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File: 87 KB, 736x413, Fuck you I liked it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7352523 No.7352523 [Reply] [Original]

A full playthrough of GoldenEye XBLA has been posted on youtube.
The files are supposedly going to be posted soon. (By the person who gave Graslu00 access.)
>-Release is not on me, I cannot publish this. I've been told it'll be released in 2021.

>> No.7352568

Looks based as hell, hope nothing more gets in the way of its release

>> No.7352576

it's literally just an HD texture pack and sucks as bad as HD texture packs are memed to suck

>> No.7352581

It's a remaster similar in style to Perfect Dark XBLA, but made by Rare. What... what exactly were you expecting?

>> No.7352650

>What... what exactly were you expecting?
Spluttering twitter faggot. I wasn't expecting anything else. I'm just saying that it's not worth getting hyped up about
>but made by Rare
oh yeah man, I'm sure martin hollis and david doak and shit were sitting there drawing the 256x256 concrete texture to replace the 32x32.
I'm sure that makes me care about this shit

>> No.7352724

Fucking stoked for this to finally see the light of day.

Cry me a river nigger.

>> No.7352727

>oh yeah man, I'm sure martin hollis and david doak and shit were sitting there drawing the 256x256 concrete texture to replace the 32x32.
Martin Hollis and David Doak left Rare in like 1998, because Doak felt he hadn't been properly compensated for his 100 hour weeks on GoldenEye, and Hollis left because his contract was up for renewal, and he was worried that he'd spend another 4 years at Rare doing nothing but making FPS games.

Have you not looked at the footage? It's an extensive remaster. All the models are redone. All the textures. A lot of scenery is overhauled. IIRC there was a thing where you could press the shoulder button to toggle to the old graphics. Not sure if that's intact here.

>> No.7352740

>they left rare
Gee really i wonder if that was my fucking point

>It's an extensive remaster
it's darker. HD textures that are too dark

The only reason people want this shit is because for some reason they don't know how to emulate and play the game at 60FPS with a USB controller like any normal person has been doing for years

>> No.7352752

>it's darker.
It's darker because of how it was recorded.
>The only reason people want this shit is because for some reason they don't know how to emulate and play the game at 60FPS with a USB controller like any normal person has been doing for years
You're welcome to post a GoldenEye mod for PC that replaces every single graphical element in the game. Where it is? Why do you keep talking about "textures" when the entire visual makeup of the game is different?

>> No.7352765

Would the leak just be a 360 game you need a modded 360 for? Cus who gives a fuck. If it's source code that can be ported to shit then nice. Otherwise. Who cares. Nobody owns a hacked 360.

>> No.7352770

>what is Xenia emulator

>> No.7352792

because it's literally just hd textures (added grime and dirt where it wasn't needed) and maybe some more polys on guards. The visual signature of goldeneye is the fantastic motion captured animations, which are unchanged

>> No.7352801

It runs on Xenia. In fact, I think this footage might have been recorded on Xenia.

>> No.7352809

I don't know what is it?

>> No.7352810

>because it's literally just hd textures (added grime and dirt where it wasn't needed) and maybe some more polys on guards.
No it isn't. All the models are replaced. Scenery is replaced.

>> No.7352814

nobody cares

>> No.7352818

Yes they do. It's why this remaster has such a cult status. You're the weirdo who doesn't care about it.

>> No.7352831

Not surprised, you're just like all the other zoomer retards flooding /vr/ lately.

That's not to say you're welcome, though. Get the fuck out.


>> No.7352848

I know people that have this. It's mostly finished. Multiplayer works with a few bugs. Some audio issues etc. Also it gas added maps for multiplayer that were not in the 64 release. Not sure if it is actually being released.

>> No.7352850

*has. Dam, depot, and frigate.

>> No.7352854


>> No.7352867

Graslu00 said it'll be released later this year by the person who gave him access. I'm wondering if people will be able to paper over a few of the bugs by modding it.

>> No.7352909

Im a zoomer for not knowing or caring about a 360 emulator? Lol nice logic

>> No.7352918

His idea of Xbox360 is probably like SNES is to most of us.

>> No.7352948

If that is running on actual hardware, the answer is no. If it is running on xenia, then yes, maybe. Only because they could be emulation issues. The purple objects appear to be shader issues.

