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File: 939 KB, 1920x1080, contra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7367209 No.7367209 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games that have a reputation for being brutally hard that you have no problem beating? I've been obliterating Contra since I was 5, I can't recall a time I ever considered the game too hard.

>> No.7367215

Bionic Commando. Literally all it takes to beat the game is to learn the movement, the rest is your standard action-platformer fare, yet I know only a handful of people who have beaten it multiple times.

>> No.7367226

I love that game. The lack of jump but a grappling hook to platform changes everything dynamically.

>> No.7367230
File: 3.53 MB, 1169x1600, s-l1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has for some weird reason is thought to be insanely hard by zoomers and Ecelbs.

>> No.7367237
File: 217 KB, 265x370, 1601693799219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien Soldier

>> No.7367282

save some pussy for the rest of us

>> No.7367294

>I've been obliterating Contra since I was 5
Sure you were, sport.

>> No.7367305

Castlevania 1 is actually very easy, the third one is also way more manageable that reviewers would make it out to be.

>> No.7367326

I've found the original Castlevania takes patience and memorization. Well the latter is a big staple of those old games but patience not so much. Simon's movement is very stiff and everything has to be deliberately done. I can't say I've ever beaten it but I never found it too hard. Although medusa heads can go to hell.

>> No.7367602
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Altered beast

>> No.7367609

Contra as a series tends to run on the same rules as DOOM, the faster you play, the easier it gets.
if you basically never stop scrolling the screen the game becomes a cakewalk

>> No.7367614

honestly aside from the Death hallway CV1 isn't hard.
AVGN was right, that hallway is the true final boss of the game.

>> No.7367616

Most people can knock that out in 30 minutes can't they?

>> No.7367617

Because it is. It's a tough game, it's hard to avoid damage and there's not much room to go anywhere.

>> No.7367749

yeah stopping allows for enemies to spawn and possible bullets to be fired and clutter the screen.

>> No.7367774

>Most people can knock that out in 30 minutes can't they?
Without having to use continues yeah it's about a half hour. Needed one more level imo too short is my biggest complaint
>It's a tough game, it's hard to avoid damage
If you are taking too much damage then you are not playing right. I think most anons go at Comix Zone like it's a straight up jab 'n' jog and if you do that then you're going to have a bad time. Use the rat on every panel in order to find hidden items most of which will help with puzzles later on. Different enemies take different techniques to beat but mostly just alternating between kicks and punches will get the job done. Learn which path is the better route and save items that will be needed for later on. Also every boss has a stage weakness that makes them piss easy.

>> No.7367874

Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1-player mode)

I'm the king of cheesing the AI with ridiculous moves.

>> No.7367879

The classic Contra are the king of this. They seem impossible if you keep dying. When you quit getting hit all the time, they're suddenly easy.

>> No.7368090


I never got anywhere in it as a kid because I didn't understand how progress in it worked and lacked the discipline to become skilled at the combat in it, but I tried it again as an adult and thought it was just a great little game. And yeah it wasn't too hard.

>> No.7368103


Yes. You get through the hallway, you get a bit lucky on Death or use a stunlocking trick and beat him, and that's pretty much it. It's such a short game anyhow... Castlevania 2 is hard if you get stuck and 3 is at least moderately difficult period, but the first one, difficulty-wise, is just the one hallway pretty much.

>> No.7368112

Silver Surfer took me two hours to finish, from never having played it at all to victory. That's mainly an AVGN fad though so it doesn't count as strongly as something like Contra does.

>> No.7368170


>> No.7368258

That hallway is easy as hell. It's just rhythm to walking through the medusa heads.

And I've cleared CV1 without continuing. Its honestly one of the easiest games in the series. People who say otherwise aren't exploiting the game like they should be.

>> No.7368408

This post is my answer, followed by the next post being THE game I can't even PLAY let alone beat

Comix Zone just needs practice, it's completely doable and it's fun to try
Alien Soldier? Fuck ME man idk if it's the weapon switching or movement or having to double tap to hover and then jump in the opposite direction idk WHAT fucks me up but by the time I get any kind of handle on it my health is done and it's another year that I tried and failed

>> No.7369337

Metroid. The first 3 actually.

