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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, ninjas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7366981 No.7366981 [Reply] [Original]

hurr durr input lag doesn't matter i'll just use emulators on modern displays
>laughs in ninja gaiden

>> No.7366994

laughs in who gives a shit except and autistic tranny who spend too much money on bullshit toys for kids

>> No.7367015

>laughs in MiSTer

>> No.7367016

An emulator on a truly modern display won't have lag, or enough of it to fuck up your game.

>> No.7367017

Emulators can have less latency than original hardware. So who's laughing now?

>> No.7367037

this, but the boomer is filtered by a simple option panel, they are scared of computers.

>> No.7368554

>turn off all useless GPU shit and turn on low latency mode in your GPU settings
>use the correct emu and configure it properly
>use the correct pad

if you know what you're doing input lag on PC is pretty much non existant. People who complain are either computer illiterate, are looking to comfort themselves for spending so much money on cartridges, or both. Collectorfags are usually like that i've noticed.

>> No.7368563



>> No.7368685

I just use retroarch with run ahead so it has less input lag than original hardware.

>> No.7368705

this kills the crtranny

>> No.7368847

make sure to use dedicated full screen. windows adds 3 frames of lag to desktop applications because microsoft is fucking retarded.

>> No.7368893


>> No.7369095

>obsessing over it, but not having a crt and original hardware
You deserve the hell you will go through.

>> No.7369104

all emulator enhancements are cheating, cheater.

>> No.7369115

>input lag doesn't matter
>plays on original hardware with locked framerates and frame dips

What exactly is your argument here?

>> No.7369123

I'm never buying your over-priced carts, reseller tranny, cope and dilate

>> No.7369128

I've beaten Ninja Gaiden on emulators and newer consoles on modern displays. I don't know if it has a few frames of input lag, but you're genuinely retarded anyway if you think that Ninja Gaiden requires precise inputs to beat. That game is more about anticipating what the enemies are going to do than about quick reaction.

>> No.7369143

you will never complete a game legitimately cheater.

>> No.7369150
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>you will never complete a game legitimately cheater.

>> No.7369158

Literally who gives a fuck lol

>> No.7369172

>zoomie cope

>> No.7369174

I play retro games through emulators on a 4k oled with crt shaders and input delay mitigation features like runahead and hard gpu syncing. I also turn on cpu overclocks to remove slowdown

When it comes to 8 and 16 bit consoles I dont really see a reason to go back to real hardware outside of the novelty of it

>> No.7369190

this, only early LCDs truly had unplayable input lag

>> No.7369215
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 731313768_preview_1453062121703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its illegal!!, its cheating!!, is not souls!!! poorfag! poorfag! reeee poorfaaaaag!! oy vey reeeeee

>> No.7369230

Nobody said anything about being a poorfag. You know flashcarts exist right? You're just projecting.

>> No.7369246

This is true, it was particularly noticeable with those midgets in stage 6 (and 5 I think).
Sure I can pull up the menu/config files and "fix" the problem, but this shouldn't even happen.

>> No.7369248

theres literally a recent thread with coomlectors whining about flashcarts not being soulfull or some shit lmfao

>> No.7369264

Bullshit lol try playing anything where frames matter on anything bigger than 27"

>> No.7369312

Did NTSC actually look this way?

>> No.7369316
File: 2.52 MB, 854x480, hello, clarice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharp pixels with a mush a colors
Do americans really do this?

>> No.7369332

Every new TV has a game mode that disables most post-processing bullshit. By itself that shaves 2-3 frames of input lag. Without that it is unplayable indeed

>> No.7369404
File: 153 KB, 1149x658, 1,000,000,000,000 hours in mspaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing all my retro was ported to PC legitimately.

>> No.7369418
File: 29 KB, 350x644, sadlain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh hey, I wonder what's going on on /vr/ today"
>this is the first thread I see

>> No.7369425


>> No.7369429
File: 241 KB, 789x758, peepeepoopoodoodoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real hardware capture to computer complete with lossy jpeg artifacting
Not today

>> No.7369814

No, not unless one is a moron; my emulated NES games look much better than that on a CRT and through RF no less. RF quality has been exaggerated as horrible when it can look as good as composite at least if done right.

