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File: 188 KB, 1280x720, powerslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7357219 No.7357219 [Reply] [Original]

Powerslave/Exhumed appreciation thread

>> No.7357226

Saturn's the best version, right?

>> No.7357254

Yes the Saturn version is generally considered the best version. However the best way to play the game on modern systems is Powerslave EX which is based on the PlayStation version.

>> No.7357942

Powerslave EX is on one of the MEGA links here >>7357345

>> No.7357997

Amazing combination of consistent level design, satisfying backtracking, rich atmosphere, and catchy music.

>> No.7358001
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>> No.7358006
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>> No.7358823

This game would have been a huge hit if:
- It had come out in 1995
- It had proper (non-broken) mouse support
- It had a proper multiplayer

>> No.7358946

This is an accurate and succinct review.

Powerslave is one of my favorite 90s FPS games. EX was a dream come true.

>> No.7360269

Powerslave DOS did have deathmatch. Even some exclusive maps for it.

>> No.7360308

Yeah, i was aware there was a multiplayer component in Powerslave DOS, it just wasn't execute properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq1tNEKJTdM
It's choppy, there's no coop mode and i wonder if it even allowed you to turn off the rediculous autoaim that's on by default for singleplayer

>> No.7361923
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If it's not the Saturn version, which is the actual full proper game, then it isn't worth playing. I feel sorry for the cunts that only played the PSX shite when growing up.

It's like growing up with Sonic or Mario and loving it, only to find out that you played a version with over 20% of the game missing, and the maps/levels you did actually play were made less complex with smaller rooms/areas. The devs didn't want to do any of this of course, but being as the Saturn version of Exhumed/Powerslave was specifically made for Saturn hardware, with it's own completely custom in-house Saturn game engine, it then ran like utter shit when later ported to the PSX. The crappy PSX game engine they were using didn't help either. So the devs had no choice but to gimp the game and remove entire chunks of maps and downgrade the remaining stuff. Bizarrely they also removed the cult classic hidden game (Death Tank).

Now these same plebs that liked the PSX version will play EX and say it's a "dream come true", when it's based on that same gimped shite. Just a sad situation really. They simply don't know any better.

As for the PC version - Literally not even the same game. 5/10 at best. Not worth bothering with.

>> No.7361943

imagine buying a saturn paperweight just to play a mediocre game thats middle of the road at best compared to other console's catalogue

>> No.7361948
File: 2.68 MB, 4200x3033, powerslave-sat-3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1's levels are worse than Saturns, so just play the saturn version instead. The game is top notch though, right up there with doom, duke and quake. If you like FPS games, especially classic shooters, Powerslave Saturn is a must-play.

>> No.7361968

Anyone know how to do the widescreen hack for the Saturn version?

>> No.7362119

That framerate does look pretty horrible, but that may just be a DOSBOX issue.

>> No.7362650

Holy shit that filter looks like horrendous puke

>> No.7362652

>The game is top notch
It's mediocre at best. It's legacy has been blown out of proportion by Saturn autists.

>> No.7362916

>worth playing

>> No.7363012

Whatever "advantages" the Saturn may have, the PS1 more than makes up for it with much higher enemy count, higher framerate and actual physics.

>> No.7363072
File: 47 KB, 480x480, Exhumed_Powerslave_Sega-Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And people say Blood is underrated. Exhumed/Powerslave Saturn ver. is the ultimate underrated FPS.

>> No.7363080
File: 121 KB, 640x465, Hellslave-for-Sega-Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7363109

Psh, everyone's known about Blood for like 10 years now. It's a really flawed game too. Powerslave there's not a single bad level. There's a ridiculous amount of secrets too and it feels so satisfying to find them. Keep in mind there's an entire Nintendo discord dedicated to shitting on anything not-Nintendo across /v/ and /vr/, so they'll do their best to dismiss great games like Powerslave just because they're best on Saturn. I hope the new Powerslave projects by Kaiser brings over the definitive version and even maintains its visuals and feel so more people can experience it.

>> No.7363128


Frame rate was very steady on the last demo. I'm keeping on eye on it even though i would like the enemies and weapons to be sprite based just like Exhumed.

>> No.7363135

I've talked with XL2 and he said he could do 60fps with sprites and everything, toning it all down but he's more interested in 30fps with ambitious visuals.

>> No.7363227
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DOS version deserves some love too.
Some recent discoveries.


>> No.7365776
File: 2.15 MB, 2016x1512, For_Death_Tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks great so far. Very impressive.