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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 140 KB, 2000x1378, IE-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7335324 No.7335324 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most underrated console?

>> No.7335329

It deserves all the scorn it gets.

>> No.7335328
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>> No.7335335

Not retro. Also it's shit.

>> No.7335338

Man I've never seen just a big attachment-to-disuse ratio.
EVERYONE I knew had a Wii. They played the bowling game for like a month then never powered it on again.

>> No.7335350

It's an OK DVD player with a quick software mod, it Wii Sports is fun as fuck, and it plays all the ROMs I could ever want as a classic game lover too, except of course most N64 and PS1.

>> No.7335358

It's definitely up there. It's still my go-to console for multiplayer games.

>> No.7335360

It's one of the bestselling consoles of all time and people do agree it has its share of good games. (even if a lot of them are bogged down by awkward motion gimmicks)

>> No.7335362

pretty much, everybody and their gran had one, nobody played it, it became a fitness device that fat people don't use, it's the vidya equiv of an exercise bike

>> No.7335365

best selling but non-played
the curse of the casual market

>> No.7335376

It gets a lot of hate on gaming forums though

>> No.7335385
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>vidya equiv of an exercise bike
>mfw had an exercise bike and its true
To be fair the Wii is an amazing lil emulator box, but so is a PC from 2004

>> No.7335394

it was nice it played gc games

>> No.7335395

>To be fair the Wii is an amazing lil emulator box, but so is a PC from 2004
Well, there is something to be said for an awesome emulator box that is also a real console and taking up less space than a PC from 2004.

>> No.7335401

A lot of games had unnecessary motion controls. Sin & Punishment really could have done without them. Same with the No More Heroes games. The Zelda games were almost ruined by them.

>> No.7335402

Blame the cell phone-smart device NPCs.

>> No.7335420
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Take a Wiimote and shove it your own ass,

>> No.7335432


>> No.7335439

Not retro.

>> No.7335447

It's a retro powerhouse.

>> No.7335467

You mean PC-FX.

>> No.7335501

On this board? Yes desu. It's my favorite retro console. Lots of good memories of playing it back in middle school.

>> No.7335521

still the cheapest and easiest way to emulate snes/nes games to a crt tv in 240p. not bad with genesis and pc engine too. even better with the controllers from the snes/nes mini since they plus into the wimote.

>> No.7335524

Its overpriced and the CPU is underpowered as fuck. Anyone with a 100 buck Pentium 4 PC could emulate anything smoothly up to N64.

>> No.7335528

I don't like thinking there are people under 30 on this specific board.

>> No.7335529

Anon, Project 64 ran OoT and SotE perfectly on a P4.

>> No.7335539

Maybe he got held back a few years

>> No.7335541

It's rate /v/ for get out

>> No.7335591

Yeah that's what I was saying. Even P3 could run PJ64 quite nicely. There's no reason to buy the Wii as an emulation box. Even for a NES and SNES emulation, you could buy the cheaper and more portable intel atom netbooks. They were extremely compact and had amazing battery life. The Wii wasn't a good emulation box.

>> No.7335706

OK, but when you say "up to", that reads as a ceiling and is commonly used as such, but I hear you now.

>> No.7335906

also not retro

>> No.7335948

>Sin & Punishment really could have done without them
As someone who’s played the original, you are retarded if you think that the original controls are better

>> No.7336029

The ceiling would be 6th gen emulation+shitturn. No idea if GC and DC emus run well on pentium 4 though.

>> No.7336047

Obviously, you've never played it with a GC pad. I imagine you've sucked your father's cock quite a lot, though. Kill yourself. Really, do it now. Spare the world any more of your profound spasticity.

>> No.7336050

Released November 19, 2006.
The cutoff for this board is December 2007.

I'm honestly surprised this is the first thread I've seen on it

>> No.7336074

It sold more units than the actual population of Earth. How is it underrated?

>> No.7336076

The original controls were perfect. Sorry you have disabilities.

>> No.7336079

because none of those people play it to rate it

>> No.7336086

I bet you prefer gamepads in doom and time crisis too, don’t you

>> No.7336090

Underrated implies good

>> No.7336095
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Fucking damn, I feel like the wii was just yesterday

>> No.7336115

too much wiggle

>> No.7336118

So the Game Boy the best selling? Because the PS2 was mostly used for dvds for casual normies

>> No.7336748

The cutoff for GAMES is December 2007
Platforms (read: CONSOLES) released after 2001 are NOT retro.

>> No.7336767

>the wii is considered retro
maybe it is time to move over to the other site

>> No.7336795

That would be the Nintendo DS. It came DAMN close to outselling the PS2. It was less than a 1% difference.

>> No.7337171

>makes argument for playing sequel with original controls on better pad instead of gay wand
Quite honestly, I hope you get gang raped to death - and soon.

>> No.7337174

that's a little too nice, that means he'll finally lose his virginity before dying, hope he dies then his corpse gets raped

>> No.7337190

So I take that as a yes, you prefer games that require aiming with a gamepad
imagine being only a secondary shitposter

>> No.7337370

Definitely, still use mine today, it's softmodded and back online, good for emulation, plays GC games perfectly. Also has a ton of great games that obviously idiots on here don't know about because theyre too short sighted to see anything past Mario and Zelda.

>> No.7337380

it's not

>> No.7337396

>So I take that as a yes, you prefer games that require aiming with a gamepad
>Look at me! Look at how everything I say smacks of desperation because I'm incapable of making a cogent argument!
No, I prefer playing the game with its prequel's superior controls. Don't know how many times I have to reiterate this until you understand, you spastic. Four times? Five? Just how stupid do you want to look? Please die.
Imagine being the only one to hold your less than worthless opinion at ALL.

>> No.7337529
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>Also has a ton of great games that obviously idiots on here don't know about because theyre too short sighted to see anything past Mario and Zelda

>> No.7337785

>Just how stupid do you want to look?
Clearly not as much as you flying off the handles about someone saying pointer controls are better for aiming

>> No.7337806

/vr/ - (Anything But) Retro Games

>> No.7337827
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>not having the best Wii exclusive
For shame

>> No.7337849
File: 233 KB, 1261x664, hirof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiro didn't create /v2k/ on purpose to make not retro vs retro fight.
he knows that hate solve more captchas than real forum discussion.
fucking yellowjew

>> No.7337857
File: 320 KB, 1400x1400, DqfGLkyXQAA1qCt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wii was just a rebranded, modified GameCube, literally the same technology. Look at the prototype. Plus it can play retro games. It's retro, sweatys

>> No.7337874

Why are the mods nursing this off topic thread?

>> No.7337882
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, slide002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WiiU was just a rebranded, modified Wii, literally the same technology. Look at the prototype. Plus it can play retro games. It's retro, sweatys.

>> No.7337887
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Switch was just a rebranded, modified WiiU, literally the same technology. Look at the prototype. Plus it can play retro games. It's retro, sweatys.

>> No.7337939

FFS the Wii is just a GameCube when you get down to it, there's a reason Dolphin was able to emulate it so easily and why Nintendo is perpetually a console generation behind. If GameCube is retro, there's no reason Wii isn't.

>> No.7337948

This. The wii u is also technically a powered up wii, and the switch is a portable wii u so those are all retro too.

>> No.7337950
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The GameCube is just a homebound GameBoy Advance™

>> No.7337953

They're on strike protesting to have their paycheck doubled.

>> No.7337957
File: 63 KB, 598x927, 8fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PlayStation came out in the 90s and PS5 has "PlayStation" in the name so technically the PS5 should be regarded as retro.

>> No.7337961

The Wii U has to switch to a totally different OS to emulate Wii. It's not at native hardware level like Wii to GameCube. The Wii U is a definite console generation up in every way, unlike the shift from GameCube to Wii.
Oh so you're just fuckin around.

