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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 1024x768, 1366706776856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7360884 No.7360884 [Reply] [Original]

They took this from you

>> No.7360893

fuck coomers

>> No.7360918

Nah I can still play the classic games whenever I want. Just because they made some piece of shit reboot doesn't mean I have to acknowledge it.

>> No.7360929

You just did

>> No.7360943

But its right here, you posted it

>> No.7360953

I'm fine with the idea of re-inventing her. She wasn't all that memorable outside of being coomer bait. The issue with the new version is that it's not interesting and it's not coomer bait. It's just nothing.

>> No.7360974


Its okay anon, humanity tends to like to do things to the extreme and then one day decide its bad and do the exact opposite.
It was like that with the hippies, which was followed by the coke fueled explosive 80s.

>>7360893 is experiencing his hippie moment, and he thinks it defines him.
Only for time to go fully lewd again in a couple years and he will be shocked and cry about how its nothing like it was during HIS time.

2030 Dark Queen will be wearing an even skimpier outfit and a big green strapon and rendered in 16k resolution.

>> No.7360978

I mean just because I don't recognize it as part of the Battletoads series doesn't mean I'm not going to pretend it doesn't exist. It's a completely different thing that has nothing to do with the Battletoads I love and only happens to share the title. Hell I'm pretty damn sure that everyone involved with it had nothing to do with the classic Battletoads games.

>> No.7360985
File: 286 KB, 1400x1400, rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7360998

>Almost nobody recognizes Chapman on the street but nearly any preschooler or school-age parent has likely seen his work. Now in its fifth season on Viacom Inc.’s Nickelodeon and Nick Jr., Paw Patrol is the most-watched television show for preschoolers this year, according to Nielsen, and Viacom estimates the show has generated about $7 billion in global retail sales. In the fourth quarter of last year, the research firm NPD Group found, Paw Patrol got the largest share of U.S. licensed merchandise sales from kids under 15, topping the NFL and Disney’s Frozen, Mickey Mouse and Star Wars.

Think a little

>> No.7361000
File: 193 KB, 1400x700, teen-titans-go-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you reinvent her?

It looks like they tried to tone her down but went overboard.

>> No.7361013

It's Canon. Battletoads changed, change with it

>> No.7361024

Sounds awesome, I hope we have good vr by then

>> No.7361058
File: 2.59 MB, 2560x1920, its canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's Canon.

>> No.7361059
File: 22 KB, 500x607, 2k48t0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it. Sure, Battletoads has changed, that still doesn't mean I have to kiss the ass of MAPS (Masquerading ASSHOLE PEDOPHILES), the dummies at nu-Rare, the fucko yidrats who run Disney nor Susan "femicommie" Wojicki nor (((CNN))) nor the pedophiles at Salon and Viceland. Have fun dilating with those HRT pills.

>> No.7361061
File: 63 KB, 400x400, reaction (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7361075

Outside of their NES and DKC series Rare never made any high quality games.

>> No.7361097

Go back to /pol/ buddy.

>> No.7361109

>dat pic
Obviously old Rare did not know how problematic that photo was. Luckily nu-rare sees the error of it's old ways and corrected it to be a new non attractive PC version. Thank god progressives are in control to fix such messes in current day.

>> No.7361112
File: 532 KB, 828x1132, 9BF6033A-5E22-48E0-B9C5-6D4584DADA80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I still have my tradwife

>> No.7361351

Is Op's pic from Battletoads/Double Dragon, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs or Battletoads Arcade ('94)?
Anyway, it was always enjoyable watching the Toads best her in the games mentioned above.

>> No.7361353

So true.

>> No.7361357

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/VKgREquZayA

>> No.7361361

2077 Dark Tranny

>> No.7361368

Who care? Op is butthurt and that matter.

>> No.7361418


>> No.7361430

>Susan Wojicki
>Ban word like pedo
Wonder YouTube is so ruin.

>> No.7361620

How many layers of /pol/itics are you on?

>> No.7361682

She hardly appears as an active character in any of the games. You didn't lose much, it's just a pair of tits.

>> No.7361695

He's describing reality, sadly.

>> No.7361723

You don't have to pull out your cock and rub one out to show admiration for the female form, psycho faggot. Most people don't. They're called normal people.

>> No.7361998

Who's they and how could they do that?

>> No.7362013

And what the fuck was going on about nu-Queen's weird rant about her "garbage butt"? Who in their taunt talks about how her ass is both large and then likens it to garbage?

>> No.7362045


>> No.7362053

So you'd rather Social Justice cucks take away everything we enjoy, rather than fighting to keep them? Okay zoomer.

>> No.7362067

I don't like looking at ugly women, I like looking at attractive women, I like to look at things I like in my entertainment, it has nothing to do with fapping. Everyone around me is fat, ugly and stupid, I deal enough with this bullshit in real life, I don't want it leaking into my entertainment.

>> No.7362073

upon inspecting my library of roms, I can safely say this was not taken from me


>> No.7362260

In the original Battletoads and in Battlemaniacs on top of being the final boss she shows up between each stage to taunt you. You see her through the whole game. How is that not being an active character?

>> No.7362293

Keep the old proportions, keep the new outfit.

>> No.7362312

>it's just a pair of tits.
If that's not worth fighting for, what is?

>> No.7362318

Based and Galatians 4:16pilled

>> No.7362328

He's not here to discuss, only to grift. It's why there's so many people itt pretending to be retarded and going "nope my copy I still here"

>> No.7362343

What's the new one look like?

>> No.7362356

>it's not coomerbait
It is for the nu-generation of /co/mblr fags.
They're genuinely that disgustingly degenerate, worse than furries on average.

>> No.7362360

Zero tits and super sassy. I don't even want to pirate new Battletoads its that much of a turn off.

>> No.7362362


>> No.7362373


It's like a battletoads parody made by the Kim Possible fags.

