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/vr/ - Retro Games

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729035 No.729035 [Reply] [Original]

Unboxing thread

>> No.729042
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>> No.729076


>> No.729085

why you gotta hurt me man why

>> No.729089

>having a sealed Majora's Mask

open that ship up and don't stop until you got all masks.

>> No.729086


>> No.729093

This is probably a troll, but I'm hoping for it not to be.

>> No.729120
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Why troll?

I'm all for games to be opened and played, like they're mean to. I don't support the VGA-type collectors, they're cancer in any way you want to look at it. They makes games become more scarce and expensive for people who genuinely want to play them, and the worst of all is that they don't even play the games because pristine condition/sealed is more important. Fuck that, honestly.

>> No.729131


if people just want to play the game they can buy the loose cartridges....

>> No.729132

I'd rather you not open it and just find another copy, but at least keep the box intact.

>> No.729128


I should clarify that.

I want to see the game unboxed, but it's probably not gonna happen.

>> No.729154

The whole VGA collectors thing is stupid, yes.

BUT, don't open that box you fucker.

>> No.729163

OP here, decided to do a video
Coming up soon

>> No.729175

games in mint or sealed condition are fucking unicorns
don't open because you want to give a big fuck you to collectors keep it the way it is for histories sake. People in the future will play the game through the games that have been passed down, emulation or virtual consoles but in the end they'll be able to go to a museum and see the real thing untouched in all of it's perfection and maybe just feel the excitement we once had starring at it through the glass so many years ago

>> No.729187

OP here, the video

>> No.729201
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>> No.729196

Ugh. I don't even like MM, but he's just man-handling that box.

>> No.729205
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>> No.729210

I think that's lovely, that's how games are meant to be used. Way to go!

>> No.729212

Lol look at the shitty shrink wrap. Faaaaaake

>> No.729226


>> No.729254

I buy boxes for games, and swap out the game for superman 64. then I reseal the box and sell as SiB

>> No.729271
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>> No.729356
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this guy...

>> No.729386

Good work OP.

>> No.729397

jokes on you i luv superman

>> No.729428

Looking at this box reminds me of the time I was at school one day when my mom decided to clean my room.
When I got home, I was fucking pissed. All my N64 games were sticker side down and my boxes were no longer in order. And to top it all off apparently something happened to the box so now it has a small crease down the side of it.....

>> No.729446

You're lucky. Most peoples' parents do MUCH worse stuff than that to their collections.

>> No.729467

I came home and all my vintage He-Man figures had been carted off to Goodwill.
I raised hell and we went back the next day to get them and a neckbeard collector had already snatched them up.

>> No.729479

She also threw away the cardboard inlay to my Virtual Boy. She thought it was a McDonald's cup holder.....
Holy shit, at least this makes me feel a little better. That's rough man...

>> No.729485

Actually great video. Maybe it was just the msuic but it really made me wish it was the late 90s again and I could be opening my copy of the game for the first time too.

>> No.729513
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I'm not so much upset at the opening as I am at the shitty bending of the box.
but why on earth would you do that.

>> No.729534
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>mfw my dad threw out all my videogame boxes one day

>> No.729558

>Sealed Majora's Mask

You should have burned it, OP. A world with one less functioning copy of that game is a better world.

>> No.729580

eh i dont see how destroying a copy of one of the greatest games of the era, let alone the system, would help.

>> No.729572

Because boxes are disposable packaging

>> No.729590

Me too.
You know I NOT ONCE opened an N64 on the right end though?

>> No.729598

My step-mom made me burn my copy of Starfox 64 and bury it in my backyard while I was crying the whole time.

>> No.729620


may I ask, why?

>> No.729852

why the fuck

>> No.729896


You should have made the same to her

>> No.729898

Alright. Done of /vr/

It was fun while it lasted (Not very long)

>> No.732503

This. Games are meant to be played you fucking idiots. You guys have just proven you're just as bad as those pseudo-hipsters who drove the Earthbound price up to 200

>> No.732510

I, too, did an unboxing of Majora's Mask.

