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File: 1.56 MB, 1024x768, state of the art high fidelity cgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7335975 No.7335975 [Reply] [Original]

Killing demons for shiny trinkets since 1997.

Useful information: https://pastebin.com/7EaAeCeW

Previous thread >>7279470

>> No.7336149
File: 2.15 MB, 800x600, fast bear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bow and crossbow changes are in now.

>> No.7336592

anybody have experience with bugging duriel playing solo?

>> No.7337208

Redpill me on mods, I've never used any besides plug.

>> No.7337226

Median XL is king for total conversion. Sigma is the latest iteration but the original 2012 v005 version is great too (many prefer it), and even the post-v005, pre-Sigma Ultimative is great. Besides that there are a number of total conversions with new stories/maps/dungeons/enemies/bosses/ubers/etc. I see Eastern Sun mentioned but Im playing Le Royaume des Ombres and loving it. Also intrigued by Reign of Shadow and Valhalla. Theres more but that should keep you busy. Also use D2SE for mods and a version of Diablo II with a 1.13c install. D2SE doesnt work with anything 1.14 for mods.

>> No.7337716

Are you developing a mod?

>> No.7338035

So, how do you feel about this, anon?


>> No.7338108
File: 170 KB, 951x1167, nuBlizzard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted about it in the last thread. seems fine. Classic games team was dismantled after WC3:Reforged, and VV has been working on D2 remaster without Blizzard for months now.
they have a solid past of ports and remasters, I don't expect them to screw up D2.


>> No.7338257

Will it be a remastered or a remake?

If they replace the armor class with an appropriate defensive value I'd be happy.

>> No.7339167
File: 408 KB, 801x600, deeblo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the the best Diablo II version? For how long this game has lasted, I am amazed at how wonky classes like the barbarian, bowazon, and 90% of the skills are. I would have though they would have been totally overhauled by now.

>> No.7339175

1.13c was the final balance patch.

>> No.7339207
File: 1.91 MB, 800x600, wonky multi-telekinesis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'm doing the editing and another anon is doing the conceptualization.

>> No.7339223
File: 131 KB, 502x646, 1600957242959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bh maphack loot filter doesn't work with 1.14d

>> No.7339398

Alright. The dagger, javelin and mace changes are up next:


>> No.7339798

watch MrLlamaSC speedrunning tutorials. you won't need maphack anymore.

>> No.7339827

was gonna buy 2 on battle.net i think for like $10
it has the DLC expansion
Is this a bad port or something? Whats the best way to play it?

>> No.7339846

There's no port (atleast not yet), there's only the original version that works fine and vague rumours about a Diablo 2 remaster being in the works.

>> No.7340032

Is there a point to dual wielding as the Assassin or is it just for style? For melee builds, of course

>> No.7340116

I'm curious tell me more.
Are you going to fix the game where PD2 has failed?

Also, do you have a changelog?

>> No.7340237

The basic idea is to buff/fix bad skills, items and mechanics. No full detailed changelog yet, also 4chan thinks this post is spam for some reason.

>> No.7340273

These changes are in. I also forgot to mention that "Fires Ice Arrows" on Heartstopper would require extreme changes, which you may or may not want. Basically, I'd have to turn all bows/crossbows into throwing weapons, since only throwing weapons allow specific, different missiles released based on the item type (Fires Magic/Explosive Arrows are hardcoded stats, so I can't clone them). The result of doing this is that bows/crossbows would consume ammo from themselves instead of from quivers and we'd be able to arbitrarily choose what type of projectile each bow/crossbow releases.

>> No.7340308

>The basic idea is to buff/fix bad skills, items and mechanics
This is the right spirit, keep us updated.

>> No.7340335

That's off the table then, didn't expect it to be hardcoded like that. Let's replace that with +4 to Ice Arrow oskill, it's almost the same thing.

>> No.7340339

I haven't played PD2, though I have watched a fair bit of gameplay for it. In your opinion, what would say its biggest failings were?

>> No.7340556

They've gone beyond balancing, some changes I appreciate, many are totally out of place and don't make sense, which is why I keep using PlugY. Each melee weapon has splash damage by default, while heavy armor slows movement speed, and without a defensive value that reduces physical damage it's stupid, and in fact nobody uses it. Many unique have been debuffed and Enigma now has teleport charges (3/3 recharges over time). It's a bad copy-and-paste of PoD, but only by playing will you realize how rotten it is.

>> No.7340563

heavy armor and shields slow your run speed in the regular game, but it's not really noticeable.

>> No.7340576

Now the change is evident for some strange reason, probably in Diablo it was buggy.

>> No.7340612

yeah 2 heavy items will put you at -25% frw roughly. pretty insignificant, especially when most people are running around in Enigma.
but this is why people always use the light armors (light plate, mage plate, archon plate, dusk shroud, breast plate) unless they're going for aesthetics.

>> No.7340651

In this I would have liked reduced damage on heavy armor, but if I remember correctly Blizzard North was planning to implement it, but due to the short time it was discarded.

>> No.7340657


The amount reduced is generally too low to be considered useful beyond very early game. Apparently Blizzard had intended this attribute to be standard on some Body Armors, but was later dropped.

>> No.7340768

I think the best there is, is a hidden flat damage reduction on some armors. you can see it in hero editor. don't know if it actually translates into the game though.
>damage reduced by x

>> No.7340829

Something to deffo look into, maybe even see if one can get it working again?