>> No.7362384

but with bad writing

>> No.7362409

I thought it was fine if that was a kids show, but then the overly stereotypical homosexuals came on. If their market is adults, why not make her a little more risque?

>> No.7362423

The game is weird and doesn't seem to know what it wants. It's simultaneously trying to be the wacky kids cartoon, the jaded adult comedy, the "watch this friday at 4pm only on Cartoon Network" mainstream appeal, and the "hey, remember THIS old thing from this 30 year old franchise nobody actually remembers?"

It feels like a case of too many chefs.

>> No.7362424
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>> No.7362425

But she spreads her asscheeks and tells the Battletoads to eat her ass. I don't know why that's OK but titties aren't. Maybe the children eat so much ass these days that it isn't even considered sexual?

>> No.7362427

Oh, and then if course there's the part where it shits on fans for not liking changes from the original.

>> No.7362441


>> No.7362448

>remove boobs and sexy
>put shit fetish and fags
current gen in a nutshell, lel
thankfully not all zoomers are a lost cause like millennials(aka boomers 2.0), and next gen is going to be based.

>> No.7362451

lol coomers

>> No.7362636


You will never be a woman
You will never pass as a woman
You will never be lusted after like women are
You will die alone wearing a bra

>> No.7362638

great collection

>> No.7362653


>> No.7362751

What even is this? It's like some sort of really shitty rejected Adult Swim pilot. Why are there so many long "jokes" about poop and farting?

>> No.7362779
File: 845 KB, 1200x758, 1610568459097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditoids are obsessed with excrement. They call people pissbabies and shitters, talk about shitting themselves as a term for excitement, meme about "thicc" boota.
If you look at the circuits of consciousness, this relates with the second circuit, which controls territoriality and dominance, which is why they're obsessed with Twittler and cancelling people.
Greetings from /x/.

>> No.7362902

You probably drool for cocks.

>> No.7363056

Oh yeah thats a staple in modern day cartoons. Its like the whole industry went from adults making cartoons for children to emotional manchildren making cartoons for manchildren over the span of the 2010s.

>> No.7363523
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>> No.7363542

/x/ is by far the most retarded board and that is certainly saying something when it comes to 4chan. I don't know why anyone would advertise of being a poster there

>> No.7363549

For a couple of years now i've noticed that attitude for almost the entire entertainment industry, for some reason they love to kick the hornet's nest and shit og base who enjoyed the original content and made the brand famous in the first place, then the current brand owners start crying online when it's not well received, it's twisted

>> No.7363553

that would go to /lgbt/ actually.
people over there unironically butcher their body and give each other aids, for free

>> No.7363563

no, /x/ is way more retarded and it manages to be even gayer, somehow

>> No.7363571

Have to disagree, anyone who willingly cuts their body or gives others aids, or wants to receive aids , and even encourages others to butcher their body is first place on the retarded list.

>> No.7363676

>Everyone around me is fat, ugly and stupid, I deal enough with this bullshit in real life, I don't want it leaking into my entertainment

Please tell us what it is like to be one of the beautiful people, o handsome prince

>> No.7363710

/co/ is even worse these days.

>> No.7363717

no, /x/ posters are the first place, by a long shot

>> No.7363730

The reboot has been retcon but the final game had her be a 50-something breast cancer survivor, that is at least worth something.

Originally in the reboot you were going to beat up her 12-year old daughter but Rare rejected it hence "Breast cancer awareness 50-something year old" it is.

>> No.7363923

>You didn't lose much, it's just a pair of tits.
>it's just a pair of tits

You know nothing, John Snow.

>> No.7363934

>You know nothing, John Snow.
hecking good pop culture reference, have an upvote sir

>> No.7363938

About that... >>7363730

>> No.7363968

And then you have Cobra Kai which pays homage to the series that spawned it, and seems to be well regarded by fans new and old.

>> No.7364309

studio run by retards, jesus christ.

>> No.7364328

that is some awful art. The design is really boring too.

>> No.7364334


>> No.7364346

I have a big tiddy gf

>> No.7364350

Why do they always put this collections on inferior kiddy shit systems (consoles) and not on the only hardware that truly maters in the big picture of things (PC) ?

>> No.7364353
File: 33 KB, 348x232, 2013NickOffermanPA-14923554290713-696x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

>> No.7364357

Based as fuck

>> No.7364369
File: 114 KB, 798x1200, 6037e82e5753808e80e10a407076d657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people marketing Battletoads knew the redesign was complete shit, that's why they hid her appearance in the trailer. She only appears for a single frame.

Couldn't they have kept her as a dominatrix? It's not like anyone is jacking off to Battletoads.

>> No.7364373

Take your meds

>> No.7364426

i can’t wait for the second sexual revolution

>> No.7364432

The people complaining about her new design are ironically the same people who want trad wives and disgusted by female degeneracy lmao

>> No.7364436

lmao what kind of dumb zoomer who would post this shits a really dumb one

>> No.7364440

that series is horrible

>> No.7364453

>well regarded

>> No.7364493

Not him, but Cobra Kai is definitely entertaining with the first and third season. The second season sucked balls though. Either way it's worth watching because of hotties like Courtney Henggeler, Peyton List, and Diora Baird(who has an onlyfans account and posts nude pics/vids).

I love the Dark Queen. Too bad SJW faggots had to ruin her image with her new look.

>> No.7364508

no, those sad cunts usually just fuck themselves

>> No.7364513

Did you even read my post?
Repeating it doesn't make it true.

>> No.7364582

Even a tranny who dilates themselves is smarter than any dumbfuck who thought Trump was going to overturn the election and have Biden arrested: (You)

>> No.7364613

no it surprisingly isnt
i went in having that exact expectation but it's good

>> No.7364716

>randomly crying about Trump unprovoked
What is wrong with redditourists? He's not in office anymore, you can start charging him rent.

