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7384443 No.7384443 [Reply] [Original]

The best castlevania game ever

>> No.7384504

>proto-SotN exploration
>casual mode (the loli)
>boring platforming
>OP sub-weapons
>forced cutscenes
it's shite.

>> No.7384509


>> No.7384519

4chan can't name a single pc engine game they've played other than rondo

>hard mode: no Ys IV

>> No.7384542

bonk's revenge, which is better than rondo

>> No.7384547

1 = 3 > 4 > Bloodlines > Rondo

>> No.7384549
File: 17 KB, 240x282, pc steam engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess again retard

>> No.7384748

Alien Crush pinball

>> No.7385486

But the best is Dawn of Sorrow, a not-retro game and sequel to the best retro Castlevania, Aria of Sorrow.

>> No.7385505


>> No.7385625

Gate of Thunder
Dungeon Explorer 1 and 2
Magical Chase
Jackie Chan Action Kung Fu
Blazing Lazers
Last Alert
Bloody Wolf
Ginga Fukei Sapphire
Soldier Blade
Bonk 1 and 2
Devil's Crush

it's a great system, Rondo is just the most famous game because it's the best game in a legendary series.

>> No.7385859

fausseté amour

>> No.7386165
File: 2.86 MB, 768x672, redaxearmor3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

time to repost my awesome webms

>> No.7386168
File: 2.78 MB, 768x672, Death3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and by I agree I mean I disagree. Drac X is better.

>> No.7386225

Legend of Valkyrie

>> No.7386241

>>proto-SotN exploration
Alternate routes to get to the final is fun, the game is still mostly linear.
>>casual mode (the loli)
No need to sperg out over an Easy Mode existing, just don't use her, problem solved.
>>boring platforming
Castlevania never was pure platforming, it's a combination of fighting monsters AND platforming.
>>OP sub-weapons
Better than the whip being so OP that you don't need any sub-weapons (aka SCV4).
>>forced cutscenes
I remember one when you start the game, then what, one when you get to Maria and Dracula? (The Maria one is optional btw), not really a lot to become a downside.

>> No.7386316

I unironically prefer Dracula X

>> No.7386331

Better first stage, everything else is a downgrade.

>> No.7386336

The godzilla one

>> No.7386347

>>proto-SotN exploration
If you mean branching paths than what do you think of CV3 than?

>> No.7386351

the exploration is not bad or difficult, it took me about a week to 100% the game, and it rewards you with the bonus levels which are pretty fun. I really liked the platforming and don't see the issue with the sub weapons.
I need to check out Dracula X but what is the appeal? Are any stages/bosses actually more fun than Rondo?

>> No.7386456

It was a rushed cashgrab and worse in every aspect

>> No.7386461

>Starts making good platform games in 90
>Tease us with maria
>Makes richter mode a secret mode in sotn


>> No.7386474

Bonk 1~3, Street Fighter II: CE, Ninja Gaiden, Bomberman 94, Ninja Spirit, Kaze Kiri, Marchen Maze, Valis 1, Shubibinman 3, New Adventure Island, Double Dragon II, Densetsu no Valkyrie, Gunhead, Be Ball, Star Soldier series, Fausette Amour, Asuka 120%, etc

>> No.7386587

>Tease us with maria
What, you're implying that you wanted Maria to star in her own game?
>Makes richter mode a secret mode in sotn
Makes sense to make it an extra mode, you need to experience the way that the game was intended first with the RPG mechanics.

>> No.7386595

>RPG mechanics

Backtracing and boredom.

>> No.7386596

Where can I download an English version again?

>> No.7386620

Backtracking is a meme not as a common as people make it out to be, at least not in Castlevania.
My favorite Metroidvanias are the ones you're constantly getting new skills (Aria, Dawn, Order of Ecclesia, Bloodstained), it makes running through the castle and killing enemies more entertaining since you're constantly changing the way you play the game while exploring.

>> No.7386624

I learned that avoiding enemies is more 'fun' than facing them in these games.

>> No.7386972

The music kicks major ass, especially the boss gauntlet music when you fight the bosses from CastleVania 1.

>> No.7387226

It didn't let you backtrack in the levels, though. The branching path was presented at the end of a level in III, unlike Rondo where you have to find a different/hidden branching path.

>> No.7387261

I played the Valis 1 remake on a emulator, it's surprisingly really good considering how bad the mega drive version was.

>> No.7387563

>Are any stages/bosses actually more fun than Rondo?

definitely harder, but not more fun

most of the enemies are missing, which is the biggest issue imo

>> No.7387583

>actually preferring dracula x or cv4 over rondo

Peak retard contrarian

>> No.7387612

Rondo sucks and killed the CV series.

Also, fuck IGA.

>> No.7387615

How did Rondo kill anything when it wasn't released outside of Japan for 15~ years?

>> No.7387635

Because it was responsible for the birth of Symphony of the Night, Rondo's sequel. Both are to blame for the downfall of the arcade-style Classicvania and the rise of exploration-based Castlevania games.

>> No.7387639

The Valis 1 remake is the best game in the series which is unfortunate because it lacks the character switching of the previous games and that was the greatest thing about them.

>> No.7387648

rondo really has a sweet spot I feel between the classic and metroidvania games. I don't like the size of sotn or later games but I do wish there had been more similar to rondo without rpg elements but including branching levels

>> No.7387895

I still enjoy Rondo
Good music, fun gameplay, etc. It was Shitfphony that ruined the series, primarily

>> No.7387903

Why are Castlevania fans so autistic?

