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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 858 KB, 2880x1080, wipeout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7339724 No.7339724 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prefer to play PS1 games?

>> No.7339730

Right one one a 60 inch tv, every other answer in this thread is wrong

>> No.7339736


>> No.7339741

>he wants old games to look as clear as possible

>> No.7339747
File: 43 KB, 552x557, 1558620873556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants old games to look like shit, on purpose

>> No.7339857
File: 57 KB, 900x900, why_not_both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I increase the resolution and sometimes enable perspective correct texturing. But i have no texture filtering enabled or adaptive smoothing (which filters text and UI). It makes PSX games look like shit. They wasn't made with texture filtering in mind, and when you blur very low res textures you just end up with smeared dog shit. It makes things almost look as bad as N64 textures. Fucking eyesore.

Texture filtering has no nostalgia with PSX games either. Makes it feel like i'm playing a PC port or something.

Basically it's a careful balance between having it somewhat still look like a PSX game and having it look decent.

>> No.7339863
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 4A694830-6B63-47CC-BB1A-74F68F00C508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean soulful

>> No.7339869

High res but unfiltered textures

>> No.7339872
File: 26 KB, 220x173, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hipster tranny actually said the meme

>> No.7339878

>le different color text

>> No.7340121

Right but without texture filtering

>> No.7340224

I like to use the perspective correction on some games but filtered textures NEVER look good on any PS1 game. Never ever.

>> No.7340293

I hate that I always play them like the right side. If I played on a CRT I'd probably be more open to playing natively again.

Just kind of hard to not use options that are there, like if it was on PC too you're always turning your settings up to the max.

>> No.7340296

Left for Final Fantasy Tactics, Right for Wipeout'

>> No.7340426

You are a zoomer if you don't believe in the "soul" meme, whether it's the sentiment alone or the word. I say that as someone who uses the tools of emulators to make them look better.

>> No.7340751

anything but texture filtering

>> No.7340761


>> No.7340783

On my ps3

>> No.7340791

Original hardware on a CRT

>> No.7340897

has nothing to do with fidelity of the visual output
seethe harder tranny

>> No.7340908

see >>7340761

>> No.7340913


>> No.7340918

I'm pushing 40 and "soul" is easily the most empty, meaningless mittens-pinned-to-coat-sleeves retarded forced buzzword of the last 10 years

>> No.7340926

PS3 or emulator these days. My PS1 is shot from years of modding (taking the mod chip off just to play Dino crisis and then soldering it back on)

>> No.7340929

I never up the resolution. But I don't do stupid fucking filters either.

>> No.7340987

Playing at lower resolutions doesn't look as bad on older crt tvs and monitors because that is what these games were designed to be run on. It just looks like shit on your 4k led monitor.

>> No.7341156

>he wants old games to look as clear as possible

>> No.7341331

What game is that?
I've been looking for an old racing game. It wasn't on playstation, it was on pc, but it looks something like that.
I remember racing on f-zero or tube like tracks. One of the ships was something like golden eagle... or at least it was yellow and had wings.
I can't even remember if you can shoot. But it was a racing game.

No. I'm not thinking of red-out.

>> No.7341339

Oh, just learned it was Wipeout 2097.
Not sure if that's it still. I thought I remember there being pilot's pictures.
Also I might be making up insane memories now but I thought it looked more like the sonic 2 tunnels bonus level. Not fully 3D, I don't know how they'd do it with sprites but... yeah.

>> No.7341345

5th gen games look like complete garbage when upscales, especially the odd mishmash of the low res UI against awkwardly sharp game assets. Makes the overall look really clumsy and hodgepodge

When I emulate it's at native res with scanline shaders

>> No.7341367
File: 2 KB, 139x107, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell maybe it was one of the wipeouts and a memory from the mid 90's isn't doing me any justice.
God damn it. This was the last of "that one thing" you remember for me for videogames. The other 2 were Heretic for PC and Blades of Vengeance for Sega.
I'll keep looking in the series for a ship that looks like this though. Too bad there's not much of it on youtube.

>> No.7341389

I already said that I use the tools of emulators to make them look better, I was just talking about the concept of "soul".

I don't use the term but I understand the concept, and it's true. I know people always feel like this about new generation but you can see 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, had its own flavor and "soul", since then there isn't, and that's by design. Everything was made to be sleek and as palatable as possible, and minimalism is king.

>> No.7341390

Well I'm glad I checked out this thread.
Pretty fucking sure I was thinking of the Piranha or one of the myriad other ships with yellow.
Not entirely sure which one it is but it can't be past 3.
Good work, lads!

>> No.7341396

His example looks much better, just look down the track, you can actually see clearly, but on native it's all blurry. It also looks great on Musashi and MML.

>> No.7341445

Wip3out looks amazing upscaled as well.

>> No.7341803
File: 158 KB, 740x516, ugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer native-res, like the one on the left. Preferably on a CRT, or at least with some filtering to add some blur.