>> No.7364731

they really did make nutoads for literal preschoolers, huh
compare that and the music to this

it's not like battletoads was ever an adult franchise
here's another example
nuyoshis island
yoshis island

these two never were anything but franchises for kids but the difference is so drastic that it's frankly sickening, it's as if the soccer moms won and the most boring, safe, corporate manufactured ideas are the only ideas allowed

>> No.7364783

The only battletoads games that matter on this board have this dark queen. Fuck off to /v/ and then kys.

>> No.7364795

You said to explain why /x/ is dumber than /lgbt/. /x/ and /pol/ have practically the same bathshit Q shizos who are legit dumber than trannies.
Need me to provide anymore /x/ theories more retarded than /lgbt/?

>> No.7364803

/x/ is less retarded and more just outright insane, like a man writing elaborate theories only he understands on the wall with his own shit

>> No.7365425
File: 195 KB, 231x313, smugalex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone around me is fat ugly and stupid

Like when you look in a mirror?

>> No.7365443

not really, it was retarded but insane maybe a few years ago, right now is just a retarded retarded, wose than a fundie christian fb group since all boomer evangelical and baptist shills got to it.

>> No.7365851

yeah, they think they're a woman when they're actually a man, insane shit.

>> No.7366040

>Everyone around me is fat, ugly and stupid
and I'm guessing you are too

>> No.7366218
File: 99 KB, 600x432, popn-twinbee-cover.cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took this from you

>> No.7366226
File: 207 KB, 460x640, c3c604baea694c8ceb4975052918f4fdc35dcd1798e277019e3c59b59b856554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's behind this post?

>> No.7366235

Cool video games

>> No.7367131

>jews created the porn industry and trying to push it everywhere
>jews want to censor the female figure and get rid of sexual material
Can't you retards pick 1 schizo theory to stick with?

>> No.7367148

The eternal anglo schizozionist

>> No.7367157

the Jew cries out as he strikes you

>> No.7367164

i never the liked idea villain being main guy. that’s why i don’t like it.

>> No.7367330

Nobody took shit, it's all based on trends. Sexy big-tittied villains will come back, and you'll all go back to complaining that the jews are responsible for pushing pornography on gentiles again.

>> No.7367363

Go out and touch a female breast for a change, you miserable fat fuck.

>> No.7367409

they do that though. thing is, sexuallness isn't inheritly wrong just jew porn

>> No.7367459

>sexuallness isn't inheritly wrong just jew porn
>the tinder girl that poses like a whore for a profile isn't inherently a slut. It's just the sex (without me)

>> No.7367591

Johnny was never the villain though.

>> No.7367658
File: 86 KB, 575x620, 1605634649087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost

>> No.7367668

Who did?

>> No.7367746

The woke leftists assholes working for Microsoft.

>> No.7367772

Its okay, we got chicks with giant tits in the new rayman games instead

>> No.7367784



>> No.7367789

RAW is a fucking hack. Enjoy your neckbeard astrology.

>> No.7368081

There's no money in wokeness.

>> No.7368119

I meant that they want the nickelodeon, cn and disney market. you can't make a lot of money with the old design

>> No.7368186
File: 1.99 MB, 208x200, 0b4293f3e6d5bd04d68c5128c07d5b30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battletoads had a "Saturday-morning cartoon" and there was no change done to Dark Queen's costume. If it wasn't problematic for 90's kids it shouldn't be problematic for modern day kids.

>> No.7368237

The biggest moneymakers are cartoons that have no sexual or violent content

>> No.7368286

Mega based

>> No.7368459

I think that's what bugging everyone
the change was so unnecessary
See, that's what you would THINK, but Teen Titans Go, ground zero of this kind of style, has entire episodes dedicated to LADY LEGALUS

>> No.7368538
File: 365 KB, 492x634, snake lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, obsessed

>> No.7368560

the world wasn't fully mentally ill yet

>> No.7368607

>sexual content
>a leotard

Fuck off, mutt.

>> No.7368617


Most parents are not willing to pay for products that are 'objectionable'

Numbers don't lie.

>> No.7368624

it's just single mothers, they don't matter

>> No.7368631

we need to ban the beach

>> No.7368654

That's the thing, the game doesn't appear to have been meant for today's kids. She flips off the Battletoads and spreads her asscheeks at them. So, it wasn't meant to not upset current kids, it was meant to not upset the 90s kids who are now late 20 to early 40s sőybőys, LGBTs, and jealous social media women who wrote scathing articles and/or tweets about games which dare to feature women who have anything more than B-cup boobs (unless said woman is morbidly obese). That's what's so sad and pathetic about it.

>> No.7368663

The parents control the money. with the exception of teenagers I don’t see a parent buying merchandising from a game featuring this type of character

>> No.7368681

w-warty butts...

>> No.7368703
File: 1.37 MB, 731x360, semen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my friends proves this wrong, your logic is severely flawed, even by today's standards.

>> No.7368747

man I’ve seen children opening this kind of non-offensive content while they were alone

From an early age they are programmed to consume this type of product

>> No.7368769

>If it wasn't problematic for 90's kids it shouldn't be problematic for modern day kids
If this is problematic, they better cancel wonder women. fuckin hypocrites have so much cognitive dissonance, its astounding.

>> No.7368776

thot culture is wrong, but again, sexuality isn't learn the difference you meme brain mutt

>> No.7368902
File: 126 KB, 902x1280, o30z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the lost cause.

>> No.7369257

so butthurt trump lost you're crying you can't see vagina bones in a cartoon for small children

>> No.7369474
File: 212 KB, 811x1007, you heard me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds.

>> No.7369510

absolutely based

>> No.7369554

So why Nu-Battletoads bombed?

