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File: 2.11 MB, 3540x2000, Game-Boy-Micro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7373315 No.7373315 [Reply] [Original]

With IPS mods being widely available for every Game Boy model out there, is there any reason to own a Game Boy Micro? What are the advantages of it regarding other versions with mods other than no mods being required?

>> No.7373324

There's no reason. And gives massive eye strain

>> No.7373357

ill never understand why people like this its way too small

>> No.7373360

as an owner of the GBA Micro when it came out, I cannot fathom why any adult would want these things. They hurt your hands and eyes.

>> No.7373379

It is one of the most expensive GB out there, no one want's to mod them. They aren't very comfortable to play.

>> No.7373395

If you're a 5'x manlet with baby hands the Gameboy micropenis is perfect for you.

>> No.7373406

bc im gay and i want 1 that fits in a bra

>> No.7373516

I don't really like the IPS mod for GBAs, the screen doesn't look right without the pixelation of the original screens. For me, the Micro is the ultimate portable of portables. I keep one in my travel bag in case of boredom. Not traveling much these days unfortunately, but that will pass.

I don't agree with the arguments that it is uncomfortable to hold. I use an xbox duke controller because it is a comfortable size for me, but I also feel comfortable using a GB Micro. I think it is comfortable because of how lightweight it is. You can't get much better for a slim build. I do fully admit that it is a gimmick console, but I still like it and I play/have played a number of GBA games on it.

>> No.7373602

Problem is that since I never owned one back then I can't really imagine how small it feels in person

>> No.7373609

Based. Just got a micro with a flash cart it's comfy as shit. I have an SP on the way as well but no denying the Micro has god tier portability and I can't imagine ever carrying around another Advance model on the go

>> No.7373627

why's it hurt your eyes?

>> No.7373714


That's what she said

>> No.7373750
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x2268, 20210203_173648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Micro chads at?

>> No.7373760

Why it rotates my image for no reason idk

>> No.7373845

Because you didn't open it in an image editor, rotate it by 90 degrees, reduce the size by about 75%, and then post.

>> No.7373935

Is the screen actually too small? My idea is to play some JRPGs like FFVI or Pokemon on it apart from more fast paced games like Sonic Advance

>> No.7373938
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 4C654BD1-7F8C-477A-A46D-EC7234E23DBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Do you have the wireless adapter or are you a pleb?

No it’s not too small.

>> No.7374282
File: 3.79 MB, 2268x2251, MICRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need to rotate it 90 degrees essentially putting it sideways, then it will rotate back the right way? Cause on my phone it is the right orientation. Idk I just tried cropping it gonna see how it goes
Nah I don't feel it's too small to see properly or anything. Having another model Advance with a bigger screen or for the GB Player might be nice but that's not really the point of the Micro although it's unfortunate the expensive link cables/accesories and lack of any support for connecting to the Gamecube, I was reading people have modded cables to work for the GB Micro to have a functional GBA to GC link cable but I think nobody has figured out GB player through Micro iirc.
No, friends are all either poorfags or not as in to retro I probably wouldn't find a use for it so I can't justify it at the price accesories for this console seem to sell

>> No.7374319

Micro will never play Game Boy or GBC games, it lacks the hardware.

>> No.7374330

Oh and one more thing. I can't confirm personally yet, but I hear the GBA AGS101 screens have slow response and so have ghosting problems. I know the DS Lite screens are reportedly similar and mine seems to suffer from this, but the Micro screen is noticeably better, not perfect but a significant improvement. I'm sure the IPS screens are still faster refresh but like the other anon said I don't like how the IPS screens mostly lack the pixel grid. I'm considering frontlight modding my OEM GBC screen instead of getting IPS for similar reasons

>> No.7374354

No sir. I'm referring to Gamecube link cable support. I understand why that's not possible and honestly if it did work it would look stupid and defeat the purpose of the Micro

>> No.7374373

I have tiny trump hands and even I think its too small.

>> No.7374386

I have disposable income, if I buy an old GBA, can I get some sort of programmable cart I can load multiple games on? So I dont have to waste time and money rebuilding my childhood collection?

>> No.7374396

Yes it’s called a flask cart and they are very popular and easily obtained.

>> No.7374405

Thanks. Ill google that term.

>> No.7374497

Only games you can't are the gyro sensor games.

>> No.7374596

Also light sensor games. And anything with a RTC will have certain breakage as well.