>> No.7340941

This is something I'd like to see, at least it makes sense to have a penalty in exchange for some protection.
Defense has never been an issue in Diablo

>> No.7341656

Elemental charge-up attacks are really slow unless you dual-wield claws

>> No.7342480

When will we get a doom guy mod for Diablo 2? Killing Diablo with the BFG seems reasonable.

>> No.7342507

I'd rather a D2 mod for Doom.

>> No.7343604

Replaying D2 makes me want to have a first-person version of the game...

>> No.7343614

So do you think we'll get Bam Margera in the remake of 2?

>> No.7343709


>> No.7343939
File: 75 KB, 553x1024, 1611608571151m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last wish loadout
Comfier, easier, but a hell of a lot more expensive
>the grief loadout
Higher damage, but less room for error
Is this more or less right for ubering with a paladin?

>> No.7344501

People actually use last wish? I thought it was just a meme and a duped high rune vaccuum.

>> No.7344551

I recently did a couple runs with a LW instead of the usual Grief and I must say that it seemed to take the ubers apart faster than usual, but I don't know the exact breakdowns. I'm sure someone has it all calculated somewhere.

>> No.7344838

last wish is best in slot. completely unnecessary though. just make sure you have enough crushing blow and get fade from treachery. try Black on a budget.

>> No.7344950

are there any Diablo memes?

>> No.7345106
File: 43 KB, 424x600, 1625345123432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you people have phones?

>> No.7345629

>Guardian Angel Templar Coat
>upgrades to Hellforge Plate

>> No.7346290

>the virgin exceptional nameless Zakarum smith
>the chad elite Hephasto

>> No.7346460

It's bullshit that monarchs are the lowest STR non-paladin shields that can have four sockets

>> No.7346496
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>> No.7346501
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>lly over

>> No.7346515
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>> No.7346536
File: 33 KB, 600x600, just (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 1 to 10, JUST how badly will Blizzard fuck up D2 ramesterd?

>> No.7346565

I doubt they will risk fucking it up like they did with Wc3, that was quite the shit show. Did they ever fix any of that stuff over time? I've been waiting a long to see if they would before buying it.

>> No.7346569

redpill really is just another way to say spoonfeed now

>> No.7346578

The unedited screencap is kino because the lighting and crowd are red, but the guy in a red shirt somehow stands out really clearly anyway.

>> No.7347291

Actually only aegis should have 4 sockets so that Spirit is at least a little bit balanced.

>> No.7347438

I find myself sort of agreeing, since as it stands, monarch is only worth anything at all because it's the lowest req shield that can get 4 sockets. add an even lower one, like Troll Next, for instance, and monarchs become yet another totally worthless item, as ward and aegis currently are.
You could also keep monarch and ward as max 4, while aegis could be given a max of 6 sockets, but with no applicable rune words, and it would still suddenly gain a unique value as the only shield that could have that many, despite its insanely high strength requirements. People would absolutely use it for crazy maxed out builds, though
this might undermine the value of the cool magic shield rolls like jmod monarchs though, so maybe only a max of 5 so it's not such a huge advantage over 4.
There's definitely some kind of tweaking to be done with the elite shields, since again, Aegis and Ward are totally worthless as it currently stands.

>> No.7347491

Nah. The last patch was in October. They fixed it so it doesn't crash every half a second and then bailed.

>> No.7347523

blizzard never touched it. it was being handled entirely by vicarious visions, who is now blizzard technically, making my first statement false.

>> No.7347531

wc3 was done by classic games team. that entire team was fired after that. that's why they ended support for sc2, that was also part of their responsibilities.

>> No.7347636

It is the original game, not a port

>> No.7347958

It took a while longer but I have the next batch of item changes mapped out:


As a side note, I assume "Cast When You Kill An Enemy" is hardcoded to only trigger off the stuff it does?

>> No.7348395

in hero editor you can add any skill to cast on kill. not sure if that answers your question.

>> No.7348513


>> No.7348525

To be fair, they had 3 remaster teams. Beenox and Toys for Bob still exist. Vicarious Visions will probably kick the shit out of anything Blizzard has done in the last decade.

>> No.7348540

>I don't expect them to screw up D2
that's like having faith Bluepoint won't fuck up a remaster

>> No.7348637

blizzard hasn't touched the d2 remaster. only a studio with a strong history of ports and remasters has been working on it.

>> No.7348914

I used to play Diablo 2 with a mod that allowed for modern display resolutions, is there anything like that for 1.13 or so that works? Iirc it only worked for 1.12 or some other old version.

>> No.7349720

>that's why they ended support for sc2
Wait what. I was just getting into the game again. Are you telling me that there will be no more balance patches? I will have to live with this shitty SkyToss meta? Fuck that.

>> No.7350248

The reverse engineered port just added widescreen recently.


>> No.7350286

there was a guy working on multires for other versions, he used to advertise his progress on the BH discord.

>> No.7350339
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, diablo widescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like.

>> No.7350897

I recall reading that increasing resolution in D2 is a lot more difficult than it sounds, because some stuff in the game like monster AI depends on resolution to work correctly.

>> No.7350931

This would be really hacky, but they could render the proper resolution for AI sake, and then re-render a higher resolution image, that isn't tied to AI or anything on top, but that would be a poor solution going forward and probably wouldn't even work all the way.

>> No.7350947

In high resolution you'd see packs of monsters just standing around doing nothing. It would look stupid and also allow you to just avoid packs. The game is designed so monsters aggro when they are just outside of the screen range.

>> No.7351396

isn't the resolution still the same in Starcraft since the remaster, just you can resize the window and stuff now without it becoming a blurry mess??