>> No.732514


You're an idiot. Plain and Simple.

Buy a cheap copy of Majora's Mask in loose form off eBay and keep the boxed copy in its box.

>> No.732516

>Having two of the same game
Yeah, like I said, fuck yourself

>> No.732519
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Oh look, it's fake. You resealed the box and put in a plastic sandwich bag. N64 games didn't have a plastic bag around them. Good trolling though.

>> No.732575


But that's retarded. Why would you need two copies?

>> No.732587

Why do you need either?

Just emulate.


>> No.732604

That's all perspective, anon.

If you don't give a shit about collecting; it is not idiocy.

>> No.732612

If you didn't give a shit about collecting then you wouldn't have a sealed copy of the game +10 years after release.

>> No.732619

Look at those loose borders it seems resealed honestly.

>> No.732647


Cartridge games will survive for another 100 years at best, CD games will not survive beyond another 50 years thanks to disk rot

>> No.732675

Yeah, in all honesty thank god for emulation, if only because no matter how well we take care of these games they won't last forever.

>> No.732707
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Can any of you tell if this is factory sealed or resealed?

>> No.732709


Didn't GBC games have a sorta cellophane wrapper with a Nintendo logo opening strip around them? Or did that come later?

>> No.732710

Need a picture of the back.

>> No.732715
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>tfw 90% of my ps1 games doesnt work thanks to my brother
>and all cases are gone too, including my ps2 games

>> No.732735

I don't have a photo of the back, and I keep it at my mom's house and not my apartment so it doesn't get stolen. I'll come back and ask again after I get a better picture.

>> No.732745

my mom threw all of my boxes and manuals away while I was gone one weekend.
my 12 year old brain couldn't take it
>oh sweetie you don't need those boxes. You still have all of the games!
Now my vidya collection is only worth 20% tops what it could be worth.

>> No.732753

>tfw ex gf threw all my cases away because they were a ''waste of space''
>ftw she opened a pokemon red game because she wanted to surprise me with her being retro

>> No.732759


Is that the reason she is now your ex?

That totally sucks, though. I don't bother with collecting cases or factory sealed stuff, but I feel your pain.

>> No.732769

actually she dumped me to whore around at her new dorm
Yeah it was still sealed and I got home with her playing game boy and the opened box lying next to her.
She only played the game for 2 hours and got bored afterwards

>> No.732791

what the fuck is that

>> No.734162
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Are there any videos of people unboxing actual VGA-graded games like pic related? It would be really interesting to see the rage and butthurt in the comments. I don't really know what to search for on YouTube though, or if any videos like that actually exist.

>> No.734168

jesus christ what a fucking bitch.

>> No.734272

>open vga graded games.
Not possible.

>> No.734280

I don't see why it wouldn't be.

>> No.734291

Anything graded is basically sealed in that casing that is impossible to open. Even if you tried, the item inside would probably already be destroyed or inoperable. That stuff is supposed to be able to last for like hundreds of years.

>> No.734292

why not? Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I've never actually held a VGA graded game, nor do I really know THAT much about how they're preserved.

>> No.734296

Games are mean to be played, don't be upset that some plastic and cardboard was discarded.

>> No.734303


Definitely be upset about some bitch not respecting your property.

I don't care much about boxes, but they're more preferable to a big stack of loose carts.

>> No.734618


Why in God's name would they design something to be preserved yet unopenable? How are the "future generations" supposed to play it if it's unopenable? I think I've just gotten an aneuyrsm thinking about it

>> No.734672

Well, you have to pay to get it sealed, and then if your going to sell it, or keep it on display, you probably wouldn't want anyone to replace it or damage it. Too bad that once you do get something vga graded it is unplayable and I think that it becomes so undesirable that these people price it so high only idiots would buy it.

>> No.734685

Are you guys saying the VGA casing isn't hollow? They literally encase the game inside? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard

>> No.734697

Yep, whatever you send in basically becomes nothing more than a pretty box / cartridge.

>> No.734730

Before I thought VGA was just a scam. Now I've found out they are actively RUINING good copies of games.