>> No.7374610

I owned a Micro when it came out back in 2005. The swappable faceplates and sleek design were really cool, along with the unrivaled portability and backlight with multiple brightness settings. But the screen is just too fucking small, you can't play GameBoy/GameBoy Color cartridges on it, it's not compatible with several GBA accessories like the Link Cable, GameCube Adapter or e-Reader, the screen colors are washed out, and the controls are cramped. Nice little collectible, but shit for actually playing on.

>> No.7374642

I like my Micro, but it randomly shuts off if you even breathe on the power switch.

>> No.7374657

What's the point of the wireless adapter? I had them for the full-size, and all I remember supporting them was a few late first-party titles. I had two since they came with FireRed and LeafGreen, and I never used either one, but for once to test out the wireless multi on the classic NES games. Besides, friends and I had link cables so we had no reason to bother with it.

>> No.7374662

you're halfway right; It is compatible with e-reader, but it may not work for link which is the main point of course. It might just work through the regular link port, but I can't say as I've not used a micro link cable before.

>> No.7374682

>why people like this
does there exist people who actually like the gameboy micro? it was a massive failure

>> No.7374714

it's a cool novelty. also you don't have to do an ips mod. the sp and ags101 are good enough.

>> No.7374719

Helllllllllllllllll no

>> No.7375447

It’s for playing Pokémon and a few other games.

>> No.7375621
File: 47 KB, 1160x653, waveshareGPM280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ordered pick related last week, some of you might be interested
hasn't arrived yet but pretty hype

>> No.7375806

Is this like a GBA Micro but bigger? Doesn't that kind of defeats the point of the console itself? At that point I think it would be better just to get a modded GBA

>> No.7375848

Game Boy Micro was ideal for kids back then, the problem is that Nintendo didn't had any real reason to release a model like this for various reasons.

1. The Nintendo DS was already out in the market, and like the Micro the Nintendo DS could play GBA games but not GB or GBC games, however the Nintendo DS had the big plus of being able to play DS games plus more buttons and bigger screens, this made the Micro feel really rendundant

2. the Micro didn't really accomplish anything the GBA SP couldn't do, sure, the screen was better specially compared to the AGS-001 model, but in exchange you lost the ability of playing Game Boy and Game Boy Color games plus a smaller screen, and the SP when folded is already very portable not being much bigger than the Micro, the SP also solved the main problem the GBA had which was no backlit screen so with the GP out the Micro didn't feel like it was needed, plus the Micro released at a 99$ price tag while the SP was 79$ at the time.

In the end the Micro felt like if it was released BEFORE the DS and GBA SP it would have fared far better, but release after those two made people wonder why even buy that outside of the novelty

>> No.7375864
File: 2.05 MB, 3919x2248, E1523833-8D82-49DC-AADC-96EAC72C9164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this lil’ nigga like you wouldn’t believe!
Not at all, unless you have shit vision. I’ve been playing Fire Emblem, Mother 3, and pic related. All text is readable and crisp at full arm distance.

>> No.7376124

how do Game Boy/Game Boy Color/NES games look on it? I know naturally the Micro can't run them but with the Everdrive you can emulate those systems with Goomba

>> No.7376384
File: 173 KB, 1000x750, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it won't be a shocker to hear that gb/gbc games look small, other than that they look good.
Never tried nes games on it.
I'm running goomba on a supercard (the purple ones with bobafett) and it's kind of a piece of shit but for the 10€ I paid it's not that bad, it covers the need to have gb tetris in my pocket wherever.

>> No.7376387
File: 1001 KB, 2502x1668, micro_macro_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7376389

I just use my regular GBA with custom HDMI out mod

>> No.7376624

literally zero
there is a very obvious reason this product flopped hardcore. Get a fucking SP instead.

>> No.7377251
File: 2.81 MB, 3060x2850, PSP-Go-FL-Open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.
I don't own a Micro, but I got pic related for more or less the same reason. It admittedly is less comfortable than a full-size PSP, but the portability factor is awesome. With a PSPgo or a Micro, I can slide it into a bag or my pocket and play vidya on the go.
>"hurr durr playing vidya in public is autistic"
I mainly just play on the bus, and if you use headphones it's no different from the majority of people who stare at their phone screens nowadays.

Also PSPgo is awesome because it has component output + DS3 support so you can play PS1 games in 2-player on a TV.