>> No.7337969

>cherrypicking hardware specifications as arguments for retro

nigga if you were playing new games on it when obama was president it's not retro

>> No.7337974

Explain how new games are acceptable as long as they're on old consoles then.

>> No.7338005

Nigga wha. The Wii uses the exact same architecture as the GC, except overclocked and with extra general system RAM. The Wii GPU is literally identical to the one in the GC, down to the 2+1+24 memory architecture. Only difference is frequency.

>> No.7338012

the Wii U is more powerful than the switch

>> No.7338096

You know, only unreleased games are not retro. Anything after its launch should be allowed on /vr/, after all they're things from the past

>> No.7338110

This is the fucking slippery slope I warned you fuckers about. It began with the Dreamcast. "If the dreamcast is retro then sixth gen is retro", "if the sixth gen is retro, then the wii is retro", "if the wii is retro, then the rest of the seventh gennks retro", fuck you guys. Fuck you for ruining /vr/.

>> No.7338113

You're right, none of this follows any kind of consistent logic. We should have never allowed 6th gen on /vr/.

>> No.7338118

Just fook off

>> No.7338125

I'm a 22 year old boomer. Got a Gamecube when I was 6 as my first console. Got a Wii awhile after that maybe in late elemetary/early middle school. Got a Wii U in high school. In college I built a gaming PC and mostly switched over to that, but still got a Switch as well. When I call the Wii retro, I'm not even bullshitting. It genuinely feels nostalgic and retro for me.

>> No.7338127

You know Wii U can play GameCube game native.

>> No.7338154
File: 96 KB, 240x232, trr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a 22 year old boomer.

an hero

>> No.7338169

Anything before 2005 is retro.

>> No.7338176
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Fixed for /vr/

>> No.7338189

Nobody has ever underrated this console.

>> No.7338242

"As someone who’s played the original, you are retarded if you think that the original controls are better"
Next time, read the thread, fucktard. Actually, don't bother; just cut your throat now. Another waste of oxygen...

>> No.7338303

It's software emulation.

>> No.7338307


>> No.7338360

fuck you, japjew

>> No.7338365

Lolno. The Wii outright underclocks itself when detecting GameCube-flagged code.

>> No.7338372

Was talking about Wii U.

>> No.7338381

What does that have besides shooters and porn games?

>> No.7338390
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>No Romero

>> No.7338408

The Wii fucking sucks dude. People tell you it's this godly emulation device but half of the GBA games I've tried barely worked let alone anything more complex. It even sucks as a Gamecube because it can't use the GB player or network adapter and switching between 2 different controllers and having to manually select the disc each time is a hassle. The library blows too, with most of the "good" games just being shittier versions of N64/GCN titles with worse controls, and the absolute best game being a port of RE4. People will tell you that the Wii has all these amazing hidden gems beyond the Mario and shovelware fluff, but they're lying, there's barely anything worth playing on this piece of shit and even the best games would have been better with a controller anyway.

You want the real sleeper pick? The Xbox 360. Everybody shits on Xbox for being a dudebro brand but the 360 had a legitimately excellent library with a ton of obscure jap import titles and lesser knowns. Culdcept Saga, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Ikaruga, Rayforce, Death Smiles, etc. Tons of good games even for those who don't want your typical crop of shooters and action games.

>> No.7338417

So that's it huh? We're really having Wii threads now?

>> No.7338427

Underrated. It was a giant fucking gimmick (not as bad as the kinect shit) that massively attracted casuals.

>> No.7338430
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>> No.7338431

time for ps3 thread then

>> No.7338434

Not software emulation either. The Wii U CPU is a PowerPC using the same instruction set as the one found in the GC (it disables two of the cores when running GC/Wii games), and the GPU has the same 2 MB framebuffer, 1 MB texture cache as originally found in the GC (only difference is that it has 32 MB of general video RAM as opposed to 24).

>> No.7338437

The Wii U does not play gamecube natively. The Wii does as it's a GCN+, the Wii U emulates the Wii, and therefore emulates the Gamecube as well.

>> No.7338438
File: 4 KB, 477x477, 1610068258598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want the real sleeper pick? The Xbox 360. Everybody shits on Xbox for being a dudebro brand but the 360 had a legitimately excellent library with a ton of obscure jap import titles and lesser knowns. Culdcept Saga, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Ikaruga, Rayforce, Death Smiles, etc. Tons of good games even for those who don't want your typical crop of shooters and action games.
Do I have to mod my US Xbox/360 to play Jap games? I knkw emulation sucks so that's out, and I'm hesitant to buy another console.

>> No.7338439
File: 59 KB, 457x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks ur path*

>> No.7338452

this. i consider the wii/ps3/xbox era when modern gaming officially starts.

>> No.7338453

Many jap games either have localized releases (all the Platinum games, a lot of the shmups, etc) or are region-free, however yes, you would need a japanese 360 or soft mod to play all games.

>> No.7338462

oh no a shitty version of perfect dark with call of duty weapon mechanics and motion controls

>> No.7338463
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Why did you sleep on it?

>> No.7338520
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>the Wii U emulates the Wii

>> No.7338549

Well if you want to be pedantic it's a half measure, it's got a separate gpu chip running at a different clock speed, but the software and cpu is emulated.

>> No.7338574

>virtual console
>easy to softmod, will emulate most consoles up until 5th gen
>240p output makes it one of the best emulation boxes for CRT's
>lots of controller options
>excellent for lightgun games, has a solid selection of them too
>some really good games if you know where to look

>shovelware out the fucking ass, probably the worst a console has had since the Atari 2600 (in US at-least)
>mandatory motion controls for many games, and wagglan fucking sucks- with DKC Returns being possibly the most egregious example (fan mods don't excuse the fact that the devs forced you to waggle to roll in a 2D platformer that demands precision)
>online functionality was miserable and broken for many games like Brawl
>Nintendo of America refused to import some of its best games until fans threw a huge shitfit over it through Operation Rainfall, the shovelware flood likely compromised sales of most of its better games too, both first and third party, since digital distribution wasn't an (official) option

>> No.7338598

There are some solid games on Wii that are better for using motion controls: Wii Sports Resort, Boom Blox, light gun games, etc

Also I'll have to try out your Xbox recommendations. Are there any good emulators?

>> No.7338626
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>> No.7338637

This is the best post on this dead board since the rule change.

>> No.7338835

I had a DS at the time. Can't buy everything.

>> No.7338891

>but half of the GBA games I've tried barely worked let alone anything more complex
The only game that has ever given me trouble while using VBA, is Drill Dozer. It stuttered a bit, and that was fixed ages ago. Why do you lie? Cut it out with the thinly veiled console wars faggotry, you helmet. It's embarrassing to watch.
>You want the real sleeper pick? The Xbox 360 (hurr durr!)
Shut the fuck up, you BORE.

>> No.7339121

That Castlevania ReBirth is way better then it has a right to be. Wish they would make more in that style

>> No.7339389


>> No.7339418

>Sold 101.63 million units

>> No.7339441

How is this fucking thread still up?

>> No.7339653

Haven't you seen the news? Wii is allowed on /vr/ now

>> No.7339782
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Fuck the Jannies

>> No.7340289
File: 60 KB, 265x375, 1CE6FFC2-1D1F-4FAF-92A3-D66BFAD374BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best atlus series, fuck persona

>> No.7340342

Hell fucking yes. I've bought a dreamcast and I feel so stupid, there's tons of ports for the gamecube and steam release of shenmue. The wii is also nice to watch some videos in 640x480 on some nice crt.

>> No.7340373

I hate how all the men have different facial features and expressions but all the girls look literally the same.

>> No.7340376

so sexist am i right slay queen

>> No.7340448

Doesn't matter. it was released later, has its own library of games unique to it, and is therefore its own system. It isn't retro yet.

