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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 182 KB, 1144x1212, Bandit Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
735630 No.735630 [Reply] [Original]


It's happening. Engine is coming along very nicely. Possibly a demo soon.

Bandit Man Theme:

>> No.735645

I gotta say, it's nice to see something on 4chan actually getting made. if only broquest had worked out

>> No.735652

all I know about this shit is that HertzDevil is involved so fuck yeah

>> No.735653
File: 28 KB, 500x491, interesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.735667

Woah, really? That guy's rad

>> No.735676


[ ] Not Happening
[x] It's Happening

>> No.735680
File: 1.31 MB, 300x169, yea boi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.735712

Cool, didn't see anything about this since the first draft, thought it was dead.

>> No.735717

No, moved away from here so things would actually happen. Good things.

>> No.735728

Good thing there's no Disco Man or Ganja Man or whatever-the-fuck.

>> No.735752

My only complaints:
>trills are very un-Mega Man
>too dynamic for Mega Man
Otherwise, very solid.

>> No.735802

I'm STILL asking a certain spriter to join up, even offered to pay him, but eh.

Anyway, GREAT job. I fucking hate EVERYTHING, and I believe this project is going to be pro-quality all the way, and I'm not counting Capcom's shitass Mega Man/Street Fighter shit made with stolen sprites as "pro quality".

Too bad it's several orders of magnitude more difficult to make an actual NES game out of it, though.

>> No.735816

The music sounds like it's from a MM game irl in real life.

>> No.735839



>> No.735848

I'm glad Bandit Man and Sound Man made it, you better have that ghetto blaster people talked about as a mini-boss.

>> No.735869
File: 11 KB, 256x224, stageselectmockup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to contriboot to the game a small bit, but left due to school and shit. I have some art I can dump. It's a bit dated.

>> No.735871
File: 23 KB, 256x224, Meteor-Full-Anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meteor Man, niggas.

>> No.735876

Well shit, that's all I kept.

>> No.735919

Haven't been following this too much so forgive the question.

You guys limiting yourselves entirely to the NES color palette and sprite limitations?

>> No.735921

Holy shit, that's awesome.

>> No.735973

For the sprites themselves, yes. There may be a few sprites that aren't using the correct colors floating around in the current build, but that will all be sorted out before the first release. No max-sprite-per-scanline business however.

>> No.736003

The arpeggios do sound a little un-Megaman and yeah it is a little oddly dynamic. But I'm sure his other shit will be more solid-beat megama. In fact let's see....

Ah here you go, this is more like it

Pure fucking NES bliss

>> No.736193
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>> No.736204

Good to hear because the other composer's stuff was kinda meh.

>> No.736364

Which language/platform are you guys using to program your engine?

>> No.736370
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1280628686875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that's really early alpha stuff they showed off, but that's really inconsistent with every other sprite I've seen. That glowy fireball looks more like something out of Street Fighter or the 16-bit era in general.

>> No.736383

C++ / SFML. Might switch to regular GL for graphics eventually as SFML is giving me some trouble with its shader support, which I'm using to emulate color palette swapping. It'll be compilable on windows, linux, & mac.

>> No.736392


>C++ / SFML.

I like you already. Will you folks GPL the source?

>> No.736394

yeah I dunno, I'd have to see it blown up further

I would hope anyone doing this would be smart enough to actually mimic NES hardware limitations. I mean fuck's sake again hertzdevil is working on this I can't imagine him tolerating halfassed "retro"ness

>> No.736405

>putting in two 'woman' characters

That's not a good thing or a positive thing in any way.

Because ten to one it was done just because 'lol no female robot masters rite'

>> No.736408

Yes. Though I'm putting alot of focus on modularity without having to edit the source code. Most modding will be done in asset files, the in-game level editor, and scripts. I'll post guides on this stuff eventually when everything is more concrete.

>> No.736413

Wow, I was actually going to make a snarky post in here saying "I bet some jumpy asshats are going to whine about there being two women because there's no reason for the creators to include them except 'pandering'"

And I said to myself, come now, that's needlessly cynical, you shouldn't say that when nobody is saying that already, it's a strawman argument

low and fucking behold, you appear to tilt at those windmills. Ten to one it was done because the creators thought it would be cool. Before you try to explain why the actual wishes of the people making the game aren't their own wishes and the only reason they'd ever do something you don't like is some kind of conspiracy, please jump up your own ass so far you reach orbit.

>> No.736414

why mega man VR is it virtual reality?!?

>> No.736424

And why should it be all men? What's the justification for that bias? Besides historical tradition, which is not a good answer.

>> No.736435

> see title
> First thought: Megaman Virtual Reality

>> No.736437

>Yes. Though I'm putting a lot of focus on modularity without having to edit the source code. Most modding will be done in asset files, the in-game level editor, and scripts. I'll post guides on this stuff eventually when everything is more concrete.

Noice. You seem like a competent programmer for once. Usually what we get in projects like this nowadays is some kid who thinks he's a hotshot because he can use game maker. Always nice to have someone who really knows his shit. The only thing that concerns me is that you might get C&Ded by Capcom jews if this ever gets into some mainstream site.