>> No.7377301

Micro a cute

>> No.7377349

Is that a clear faceplate? Looks cool

>> No.7377495

If you hate yourself I suppose so

>> No.7377571
File: 1.21 MB, 3766x2442, micro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play on this thing for hours on end, but after I lost the charger for it I moved on to the regular transparent GBA or even the DS to play my GBA carts. My hands are definitely too large to play comfortably on this thing now, but I'm glad I recently found the charger again.
>Super Mario Advance 4
Hell yeah.

>> No.7378106

It is, best faceplate imo

>> No.7378586

it's in the shape of a gameboy micro but a big bigger yes. 2.8" screen instead of 2.0"
my hands are too big to use a gameboy micro comfortably (used to own one when i was young, have big sausage fingers now)

i always like the GBM's layout, so having a bigger one with the ability to play more games is appealing to me.

>> No.7378723

Sounds like what I thought; Just a gimmick for a few titles. Not exactly worth the effort of acquiring them.

>> No.7378729
File: 36 KB, 500x333, kai-fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a gimmick handheld released a year or more after its successor was a flop

You don't say?

>> No.7379123 [DELETED] 

I mean yeah if playing anything other than a JRPG is going to make you sperg out then it isn't for you

>> No.7379137

So the glass in front of the screen is part of the faceplate right? Mine has a small scratch I wonder if I could just look at a new faceplate

>> No.7379947

That's right, it's a front cover just like on every other GB. Just replace the faceplate and you get a new scratchless cover.

The pain point for me is that all the cool ones are expensive as hell now since nobody bought micros, forget buying the plates. Part of why I have been buying some of the N3DS cover plates I want before they all go stupid expensive.

>> No.7379978

no its not
its $50

>> No.7381205
File: 467 KB, 4160x2340, 1588870939207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks cute. To be honest, a GBA is the last place I play my GBA games nowadays.

It's an old photo but it gets the job done.

>> No.7381245

Is there any reason to own any game boy model when every handheld system since them are better for playing gb games?

>> No.7381262

Post 1 (one) link where there's a micro listed for 50, even if not working.
I bet you can't.

>> No.7381523

>a gimmick handheld that was also a significant downgrade from its predecessor was a flop

>> No.7382028

Not him but here's one:


It's 50€ which in dollars is 60$, only 10 dollars off

>> No.7382049

A lot of times I see people recommending getting X model because any reasons as if they were really cheap

I often see people recommend the GBA SP 101 model as if that was cheap, but nowadays a SP with that screen costs roughly the same as a GBA with an IPS mod, and desu the IPS screen looks better

Taking into account you don't have any GBA model ready to mod it yourself or something I'd say in order of worth for your money would go something like this

GBA IPS V2 > GBA SP AGS-101 > GBA Micro > GBA SP AGS-001 > GBA without any mods

>> No.7382107

Just go wireless


>> No.7382209
File: 571 KB, 2016x1331, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also worth mentioning that SP modding is a pain in the dick thanks to the hinge. Feels like it's gonna break when you try to take it out or put it in (and it often does).
When you consider that, the lack of headphone jack, and the fact that it's less ergonomic, I'd say that today it's definitely worth going for an OG instead.

Ah, a fellow go chad I see.
Is that case worthwhile? Considering how glossy this thing is, it is a bit scratch/fingerprint prone.

>> No.7382303
File: 86 KB, 800x600, gbm22.small[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually is possible, and it's not even that hard: you just need to build an adapter from gbm to gba link port, you can buy the parts on aliexpress for close to nothing.
This is a fun read if you're interested:

>> No.7382370

Fair enough I guess.
I still wouldn't say that you can find one "easily" for 50.

>> No.7382373

I saw those and was pretty curious about it. They sound good on paper (Pi CM3 inside, 480p IPS screen, about 33% bigger than a real Micro) but I haven't seen any real-world reviews yet. I hope I catch your feedback whenever you post it, I'm mostly suspect on the quality of the buttons and d-pad. As we all know that makes or breaks these sorts of units. I really want this particular one to be good though, it'd be a good one to recommend to my friends based on aesthetics.

>> No.7382395

You defo can't, people tends to really downgrade the prices when recommending certain consoles as if they remained the same price in the past two or three years

As I said before, today getting a GBA SP with a 101 screen is not cheaper than just getting a modded GBA with a V2 IPS screen, so at that point is it really worth to own the SP?