>> No.7369567


>> No.7369570

lol die

>> No.7369576

Yeah I don't think so.

>> No.7369580

you ever heard of anime?

>> No.7369582

what an ugly bitch

>> No.7369587


>> No.7369594

Even in Japan the anime that SELL is the one that is aimed at younger children or has no offensive content. yaba is an exception because it is a cultural product hello Reiwa

>> No.7369615


>> No.7369620

Search for the real numbers. skip the lists of anime sites and take a look at the business sites

>> No.7369628

Ugly how? She's sexy as fuck. I'm guessing you're a leftist faggot.

>> No.7369629


>> No.7369642
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>> No.7369648

Never compromise

>> No.7369672

i fucking hate thicc fetishes. 4chan has been trying to show down my throat for years that having a fat ass is some how attractive.

>> No.7369693

>I'm guessing you're a leftist faggot.
Did a leftist fuck your gf? rent free.

>> No.7369698

Don't encourage unhealthy body types. Thank you.

>> No.7369705


>> No.7369723
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>> No.7369724

this is a bit of a conspiracy from me, but i suspect a huge pusher of Thicc are women themselves. Because having a big ass is easily achievable from eating a lot or doing squats, while having big tits are genetics.

>> No.7369731
File: 2.21 MB, 1049x1371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastel has only gotten more sexualized.

>> No.7369732

both are still true

>> No.7369754

still covered up, still terrible

>> No.7369759

>everything is a conspiracy
meds. now

>> No.7369779

ive seen women embrace thicc and ass fetish more than big tits. just saying

>> No.7369784

>i fucking hate thicc fetishes. 4chan has been trying to show down my throat for years that having a fat ass is some how attractive.
>Don't encourage unhealthy body types. Thank you.
But the original dark queen also had a big ass.

>> No.7369798


>> No.7369812

What a perfect Dark Queen.

>> No.7369813

>But the original dark queen also had a big ass.
citation needed

>> No.7369816

What a dummy. In the 90s all the big cartoons had sexy content
- BatmanTAS was done by Bruce Tim who gave all his women the perfect pin up bodies and did a sexy girl art book
- X-Men had Rogue and her big ol booty
- Beast Wars had big golden titty Blackarachnia
- Gargoyles had Demona naked half the time
- Animaniacs HELLLOOO NURSE!

>> No.7369819


>> No.7369829

>Because having a big ass is easily achievable from eating a lot or doing squats
Going to say that women support it for reason 1 and not 2. And to be honest, I don't think most guys are thinking of a muscular ass when talking about a thick butt. Yeah, sure, some like a muscular butt and some muscle tone can add shape to an otherwise fatty butt, but ass crack length and propensity to store fat on the butt/hips are genetics as well. There are many apple shaped women who have a big flabby gut but can't even fill out a regular pair of bluejeans.

>> No.7369835

they should stop being fat, there's too much fat acceptance

>> No.7369843

yet, none of those shows held a candle to a shows like ducktales or spongebob when it comes to revenue.

>> No.7369856

Have sex, incel

>> No.7369859


>> No.7369871

Bait this, dweeb.

*rips a gigantic wet fart*

>> No.7369872
File: 115 KB, 798x1200, IcAgQwnAkJqXzOTTe15N39thenrHeMWZGY0x2yjWNjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such an iconic design still remembered after all these years, love it

>> No.7370032

Remember how hippies were turned into a running joke about them being dumb and smelly with stupid ideas?
yeah, that's how the SJWs are gonna be remembered.

>> No.7370045

Daily, thanks.

>> No.7370050

>are gonna
I already do

>> No.7370058

This is actually nice

>> No.7370074

>being dumb and smelly with stupid ideas?
I immediately thought of /pol/

>> No.7370084

No, but I fuck a Leftist's girlfriend right in front of his beta-male ass. ;) Keep seething, Beta.


>> No.7370104


>> No.7370276

She has a fucking man face. Looks like a tranny. Put a bag over her head then maybe.

>> No.7370310

You now remember Duane and Brando

>> No.7370316

> ;)
>so insecure he needs force an emoji
You were definetely cucked by a leftist
Nah. Q schizos are going to go down as the dumbest retards in modern history.

>> No.7370765

I WAS going to say
nice animation
nice music
nice character interactions
They brought battletoads into a new era and it's silly but the toads are not wimpy at all they actively want to be badass so I feel like they kept the spirit the same, down to the super excaggerated punches and kicks

Then I got to this part
>lel lets bring up the design change and mention entitlement!
and it went back to being cringe

>> No.7370791

I can't believe they were stupid enough to go there.
Hope they don't feel entitled to fans' money, sure would be awkward if somebody... went broke.

>> No.7370871

You're full of shit. I bet you think that Contrapoints looks hotter than Dark Queen, despite the fact that Contrapoints is a crossdressing male pretending to be a woman.

False. I can tell you're projecting though. What's the matter? Did someone cucked you?

>> No.7371167

Contrapoints is hotter than Dark Queen remake.

>> No.7371197

>right in front of his beta-male ass.
You boast about getting your cock out in front of other men? Christ Anon you need to get your life in order.

>> No.7371207

They could have made $$$ had they released a DLC original Dark Queen costume.
>still covered up
>Her double D knockers can barely be contained

>> No.7371345

what's crazy is this was on purpose
like, we would all be singing a different tune if there was even a chance of executive meddling because some higher up was really uncomfortable with the dominatrix look

>> No.7371417

>anything I don't like is bait

>> No.7371494

he did bait you with meme words

>> No.7371592
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, daisyjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of sexual content in the Mario & Sonic video games was seriously unbearable. Both Nintendo and Sega should be sued for releasing such trash.