>> No.7351583

here's one for 1.13

>> No.7352372

>I don't expect them to screw up D2.
They'll find a way.
It's what they do now.

>> No.7352401

I just want a modern dungeon crawler that borrows from D1 instead of D2. Simple RPG mechanics, dark atmosphere, rare loot, emphasis on bottlenecking and carefully peeking around corners

>> No.7352424

Sounds like you should just play D1?

>> No.7352432

Try hellfire.

>> No.7352484

>When will we get a doom guy mod for Diablo 2? Killing Diablo with the BFG seems reasonable.
just reskin the barb in MXL literally uses doomguys weapons(in melee form) as its main skill trees

>> No.7352507

Blizzard hasn't made a good game in over a decade lol.

>> No.7352649

These changes are in.

>As a side note, I assume "Cast When You Kill An Enemy" is hardcoded to only trigger off the stuff it does?
Are you saying you want it to trigger off spells and not only weapon/poison kills? If so, I can make that happen.

>> No.7352754

>Are you saying you want it to trigger off spells and not only weapon/poison kills? If so, I can make that happen.
Yeah, if it's an easy change to make it trigger off spells too like "mana after each kill" that might be interesting.

Currently going through swords, not many unique items left now. I think we should do runeword changes after uniques, I'll need some more time to think about what method of buffing sets would be the best.

>> No.7354392

It is easy, so I'll put it in. Just a matter of changing an even function from 20 to 30.

>> No.7354889

I'd like a new game that takes more inspiration from the slower pace and athmosphere of Diablo 1, but with a lot more RPG and gameplay mechanics.

>> No.7355327

>original release with patches
>GoG rerelease
>DevilutionX source port

Which is the best way to play D1?

>> No.7355365

DevilutionX. Hands down. GoG if you want to play with your normie friends.

>> No.7356638

I've made raise skeleton into an aura, which kind of works but I have to be really close. The main issue is that it deducts 10 health every time it actually triggers, it doesn't seem to respect any of the mana-cost fields and no matter what I change it's always -10 health. Any idea why that'd be?

>> No.7356798

That's really wierd, I don't remember raise skeleton costing health in the unmodded game so maybe it's pulling the health cost from some hardcoded value that's normally unused.

>> No.7356817

something to do with blood golem code?

>> No.7356892

I've tried it with clay golem and revive and the same thing happens, I even changed my max hp but still -10, so not percentual. It definitely has to do with making it an aura. I'll keep playing around with it, worst case scenario I can make another aura that pulses 10 hp to me at the same rate but I'll try to avoid that.

>> No.7356993

Could you post the skill's row in a pastebin? I might be able to figure it out. That sounds like an unusual and unique behavior that could be useful for other purposes as well.

>> No.7357048

I couldn't get word-wrap to turn off, hopefully you can just copy that into a new row within skills.txt. skeleton aura desc is just a direct copy of the Redemption desc to keep things clean, you can do the same and 0 out redemption in the skill tree or just edit that/any skill to add this.

You should find that with the aura on you kill an enemy, it'll only trigger if you're very close and you'll lose hp without your mana changing.

>> No.7357079

I don't know the first thing about modding D2, but reading this immediately made me think about it in WC3 world editor terms. Could you base the skill on Redemption aura? every time it 'redeems' a fallen enemy, it spawns a skeleton out of their corpse, while having a 0% healing value for the life and negative healing value for the mana to simulate casting cost?

>> No.7357103

That was actually my first thought, which is why I replaced Redemption with this new skill I've been testing(which started as a copy of redemption). The short answer is that it's hardcoded to work the way it does, I can remove the healing easily, and could even replace that with any kind of stat modification but summoning a pet requires a different function, I could edit diabloII.dll to jump to the summoning routine after redemption is called but thankfully making a summon skill(or any skill) into an aura is much easier, requiring only the aura flag to be set and an aura filter to determine who gets targeted.

If I can just sort out this hp issue and hopefully increase the range of corpse-finding this should work out well.

>> No.7357127

ah, I see. thanks for illuminating.

>> No.7357145

Paladins are hardcoded to lose life when using the srvdofunc of Raise Skeleton/Raise Skeletal Mage/Revive, likely a behavior carried over from the earliest versions of Diablo 2 when they planned on having a shared skill system.
Look for "If you want to disable the cost of life for Paladin you will need to change this", it is an easy code edit.

>> No.7357161

Oh, that's so specific. I didn't think to check for function threads. Thanks a lot, I'll make the necessary edits.

>> No.7357209

That's a pretty neat flavor mechanic, got me thinking if it would be interesting if a unique paladin shield basically changed the player's class into an undead-raising black knight.

>> No.7357217

>Paladins are hardcoded to lose life when using the srvdofunc of Raise Skeleton/Raise Skeletal Mage/Reviv
god damn that is flavorful as fuck its the little things like this that make D2 kino does it do the same if the necro uses holy skills?

>> No.7357223

>if a unique paladin shield basically changed the player's class into an undead-raising black knight.
MXL does this its a lv 120 super super rare item

>> No.7357303

I have a necro using holy shock with no differences, holy bolt would be the real test, I'll make a note to try it out later.

>> No.7358601

As far as I know, most other skills behave the same between characters. Excluding special cases involving animations, like Weapon Block, Dodge, Avoid and Holy Shield.

>> No.7358710

Does the game just crash if you give a character an ability that they don't have animations for, like weapon block to a barb, ww to non-barb/sin or dodge to non-zons?