>> No.7340456

Nintendo charged $249.99 for this.

>> No.7340967

I had a lot of fun with it when it came out but the novelty wore off quickly and I stopped playing it in favor of my old PS2. Wii sports was lit, the only other game that I really enjoyed on it was Super Mario Galaxy and TP Zelda.

>> No.7340982

if the girls looked different they wouldn’t be so hot

>> No.7341260

What's the appeal of this series? Is it just Phoenix Wright with doctors instead of lawyers?
Yeah wiiware had some neat little titles beneath the layer of junk

>> No.7341263

> network adapter
Nintendont emulates the network adapter, and you can boot GCN games from the disc drive in Nintendont still if you want to be an autist about it.

>> No.7341279

Its the worst piece of shit console ever, the entire thing is built around a shitty gimmick and 90% of the games are shovelware.
Also not retro.

>> No.7341286

It's a great console, with one hell of a huge ass library. Every couple of months I end up discovering an old gem I want to try out.
Not underrated though, everyone has one, and a lot of people love it.

>> No.7341336

It was full of shovelware and not retro.

>> No.7341809

The Center games have that good ole arcade challenging feeling
Trauma Team on the other hand is the best story an atlus game has had in years

>> No.7341832

The duality of man.
Also wii is not exactly retro even if it's a piece of shit that plays ball with crt's.

>> No.7341871

And Xbox charged $100 more than that, and Sony $200 more. It's no wonder why the Wii sold as much as it did

>> No.7342012

> Every couple of months I end up discovering an old gem I want to try out.
Any good ones? Especially ones that can be emulated in Dolphin easily with an Xbox controller.

>> No.7342017

Meant to say Can you recommend me any good ones?

>> No.7342395
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>> No.7342473


>> No.7343302

What? no. It's like the second most bought console behind the PS2 retard.

>> No.7343349


Xbox is the superior emulation machine.

>> No.7343358

OP said underrated, not complete dogshit

>> No.7343720

janny/mods who let this thread alive, rebel and make /v2k/!!!!

>> No.7343729

>Xbox charged $100 more than that
Only $50 more for the base 360 model without hard drive actually, which the wii didn't have either. And more importantly, it's also at the very least 3 times more powerful than the wii and plays real games.
>sony $200 more
No need to bring up nogaems 3 here.

>> No.7343807

Its the console I had the most fun with, and its entirely because I played the games on it with friends.

>> No.7343826

thus is lord of the flies niqqa anything goes

>> No.7343828


Its got a lot of excellent games, and more than it's fair share of shovelware. The motion stuff was really misused. It was used when unnecessary like Skyward Sword or Budokai Tenkaichi 3, or it would be a misused afterthought in most sports games.

>> No.7344221

I liked that game, I'm sad no one talks about it.

>> No.7344232

not him but
Zack and Wiki, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Deadly Creatures (yes), the Wii version of Forgotten Sands, Ebin migkey come to mind. also >>7342395

>> No.7344236

Pandora's Tower, if something like "Zelda May Cry" sounds like would be your cup of tea.

>> No.7344237
File: 196 KB, 800x1139, fragile-dreams-farewell-ruins-of-the-moon-wii-inside-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cooming too.

>> No.7344336
File: 374 KB, 1000x1408, Conduit-2_Wii_US_ESRB_ver2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git wrecked scrub...

>> No.7344389
File: 345 KB, 512x340, SX3EXJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs an HD remaster. Cool game that needs more love.

>> No.7344394

I wonder why Xenoblade got ALL love but both Nintendo and faggots ignored this and Last Story? The 3 games were brought over by the same petition.

>> No.7344398

How the fuck can it not play most N64 games?

>> No.7344423
File: 385 KB, 629x402, pandorastowercovervoting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some cool cover art. I wish more games had reversible covers.

>> No.7344426

Doesn’t the Wii need a different OS for GameCube?

>> No.7344438

What? No, the Wii is just an overclocked Gamecube with extra RAM. I'm not memeing.

>> No.7344445
File: 106 KB, 1080x810, Wii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are both on my shelf. Both are really good games.

>> No.7344461

I’m aware of that, but isn’t MIOS different from IOS?

>> No.7344512

If I recall correctly, that's why Nintendont was such a breakthrough, to play GameCube games running on Wii mode, no more needing to mess with MIOS.

>> No.7344954

> It was used when unnecessary like Skyward Sword
But Skyward Sword was one of the few games that actually used it in an interesting way, not just as an IR pointer or mapping waggle to a single function.

>> No.7345046
File: 380 KB, 1620x1088, Disaster-Day-Of-Crisis-NTSC-Wii-FULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this? I bought a Wii recently and this is on my list

>> No.7345051

Imagine Metal Gear combined with the movie 2012.

>> No.7345058

>metal gear

>> No.7345071

Metal Gear in the whole spy drama with some organization sense, there's not actual stealth.

>> No.7345131

Can someone let me know a message board or image board dedicated to discussing retro games?

>> No.7345137


>> No.7345193

Stfu retard

>> No.7345203

How is there box art with a T rating? I thought the game wasn't released in the US.
What did he say that you disagree with?

>> No.7346601

You're on it. The Wii is retro. Get with the times gramps.

>> No.7346628
File: 561 KB, 1312x1312, oogidiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK /vr/ we are officially being fucked with.

>> No.7346973

It’s library 99% literal trash, and the remaining 1% are ruined by the terrible gimmicky controller. I never want to see a Wii again in my life

>> No.7347053

lol at the screenshot.

>> No.7347060

>Among the best-selling consoles of all time
>Minus the 10 big titles most of the library is shovelware or casual garbage for grannies
You have no idea what that word means

>> No.7347070


Is Chas Warden /vr/ compliant now?

>> No.7347073

It won't change your life but Jelly Belly Ballistic Beans is the most surprisingly fun game I've ever played.

>> No.7347261

>How is there box art with a T rating? I thought the game wasn't released in the US
Some fucked up nerd must have made thid

>> No.7347737

I don't recognize this console. Is this from the future?

>> No.7347780

It's the 2006 Gamecube revision

>> No.7350263


>> No.7350364
File: 1.78 MB, 265x257, 1493686015187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highest selling games console of all time

kys faggot

>> No.7350387

What else do you need?

>> No.7350396

no. all consoles are overrated.

>> No.7350421

The Wii can output 15kHz

>> No.7350448

How is this thread still up

>> No.7350502

I asked that days ago. Reason it is still up is because the jannies are faggots and want this board to die.

>> No.7350984

Not retro

>> No.7352451

But it is; I don't remember the last time I played anything past 1999 on it.

>> No.7352463

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.7352629

Pretty sure it's the 6th highest but yeah OP is a faggot, it's not under rated at all

>> No.7352634


>> No.7352646

should do way instain moster

>> No.7352669

loved mine and no, overrated is more like it, also raised the current generation of nintendorks

>> No.7352872

It's underrated among people who actually game as a hobby, not just extremely casually. Despite its popularity, many people consider it a normie console that's not respected by people with "good taste". But people who truly have good taste know that it actually is good.

>> No.7353838

Because it generates interest. This thread got me to dust off my Wii and play Warioware and Mario Kart again.

>> No.7353865

Reddit tier

>> No.7353868
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>he didn't hack his wii

>> No.7354296

Completely different gameplay. Trauma Center is an action/"puzzle" series while Phoenix Wright is a point and click series.

>> No.7354304

Incredibly overrated

>> No.7354305

Anything after 2005 is also retro.

>> No.7354312

I actually think the Wii is a great console but it doesn't have a very good library. I'd say there were 3 masterpiece level games on it.

>> No.7354331

>raised the current generation of nintendorks
Everyone who bought an N64 instead of a Playstation was a dork. Only socially acceptable Nintendo console were the handhelds, NES and SNES

>> No.7354335

Playstation was for autists with no friends and was a babby console with shit 3D architecture that meant it couldn't push the limits of game design the way the N64 did.
N64 was the chad console of choice and STILL has the best lineup of couch multiplayer games in human history.