>> No.7353087

It's running on Xenia.

>> No.7353105

Good on Graslu00 for sharing footage of the whole game on behalf of someone else, but why the fuck does hoardniggers have to milk their 5 minutes of fame as long as possible? "Be patient" as if I couldn't sleep without a release of the game. Just give a release date for it, say you won't share it, or fuck off. You're not special for having a build of a game you didn't work on.
>that soulful "old model vs. new model" at the credits
Fuck lawyers and fuck IP holders.

>> No.7353119

>The files are supposedly going to be posted soon
The files were posted ages ago but were unfortunately in a password protected zip file without a password included

>> No.7353160

That was just some drama queen. Multiple people have the files, and they will be released later this year.
>Just give a release date for it, say you won't share it, or fuck off.
He literally says he won't share it in the comments, but says the person he got it from will be sharing it later in the year.

>> No.7353170

Apparently that was a separate (and possibly fake?) leak according to the video description. The one coming is the real deal, allegedly.

>> No.7353173

This build has literally been around since 2007, but turds have been hoarding it. Anyone with partner dev access could get a copy back in 2007.

>> No.7353180
File: 201 KB, 512x256, axTj5wxna-e3p1Ko38Mb4nRibXGCMX6SBStqvCRHtEQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking too-high-frequency *grass* texture in the Complex
just what i wanted

>> No.7353191

>says the person he got it from will be sharing it later in the year.

lol so that's what he's going with huh

>> No.7353223

Now we just need Twelve Tales. Awesome.

>> No.7353241

I mean, surely you were there on twitter back in December when the leaker drama was going on and Graslu00 was asking, "Why exactly hasn't GE been released?" and he was being told there's super secret reasons for it being held back.

>> No.7353250

>no dinosaur planet 64
to the trash I go

>> No.7353290

This. I know some hoarder fucker has to have it.

>> No.7353301

Man I just want the rogue squadron trilogy that never got released

>> No.7353305

Oh yeah, Dinosaur Planet, too. Twelve Tales and Dinosaur Planet.

>> No.7353321

Dinosaur Planet was never finished. When it was pivoted into SFA, it didn't have a final boss, ending, etc. Would still love to play it, though.

>> No.7353362

>Gee really i wonder if that was my fucking point
I'm glad for the info, even if yeah, what a retard

>> No.7353384

How do they not understand that Perfect Dark/Banjo XBLA were made by 4J Studios, thus Rare working on GoldenEye XBLA in-house was notable?

>> No.7353396

because 1) who the fuck cares who does hires-textures and smoothing out some models
2) as everyone said 2007 Rare ain't 1998 Rare. Fucking nothing that's good about 1998 Rare is implied by "2007 rare is working on it"

>> No.7353438

People like Chris Seavor were still at Rare in 2007. Hell, PD: Core was only cancelled in 2007.

>> No.7353447

Fuck Conker

>> No.7353463

I for one have had this on my wish list for over a decade. This and rogue squadron trilogy are all I want as far as console games go.

>> No.7353576


>> No.7353582

Fuck the prequels and especially Fuck the disney shit.

>> No.7353621

2007 Rare did Viva Pinata so they still had some soul left in my book

>> No.7354398

Yeah, it sucks that this video was recorded on the mystic 360 that could render and output at 4K.

>> No.7354423

David Doak turned up in the comments to talk about the game and gave a bit of an AMA. I wanted to pull the transcript, but YT very recently made a change that broke all the livestream comment scrapers. Will try again in a day or two.

>> No.7354437

I do. PD360 is the only way to play PD in 2021, and I suspect this will do the same for GE.

>> No.7354447

If this ends up leaking how beefy of a PC would you need to run this well with Xenia?

>> No.7354498
File: 2.27 MB, 3726x978, 1607954384387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well boys, I guess that's a wrap. I dunno if anyone here happens to remember but I've been working on an HD texture pack for GoldenEye for about a year. Random GE threads on /vr/ are pretty much the only place I'd ever shared previews on since I wanted to avoid getting cease and desisted by Nintendo / Rare / MGM / etc. It's a bittersweet feeling. I invested a lot of time and care into my work and I was pretty proud of it. But this version being leaked makes it rather pointless to carry on. My textures were far higher res and more faithful to the original style, but the model and geometry edits and other changes in this leaked version are just beyond anything I could hope to achieve with a simple texture swap. RIP.

