

Man fuck the Thieves' Guild. Those pressure doors confused the fuck out of me. To open them you just have to push all the levers down right? I thought you had to do a certain combo or something.

>> No.7423075

Based retard. It's fine to think T2 is better, I think when it's at its best the game far exceeds T1, but some of the levels you listed in favor for thief 2 is just pure dumbfuckery.

>> No.7423179


>> No.7423234

>that part in Constantine's mansion with all the tile floors near the sword and 6 gorillion guards on expert

Who else just said fuck it and bolted for it?

>> No.7423630


>> No.7423797

>I think when it's at its best the game far exceeds T1
Honestly thought it was the other way around. Thief 2 is the most consistently good, but T1 has higher highs and lower lows.

Just walk around them. Are you actually this retarded?

Those are basically guards.

>> No.7423801

Did they ever fix the dogshit movement?

>> No.7423807

>Those are basically guards.
And so are zombies, burricks, craymen, etc. Everything in Thief has various alert, awareness states.

>> No.7424334

>I mean having basic problems with controls such as turning and aiming smoothly in a first-person perspective game
What do you mean?

>> No.7424359

>ok anon, your job will be to invent a new type of arrow for thief 1 and 2
what to do?

>> No.7424415

I am not big into fms sadly. I played a couple some back in the day and wanted to play black parade.

But I bet some anons already did it.

Me? Maybe add some properties to already existing arrows, water arrows now leave a puddle that can make guards trip.

>> No.7424461

Claw arrows. Can be used to grab or interact with distant objects. Can be used multiple times but breaks after a few uses. Only makes noise if you miss your target.

>> No.7424501

There's nothing wrong with the movement.

Dark Mod adds vine arrows that let you climb stone walls like ladders.

>> No.7424514

It is in fact one of the best maps in the game.
>he didnt go for the Serpentyle Torc
>he didn't enter the Haunt rapehouse

>> No.7424527

>It is in fact one of the best maps in the game.
Yes. Did you play Lost Among the Forsaken? Only FM I've played that replicated some of the feel of it.

>> No.7424565
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, dump001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movement is fucking terrible and the game always has framerate issues. Not a fan of Dark Mod sadly.

Thief 1 is way more consistent. It legitimately doesn't have a bad level until Mage Towers which is over halfway into the game. and even then the next few levels get right back to being pretty good, before it kinda falls off a cliff after Return to the Cathedral.

When thief 2 sucks, it fucking SUCKS. Ambush, Trace the Courier, Casing the Joint and even Kidnap are by far the worst missions between the first two games and the only Gold mission that comes close to them in shittyness is Escape. But like I said when it's good, it's really fucking good. Bank, Life of the Party, Blackmail and Eavesdropping are pretty phenomenal. The dips between greatness and absolute fucking terror when playing the game is astounding.

>> No.7424581

Casing the Joint is a great mission and Dark Mod runs at 166fps on my machine consistently. Play without the smooth shadows as they kill performance.

>> No.7424594

>Casing the Joint is a great mission

You should have your Thief card revoked for that

>> No.7424608
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trace the courier is painless and quick.

Kidnap is a bit of a pain however.

>> No.7424615

Nah, you should have yours revoked for being a hyperbolic faggot for thinking a mission is the worst thing ever just because you have to go through it again. It's competently executed and has great aesthetics with lots of secret passages and opportunities for rope arrows as you try to stake out the entire mansion for the proper heist.

>> No.7424639

Seriously can you play Thief 2 with no texture filtering without fucking up the shadows?

I do the same the ini file but Thief 2 is a different beast it seems.

>> No.7424650

The game was made in 2000, every texture is designed to be filtered.

>> No.7424659


I know but still. Would have been better if they designed it like Thief 1.

Sometimes the shadows seem a bit muddled in 2 compared to sharper ones in 1.

Btw I remember seeing a vid of thief 2 with experimental real time shadows like Deadly Shadows.

>> No.7424665

Not to diss on the level design of Thief 2X, its great stuff but fuck this shitty MC and cringe fucking writing.

>> No.7424706

>replaced "disable_lightmap_aniso" with "lm_filter_mode" that gives full control over texture filtering mode used for lightmaps (makes it possible to have filtering disabled for regular textures but enabled for lightmaps)
try playing with this

>> No.7424720

I replaced "disable_lightmap_aniso" with "lm_filter_mode didn't work.

>> No.7424741

I can't be too hard on them for that. Even today voice acting seems to be one of the hardest things for mods to pull off, and the talent pool back then must have been much smaller (doubly so for a female protag). Hopefully the Black Parade guys were able to do better.

>> No.7424757

This is from NewDark 1.26 release file. It's not you who needs to replace "disable_lightmap_aniso" with "lm_filter_mode", it's the author of NewDark who did this. You need to install NewDark 1.26 or above and play with the "lm_filter_mode" parameter.