>> No.7371725 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 1200x800, 1612356970368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat bugs
>Defend minorities online
>Persecute those who say the N word
>Cancel all who oppose us
>Everybody is a Nazi except for us
>It's MA'M

>> No.7371736

>I hatewatch youtubers and let's plays and know all their names

>> No.7372191

>Dark Queen remake
I'm not talking about the "remake". I'm talking about the original Dark Queen. Which we both know is a billion times hotter than that ugly tranny freak Contrapoints.

Actually he walked in on me & her. But he was too afraid to tell me off due to me being too big for him to fight, so he just watched while in tears. He was basically a Dale Gribble, if Dale Gribble was a Leftist with blue hair and wearing women's pants.

Hatewatch? I don't watch any of the content of YouTubers I don't like. I just hate trannies period.

>> No.7372210

It's time for your meds now

>> No.7372230
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, Winners Don't Use Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do drugs. It's like the FBI warning says to it's gamers. (pic related)

>> No.7372418

I thought /vr/ was the better /v/. Why do we got trannies and twitter crazies defending shitty modern games here?

>> No.7372490

Being paid to push the Overton window

>> No.7372509

How come right wingers know the names of more trannies and leftists than actual leftists? Literal rent free

>> No.7372518

>I thought /vr/ was the better /v/
It's better because /pol/ propaganda is made fun of appropriately

>> No.7372534

First off, trannies are Leftists. Secondly how come you leftist atheists allow God to live inside your head rent-free and know more about the Bible than the average Christian? I'm an atheist, but even I don't waste my time reading the Bible or hating on a being I believe doesn't exist.

Because ever since /vr/ allowed 6th gen discussion, a whole lot of zoomers came in ruining this board. I rather not see topics about PS2, Xbox or Gamecube. But here we are.

>> No.7372536

You'd be able to live amongst fit folk if you didn't wasted your life cooming to achievement p*rn

>> No.7372554


>> No.7372630 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1612376522571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting the highest tier of them all

>> No.7372635
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, 5556d297-dd3b-426c-89d8-b05ab02a3499-LadyMaga3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies are (only) leftist
>Secondly how come you leftist atheists allow God to live inside your head rent-free and know more about the Bible than the average Christian?
Where the hell did this come from? LOL
And the Pope is leftist. No shit leftist would know more about the Bible when the biggest figureheads of the Church are left leaning

>> No.7372721

>people who have been corrupted by capitalist identity politics

>> No.7372751

very based and truth pilled. so sick of retards with their heads in the sand getting ass raped by china and (((liberal))) autocrats saying 'This is fine'

>> No.7372796

>LGBT For Trump
LOL That's about as real as the "Trump" supporter waving a Nazi flag.(Turned out to be a Bernie supporter who was trying to make Trump supporters look bad).

>The Pope
Is actually a Satanists promoting a Catholic religion, not a Christian one. So of course The Pope is a Leftist. Christians tend to be conservative.

Leftists live breathe "identity politics" and vote for corrupt politicians like Joe Biden(vote blue no matter who). Also there's nothing wrong with capitalism. Capitalism allows retro gaming to continue to exist, which is why we now have FPGA clone consoles/emulation boxes, as well as HDMI solutions like the Carby for the Gamecube.

>> No.7372802

Identity politics is as far left as it can get. Also, corporatism =/= capitalism. If there's one thing where the right and left agree, is that neither want kike corporations to run a totalitarian dystopia.

>> No.7372889

>That's about as real as the "Trump" supporter waving a Nazi flag.(Turned out to be a Bernie supporter who was trying to make Trump supporters look bad).
Are you really trying to deny there are neo nazis on /pol/ who do nothing but jack off to hitler?
Also, they are completely different. No one outside of 4chan views lgbt for trump as a bad thing. People see that as Republicans trying to be more universally appealing. Everyone, again outside of your stormfront bubble, sees Nazis as bad. Most people do not want conservatives to be associated with nazism. By making Trump supporters look like nazis, you lose vote. By making Trump look like he's okay with lgbt, you gain votes. There is no reason to fake LGBT for trump like there would be with nazis for trump.
>Is actually a Satanists promoting a Catholic religion
Wait a minute. You're atheist yet you believe in Satan? LOL okay.
And it's not a matter of the popes morality. The point is people who study the Bible are more left leaning. You need to read the Bible and study church history to become a priest. You can't just become a priest for being "Satanist". So yes, people who are more read on the Bible and religion in general are left leaning. Most Christians, despite you thinking they are Satanists, are left leaning.

Bible in general is left leaning. It teaches people about forgiveness and repenting sins; that's why Jesus forgave and let a prostitute be one of his followers. Meanwhile, right wingers condemn people and think no one should be forgiven ever AKA Muslims and blacks. Jesus would be against the lack of forgiveness right wingers have towards non whites.

Ironically, Judaism and Islam fall more in line with right wing politics. Jews believe in them being the Chosen people, much like Hitler viewed Aryans being the chosen people.

>> No.7372903

Holy fuck are you seething

Have sex.

>> No.7372910


>> No.7373006
File: 43 KB, 432x504, Nazi Dems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo nazis
These "neo nazis" you're referring to are Leftists, hence why they support the LGBT. Nazism is actually left-wing. Hence why Hitler & Stalin were allies. Also if there's "LGBT for Trump", that loses votes for Trump seeing as though every religious group(Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Mormons, etc) is anti-LGBT because they view homosexuality as a sin. So it's likely Trump would lose the Christian vote because of it. And of course conservatives are against Nazis, they're anti-socialists.

>You're atheist yet you believe in Satan?
I never said that. I don't believe in or worship Satan. But I do recognize that the Pope is a Satanist. No one who is Christian is "left-leaning" due to the simple fact that Christians are anti-abortion. Leftists/Liberals are pro-abortion. Also Christians aren't Satanists, I never said anything like that. If you knew as much as I do, you would know The Pope actually worships Satan and that the Catholic religion is just a cover. Christians & Catholics are not the same.

