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File: 3 KB, 256x224, mm2-leavehelmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7342023 No.7342023 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, what did you think was going on in this ending? Back before Mega Man 3 wasn't a certainty, I knew a kid who cried because he thought Mega Man had died at the end. Now, I knew the upbeat credits music afterwards probably meant this was rubbish, but with how little story we got at the time (remember, our version of the story isn't that Mega Man is a reluctant hero who does things because he knows no one else can), I wonder how else people interpreted things. I just thought he retired or possibly had to kill Wily off-screen and felt guilty about doing what had to be done.

>> No.7342353

I'm sorry I don't remember

I do remember thinking "Roll is a dumb name, wtf" but that might have been MM3's ending?

>> No.7342857

It honestly means nothing to me outside of the visuals and music. It would have been cool if they put the end of this song into the Mega Man 3 title theme, like how Mega Man 2 did with 1.

>> No.7342872

He changes weapons as regularly as the seasons change, because he's motherfucking Megaman
next question

>> No.7342881

I remember being excited that I beat it. One of the few games I dedicated to beating as a child. I don't know why I didn't beat more games back then.

>> No.7342891

I remember thinking that too. As much as I liked the first game. I enjoyed the second more for how much more approachable it was. The music was spot on. The graphics were improved. The level design was fantastic. One of the best sequels ever made.

>> No.7344361

This and the end music of Strider are playing at my funeral.

>> No.7344370

It’s just him contemplating his “life” during a time of peace.

>> No.7344410

He's probably thinking "Man, I sure hope nobody stabs my little brother while he's sleeping and unleashes an entity that was used to start a war in which over half of humanity died."

>> No.7344418

The first genuine answer in this thread, thank you.

>> No.7344431

Good post.

>> No.7344440

He wanders the land in time of peace. A ronin figure. Finally he reaches a place to settle down and abandon his war machine function

>> No.7345692
File: 3 KB, 256x240, akahousewife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Mega Man was mourning his fellow robots and wondering if he had he destroy them if they were programmed just a little differently (you even see the robot masters afterwards which my kid-brain thought was supposed to be their memorials, with their creators as the names they would have gone by if Wily hadn't made them warmachines, silly I know). Overall not too far off from that eventual characterization in MMX, MM9 & that one arcade game.
That was MM3, but funny enough I think Reploid Lavatory did a piece where it turns out Roll wasn't even named until Rockman 3, so for all we know she was supposed to be the robo-wife when she showed up in MM1's ending and not Rock's sister. Guess might be why some spinoffs still insist she has a weird precocious crush on Rock, it was a remnant of the loveinterest idea artists liked better.

>> No.7345826

Are there mods to play as Roll in NES megaman series?

>> No.7345883
File: 96 KB, 973x720, Rollwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Roll is playable in the mobile 2008 mobile port of Rockman 1, where she has a charge shot and I think acts like Megaman in 4. Also playable in the Powered Up remake as an on-disc free download (to encourage the level editor) where she had tons of costumes but lost the buster and acts like a slightly better version of base Rock. Was considered for MM11 (Mega Girl?) but never happened, though she oddly appears in Capcom fighting spinoffs with either Roll Buster or Roll Swing.
Unofficial "Rollchan" hacks have you covered: https://www.romhacking.net/?page=hacks&authorid=2041

>> No.7346016

Just to set this up, I got megaman 2 and 4 at the same time and reached this conclusion when I was about 6. I thought he was just switching between and showing off a few weapons as a sort of look over his past, present and future. So I instantly decided the leaves are wood shields and the blossoms were quick boomerangs. Then I assumed that the rain must be rain flush from 4 and from having a bunch of old magazines around I knew there was an iceman in 1 and guessed the snow was his attack.

It was a distressingly long time before I realised it was just the 4 seasons. In my mild defence, I was a decade away from being weeb enough to understand what the pink petals actually were.

>> No.7346060
File: 73 KB, 206x250, charm-tentokki_dcuph1j-250t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zynk Oxhyde needs to go back to his older hacks and add patches for the superior Mega Man 11 Roll.

>> No.7346149

>Roll-chan hacks

>> No.7346280
File: 113 KB, 800x878, someday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Mega Man was finally able to rest since his duty was done. Peace was restored, but the world he saved no longer has need for a fighting machine. He wandered the world, a changed robot forever, until he found a quaint little village reminding him all what he fought for, leaving his helmet on the ground as a symbolic signal that "Mega Man" was over. It's up to interpretation if you thought this meant he literally decommissioned himself that day or if he tried to live among humans undedr a new identity with a new purpose, ironically not too different from Protoman in the next game. Or at least that's how I saw it.
I know I'm in the minority but I don't like Roll playable, or at least the versions they've had so far. Remember that in MM 9 & 10, Mega with his helmet off takes more damage (and he's still in body armor!), so it doesn't really make logical sense for Roll to go around beating enemies with her cumbersome hair getting in the way and frilly dress that offers zero protection. If she's ever fully realized in MM12 she needs to have a definitive upgrade like how Rock became Mega Man. Thing is at that point Roll may no longer be recognizable but still I think the MM11 concept art is the right direction if done right. And for those put off just make unarmored Rock & Roll playable too, problem solved.