>> No.7358748

>Holy Shield
>weapon block
Hardcoded to work with claws, does nothing with other characters.
Works for all since these skills use generic animations (WW just spams attack animations, and charge uses the run animation followed by the attack animation).
>Leap/Leap Attack
Using the vanilla animation, it depends on the character (the assassin for example does somersaults with it, other characters just glitch out). Changing the animation to a generic animation makes it work for everyone.

>> No.7358953

>bought a 6900xt and a 5800x
>still came back to playing D2

I just don't know guys. Literally can't beat D2.

>> No.7359052

What kind of build is best for solo singleplayer play? I don't want anything that requires me to do boring loot runs. I had a fishymancer that reached Hell and it was a breeze, but the sheer monotony of a summoner made me quit.

>> No.7359062

Tornado druid, bhammerdin and bonermancer are the obvious choices.
>immunities are a non-issue
>ridiculous health/blocking/debuffs, respectively
>good clear speed

>> No.7359117

Meteorb sorceress and lightning trap+dtalon assassin are also decent choices because they do two different damage types, but they do need to use different skills against immunes.

>> No.7359229

well obviously hammerdin and trap sin are very easy as the others pointed out.
I would also add charged strike/lightning fury amazon. just buy a wand with lower resist charges for your swap and you're good to go. no grinding required beyond maybe getting the runes for stealth from the countess in act 1 of normal.
You can basically buy everything else you need from the merchants as well along the way.
>faster run/walk boots
>IAS gloves
>IAS or replenish quantity javs
>3 socket shield for ancients' pledge
>2 socket armor for stealth
>2-3 socket helm for either lore or resistance runes
pretty bare bone setup yet completely viable.

>> No.7359416

>assassin does somersaults
What! I wanna see.

>> No.7359474

>bone necro
>good for PvM
Am I being memed on?

>> No.7359483

is it like when you use frostwind and try to use arctic blast? You'd think the assassin would use a continuous casting animation like for blade fury, but no, she does a martial arts movement and goes into a raised leg kick freeze frame for as long as you cast arctic blast. it's very silly looking. I wonder if leap is similar.

>> No.7359539
File: 2.78 MB, 800x600, assassin animations.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is with a comparison to Arctic Blast's animation sequence. Also a laying sequence, although the sequence doesn't seem to have an activation frame so it doesn't do anything. There are a handful of other sequences that you don't get to see in the normal game either, like running Act 5 Minions and the Paladin's flaming swords.

That's a different animation, although it does look pretty similar.

>> No.7359597

holy shit that's amazing. I never knew about this. I wonder if they were ever planning on making another runeword like chaos that would give them to the assassin? it's so good yet at the same time definitely not fully polished.

>> No.7360131

That's really cool. The janky arctic blast animation somehow looks like a Mortal Kombat move from the old games lmao

>> No.7360241

>antigravity arctic queefs

>> No.7360298

Lmao that's so goofy looking. Thanks for sharing anon

>> No.7360475

I've never played Diablo before and I'm looking for advice.
I own retail boxed copies of Diablo 1 (big box) and 2 (battle chest)
Any tips for playing on modern systems?

>> No.7360496

UwU cute
myfuckingsides I was about to post literally the same thing

>> No.7360571

It really depends on the kinds of things that bug you. Some people require things like lootfilters to feel comfortable, others refuse to play unless they can map hotkeys to their mouse. I'd recommend just trying the game and when you encounter something that bugs you either google it or ask here and there's assuredly some kind of fix or tweak.

As for starting with 1 or 2, that again is down to what kind of tolerance you have. I personally love D2 and believe it's aged well but don't care much for 1.

>> No.7360583

I personally haven't tried it, but using DevilutionX to run Diablo 1 apparently works. Diablo 2 should just work when patched to the latest version. I'd say start with Diablo 1, but if you really don't like it move on to 2 and try 1 again later.

>> No.7360609

Alright, I'll give it a spin in a bit.

>> No.7360619

Oh, and thank You.

>> No.7360748

will the flip animations still play wearing full gear, or does it only work on the naked model?

>> No.7360790
File: 521 KB, 800x600, with a spear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's hard to tell due to the quality of the webm, but the assassin was wearing a dark red cap and dark red quilted armor. It also works with weapons.

>> No.7360876

wow that's neat. so there are actually fully animated sprites/models for the flipping action with every gear combination. that's wild.
I imagine something like a full Sigon's assassin flipping through the air would look like a sentai character.
>full 8 man party of assassins in gem'd out gear performing synchronized flipping
you could make your own power rangers team.

>> No.7360997

Alright, this should be the last of the unique item changes. I don't know if the meme paladin shield will be workable, but if it's not that's fine.


>> No.7361121

Do you have any idea how to reference the number of minions you have out? The variable must exist because it's checked against petmax when using a skill. I know I can make a new stat called minion_amount, and I can increment it with a state that's applied from my minion aura but my issue is the next minion summoned will just overwrite/ignore that state and thus minion_amount will never exceed 1.

>> No.7361329

Anyone on US East with a hardcore character have a Cathan's ring or amulet they'd be willing to sell?

>> No.7361338

>you could make your own power rangers team.
kek get to it webm modderfag better yet add in the 90's theme song to team 6 rushing baal while flipping like narutards

>> No.7362251

There is one for 1.13c i found in 2015, it's since been deleted, try googling it

>> No.7362692

>forgot to bug hell and Ariel
God fucking damn it.