>> No.7369839

>or enough of it to fuck up your game.
Fucking hell bro. Imagine accepting any lag when you can just play on a CRT.

>> No.7369846

>muh boomers

Fuck off reddït

>> No.7369858

I do both and lag hasn't been a thing for me since around 2008. I was in a game shop and the owner had an older LCD set up and a real NES and he laughed when I cried lag, but he soon found out that I was right and that, at the time, it was impossible to play Punch Out, or anything else that wasn't a slow playing game.

>> No.7369894

The older anons here grew up on DOS. Doubt they're scared of computers

>> No.7369902

How much lag does Wii virtual console have? I imagine Wii on CRT would be closer than emulation on an LCD but I could be wrong.

>> No.7369921 [DELETED] 

I'd say none either on a CRT or a truly new TV that doesn't upscale, thus adding lag, or somehow fixes it before it becomes a problem, none.
t. can easily beat Tyson's ass in Punch Out on the Wii

>> No.7369926

I'd say none either on a CRT or a truly new TV that doesn't upscale, thus adding lag, or somehow fixes it before it becomes a problem.
t. can easily beat Tyson's ass in Punch Out on the Wii

>> No.7369928

If anything the ipad generation is terrified of real computers.

>> No.7369937

The iPads and associated junk are nerfed PCs that hide the best search results and prevent many other options from even being seen or outright block the features.

>> No.7369940
File: 80 KB, 600x1097, 82283F4A-D654-44E3-B07A-8AD788D2613C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7369945

As for specifically the VR and the games on it, there's never been any lag as well. Someone may disagree, but if there's technically some lag, it won't affect your game at all.
There's academic lag and then there's real lag.

>> No.7369949

My dad fought in 'nam so VC looks like "Nintendo Viet Cong Console" to me. heh heh

>> No.7370078
File: 548 KB, 834x717, 1ae8304c6f620a11d32970e025436a4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine accepting any lag when you can just play on a CRT.

Modern emulator tech gets less lag than on original hardware on a CRT. So how long until you start cry-posting about people accepting original hardware lag instead of just emulating?

>> No.7370103
File: 331 KB, 629x501, 1546037624510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not using your shit, poorfag

>> No.7370123

I'm sure everyone would love having to relearn muscle memory for your bastardised emulation.

>> No.7370134

And they're still laggy as fuck even in "game mode" lol

>> No.7370173

It only lags less on games with lots of lag built in. On almost every game that matters emulation lags more than hardware, also less consistently, and with heinous audio lag. It is free though, so there's that

>> No.7370219

boomer cope, or B.O.P.E. for short

>> No.7370246

I can just imagine the seething hands that typed this out. You will NEVER use a real computer lil zoom.

>> No.7370250

B.O.P.E. 2: the bopening

>> No.7370334 [DELETED] 

I just came here to say the dude saying a turbo button is cheating is a mentally ill troll. Now he's probably thinking "hurr hurr, I am only pretending to be retarded"... well yes, you are pretending to be retarded, but that doesn't mean you aren't also actually retarded. The only thing certain is that you are retarded.

>> No.7370347

I just came here to say the dude saying a turbo button isn't cheating is a mentally ill troll. Now he's probably thinking "hurr hurr, I am only pretending to be retarded"... well yes, you are pretending to be retarded, but that doesn't mean you aren't also actually retarded. The only thing certain is that you are retarded. I'm 99% sure he's trying to troll with nonsense but is also retarded.

>> No.7370417

Wrong thread or just schizo?

>> No.7370425

Imagine my shock that someone who thinks an objectively different viewpoint can make such a stupid mistake.

>> No.7370432

Go bope your face on a niggers cock, faglet.

>> No.7370461

B.O.P.E. 3: the day of the bope

>> No.7370495
File: 35 KB, 609x406, little baby butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder little man

>> No.7370498

based, unfathomably so

>> No.7370515

B.O.P.E. 4: a new bope

>> No.7370536

Why are you guys talking about Brazil's police tactical unit

>> No.7370541

>i'm so devoted to the side i picked in this stupid pointless war that i'm willing to make up complete bullshit

>> No.7370583

And I use that with a CRT so I have less lag than the retarded boomers and the fucking brainlets that play 4:3 games on a 16:9 screen with a crayon shitty filter.

