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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7381086 No.7381086 [Reply] [Original]

It games which invented a genre

>> No.7381090
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This game invented gayness

>> No.7381096
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>> No.7381172
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>> No.7381937
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>> No.7381972

Pitfall arguably invented that genre. Super Mario Bros. standardized it.

>> No.7381996

Did it tho?

>> No.7382735

Dragon Quest came out before Final Fantasy
You're not even trying
Do you seriously think this

>> No.7382745

Well to be fair Resident Evil is heavily based on Sweet Home for the FC

>> No.7383259


>> No.7383263

Didn't 3D horror games with tank controls start with Alone in the Dark?

>> No.7383274

DQ 1 is CRPG, but Japanese
FF is the original mutation which created "JRPG"

>> No.7383375

Even Capcom themselves said that Resident Evil would've been a FPS if it weren't for them discovering AitD during the development.

>> No.7383438

OG Resident Evil would have been so shit, if it would have been first person perspective.

>> No.7383662

LMAO you tendies are beyond deluded.

>> No.7384360

That's the daftest thing I've ever heard. FF1 has more D&D roots than Dragon Quest does, even. And I'm only saying THAT because I'm entertaining your inaccurate personal definition of CRPG. Every vidya RPG is a 'CRPG', you dope on a rope. The term only exists to differenciate from tabletop games.

>> No.7384378

Halo, the first FPS game. Am I doing this thread right, guys?

>> No.7384629

Pac-Land was the first true scotformer

>> No.7384704

Ultima 3 invented dragon quest

>> No.7384709

Fuck all this old man CRINGE. The only game that ever mattered and defined gaming as a whole was CoD 4. If you disagree you hate retro games

>> No.7384723
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>> No.7384770

UnNetHack invented what genre dingus?
Rogue can't be like itself sure but hack came before nethack which came before that fork thats for sure

>> No.7384786

Hey look, real answers. Based.

>> No.7384809

Resident Evil didn't invent shit.

>> No.7387219
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>> No.7387241

Fucking this.

>> No.7388680
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>> No.7388687
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The first metroidvania

>> No.7388715

consoles are for niggers

>> No.7390157

are you retarded? metroid was the first metroidvania. the word 'metroidvania' started as an insult to mock symphony of the night being too similar to metroid. it then became the common term for metroid-style games

>> No.7390319

Hate to be that guy but jet set willy was before metroid. Metroid was the first GOOD metroidvania.

>> No.7390489

It's good to have a reply that at least nobody will argue is 100% wrong

>> No.7390505

>a Metroidvania
Soiurinals/E-celebs: Not even once.

>> No.7390507

stop replying to larps and bait posts

>> No.7391570

It's called bait anon

>> No.7391578

Alone in the Dark.

>> No.7391601
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>> No.7391609
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>inb4 Herzog Zwei

>> No.7391626
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not that sure about this one. It has elements of Defender of the Crown but I think it's one of the first/the first to roll up 4x kingdom management->real time battles you can actually control

>> No.7391630
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>> No.7391639
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>> No.7391648
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>> No.7391659
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>> No.7391669
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>> No.7391686
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Space Invaders

>> No.7391691
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>> No.7391701
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I'd argue that sure, SF exists but SFII is what started the genre.

>> No.7391709
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and for 3D

>> No.7392765
File: 1.23 MB, 952x696, Star Raiders (1979).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every 3D space game is based in part on Star Raiders

>> No.7392772
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Capcom never had an original thought in their lives.

>> No.7392781
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>> No.7392785


This is a joke, right?

>> No.7392825

Most JRPG posters have left the board and still you can't stop seething?

>> No.7393482

I can't think of an earlier TRPG. Can anyone else? Maybe some early PC game?

>> No.7393538

Maniac Mansion came before that, you know.

>> No.7394083

Nope. Special moves through direction/presses or charge moves, combos, normal cancels into specials, hell different outfits for the same characters with different button presses, the ability to jump over your opponent to reverse position, shit like that.

SFII codified the main rules for 2D fighters for decades, up to the fucking present. Only the VF/Tekken 3D ecosystem actually managed to change things (into an entirely different genre).

>> No.7394084

Then switch on the light dummy

>> No.7394087


>> No.7394091

There's a difference between "inventing" a genre and codifying it. Street Fighter II is clearly not the first fighting game. The "II" kind of gives that away. But it established the standards of the genre so that the games before SFII are noticeably shittier than the ones after.

>> No.7394115

then why isnt the genre called metroidwilly instead

>> No.7396097

Pool of Radiance definitely. Arguably Ultima.

>> No.7397759
File: 387 KB, 1352x969, metroid_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first willyvania

>> No.7398793

Dungeons and Dragons came first!!!!!!

>> No.7398796

Nintendo invented games being actually fun.

>> No.7398805

A prerequiste for a game to be a crpg is to suck hard and be unplayable except for people with developmental disorders.

>> No.7398826

So it invented it.

>> No.7398930

metroid is action adventure. There wasn't a "genre" until SOTN copied it.

>> No.7398942

looks bad

>> No.7398987
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>> No.7399029

>maniac mansion
>leisure suit larry
those came first

>> No.7399724

Adventure Island

The scotformer genre

>> No.7399734
File: 27 KB, 678x452, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D action RPGs

>> No.7401136

>Nintendo invented games being actually fun.
That was Williams, actually.

>> No.7402035

Nice bait, but and Quest 64 and MNSG64 also came out before it.