The Bible is right-leaning, not left-leaning. If the left knew anything about "forgiveness" and "repenting" sin, they would stop hating Conservatives, they would forgive anyone accused of "racism" or "rape". But the Left doesn't because they love to lie and they love to hate conservatives and condemns them. Right wingers on the other hands forgives and condemns no-one. Right wingers don't hate non-whites. I think you've been drinking too much of the leftist koolaid.

Also Hitler was a left-winger and a social justice warrior. He called white Jews "racists" and accused them of stealing the Hebrew religion from black people.

Which reminds me, I'm a right-winger and I use GTA3 to mod Nazis & Commies as pedestrian gangsters, so that I can kill them in the game. Because National Socialists and Communists are a cancer to society.

>> No.7373108

>These "neo nazis" you're referring to are Leftists, hence why they support the LGBT. Nazism is actually left-wing.
/pol/ would call you a tranny for this statement you know. Seems like we're on the same side
>So it's likely Trump would lose the Christian vote because of it
Unlikely. You are thinking of fundamentalist Christians like Jehovas, not protestants who are pro lgbt. And even if they hate trump, they would never in a million years vote left
>But I do recognize that the Pope is a Satanist.
But none of these Christians are claiming to be one. You are just calling them Satanists because you actually believe he exists and people can unknowlingly worship him.
>Christians are anti-abortion. Leftists/Liberals are pro-abortion
What Bible verse do you have to back this up? I think you are forgetting just how many rules you can interpret from the Bible, hence why there are so many Christian sects. Jehova Witnesses don't believe in blood transfusion or birthdays and would call fellow Christians, Satanists for allowing it.
>the left condemns conservatives and condemns them
And right wing Christians don't condemn leftists? For all the cancel culture that the left does, right wingers are hands down the biggest condemners. You do not think black people, refugees, and illegal immigrants can redeem themselves. You already view gay people and trannies as irredeemable subhumans.

>Which reminds me, I'm a right-winger and I use GTA3 to mod Nazis & Commies as pedestrian gangsters, so that I can kill them in the game
But don't you see the irony in this? /pol/ would call you a tranny for going against nazism. You being an atheist would automatically make you a leftist to most Christians on this board.

It's sad, but you and I are ironically on the same side.

>> No.7373146

>shove down throat
>the ass is too fat
you might want to
you know
shove something down your throat while you feel a nice firm muscular ass...
sounds like that's what you want.


ya can't write this, folks. i didn't. just read it out loud.

>> No.7373149

here comes the boomersplainer

>> No.7373381
File: 179 KB, 2048x1280, dq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7374092

then why did you watch karate kid?

that cartoon dark queen literally looks like she should be voiced by fran drescher

>> No.7374113
File: 95 KB, 1020x1200, D9Kn4yJWsAAB9nx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly just dislike that artstyle, it's too "Go! Animate" looking

>> No.7374270

>Jews want to limit secual relief to only platforms they control
it is one theory.

>> No.7374443
File: 72 KB, 500x650, 1611451162877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been to a website that talks about trannies more than 4chan. Just about every thread will eventually mention trannies.

>> No.7374494

either trannies or black penises. Both of these are american obsessions

>> No.7374707

fuck off twitter

>> No.7374725

>It's Canon
DmC wasn't

>> No.7374730

>. Why are there so many long "jokes" about poop and farting?
I know why
a local "fartist" named TeniousOddity did a clever edit of that one scene of nu-Queen taking a huge brap and pantypoop,

after that went viral, people kept associating the game with that.

>> No.7374746
File: 610 KB, 975x600, LL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no excuses

>> No.7375126


Yeah its a terrible "safe" art style for children, like calarts.
Kinda weird that they're currently raising an entire generation on being sissies and learning them to rat out people when they say the naughty words.
Even right now there are guys going round saying you're bad for liking tits. fucking clown world.

>> No.7375131

Battletoads isn't porn though.

>> No.7375147


>> No.7375458

>So it's likely Trump would lose the Christian vote because of it
Trump's base was the christian vote and that was never going away. As for LGBTs for Trump, well, he was always a vain, queeny, limp-wrist.
>Nazism is actually left-wing
western countries post-WW2 protected high ranking Nazi insiders and secretly relocated them. Many former Nazis lived their lives in essentially witness protection, and others ended up working for various intelligence networks to break strikes, unions and left-wing uprisings.
>The Bible is right-leaning, not left-leaning.
the bible is up to individual interpretation. Different denominations will use the bible to explain social and moral crises differently.
>Hitler was a left-winger
Hitler purged the more left-leaning nazbol members of the NSDAP.
>He called white Jews "racists" and accused them of stealing the Hebrew religion from black people
Fascists have an inconsistent and self-contradicting belief system.

>Which reminds me, I'm a right-winger and I use GTA3 to mod Nazis & Commies as pedestrian gangsters
is it 2016 again?

>> No.7375508
File: 32 KB, 488x384, 770c9053a8a3afdacdc239815eafd88c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have already cummed to the fart edits several times by this point. Coomer gods cannot be stopped. Deal with it.

>> No.7375603
File: 78 KB, 514x840, 514x840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never work for the Ministriy of Pornograhpy

>> No.7375610

>blah blah I hate 4chan and my discord mod cycled me off shitting up /pol/ because I was crying after being told how I will never be a woman

>> No.7375618

take your meds schizo

>> No.7375646

Yes, using half understood buzzwords out of context is exactly something an election raider such as yourself would say.

>> No.7375669

>election raider
sorry your guy lost
t. not an American

>> No.7375680

It's all good, I have four years of smugly telling people "I told you so" to look forward to. Sorry about the whole not being an American thing.

>> No.7376332


I played the new one on gamepass, its really good with incredible animation. Cutscenes are so bad that I would actually be embaressed to play this game with people over and you can't skip them and have to watch them each time you restart the level.