Thanks for reading my blog post. I might release what I had done (up to Runway) if anyone cares.

>> No.7354505
File: 75 KB, 529x480, 1552240439354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time to leave, Dr. Rakhmanov

>> No.7354506

What a waste of time and effort

>> No.7354508

>My textures were far higher res and more faithful to the original style, but the model and geometry edits and other changes in this leaked version are just beyond anything I could hope to achieve with a simple texture swap.
It was an official HD remaster, you don't have anything to be sour about.

>> No.7354514

I invested an embarrassing amount of effort into it. Hate to admit it but this anon is right. >>7354506

Everything was handrawn from scratch in GIMP. Average texture resolution was like 2048x2048. I was holding out hope for a PC decomp like SM64 since N64 emulation is still garbage, but alas.

I wanna redirect my attention to another project but I haven't decided on anything yet.

>> No.7354525

It'll run on a toaster.
I wouldn't write it off yet. The leaked files may never materialize for some bullshit reason, and there are clearly some OG textures still present in the XBLA version on things like computer screens. Remember that the XBLA version was unfinished. Even if/when it releases, there is probably work to be done on it.
The Perfect Dark decompilation project is making progress, wheras GE has stagnated.

>> No.7354534
File: 2.55 MB, 3738x987, 1608000157043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly confident this will be publicly available. The uploader of the footage is pretty confident, anyway. If anything itst surprising that we took so long - we already had screenshots and videos for years, so part of me knew this was bound to happen. I was actually more worried that it would be released officially. And yeah, I wouldn't mind helping fill in the gaps once it does go public, but it'll feel odd having to work at a lower resolution to match what's already there. Hopefully it's all sufficient that an AI batch enhancement would actually give good results.

As for the GE decomp stagnating, well, fuck. This'll probably be another nail in the coffin, everyone will want to play this new version.

>> No.7354548

Don't be sour, you learned from it.
I wasted so much time recreating textures in high def for games that will probably never reverse engineered or remade to use those texture packs.

>> No.7354559

Yeah I'm trying not to be such a crybaby bitch about it. It was just a lot of fun. I haven't done anything creative like that in a very long time, and never on that scale, so it was almost like discovering a new hobby.

What games were you working on?

>> No.7355672

I've been watching through Graslu's playthrough, and it seems they took too much liberty sometimes with environment textures and faces. Release more of yours when you can, because it could be good to have a conservative updated textures combined with these instead of just one or the other.

>> No.7355682

>I cannot publish this. I've been told it'll be released in 2021.
imagine believing this lie

>> No.7355684

Looks good. I wish they had added more to the maps, but still good.

>> No.7355689

Doak's been gone from Rare for a long, long time, so they probably were trying to avoid any legal issues by keeping his name in there.

>> No.7355709

YongYea is a faggot

>> No.7355730

They made it look like the regrettable "brown and bloom" ps3 era graphics Just without the bloom. As such it actually looks worse in many places

>> No.7355742

>PD360 is the only way to play PD in 2021
You can keep saying this as if everyone agrees but they don't. This is bullshit

>> No.7355757

reminds me of the perfect dark remake where it's updated but they don't go overboard with it, more game remakes should do that instead of just making a new game with the same name attached to it. all it needs is some qoli and some slight updates to the graphics, if it's necessary to update them.
also am i seeing things or does it come with the option to flip graphics on the fly like in halo remake? that's pretty cool, does PD do that? i don't remember.

>> No.7355765

I dont care what you agree with.

>> No.7355787
File: 1.12 MB, 2117x2822, PkCVhM9f_c2GMfeqsr7GW8W2RqAlGAxbkvtEyG7gea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck doesn't own a hacked Xbox 360? Are you some kind of casual?

>> No.7355798

Would Capcom's 4REmake invalidate RE4HD? No. Stop being a cry baby.

>> No.7355836

rogue squadron trilogy remaster would be pretty kino.

>> No.7355851

Sorry to hear that, but at least you did something you loved, don't see it as a waste, anon.
You could always take a break for a year, if the game doesn't leak, then in 2021 you can continue on it.