>> No.7382409
File: 29 KB, 353x350, 1441075863672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that blue-on-orange case
kind of a goku-get-em attitude. nice taste anon

>> No.7382425

>Is that case worthwhile?
I think yes, it protects the fuck out of your unit. I got those after my first mint go fell to the ground and had nicks on it's shell. I was pretty sad about it.
>it is a bit scratch/fingerprint prone
Scratch yes, fingerprint no.

>> No.7382481

Cool, thanks.
Weird question, but do you buy games for this thing? I'd prefer not to pirate but considering the lack of physical support and fact that (afaik) PSN for PSP is no longer a thing, there isn't really any alternative.

>> No.7382493


Because that is the real orientation it was photographed in and then rotated via EXIF data.
4chan strips images of all EXIF data and so the original orientation is shown again.

>> No.7382495

I have PSP games on my account, bought them for Vita over that console's lifetime. You need a PS3 to easily get them on the console. PSP Wi-fi can't connect to modern modems without disabling the password.

I pirate everything on my Go though.

>> No.7382593

The only downside to the ips mods is the battery life, even with the more power efficient ones you get about half the play time you would get with an original ags101 screen.
Add a flashcart and you'll see the led turn red annoyingly quickly.
It's not a small downside, but the price now is just too goddamn high, it's really not worth it unless you find one for cheap.

>> No.7382645

Actually you can do a bunch of neat things with the wireless adapter that you can't with a link cable.

>> No.7382654

A buddy had one in high school and we played Serious Sam on it. It's not that bad for 3D GBA games solely because of the size.

>> No.7382902

This is cool
Might still try it!

>> No.7383019
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 620ACB1D-C860-445F-ACE3-E67BBFA111BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s really fucking comfy. Works with the oh, so, micro, and even ds/dslite. Most days I actually use the DS since there’s more to grip and the d-pad is one of my favorites.

>> No.7383025

Fucking auto correct
>og, sp, micro....

>> No.7383320

If you live in the US you could order a small custom pcb from osh park that would make the project a breeze.
Here's all the info you need: https://youtu.be/QlkQgUIXweQ

>> No.7383947
File: 481 KB, 1200x1200, anbernic-rg280v-consola_de_juegos.jpg_410944189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if anyone is interested in getting the Micro for whatever reason it is they should at least give a look at the RG280V

I know, it's emulation and defeats the original purpose of owning one of these consoles which is using original hardware, but if what you search is a small form factor like the Micro the RG280V is actually better at that since it at least has a bigger IPS screen, also while the RG280V relies on emulation for everything it at least offers more for the price than the Micro can, the Micro can run GBA games natively but can only run GB/C games through emulation and the emulator used by GBA has reported some issues in some Game Boy games, RG280V actually delivers far better emulation capabilities even if it's at the exchange of having to emulate GBA

>> No.7384049

The Micro is unplayable imo

>> No.7384062

>No GB backwards compatibility

>> No.7384447

Interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks anon.

>> No.7384609

It works with the link but you need a special, unobtanium cable.

>> No.7384712

has a headphone jack built in, also I can't fit an SP in my anus

>> No.7384718

you can buy GB Micro link cables on ali? I looked for cables once but they were just 2 wires inside, not 6 like you need from that site.

Like what?

>> No.7385770

will post once i receive it. i did find one real-seeming review on youtube that criticized the dpad but i ordered anyway

>> No.7385783

To be fair, they didn't advertise as loudly that they also made a better backlit SP model at the same time so that the micro's backlit screen could be a selling point.

>> No.7386039

You're right, but all you really need is the plug and that has all the necessary pins.
In the link I posted here >>7383320 you can follow the process step by step.
Nothing is stopping you to use something like an ethernet cable and build a proper link cable instead of a dongle/adapter.

>> No.7386745

look forward to your insights later on

Believe it or not, but when I was buying GBA, I wanted a micro more than I wanted a 101. I saw little value in just an SP with a brighter screen, but probably the funnier thought in the current era is that I didn't want a system where I couldn't turn off the backlight, because you couldn't see shit on a lit LCD in the sunlight.

fuckin sick. I still have some cables around, time to get cookin'. I'd still make "just" an adapter, since I have a billion GBA cables and GC adapters but nobody I know owns a micro, but yeah, should be great.

