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7327636 No.7327636 [Reply] [Original]

Remake or original?

>> No.7327648

Original one. Yeah shit's bit low-res but it also way more consistent design-wise

>> No.7327651

original, always original, there hasn't been a single good remake in the history of man

>> No.7327654

Dying and reloading sucks tho

>> No.7327671

Resident Evil has proven you wrong Twice.

>> No.7327675

The 2019 MediEvil remake was pretty good

>> No.7327717

The remake looks way way better and the gameplay is smoother.

Play the original only if you're some kind of video game historian/archaeologist.

>> No.7327750

git gud


>> No.7327838

I wasn't impressed by New n Tasty as I was playing it, it just seemed like they made everything slightly worse. Movement is less precise, throwing is less precise, the lack of screen transitions completely changes the feel of the game, and none of the changes to the visual style struck me as good. I kept playing anyway because I'm an optimist and wanted to find something to like about the game, but the end credits song that they chose finally convinced me the devs truly just did not give a shit and the whole thing is pure cancer.

Anyway, the original is really good.

>> No.7327850


>> No.7327858

How is REmake not a good remake? I look forward to your sure to be highly detailed answer.

>> No.7327879

Remakes are just bad, okay? This is /vr/.

>> No.7327903

because is not the exact same game from his childhood and autistic people can't tolerate any kind of change

>> No.7327926

This. Fuck zoomers who keep begging for remakes.

>> No.7327928

New N' Tasty is soulless


>> No.7327941

i am gen x, Resident evil 2 was my favorite game as a kid when i played it on N64. i still enjoyed the shit out of the remake and is one of the few modern games i have liked, so speak for yourself and your shit opinions.

>> No.7327949

Punch your stupid face my man.
This game needs a proper remake with high res graphics, not some cheapo Unity trash, coded and modeled by a bunch of underplayed Pajeets.

>> No.7328095

How about almost everything?
Colors are washed out
Zombies look boring and generic
Not campy
Music (not too bad) but not as good as the original

the only thing the remake does better is graphics and models

>> No.7328104

i bet you are so much better at coding than capcom tranny, link to your undertale inspired kickstarter?

>> No.7328107
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>Not campy

>> No.7328124

>its not the exact same game 1:1 i played as a kid so its bad
That's what i though, all of these are petty shit. I doubt you even played it, you probably just threw an autistic tantrum reading the announcement and never touched it.

>> No.7328131

Stay mad, Lorne.

>> No.7328225
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>it's better because it's different

>> No.7328248

Every remake has been worse than the original

>> No.7328265

>everything bad
Being contrarian doesn't make you an interesting person.

>> No.7328371

Now you're zooming with power

>> No.7328476

Yeah unlike /vr/'s autism, some remakes are better than the original, Abe's Oddyssey is not one of them though

>> No.7328557

Nah, only REmake is the better one. REmake 2 has tons of cut content, boring "realistic" character designs, and borning ambient tracks instead of the original score.

>> No.7328708

I only ever played the Remake. Never experienced the original.

>> No.7328709

flip the pics retard

>> No.7328712

REmake 2 has the original score as DLC. Which I am using.

>> No.7328721

Consumerism is a plague.

>> No.7328876


>> No.7328887

Are you implying /v/'s autism is better than /vr/'s?

>> No.7328891

>you should only waste money into endogamic reseller non-markets

>> No.7328893

t. nostalgiafags

if it weren't for consumerism you wouldn't have video games in the first place you fucking retard

>> No.7328897

I used the original score for my playthrough as well and it enhances the experience by a huge margin, but it really shouldn't've been dlc.

>> No.7328902

They aren't nostalgia fags, but discord tourists from /v/, some of them are the new vegas frontier fags shitting the boards for free baits

>> No.7328903

>i need to always buy newest thing, no matter the quality

>> No.7328907

Fire Emblem: Echoes is a good remake.

>> No.7328916

That devastating image reply sure makes up for lacking anything resembling arguments yeah

>> No.7328921

That's a little disingenuous. Most remakes are shit but there are a few great ones that come to mind like OOT for the 3ds and REmake.

>> No.7328931

"old good new bad" is a disease anon.

>> No.7328938

>bring right is an illness
wew lad

>> No.7328948

>I entrench myself under a comfortably simple "new = bad" philosophy and claim any dissenting opinion is based on an equally extreme approach but in the opposite direction as a knee-jerk non argument

>> No.7328950
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>but why is not campy!!!???

>> No.7328954

english please

>> No.7328957

You hit the nail right on the head.

>> No.7328961

And he does it again. Can SOMEBODY stop this modern Cato the Elder

>> No.7328968

Funny how oldfags first say RE is scary but when it's compared to the remake it suddenly becomes "campy".

>> No.7328994

its always some petty excuse not to admit they are just autistically stubborn and most likely made their mind in hating it months before the game even had a trailer

>> No.7329004

>i am a retard and bitch about only being able to get my hands on old games due to a reseller market but will then turn around in another thread and talk about how great emulation is

>> No.7329013


>> No.7329136

Literally all of these are your autistic personal preferences. You say the colors look washed out, I say it looks far more detailed. I also much prefer the new music compared to the old stuff. Its a far more atmospheric game than the original which was cartoonish in comparison visually.
>zombies look boring and generic
How do the zombies in the original not look boring and generic compared to the remake? Can you actually answer this question by going into detail? I'll wait.

>> No.7329150

It also added new content that wasn't in the original, and made Mr. X an actual threat. Oh yeah, it made everything else actual threats too. OG RE2 is Resident Evil for fucking babies. Easiest game in the series by a HUGE margin. Also Leon and Ada both look great despite going for realism. Also the argument wasnt that RE2make is "better" than RE2, just that its a good remake. REmake and RE2make are both completely different styles of remakes but both are valid.