>> No.7355946

>used a proper form of speech
>immediately calls someone else a fag
>your intelligence is showing

>> No.7356042

I bet the xenia developer is going to be pissed when it's released

>> No.7356094


Maybe you guys are right. Maybe my work wasn't pointless. If I finish, I can either let it stand as a cleaned-up yet authentic version of the original, or, if the tools to do so are eventually made available, I can insert my textures into the new version to create a fusion that has the best qualities of both. All I've ever wanted to do was keep GoldenEye out of unfair obscurity, preserve it for future generations.


>> No.7356110

i would prefer cleaned up original textures vs the gross xbox liberties but how do you run your shit. does it make some giant ass rom or what and how would it affect frame rates etc

>> No.7356140


>> No.7356153


So interesting question, I haven't been able to run GE with my textures at 100% accuracy. There's some moderate to severe problems with textures unloading after a certain number are rendered. At first I thought it was my emulator settings or my textures being too high res but I believe now the problem is simply shitty N64 emulation + GoldenEye being particularly difficult to emulate. I was working on my project hoping that a PC decomp like Super Mario 64 would come along and smooth things over but I believe some anon above said that that project has stagnated. With a little luck this will reignite some interest.

>> No.7356175
File: 1.38 MB, 1282x772, heavenlystar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xenia ftw

>> No.7356190


>> No.7356245
File: 3.99 MB, 3456x1944, 1600123634781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU'RE based.

I'm phone posting atm so I don't have a lot of my before and after comparisons on hand but here's what I got for you guy

>> No.7356271

The last one was Forsaken (the official re-release) before I said to myself "fuck it". I talked back and forth with the dev at Nightdive about when modding support would come and they abandoned the damn thing. I already had all map and object textures ready, 6x the size, recreated in Photoshop and 3ds, even divided into separate component maps like diffuse(delighted), spectacular, gloss, normal, displacement and illumination.

>> No.7356287

i am glad you're doing this but be careful to keep design aspects consistent. the top pic is superb but in the bottom the tile grout is now the same darkness as the stairs so we get visual clutter, and stairs or no stairs you've added a lot of energy in the high frequency creating a harshness.

Some things are 'blurry'/low contrast for a reason.
I think you'll be fine if you just take this into account. Like there was no reason to make the grout darker

>> No.7356289

That sounds cool. Got any examples of your stuff?

>> No.7356306

actually just while i'm griping, you basically wrecked the pipes, you can see the left is (at least looks like) a 2D texture of a 3D pipe, particularly the mounting brackets, which even have little screw heads visible.
Yours are just.. what? What are those clumps where the brackets were?

>> No.7356330

I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to - the pipes themselves or the valves where they intersect? I can try and take a closer shot in like an hour or so

>> No.7356335

Not in actual game context since the support for high res textures and stuff like normal mapping was announced but never finished by the dev before they pulled the plug.

I hope that other/future porting projects will include these features some day.

>> No.7356353


>> No.7356357

because he's about to be bombarded with questions about running golden eye

>> No.7356381

I'd still like to see some of your raw material if for no other reason than curiosity. Anyway, are you planning on taking on any other projects? There's always other games needing tlc. I always entertained the notion of / when I finished GoldenEye, I would try to do something similar for MGS1

>> No.7356384

neither. the brackets that hold the pipes to the wall. it sounds like you didn't notice that that's what they are.
...be careful man, 'upgrading' textures etc is fraught with, i'm sure you know, people not understanding the intention was in the first place and making it worse. you don't want to be one of them

>> No.7356397

Will we be able to play it online (multiplayer) when it gets released?

>> No.7356398

It might just be the bad angle and distance of the screenshot because I can assure you that they are brackets and still have screwheads. They're slightly wider than they should be because I edited the dimensions of the texture (I don't even remember why) which I always meant to go back and fix. Anyway like I said I'll post a better shot later.

There's a certain trick with redoing textures at a higher res where from a distance, they might appear too bland or lacking in detail, when in fact the details are preserved, you just have to get closer to be able to see them. It's a balancing act.

>> No.7356426

eh, what's the point of emulation if not for specific times like this? maybe they'll be thrilled to get thousands of new xenia users.

>> No.7356431

no, emulation authors hate people who only ask about one game. See desmume and pokemon for an example.

