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736494 No.736494 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw my best friend was afraid of playing Duke Nukem 3d alone back in the day

>> No.736502

People used to think Resident Evil was scary. It's rated M so it must be mature durrrr

>> No.736509

I first played Elvira II when I was 16, on my old 486

I can't still play it if not with my wife or kids around

dat music, man...

>> No.739335

To a kid, Resident Evil was pretty unsettling. I don't jump at the scares nearly as much as I used to, but it's fair to call Resident Evil scary.

>> No.739353

Any FPS was scary to me as a kid and for quite a long time, I couldn't stand the idea of not knowing what was happening behind me.

>> No.739361
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>resident evil isn't scary

>> No.739365

Doom64 lighting effects scared the shit outta me.

>> No.739368

>implying that first zombie encounter was scary as shit

>> No.739372

I used to be terrified of almost everything remotely scary as a kid, and I kind of miss that. Resident Evil is pretty much a joke to me now, but it scared the absolute shit out of me when I was 8 or 9, and I'll never forget it. The only game I can say scares me now is Silent Hill 3. I can't even play it.

>> No.739391

I thought the physics and controls in the game were fucking obnoxious and needed a few months more polishing.

>> No.739448
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Games don't ever really scare me anymore, save for the occasional jump scares and even rarer "i've got two hit points and six rooms to cover" moments that actually get me tense. Which is a damned shame, since survival horror happens to be one of my favorite genres, but i can at least say i love the gameplay and the atmosphere of these games.

>> No.739478
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Yeah, the chance of getting caught hanging out in the red light districts and green-goo covered girl containment sectors of alien ships would call for numerous awkward moments for anyone.

I can see why they were afraid. Must've had prude/strict parents back in the day; but who hasn't?

>> No.739503

I think that's true of all adults. With the mature attitude that you know there aren't horrible mutant monsters out there, most games can't effect you on the same psychological level. You aren't going to jump at random noises in the night. At least I would hope not.

>> No.739508
File: 123 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20130529_214705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be shitty little kid
>playing Doom II
>gigantic pussy, play through the game at a snail's pace
>get to pic related
>pussy out to the point of activating god mode

I don't know why I was so afraid of dying in games as a kid

>> No.739531

I agree. 10 years old. Resident Evil 3. Walking through the wreckage of Raccoon City, hearing the moans in the distance. No idea whats going to be around the corner. The fat guy at the beginning was especially unsettling.
Truly an experience that wont be forgotten.

>> No.739550

For some reason I tolerate SH3 just fine.
SH2 does the job for me. The dark narrow hallways of that apartment building.

>> No.739568

Silent Hill 2, even on my first run, was the polar opposite of scary. It felt dark, oppressive and very atmospheric, i could almost feel the cold and smell the blood, but scary? Nah.

Silent Hill 3, on the other hand, gets me a bit nervous even now. Dem meat walls, grinding noises and mirror room.

>> No.739576

I used to get really anxious and upset when I'd try to abort a mission in goldeneye because I fucked something up, only to be shot constantly while trying to open the watch menu and have it keep canceling the animation. I would lose my shit so fast, no idea why

>> No.739584
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I wasn't afraid of Duke 3D, but Doom freaked me out.

>tfw hot chicks and no way to save them

Okay, I'm about to sound like a true faggot, but I was the only person that really got no enjoyment out of killing them like literally everyone else who played Duke 3D seemed to.

>> No.739589

I couldn't play Spyro alone

>> No.739603

I always let them live. Because i'm a moral pussy and i didn't want a swarm of cop pigs on my ass either.

>> No.739615

I cant give a solid opinion either way. I've only completed SH1 and Homecoming. Played only a bit into 2 and 3

>> No.739623

I was scared to fight Dr. Proton on Duke 1 when I was little. Dem parabolic attacks. I had my sister do it then I told my dad I beat the game.

>> No.739638


I always killed them because they begged me to. I mean, I wouldn't wanna live if I were a woman and had an alien embrio in my womb.

>> No.739713

It wasn't Duke 3D, but one of the 2D Duke games had the story of the aliens trying to use Duke's brain for a machine.
The game over screen scared me.

>> No.739717

I'd rather have a vague hope of survival than instant death by shotgun, to be honest.

>> No.739728

Even if that survival is followed by extreme pain of birthing hundreds of alien beasts?
Also I mighty boot them to death

>> No.739725
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Turok 2

Death Marshes

>> No.739739

What a mess

>> No.739750

I dunno man, maybe i can survive that shit? Best case scenario and i become Kerrigan, so hey, keep that fucking boot away Dook.

>> No.739869

This is also how I thought about it. Might just be the alienized queenbitch fetishist in me talking, though.

>> No.739917

I was never too scared to play it, but way back then the rooms covered in green slime and filled with octabrains scared me when I was like five.

>> No.739930

That's what I like about DN64, you can save them.

The shit that happened to women in DNF made me sick.

>> No.739960
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Cos you were a kid, losing 10 minutes of your life was a bigger deal back then because your life was shorter.

Also, with a lack of perspective for the important things in life (job, education, love life), the little things bother you more. I came to that conclusion by moderating Minecraft servers. Some kids went berserk for things like losing XP, losing stacks of iron or a 24hs ban.

For them, 24hs is an eternity. the time spent getting the items and the experience is also longer than for adults. Same principle for why the time seems to speed up once you get older... Is just that you lived longer and it means less to you.

>> No.740079

I always found the quality of the background sound to convey terror more that the games actual scares. Silent Hill, Diablo, even quake. the sound is what gave me the willies

>> No.742272


There's also the fact that kids also have a lot less to do besides play vidya, or at least they tend to narrow down what they do with their free time. Still not excusing them, though; they need to learn the virtues of patience.