>> No.7346287

Does Megaman live in Germany? I always thought it looked like Bavarian countryside

>> No.7346313

>If she's ever fully realized in MM12 she needs to have a definitive upgrade like how Rock became Mega Man.
I disagree 100%. Roll should stay Roll. We don't need Megawoman. That's Rock's job. Roll should come to the fight as she is and offer something we don't get from Megaman already. And that's the fact she's an unassuming domestic household robot who uses things like brooms.

Don't boil away the differences between existing characters needlessly. Let them keep their personality.

>> No.7346349
File: 24 KB, 750x580, glass-cannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if she gets wrecked easily with low defense, otherwise that totally underplays why Rock even become Megaman in the first place. I agree she needs a new attack though, Roll Buster was too samey and it sounds she was basically a Protoman reskin in the mobile version. Give her the Mega Ball or something, that'd be a good excuse to bring it back and it was close to her color scheme. Or Roll Swing but it was basically slow Z-Saber.

>> No.7346361

I get where you're coming from, but lore justification of game dynamics is secondary to just making the game fun to play. I think I might be fine with her being a hard-mode Zero who takes more damage though.

>> No.7346394
File: 22 KB, 321x300, megaman-roll-vacuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagined that Mega Man's victory was a fleeting, temporary one, and showing the irreversible flow of seasons meant that it took place after Dr. Light, already an old man, passed away from old age, and Mega Man was just trying to find a new home to belong.
I'm with glass cannon with Roll Swing, Classic did not have a suitable "Zero" and it was the next best thing. I'd be okay with bringing ROCK back with soccer-based Mega Ball though, I like the idea of both being playable. Alternatively, use her vacuum arm tools from the cartoon, I know it has 0% chance of ever getting referenced and is a source of ridicule but the thing was OP AF, it seriously wrecked Robot Masters in seconds flat in surprisingly painful ways.

>> No.7346407

I like the idea of Roll having different household tools like a vacuum. In Ruby-Spears it just flat out didn't make sense how she used it though. There were times she just aimed it at a fucking robot master and they just fell to fucking pieces. That's more effective than a fucking plasma arm cannon.

>> No.7346453
File: 1.17 MB, 813x1780, riglpower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the MM8 map select, Dr. Light's lab is somewhere in the vicinity of Denver, Colorado, but that was way later. There's monsoons and cherryblossoms in MM2 here so it's a deadringer for Japan if that's supposed to be where the lab was originally.
Well that's why I said we can also have Rock an Roll available in their base forms too, PU-style. But I admit my opinion to give Roll an upgrade is probably an unpopular one.

>> No.7346469

Ya know how you fix Roll
You make her Splashwoman

>> No.7346485
File: 979 KB, 1003x1258, novasaventurasdescrewjoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roll was probably originally intended to be Rock's girlfriend like she is in later continuties like Battle Network before Proto Man ruined it
i fucking knew it!

>> No.7346529

semen demon

>> No.7347293
File: 1.89 MB, 1021x1564, iamrollmanhearmeroar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one agree wholeheartedly with putting Roll 'n Rock on equal footing, t'would be a big step in robo-gender equality!

>> No.7347464

I always figured it was like MM1 with him taking a long walk home rather than just teleporting, and leaving the helmet behind meant that the work was done.

There's a particular fangame that does just that and bases her appearance off of the pic you posted.

>> No.7348454

I thought he just went to live normal peaceful life

>> No.7348474
File: 267 KB, 753x1061, wtfisdis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I didn't really think much of it, I didn't pay much attention to story at the time and just thought the game prettu much ended at the bad guy groveling, the walking scene was just a neat extra visual to me.
I can live with that Roll, it's functional and cute unlike whatever the hell they were trying to do with this thing.

>> No.7349579
File: 120 KB, 249x216, n4c3qr6p7c1smsowro8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure about him walking but I knew for a fact there had to be meaning to the dropped helmet. Here's what I can summise: Mega Man is almost self-aware that he's in a video game. The moment you press start on the title screen, you've placed the helmet on his head. From that moment, he's YOUR robot who follows YOUR commands whether he likes it or not. After he(you) beat Dr. Wily, he regains control now that your shared directive is over. His expression is as blank as ever, unsure what to make of the whole experience. However, he sees something new (could've been anything, not necessarily civilization), and with a longing look decides he wants to make new experiences of his own free will. So, in the only way Mega Man knows how to express himself, he leaves the helmet you placed on him to show that your control over him has ended - he's now off to do whatever he wants now. In essence, he's gained some sense of humanity.