>> No.7356514
File: 196 KB, 2048x256, GOLDENEYE#CFB9CA22#3#1_all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so here's the texture itself. like i said the brackets are too wide due to my hasty distortion and the technique I used to simulate scratches along the surface of the metal is outdated and not something i would do the same way, but they're there.

>> No.7356529
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, GLideN64_GOLDENEYE_196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here it is in-game. i gotta get around to cleaning up the borders between the bricks, and i just thought of a technique i might use to make the bricks seem less even and more naturally placed. but i think they look far better with the dark border between them

>> No.7356547

yeah look it's just kind of crappy.
>light source on the pipe is different to that on the bracket
>bolts way too fucking small both visually (you'll never get close enough in the game for them to resolve) and logically, for a pipe that size, looking absurd
>shadow of bracket not consistent with light direction
none of these problems exist with the original which means the original works in the unconscious as a blurry representation of something 'real', whereas yours does not.
I don't want to discourage you but you need to not bite off more than you can chew by assuming higher res is going to overcome your lack of artistry/technical skill.
that's the classic hubris of the hd texture pack kid.

>> No.7356548
File: 2.89 MB, 3738x990, 0130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaand one more before / after for the fuck of it

>> No.7356557

>the classic hubris of the hd texture pack kid
>but i think they look far better with the dark border between them
there it is

but look it looks okay enough, i guess. maybe in motion it feels satisfying to have that harsher detail.

on another note when I see the latest pic I can't help but think that there might be such a thing as too high resolution. But whatever it's your vision and i'm only getting distroted glimpses and nitpicking so don't worry

>> No.7356576

also i wasn't looking at the ingame pic full-size. maybe people playing on their 4k screens will see the bolts.

>> No.7356591
File: 1.46 MB, 1889x807, door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there it is

i don't blame you for being worried but to some degree you'll have to DUDE TRUST ME when it comes to the very sparing changes I've made here and there. I only ever do it when I think I can argue it's an objectively positive change and usually that's to incorporate some elements from the film where appropriate. I'm not gonna do any Halo CE Anniversary shit. Here's an example of a change I made that also shows how I've gotten better at making objects over time - I replaced the generic door key card reader with one designed after the movie prop.

as for things being too high res, you might be correct, i'm creating these textures to look good on 4k monitors since that's the gold standard now, but i actually don't have one myself so things tend to look a bit "squished" for me. I want to design at a high res so I can have the luxury of downsizing them later, i.e. better to have more and need less

>> No.7356713

didn't see this before but not a bad point. i think the original brick texture looked a little too "clean" for a sort of grungy level like facility but the idea of conflicting with other dark elements makes sense. Maybe I'll try some other ideas like a lighter gray grout instead of the dark brown. shit like this is why i share

>> No.7356727

>grungy level like facility
This is contentious and to me, part of what set the Xbox people on the wrong course.
In the film the facility is grungy. Rare decided not to implement it that way for one reason or another. The facility from the goldeneye game is clean and modern looking.
So if you're starting to lean on the movie you may find yourself compromising what you actually wanted to do which was preserve Rare's goldeneye game.
Maybe, again i'm going overboard because i never watched the damn movie until playing the game for 2 years whereas other people may appreciate it to look like the movie, but when i open up xbox with grungy, dirty facility all I think is what the fuck are you doing

>> No.7356768

The XBLA version definitely went way, way overboard in that regard. No way I'm taking it that far. But there's a degree of "dirtiness" to some levels that serves a few purposes. It sells the setting a bit, since GE's first few missions are set in the waning days of the Soviet Union, a bit of dingy-ness helps communicate that you're in a place that's slightly disused, neglected, maybe even underfunded. It helps contrast with later levels like Bunker and Control that are more clean and state of the art. So it's like a slight veneer of visual storytelling. Same thing will go for Archives, which will look a bit grim and dusty given that by it's nature the building is probably very old and not that well maintained.

>> No.7356787
File: 30 KB, 394x400, 1611969551625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh all that weeb trash.

>> No.7356805
File: 3.35 MB, 3722x982, fac1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example of how that actually looks in practice. there's a few things here that i've already improved on, these are old shots. but it demonstrates how in a lot of cases, textures in the original game can be like a rorschach's test where it's hard to tell what they were going for. take the wall textures for example, i couldn't figure out for sure if the streaking was due to compression artifacting, but ultimately i decided to interpret it as cumulative water damage in the form of running stains, with an additional rough surface simulating something like a bump map to make the walls look not so pristine and unnaturally smooth.