>> No.7387905

>hard mode: no Ys IV

>> No.7388137

what a based thread, instantly makes the classicvania faggots seethe. Iga saved the series and the boomers complaining about his games are so funny.

>> No.7388175

kill yourself retard

>> No.7388186

My favorite classic style is Bloodlines or 3. My favorite igavania is SotN or CotM

>> No.7388189

Oh and favorite 3D is Lament of Innocence or Lords of Shadow

>> No.7388212
File: 83 KB, 220x198, Castlevania_-_Dawn_of_Sorrow_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stops you in your path
Castlevania DS games are the best

>> No.7388236

>I start playing COTM
>offscreen bosses

The game will get better ?

>> No.7388281

never touched these games because i hate the cheap animu artwork

>> No.7388323

He didn't even direct Symphony of the Night, dicklips.

>> No.7388860

cringe for including googoogaga fucky sapphire

>> No.7388865

Offscreen bosses?

>> No.7388882

I don't recall any offscreen bosses. Except the zombie dragons swinging their heads. That's the hardest fight in the game for me.

>> No.7388884

I didn't like the style shift either but the in-game spritework is still great.

>> No.7388910

lol classic case of don't judge a game by it's cover. The game itself wasn't weeby or anything.

>> No.7389728

Call us whatever the fuck you want. I am just glad people are adamantly talking about this franchise now, even though its pretty much dead now officially.

>> No.7389984

No it really doesn't. Offscreen shit and the general big scale of things is COTM's main flaw

>all the level design is on a huge scale so navigation is a chore
>the fact that you have to double tap to run all the goddamn time makes it even more of a chore
>due to the huge scale, enemies throw shit at you from offscreen
>get hit before you can even see the enemy
>bosses hide offscreen also

>> No.7390213

How is this a gameplay flaw

>> No.7391862

I just bought the castlevania anniversary and already beat the first one and now I moved onto simons quest. Why does every time I boot the game up it says “PLAYER 3”? It’s really annoying.

>> No.7391882

What's the difference between rondo of blood and dracula X? I don't have a ps4 so my only choice right now is dracula X on the wiiu.

>> No.7392034

I like Rondo too, but I honestly partially blame Hagihara for the series going to shit. A lot of Rondo's more original ideas are held back by him not getting the series' fundamentals, so you get stuff like largely flat level design that enemies can't play off of to screw with you. I'd also say it's where the series' plot and overall feel turned too anime and camp for its own good, even if I can appreciate it to an extent at times.

However, if the games made by Team Kobe and some of IGA's own efforts are to go by, I don't think what Hagihara and SoTN especially did would have fucked over the franchise like what happened if it weren't for the fandom. It might be hard to imagine since PoR is pretty popular, especially amongst the DS games, but until half a decade ago, it was one of the black sheep of the series basically just because it didn't star an overpowered white-haired pretty boy. Even fucking DoS was considered better than PoR back then. I guess it took LoS displacing their precious metroidvanias for it to finally get some love, but that's this spiteful fanbase for you. There is literally no good reason why we can't have all sorts of different vanias going on at once, but we were stuck with a dumb portion of the fandom demanding their way or no way and developers who were incompetent in one way or another and no balls to not ceaselessly capitulate.

1 or Chronicles, Order of Ecclesia, and probably Lords of Shadow myself. I like the action-heavy games that put care into other parts of their design.

>> No.7392046

A lot of CoTM's bosses tend toward being big creatures that have at least one movement pattern or attack that let's them move around the big arenas rather quickly, and at least one projectile attack. Even the first boss, Ceberus, likes to leap around and spew lasers at you, and Necromancer practically specializes in wide circle strafes and making you have to predict where his dumb rings come in.

>> No.7392050

What are you talking about

>> No.7392064

Anyone know why?

>> No.7392117
File: 31 KB, 512x416, sotn-What is a man No really. What is it Please tell me. Ive always wanted to know. .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will freely admit that Dracula X hard-filtered me by being way harder than Rondo of Blood. I knew these slick webms would appear again. Gotta ask, did the manual say that enemies don't damage you on contact when they're hurt? Does this game have hidden tech?
Honestly, I think the original Castlevania is my favorite. Even got the FDS version, though I'm kinda neutral on the save feature and finicky disk drive band.

>> No.7393421


>> No.7393450
File: 43 KB, 248x66, 1561168800403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proto-SotN exploration
branching pathways add replayability
>casual mode (the loli)
then don't play her if she triggers your pedophilia so much
>boring platforming
what's boring about it?
>OP sub-weapons
they're not OP dumbass
>forced cutscenes
ADHD-addled zoomer brain

>> No.7393509
File: 94 KB, 532x800, Castlevania_Chronicles_-_(JP)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like Chronicles exists or anything

>> No.7393886

Always thought, "Order of Ecclesia" was the Black sheep. At least, before shit like "Castlevania Judgement" existed.

>> No.7394748

Uhhh ok
>Soldier Blade
>Jackie Chan

>> No.7394887

Personally, I hate it because it's just not fun to control. Richter is too slow, everything feels super janky and retarded. It isn't smooth but deliberate like the NES games, it's deliberately rocky

>> No.7394893

One of the best Games on the DS period.

>> No.7394935

Good music.