>> No.7350087
File: 55 KB, 736x736, weapons_littered_everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man realizes that hypocritical Light is as huge a warmongering asshole as Wily and fucks off.

>> No.7350092

>crying over Mega Man
faggot trash, see me about that Star Fox 64 ending when you want man tears little boy

>> No.7350174

Light didn't even decide for Megaman to fight, that was Rock's call. He even presented the same choice to X, but of course something as capable as he was couldn't make a choice to stay passive.

>> No.7350645
File: 27 KB, 480x360, lolman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those theories.
Damn people overthinking it, the devs probably didn't think too far ahead and thought it might've not had sequels so they said screw it let's mess with everyone.
Silly anon, Roll isn't for playing, she's for kitchen, she'd be toast if she went into action.

>> No.7350724

It's not like they are real siblings, they are robots.

>> No.7350935
File: 134 KB, 870x917, pocky_challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, plus I THINK the "Roll is Rock's sister" thing was never stated in Japan and was an invention of Capcom USA (correct me if I'm wrong) like the "Light and Wily partnership" thing so they don't really have a defined relationship outside of the few interactions they get. Plus in Powered Up you had practically all her "brothers" trying to get up her skirt while the Copy Robot implies that she herself has her eyes set on Mega's pants, I totally didn't
imagine that.

>> No.7350938

This is America, his name is Mega Man

>> No.7350980
File: 383 KB, 697x749, RAITOTTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, those were in the right context, but I'll make my analysis just for you.
ROKKUMAN beat DOKUTÂ WAIRÎ but ROKKUMAN feel sad for beat up the ROBOTTO too. Suddenly strange weather take ZA-WARUDO! ROKKUMAN can beat a bad human but cannot beat MOZÂ NEICHA. He watch as weathers destroys everything except one place in NIHONGO. ROKKUMAN put his METTO down to claim this land in the NAMAE of DOKUTÂ RAITO. This ends the MONOGATARI for now. TSUZUKU.

>> No.7351073
File: 55 KB, 216x250, rocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would ROKKUMAN take KONO KUNI for RAITO-HAKASE if the weathers took RAITO-HAKASE, DESU KA NE?

>> No.7351095


>> No.7352209
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, rocknroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a particular fangame that does just that and bases her appearance off of the pic you posted.
Yes, Mega Man Rock N Roll! It's the highest-rated fangame of Nico Evaluates (who I swear might be a /vr/ casual). Looked pretty like a decent way to pull that sort of Roll off.
All right I chuckled you asuhōruzu.

>> No.7353485
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1596834025924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7354090
File: 4 KB, 160x176, notbloodrelated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her CD in Mega Man & Bass (GBA):
>A house keeping robot created by Dr. Light. She is thought of as the sister of Megaman.
Seems pretty straightforward but the game had a notorious official translation so here's some translations of the Japanese Rockman & Forte:
>An assist robot created by Dr. Right. She is like a sister to Rock. SHE HAS BEEN PRECOCIOUS LATELY.
>She's a robot helper made by Dr. Light. She is almost like a little sister to Rock, BUT SHE IS MATURING.
>A helper robot created by Dr. Light. Exists as Rock's little sister. SHE HAS BECOME MORE GROWN UP AS OF LATE.
Bold was left out of the GBA localization, WTF does it mean? Add to this, Roll's trophy in Super Smash Bros. Wii U:
>A household robot that Mega Man thinks of as a sister.
So yeah, my conclusion: Japan interprets Roll having a one-sided crush on Mega Man while he is oblivious and treats her as a kid relative, they seem to love this stuff for some reason.

>> No.7354228

When the weathers took RAITO-SENPAI no LABO, ROKKU-KUN to HITO believe their NAKAMA...become...OMAMORI......!

>> No.7354618
File: 2 KB, 195x81, word_of_GOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, that's not how I interpret the weatherstorm. Note that Rock Man's colors reflect the weather. How's how I see it: Rock Man sees that Doctor Wiley is but a futile being who cannot become more than the old man that he is. This gives Rock Man an idea - He has become more than the sum of His parts throughout His conquest via all the weapons and upgrades that He has been getting from his fallen foes. Realizing that Doctor Wiley is the symptom, Rock Man solemnly casts judgment upon the world. Elements in hand, He takes his role as Father Nature and proceeds to scorch the earth with Atomic Fire; soil with Bubble Lead; raze with Quick Boomerang; and flood with hurricane-causing Air Shooter. He looks at one of the last few good spots of the planet, and spares it His silent wrath, leaving His helmet as a reminder to the people that if they lose their way again, He will be back. In essence, Rock Man is more than a robot... He is a KAMI-sama.

>> No.7354663

The hero's journey home. Even as a child I don't know how you could think of anything else.