>> No.7362702


>> No.7362756

just use hero editor faggot
>I'm playing on bnet
inb4 ohshitniggerwhatareyoudoing.png

>> No.7362949

runewords just aren't a great mechanic. or at least not in the form they take in d2

there I said it

>> No.7363610

They're kind of just unbalanced. Many cheap ones are useless, some runewords aren't worth the price, some runewords like Spirit and Insight are insane value for bottom of the barrel runes, and the expensive ones worth the price are both insanely OP and also borderline impossible to assemble without cheating or trading.

>> No.7363729

looks like the same animation, just she's turned 90 degrees.

>> No.7363735

attach the D2 cdkeys to your battle.net account
download the installers
run as admin and download the patch by trying to connect to battle.net in the game
if you want to play single player then download PlugY

>> No.7363747

original runewords: kino
second batch of runewords: op
last batch of runewords: lol

>> No.7363838

The balance is all over the place. Some of it is fine, some of it is very much not fine.
>arguably worse than using nothing
Pride (Concentration interruption bug)
>fulfills a niche function without being overpowered relative to its cost
Malice, Bramble, Chaos, Passion, Ice, Lawbringer
>fulfills a niche function while also being very powerful relative to non-runewords
Beast, Dragon, Dream
>balanced versus items with similar purposes
Wealth (it's the best gold find, but not the best magic find)
>a budget version of a better item
Nadir, Splendor
>at least somewhat expensive costs relative to benefits, extremely underwhelming
Fury, Silence, Venom, Wind, Voice of Reason, Wrath
>high costs relative to benefits, somewhat underwhelming in comparison to similar tier equipment
Radiance, Eternity, Rift, Principle, Rain
>reasonable cost relative to benefits, benefits comparable to similarly leveled equipment
Black, Honor, King's Grace, Lore, Melody, Memory, Strength, Steel, Zephyr, Delirium, Gloom, Prudence, Stone, Bone, Enlightenment, Myth, Peace, Lionheart
>low cost relative to benefits, benefits exceed what should be possible at this level
Ancient's Pledge, Rhyme, Smoke
>negligible cost relative to benefits, benefits far exceed what should be possible at this level
Holy Thunder, Leaf, Stealth, Duress, Crescent Moon, Edge, Harmony, Insight, Obedience, Spirit (weapon)
>negligible cost relative to benefits, benefits far exceed what should ever be possible
White, Spirit (shield), Treachery
>at least somewhat expensive and comparable to peak non-runeword items
Famine, Hand of Justice, Kingslayer, Brand, Death, Destruction, Sanctuary, Oath, Phoenix (Weapon)
>expensive but also absurdly overpowered relative to non-runewords
Breath of the Dying, Call to Arms, Chains of Honor, Doom, Enigma, Exile, Heart of the Oak, Faith, Fortitude, Grief, Infinity, Last Wish, Phoenix (Shield)

>> No.7363914

Bone, Rain and Principle are pretty questionable because of the cost, Myth has meme-tier stats.

>> No.7363992

Ladder-only runewords were a mistake.

>> No.7364017

The logic I used for that list was how balanced the item would be if it was the only runeword in the entire game. So based on that:
Decent benefits, decent cost. I'd consider using it over any non-runewords as a summoner, and even as a poison/bonermancer if I didn't have a Viper Magi yet.
Really cheap, this would be a great budget piece for criers if Stealth didn't exist.
The skill and life benefits are kind of nice, I'd consider using it on a Freezer/Shockerdin if Treachery didn't exist (and assuming I lucked into a Gul).
Again, if Stealth didn't exist and if I didn't find a Viper Magi and I had a Mal, I'd consider using it. It is pretty bad though, the only build it "excels" with is a summondruid which is a complete meme.

>> No.7364032

what is she shooting arctic wind out her cunny???

>> No.7364368

I'm trying to follow a guide on .dll editing and they all reference D2Game.dll which I don't have. Is this because I have plugY installed(which adds plugy.dll) or is it because every guide is at least 10 years old?

>> No.7364385

It seems that in version 1.14 they just compiled every main .dll into game.exe. That makes things more complicated.

>> No.7364435

Just have an army of underpaid Chinese devs disassemble the compiled binary into uncompiled source. It's perfectly possible and has been done, albeit it's a years-long undertaking with binaries this large. Insane but possible.

>> No.7364441

"Now bear my arctic blast."
- 10/fabulous

>> No.7364852
File: 1.69 MB, 800x600, barely fixed cyclone armor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cyclone Armor doesn't show how damaged it is like bone armor because Blizzard fucked up the updater
>the only way to get it to update its life value without absorbing physical damage like bone armor is to make it update on kill
I guess it's better than nothing at least

These are almost all in now. The only issue is ctc Blade Shield which doesn't work, but I should be able to find a spaghetti workaround ala Thunderstorm.

That might be possible, although it'd be difficult to implement. Could you explain exactly what you are trying to achieve? At the very least, I can tell you that it is possible to make the amount of stat increase with increasing minions by using saved stats (like how Prayer is able to add on hitpoints to your life instead of setting it to the defined value). Of course, there are many issues with using saved stats in that they are saved, although I should be able to come up with a solution for that depending on exactly what you are trying to do.

>> No.7365217

>Could you explain exactly what you are trying to achieve?
I was trying to make some skills that my necro could use that would get stronger the more skeletons I had out. I managed to do it, albeit in a gross way.

