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7388592 No.7388592 [Reply] [Original]

Rate the castlevania games

>> No.7388596

from L to R

>not retro
>not retro

>> No.7388607

black pixel outlines look so out of place on sprite work.

>> No.7388682
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It's not a bad game but it doesn't really do anything special compared to other platformers. I think people just really liked it because of its graphics and because it was a pack-in title.

>> No.7389312

GBA qualifies as retro for the far right one.

3 4 2 1

>> No.7389332

It looked well on GBA and DS screens.

>> No.7389340
File: 62 KB, 640x776, hmjrviykgq131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rondo of Blood
>Dracula X

Never played the handheld ones so thats my list.

>> No.7389343 [DELETED] 

Dawn of Sorrow
Aria of Sorrow
Portrait of Ruin
Harmony of Dissonance

>> No.7389345

how the fuck could you like simon's quest more than 1

>> No.7389520

CV 1: 10/10
CV 3: 10/10
CV 4: 10/10
Bloodlines: 9.5/10
Rondo: 9/10
SotN: 8.5/10
CotM: 8/10
AoS: 7.5/10

>> No.7389523

>Never played the handheld ones so thats my lis
they're all garbage, don't worry about it

>> No.7389874

much better to play the remake one in my opinion

>> No.7389956

Belmont's revenge is pretty good.

>> No.7389961

1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5

>> No.7389968


The only games I like about the franchise are the extra modes.

I have no patience for classicvania or metroidvania

>> No.7389981

real vania/gayvania

>> No.7390018

They're meant to be played on different screens

>> No.7390335

GB: All passable games, the second one is decent though.
GBA: Circle of the Moon is decent, Harmony of Dissonance is bad, Aria of Sorrow is great.
DS: All three DS games are good, I could see each player ranking them in a different order depending on their preferences, but overall they're still a fun time.

>> No.7391707

S - Order of Eclesia, CV1, Dracula X, Odalus: teh dark Call

A - Aria, Dawn of Sorrow, CV3, Bloodstained COTM1, SCIV

B- Bloodstained COTM2, Rondo, Harmony of Dissonance

C- Lords of Shadow, Portrait of Ruin, Simons Quest, Castlevania the Revenge, Castlevania the Adventure

D- Simons Quest, Castlevania the Revenge, Castlevania the Adventure

F- Chronicles for the stage with the mirror demon and staircases. Fuckery.

>> No.7391716
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the only good one

>> No.7391728


Oh yeah meant to say spectral interlude is also S tier. And

Curse of Issyos is very good.

>> No.7391816
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Of the games I played so far it's

Dracula's Curse
II Belmont's Revenge
Super Castlevania IV
The Adventure
Simon's Quest

>> No.7391872

>Dracula X
>Dog shit
>The rest

>> No.7391884

CV1, CV3, IV, Rondo, X68k

>> No.7392070

What's the difference between rondo of blood and dracula X? I don't have a ps4 so my only choice right now is dracula X on the wiiu.

>> No.7392081

They're different games.

>> No.7392086

How so? Can you tell me the differences?

>> No.7392092

lmfao this is literally MUH NINTENDO the post.

completely different games

>> No.7392103

Why is Harmony of Dissonance bad? I just started it the other day and it seems fine so far. Maybe a little bland but I don't understand the hate for it yet

>> No.7392164

Real response here, Rondo Richter has smoother handling and the overall game will feel like a comfy anime gothic harem game, kinda, albeit the level design is flat in places, literally so half the time. Dracula X is harder when it comes to how the enemies mingle with their environments ala the NES games, but Richter feels clunkier even with just how he walks, and has weird hitboxes to boot.

>> No.7392171

>How so? Can you tell me the differences?
I mean, the levels and stuff are all different, they copy-pasted sprites but it's not a remake or a port or whatever

>> No.7392229
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It's not, a lot of the hate it gets is just people getting filtered by the chiptunes and somewhat muddy graphics. There's something to be said about how the level design seems to consist of strict set of shapes being arranged that probably annoys the shit out of SoTN and AoS fans, but it's not like those games went anywhere with their level designs besides give their protags and enemies space to romp. HoD gives you leeway on where you can go before it makes you look for the item with the new movement ability to progress, and in the meantime gives you dashing to blaze through areas and enemies whilst wrapping it all up in a mystery story about what exactly is going on. It's not perfect, and if you played the other metroidvanias before and after it, Juste's mechanics will feel weird if you haven't already adjusted, but it's at least a decent game that does things that would affect the design of later games, including its immediate followup AoS.

>> No.7392235

>old good, new bad

>> No.7392242

shit controls, shit graphics, shit sound and shit level design

>> No.7392251

MUH NINTENDO all you want; that ranking is accurate, and Bloodlines should be between IV and Rondo

>> No.7392504

I like it. I always get super lost about halfway though. There are some real “where the fuck do I go?” moments.

