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File: 83 KB, 480x326, 35CF0ACB-5124-46D1-8EC0-248B5C09290A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7384374 No.7384374 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7384379

The multidirectional whip was a good idea.

But the game has nothing more than that

>> No.7384380

t. James Rolfe

>> No.7384386

The multidirectional whip was a bad idea.

But the game is pretty good other than that

>> No.7384387


>> No.7384401

>t. just watched Egoraptor's sequelist

>> No.7384404

million times better than Bloodlines

>> No.7384408

I like the atmosphere, but Bloodlines and Rondo are more fun

>> No.7384423

is only worth mentioning because it represents the worst of both soitubers and zoomers who parrot them
>he never beat the game, he only played like half of it
>still shat on it and made an opinion that wasn't informed correctly on account on him only playing the beginning of the game
>drones who watch those types of videos still repeat the dumb opinion, they haven't played the game at all either
Also, the same guy who cried about muh Zelda
makes me wait, game design bad, but turns out he is and unironically diagnosed ADD. What else is there to say?

>> No.7384440

God Tier:
X68000 Castlevania

High Tier:
The New Generation (Bloodlines for you bloody yanks)

Mid Tier:
Rondo of Blood

Low Tier:
The shitty port of Rondo of Blood on the Snezz

Shit Tier:
Super Castlevania Bros.

>> No.7384446
File: 2.06 MB, 4500x2300, CV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Australia-kun doesn't want you to see.

>> No.7384450
File: 2.95 MB, 8838x1485, Bloodlines 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7384454
File: 159 KB, 9184x480, Rondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7384457

This does not make the design of the stages more interesting.

>> No.7384462
File: 172 KB, 6400x360, Bloodlines 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now walking down a hallway, that's some interesting level design.

>> No.7384463

youre just jealous he gets paid to talk about games AND has a hot gf to boot

>> No.7384470


>> No.7385291

moar pls

>> No.7385295
File: 451 KB, 3900x1500, CV4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7385417

Literally the only thing people can complain about with regards to 4 is that it's a bit on the easy side (on standard difficulty). They should have made the unlockable hard mode the standard, and maybe allow shitters to change it to easy in the options menu. It is absurd to me how people can prefer bloodlines or any of the other games with virtually no platforming.

>> No.7385454

>more platforming, more whip, better
caveman logic

>> No.7385456
File: 16 KB, 300x300, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodlines fags btfo forever, holy shit

>> No.7385467

Platforming has always been an integral part of castlevania you bed shitting cretin. I couldn't care less about the whip though.

>> No.7385537

pure platforming was never a huge focus in the old games, what was there was anchored to enemy patterns, something iv fucks up with midair turning.

>> No.7385553
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 1514606126519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb game better, walk forward to win, no platforming allowed in this platforming series

>> No.7385562

Auster btfo.
The amiganigger can't recover after this.

>> No.7385591

>lets cherrypick one part of the game

>> No.7385592
File: 27 KB, 766x185, castlevania hallway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wait you're right, this section was especially lame and forgettable.

>> No.7385595
File: 465 KB, 4888x4744, Bloodlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could forget this masterpiece? Two autoscrollers in a row baby.

>> No.7385601

It ran at 30fps unlike IV

>> No.7385614

It was from there that I realized that I don't like castlevania.

>> No.7385624
File: 26 KB, 499x500, e8d1d3d1a0fd6e0eff593a066b3dd4d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he keeps trying to spin this topkek

>> No.7385707

>AND has a hot gf to boot
His gf moved across the country and rode the cock carousel only to comeback to Arin after he literally begged and was a multi millionaire. I don't know how anyone can envy this

>> No.7385863

This is all just /b/ gossip. I guess this is what cope looks like irl.

>> No.7386765

Yeah it's breddy gud a little easier than most Castlevanias
Bloodlines would be the perfect compromise between 4's fluid gameplay and difficulty from the older games if it didn't send you back to the very first level after a game over

>> No.7386990

i actually know "australia-kun" in real life (we grew up in the same neighborhood in sydney) he quit posting like 3 months ago because he got so creeped out by you referring to anyone and everyone as "australia-kun" he only posts on /vst/ now tl;dr you're weird and gay mate

>> No.7387320

This one feels a bit misleading because that level has that weird stratified screen gimmick making the level more interesting. Imo it wasn't very well-realized, but it definitely breaks the stage up from being a pure hallway.

>> No.7387330

Nice larp ameripig

>> No.7387641
File: 299 KB, 614x597, CV1_multidirect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree with other anon to an extent, Castlevania 1 was an action platformer with an emphasis on action. It says something that the hardest level in the game doesn't even have pitfalls of any sort. However, I agree with you about 4 being easy on the first run, and would add that if anything, there was an increased emphasis on platforming since 2, nevermind Adventure 1 and 3.

In fact, 4 is more or less the logical evolution of the series, contrary to formulafags. Having more than one direction to whip was planned since the first game, 2 eschews any sort of directional attack going so far as to drop the axe, and then 3 sees Trevor complimented by three different partners who either had stupid levels of mobility that trivialized nigh everything or had at one possible multidirectional attack, like Sypha's ice and lighting spells or Alucard's hellfire spread. The real caveman logic is that Belmonts shouldn't be able to whip in more than one direction with their fucking ancestral weapon and instead have to rely on a handful of screen-covering attacks, if even. 4 might not have executed its ideas in the best way, but it's absolutely stupid that it was all thrown away in favor of either essentially gimmicks like Rondo's character movement abilities or literally just to appeal to a hardcore PC crowd like with X68000 with their frankly dumb harder=better logic. I like the games that came out afterwards, in some ways more than 4 and particularly Chronicles, but I won't pretend they're perfectly designed and that 4 is objectively worse if not straight up garbage that doesn't belong in this series.

>> No.7387821

Forgettable? I will never forget the pain this hallway caused me.

>> No.7387837

>autoscrolling bad!
Still more enjoyable than SCB's boring rotating room gimmick that wastes several minutes of your time.

>> No.7387838

never really cared for it, least favorite classicvania not counting the Gameboy titles
I always think about what could have been if Konami made it later. If this game came out around the time of Sunset Riders or Turtles In Time and was on that level it would have been amazing.

>> No.7387846

>he played the embarrassing shitty 50 fps port with water instead of blood

>> No.7387851

All this tells me is the best Castlevania games are the action packed ones with catchy music that focus heavily on the combat and bosses and not the ones that focus entirely on slow mediocre platforming

>> No.7387857

honestly this. THIS is what I think of when I think of Castlevania gameplay. Not bing bing wahoo jumping, for me it was always about learning enemy patterns.

>> No.7388098

It probably took you all of an hour to get through it with savestates huh lil zoom?

>> No.7388128

>Castlevania 'platforming'
>Castlevania 'action'

You guys might as well be fighting over stale bread.