How the fuck? Can we stop this? I hate to pull the personal army card but christ man, something must be done! They're putting Harvest Moon and Earthbound in these things!!!!

>> No.734740

because, in the future, we will have precision cutting laser beams that will be able to safely extract the game without causing it any harm

>> No.734749

yeah okay great, we should have like, a single copy of every game done like this.


In a vault at the library of congress.

beyond that we need to have precision cutting laser beams used to safely extract the balls of whatever sick motherfucker set up this operation

>> No.734754
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i don't really get collections of sealed games. collections of complete games absolutely, but idk about sealed.
The only reason I would buy a sealed game was to open it to see if there was that same feeling of 'OH MY GOD!" i got as a kid opening it.
>you will never unwrap and open Pokemon Red for the first time on christmas morning again

and do people not realize, as with every other collector item, the whole point of doing this VGA stuff is to sell them to idiots who will pay, in games like EarthBound's case, over $1000 for a videogame? It's all about money.

>> No.734770

oh yeah gotta have that original printed cardboard bro. The box art totally isn't archived somewhere. Seriously fuck your stupid collector mentality. You collect comic books stamps baseball cards and coins because all you can do is fucking look at them. Games on the other hand NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT, fucking autistic fagget.

>> No.734778

> my games are worth less money
fagget, I'm glad she threw them out before you could sell them

>> No.734785

Dude you're flying way the fuck off the handle. You might as well tumble all the way down into OH YEAH GOTTA HAVE THAT ORIGINAL PLASTIC BRO. FUCK YOUR STUPID COLLECTOR MENTALITY JUST USE AN EMULATOR YOU AUTISTIC FAGGOT.

Seriously ratchet it back. I don't collect boxed games myself but plenty of people don't collect games at all and I'm not going to call someone a faggot just for having different interests than me. Jesus christ. you people.

>> No.734826

>Not ripping the box apart and throwing it away
>not writing your name on the cart label with sharpie

>> No.734839

peoples interests aren't in the games its in how much they are worth obviously by the posts on here. Open the box read the manual play the game keep the box in good shape. Collecting something that will lose its value completely is retarded. I buy games because I like to play them,a sealed copy of majoras mask doesnt last longer than a played one unless you are abusing it. This whole DURRR THAT GAEM COULD BE IN A MUSEUM is what causes me to fly off the handle, that is the most autistic bullshit I have ever heard.

>> No.734845


serious /v/ vibes spotted in this thread....(not meaning you though)

>> No.734859

there was a guy posting here that said when he was a kid he liked cracking the casing off his games, putting the raw PCB in the system, then running it

and then snipping componenets off the PCB one by one until the game stopped working entirely, seeing how much could be removed first

it was terrifying

>> No.734863

are you fucked? that is sacred cardboard and ink from nintendo happiness factories. I won't be able to ejaculate when I am trying to jerk off to the box art in 20 years because of the slight crease in links face.

>> No.734867
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You can open the game, but somehow it voids the grade. I think it may be sealed with one of those "void" stickers or something.

>> No.734875

dude shut the fuck up. You're being retarded.

>> No.734881

oh shut the fuck up /v/ doesnt even know what a physical copy of a video game would look like

>> No.734890
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>stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.734913

explain to me why you would like collecting games in pristine packaging to never open them? I honestly want an answer from someone who does this and "because I like it" doesn't cut it. I honestly view that shit in the same tier as guys who do anything to get pussy. Why do you put the games on a pedestal? What in your brain causes you to value something that much even my strongest hurrdurr nostalgia could never justify dropping money on shit I just want to have sit around.

>> No.734934


well because people want to have a copy of a game in a maximu pristine condition?

you could also ask: why do you buy an old as shit game for 100$ on Ebay when you can play PS3 or download the ROM?

it boils down to personal preferences and not some "malfunction in your brain".

it's funny how videogamers get all whiny when somewhat doesnt accept their games but don't have any problem to look down on others....

>> No.734947


knowing that there are people out there who are willing to shell out big time for sealed games also helps to remind you that you can put these games on Ebay if you need some money one day.