>> No.736440

You will be having fly around in the background of the stage right?

>> No.736441


*having him

>> No.736443
File: 220 KB, 720x576, tumblr_mkfq21j0od1rb5w2vo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect the cheng

>> No.736456

But it sounds heavily of Mega Man 6.


>> No.736461

Holy fuck this looks solid so far. Please finish, I wanna play this shit.

>> No.736463

/vp/ has a game going too, and it's coming along slowly but surely

>> No.736681 [DELETED] 


THIS is who you've trusted the game with. Is this what you want?

>> No.736703 [DELETED] 

Nobody really cares

>> No.736706 [DELETED] 

i do, these fags shoulnd't be doing this, i hope you all get pony references at the ending

>> No.736712 [DELETED] 

You're pretty unreasonably upset
That's like saying Undertale has tons of Homestuck references in it

>> No.736714 [DELETED] 

>hurr durr he likes pone and homoshit. He's the Antichrist!

I thought this place is /v/-free?

>> No.736730

You are all being very immature.
Take a lesson from THE CHENG.

>> No.736754

You are right, I did that. The big streaking sprite has been long since done away with for something more low tech, and will probably be reduced further. Meteor man's entire sheet has been redone since that was made to look better in general, but there are still modifications to be made.

>> No.736816

How is this being made? Game Maker?

>> No.736832

Custom C++ engine.

>> No.736842

+15 respect

>> No.736849

>Certainly not Kamen Rider Meteor
>Certain;y still not the most awesome shit ever

>> No.737130
File: 83 KB, 718x466, siege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is Siege Man. Art not finalized.

and his theme

>> No.737343

Hey there meteor, what you doin in Megaman?

>> No.737349

In which case you make it about a fighting champion with a blue afro and gloves who fights to master every fighting style in the world.

>> No.737596

Did you played the /pol/ Doom map?

>> No.737620

Even if it's in the style of retro games... it's being made in 2013, which classifies it as /v/.


I'll allow it.

>> No.737628
File: 83 KB, 480x640, 267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, grorious janitor-senpai

>> No.737658

Stopped reading right there

>> No.737719

Retro means newly-made in the style of old. Like making an art-deco diner, or making a den with shag carpeting, bead curtains, velvet curtains, and La-Z-Boy recliners.


I need to finish my basement.

>> No.737763

I feel a little sorry hearing that. The effect looks fantastic, just anachronistic for the NES era.

>> No.737776

Back when /vr/ was doing a lot of the opinion giving, the women thing was handled with the utmost thought and care. For the longest time everyone was dead set on one or fewer. This wasn't done all willy-nilly and two isn't a bad compromise.

MM9 set the basis for a female robot master being acceptable. There's really no reason why there would never be more ever again.

>> No.737792

Really, there were five or so proposed female Robot Masters. The most prominent being Smoke, Mirage, and Flare. When it came down to it, it was decided that it would be acceptable to have a maximum of two female robot masters: Not too many, but still a progression from MM9. Since Smoke Woman would have been far too difficult to animate, Mirage and Flare were chosen.

The amount of porn there is of Mirage and Flare Woman is disappointing.

>> No.737798

Give it time. Especially once the game comes out.

>> No.737804

There was going to be MGR which freatured a FULL female cast plus Roll as the MC, but it seem to have vanished..........just like all the others aside from Unlimited.

>> No.737815

It seems because they didnt have an ACTUAL engine, which begs the question.

Will you release the engine to modify and use after this get's finished?, there is only shitty below alpha we dint even started engines done by 12 year olds and that Tesserex c# Engine that its taking it's sweet ass time.

>> No.737829

Yes, the engine will be open source.

>> No.737828

Yes, the engine will be open source.

>> No.737834


>> No.737836
File: 73 KB, 554x552, 123233135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source mind.

>> No.737851

>Capcom comes up and asks to make it official ala SFxMM

what do

>> No.737858

Don't think it gets any more hivemind than that

>> No.737862

For the chance to make all of these robot masters canon? I can't imagine them not doing it.

More potential for Flare/Mirage r34

>> No.737872


If they would sell the game, then I would want royalties, of course.

If they would simply release it for free, then, I guess... But they haven't treated MM very fairly recently. And that whole MM25th and SFxMM deal makes my blood boil.

>> No.737880
File: 3 KB, 256x224, mockup1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Meteor Man's stage is expected to look in the final game.

>> No.737883

So when is /co/ going to start drawing r34 of Flare Woman?

>> No.737885


>> No.737886

Did Capcom even help that guy out in any way?
The game beta was really far along before they "published" it on the internet.
I remember playing a version with all bosses in but without passwords.

>> No.737889


>> No.737893
File: 212 KB, 600x693, The howling disco fever stag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys purposely referencing Kamen Rider Meteor?
I like it

>> No.737895

>And that whole MM25th and SFxMM deal makes my blood boil.
What deal was that exactly? Just that they chose the SFxMM guy over that other game?

>> No.737901

Rather, both games are shit and CAPCOM should never have acknowledged them in any fashion.

