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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7339242 No.7339242 [Reply] [Original]

I am 32-years-old and I am 30 hours on FFIV after ~37 days. Is this what it feels like to grow old?

>> No.7339339
File: 211 KB, 1090x1021, 1603445117854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I have been playing Phantasy Star 2 on and off for about a year now. According to the guide I'm about a 1/3 of the way done.

t. 33yr old boomer

>> No.7339352
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36, I was 200 hours into Oblivion (not retro) before being cursed.
Now I'm back to playing Civ 2
When I was young I used to look forward to the future thinking we would have amazing tech, but it's just morons with glass handslabs and buying into VR that I watched fail in the 90s

>> No.7339508

This picture is strange

>> No.7339515

what's strange about it, manchildren don't know how to interact with women so when somebody hires a stripper/hooker for a party, they pay her to play smash

>> No.7339694

VR is a impressive tech now, not even close to the virtual boy. I suggest you to try it.

>> No.7339710
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I wasn't talking about the virtualboy, I meant the virtuality machines in the arcades, they cost 5 quid a go and always smelt like sick, for a good reason

>> No.7339848

Fuck off, wojak poster.

>> No.7339874

RIP dude, that must have been a kick in the nuts

>> No.7339898

It's called "having a life".

>> No.7339969

absolute manlet

>> No.7339974
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They never learn.

>> No.7339985

>went from turbo manlet to just manlet
what's the point

>> No.7339986

I only ever got to play this at a sales convention. I think I made it ~45 seconds into the first level before my father refused to pay for another round.

>> No.7340002


Yes, soon you'll stop caring about games and you just stop playing.
"I-I'll come back to it in a couple days" you'll tell yourself.

And slowly but surely you'll start doing this with every game, nothing will ever really hold your interest anymore.. you'll keep buying them in hopes that you'll find one that will give you that feel of when you were in yiur teens. But it never happens.
Yet you'll keep pretending that its just a temporary thing, a small gaming depression that will go away when "comes out".


>> No.7340013

ours were in the trocadero centre in london, massive arcade, got renamed to pepsiland and segaworld a few times, gone now

>> No.7340023
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>> No.7340051

What the hell are you talking about? I swear some people on here would look at home in secure units.

>> No.7340119

29 here and I've been feeling that happen lately.
Zoom zoom

>> No.7340173

you sound depressed. I'm 35, work full time, have a house, and a lot of games still rule to me. Stop projecting.

>> No.7340193

just stop, man. I try to play mmo's sometimes too and you just can't.

>> No.7340202

>Play Shogun TW as a teen
>Waltz through the map without any issue
>Reinstall it last month
>AI has a field day with me
And I wasn't particularly smart or bright teenager, so I guess I'm too old to play the game properly now, overthinking it probably like an average dad type

>> No.7340210

Not quite true. I would like to think as we get older our tastes tend to evolve so that we're just pickier. I can't mention them as they aren't retro but there have been plenty of games that have given me the feels the last few years. ~40 years old fwiw.

>> No.7340212

if no games interest you there's nothing wrong with admitting you've finally grown out of them, there are plenty of boomer hobbies you could be doing instead. If NOTHING interests you though, that's not aging it's just depression.

I play way less now than I did when I was a kid but it's just because when you get to your 30s, you have way less free time between social, family, and work obligations. On a good day I might have 30 minutes to an hour or so of free time, and I'll happily spend it on video games

>> No.7340230

>here are plenty of boomer hobbies you could be doing instead.
reallistically though he will just sperg about petty shit online 24/7.

>> No.7340232

I don't remember how many hours I am into it all I know is my last save is when I found some dude who got lost in the snow and then I never touched it again.
just play other shit anon. I used to enjoy things like rpgs, metroidvanias and zeldas as a teenager because I had all the time in the world but after I grew old stuff that needs lots of exploring, backtracking, talking, mazes, yea, miss me with this crap

>> No.7340240

the ultimate boomer hobby

>> No.7340245

it's past your bedtime baby boy

>> No.7340252

just self actualize bruh

>> No.7340265


I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, anon. If games don't interest you anymore though, there's tons of things you can do otherwise.

>> No.7340282
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Stop talking like a nigger. Get some self respect.

>> No.7340313

This is what it's like being a 32yo zoomer. People just a few years older than you enjoyed this game as a kid.

>> No.7340321

is this gonna be your new and only hobby? being an angry boomer online bruh?

>> No.7340326

I actually am really enjoying FFIV, I just struggle to justify playing vidya in 2021.

>> No.7340327
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>> No.7340367

>Zoom zoom
I'm 6 years older than you and likely him as well. As the other guy said he should stop projecting, nothing like that happens the vast majority of people.

>> No.7340382


>> No.7340395

I'm pretty sure he implied he has no time like me and many others here that aren't fucking neets or don't even have a partner

>> No.7340401

*have partners
fuck, I'm out

>> No.7340656

>I'm 6 years older than you and likely him as well
lmao sure you, underage

>> No.7340812

Looks awesome. I was stuck with the 6 machines at the bowling alley, and the occasional trip to a go-kart place with a better selection but nothing close to that.

>> No.7340914

no reason to force yourself to play games if they don't grab your interest anymore. go get into woodworking or fishing or screaming at football games on TV

>> No.7341062


I don't care how sacrilegious this sounds, but emulators with save states/fast forward has saved video games for me. Mostly in regards to RPGs. As time becomes more scarce, these two features have gone such a long way in making it easy to chip away at games during the day.

