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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.10 MB, 3940x2300, Atari-2600-Wood-4Sw-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7329702 No.7329702 [Reply] [Original]

Collecting for this thing is dead, isn't it? What game even sells for more than $10-15 now?

>> No.7329787

Anyone nostalgic for this thing is in a nursing home.

>> No.7329797

There absolutely are a few in the 30-50 dollar range, like H.E.R.O. And that's disregarding meme games like the porn stuff that goes for hundreds.

>> No.7329916

Yes, it is. Pretty much always was until the slight resurgence around 2013 when retro gaming became cool. That's when I cashed in and sold my 2600 stuff.
All the boomers who wanted to collect for this thing completed their collections long ago, and no one else wants this shit, so dead it will stay.

>> No.7330252

I see. There's at least a few games worth playing on it so good to know it's cheap now.

>> No.7330469

Why is H.E.R.O. so expensive?

>> No.7331370

>collecting is only alive if the games cost billions of dollars

>> No.7331408

Because it's one of the best games on the system from the most prolific third party devs that made games for it. It's right up there with Pitfall 2 and Solaris as an example of a game that was more complex and involved than anything on the machine had any right to be.

>> No.7331429

The 2600 is one of the most diverse consoles pricewise. You have this huge range of games that go for 3 bucks or less but then stuff that gets into the ridiculous range like Xante carts or Air Raid

>> No.7331438
File: 114 KB, 640x880, afd02b7ec012f7023545d92db6f740cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite game, please try it, it's the best on the system c:

>> No.7331445

hey now whippersnapper, let's play nice, I didnt say anything about you still wetting the bed

>> No.7331471
File: 3.53 MB, 400x222, atari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back in my day, the game WAS the game

>> No.7331479

>implying nostalgia is the only reason to play retro games
It might be hard for you to fathom but some people are able to appreciate old games for their design rather than just because they played them as kids

>> No.7331513

i started collecting these cause my mom grew up with it and so we could connect with it

>> No.7331540

Thats really sweet anon, thanks for sharing

>> No.7331543

you're a good son, I hope it worked

>> No.7331547

It's fun but I like Midnight Magic and Secret Quest more. Supercharger games are good too

>> No.7331548

Why would you collect a console that has zero value? The games are suck.

>> No.7331560

I don't think so, I like them, I grew up with them and watch technology grow from these seeds

>> No.7331569

Dark Chambers is good too. It had actual co-op.

>> No.7331873

I've been wanting to collect for it for a while now. Really comfy system, and it's dirt cheap

>> No.7331895

I used to play Cops 'N Robbers, all the other games we had for it sucked.

>> No.7331921
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x3477, 20210113_193406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to post this. Big up!

>> No.7332091

Heavy Sixer?

>> No.7332182
File: 17 KB, 267x373, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing did not age well

Some people love super retro stuff like this but its a much smaller market compared to anything released by Nintendo or Sega

There were some good games but a lot of shit games were released for the Atari 2600 which helped lead to the video game market crash of 1983.Nintendo were the ones left to pick up the pieces

>> No.7332224


>> No.7332267
File: 117 KB, 467x398, zoom zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What zoomie can even look up shit on the internet?
None. They're all too retarded.

>> No.7332520

It also came out in '84, so there are probably way fewer copies of it in existence.

>> No.7332529

nope, notice the sides aren't thick, it's light

>> No.7332548

Atlantis II likely demands more than that

>> No.7332576
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 1531961404123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn play 2600 with bros while drinking beers and listening to dad rock vinyl collections.

suck it, zoomers.

>> No.7333084

Midnight Magic is so sick. I definitely gotta keep an eye out for it at my lgs.

>> No.7333562

Yes. Also the small radius of the corners is another easy way to tell.

According to that site. no. Even that stupid fucking birthday game is worth many times more according to them.