>> No.737903


>> No.737905

I love you

>> No.737907

I'd love to see them get nabbed by Capcom for official release. CoA seems to know this is the only way we'll get more Megaman so it's not entirely far-fetched.

They wouldn't sell it. CoA knew they couldn't get away with that for SFxMM, they know they wouldn't get away with that for this.

>More potential for Flare/Mirage r34
Hah. Yeah, that would be pretty cool.

>> No.737913
File: 6 KB, 256x224, mockupmetero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't look better like this?

the original looked a bit.......monochrome.

>> No.737916

If you are a mod, you are retarded. These threads have been here since the beginning and there's been nothing wrong with it.

>> No.737917

You have to understand, Capcom of America knew it was that or nothing. And I'm happy we got something out of the anniversary, even if it isn't the greatest fan game ever made.

>> No.737920

I knew something was a little off with >>737880

The contrast of playable areas to obstacles is pretty important. I hope they take note of your changes.

>> No.737927

>That title screen music
>Soundman's stage music

Please tell me there's an album I can buy from this anon

>> No.737931

>no dubsman


>> No.737934

The entire OST will be released on Bandcamp shortly after the game's completion.

And there has been some talk of an AST, as well.

>> No.737949
File: 3 KB, 256x224, alternatepallete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.737950

But Dreamcast threads get deleted.
Even though they came out in 1998 and MOST of the games it has are either shared with the PS1 and N64 or are unique to itself.

>> No.737954

A bit more subtle. I like it.

>> No.737956

Then complain about it on /q/.

>> No.737958 [DELETED] 

He's not a mod. It's against the rules for them to ever expose themselves.

>> No.737964

>Dreamcast threads get killed very early on

Just like the Dreamcast

>> No.737970

This one is better, goes more with the color schemes used on MM4-6, cause the original look like it belongs to Pre-1990 NES titles, the ones that used MMC1 chip and uses ugly palettes like green and red as shadow.

>> No.737974

This has nothing to do with Dreamcast. This project was started on /vr/. And almost nothing is so firmly /vr/ related as Megaman.

>> No.737982
File: 5 KB, 256x224, mockupmetero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More clear.

>> No.737991

Sorry, this one's too pastel-y.

>> No.737998

Too radical of a change, but it's not bad. I prefer the deeper colors too much.

>> No.738003
File: 7 KB, 479x120, colours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me, is this game trying to stick to the original NES colour palette?

>> No.738013
File: 61 KB, 255x326, 1155055478128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads about a game made by /vr/ should go on /v/

I don't care if you're playing devil's advocate or something, just fuck off.

>> No.738009

Of course it is.

>> No.738021

Good to know. Thanks.

>> No.738038

I've been consistently pleased by the tastes of the people on the project. They made really good judgments about what was good enough for the game back when /vr/ was still doing the brainstorming.

>> No.738158


Her special weapon doesn't burn you until three days after you've had your time with her.

>> No.738252

I really oughta watch a Kamen Rider series one of these days. RAIDA KICK!

>> No.738262
File: 1.20 MB, 554x1561, magical implements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fourze, which is the show that rider is from, is as good a place to start as any

>> No.738265

It's ogre Mega Man VR is finished.

>> No.738284

I'd recommend W (Double), OOO, or Fourze to start on. Those are fun.

You can find links for the episodes at krdl. Avoid the "TV-N" if you can.

>> No.738285 [DELETED] 

oh get over yourself

>> No.738435

>Mega Man VR
Jesus fucking christ, I'm slow.

>> No.738481

oh. OH.

It's okay I'm your slowbro

>> No.738557

It started as "Megaman /vr/" but they had to distance themselves from all the idea men and finally start to work on it.

>> No.738592 [DELETED] 

Yiff in hell

>> No.738596

You mean get ogre yourself.

>> No.738607 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 342x359, IMG_0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.738635 [DELETED] 


Updated version of Bandit Man's theme:
By Ice King.

>> No.738645
File: 100 KB, 710x416, fami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated version of Bandit Man's theme:
By Ice King.

Image only slightly related.

>> No.738647
File: 102 KB, 500x403, X0mPdMZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I suggested that and they took my advice
I'm sorry, /vr/, don't hate me, it had to be done.

>> No.738651 [DELETED] 


Go back to your furfag generals scum before I summon Exterminatus Adeptus.

>> No.738658

I hate you more for perpetuating "that feel" honestly.

And it was clear /vr/ was developing a gag reflex towards the team with all the trolls hijacking the threads into the most asinine of nitpicking.

>> No.738680

The main issue is that everyone, whether they could contribute to the project or not, were throwing out their ideas and telling off others. Once they assembled the team and had a basic direction, there was really no need for /vr/'s involvement beyond that.

I ended up talking to one of the guys on the music team about it too, and he's been keeping me updated.

The progress is pretty amazing. I'd like to know if the coding team took my suggestion for how to build the engine in terms of collision.

>> No.738683

what was your suggestion?

>> No.738694

To create some shapes and skin them, so pixel-perfect collision would be easier to pull off.

>> No.738698

What's your display name on Skype?

>> No.738705


As if spoilers help

Oh well, plenty of people have it already.