In my summon skill I passed 8 different auras to my pets, then in the aura_level field I polled my characters pet_quantity stat that I made, if quantity=x then set x_aura to level 1, else level 0. Then I had them all linked to different states, each buffing my characters pet_quantity by 1, when aura stops, so does the quantity buff. Gross indeed, but it works.

Honestly the hardest thing I've tried to do is just make an aura that periodically summons skeletons but it's riddled with issues. Kills from my minions, any in-direct spell I use and even moving or acting just after a corpse is made will make my aura ignore the corpse. The only way to actually convert a corpse into a skeleton with this aura is to do at least 1 melee hit and wait after it dies without interrupting myself. If you have any thoughts about a cleaner way to just constantly make pets I'd appreciate it.

>> No.7365330

I have autogoldpickup disabled in basemod, but my character still picks up gold when I walk over it. Anyone have a guess as to why?

>> No.7365432

>The only issue is ctc Blade Shield which doesn't work
I didn't expect that to be a problem, what about the Blade Sentinel proc, does that work?

I'm almost done going through the runewords, just need to figure out some buffs to Rain and Radiance.

>> No.7365583

make sure you edited the right ini file, saved it, and opened a new instance of your game after saving.

>> No.7365726

I did. I have plugy and basemod. When I run diablo 2 without plugy, the autopickup is disabled (i have it disabled in the ini) but when I run plugy, auto goldpickup gets turned on despite that not being a feature of plugy

>> No.7365739

pastebin your ini's, the ones in your d2 game folder

>> No.7367485

Doesn't matter, bugged Duriel is way better. You DID bug your Duriel, right?

>> No.7367636

I've been trying to figure out a way to consistently do this solo. strangling gas potions don't seem good enough. any tips?

>> No.7368450

Runeword changes are ready to go in, I'll go into sets next.


>> No.7369427

Blade Sentinel is fine since it is a pet that isn't Raven. Blade Shield is broken since it is kind of like an aura, so it doesn't understand how often it should trigger given that you don't actually have the skill (auras, Thunderstorm, Armageddon and Hurricane have the same issue when converted into ctc).

I noticed a trend in that you removed properties if the total exceeded 7. Are you assuming that the limit is 7 because runes.txt only has 7 property columns? If so, that isn't actually the case, it is possible to add many more than that by creating multi-stat properties.

>cleaner way to just constantly make pets
Yes, but the solution is abomination-tier. It'll take me a while to write out the systems involved, it involves a lot of retarded, obscure tricks and if any of them aren't right then it breaks down. It also has a pretty substantial flaw in that it assumes there is only one player nearby, if there is more than one then either:
>I'll have to find a way to make it more specific, which is unlikely since there aren't many ways to filter for specific targets
>when a summoning attempt triggers, it may occasionally be consumed by a different nearby player instead of yourself (one trigger per activation)
>when a summoning attempt triggers, it will always trigger off every single player in the game (1-8 triggers per activation, scaling with number of players around)

>> No.7369484

>I noticed a trend in that you removed properties if the total exceeded 7. Are you assuming that the limit is 7 because runes.txt only has 7 property columns?
Yeah kind of, in hindsight avoiding it makes sense since Famine already has a multi-mod.

All those removals can be disregarded then, with revisions to a few:
>Death: Chain Lightning CTC level changed to (2.5*clvl) instead of removal
>Eternity: Regenerate Mana increased to 48% instead of removal
>Pride: Replenish Life increased to +24 instead of removal
>Radiance: Energy bonus isn't changed either

>> No.7369815

path of diablo?

>> No.7370215

Assuming it is even possible to do solo, then I'd recommend using a 10 second poison weapon, like Arioc's Needle, Viperfork, Blackbog's Sharp, Gargoyle's Bite or Guardian Naga.

>> No.7370573

What's the best place to hunt for a monarch shield?

>> No.7370585

I usually farm white items in cows.

>> No.7370732

I can't do hell cows yet, I'm being filtered by Act IV.

>> No.7370775

>Enigma: No changes
>Edge: Thorns level reduced to 9
why such a horrible nerf?
>Can also be made in claws
very very based should be done to more RW if possible
>Leaf: No changes
based beyond all recantation
>Heart of the Oak: Raven charges changed to "+5 To Raven (oskill)
neat dig all the +oskill buffs you've added death giving +10 golem mastery on a bard dual wielding with metalgrid is insanely OP and also hilarious even more so if you fixed it so you can carry golems over games

>> No.7370805

oh hey wait a second what happens if you're wearing full ik + dual death and cast iron golem on the maul will it get the insane dmg buffs

>> No.7371029

This game really wants me to play necro right now it seems.
Every second drop is some sort necro item. I've found 3 undead crowns, a couple trang-oul gloves and a shit ton of wands.

>> No.7371452

I'm on 1.14 with latest PlugY. Does anyone know why all of a sudden using the -txt switch make me unable to enter the game? After selecting my character I get the error:
>Unable to enter game, bad inventory data.
Then it puts me back to the main screen.

I can use -direct, but once .bin files are made then it recognizes those as bad. I can even drag in a single .bin file then only use -direct and it'll error. So I assume the .bin even though it's compiled by the game is invalid somehow, what kind of change causes invalid .bin compilation?

>> No.7371608

>why such a horrible nerf?
The actual skills are buffed, Thorns and Spirit of Barbs level reductions on Bramble and Edge aren't nerfs but keeping the item's effects at the same level as before.

>> No.7373328

If you change itemstatcost.txt stat limits, then it'll break any saves with items that have different stat limits, which means even default files can cause a bad inventory data with a modded save.