>> No.7354342

>Everyone who bought an N64 instead of a Playstation was a dork
Friend owned an N64, back in the day. Had a girlfriend, worked for the council as a labourer, would always join the rest of us for a Sunday kick-a-bout, would always join the rest of us for a pint down the local, etc.; basically a lad. Stop projecting.

>> No.7354402

I hated it at the time but looking back it has more replayable games (and much more stable) than its competitors and is an upgraded Gamecube that's often cheaper so I'd consider it underrated.

>> No.7354717

>I'd say there were 3 masterpiece level games on it.
Which ones?

>> No.7356906

Escape from Bug Island, Ju-on: The Grudge and Imagine Party Babyz

>> No.7356910

>I hated it at the time
No way.

>> No.7357104

Mario Galaxy, Mario Galaxy 2, and Mario Kart Wii
>ha ha Mario, Zelda, the list goes on!
Yeah, when it comes to the Wii, and the GC and N64, only the first party shit's worth playing. Outside of that there's just about nothing good

>> No.7357110

Mods do your fucking jobs.

>> No.7357243

Plenty of people hated it at the time because it marked the transition from old Nintendo to new Nintendo. The Wii was the single largest turning point in Nintendo's history.

I do kinda wish they would have given a powerful and competitive console one more try. But in hindsight, I think they made the right move. Their strategy of bowing out of direct competition with other platforms allowed them to continue existing as a "secondary" console for people who already have a PC, Xbox, or PlayStation for the big multiplats. As much as I would have loved to see what a true beefed up 7th gen console from Nintendo would have looked like, it's probably for the best that they didn't make one. They could have ended up like Sega, having to give up on hardware altogether.

>> No.7357249

By the way, I meant Nintendo's video game history, before someone mentions that Nintendo is 131 years old and the NES is actually their biggest turning point.

>> No.7357714

That's not really true for any of those consoles, especially the N64

>> No.7357738

How come this thread has lasted almost a week by now? It's not even retro by the current rules.

>> No.7357749

>I do kinda wish they would have given a powerful and competitive console one more try.
Problem was, if we trust the GameCube marketing guy in that interview he had in notenoughshaders, the Gamecube made Nintendo bleed a LOT of money, keeping afloat thanks to pokemon and the gba

>> No.7357776

Of course not, bait threader.
That said it's very underrated and gets way too much shit.

>> No.7357796

Because the Wii is a retro console once modded.
You can't beat it for emulation through the 5th gen on a CRT.
NES, SNES, GB/C/A, GC, MS/Gen/GG/CD, PCE/CD, virtual console N64 games, all kinds of retro awesomeness on an RGB output(via component cables).
It's the cheapest and easiest way to play a game like lots of $500+ games on a proper CRT.
So many options, for more purist types, and people that just don't give a fuck.
Its electronics are very hardy as well.

>> No.7357843
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 246933-super-mario-64-nintendo-64-screenshot-before-racing-koopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially the N64
The N64 is the prime example of that, beyond the 1st party titles like Mario 64 and some Rareware games, what else is there worth playing?
Some multiplat that's better on another console/PC? Some painfully generic racer or 3D platformer game?

>> No.7357874

The Rare games were what I had in mind when I said that desu, but even excluding those you have games like Rocket Robot on Wheels, San Francisco Rush, and Space Station Silicon Valley.

>> No.7357876

I like how you shit posters always whine about first party titles not counting as if those are somehow bad.

>> No.7357878
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To be honest, in the future I feel like the Wii should be the last retro console like the Dreamcast was pre-rest-6th-gen, the shit can't even do HDMI/more than 480p anamorphic widescreen

/v2k/ when though

>> No.7357880

only reason to care about the wii is that you can emulate on a CRT with higher quality video than even a rgb modded console

>> No.7357898

Wii isn't retro unless it's modded to be an emu box.
The most common sense rule for what is and is not retro, is what has Wifi/Bluetooth built in. The Wii dies, so out of the box it isn't retro by that standard. No other standard seems to matter except for built-in wireless internet access.

>> No.7357925

>It's the cheapest and easiest way to play a game like lots of $500+ games on a proper CRT.
no, it isn't
try using a controller that isn't dogshit; it's borderline impossible
$15 gpu with analog output + a converter box of some sort (specifically a 240p capable one) is the way to go

>> No.7357928

>Rocket Robot on Wheels
>Space Station Silicon Valley
painfully generic 3D platformer game
>San Francisco Rush
multiplat that's better on another console/PC

>> No.7357936

>try using a controller that isn't dogshit; it's borderline impossible
Which would be?
>$15 gpu with analog output + a converter box of some sort (specifically a 240p capable one) is the way to go
Too much trouble, zero benefit.

>> No.7357958

>Which would be?
literally any USB controller or adapter
i can use a real SNES controller instead of the dogshit classic controller, not to mention any of the decent clones for other consoles that exist now. try doing that on a fucking wii; seriously, it's not feasible
>Too much trouble, zero benefit.
you fucking kidding? gaining way better n64, saturn, ps1, and dreamcast emulation at the cost of... installing a graphics card and custom drivers isn't worth it? lol what?

>> No.7357963

oh, and the added benefit of not having to deal with any of the wii's horseshit
and being able to play PC games. i would post the non-retro sonic game running as a pic, but it wouldn't be retro

>> No.7357965

Neither of those games are generic, but you can pretend I said Wonder Project J, Mischief Makers, and Hybrid Heaven instead

>> No.7357996

While I wouldn't call the Wii retro just yet, it being the last non-HD mainstream console means it was the last in an era of video games and because of that it'll be among the classic games in the future. That's because I consider the "classic games era" when every generation was clearly distinct from one another. Take MGSV and Persona 5 for example. First one was released in 2015, the latter 2016. Both games run on hardware from 2006, and despite this, you didn't see anyone complaining these games played or looked outdated. And while I may be wrong since the current gen just started, I don't think there's much difference from 8th gen to 9th gen too, and that we're doomed to only have slight updates each gen that kinda just look the same anyway from now on, while we used to have big leaps every generation.
TL;DR: Alongside the current consoles allowed on /vr/, the DS, PSP and Wii are part of the classical era of gaming, in my opinion.

>> No.7358058

>you fucking kidding? gaining way better n64, saturn, ps1, and dreamcast emulation at the cost of... installing a graphics card and custom drivers isn't worth it? lol what?
My PC already runs a GTX-770. If I want to play those I can do so on the PC, without adding a gimped DPU.
I already have a Wii(literally who doesn't?) Why buy more hardware and add more pointless shit to my PC just to output to a 20" Wega? That's more wires and more hassle.
If I want PS/PS2, I can use my hacked PSP w/ component cables or my PS2 with component cables.

PC isn't a bad option for these, but who here doesn't have a Wii, PS2, and PSP? PC emulation also has too many options, a lot of the times. To get the shit looking right you need to tinker. That is an objective pain in the ass when the competition does it by default or with one or two menu options.

The true power of the Wii is you probably already own one, it's piss-easy to mod, it works wonders in RGB on an SD CRT, and it's not a cheap piece of shit.

>> No.7358074

your gtx 770 is CRT ready my man; it has DVI-I, which is all you need. just get a DVI-I to VGA passive cable and you're golden. soft15KHz is the nvidia solution for hooking up a TV. when i said a $15 GPU was needed, that was assuming you were using something that came out in the past couple of years that lacks analog output. even then, you can get away with just using the HDMI output on most cards provided to actively convert it to VGA properly.
i agree the PC option is more cumbersome, but it's the only thing i've found that actually *works* for emulation on a CRT without excessive issue
the wii would be great... if i could use usb controllers
the raspberry pi would be great... if it didn't have awful input lag
the setup i have now though? no issues whatsoever. i wish the other options were at this level, becuase i totally agree with you: most people into this shit already have at least a wii, and i don't think i would have bothered if the wii worked straight away since 5th gen+ isn't all that important to me.