>> No.7329245
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See, you're wrong because changing anything at all from the original game is just bad. If a remake isn't the exact same game as it was from decades ago, then there's no point in making the remake even though a remake doesn't invalidate the original game and that a remake is pointless if it's just a complete 1 to 1 recreation of the original without changing anything DUH

>> No.7329260

Original, the remake changes a lot of the grim aesthetics for neon bright bullshit

>> No.7330273

This, some autists complain that Crash, Spyro and Spongebob look brighter when they are supposed to be happy and lively, Abe is meant to be somber and depressing and the remake misses the point horribly.

>> No.7330490
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I replayed Original just before Christmas and am replaying New n Tasty now. Bear in mind I got lumbered with the Switch version here so some of these may not apply to "better versions"
>Movement is a lot clunkier, instead of skidding to turn around while running Abe now stops and turns around to change direction. When walking Abe hesitates to walk off a ledge which makes it annoying because you'd want to do this when actually walking.
>Lighting is awful and takes away from a lot of the tone, sections that were shadows in the original game are ugly clouds of smoke
>Loading screens between secret areas that were literally a smooth transition in the original
>Changing the game to run on a single screen instead of each screen being separate makes some of the sections harder because you'll just run into a Slig that you didn't have time to react to.
>The perspective change makes it difficult to judge certain jumps (Elum in Paramonia, Jesus fucking Christ)
>Sligs now spout comic relief lines instead of feeling like a genuine threat
>Advertised 200 new mudokons to save when (so far, I'm at the Paramonian Temple) the only new mudokon was 1 at the Zulag 2 entrance, all they did was add more to existing areas)
Those are my main gripes. Don't play New n Tasty unless you play Oddysee first.

>> No.7330506
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The end credits song is fucking awful but at the very least I remember hearing the singer was actually a fan of the series. The REAL musical crime was that they got rid of the song from the Abe's Moon cutscene.

>> No.7330537

The remakes are closer to the director's original vision.

But for anyone who familiarises themselves with auteur works (in any medium, not just film and video games), sometimes sticking to 100% the artist's vision isn't always the best.

>> No.7331009

Do you actually have a source for that? Not being a prick but I'm interested in what Lorne's said about it.

>> No.7332723

remake all the way, don't listed to demented boomers, they just hate everything new

>> No.7332730

to be fair this is a retro games board and the remake vs original question is akin to dropping into a nintendo forum to ask "which is better: nintendo or sony?"

>> No.7332737

>t. never played the original
Why are you even in this thread?

>> No.7332783

I tried the original after beating the remake, it just looked and played like crap in comparison, no offense to your nostalgia.

>> No.7332856

Both have their merits (Especially with the remake having Exoddus' QOL improvements) but I have to go with the original.

>> No.7332858

>Easiest game in the series by a HUGE margin
Bullshit, the enemy count and HP of 1 was abysmally low compared to RE2.

>> No.7332861

>sections that were shadows in the original game are ugly clouds of smoke
This was to make those spots more obvious, different people will have different graphics settings and cinematic platformers tend to not use HUDs or at least use extremely minimal ones.

>> No.7332878

Fair point, I just wish there was something else they could've used that looked nicer

>> No.7332886

Another reason was clipping issues, as you'd be able to see Abe in shadows you'd also see sligs walking straight through him.

>> No.7334691

Not the guy you're replying to, but the upcoming Exoddus remake that's titled 'Soulstorm' is being made entirely because Exoddus was so far removed from the original vision for it. They only had a year to turn it around, so they had to be economical and reuse a lot of assets/ideas.

I do think Lanning's 'true visions' for the series are needless revionism, I'd much sooner they build upon new games instead of trying to correct the past.

>> No.7334806

Why lie? Hunters pose more of a threat than literally anything in 2. Nothing in 2 can kill you in one hit while moving that fast.

>> No.7334835

Lol no man. OG RE2 has them dropping in 3 hits. Remake 2 is actually somewhat consistent to how strong zombies could be in Nightmare Arrange from the DC version, which I loved

>> No.7335063
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>I'd much sooner they build upon new games instead of trying to correct the past
Very true but I'd love to see them give Munch another shot. Like it doesn't even need to be 3D, I really liked the story but it needed more fleshing out.

>> No.7335096

The original had a great atmosphere and managed to be somewhat creepy/dark. The farts and silly, goofy voices of Abe and friends was more of a cherry on top than the whole sundae
Remake is reversed and the series as a whole seems more focused on that goofy comedy fart business than the atmosphere and feel it used to have

>> No.7335629

>OG RE2 has them dropping in 3 hits
RE2 zombies have 50-128HP, and the handgun at close range does 16 damage. This means it takes 4-8 bullets for one zed. RE1 zombies have 18-99 HP and take 18 damage at close range, meaning they will eat 1-6 bullets.

I forget REmake2's exact numbers, but the zombies have 500-1200 HP and take 100 in headshots from the handgun in most circumstances, meaning they take 5-12 bullets. This can go up to 20 if your rank maxes out. If you include the proper aiming (crosshair fully shrinks) bonus they take 50% extra damage which pulls the bullets needed down to RE2 values.

RE2 Nightmare zombies have 250-640 HP. This makes them on average as durable as Mr X.

>> No.7335634

And in defiance of Abe's anti-capitalism and anti-industrialism and anti-slavery themes they made it EGS exclusive.

>> No.7335803


>> No.7335827
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New n Tasty is unironically harder than original because they fucked up the physics, especially with Elum, and they made it harder to hit the precision bombs.