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7380687 No.7380687 [Reply] [Original]

I clicked some "Top 10" video for Sega CD games, since the only game I ever heard of for it was Sonic CD, and the first game it listed was Fink, which looks actually really impressive:
Was this actually a secretly b a s e d console?

>> No.7380708

I only knew of the Amiga version

>> No.7380769

Good capabilities, but made no sense in practical terms. The very notion of paying $300 for a genesis addon was ridiculous.

>> No.7380912

The only difference between the Genesis and Sega CD versions of Flink was the music. And the game is just slow, boring Psygnosis jank.

>> No.7381152

Fuck off. I spend my money however I want.

Faggot mong.

>> No.7381158

It was actually called the Sega Ceestem

>> No.7381179
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>Sega CD

>> No.7381209

>coping this hard
get laid

>> No.7381212

Most the features of the Mega CD were barely used. Considering how things turned out, they would have been better just releasing a CD unit and trying to squeeze more out of the Mega Drive. Which was handling all the FMV in those Mega CD games all on its own anyway.

Even with the Mega Everdrive Pro - people only use it to add Redbook audio to Mega Drive games. Which, while we're on the subject, most of them are a waste of time as people are replacing the music of games that already have good music with their own shitty compilations, instead of working on games that actually need it.

>> No.7381216

I was not coping its you whos coping

>> No.7381218

Daily, mong

>> No.7381220

It was, but Sega fucked it up completely. Technically it bolstered the base console with more processing power (even more BLAST PROCESSING, bitches) and allowed very large games with stuff like voice acting, redbook audio. But most of these capabilities were wasted on pseudo-FMV "games" that tarnished the add-on's reputation. Also the steep price didn't help it either. Oh, and separate power adaptor. Say what you want about the fucking Nerd, he was right on this one.

>I spend my money however I want.
Good, other people didn't want to pay $300 and Sega CD flopped.

>> No.7381225

It was alright but the Genesis/Mega Drive was way better.

>> No.7381226

Unfortunarely this, strip away the new CPU, no need for 6 times the extra RAM.
Just throw in the optical unit, add some additional ram have it ready by 1991-1992 in all markets 129USD and that's it. Would have probably done a lot better in hindsight.

>> No.7381227

Based is not what you are, it's what you do with it. So no.

>> No.7381242

Also to continue on a bit on my rant. The MEGA CD hardware just doesn't make any sense given what SoJ wanted to accomplish, was to attract J-RPGs on a SEGA platform.
Why on earth did SEGA decide to put in a new CPU for what they wanted to be a J-RPG machine, who gives a fuck about additional CPU power and 6x the ram when it comes to RPGs, the regular Mega Drive already had a superior CPU over the competition. Trying to fix the color" pallete "issue" makes hell of a lot more sense. They wanted to attract J-RPGs, but they ended up making this half gen improved arcade game machine like the SuperGrafx.

>> No.7381258
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Mega CD was pretty awesome. A nice taste of things to come, with some good, overlooked games. Not really worth it if you don't like graphic adventures though.

>> No.7381279

The Sega CD was destined for great things, but then they cancelled this game:



>> No.7381482
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To further extrapolate, this is After Armageddon Gaiden released late 1994 part of SEGAs MEGA RPG Project. That additional CPU and RAM truly do wonders for RPGs. I bet the magazines were orgasming at that extra processing power.
They ordered a limousine, but ended up with a roadster or someshit

>> No.7381484


>> No.7381497
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>poor people

>> No.7381519
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>he is proud of getting scammed

>> No.7381542
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Here's Record of Lodoss War mid 1994, for the mere cost of 299USD you get to play games that look the exact same as MegaDrive games.

>> No.7381562

Not sure how true any of this is given wikipedia but man did thiings get way out of hand, if it remained at 150$ given the Genesis install base it would have broken 6 million easy.
>Shortly after the release of the Genesis, Sega's Consumer Products Research and Development Labs led by manager Tomio Takami were tasked with creating a CD-ROM add-on, which became the Sega CD. The Sega CD was originally intended to equal the capabilities of the TurboGrafx-CD, but with twice as much random-access memory (RAM), and sell for about JP¥20,000 (or US$150). In addition to relatively short loading times, Takami's team planned the device to feature hardware scaling and rotation similar to that of Sega's arcade games, which required a dedicated digital signal processor (DSP).
>However, two changes made later in development contributed to the final unit's higher-than-expected price.Because the Genesis' Motorola 68000 CPU was too slow to handle the Sega CD's new graphical capabilities, an additional 68000 CPU was incorporated. In addition, upon hearing rumors that NEC planned a memory upgrade to the TurboGrafx-CD, which would bring its available RAM from 0.5 Mbit to between 2 and 4 Mbit, Sega decided to increase the Sega CD's available RAM from 1 Mbit to 6 Mbit.[7] This proved to be one of the greatest technical challenges since the CD's access speed was initially too slow to run programs effectively. The cost of the device was now estimated at $370, but market research convinced Sega executives that consumers would be willing to pay more for a state-of-the-art machine