>> No.7358112

>your gtx 770 is CRT ready my man; it has DVI-I, which is all you need. just get a DVI-I to VGA passive cable and you're golden.
Why? I already have a wii and a PS2.
It's not worth it for Saturn and DC, because I don't give enough of a shit.
If I did not have a Wii I bought in 2007 to play Mario Galaxy and TP, I would agree. But I have one. It's Ron Popeil.

>> No.7358143

because you made it seem like *you* specifically would need to add a shitty GPU to get the method im describing to work, when that isn't actually the case; the GPU you have would work perfectly with none of the drawbacks of trying to do it through HDMI or DP
>It's not worth it for Saturn and DC, because I don't give enough of a shit.
that's absolutely fair, but for someone who does, this is the only real option outside of real hardware

>> No.7358167

I still have to do pain-in-the-ass shit to make it all come together AND run another 10'+ cable.
TECHNICALLY better =/= better.
The Wii has very powerful utility in how small and easy and effective it is. The damn thing is 15 years old, and still pretty hardy.
It's even compatible with the SNES Classic controller that came out after its successor died a sad death, without modifications.
And it has a full range of GC and Wii games.

It's far more valuable than Nintendo ever wanted it to be, and that's hilarious.

>> No.7358183
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Wii or Dreamcast, yeah

>> No.7358226

>I still have to do pain-in-the-ass shit to make it all come together
trust me, CRT Emudriver at least was surprisingly piss easy. it sounded way more complicated than it wound up being; i find the newest version for my card, enable windows display test mode, install it, restart, and done. cable management would be the most difficult thing to set up :^)
but yeah, i love playing gamecube games on it because i can play anything i want with the added bonus of it not being software emulation
i just wish the retroarch devs would fix the botched USB controller support, because i have a few friends that would love to use theirs with a CRT but dont want to use a fucking gamecube controller for mario rom hacks

>> No.7358334

>best seller of its generation
How about you learn what words mean before posting.

>> No.7358426

over 14 years ago. Learn to accept this fact, old man

>> No.7359958

The rules are wrong. I'm 22 and the Wii was my childhood. If it's old enough for an adult in his 20s to be nostalgic about, it's retro.

>> No.7360724

You're not an adult yet, you're a young adult.

>> No.7360768

maaaaaan shut the fuck up lol nobody cares what you think.

side note: is there a controller you can get for this thing that doesn't blow big balls for use with fighting games? i've been playing a lot of KOF lately and this classic controller (normal version) is NOT cutting it

>> No.7360778

snes classic controller

>> No.7361732

i love how nintendont crashes randomly on 75% of the games i want to play
real cool to be playing and then have my eardrums burst with a EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7361859

Apparently there's another option called Dios Mios. You could try that.

>> No.7361908

>If you're using an SD card and are having performance issues, consider either using a USB SD reader or a USB hard drive.
>USB drives are known to be problematic.

>> No.7362550

How can the Wii be underrated? It was one of the most successful consoles of all time.
The Wii U was underrated.

>> No.7362563

>Wii U
being a piece of fucking shit doesn't make you "underrated". the Wii U deserves a spot right in the garbage next to the Saturn.

>> No.7362567

The Wii U wasn't shit at all.

>> No.7362574

>possibly the worst name branding ever
>retarded tablet gimmick
>underpowered for its gen
>worse for emulation / GCN back compat than a regular Wii
>trash library of games which are almost universally just shitty rehashes of old franchises, ala Star Fox Zero
there's always going to be that one retard who likes sucking on turds but the sales numbers don't lie, the Wii U was a dumpster fire and it deserves all the hate it gets. there is literally nothing redeeming about this shit pile.

>> No.7362579

>possibly the worst name branding ever
The marketing of the Wii U was the main reason for it's failing, I agree.
>retarded tablet gimmick
That wasn't bad at all, to this day people prefer the Wii U gamepad on games like Splatoon, and it wasn't half bad to play games on when you played games in handheld mode. Not to mention it's use in Mario Maker.
>Underpowered for its gen.
I don't care for specs.
>worse for emulation / GCN back compat than a regular Wii
And yet people prefer to play Wii games on it due to its HDMI compatibility.
>trash library of games which are almost universally just shitty rehashes of old franchises, ala Star Fox Zero
It's library wasn't half bad actually.

>> No.7362615

>to this day people prefer the Wii U gamepad on games like Splatoon
said nobody ever. it was a chunky hasbro ipad with 2 hours of battery life that added nothing to the actual gameplay experience and yet made games almost universally less enjoyable.
>I don't care for specs.
you care about specs, otherwise you'd be playing an Atari 2600. you just don't understand them so you don't want to talk about it.
>And yet people prefer to play Wii games on it due to its HDMI compatibility.
lmao bro, nobody is using a Wii U to play Wii games in 2021 because nobody bought a Wii U to begin with. the already small pool of individuals who have such interests are emulating the games on PC.
>It's library wasn't half bad actually.
lmao, imagine typing in "best Gamecube games" or "best PS2 games" and the 9th spot \ Metacritic's list is "Skylander's Swap Force" because there wasn't anything better to put there. the library is literally physical ports of mobile games and rehashes. if you think this library "wasn't half bad" then you have very little experience with games or your standards have dropped significantly over the years.


>> No.7362643

>lmao bro, nobody is using a Wii U to play Wii games in 2021 because nobody bought a Wii U to begin with. the already small pool of individuals who have such interests are emulating the games on PC.
Not him but I do. Playing Phantasy Star Online on the tablet with other people online is super comfy.

>> No.7362647

>playing Gamecube PSO with a WiiU tablet in 2021
you might be retarded. scratch that, you are retarded.

>> No.7362664


>> No.7362763

might check this out, thanks
>sd card doesn't work, use a usb drive
>usb drives don't work either

I'm using a usb hard drive

>> No.7363018

Are you okay buddy? Got fucked in the ass by a Wii U?
Is it formated in FAT32 with 32k clusters?

>> No.7363031

>agree about the ipad

>> No.7363036

yes sir it is
it's a samsung 1tb external hdd

>> No.7363039

I'll also say this, some games it doesn't crash on, for instance animal crossing, melee
but it crashes randomly in fzero, re2+3 it crashes on camera angle changes, randomly in super monkey ball, randomly in metroid prime
making a real loud high pitched digital noise

>> No.7363057

Why is this thread still up? Did wii magically release before 2001

>> No.7363295

Not retro

>> No.7363301

>The Wii (/wiː/ WEE)[g] is a home video game console developed and marketed by Nintendo. It was first released on November 19, 2006 in North America and in December 2006 for most other regions. It is Nintendo's fifth major home game console, following the GameCube, and is a seventh generation home console alongside Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3.

>> No.7363792

BITD I had a Wii and played it for a while. BITD my mom had a Wii and played for a while. Neither has been turned on since before Twilight Hack was patched.
A couple of years ago I found a Wii at a thrift store. The only thing wrong was a Mario Kart disc that wouldn't eject. And it had already been hacked. Took the thing halfway apart, got the disk out, played some wagglan for a couple of days, got bored. I want to get my old Phat PS2+HD and hacked Xbox set up first, but still too busy with PC master race games.
Yes it was underrated, but still not as good as PS2 and OG.

>> No.7364105

The Gamecube is a console that released in 2001. The Wii is an upgraded gaming SKU. However, it is still fundamentally a Gamecube. The PS2 Slimline, released in 2004, is widely considered appropriate for discussion on /vr/. Yet somehow, the Wii, released in 2006, is not afforded the same respect despite being essentially a Gamecube Slim by a different name. This is, of course, due to anti-Nintendo bias.