>> No.7374101

The real classic is getting an insanely good rare amulet with +2 to the wrong classes skills. Or making blood gloves that would be ridiculous on amazon while not playing amazon.

>> No.7374161
File: 71 KB, 960x720, 1580042541612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farm mephisto all day yesterday
>a single yellow essence for my troubles

>> No.7374353

it's time to leave the skinner box, anon

>just one more run

>> No.7376032

>remove enigma from the game
>remove teleport from the game
there, the game is now balanced

>> No.7376390

>remove teleport from the game
>there, the game is now balanced
More like the sorceress in now unredeemable shit lmao

>> No.7376950

>tens of thousand points of AoE elemental damage per second
You tell 'em, my druid dude.

>> No.7377805

At least give me something like phasing.

>> No.7378204
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comfy square

>> No.7378284

Lel I've never seen that, D2 has seemingly endless wierd quirks.

>> No.7378523
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1612469769759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfy enough. Is the Wilderness free camping zone or do I have to book a spot somewhere?

>> No.7378539

based. this only happens in the black marsh, I think. only come across it once, but it was there.

>> No.7378551

I don't know why but I find these spots so fucking comfy. Sometimes I'll be playing and come across a little nook like this and just park my character there while I listen to the sound of the music and the water rippling by and nod off in my chair.

>> No.7379398

wait neat could you only access this with teleport

damn dude why did you kill mr bones he was probably scared and hiding maybe even his necro master accidentally lost him or worse asked him to stay and guard the area

>> No.7381301

Do Diablo maps even have that many ambient sound effects? I've never heard them over the music and sounds of monsters dying

>> No.7383059

I had to protect the bone bros from durga, you know how these mercs are. It was a mercy killing.

>> No.7383065

Yes. If you play without music you'll notice them.
>crackling from torches/the camp fire
>wind flow, changes depending on where you are
>birds chirping
>crows cawing
>water flowing
>water dripping
>screaming rogues
>bats flapping
>lava sounds
>arcane sanctuary whooshy magic sounds
I'm sure there are more that I don't remember.

>> No.7383075

Yes...and they are all generic samples directly taken from a stock sound library...like most other sounds in the game, minus many of the monster sounds which are original creations.

>> No.7384635

Okay, these are all in now. I also re-structured the level scaling ctc system a bit, but it should be easier to work with if any further changes are made to them.

>> No.7385985

>1 being not at all, and 10 being WC3:Refunded
I fear a 9 or 10. I have no more hope left in Blizzard. Not the same company it was. Nothing left save the name and the memory of the old games for them to keep milking the fandom (if there is still some fan trully oblivious)

>> No.7387658


>> No.7388304

Nice, is the ctc system chance something along the lines it's easier to change the skill's level per clvl?

Here's the first set item changes, also some final unique item stuff:

>> No.7388857

Finally beat hell for the first time, feels good bros.
Was playing a meteorb sorc.

>> No.7388889

Enjoy the feeling of finishing a journey, shame modern diablo clones can't deliver like that.

>> No.7389174

No, melee is still shit. You need to totally rework attack rating and base melee damage on items

>> No.7389205
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I was playing PlugY and finally beat Uber Diablo, he just popped up on CS, haven't even killed regular Diablo in hell with a summonmancer yet. From all chars I didn't expect to even last a minute against him, even forgot to take off the MF gear, it feels great.

>> No.7389208

Could have gotten a very basic idea for a assasin jump attack and left it in? Maybe one of the teleport kicks?

>> No.7390303
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Alright finally something

>> No.7391275

>Aldur's Rhythm: added "+125% Enhanced Damage", Adds Damage decreased to 15-24
>this changes it from 60-93 damage to 60-93 damage
I've spent the past 10 minutes trying to think of a reason for this change.
>can't be to make it so it is impossible to reach the +min damage cap of +63, since socketable stats do not count towards stat limits since they are separate items even when socketed
>does not significantly change the way the item scales since +dmg% on an item only applies to the weapon's base damage
>doesn't make it any easier to reach min>max for the doubled +min dmg bonus since it has the exact same min and max damage difference
Why? The only technical difference I can think of is that this means Aldur's does +0.75 max damage more than the old version, but this difference is so insignificant that it truncates out until more +dmg% is added.

>> No.7391436

It's not apparent from the item changes, but there's a mundane explanation. The mod has base item upgrade cube recipes for sets like uniques do, the %ED makes it upgrade more properly.

>> No.7391951

Did they change the mini uber portals from random to the order of 1) sands 2) furnace 3) den or am I just dumb?
Also someone help me make up my mind about whether or id this torch or try and get, i dunno, a vex a best for it.

>> No.7392005

>The mod has base item upgrade cube recipes for sets like uniques do
>up'd cow king's boots/armor + new stats (up'd sigons(for teh lelz))
this makes my peepee big for some reason the cow king set being usable now is really cool the armor will have 200+ def now the boots almost 100 and all the added magic find is nice the fire dmg should be 1.8-2.5 tho

srsly what were they thinking making a set that drops from only 1 dude in 1 map that is a pain to get to so shitty not just any dude too but his bullvine highness the cow king creating a set after him and it being so weak is heretica and on top of that only the hat is exceptional ANDDDDDD it doesn't polymorph you into a cow for teh lulz if you wear the full set

>> No.7392010

>those grievances
Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.7392040

I had trouble trading mal for a dkey the other day. Nothing is worth anything anymore unless a rich person decides it.

>> No.7392051

the cow king set pieces can drop from any cow.