>> No.7381632

>Sega CD flopped
It was the most successful console addon until the kinect

>> No.7381741

I wasn't. Bought one when it was new and got a lot of mileage out of it. Got the Japanese frontloader for even less.

>> No.7381828


The Mega CD was a success, albeit a modest one. The PCE-CD was a major hit too. The 32X was a massive bomb.

>> No.7381861

It wasn't worth the price, but the library fills the gaps on the stock system. Of course, few people played Snatcher, Lunar II, Dark Wizard or Soul Star because Sega (especially Sega of America under Kalisnke which was flawless and never did anything wrong) was too busy promoting Marky Mark: Make My Video and the likes.
>Fink, which looks actually really impressive
And 99% identical to the cart version.

>> No.7381872

Curious trivia: in the US, the Sega CD shipped more units than the Sega Saturn.

>> No.7381890


It's actually a cool system with a nice library, even if some of the best games are just the regular games with CD audio.

I have even thought about someone making a new Sega CD game that actually used the system to its highest capacities. Artwork as good and fluid as Fink, CD audio, and a big explorable area. Thinking of a Symphony of the Night style game.

>> No.7382165
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Fink is a good but not amazing game. It' mostly relies on having fantastic graphics and smooth animation. I think the color palette is too desaturated and I wish the game had a sword weapon rather than jumps.

This was during the period where European devs were just starting up and they would make very highly detailed sprite work but they didn't understand gameplay yet.

Adventures of Lomax feels like a follow up to ti too.

>> No.7382187

>I think the color palette is too desaturated
It's one of the most impressive things about Fink, it uses a lot of dark colors, pretty impressive when you remember this is a system with a somewhat garish 9-bit RGB palette.

>> No.7382193

>I'm a zoomer and I make shit up as I go along, about a time I've never experienced nor understand

>> No.7382275

It was great, but its high price guaranteed small user base, which kept developers away from it.

If Sega's execs had been smart (has never, ever happened), they would sold the Sega CD cheap, or even at small loss, and made the money back on games. They would have likely crushed Nintendo if they did this in '91.

>> No.7382327

playing popful mail feels unironically like playing a psx gane years before it came out.
sadly all the others sega cd games are garbage, but the hardware itself was very agead of its time

>> No.7382543

>small user base
>more units sold than Saturn

>> No.7382549

Just avoid FMV titles and you're golden.

If you have to play FMV titles; many have better ports on other systems like 3DO, SAT/PSX or PC/DOS.

>> No.7382562

What I wish had happened:

>No 32X
>Knuckles Chaotic is a CD game
>Saturn is fully compatible with MD-CD games
>Sega releases budget MD games on CD during the saturn era

Would have gotten MD-CD games more love, especially the titles released around 1994-1995 when the saturn was released. The saturn was gonna be a mess and failed everywhere outside of Japan no matter and this wouldn't have saved it.

>> No.7382683

>Support the 32X fully for 2 years
>Release the Saturn in 1996 with Model 2 hardware
Would have never happened though obviously.

>> No.7382690


32X makes no sense though. CD is an expansion giving cd quality to the MD. The 32X is some weird half-way between a mega drive and the saturn and it's just Sega competing with themsevles. No 32X would really help sega out a lot.

>> No.7382704

>Release the Saturn in 1996 with Model 2 hardware
Far too expensive. Model 2 boards were $4k(for operators) if you wanted just the PCB.

>> No.7382724

32X was a really dumb idea, it was released too late (right before the Saturn's release), it's awful for side-scrolling 2D graphics and needed to split the job with the stock MD/G and the 3D games were impressive, but nowhere near the true 32-bits

CD had a niche though with the improved music, animated cutscenes, voice acting. it's no wonder so many jarpigs were released for it in Japan

>> No.7382795

This. Too bad there were people inside Sega of America destroying the company from the inside out.