>> No.7364176

>Anti-Nintendo bias
Have you ever browsed /vr/?

>> No.7364190
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>PS2 slim
>only plays existing PS2 games
>plays new games that won't run on GC

>> No.7364226

you never started enjoying anything. you're playing a Wii U lol

>> No.7364264
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>7-day-old Wii thread

So much for "retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier"

Why not just rename this dead board to /v2.0/

>> No.7364487

>It was first released on November 19, 2006
>is a seventh generation home console alongside Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3.
>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier

sa-ge in all fields

>> No.7364557

>perfect for fps
>almost no fps games
yeah,and it is properly underrated

>> No.7364614

Yes. It's full of Sony fanboys who unironically defend spinning rust and deny that cartridges were, are, and always will be superior.
> The N64 expansion pak has games that only run on it like Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark so that means it's a completely new console
> The New 3DS has games that only run on it like Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and Minecraft 3D so that means it's a completely new console
This is how you sound.
> is a seventh generation home console
> despite having nearly identical specs to the Gamecube

>> No.7364630


Were you born yesterday or something?

>> No.7364634

The N64 pak is just extra RAM that probably should have been there from the start.
Wii games aren't even on the same size discs, and use radically different controllers that won't work with the GC.
Got any more weak sauce?

>> No.7364641

7th gen is not retro
6th gen is retro
Crysis is retro

>> No.7364645

> Wii games aren't even on the same size discs
It's a new format. Just like how the Xbox 360 added Xbox Live Arcade midway through the gen. The Wii is still compatible with the original Gamecube format disks
> use radically different controllers that won't work with the GC
Wii games can and do use Gamecube controllers. See this list of games that do it
It's true that most devs switched to the Wii Remote as the main controller, but nothing was keeping them from using a Gamecube controller. The Wii is fully and natively compatible with Gamecube disks, controllers, and memory cards.

>> No.7364771

>Xbox Live Arcade
>new format
Yeah, no. And why even bring up the 360? It only played specific OG games that were specifically enabled for BC. The 64 played the non-pak games just fine, and some pak games were merely enhanced with a ram pak.
>See this list of games that can use GC controllers that support was removed in a hardware revision, that totally makes it just the same as the GC
Now you're well into strawman territory

>> No.7364804
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>but-but it plays Gamecube games!
So this should be allowed. It even had PS2 hardware in it.

>> No.7365571

That's a good idea

>> No.7365703

The key difference is, the PS3 hardware is fundamentally different. It had to have PS2 hardware included because the PS3 is not a PS2. Meanwhile, the Wii is a Gamecube. The Gamecube games and Wii games run on the same hardware. There's no separation or special backwards compatibility tech needed to run both. They simply run naturally on the same hardware.

>> No.7365705

It also can't do 240p out.

>> No.7365721 [DELETED] 

>They simply run naturally on the same hardware.
Then why does the Wii have big disc's?
How does the Wii have motion controls
Whybdoes the Wii not need memory cards that look like the GameCube?
Why does Mario Galaxy have more advance graphics than Sunshine? You can't run Brawl on the GameCube

>> No.7365948

>Wii thread stays up for a week

Retro fags are about to kill themselves.

>> No.7366160

the wiis gamecube playing ability is so great because it is literally a Gamecube with higher clocked chips. the ps3 ps2 backwards compatibility is very hit or miss because different phat models have a varying amount of ps2 hardware inside and the ones that have less have to resort to software emulation. Early ps3 (which are known to fail) have basically the entire ps2 in them, while ps3s starting with the mgs4 bundle only had the ps2 gpu and emulated the cpu. later phat ps3s got rid of it completely. if modded, every single wii (including ones without the Gamecube ports) is capable of running gamecube games with probably a 99% compatibility rate.

>> No.7366203

>when you realize 10% of the posts on this board are the Super Monkey Ball/Pokemon/GBAutist

>> No.7366797
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Despicable me advertised or product placemented it

>> No.7367291

No need to be rude

>> No.7367320

shift+click or rent free

>> No.7367450

It’s overrated now.

>> No.7367457

Okay I'm the guy who actually posted this originally
Mario Galaxy 2, Pandora's Tower, and the best game on the system, Sin And Punishment: Star Successor

>> No.7367468

Wii U is a lot different hardware wise. Wii is basically just a beefed up Wii.

>> No.7367469

*GC lol

>> No.7367481

It did outsell the PS2 for a long time, but PS2 managed to surpass it again. Hell, Sony only stopped producing PS2 in December 2012 and ended the official repair support in 2018.

>> No.7367487

The DS absolutely surpassed the PS2 in actual developed nations.
third worlders continued buying the PS2 well into the 2010s to get more fucking soccer games. I'd imagine the PS2 sales would pale in comparison to several other consoles if you cut South America out of the picture.

>> No.7367895

Galaxy 1 >>>>>> Galaxy 2. The level design in the original is so much better it's not even a comparison.

>> No.7367923

Gamecube support was eventually removed in later wii models, so not an argument.

Mods do your fucking jobs.

>> No.7367959

Oh, you mean like how the Xbox One S/X removed Kinect support, breaking compatibility with Kinect games that are still part of the same generation? By your logic, the One S/X are a new generation because they remove compatibility for games released earlier in the generation.

>> No.7367978

The galaxies are less memorable in 2 but the actual platforming is more challenging.

>> No.7367986

Wii U, but it's not retro. Every time I bust out Nintendo World it gets nothing but praise but even Nintendo never really did anything with the Asymmetric Gameplay concept

>> No.7368086

I can’t believe I paid $60 for that fucking game. It should have been a pack in like wii sports, maybe the Wii U would’ve actually sold some units

>> No.7368145

Not even close. Everyone and their mom bought one literally for Wii Sports. Wii got all the praise in the world from all demographics

>> No.7368153

>Wii got all the praise in the world from all demographics
except gamers

>> No.7368220

It was

>> No.7368242

>except gamers
and that is a good thing

>> No.7368502


>> No.7368506

fucking lol

>> No.7368970

delete the thread then
sticky this please mods

>> No.7368979

No, it's overrated as hell just like GC. Wii was only good when it's hacked and turned into a natural 240p emulation machine.

>> No.7369040

I got a Wii U only because my Wii stopped reading discs. It's somewhat regrettable

>> No.7369050

Hack that bad boi. I load all my Wii/GC games via SD card now.

>> No.7369086

waggle will never be retro

>> No.7369330
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>> No.7369458

The Gamecube Slim is already retro. The jannies have decided it.

>> No.7370191


>> No.7370312

Good luck playing Conker on the Wii you STUPID FUCKING dumbass

>> No.7370317

You will NEVER have a good childhood 7th gen shitter

>> No.7370335

Playing fighting games on a wii..... lolllll fucking moron

>> No.7370738

The DS is just a modified GBA so its retro
The DSi and 3DS are now also retro

>> No.7370809
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Anon, I ...

>> No.7370897
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15 years old, thats the official cutoff year for retro. Back when xbox 360 was released, the SNES was 15 years old as well and was considered retro at that time.

>> No.7371004

i like the external design of the thing even if it's underpowered. it's such a perfect mini console.

>> No.7371175

>Star Fox Zero
One of the best things to come out of that shitty era. The Wii U's tiny library is probably better than the 360 and PS3's vast array of garbage combined. The only good games between those two consoles are Vanquish, Bayonetta (better on Wii U), the Souls games, Dead Space, PGR 3/4, and Metal Gear 4

>> No.7371259

> No God of War 3
For shame.

>> No.7371265

holy shit, I know it's a well known meme by this point, but how delusional and braindead nintendo sóys are is astounding.