>> No.7371382

We need a tactical unit with tranny experience to deal with our tranny problem. Heard your lads have a lot of experience with under covers work in them.

>> No.7371391

Wow, this article headline and 3rd world youtube video say it's true so it must be, despite the actual experience of playing with runahead being clearly worse than real hardware

>> No.7371574

>have high refresh rate LCD monitor
>enable BFI
I don't even need runahead

>> No.7371596

I'm convinced that "input lag" is just a retarded cope zoomers have come up with when they realise just how shit they are at old games

>> No.7371646

No, it was a real problem 10 years ago or more because the TVs would do us the favor of upscaling the signal, yet in so doing introduced significant lag, but new TVs compensate for that.

>> No.7371667
File: 32 KB, 408x632, the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is fud by hipster coomlectors who spent too much money on worthless hardware, they are salty of emulator chads not having to pay a dime and also scared of the bags they are holding dropping in price, after all, anyone interested in retro gaming could just emulate , use flashcarts or repro carts, no one needs their coomlection items

>> No.7371672

Post your no miss run on original hardware then, big boi.
What? You dont have any? Knew it poser!


>> No.7371692

Some emulators/games used to have pretty bad input lag but it's getting better. Still a legit complain in some cases.

On the other hand not having a lagless monitor in 2010+11 is just being a stoopid fuck.

>> No.7371706

>p-please go on ebay and buy my scalped hardware so you can get brownie points online , otherwise mom will make me get a real job

>> No.7371748

cut the nigger talk, thank you

>> No.7371767

Reading comprehension is NOT one of your skills.

>> No.7371783

100% this. retroarch has had run ahead setting for a few years now, basically ending muh latency meme.
one may argue about crt vs lcd, but the "emulators have input lag" meme is over.

>> No.7371798

>used to
see >>7368685

>> No.7371801

I own a large amount of games for retro consoles. In my opinion the people who are attacking emulation are idiots. As many anons have stated the quality of emulation for most of those old systems is incredible, and lag has been pretty much solved. More importantly though, emulation is the way most people will ever have a chance to play those old games in the future, as even the physical carts and discs eventually degrade over time. I love the craftsmanship and artistry that goes into games, and I'm very thankful to the emulation community for delivering a great home experience to anyone who wants to preserve and revisit the classics. Real Hardware only elitists can suck shit from a niggers ass.

>> No.7371809

I have a friend who is a bit of a coomlector, yet when he actually wants to play he just emulates.
The sheer convenience of emulation wins out in the end.

>> No.7371840
File: 676 KB, 800x515, lvtlryqbvo3mv0lelbpu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo nigger you have to emulate and play on a modern tv. Theres no difference.

>> No.7371846

im not surprised melee autists will use this

>> No.7371904

Good luck convincing anyone with a clue that emulation and modern televisions are just as good especially when there is $80 grand in prize money up for grabs.

>> No.7371929

The only reason Melee-fags are hard to convince is because they smell so bad you can't stand being within twenty feet of them. I made a well argued post and your reply was melee autism. I'm glad Nintendo shut down you're fucking tournament, Ettika was a worthless nigger, and Smash players are pedophilic autists.

>> No.7371962

Imagine thinking you won the argument by posting some composhite turdnitron.

>> No.7371984
File: 256 KB, 1024x768, 181449957_7d2898541c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and Smash players are pedophilic autists.
Smash players are nothing compared to Mr "boy toucher" Wizard.

>> No.7371993

You should organise those meet ups then and explain how everyone is wrong and the correct way to play retro games.

>> No.7372245

Only if you guys shower on the morning and put on some deodorant.

>> No.7372912

This while thread is fucking hilarious, thanks for the laughs anons
t. visitor

>> No.7372995

Literally who

>implying most melee players aren't emulating with slippi on an LCD anyway

>> No.7374395

>implying most melee players aren't emulating with slippi on an LCD anyway
If you ever left the house you'd see it's all Gamecubes on CRTs at these meet ups.

>> No.7374530

Well you're dumb lol