>> No.7382804

Man. The more I think about that. The more I'm convinced Saturn would have been head to head with Playstation. That would have been f'n amazing.

>> No.7382818

Sure they were in 1993. 3 years and mass production makes a hell of a difference.

>> No.7382871

Nope. Still too expensive for home use at the time and by mid '95 Model 3 was in full development and shown publicly early-mid '96.

>> No.7382896

Do you not understand how fast technology was progressing in the mid-90's? A $2000 PC from 1993 wouldn't even fetch you $400 3 years later.

>> No.7382942

Yeah but still, 4k if you bought one new. Can't change that, sorry.

>A $2000 PC from 1993
Try closer $5000, that's what I paid for my first Pentium machine. Granted the configuration was pretty good but still.

>> No.7383071

>This was during the period where European devs were just starting up and they would make very highly detailed sprite work but they didn't understand gameplay yet.
They still don't get it

>> No.7383079

western devs in general, just look at that AAA garbage

>> No.7383303
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>F I N K

... Look at pic related, you dumb niggers.

>> No.7384962

Cause and effect: customers thought "SEGA fucked me once, they'll fuck me again".

>> No.7384973

All video games from before 2007 are ancient history and are only relevant as historical pieces. Video gaming came into its own in 2012 which was also the peak of western culture. So no the S.E.G.A CD is definitely an unplayable piece of shit and you probably need a diaper change old fart.

>> No.7385570

They should never have released either addon, they weren't good ideas over waiting. I literally did not know any kids who understood the real possibilities the 32X actually added, and the Sega CD kids were looking at literal movie games as the only newly possible things. The Genesis did not benefit from these for its success whatsoever.

If I were time-traveling and advising Sega, I'd be telling them to skip both entirely, plan out the Saturn, make its hardware coherent and document it properly.

>> No.7385870

It was the first of a series of bad decisions that led to Sega's demise.

>> No.7386158

Looks really cool though. Wiki says there is a translation of the first game but nothing came up. Is there any for these or no?

>> No.7386192

The original plan for the Mega CD was a good idea, especially at the time when the Super CD was already a thing and also rumours of a Super Nintendo CD were doing the rounds.

The late changes were the killer. A cheaper unit with more games of Final Fight's quality would have been very well received. I think that Street Fighter 2 CE and Captain Commando were rumoured for the MCD at the time, which would have sold a few units. Punisher CD would have been phenomenal.

>> No.7386205


You're right, and you're making me depressed. I'm just thinking of all those near arcade perfect ports they could have gotten. Combine that with the Saturn being able to play MCD games and it would be killer. Imagine the Saturn being able to play Popful Mail?

>> No.7386209

that game looks like Adventures of Lomax

>> No.7386212

>This was during the period where European devs were just starting up and they would make very highly detailed sprite work but they didn't understand gameplay yet.

european devs were coming off the speccy and c64 scene. they always welcomed new technology but sadly the gameplay remained speccy-like until games like Worms started coming out that actually utilized the hardware to it's fullest (hell the Worms was written in fucking Basic, imagine being flexed by a direct descendant of GORILLA.BAS)

>> No.7386694
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It's weird to think that the development of this game was mostly done by two people working remotely. The graphic designer (Henk Nieborg) lived in Holland whereas the programmer (Herwin Kloibhofer) lived in Austria during that time. They met for a month to lay the groundwork (pic related). Then they worked for 9 months each on their own, exchanging their progress from time to time by e-mail. Wonder how prevalent it was back then ?

>> No.7386698

your hand doesn't count, retard

>> No.7387510


God he is such a dopey fat lump.

>> No.7387534

>improved music, animated cutscenes, voice acting

All that stuff should make games worse though, not better. I mean yeah it'd increase sales because players were dumb kids chasing novelty and spectacle, but adding animation and voice acting just waters down the actual game part of the game. And the music shouldn't be an improvement; developers did better work when limited to, say, the sound hardware of the SNES or of the NES. Of course it still WAS an improvement, but that's only because the Genesis used that nasty FM synthesis crap.

>> No.7387547


Wow. Those beautiful detailed backgrounds, paired with that ugly-looking player character. Europeans, man.

>> No.7387553

Based retard.

>> No.7387626
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Early on the character was supposed to be a Troll, which would've also been the name of the game. Switched to generic blond kid for whatever reason.

>> No.7387642

>but adding animation and voice acting just waters down the actual game part of the game.

So is Symphony of the Night watered down?