>> No.738718

That Bandi Man theme is awesome. That guy did a great job.

>> No.738724


>> No.738798
File: 316 B, 32x32, hardHatSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I might as well post an update while this thread is up. I'm the main programmer guy for VR.

Currently working on extending scripts to include all generic game objects. So everything from weapon bullets, bosses, static blocks, etc can have scriptable behavior if you wish. Also, I scrapped the old "shoot" function call and will start using a more generic "spawn object" script functions for everything including bullets. It'll be a tiny bit more difficult to use, but the added flexibility should allow modders to implement whatever weird shit they want in the game.

I'm also working more on the in-game level editor. It's workable right now, but the code started to get really messy so I'm doing alot of clean-up. Once I get a strong GUI system in the game, I'll start adding proper dialog windows and fields to make editing much more user friendly. And later down the road, I may create additional tools for editing game-assets such as sounds, tilesets, sprites, etc, so you're not stuck editing the raw asset files in order to add content to the game.

This is what I'm currently focused on, but that focus changes alot every day. I'm open to suggestions to whatever stuff you guys want me to possibly work on.

Thanks for your support!

>> No.738820
File: 956 KB, 835x620, 1343762852117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>level editor

>> No.738830


Extremely early level editor footage.

>> No.738838

11/10, superb

Keep up the awesome work, guys.

>> No.738840

can yyou tell whoever is design to hide a couple of male genitalia throughout the maps. Thanks.

>> No.738847
File: 54 KB, 132x56, 1293129150343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.738856

respect the cakeshaking cheng

>> No.738860 [DELETED] 

[tornado fang]ing lieb cheng

>> No.738901

One day, I will make the best Megaman game ever.

Just wait.

>> No.738910

Sorry m8, 2 came out long ago.

>> No.738918

Megaman 2 is overrated.

>> No.738919
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>> No.738921


>> No.738925
File: 114 KB, 190x203, 13963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not MM4

>> No.738929
File: 516 KB, 640x1913, megaman 3 gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Megaman 3

>> No.738989

yeah just fal sleel

>> No.739151

It better not include the charge shot then.

>> No.739158

this guy knows whats up

>> No.739171

One question.

When this project started and who are involved?.

>> No.739184

It started like 2 days after /vr/ was created

>> No.739187

the blog in the first post has most or all of the team members i guess.

>> No.739203

Why should it include women? What's the justification for that bias? Besides "why not lol", which is not a good answer.

>> No.739218

I guess they should include unisex robot masters so that everybody's happy!!!!!!!!!!

no fuck you they can do whatever they feel like

>> No.739221

I'm not seeing the problem

>> No.739227

Do you have a legitimate explanation behind why including a robot modeled off of a women is a bias to begin with? Or are you just spouting bullshit because you're a contrarian asshole like the people who made it necessary for the team to cut off contact with /vr/ in the first place?

>> No.739235

Probably the latter.

>> No.739243

>Do you have a legitimate explanation behind why including a robot modeled off of a women is a bias to begin with
You want women robot masters you're biased for women robot masters. Unless you don't know what bias means. Which wouldn't surprise me since you're so fond of meaningless buzzwords.

>> No.739259

>majority of robot masters are "male"
>one is female
>bias towards female robot masters
You should probably kill yourself.

>> No.739271
File: 35 KB, 554x439, 1270233565818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want women robot masters you're biased for women robot masters.
What if you're indifferent and are perfectly fine with women robot masters and don't have a kneejerk-response to them like you?

In which case you'd be fine with it but curious why this obnoxious asshole is crying foul over it?

>> No.739273

In the context of our argument you purposely ignorant fool

>> No.739281

The context of our argument encompasses the game and the intent behind character design.

You're dense.

>> No.739297

I really want to like this but except for Bandit man they remind me of the PC Megaman portraits. I think you want to use more shades. The style is very hard to emulate., I have tried

>> No.739298

They do look a little flat now that you mention it

>> No.739302

Portraits look pretty good to me. Except maybe Sound man's. His isn't all that dynamic looking. He seems kind of bored.

>> No.739334

Portraits are not 100% finalized but this is pretty close. What are the most significant changes that you feel need to be made? We can't guarantee that they will be made, but it would help to see what you think can be improved.

>> No.739371
File: 21 KB, 512x496, MegaMan-boss-select[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good start. The different angles and facial expressions in Bandit Man and Wire Man are the most notable I think. Meteor Man's is pretty intense too. I wouldn't change any of those.

Maybe just try a couple from a different angle? Or tweak the facial features. I feel inclined to point out all of them are angry right now. That's not uncommon in robot masters, but there's usually one or two with a neutral or alternate thing going on. Wire man being a touch maniacal is good.

>> No.739406

There's something that just started to nag at me a couple hours ago, and I needed to ask: if Capcom ever approached you trying to "buy" what you have so far and distribute it on modern consoles, would you actually sell out?

>> No.739424

Some examples to cite: Note Bubble Man. The camera is slightly below and to the side of him looking up, Dust Man's Stoic face, the slightly innocent nature of Ice Man.

I'll emphasize the camera angle aspect most of all though, I think that's the best way to make a portrait dynamic.