>> No.7424770
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Calm down and don't put words into my mouth you cock gobbler.

>worst thing ever just because you have to go through it again.
Actually no it's the other way around. I think Masks is a fantastic mission and Casing the Joint fucking sucks even though it comes right after.

It all boils down to not having dogshit objectives. Mapping out half the mansion, requiring the finding of seven secrets and a fucking forced ghosting objective is terrible. It's padding at its worst, no other mansion mission requires doing this before hand and it's LITERALLY only in the game because they had to meet a mission quota.

The layout is fantastic and looks very good for its time, but you're better off playing Masks if you actually want to have a fun experience in that environment.

>> No.7424771

Ah yeah i have tfix kfor gold but i think for thief 2 i just have taffer patcher or some shit.

>> No.7424784

Yep it works now. For some fucking reason i thought my old ass thief 2 install was up to date. it was not. only thief gold.

Now i can have sweet no filtering and soft shadows. I love it, call me hipster I dont care.

Especially with some texture packs,( not gross HD just replacements).

That sweet 1999 feel of unfiltered quake 1 2 and half life, blood etc.

>> No.7424834

So I'm playing it for first time, is there some hidden stamina system? My character keeps randomly just be stuck in slow walk and theres nothing I can do about it unless I restart the game

>> No.7424841

Do you get any bonuses for completing a level without being detected or completing a level without killing anyone?

>> No.7424851

No. Get some decent key binds the og ones are stupid.



Keeper pride in Garrets training.

>> No.7424862

That's how it should be! I hate how the more new stealth games feel the need to have some crappy ass system to incentivise you to be stealthy and non lethal with achievements, in game scores or worst of all, morality systems! Damn that ruined Dishonored for me

>> No.7424869

I would say the story and cutscenes and just the way the world unfolds is so fucking good, playing the game ultra stealthy and not bonking anyone is the way to go.

But I do it sometimes, in a realistic way, like the guard guarding the sceptre in bafford. and fuck zombies.

>> No.7424874

I like kiting zombies to guards and letting the guards kill them for good... but sometimes the zombies win, should I feel bad about that? Nah

>> No.7424883

I think its a bug? It happens only when I reload a quick save

>> No.7424886

The sequel is the same shit.
I fucking hate arkane so much potential so much faggotry.

Never heard of that one. Make sure everything is installed correctly. Tfix, sound mods etc.

>> No.7424890

Everything in dishonored is stylish as shit, like the clockwork mansion in 2.

But it feels so fucking lame compared to Thief.

>> No.7424913

I haven't played 2 but I quite liked Dishonored but I hate how all the new games need some crap progression and morality system on them, Styx also had this issue, these are immersive sims they should be played how you like, Deux Ex did it best where in some missions some NPC's would improve their view on you and even give you a little bonus for doing the mission in their prefered method, but there were no scores or stuff like that

>> No.7424917

Its called hubris. Arkane thought they could make something better they just shat the bed.

Fuck them really, Prey is decent but its a mess as well.

Raphael left anyway so their next game looks like its going to be some shit fps.

>> No.7425053
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, thief2_2021_02_15_22_30_54_729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's kinda dark don't ya think

>> No.7425069
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I like that texture pack, and I enjoy the darker textures. Its the only way i can replicate crt pitch black shadows somewhat.

As much as I love vanilla textures in Thief i dont care that much. As long as its not a Ultra HD bullshit just replacers or cleanups

Thief looked so much better in a crt I think zoomers might get a wrong idea of the game with such bright shadows.

>> No.7425071

Yes. Fuck this loot hunting.

t. playing first time

>> No.7425080

Exploration bothers you that much?
Shit I love spending fucking 3 hours in a single map exploring absolutely everything.

>> No.7425116

Exploration is great, scanning every pixel in every bum shack's cornice in the city is painful and tedious

>> No.7425119
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thread's about to die so might as well ask now

what audio fix does everyone use? I've heard about something called dsoal, but apparently it's very technical? It doesn't work right out of the box, is what I'm trying to say

>> No.7425131

I don't use any, personally I think EAX sounds like shit.

>> No.7425260

OpenAL, with 48 voices and EAX

>> No.7425265

DSOAL emulates OpenAL through DirectAudio, makes sence only if your audiocard is absolutely doesn't like OpenAL

>> No.7425268

>2000s born queers getting filtered by Haunted Cathedral loot requirements
feels good man

>> No.7425274

Literally the comfiest mission. Why are you even here if you don't like sneaking and exploring? Go play call of duty, retard.