>> No.7386750

Honestly I am still confused as to why this thing was made. The SP was clearly superior as a product and was already incredibly fucking portable thanks to the brilliant clamshell design.

>> No.7387002

Looks like an instant hand cramp. How the fuck would you even play that?

>> No.7387039
File: 1.76 MB, 3514x2245, 6841026E-6039-4758-87BF-F68FEF1A0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battery is dead and I have no idea where the charger is.

>> No.7387172

You can with a flash cart. It's emulation though.

>> No.7387182

both are cheap online.

>> No.7387184

What are some good sources of faceplates?
Do they even make fancy ones anymore?

>> No.7387682

yours looks way better than mine, mine is "well loved" but I don't care, it's mine and that makes the flaws personally special

>> No.7387796

replace the switch then.

>> No.7387965

No, you just need to clean it.

>> No.7388535
File: 712 KB, 2048x2048, 604854B4-736D-414F-A583-9CCB209405DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right fucking here

>> No.7388594

Nice. Currently playing through the normal game with most of the e-reader card modes enabled through a save online. I've gotten to play most all the e-world levels but never thought to try this, pretty cool so far.

>> No.7388818

Get an EZFlash Omega or an Everdrive X5

>> No.7388851

Its fucking tiny. Get a regular GBA modded if you want the true GBA experience.

>> No.7388919
File: 919 KB, 4608x3072, Collection de consoles portables 08 bis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my micros, but I'm afraid to cause some wear and tear to them. They are new.
I only use the right one, which I bought without a box. But the sound is quite broken.
I should begin playing with the black one. I even have a case especially made for game boy micros.

>> No.7389021

>tfw you bought $3000 worth of nintendshit in the '80s and '90s new and threw away every box

>> No.7389951
File: 657 KB, 2560x1152, GameboyMicro_Goombacolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread

>> No.7390032
File: 133 KB, 1200x900, EYfhsZJWAAYgD7_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no reason to own any gameboy when the PC engine GameTank exists OP

>> No.7390085

That's taste related, anon.
Me, I don't ever leave my room anyway, but when I did went on trips before the fake virus thing, I would always bring my notebook and the ol' ds4 lol
>Emulators and complete romsets for almost any console and arcade system you can imagine
>Can put it sideways to play vertical screen arcade games
>Steam library as a plus so I can play modern local multiplayer games with friends too
That thing does look dope though, I just don't know where the hell is a 35yo man supposed to bring out one of those in public without looking like a permavirgin

>> No.7390137


>> No.7390147

>Me, just another child in a third world shithole
>Wait years on end to get consoles, months for each cartridge
>"Mom, we need to keep every console and cartridge case and everything in perfect state"
>"Those things will be worth more than our house when I'm 30"
>atari 2600, nes, snes, gbc, psx, n64, dc, ngc, ps2, wii, x360
>crt's too, like 3 or 4 good ones
>move out to my own place
>which is still 1/3 built
>"Dad, when my gaming room is finished, I'm coming to pick this all up and I'm gonna set everything up like a God"
>"Hurry up son, your mom wants to use your old room as an art workshop"
>Three months go by, still building, I can barely live at my house
>Step into my old room
>Canvas', spray paint, paint buckets from floor to ceiling
>"Dad where's all my stuff?"
>"Your mom threw it all away"
>That's including all the CRT's
>MFW one fucking working loose snes cartridge costs the same as a minimum wage where I live

>> No.7390151
File: 2.41 MB, 4000x3000, RG351M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Micro for about £40 off Ebay few years back, then a flash cart later.
I personally love how small it is, it's a bit of a novelty.
Now I have a RG351M though, which kind of makes all other models of GBA useless

>> No.7390162


>> No.7390215
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, comfy3dsmario.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care what you look like at 35, anon? I'm almost 31 and I could not give less of a fuck what anyone thinks of me, sitting there with a GPD Win 2 or 3DS out in public.

>> No.7390443

massive hand strain too

>> No.7390448

Good thing the d-pad has arrows indicating the direction otherwise you would never be able to figure out.

>> No.7390636

How did you get Super Game Boy borders on GBA?

>> No.7390680

they are included in the goomba emulator

>> No.7390723

I don't quite like Anbernic, it's not the worst option and arguably one of the best options if all you want is handheld emulation, but I think the original experience is better