Wipeout looks okay on the right, but in many games, I think running at higher-than-native res can break the overall feeling/"soul" of the game. One big reason is, when running at 240p/480i, 2D assets (sprites/backgrounds) blend in a lot better with 3D assets. The "chunkiness" also gives the impression of more detail. When you've blown everything up to 4K with 8xAA 16xAF, it really makes the graphical shortcuts taken become apparent.

Just take a look at pic related, or try Mario Kart 64 at 4K. It ends up looking like SHIT because you are playing with blurry 64x64 sprites stretched out to ten times their size, on a 3D track that is so high-res you can clearly tell how low-poly it is.

>> No.7341968
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x1080, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (USA) (En,Fr,Es)-201203-230246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7341973
File: 280 KB, 1440x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games with pre rendered background does not work well with resolution upscale on.

>> No.7341974
File: 805 KB, 2876x1048, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7341981

The right one has soul, the first one is nostalgiafagging mental retardation

>> No.7342018
File: 71 KB, 583x750, 13388-wipeout-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take the conditions and intentions surrounding the game into account.
Wipeout was released on PlayStation and MS-DOS. It was also developed by a British company.

Based on that I'm going to regard it as a game with roots that lie more on the PC side of things, and playing in RGB 640x480 or 800x600 isn't going to compromise the look and feel of the game. I could go ahead and play the MS-DOS port, but it's usually more convenient to use the PlayStation port in cases like that. I'd probably look up version differences and see what I'd be missing from each one.

>> No.7342037

Just noticed the OP game is Wipeout XL/2097 and not the original game. In that case I'd feel even better about upping the in-game resolution.

>> No.7342063

>fagging mental retardation

Projection, I think.

>> No.7342160

Usually on original hardware with a 240p 15KHz TV. However I find that running them in 640x480 on a 31KHz VGA monitor with texture filtering is a pretty cool look. Kind of like a theoretical PC port of the era.

>> No.7342404

Both games were released on PC, but neither has framerate caps, which is an issue since game logic is tied to framerate in them.

>> No.7342432

Render at high res for that sweet SSAA and then downscale to 240p.

>> No.7342459

>doesn't even know how green texting works

>> No.7342557

Honestly I agree. I thought the high res low poly models oddly contrasted with the background when I saw gameplay on YouTube. It wasn't until I played RE2 for the first time on original hardware and a crt when I realized it looks much better.

>> No.7342595

Jarpig and scotformer are way more retarded when it comes to forced buzzwords

>> No.7342635
File: 141 KB, 717x880, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7342790

1x(native) with CRT Royale and proper interlacing simulation.

>> No.7342798

it looks perfect on the left

>> No.7342809

native or 2x with blinear.
Allies to n64 aswell.
Dont care about crt filters

>> No.7342918

>pushing 40
>still fucking around with and debating video games for children

we all know who the souless one is here...

>> No.7342957

What is supposed to happen when you're pushing 40? Will I suddenly lose any interest in my hobby and only care for grown-up things like having babies and such?

>> No.7343380
File: 123 KB, 710x900, low_IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based on that I'm going to make retarded assumptions even though i clearly don't know wtf i'm talking about

Just stop, this is embarrassing. Wipeouts roots lie with the PSX.

There's also Saturn ports of both Wipeout and 2097. Wipeout on Saturn is far better than the DOS version but not quite as good as the PSX version because of a slightly lower frame rate and some noticeable input latency. 2097 on Saturn is a more noticeable step down but still an OK port.

The Wipeout DOS port is notoriously bad. A massive step down over PSX. There's no 800x600 res or anything close. Because of DOS it's limited to a very small colour palette of just 256 colours (same as a SNES game). It entirely lacks any track lighting/shadows, and some of the texture's don't even have colour. Infact some textures are completely missing, including on the menu screens. The 2097 PC port was released quite some time after the PSX version, but it was a decent port this time and isn't DOS based anymore.

>> No.7344176

retroarch with pgxp/Freesync/run-ahead/negcon support

>> No.7344203

the crtranny still living in his shitty fantasyland where creators prefer their games to look shit just because

>> No.7344912

Not quite right looking but the reason that it still works better is because the res matches the BG with the character models, where as the up resolution makes shit stick out like a sore thumb
you're a moron

>> No.7344935

You're supposed to lie awake in the early AM, staring at the ceiling and thinking of all the opportunities you let pass you by.

I mean, not that *I* would know...

>> No.7344975

On emulator with ps1 mini controller and good filter on a small screen. The right amount of convenience and authenticity

>> No.7345594
File: 2.00 MB, 2016x1512, One_keeps_the_kids_the_other_pays_alimony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to play R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 on the Dreamcast. The preview images of that in magazines looked so good. It is a shame Sony sued Bleem to oblivion.

>> No.7345602

>They wasn't made with texture filtering in mind
They weren't made with the increased resolution in mind either.
This argument, which is valid, only applies if you keep everything completely stock, which you don't.