>> No.7376353


Arcade is the only game in the franchise that has good animation

Why animation fans confuse quantity with quality

>> No.7376368
File: 69 KB, 932x799, 1609808964221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's baffling how you people go from a sexy dominatrix to identity politics straight into questioning the sexuality of all participants in this thread.

>> No.7376372

This proofs women are root of all evil.

>> No.7376882

Because 4chan is the only place where people can say something slightly negative about trannies and not have to worry about some prissy faggot mod deleting and banning everyone. People come here to vent.

>> No.7376948

No, people come here to talk about retro video games.

>> No.7376987
File: 114 KB, 600x962, 714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people can say something slightly negative about trannies
Nice romantization. Its more that /pol/ election tourists can't shut the fuck up about them in every single thread they're in no matter the topic. Replace niggers with trannies in this image

>> No.7377142

I do both. Fight me.

>> No.7377174

yes please

>> No.7377181

extremely based

>> No.7377217
File: 84 KB, 632x992, D8tz3C_WkAAdAAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7377936
File: 164 KB, 683x1024, 14941615126_06ca2c3863_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7377942

>Thinly veiled off-topic thread
If you want to bitch about some shitty modern game do it on >>>/v/

>> No.7378379

April is now black?

>> No.7378672

And poorly drawn, apparently. Is that a cheap deviantart fanart or something?

>> No.7378686

This is why SJW/Woke/Leftism should stay out of our video games and cartoons. Apparently they don't like sexy women.

>> No.7379004
File: 927 KB, 796x946, Blaze_DK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let the french do the right work.

>> No.7379056

Nah fuck 'em. They ruined SOR4 with ugly mutt designs.

>> No.7379098
File: 164 KB, 1024x850, throughtheyears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you are over the target and getting lots of flak.
what the hell is going on in VR?


Fuck vrannies

>> No.7380019

Streets of Rage has had blacks in every title.

>> No.7380026

Black April is better than nu-Darkqueen.

>> No.7380079

The joke is that the show she comes from has some of the best western animation in recent years.

>> No.7380091

Let me guess, you're a Nincel who enjoyed Final Fight more because it only has white people? Okay boomer.

>> No.7380827


>> No.7380921

Sir, this is /vr/, I suggest you take your shitposting back to /v/

>> No.7381146

Yeah, just not in that ugly muttified artstyle. Seriously fuck French studios.

filtered, N-lover :^)

>> No.7381167
File: 142 KB, 960x480, StreetsofRage4-BossMSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like the character artwork at first either but you got to admit Blaze and Ms Y are top tier Coomer material.

>> No.7381175

Fuck me that spritework is ugly. Fuck you muttloving Frenchies.

>> No.7381178

What are you a fucking faggot?

>> No.7381180

Silence, French muttoid ;^)

>> No.7381190
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, SOR4_MsY_Design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until you admit shes a qt or you're a gay boi

>> No.7381194

nice argument

>> No.7381195
File: 46 KB, 312x312, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do only Japanese get it right?

>> No.7381198

Neo American Comic/Cartoons nowaday all look like cheap flash animations by 12 year olds.
What happened to your industry? Seriously.
Then theres even the thing that all your game studios force this unbelievable ugly artstyle(s) in games. Puke.

>> No.7381201

No, fuck that butt ugly artstyle

>> No.7381257 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 700x603, 49808872721_285b8875b3_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see SoR5 or SoR6 being done by actual mutts, you will learn to appreciate what SoR4 offered.


>> No.7381267
File: 1.84 MB, 700x603, 49808872721_285b8875b3_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see SoR5 or SoR6 being done by actual mutts, you will start to appreciate what SoR4 offered.


>> No.7381353
File: 133 KB, 800x800, Battletoads-Игры-Dark-Queen-Boris-Dyatlov-3208588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you reinvent her?
I wouldn't, I would keep her the same, there is no need to reinvent her, never was.

>> No.7381364

haven't played the game but the few times i've seen it, i've noticed some animations looking similar to SF3's, pretty suspicious

>> No.7381619

>there is no need to reinvent her, never was.
Got to reinvent yourself bro. Not the 90ies anymore.

>> No.7381676

They took E3 girls from you

>> No.7381735

He's right though. Very few people ever saw the Dark Queen yet her design is iconic enough to be recognized immediately. I've never even played Battletoads yet I could recognize her instantly. You underestimate how strong the initial design is because "MUH COOMER" or "MUH SJWs OFFENDED"

>> No.7381772

>Very few people ever saw the Dark Queen yet her design is iconic enough to be recognized immediately
Because it's generic as fuck? Sexy lady in a black leotard, long gloves, thigh high boots, and a cape has been reused and recycled by everyone.

>> No.7381776

If you wanna cry and seethe do it on plebbit, troon.

>> No.7381785

Dark Queen is not iconic.

Iconic is if there is a strong chance someone on the street will recognize her. Her design is pretty generic, though I'm sure you're go at length trying to explain to me how legendary her costume is.

>> No.7381792

He's not crying or seething in that post. Do you just spin a wheel that decides what buzzwords you're going to use in a post?

>> No.7381796

idgaf you whiny ball-less bitch

>> No.7381809

>can't respond without buzzwords

Prime NPC material.

>> No.7381848

>Because it's generic as fuck?

Is it though? how many video game characters are actually dressed like that?
I mean, yeah its generic in S&M porn, but not in video gaming.

>> No.7381859

Not an argument

>> No.7381949

Her face is not bitchy enough.

>> No.7382000

Her design does not exist in a vacuum. You wouldnt call a video game story good just because it was good by video game standards, for example.

>> No.7382017


I still feel the dominatrix look is not used all that much, if anything i wish it was used MORE.
now had you said ninja or karate guy or emo faf, then yeah.. thats overdone.