>> No.7356908

your walls look great.
door looks weird with no shadow on top? I dunno whats up though because your original doesn't seem to have it either but if I load my emu it has a very thin black shadow at the top

>> No.7358441

It's the emulator, it slightly fucks up the alignment of every texture somewhat, high-res or not

>> No.7358502

Legit looks amazing, keeps the og look but as if a muddy filter was lifted from your eyes

>> No.7358509

It looks great, stop paying attention to that concern troll, fags gets off to trying to make others miserable.

>> No.7358541

If you look up reshade and shit people are figuring how to inject graphics within emus so that explosions give light and the guards have shadows etc., ambient occlusion it doesn't add much yet but you can see the potential. People building on it will make that Xbox build irrelevant

>> No.7358604

Nah he's right. I don't think I did a *horrible* job but like I said I've improved a lot in the year or so I've been at this so I've got a long to-do list of things I need to go back and improve and now this will be one of them. If this thread is still alive later I'll post some of my truly terrible early textures to show how far I've come. But as an artist, and one who's working on a beloved classic I have to be open to criticism. I don't wanna be like a Fallout Frontier dev who freaked the fuck out when people genuinely critiqued their work then blamed the fans for it.

Reshade is definitely something I think about and it's got some really cool potential. The shit people have done with SM64 via reshade and other mods is just ridiculous. That said there's certain things the 360 version does that just go beyond anything I'm capable of, like adding better mountain skyboxes and trees to Dam or making Jungle look really dense with vegetation and adding godrays. Like I said maybe one day I'll be able to port my textures to that version for the best possible experience.

>> No.7358745

>If you look up reshade and shit people are figuring how to inject graphics within emus so that explosions give light and the guards have shadows etc., ambient occlusion it doesn't add much yet but you can see the potential. People building on it will make that Xbox build irrelevant
Don't be delusional. Reshade and artistically abhorrent lighting mods won't be any substitute for a remaster made by professional game developers.

>> No.7360124

cool credits

>> No.7360479

All the people complaining about the HD stuff are missing the point. Goldeneye 007 will finally be playable with modern controls in widescreen without using a shitty N64 emulator. You can go back to original graphics.

>> No.7360489

The Perfect Dark XBLA version has fucked up aiming. It doesn't feel right, sounds like it's the same here according to the uploader.

It'll still be great though.

>> No.7360546

>modern controls
what did he mean by this? is it another guy who still didn't find 1.2 style after 20 years?

>> No.7360549

...did you see the op vid?

>> No.7360578
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I agree, the way I always describe it is that aiming diagonally feels like trying to draw a diagonal line with an etch-a-sketch. That said I do also think it's the best way to play the game by virtue of the smooth framerate and resolution and I think they did a 95% great job updating the graphics.

As I promised earlier, look how bad some of my early textures were. I've gotten a lot better since then.

>> No.7360580
File: 461 KB, 750x940, 41125B21-A6E3-48D9-9BAE-D2D4A9BD4590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 years too late. I wanted to play this on xbla when it was rumored to be released.

>> No.7360727

>didn't watch the footage

>> No.7360753

is that what you do, project64 hires injection? cos i play on pj64 and i noticed the different plugins render the (standard) textures differently. There's something i noticed in facility which i think was actually that water staining on the wall you mentioned, which isn't present with a newer plugin. Is it even in the original game or a jabo artifact?

>> No.7360821

Yes? The excellent remaster? Your poiny is?

>> No.7360827
File: 2.58 MB, 2800x736, fac2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the GLideN64 plugin is faithful to the original so I think it was there. Like I said the only problem is alignment of textures, they're all a bit off center. Look at the left side of the warning label here, it's more noticeable on the right screenshot but everything is shifted off center.>>7354534

Here's one area where I deviated from the source material and I think it came out good. Ignore the brick wall that you guys already convinced me to redo. I have no idea what they were going for with the original conveyor belt so I gave it a more realistic pattern. The blue metal needs to be distressed more but I think I already did that.