In addition to the other ones, I noted, I will point out Flare Woman nails the smug self-satisfaction of a dozen of them. That's a great direction for her.

>> No.739437

You really don't need to worry about that. Look at how SFxMM was handled. They wouldn't "buy" the game, just help produce it. And if they did offer I say they should go for it.

>> No.739459

Personally, it all comes down to what Capcom would try to enforce if that happened. If we couldn't distribute the game for free in some form or had to remove the level editor and modding support I don't think there would be any point. If nothing in the game had to be changed then I don't see any reason not to.

>> No.739472

I highly doubt Capcom would be down with the whole opensource modability features we intend to add to the game.

It will most likely be a no.

>> No.739480

Unlikely that Capcom would want to acquire any PC megaman software. Even if they did, they're not going to offer money for IP they already own when they can make demands instead. It seems more likely that they would send a cease and desist or something. Also the game being open source and having such an emphasis on modding is the opposite of what Capcom wants.

On the very improbable chance that Capcom approaches us offering assistance, I personally would receive it well. Though under the conditions that we still get to do whatever we want with it (within reason). If they demand dramatic changes to it, I would rather just change it to be a non-megaman game.

>> No.739481

Whoops, meant to reply to >>739406

>> No.739475


I personally still haven't played through that game, but I heard from others that it was buggy and the overall game felt rushed.

>And if they did offer I say they should go for it

I dunno, man. I mean, I'm just a random bystander, but I feel that the spirit of this game comes from being a fan-made production, as a sort of quiet tribute. Many japanese who produce these kind of doujins distribute these on a "word of mouth" basis, or rely on people discovering the game themselves.

I mean, I ultimately have no say on the matter. Just voicing my ephemeral opinion here.

>> No.739494

That's reasonable. But I will say like the people who actually are involved in the project said, they'd be best off evaluating what Capcom's actual involvement would be.

If they wanted to axe things or hijack art direction obviously that would be a no-go. If they wanted to promote it on their Unity blog or provide feedback (in a mostly optional capacity) or even offer resources, that would be fantastic.

But of course all of this is just a pipe dream. It's highly unlikely Capcom will acknowledge this project in any official capacity.

>> No.739495

So other than originating as a project from /vr/, are there any other reasons as to why the game is called Mega Man VR?

>> No.739496

Could they even get away with such a shameless KR Meteor ripoff when Fourze is still so recent?

>> No.739497

that SHOULD be a no-go*
Allow me to correct that, don't want to overstep my bounds.

>> No.739506

VR is an acronym for an important part of the game.

Captcha: acromin 213

>> No.739780
File: 6 KB, 176x342, Idea for Bandit Man's Weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! Thread!

>> No.739832

I will include the charge shot.

>> No.739840

> Pic


Is there a Megaman fan-game that let you fight all Megaman's bosses?

>> No.739897
File: 40 KB, 640x480, gfs_74304_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should point out that MM1 didn't have mugshots; the ones there are obviously from MM3's ending, but I don't think they're representative of how they would look on a stage select screen. They all look straight ahead.

The Wily Wars remake did have mugshots for the MM1 crew though.

>> No.739923

>badass music
>original sprites and stages
>linux compatible

I like this place.

Is there something you guys need help with other than coding can't code for shit?

>> No.739927

Can you sprite? If so, can you show some of your work?

>> No.739931

ok I just realized I can't do shit half as good as all of this so I don't know why I said that.


>> No.739935

Alright, no problem.

It would still be nice to see some sprite work in case you're just being very modest, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

>> No.739972

Are you guys looking for programmers? I haven't worked with SFML but have some rudimentary experience with (apparently) similar libraries like XNA and I'm very willing to learn.

If it's too much of a pain in the ass to add another programmer ala Mythical Man Month I understand, just figured I'd offer since I have a lot of free time over the next several months while I apply for a CS grad program

>> No.739989

>Not MM9

>> No.739990
File: 3 KB, 623x398, 2013-05-30-020415_281x398_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an old lady I just did really quickly. Is it at least half decent?.

>> No.739995

My best wishes, I honestly hope this takes off.

>> No.740003

Not involved in the project, but it doesn't really mesh with Megaman's specific style, if that's what you are going for.

>> No.740007

Nah I'm just asking as a sprite in general.

>> No.740024
File: 116 KB, 406x364, 136675945776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wily Wars

>> No.740030

Willy Wars fixed the Fireman fight.

>> No.740032


>> No.740038
File: 677 KB, 150x150, best_gif_ever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.740048

and totally ruined the gameplay mechanics of everything else

>> No.740059

But it's the best version of Megaman 1.

>> No.740081

Ruined how? The only thing I remember them botching is not resizing Protoman's sprite and he looks like a dwarf compared to the new Megaman.

>> No.740107

Have the three different NES versions of Mega Man (no slide/charge, with slide, and with slide/charge. It'll be sort of like less-rigid difficulty levels.

>> No.740117

I don't see a reason to remove slide at all. Building levels with it in mind is for the best. Otherwise you can't use it as a level mechanic at all.