I dislike the whole VGA stuff though.

>> No.734949

fuck off to r9k with your retarded egotrip alpha-dog bullshit you laughable cretin. I don't want to attempt to explain anything to you, I'd rather you just stop breathing.

>> No.734950

It's called "collecting." It's the only reason to fucking buy hardware in the first place when emulators exist. If you just want to play the game, download a ROM.

>> No.734965

no because emulators aren't 100% accurate and I always feel so overwhelmed with the romsets and can never decide what to play. When i have to get up and go look at my games I really decide what I want to play and spend a good amount of time playing it. Also I am not buying USB adapters for every consoles controllers.

>> No.734972

I opened my copy of chrono trigger its still mint. I dont care how much it dropped in value its my game and it will always be my game.

>> No.734979


congratulations. that's your decisions then.

but don't start spewing around hatred for people who DONT open their copies.

>> No.734989

sorry dude I would turn to crime before selling anything I cared about. crime I would commit wouldnt hurt anyone though because I obey common law not fascist law. I do not care how much they are worth once something is mine I keep it, is the collector mentality all about the possibility of flipping it one day? or just comparing sizes?

>> No.735030

Nice fake seal, not even an H seal.

>> No.735037


Funny because I would have no problem hurting people to earn money if it meant not having to sell my collection. I guess you're just not a real collector like me.

>> No.735051

dude this one time I saw an old man about to burn a copy of Nintendo Power for warmth and I kicked him over into the snow to save it

the corner was creased though so I didn't get enough money when I sold it to chinese resellers

>> No.735061


You should have gone back to the old man and lectured him on the value of garbage when there is video game material printed on it. Then you should have kicked him for creasing your valuable garbage.

>> No.735071

I'd bet that I can open it with a hammer.

>> No.735085


But you might crease the carboard rendering the game inside unplayable! You monster!

>> No.735082

he was dying of hypothermia anyway, that would've been time wasted

time that I could put towards turning out orphans on the street corner to help pay for my CIB copies of Harvest Moon that I keep in a locked room in the dark to make sure nobody can even look at them because the light might cause fading

>> No.735091

>copies of Harvest Moon that I keep in a locked room in the dark

Pssh you mean you don't banish your game collection to The Void to keep it in as pristine shape as possible?

>> No.735092
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I just realized anyone who originally played this would have either had to:

A. Bought Donkey Kong 64
B. Bought a standalone expansion pak

>> No.735127

someday I'm going to use all my evil game-collector gold from reselling at jacked up prices to house my collection entirely in the cold vacuum of space in an orbit that places the earth continually between it and the sun

>> No.735137


Dude. Whoa. Your copy of Earthbound will be worth like a thousand dollars.

>> No.735157

You DO know that once the sun expands into a red giant your collection is toast, right?
Better to send it out into deep space, like one of the Voyager probes. Encode a few golden records with simplistic graphic instructions on how to decode the data, and create a working emulation system from scratch for other intelligent life to discover.

>> No.735170

>2015: After locking himself in his room for a year byuu emerges to announce his plan to send the only properly purified fullset of SNES roms and the latest version of higan into the interstellar medium

>> No.735180
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>no because emulators aren't 100% accurate and I always feel so overwhelmed with the romsets and can never decide what to play. When i have to get up and go look at my games I really decide what I want to play and spend a good amount of time playing it. Also I am not buying USB adapters for every consoles controllers.
Alright, I'm not even bothering with this shit if you're not going to put any effort into it.

>> No.735215

genesis emulation sucks fagget.

>> No.735535

edges bro, edges...

>> No.735538


>simplistic graphic instructions on how to decode the data

that's something of a contradiction in terms isn't it

>> No.735669

>posted 3 years ago
good try OP

>> No.736358
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It only took 118 replies!

>> No.737354

wow. this whole thread was pointless.

>> No.737379

yup, it made me angry for years

>> No.739348


>big fuck you to collectors

That's the intention, m8. I buy sealed games for hundreds of dollars for the sole reason of opening it and playing it.

Nice to meet you.

>> No.739363

I bought a standalone expansion pack