>> No.7371296

God of War series sucks
Which good PS3/360 games did I leave out? Wii U's a shit console compared to 3rd, 4th and 5th gen, but it has a good Mario Kart game, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta, one of the better Zelda games, a shit 3D Mario that is still at the top of the genre, Yoshi's a decent platformer though worse than the SNES game, Toad, Star Fox, Tropical Freeze is the best 2D platformer in a long time

>> No.7371850

I have the complete opposite opinion, almost every level in Galaxy 2 is fun as all fuck and is distinct, Galaxy 1 only has a better story and hub world.

>> No.7371863

jesus fucking christ the absolute state of Nintendo apologists
Starfox Zero is the worst game in the whole franchise. I'd rather play every single story in Command all the way through before playing even a single level in Zero.

>> No.7371883

>Nintendo fans prefer the old Nintendo's draconic contracts over the virtual console

Fanboys suffer from some kind of mental problem or am I imagining things

>> No.7371957

>it has more replayable games (and much more stable) than its competitor

This is demonstrably false. PS3/360 shit all the Wii when it comes to games.

>> No.7372048

the first hd generation

>> No.7372050

>No need to bring up nogaems 3 here.
>implying xbox isn't also nogaems

>> No.7372060

wii isn't from the same generation as gamecube and you know that. stop lying to yourself

>> No.7372207

Gamers still liked it for having Mario, Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, and plenty of other games that catered to the "hardcore" demographic. It's so easy to roll your eyes at the Wii library since it was mostly Wii Sports clone, waggle minigame collections, and Just Dance clones, but the system had a lot of great games among the trash

>> No.7372254
File: 14 KB, 607x234, 466006b9ddb3408500a9f0a70bdbe4ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What alternate universe are you from OP

>> No.7372304

> God of War series sucks
Your taste sucks. GOW 1-3 are some of the greatest action games ever created.
I hated how in Galaxy 2 everything was a very small and linear level with at most 1 or 2 starts per level. In Galaxy 1 you had large, open levels with 6 stars that felt a lot more like Mario 64 and Sunshine. And related to this issue, Galaxy 1 levels just felt bigger and more epic than 2's did. I view 2 as a step towards the shitty 3D land/3D world trash that Nintendo pushed during the Wii U era.

>> No.7372387
File: 4 KB, 165x156, WHY..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use it to play Wii Sports, I haven't gotten interested in more games on the wii other than that.

>> No.7372393

definitely not, it just got discontinued not so long ago.

>> No.7372893

Original DS was discontinued in 2008, so it's definitely retro by now.

>> No.7372894

2008 wasnt that long ago unless you are true-zoomer.

>> No.7372905

I'm 22 and I consider the DS and Wii to be solidly retro. I played them when I was a kid and they're very nostalgic to me.

>> No.7372939
File: 934 KB, 398x298, 1e420635826d1104bf85ef47d26ed888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this? Does anyone not being a pedantic tranny actually consider the Wii a retro console? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Don't give me some limp dicked excuse about "durr it's as old as the snes was when it came out!" All that fucking says is it's old, nobody with any fucking sense considers it Retro. There's a fine fucking line between retro and old and the Wii simply isn't retro to anyone that isn't a tranny janny bootlicker that just wants to derail the whole fucking board into meaniningless pedantic discussion about anything but fucking video games

>> No.7373138

Are you kidding? Obama wasn't even president yet. 13 years is a long time

>> No.7373865

3D Land is great. World is shit.

>> No.7373872

That's probably why I liked Galaxy 2 in the first place.
I always felt Galaxy 1 was far too limited compared to 64, not as many gigantic epic skips and shortcuts and not as many ways to creatively allow the player to find their own way around the levels. So Galaxy 2 focusing their efforts instead on smaller but far more fun and hand-designed levels made me feel like I was playing a full fledged new game and not some boring slower version of Mario 64

>> No.7373881

the 3d series is terrible but at least it is better than new

>> No.7373934
File: 876 KB, 2153x1585, sega_cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen more underrated.

>> No.7373964

Why do people hate the NSMB games? They're technically solid and though they're on average easier they can get as difficult as the old school games at times

>> No.7373983

New Super Mario Bros is the most bland, soulless, completely fucking no-effort involved dogshit ever conceived. No love or care put into the presentation whatsoever.
that said NSMBU does have amazing level design. But amazing level design and mechanics don't mean shit when the game is so boring and unsatisfying.

>> No.7373995

I guess. They're definitely aesthetically uninspired but I think they have some charming aspects, like the movies you can buy with star coins in NSMBWii

>> No.7374127

Jesus christ dude, why are you so mad with such a cheap device that let's you do tons of stuff? You are even fucking lying with the GBA games. Mgba is more than decent and nintendon't is fucking great, you don't even have to buy shitty memory cards.

>> No.7374151

I have it set up next to my Xbox Series X right now, I just like writing inflammatory opinions to get autists like you riled up over nothing. With that said, the library really is shit, and no, mgba is garbage -- Advance Wars 2 barely runs. Actually, come to think of it, most of what I said is still true and you're a fag

>> No.7374203

> Why do people hate the NSMB games?
Unironically just because there's to many of them. If they stopped after just 1 or two entries then they would be considered classics. The issue is that they beat that style of game until it was a dead horse with NSMB1, NSMBW, NSMB2, NSMBU, NSLU Mario Maker 1, Mario Maker 2, 3D Land, and 3D World. All those games use the same overall arstyle, asethetic, level themes, enemies, etc. with little innovation.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with NSMB1 and NSMBW, which are easily on par with 3 and World. But they couldn't leave well enough alone, and just kept shitting out more and more soulless derivatives, which devalued the originals by association. The style that began with NSMB has come to represent the stagnation of the Mario IP and refusal to innovate. It's like if Nintendo put out Mario World, then put out 10 shitty clones of Mario World. The original wouldn't feel special anymore. Mario World's iconic and unique look and feel is part of its lasting appeal.

>> No.7374210

This is what you allowed to happen, mods. This is whom you pandered to last August.

>> No.7374308
File: 1.63 MB, 3024x4032, 360rgh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do I have to mod my US Xbox/360 to play Jap games
yes, its not hard though.

>> No.7374315

pfffft hahahaha

>> No.7374321

>lots of controller options
you're stuck gamecube controllers really, RA doesn't support most USB controllers on wii and there tends to be a ton of added input lag on the emulators that do.

>> No.7374329

>fan mods
oh fuck dkcr got fixed? where and how?

>> No.7374442

22 isn't boomer you faggot.

>> No.7374527

At what age does boomer begin?

>> No.7374702

millennials (born before 97') are boomers.

>> No.7374720

Boomers are the generation born from 1945 to 1967 though.

>> No.7374743

its actually 1946 to 1964

>> No.7374745

According to /v/, 20 and older are boomers >>542962242

>> No.7374751

Shit, forgot how to link to another board. Is it 3 arrows?

>> No.7374761

>According to /v/
Theres your problem. According to the rest of 4chan, boomers were born from 1981 to 1996. 1997 to 2012 is zoomie territory

>> No.7374762

I stand corrected.
1945 would be which generation?

>> No.7374771

1925 to 1945 is silent generation
2 arrows is correct I'm pretty sure

>> No.7375003
File: 16 KB, 225x225, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game good? I never hear it talked about like the tennis and golf games

>> No.7375156

I think it went ignored alongside Sports Mix because it was around the time the "anti Wii" sentiment was full force "Waggle casual piece of shit" mentality.

>> No.7376213

I like the nunchuk.

>> No.7376772

I like the concept, but the control stick really feels kinda low quality, especially going back to it from a modern controller. And it was Nintendo's last stand on weird gated control sticks.

>> No.7377693

Gated control sticks feel good though

>> No.7377697

Is a shovelware sports game on the wagglestation staring the fat plumber good? I doubt it.

>> No.7377706

LOL the wii was garbage then and is garbage now, you will NEVER have a good childhood.