But a dominatrix? hardly.

>> No.7382039
File: 489 KB, 778x584, tumblr_inline_o0y9ovw1Rb1tw1wp2_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7382050

This trio appears in almost every type of Japanese game

>> No.7382070

Can you list more? I'm genuinely curious, I feel like I don't see it much. There's obviously a lot of 'generic sexy woman'.

>> No.7382114


That's more laughable than sexy, its not dominating when I'm lolling.

>> No.7382132
File: 66 KB, 392x750, ecdysiast1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382151

>No guns
Didn't nazis invented full auto?

>> No.7382168

not an argument, describing what she's wearing to undersell it doesn't make your point valid

>> No.7382172

>doesn't see the irony in his post

>> No.7382179

>literally what she's wearing
>no don't describe it

>> No.7382192

Peak Neocon/Neolib posting, although it's basically the same shit.

>> No.7382197


>> No.7382227

>Because National Socialists and Communists are a cancer to society.
Based. Too bad they only managed to get rid of only one of them back then.

>> No.7382252

We would be in a far better timeline if fascists had won instead of marxists.

>> No.7382264

The Y twins are the most boring designs in the game
Not ugly but disappointing

>> No.7382265

Maybe, but I'm not a fan of either.

>> No.7382281

He's talking about gun control you dummy. And the Nazis certainly made sure to make it illegal for jews to own guns before putting them in camps lmao.

>> No.7382286

I swear to God if I had internet access as a kid id look up furry porn and be a full on fur suit now

>> No.7382335

>I still feel the dominatrix look is not used all that much
Streets of Rage 1 and 2 are full of leather clad dominatrix enemies. Hell, in 2, they even wear a cape that they toss off before they begin fighting.

>> No.7382412

not an argument, again

>> No.7382485
File: 128 KB, 700x700, never_forget2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's up


>> No.7382696

>easily identifiable
>generic af
you're a retard

>> No.7383884

extremely based in schizophrenic tendencies

>> No.7383914
File: 32 KB, 324x500, 41oE+RuB3IL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a cartoon character with a waist as big as her forearm. What a stupid culture war lmao

>> No.7384007


>> No.7384720

For a character no one ever saw due to how difficult Battletoads was, I'd say iconic is apt (in a classic gaming sense). Maybe there's a better word, but she wasn't a nobody in gaming spheres for a reason.

>> No.7384794

Dark Queen was in the intro.

>> No.7384850

Well, to be fair, her most provocative and exciting appearance was in the arcade intro graphic which ramped up her big ass plus huge tits with a minuscule waist aesthetic to 10.

>> No.7386621

very true

>> No.7386732

How fucked of a development did the arcade game have where they didn't have the time or money to include the actual final boss to the game.

>> No.7386748

>not wanting half-naked women in children's games whose sole purpose was to attract horny teenages who would do anything to see thighs, tits, and ass is now degenerate

>> No.7386760

Keep her 7 ft tall, put her in a one-piece cat suit, have her wear a big gem in front of her cleavage, but have her defeat animation have her costume rip up to where it looks like original design while she's seething about losing.

That or just make Battletoads the M-Rated series the arcade game seemed to be pushing for.

>> No.7386762

Not really trad when you know she takes fat frog cock from three toads nightly.

>> No.7386772

>it's as if
They did, moron. People just shifted the narrative to make you think that the gays did it. NIckolodeon stopped pushing the bounderies for kids entertainment back in the mid 2000s and PG-13 is about as edgy as most movies that want mass appeal dare to go. BUt yes; keep thinking it's evil blue hair tumblrestas and the shadow fags that are doing this. The aging white women directing corporate policies will thank you.

>> No.7386778

This was literally a single pilot episode that barely made it to air and no one wanted to pick up as a full series, though.

>> No.7386786

Ironic, as nearly every old school Bomberman fan hates that the series has been turned into an actual coomerbait gacha series.

>> No.7386794
File: 219 KB, 777x994, BOOBIDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7386796

culture wars are a war without end where the only winning move is to either not participate or exploit a side for fame & profit.

>> No.7386808

There's no such thing as a culture war; jusst people who get overly invested in PR stunts.

>> No.7386840

And the bland purple jumpsuit isn't generic?

>> No.7386848

Nobody's saying purple Shego is a better design, they're saying the Dark Queen isn't iconic on her own.

>> No.7386950

Even Shego is sexy, bros......
what have they done....

>> No.7386983

>Even Shego is sexy
Not with that mustache

>> No.7387310

which battletoads game is this screen from

>> No.7387342

The arcade game aka Super Battletoads.

>> No.7387347

Oh thats the only one i havent played. that and the new pozzed one

>> No.7388450

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.7388478

>the most leddit reaction
like clockwork

>> No.7388524

just say "reddit" newfag

>> No.7388536

>there's no such thing as The Great War, just people who get overly invested in defending trenches

>> No.7388619

I actually really enjoyed playing that new Battletoads game. Pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who liked it though.

Well me and my 4 year old son. We played through it all together and I think that's the only reason I enjoyed it at all. It's the second game we've beaten together. (first was Luigi's Mansion 3 and the third was Streets of Rage 4)

>> No.7388638

This is so pure that I almost don't want to say, "don't you mean your wife's son?"

>> No.7388662

I don't mind and I've made those jokes myself for years. But he's definitely mine Looks just like me. Luckily for him he seems to have his mom's brains and personality though.

It was a bit hanky but was still fun to play through with him though. Combat was just brain-dead enough that we could both enjoy ourselves and the way the co-op works let me drag him through the speed bike sections and the wonky platforming section. The hacking and space ship sections were great fun and really had us working together to clear them though. Was great watching it all click for him as his timing and movement improved so he could keep up.

Random question but any suggestions for good co-op retro or retro style games to enjoy with him?