>> No.7354678

Does playing video games affect our other cognitive skills ?

Do gamers end up regressing to a childlike state?

>> No.7354921
File: 207 KB, 627x1716, MMIV-Symposium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was MM3, but funny enough I think Reploid Lavatory did a piece where it turns out Roll wasn't even named until Rockman 3, so for all we know she was supposed to be the robo-wife when she showed up in MM1's ending and not Rock's sister.
I think they had her name ready but just never used it when the damsel-in-distress storyline was cut, but the other part is probably true, it was almost always a love interest that was kidnapped in these old games to give the boy target audience a sense of 'winning their girl.
>mfw no axecrazy giantess Roll w/praylasers.

>> No.7355150
File: 6 KB, 222x114, BreakingTheIceman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus in Powered Up you had practically all her "brothers" trying to get up her skirt
To be fair the pickings are quite slim for robro masters, I mean who else is there in that era? Splash Woman? Nine main games in, was set to expire like a hag, and got with fat nerd Auto if the ending's any indication. Best they can manage is a lowly mechaniloid form like Suzy or maybe that ribbon-wearing Metall, which don't offer much.

>> No.7356179
File: 60 KB, 190x195, MvCanonHaipaaRouruchan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7356196

Mega Man takes a relaxing walk with nice music.
It's Mega Man you autist don't over think it, you're almost as bad as Sonic fans.

>> No.7356209

LMFAO he cried at a Mega Man ending

>> No.7357269
File: 128 KB, 598x491, internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at anons taking the piss outta this guy, you really walked into your own hell didn't you.

>> No.7357524

I thought he was using the weapon's powers to restore the land from the damage it suffered through the game.

>> No.7359043

Like the first game, he let Wily go because he acted really sorry. Unlike the first game where he's confident and triumphant, here he's inwardly contemplating "shit, was that a good idea?" That's why he spends the rest of the NES series trying to capture Wily, whose groveling no longer works on him after this game. He's had enough, culminating in nearly snapping that one time.

>> No.7359456
File: 40 KB, 882x674, 145645756765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real mystery is how Willy survived of being crushed by a giant rock in Mega man 3 ending.

>> No.7359468

A wizard did it

>> No.7359886

It may be because Rockman and Forte uses the Megaman 8 style, which pushed Rock and Roll to be older looking and "cooler".

>> No.7359925

At the time it felt like a sense of finality with Mega Man leaving his helmet to go live in that village. A year later is when I found out Mega Man will never know peace.

>> No.7360181
File: 5 KB, 256x240, megaman3-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His UFO is in the distance on the top right of the screen. See? Mega's just daydreaming and doesn't notice. Besides, did you forget about the Wily dummy in that pre-Gamma boss fight? The Wily in Gamma probably was another spring-necked fake but got crushed just before we found out. That's why Proto Man didn't need to check the debris when saying it's "too late", he knew that the real one wasn't there anyway.

>> No.7360340

I always thought that the "Too late" was because he didn't save him, still maybe you are right but still is weird that CAPCOM didn't explain that in 4.

>> No.7360467

Given that Wily survived, I've taken it to be
>Proto comes in looking for Wily
>sees MM under the wreckage and then says Oh no, too late
>leaves with him

>> No.7360480
File: 367 B, 30x20, MegaMan3_EndingBirds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna add that TCRF says there were gonna be birds in this sequence, so it seems Wily's saucer was likely a last-minute replacement. Obviously in MM4 Mega Man thinks that Wily is dead which is why he has the long ellipses when Cossack reveals the truth (then Wily teleports in like a freaking robot but that's another issue) but observant players who noticed what the object in the sky was already saw it coming. Maybe the devs did originally intend to end the series at 3 though if the saucer replaced the birds near end of development?

>> No.7360575
File: 372 KB, 482x318, Roll-murdered-Kalinka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but there are still occasional signs of questionable clinginess on Roll's part in Powered Up and some Capcom art. Besides, Roll regressed to her original design in the arcade game that takes place after Mega Man 8 and later games, so it was just the art style.
Seems like misdirection, but 3 admittedly had a sense of finality to it what with the entire cast of robot masters up to that point making a cameo, so who knows for sure. inb4 Mega Man & Bass.

>> No.7360715
File: 15 KB, 480x360, megadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter if MegaMan dies? He's a robot who has "spare bodies" (1ups), he can get rebuilt good as new at any time.

>> No.7360771
File: 98 KB, 900x900, 36ee1a69d592d485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made in Godot engine.
Finally, I guess that makes "waiting for Godot games" a meme, will check out!

>> No.7361551
File: 461 KB, 834x573, mmdate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your friend is wrong, Mega Man DOESN'T die at the end, he was dead all along.

>> No.7363130
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x943, the_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7365150

Its beautiful

>> No.7365198