And as for charge, eh, you could just not use it. It's hardly required of any game except maybe the Bone Joes in MM4.

>> No.740118


I'm not a hardcore fan, though I did take the time to play both the original and compilation versions. Here's my report:

- Buster shots fire at a slower rate
- You cannot pause the game until every projectile you fired has left the screen (ghetto fix for the "pause trick")
- Horrible FPS drops during boss battles in MM1.
- Nasty flickering during boss battles (I've honestly NEVER seen flickering in any other MD/Gen game before, EVER)
- Max. 9 lives

Those are the most glaring ones that I recall at the moment. I do remember there were more than these, but my memory is a bit rusty.

>> No.740125

The NES games didn't have 9 as the max number of lives? I guess I don't normally get that many.

>> No.740127


I wouldn't mind having a no-charge Mega Man selectable, with the charge-enabled MM being default.

I agree that slide should always stay though, but does the slide really get used to its potential in level design though? Usually it's just for little parts with arbitrary low ceilings. Just "oh, just slide at your leisure to get past this little tunnel" with no danger.

>> No.740135

I can't speak for THIS game, but yeah there are often areas that utilize it. For example, alternate routes use it and have a slight drop afterwards to prevent you from taking the secret route from the wrong side. Then there's areas with several holes to slide through and either powerups or spike hazards on the far side, which makes the added speed and inability to stop pretty dangerous. Then there's bosses who do low hops that you can quickly slide under by design.

>> No.740147

>no charge megaman selectable

you could just...not hold down the button?

>> No.740154


There were was one section in MM2, in Wily's Castle. A narrow corridor where drills would pop out of the floor and ceiling as you walked by. I used to farm for extra lives and weapon energy by spamming Leaf Shield.

On the NES version, sometimes I had 15-20 lives before I got bored and moved on.

>> No.740156

It's not a bad idea. There really are purists out there who revile charge. As long as it isn't integrated into the game as a necessary mechanic that is. I could see them using charge as the weakness of certain enemies, like knocking their defenses away or something.

>> No.740159

OK, well I don't mind that nerf so much. If you can farm 20 lives that seems a little exploitative of the systems in place.

>> No.740160

>purists out there who revile charge

Purists who expect people to go out of their way to accomodate them when there's perfectly acceptable options avaliable to them can suck my mega-cock

>> No.740168


For a lot of players, the temptation (or even the instinct) will always be there because it makes Robot Master battles so much easier.

>> No.740173

Yeah, I don't share that sentiment. Charge was a fine addition. It's only 4 pellets worth of damage anyways.

Not like Samus' charge. Her's is significantly stronger than her pellet shots.

>> No.740187


It needs a nerf, but not an outright removal considering it can be put to use with other game mechanics. It would be nice if the charge in VR worked like in 7; instead of doing 3 (which is close to a lot of weaknesses) like in the NES games, have it do 2.

3 damage is just too much considering that most of the Robot Master weaknesses in MM4-6 did 4.

>> No.740190


Ah, but see, that's more of a self-discipline issue.

>> No.740213

awesome as fuck keep it up bro

>> No.740215

I think most things are under control for now, but if you're very familiar with C++ I might be able to find a spot.

>> No.740218

Charge doing 2 pellets worth of damage is like no charge at all. If you're going to take the time to even charge, it has to be worth 3 or it's inferior to spamming the fire button. And it's OK to use charge in a manner that saves us from developing carpel tunnel.

And really, boss weaknesses that do only 3-4 damage a shot are usually only like that because they are rapid fire weapons. So comparing it in that manner isn't accurate.

>> No.740229

Have a non-Rush support item in addition to the traditional coil and jet. It's one of the things Mega Man 9 and 10 forgot to do that the older games did.

Things like the Balloon, Wire, and the Super Arrow were pretty neat. Going even further back to games that didn't have Rush, the Magnet Beam and the Transport Items were cool too.

>> No.740238

>more than 4 colors, counting transparent background
>more than 5 colors using sprite layering to achieve eye whites

0/10 apply yourself, see me after class, you're expelled

>> No.740254
File: 85 KB, 568x460, 2576479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, at first I thought you meant like Tango or Beat. But mobility support items are cool too.

>> No.740257

> Buster shots fire at a slower rate

No, they just made the rate more balanced

>> No.740268

>As long as it isn't integrated into the game as a necessary mechanic that is.

So, according to purist fans, something well integrated in the gameplay is bad just because it's different from the older games?

>> No.740282

>So, according to purist fans
No, not really. Because I don't consider myself one. I'm not even the guy who suggested the option. Just playing devil's advocate because of how easy such an option would be to implement.

>> No.740286

Megaman Wily Wars fixed the hit-boxes.

>> No.740292

The problem is: I have no idea how to code and Game Maker sucks.

I guess my only choice is using the hacks for the NES games.

>> No.740308

but Game Maker doesn't suck anon. Tell me one downside or limitation for 2D games in Game Maker and I will refute it.

>> No.740318

I am, just about all of my university work has been in c++. shoot me an email if youd like

>> No.740329

I don't care if you get rid of the charge shot

but for fuck sakes never get rid of the Slide.