>> No.7341142

My brother is 33 and he played this in its time.

>> No.7341189

It was hard enough to justify at the time. FF is one of those things that actually got better new hardware.

Sure. It's not like no one ever played a game that wasn't brand new.

>> No.7341326
File: 516 KB, 663x851, 1591094358914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being older than 25 and still posting in 4chan

like that's probably where you start thinking about suicide, holy shit

>> No.7341329
File: 84 KB, 871x759, banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to imagine child, I'm from when this site started, now get off my lawn.

>> No.7341332

Awww, precious, the newfag thinks he owns the place, thinks the original crew should leave so he isn't made fun of for being new anymore.

>> No.7341431

imagine being an underage tranny who's buttblasted because you just found out that your new secret club isn't new, or secret, or yours

>> No.7341523

Imagine being so feeble-minded the idea that people older than you are tolerating your presence makes you feel superior.

>> No.7341581

Why are you here?

>> No.7341586

How is it related to age? It took me almost one year to finish FF7 in 1998, when I was 13... I like to take my time when it's good. Also I had high school to attend, 200 other games to play, etc.

Go as slowly as you want, Anon.

>> No.7341619

kek all the boomers are seething at you

>> No.7341620

>talk shit
>get hit
simple as, kid

>> No.7341637
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>> No.7341643

I'm 19 and do the same thing. There's some games that really draw me in that I can sink days into without thinking but a lot of slower paced RPGs and stuff sit unfinished.

>> No.7341752

>FF is one of those things that actually got better new hardware.
What does this mean?

>> No.7341764

That the NES ones arr fucking garbage and FF was only good from 4 on

>> No.7341765

Is the Steam version of FF3 worth playing? Looks like it is a DS remake.

>> No.7341806

I'm 32 and I can't feasibly justify spending more than maybe an hour each day to wideo wams. I'm busy, got a job, kids to feed, house to clean, wife to fuck, hobbies to tinker with.

>> No.7341813

U tk him 2 da bar|?

>> No.7341816

>he fell for the wife meme

I'm free as heck with my waifu lol

>> No.7341820
File: 59 KB, 609x800, 122401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife to fuck
Guess how I know you're not really married anon :^)

>> No.7342967

34 here, it took me 9 months to get through Castlevania IV (first play through)

>> No.7343476
File: 3.51 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20191102_102246909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishing is actually really awesome and there's usually a good fishing general up on >>>/out/

>> No.7343498
File: 188 KB, 1000x879, Zhth2kb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've probably been calling people newfag for about the same amount of time you've been alive. You'll be here with us as long as this site exists my friend regardless of what you tell yourself.

>> No.7343509
File: 43 KB, 551x554, FB_IMG_1611771398527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you managed to play 30 hours in 37 days?

I'm 28 and a fucking neet, and I'm only emotionally capable of playing vidya for about an hour every 2 weeks.

>> No.7343593

Holy shit is that first kid? What an absolute classic.

>> No.7343653

Holy shit, three posts in a row beginning with "Holy shit"!

>> No.7343669
File: 28 KB, 560x481, DEEFE6A4-0DFC-4B2B-ABA6-51DC01D4C96C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He screams to himself

(Bumping this thread cuz of (You))

>> No.7344012

I remember visiting London around 2000 and being blown away by this place, and the number of smaller arcades scattered around the place.

Then a decade later I ended up working a 5 min walk from Leicester Square and would sometimes head in on my lunch break just to play a few games, but it was a shadow of its former self. It's a shame how brief the golden age of arcades actually was.

>> No.7344048
File: 812 KB, 1000x637, better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some allergy medicine/diphenhydramine

It'll fuck up your moment-to-moment thoughts but you'll be much more focused and immersed

>> No.7344628

Trannies lol

>> No.7345675

It only gets worse

>> No.7345682

must be 18 to post

>> No.7345726 [DELETED] 

But getting "hit" is what trolls want. They're essentialy homosexual masochists in that they like it. Also why would someone post an anime picture along with their post if they were trying to make a serious point?

Going by some of the posts here like >>7343509 even 30 seems to be getting too low nowadays. Though you could be 18 or even less and make good points, it's just some people ruin it for everyone. Overall 4chan is a terrible place to be if you're not really good at avoiding shitposting.

>> No.7345730

But getting "hit" is what trolls want. They're essentialy homosexual masochists in that they like it. Also why would someone post an anime picture along with their post if they were trying to make a serious point? I mean it just screams "I'm a retarded weaboo fool who has no idea about anything in life".

Going by some of the posts here like >>7343509 even 30 seems to be getting too low nowadays. Though you could be 18 or even less and make good points, it's just some people ruin it for everyone. Overall 4chan is a terrible place to be if you're not really good at avoiding shitposting.

>> No.7345732


>> No.7345885

goes both ways, those hookers don't know how to be real women

>> No.7347105


>> No.7348405

It's normal to get picker as you get older. I've noticed this a bit myself. As a kid, I would eagerly play anything I could get my hands on, even if the quality was dubious. But now, I have no tolerance for mediocre games. If I start a game and it doesn't hook me in the first 30 minutes, I'm probably going to drop it. There's nothing wrong with that. It's a natural consequence of having more experience, more money, and less time.

But if you don't like *any* games anymore, then you might be having an issue with depression or something. I still find new games each year that suck me in like when I was a kid, even if it takes digging through some junk to find them.

>> No.7348445

>getting high on DPH
Never again,im sure i did some damage to my brain messing with that.