>> No.7360851
File: 64 KB, 851x455, toofuckindark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK is wrong with grasulos recording setup

>> No.7360856

ok yeah the streaks are there in the real. it was the older plugin that *didn't* show them

>> No.7361218
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, GLideN64_GOLDENEYE_197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never meant to hijack this thread but since I've already done it, how's this? I lightened the grout enough to keep it from clashing with the dark parts of the stairs, but it still serves to give the bricks depth.

>> No.7361245

Anon, fuck this "remaster", it won't play as well on emulator with a mouse anyway.

>> No.7361270

Have you ever played GE or PD with the mouse injector? It feels incredible, like it was made for PC. If you're referring to the difficulty nerf with mouse look aiming, you just have to play on 007 difficulty and set it up appropriately. I cranked the enemy stats up halfway and still got my shit pushed in.

>> No.7361273

That's what I am saying - this XBLA remaster won't have that injector

>> No.7361276

op complainer here - looks good

>> No.7361280

Oh, I thought you were referring to my work, not the 360 one. I mean, that'll probably eventually get a mouse look mod eventually to. GoldenEye is popular enough that I'm sure someone will make it happen.

>> No.7361281

aren't the physics completely fucked with the 60fps speedhack

>> No.7361290
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PD in Xenia is still fucked up graphically unless you have an AMD card, also no mouse injector for it afaik
I wonder if the GE port has the same behavior

>> No.7361293

Not that I know of but I mostly play on Project 64 with regular controls because the mouse look mod only works with fucking 1964 for some reason and that can't handle my beefy textures.

Yeah on second thought it actually looks so much better that I don't know what I was thinking with the original version. The light grout allows the shadows beneath the bricks to stand out, giving them more authentic depth.

Shit like this is why I want to share, to get fair criticism. Yet I can't really do it outside of anonymous random threads because I know the minute I associate this with a youtube channel or email and it gets traction, I'll get a C&D.

>> No.7363096

Too good not to bump

>> No.7364597

Anon this is absolutely fantastic.

>> No.7364924
File: 1.16 MB, 3722x981, alarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too kind.

I was actually on an extended break from the project before this GE360 leak news came out and you guys have motivated me to return to my work. Only I can't seem to find that old get-up-and-go tonight so here's some more old shit. This one demonstrates when and in what ways I'm willing to depart from a 1:1 recreation of original assets. It's easy to imagine that Rare would've had more detail in the original alarm were it not for the restrictive texture resolution, so when recreating something like that I may choose to make it look a little more functional. One way I like to do that is by adding Cyrillic text to things in the form of warning labels, etc when appropriate. I think it makes the levels feel more lived-in.

>> No.7364928
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x1536, Muh Alarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably should've just posted the actual texture to demonstrate that point.

>> No.7364945
File: 737 KB, 3734x976, fac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But again, in most cases I'm not changiung anything just straight recreating in high def.

>> No.7364967

ge has not stagnated, however progress is slow because nobody wants to decompile a boomer shooter when they can just do zelda game
The public repo is barely updated, all progress is on a private one
The status page is public though https://kholdfuzion.github.io/goldeneyestatus/

>> No.7364972

PD has been going a lot quicker because the main contributor crunches the fuck out of it and matches tons of funcs every week

>> No.7364976

it only works on 1964 because the mouse injector needs edits to the emu's plugin code to work
A PJ64 port was attempted but it's shit and slow and the dude who ported it is a fag

>> No.7365256

Also, Perfect Dark's engine is generally a lot better, and once it is fully decompiled, people can probably just port GoldenEye's shit into PD. (Rom hack projects tried to do this, but you really need proper source code.)

>> No.7365297

That'd be GoldenEye X


It's definitely a really cool project but it comes with too many drawbacks to "replace" GoldenEye imo. Namely little details like the watch menu and dossier mission select which contribute so much to GoldenEye's character. That said, it would be cool if one day we could actually hybridize the two games in a way that does it justice, i.e. importing PD's weather effects into GE or importing the reload animations (this would probably help rebalance the difficulty of a GE PC port with mouselook since it would slow down the player but not enemies).

>> No.7365310

as long as we don't get a bad surprise that the bullet-into-guard impact sounds etc. that make GE actually feel good, are just switched off and hard removed

>> No.7365483

That's kinda sad really he likely would've been fine with it.
Graslu00 said in a comment today he's using Nvidia.