Still annoyed that it was gone in 9 and 10 and I was forced to use Protoman's weak ass

>> No.740336


>> No.740346

Yeah, I'm all for making Protoman play more uniquely, but taking away slide was criminal.

>> No.740352

9 and 10 weren't designed around the slide, though. Especially 9. I think that a Mega Man game should either have it or not have it and have a clear design goal in mind. That's why I always advocate a single difficulty mode in games.

>> No.740393
File: 5 KB, 129x391, dash-concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just cool to see mobility-related tools that aren't Rush Jet or Coil. Those have been the standards that are in just about every game since their introduction, and some games don't even offer any other options. It's nice to have something different, you know?

I came up with a Charge Kick-like tool used when sliding. It makes Mega Man phase out for a moment, ignore collision damage with enemies briefly, then reappear a short distance later. I'm bad at explaining, so here's an image. It would still let Mega Man shoot, and like any other item, would have to be specifically equipped and have a finite amount of weapon energy. In practice, it would be a short-range teleport.

Thematically, it could be an temporary overclocking of his slide ability to make him move so quickly that he zips by enemies, or a literal short-range teleport.

>> No.740402

That's a pretty cool idea actually.

>> No.740438

>And really, boss weaknesses that do only 3-4 damage a shot are usually only like that because they are rapid fire weapons. So comparing it in that manner isn't accurate.

It is when you consider the invincibility frames and that Mega Man can still be charging during those frames. The extra time is negligible.

I'd have it stay be very damaging to minor enemies, but against bosses, make it two damage instead of three. To make it still worth using in a boss fight, I'd make the charge shot have a more tactical role instead of a straight forward one; maybe the charge shot makes the enemy flinch (ala Cut Man and Elec Man) to interrupt a very damage boss attack that's telegraphed a couple of seconds in advance, or destroys certain boss projectiles, breaks their barrier, etc.

>> No.740486

So... If someone were to submit sprite sets, what do you need them of? Bosses and in-level enemies? Have enemy mechanics been scripted yet?

>> No.740531

I haven't looked around screenshots much, but don't fucking have all the Robot Masters rooms with boring and perfectly flat terrain. This was a gripe I had with MM4-6. Those three all had the same "enter from the left in to a mundane box" arenas. It's perfectly cool to have some of them be like that though, to avoid being too gimmicky.

Look at MM1, 2 (especially), and 3's boss rooms. Entrances from the top and the bottom. Uneven terrain so you actually had to put a little effort in to lining up your shots. Conveyor belts. SPIKES.

You can even go a bit further and have ladders, pits and platforms and shit in a boss room, and have the bosses utilize them in their patterns. How cool would it be to have a boss that leaped around from platforms or climbed ladders, or shit cool like that? Or have one that would briefly jump in to a bottomless pit (taking him off-screen) to do an attack (like shooting something up that exploding and rained down shrapnel) , and his weakness would be a Bubble Lead/Search Snake-like weapon that could travel down in to the pit?

>> No.740551

We certainly are capable of doing those things; the boss room could be any shape or size. The level editor is working decently enough that testing out different layouts is simple.

>> No.740614
File: 4 KB, 256x224, lookit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can find a place for it, have one of the boss rooms be much smaller than all the rest. Claustrophobic boss rooms are an interesting concept to me.

For instance: the GB Mega Man games kept the the sprites the same as the NES ones but on a much smaller screen, which resulted in cramped rooms. Here's a picture of Cut Man's GB boss room on a screen with the NES resolution.

>> No.740637
File: 87 KB, 712x767, 1355637583592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that authentic Capcom sounding music

>> No.740691

You're welcome to like that, but no room to dodge in is a negative in my view. The GB games were pretty good, but I see it that way DESPITE how cramped the screen was.

>> No.740716
File: 4 KB, 256x224, microdude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but no room to dodge in is a negative in my view.

I think that could be turned in to a positive. There's still the slide, isn't there? A fight tailor-made for a tiny arena might be cool. MM2 had a fight in an undersized room that was cool, but there's more possibilities there. Too bad there's not like a Micro Man boss in that line-up or something. A tiny boss with a little 16x16 sprite. Maybe has an ability to shrink to a 8x8.

>> No.740725

Seems to me that would work well for a Wily Castle fight. Like, have the room cordon off as the fight continues. Then it feels less unfair because of how late game it is, and Wily fights can be gimmicky.

>> No.740829
File: 436 B, 32x32, groundTurretShoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll definitely mess around with it when we get a solid boss system in; it takes like 10 seconds to edit a room layout. I'm a little sick atm though. Took some nyquil so I'm tired as fuck right now. Perhaps I'll prototype some boss room layouts sometime this week.

>> No.741974

Sounds great. Can't wait!

>> No.742547

Hey,might i suggest an etherpad?
You can all alter the same document for the sake of discussion and recording.
My "Team" uses one,and its pretty good.
Here,I made you one.

>> No.743049

Maybe I am just bad at it.

>> No.743053

> I haven't looked around screenshots much, but don't fucking have all the Robot Masters rooms with boring and perfectly flat terrain. This was a gripe I had with MM4-6. Those three all had the same "enter from the left in to a mundane box" arenas.