>> No.7425276

faggotesque post

>> No.7425291

Here's the thing: No one will remember this, but early versions of TDP used the Aureal A3D audio engine before they were bought and eliminated by Creative. It had significantly better positional audio computations than EAX or really any 2-channel game ever made. To give you an example, you could press your ear to a door in the A3D version and not only hear the guards coming and going, but be able to tell SPECIFICALLY what direction they were moving. I still haven't heard any game or api be able to replicate that yet as accurately yet. Whatever algorithms Aureal came up with, Creative apparently buried them.

To give an approximation of what it sounded like, if you've ever heard that famous "italian barber" audio test, it was basically that. It kicked off a "binaural asmr" audio craze, but none of those dippy broads with ear-shaped microphones really understand that what they're doing isn't the same thing.

>> No.7425294

>Mapping out half the mansion, requiring the finding of seven secrets and a fucking forced ghosting objective
> "I hate the part of Thief where you do all the Thief stuff"

>> No.7425506

Comfy is another word for boring. If anything Masks is "comfy", you get to actually soak in the experience and explore more of the map.

Meme reply so not even bothering replying.

Then why isn't it done for every other mission? It's shit, just accept it. I bet you played on Normal and never went through the autism of Expert on the shit designed mission.

I bet all 3 of you hate zombies too.

>> No.7425508

I've played it on Expert, you're a faggot.

>> No.7425514

>meme reply

>> No.7425516

Couldn't possibly have worst taste. What a shitbag, why are you even here?

>> No.7425531

You're missing out

>> No.7425535

>casing universally regarded as among the worst missions in thief 2, except for here on le hi/vr/emind
>haha shit taste

What mission is your favorite from 1 and 2?

>> No.7425556

the second one sounded better without EAX, first one is debatable

>> No.7425564

>casing universally regarded as among the worst missions in thief 2
by who, reddit? fuck off

>> No.7425585

Second and third are from missions that don't even support EAX. It's a pain in the ass to set up, is incredible buggy and is overall a waste of time (in addition to muffling sounds to completely unrealistic degrees).

>> No.7425598
File: 2.17 MB, 1600x1200, what you looking at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything i dont like is reddit
Please answer my question or you're contrarian for the sake of it my friend.

>> No.7425608

fix your ears m8ies

>> No.7425613


>> No.7425619

You won't make me change my mind. I tried the game with and without EAX, I think it sounds ten times better without and again, setting it up in editor is both buggy and a waste of time.

>> No.7425649

Are you using DSOAL by chance?
That one is buggy as shit


>> No.7425672

>muh consensus agrees with me!
fuck off retard

>> No.7425713
File: 121 KB, 1024x681, hammerite_haunts_by_miklche04-dbgf36f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a good thread taffers. Here's to hoping the next one is as good.

>> No.7425746
File: 20 KB, 80x128, bluepill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is telling me casing is bad
>reddit!!! REDDIT!!!!

>> No.7425940
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x800, 1591046320713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely ever play fan mods these days because I have so many full fledge games on my backlog, but Thief fan missions look so supremely comfy. Does anyone know which one pic related is?

>Here's to hoping the next one is as good.
Then the next one was a template bait thread that was just made about HL1.

>> No.7425960

This looks like the second mission from Gems of Provenance.

>> No.7426019

Thanks m8. Time to start playing some of these.

>> No.7426037

>complain about requirements that are meant to be extra, in case you want them
>still playing on expert because "muh definitive way" and "le master theif"
this autism is beyond me

>> No.7426050
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 00a108ead6e68baf3f1de0926c1590cd149623c06173262bc0b7d46d6cf50b42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>still playing on expert because "muh definitive way" and "le master theif"
Please don't tell me you recommend new players to play on Normal.

>> No.7426090

Of course not, Brother Retard, for 'tis blasphemy. I recommend supreme ghost, because it is what the developers intended. Clearly, they placed all those difficulty settings as some sort of trickery to divert us from the true ways of the Master Theif, but with the help of our brethren we could see the light. They even went as far as to name one of the settings "Normal", to fool us into believing it is canon, while the harder ones are for subsequent playthroughs and discovering something new each time you play. Haha, can you believe this?

>> No.7426137
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>His 'witty' post reveals he doesn't understand why people say to avoid normal
You should stop giving advice to new players.

>> No.7426152

This reads like something off tumblr.

>> No.7426228
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, 20200706224723_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminds me a lot of The Widow's Ire, might be it

>> No.7426238


This, I will never understand the hate for these two. They weren't my favorite, but the layout was great and dropping from the ceiling with rope to grab the masks was kino.

>> No.7426345

It's because they make you play the same mission twice. It might've worked if they sealed off some parts in the first mission, so you would have something new in the second mission, but you see the entire level. It's a 1:1 copy with extra enemies and loot in the sequel.

>> No.7426454

> T2 textures

>> No.7426692

what are the fms relevant to Black Parade?
I know Sound of a Burrick but what else?