>> No.7392642

rpg good
not rpg bad

>> No.7392658

I was a little disappointed when I realize the rainbow doors just lead to warps.

>> No.7392857

>JUST belmont

>> No.7393264

To me its the best of the gba castlevanias

>> No.7393970

Mid to late-game is kind of a chore, the game requires switch between the 2 castles ala A Link to the Past but transitioning between them is not as smooth, you need to remember every part of the 2 castles very well otherwise you might get stuck for a while.
Every Metroidvania requires you some kind of objective to unlock the true final boss and this happens in HoD too, but somehow it feels away more bullshit with the hidden locations that you need to find, I don't remember any hints like the other games.

>> No.7393997

What's up with the colors on this one?

>> No.7394003

Sotn and IV are overrated as fuck.

>> No.7394085

Order of Shadows is a funny one. All interviews they kept saying how developing it was hard, and the game sucked, only for months later dawn of sorrow releases in the same platform with marginally better graphics, gameplay and fidelity to the nds version. All they needed: proper devs

>> No.7394089
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How bad is pic related? I'm being a baby and don't want to have to use a standalone x68k emulator and the retroarch core is awful so I started playing the PS port

>> No.7394539

Bad castle layout that you have to do twice, not many memorable bosses.

>> No.7394776

I like the music, I like the art, but it felt like CV3 level of cruelty.

The usual complaint is the chiptune music and blue glow around Juste.

>> No.7394783

It's slightly easier. Play the classic mode and it's 99% like the x68 one. Also the RA core worked on my machine.

>> No.7394890

px68k had a glitch on the second level when you go up the waterfall, floor kept disappearing. my initial post was because I saw some posts in an older thread about hitboxes being off in chronicles

>> No.7394920

If it's the western version, the hit-box are screwed and the game is missing sounds effects. Don't know about the Japanese version, but there's no reason not to emulate the original instead.
Download xm6 TypeG (www.emu-france.com/emulateurs/10-ordinateurs/151-sharp-x68000-x68000-pro/3535-xm6-type-g-starscream/) and the bios on the emulation wiki. It's incredibly painless compared to retroarch jank and you can set up cool stuff like conneting it to munt for MT32 emulation.

>> No.7395058

I will say I had that happen to me, but another time it didn't. Can it be replicated or avoided consistently or is it purely random ass?

>> No.7395070

Another thing to be aware of is that I've encountered an easy hacked version of x68vania which had low damage for the whole game. Any way to make sure you aren't playing that one?

>> No.7395072


>> No.7395084

Now I'm playing aria ...

Does anyone find the skills a little redundant? If I can become any enemy in the game why the hell does the game give me skills

>> No.7395265

>Aria Of Sorrow
>Bosses can't attack you at the edge of the screen

This game should have given me richter combat, as most of the bosses I faced were ridiculous.

>> No.7395509

Original series: 3 = 4 > 1 > 2

GBA: AoS > CotM > HoD

DS: DoS = EoE > PoR

N64 castlevania = 5 bats out of 5, I love that busted ass game for some reason

>> No.7395517

the skills are the 'metroid' part which gate your progress if I remember correctly

>> No.7395634

Doing classic only. The ones I've not played are not included.


>> No.7395887

>Dracula X on the fucking SNES this high and Chronicles this low.

I've grown up with Vampire's Kiss and it became painfully evident how much of a rushjob it was. Easily one of the weakest classicvanias, winning from Adventure and Legends but definitely losing the battle with Belmont's Revenge.
Other than that pretty solid list.

>> No.7395947


>Aria of Sorrow
>Dracula's Curse (US)
>Rondo of Blood
>Portrait of Ruin
>Symphony of the Night
>Dracula X
>Circle of the Moon
>Harmony of Dissonance
>Simon's Quest
>Dawn of Sorrow
>Belmont's Revenge
Power gap

>> No.7395962

Trying to find those spots where they connect was such a pain in the ass. Especially since important items were just kind of hidden in the corner of maps. I guess it incentives exploring, but really dragged down the game imo. At least it wasn't as RNG dependent as Circle of the Moon. Moon was still better though.

>> No.7395967

It's fine honestly. Only valid gameplay problem is it being alot of the same. No memorable events breaking up the story.
But it is the GBA entry with the most optional content out there and there are a lot of hidden bosses.

All the other common complaints stem from presentation, which didn't bother me as much at the time.

>> No.7396001

I like you

>> No.7396032

CV1, SCV4, Rondo and AoS are the best games in the series. Bloodlines, Rebirth and Belmon's Revenge are in second tier. The other games range from mediocre (CV3) to solid (SoTN).

>> No.7397204

Actionvania > Map em ups