You are wrong, anon.

>> No.743062

> It is when you consider the invincibility frames and that Mega Man can still be charging during those frames.
> Mega Man can still be charging during those frames.
But he can't.

>> No.743647


>> No.743653

Hm but wouldn't this make the whole game incredibly easy

>> No.743660

MM7 and 8 had decorative rooms for Bosses.

>> No.743898

It sounded to me like he was saying it was a powerup, so it would have a weapon meter like any other mobility power.

>> No.746926

I don't know why I'm bumping, but I am.

>> No.747545

oga boga wer da screenshots at

>> No.750387 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 238x126, title card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have finally done this because i respect the cheng


>> No.750415
File: 4 KB, 238x126, title card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have finally done this because i respect the cheng


for real this time

>> No.750885

Oh god this is really great. I can't wait.

>> No.750887


>> No.751005
File: 1004 KB, 320x240, GdZ6d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that's some crunchy shit right there

>> No.751050

Holy hell, that's beautiful.

Any plans to make a full-on Japanese language version to go along with the Rockman titling?

>> No.751070

We are definitely working on supporting numerous languages.

So far I believe we have confirmed English, French, German, and Japanese. The game is also going to be opensource and easily moddable, so I'm assuming adding languages won't be a huge deal. We'll talk to our programmers about this later.

>> No.751104

Spanish and Chinese can also be added to the list.

>> No.751130


Portuguese (EU) translator volunteering.

>> No.751141

Add codelimit on skype.

>> No.751149
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, 132430354029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can translate it to Finnish

>> No.751163

Add codelimit on skype as well.

>> No.751170

So you guys aren't looking for anymore spriters/art guys, right?

>> No.751179

More spriters would be great, do you have a sample of your work?

General artwork or concept art is also great.

>> No.751184

I'll get some work together later, should I contact you trough skype or the tumblr?

>> No.751205


This is embarrassing, but I don't have a skype account. Any other way we can communicate for now?

>> No.751213

Get a skype account. It's where the main staff communicates.

>> No.751218

If you have a tumblr, I believe the blog has messaging set up. Otherwise you'll have to get the e-mail of a more publicly minded member

>> No.751221


Alright, alright.

>> No.751224

This thread is nowhere near the bump limit, so it won't be going anywhere soon. Skype is probably the best though.

If you don't mind posting samples in the thread I think that would probably be best.

>> No.751253


Here's a Google Drive document for translation volunteers.

>> No.751382

>not rockman and bass
>not rockman x6

>> No.751467

Also translators, keep in mind that only 28 characters (spaces and punctuation included) can occupy a line on the screen.

>> No.751589
File: 127 KB, 800x810, dotexe_c05_battle_network_memories_by_primeblue-d4lpkcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys

I don't browse 4chan daily, I've been mostly keeping track of this project through tumblr, so I'm just gonna leave my email (in the email field) in case you need me.

I've been doing Mega Man Battle Network-themed artwork for awhile, and while I haven't tried imitating the classic games' style yet, I feel confident about it. This is my dA gallery.
So I offer my availability to work on remaining character designs (if there's any need for it), sketch out scenes for the game cinematic stills (if there's any), illustrations for the game's promotion, or anything like that.

Also I can help you as a backup spanish translator (but I'd be surprised if there's need for that considering how much non-native english speakers browse here daily)

>> No.751620

Add CodeLimit on Skype.

>> No.751630
File: 1.74 MB, 2473x1341, 130516 mmbnchx ann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one I did recently for the Mega Man Battle Network Chrono X fangame
(Characters designs aren't mine. I'm not responsible for that blue Zero OC duh not steel there)

>> No.751626

Also, your art is really good.

>> No.751631

Thanks! I'll add you now

>> No.751638

Actually, Code may be offline, so add ShinyMetool.

>> No.751641

I'll just add both and talk to you/them later, I gotta go offline now too!

>> No.751648


Unless I'm forgetting someone, all of the Robot Masters from 4, 5 and 6 have the exact same terrain for their rooms. They look different because they use their respective level's tilesets, but are functionally identical because they're just boxes with flat floors.

>> No.751657

Did you send the requests yet? I'm shinymetool by the way.

>> No.751663

Yes, I just did!
my skype ID is nicolas.rivera

>> No.751685

Alright, I got the request. Thanks for offering to help. I'm adding you to the main Skype group.

>> No.753917
File: 204 KB, 792x1089, Meteor Man small ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares if its 4am

>> No.754864

Love it. Keep up the good work.

>> No.755215

Why is the bubble helmet so small? it's like a semi circle yet in his other artworks it's shaped like a bubble.

>> No.755241

I don't really see it as that small. I think it's kind of an optical illusion.

>> No.756148

So is Meteor Man like a weaksauce version of Duo?

>> No.756157
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1268594740273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't utter that ever again.

>> No.756267 [DELETED] 

Loved it!

>> No.756289

Loved it!

>> No.757935

B-b-but where's muh gay fashion jojo man? Nah I kid. Glad to see the project's still going on, thought it died off.