>> No.7392087

by dude I meant cows

but didn't it only drop from the king for the first patch I swear I've never seen a set piece drop off a cow

>> No.7392134

Is there a way within cubemain.txt to create a rare item without extra mods? I only want the mods I specify to show up, but since I'm creating a rare item a few extra random ones gets tacked on each time.

>> No.7392169

Make a tmp/tempered item instead of rare if you want no properties to show up.

>> No.7392353

That worked perfectly, thank you. It even has a nicer shade of green for the item name.

>> No.7392480

Is that some kind of an unused feature in the game? I wonder what the devs originally planned on doing with that.

>> No.7392580

The idea was that you convert a magic item into a tempered item with no stats, and then get to cube runes with it to add bonuses and increased level requirement. There's only one of these recipes in the files:
>el rune + chipped amethyst + tempered weapon -> item with +30-50 ar, +2 level requirement
The idea was awkward since all the bonuses are only from tempering, which makes it either way too consistently powerful or way too weak/expensive. A lot of mods adapted the general idea, although instead of it only working with tempered items it works with everything (Mystic Orbs in MXL, D-Stoning in Eastern Sun, dolls/metals in Myth, gems/runes in E=mc2 and borrowing mods, and many others).

>> No.7392657

>tempered item
huh I have never known about this till now I thought MXL came up with this on its own kinda stupid it was disabled I mean in MXL its normally or was used to craft rez items in boots/gloves and since it tacked on +2 lv every orb its not like it was OP

balancing this would be easy peasy

>> No.7393969

What's the best Barbarian build you can make that uses dual (not throwing) axes?

>> No.7394006

Frenzy or Whirlwind, Frenzy is probably better.

>> No.7394618

another minimalistic single player mod you guys might be interested in.

>Map Reveal
>Display Monsters, Missiles, and Items (superior and above) on Automap
>/players X uncap (16-20 is reasonable, but very difficult)
>Improved experience scaling for /players X by typing: /xp
>Weather toggle (press insert key)
>Always in Direct 3D Mode
>Loading additional mpq via command line parameter: -mpq "filename.mpq"

the BH fork has some added features maybe?
>Always in Direct 3D Mode with Alt+Enter fullscreen toggle.
>Ladder Runewords and Unique Items in Single Player and TCP/IP
>Gently Improved Drop Rates with Respect to Single Player
>Gently Improved Rune Drop Rates with Respect to Single Player
>Map Reveal (more information now)
>Updated Item Tooltips and Item Level Display
>Repeatable Socket, Respec, and Imbue Quests
>Repeatable Cow Portal (even if you killed the Cow King)
>Disabled Weather

>> No.7394829
File: 566 KB, 800x600, Screenshot048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These changes are in.

>something along the lines it's easier to change the skill's level per clvl?
Pretty much. The process of turning a skill into a ctc-per-level involves a lot of autism to make work (this is why it never shows up in mods), so I tried to streamline it as much as possible and added redundancy so that changing one ctc-per-level doesn't explode all the other same skill ctc-per-levels (also to make the descriptions work semi-properly).

>> No.7394963

>10% chance to cast lv 70 skills
am I getting this correct? also the fug is poison bite since I'm sure another above +99 skill will crash the game

>> No.7395012

It scales off the player level, not item level. Meaning the effective levels (not real levels; the skills are always level 1) are, for a 99 character:
>Level 148 Lightning
>Level 99 Fire Ball
>Level 99 Glacial Spike
But skills can go up to absurd values, for another mod I worked on I had level 10000+ skills. It's just a matter of changing stat limits in itemstatcost.txt.

>poison bite
This is the actual poison bit damage before being adjusted by poison duration. This is required since poison damage/level doesn't have proper stat descriptions, so it has to describe only the damage without taking duration into account. It's really ugly. I chose not to describe it as "Poison Damage" since it would make even less sense when compared to the character screen (e.g. that value of +2703 poison bite is actually 792 poison damage over 3 seconds).

>> No.7395280

I actually really got into WW barb lately, it's big fun but you need very good equip to run it effectively. I guess you could use something like (dual) Oath in some elite eth weapon until you find something better but dual Griefs or some other big damage high end runewords are bread and butter.

>> No.7395458
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Finger's crossed for Nightwing's

>> No.7395460
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YES! Helms taken care of, 30 remain.

>> No.7395471

Nice drop, which of the rarest items are you still missing?

>> No.7395631

is that supposed to be some Super Mario easter egg ?

>> No.7396640

Nice, yeah I see the implementation being tricky.

Next changes are ready to go in:

I did pretty subpar job on the original/low-level sets before getting to the expansion sets, so I'll have to fix that stuff up some before I send it over.

>> No.7397936

Out of rarest Tyrael's, Astreon's, Mang Song, Fathom, Griswold's Redemption and Honor.

Rest Greyform, Lava Gout, Soul Drainer, Steelrend, Shadow Dancers, Stormshield, Spirit Ward, Death Cleaver, Ghostflame, Stone Crusher, Schaefer's, Cranium, Reaver, Stormspire, Steel Pillar, Bane Ash, Warpspear, Azurewrath, Frostwind, Grandpa, Wedding Band, Seraph, Poison Facet, Dragonscale.

>> No.7398218
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>weapon is 'indestructible'
>make an iron golem out of it
>it gets destroyed

>> No.7398324

>skill is called plague javelin
>doesn't spread plague

>> No.7398427

>skill is called rabies
>spreads like a plague instead of like rabies