>> No.7377857

I was 16 and got my own when I was 20 when it came out, faggot.
It did offer me some value with emulators on CRT and the niche shit like Pandora's Tower running off an USB pen drive.

>> No.7378807

The Wii was a kino childhood. So many great couch multiplayer games to play with your siblings. Ever played NSMBW with 4 players? It's pretty awesome.

>> No.7378905

Sad that you believe this.

>> No.7378927

He's right. The Wii is the single best console for social gatherings. I've known people who couldn't even pick up Mario Kart but they could have fun with Wii Party and Wii Sports.

>> No.7378936

this is such a fucking lie. the wii is one of the shittiest consoles to play multi because the waggle controls are inconsistent as fuck and you need a bunch of bullshit to even set it up. the real GOAT mp console is the N64.

>> No.7378943

i genuinely hated the motion controls but you gotta be nuts to think it was a bad console
it was one of the last few consoles i even enjoyed

>> No.7378949

the N64 is better

>> No.7378983

Saturn Bomberman>any Wii party game.

>> No.7379007

The only thing underrated on this console is Fortune Street. Yes there are a ton of versions, but none of the other ones have local play and are in English.

>> No.7379018

just play the Fortune Street mode in Samurai Warriors 2 bro

>> No.7380150

It's really not that inconsistent though. Pointer controls can be hard initially when you don't know where to aim but the shake controls like for tennis are always responsive

>> No.7380172

I have no doubt that the average person on this board could sit down and adequately play the Wii without too much interference, but if you've ever played this thing with normies you'll quickly find how easily they get fucked by the controls or can't seem to get the pointer off the side of the screen. combine that with need a bunch of dangly nunchucks, moving the sensor bar around, etc... it's just a hassle and it isn't particularly fun or engaging. an N64 or even 360 would be a better choice.

>> No.7380196

That's a fair point. Idk I've had the opposite experience where people who don't really play games have a lot of trouble with normal controllers since they don't know the button layout but find the Wiimote intuitive

>> No.7380210

The Wii U is going to be retro soonish. I honestly consider Wii, 360 and PS3 retro right now. PSP and DS, too.

>> No.7380241

You don't actually believe anything you just typed out do you?

>> No.7380248

So why have the mods allowed this thread to stay up? I thought it was obvoius that Wii was competing with 360 and PS3 and was supposed to be seen as a seventh gen console.

>> No.7380253

You're posting on a board where a picture of a tranny's dick has been up for over an hour and you're asking why a Wii thread hasn't been taken down?

>> No.7380268

So why is /vr/ moderation so bad? It wasn't always like this.

>> No.7380272

basically there's a transexual australian kid on the mod staff and he somehow gained control over the board and floods it with filth.

>> No.7380274

Probably to spite the userbase. The rule change was a huge embarrassment for them.

>> No.7380292

>The rule change was a huge embarrassment for them.

Yeah seriously what the fuck was up with this? I knew it would be bad for /vr/ and I am not the least bit surprised it pretty much killed /vr/ as we know it.

>> No.7381912

I love the Wii, but it isn't underrated, by any stretch!
It's the best selling console of all time.
Fuck, I even had two, because the first one that I had, I loaned it to a deadbeat friend and despite knowing that it was mine, he still packed it up with his things, when rent was up and he had to move out to the next place that'll eventually kick him out for not paying rent.
I was even there, to get all the shit I loaned him, and he said "oh fuck! I accidentally put it in a box, I'll give you your stuff when we unpack."
The prick still has all my stuff, and owes me so much money that I lost count.
I just let it go, because he is one of those useless fucks who will never get a job, so, there is no way he could pay me back.

All well, I fucked his girlfriend multiple times, while he was out avoiding me and getting high, so her and I found an alternative, instead of having to pay Wayne's debt, all the time.
I must admit, the thrill of a "spoken for" woman giving herself to you after being blackmailed is fucking hot. Especially when she enjoys it too.

>> No.7381987

Also, Wayne, if you're reading this... All those times that I picked Jada up from school, and cooked for her, because you're such a loser that you can't even feed your daughter... Yeah, I fucked her too. Every day. It wasn't just that one time that you caught me in bed with her.

Quit being a parasite, get a job, and grow up, then maybe the females in your immediate family won't feel the need to offer their bodies to me.

>> No.7381994

>liking 8-bit games makes you an incel pedo

>> No.7382005

The Man with No Taste

>> No.7382062

Not a looker in the bunch.

>> No.7382216

>not understanding irony

>> No.7382219

Based jannies. After this thread gets archived we should start /wii/ - Wii general. It's a win win. Zoomers get to talk about our favorite retro console from our childhood, and boomers can just hide the thread and keep playing their crusty old PC games from the '90s.

>> No.7382236

The wii is the only way to play it right

>> No.7383179

Such as

>> No.7383249

God of War 3 and Heavy Rain

>> No.7383395

>God of War
>Heavy Rain
Pretentious non-game

>> No.7383549

>Star Fox Zero
>One of the best things to come out of that shitty era.
peak retard

>> No.7383641

>Heavy Rain
> Pretentious non-game

>> No.7383732

It's just QTE after QTE. If they're going to make a game like that just make it a movie so I can eat popcorn while I watch

>> No.7383803

Yeah but the QTEs have real impact because you only get one shot at them and the game has permadeath so if you fuck up your QTEs you can lose a character for the rest of the game and get a worse ending. And the game has more branching paths and endings than pretty much any other game I can think of. It's one of the few games that truly made good on its promise of "your choices matter". 99% of the time when devs say that it's a total lie but in Heavy Rain, each of the playable characters has at least 3 significantly different endings, and the main character has 7.

>> No.7383961

Chrono Trigger, Romancing Saga, and Star Ocean did the whole many endings thing a long time before Heavy Rain did, and with more engaging gameplay.

>> No.7383981

I got my ex a copy she got stuck at some part I don't remember.

>> No.7384002

i was never a fan of multiple endings, i think it was a cheap device. Maybe a couple alternative endings, sure, but CT had like 15. That kinda cheapens the whole thing

>> No.7384012

Me neither. That's one of the reasons I've never bothered with Chrono Trigger myself. I was just pointing out that a game needs more than just a bunch of endings to be worthwhile.

>> No.7384306

> CT had like 15
TIL. I never finished the game even though I enjoyed it. I was focused on finishing all the sidequests and eventually gave up.

>> No.7384323


>> No.7384847

I miss the 7th gen so much brehs...
Discord just isnt the same as comfy Xbox live feels and the Wii was the last truly great nintendo console (Skyward Sword is GOAT kino)

>> No.7384917

> Skyward Sword is GOAT kino
Not by a long shot. At the time I was immensely disappointed by it. But I will admit, I began feeling a bit nostalgic for it when I played BOTW. That steaming trash fire even makes Skyward Sword look like a masterpiece by comparison.

>> No.7385256

Best selling console of all time is PS2. Also you fucked an underage girl?

>> No.7387597

If you don't like it then become a janny yourself

>> No.7388126

It makes you wonder who's the worst

>> No.7388270

Nah, that’s just how dumbasses always think about Zelda games

>> No.7388283

I loved the multiplayer until it was ruined by hackers

>> No.7388704



>> No.7389003

How do you mean?

>> No.7389015

Absolutely based and revenge-served-coldpilled.

>> No.7391194

>not even samba

>> No.7391268

So is the Wii retro now?
Tf are jannies doing?

>> No.7391313

>great console

do people seriously think this

>> No.7391750

Yes. It had so many great retro games like Mario Kart Wii, NSMBW, Galaxy 1 and 2, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3 (and the collection), Skyward Sword, Wii Play, and not to mention you could play Gamecube games on it. It's the quintessential retro console of my childhood.

>> No.7391753

Absolutely not.
What is wrong with you?