>> No.7369369

even when the game was new everyone already knew the Contra code, despite what boomers say cheats were so common knowledge even without internet that most people just played it like that

>> No.7370330

>this game isn’t too hard, but I was never able to beat it
Who the fuck are you kidding?

>> No.7370810

Quick Mans lasers MM2
Jump Jump Slide Slide MM8

Learned both of those in half a dozen tries and that was that

>> No.7371521

I've never heard a single person say Metroid was hard

>> No.7371525

I beat 2 and 3 without any effort. Never owned 1.

>> No.7371528

For me, I find Super Ghoul's and Ghost's easy. The only hard part is the last area due to time constraints.

On a different note, I had my friend over yesterday and he couldn't even beat the first level in Super Mario World. This guy play's a lot of games as-well. Fuck, I still can't stop laughing. You can imagine this adult not able to jump on a cliff in the intro level and it's painful. He even got a game over.

>> No.7371547

I've had mates who beat NES Mario 1-3 but couldn't jump on and off a Yoshi to save their life in Mario Maker. I grew up with SMW so I am unaware if this is a difficult game to pick up the controls for.

>> No.7371673

>Alien Soldier? Fuck ME man idk if it's the weapon switching or movement or having to double tap to hover and then jump in the opposite direction idk WHAT fucks me up but by the time I get any kind of handle on it my health is done and it's another year that I tried and failed
Alien Soldier is all about mastering the Phoenix Dash.

>> No.7371876

The first Metroid is hard.

>> No.7372314

Imagine beating it without a guide.

>> No.7373004


Yeah Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts is only tough until you learn the right jumping pattern for that weird spot in the lava-cave area, a good strategy for defeating red arremers, a strategy for managing your emotions when you find out about the bracelet, and so on. And then you can just do the same thing every time and win easily. And it gives you plenty of chances to try again without restarting the whole game.

HOWEVER if you try to win the game on hard mode without continuing then it is actually genuinely difficult (or so I claim). I still haven't managed it. I'm not saying it's something only a few people in the world could ever achieve or anything; if I were locked in a cell with the game for a week then I guess I'd probably get it done. But it's not easy.

That's not the game though. The game has a lame continue system and defaults to a lower difficulty setting. So yeah it's not a very hard game.

>> No.7373010


Maybe if you're a speedrunner or something. You can do fine with the normal weapons though; you don't have to heavily exploit the dash.

>> No.7373636

>On a different note, I had my friend over yesterday and he couldn't even beat the first level in Super Mario World. This guy play's a lot of games as-well. Fuck, I still can't stop laughing. You can imagine this adult not able to jump on a cliff in the intro level and it's painful. He even got a game over.
If you've been playing 2D platformers all your life you may underestimate how hard they filter people who haven't.

>> No.7373657
File: 623 KB, 1922x1988, metroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really not hard. Just draw a map.

pic related I played it a few years ago for the first time, here's my map

>> No.7374367


I can't imagine having a lot of trouble with it even without obtaining or drawing a map. It's not like there are no landmarks. If you stopped playing partway through and took a six-month break then you'd have trouble afterward. Taking a few simple notes saying "couldn't reach platform in upper-right area of Brinstar, come back later" or "weird statue room, couldn't do anything, come back later" would be easy and helpful. It's not really all that huge a world. At worst you'd just have to scour it comprehensively once in a while, to find some new path to explore. And that wouldn't take all that long.

>> No.7374409

>platforming in a beat-em-up

>> No.7374430

Zelda 2. It isn't hard or cryptic if you actually talk to everyone in town.

>> No.7374459

Vagrant Story.

Just upgrade your starting weapon. Everyone complaining about how long it takes to switch weapons did not take the obvious hint the game is trying to give you.

>> No.7374468

if you are used to SMB3, SMW definitely feels strange for a bit when first picking it up. I guess it's the physics and the controller maybe. it's nothing you can't brush off in like ten minutes though.