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7327035 No.7327035 [Reply] [Original]

People really hate this game? I thought it was ok and the music is certainly not as bad as people say it is.

>> No.7327081

MMX3 was my first MM game so I'm a bit biased, but IMO it's good. it may not be on the level of MMX1, but it still plays well, just a bit less imaginative level design and with some gimmicky mechanics. the music is amazing though. it's definitely not a quality drop like from MM2/3 to MM5.

>> No.7327202

Super duel power!

>> No.7327214

Yah, I enjoy more than X4.

>> No.7327221 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1168x509, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people out there right now seriously considering this pic related.

>> No.7327224

I couldnt even bring myself to finish it. Its way less fun than 1 or even 2.

>> No.7327227

Anon...you know reproduce cart exist?

>> No.7327228

What is the best X3 stage music and why is it Gravity Beetle?

>> No.7327230

MMX3's music was really rushed. It's like the composer was forced to let them use unfinished versions of the tracks.

>> No.7327232


>> No.7327237

is that why the music after 1 started sounding so off? You can definitely hear the dip in quality as the series went on

>> No.7327241

Capcom does have a history of releasing way too many Megaman games at once and then sending the series into hibernation to be milked once again some time in the far-off future...

>> No.7327248

Ugh. Crush Crawfish's theme is so cool at the start and then it's just... lame.

>> No.7327250

1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6s-9FJ0UQYo

2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gs0RmLddtL0

3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc0MCXY1yIo

>> No.7327258

It amazing really.

>> No.7327265

Kawaii deus!

>> No.7327270

lol like Resident Evil Village and other more.

>> No.7327271

Every time I hear music from the Mega Man X games it just makes me sad that Capcom couldn't get the same quality of sounds out of the SNES as Foreman For Real did.

>> No.7327272

Capcom’s composers knowledge they good but lesser unlike Konami musicians.

>> No.7327278


>> No.7327282

KungfuFurby got great taste.

>> No.7327314

Here: >>7327258

>> No.7327410

It’s got those wireframes for no reason other than because they think it’s a cool trick.
There’s nothing worse than shoehorning things into your game just because it’s a shiny new toy your obsessed with

>> No.7327512

I'd imagine there was some business reason for using it in X3. It isn't just some native effect or achieved using some standard Nintendo expansion chip, but the CX4 chip that creates the effect was only ever used by X2 and X3. Some higher ups probably said "the kids love that 3D and we already chunked a gazillion yen into this thing, so you'd better use it in at least one more game before we abandon the Super Famicom." One of the dev boards for CX4 games even has SRAM support which obviously wasnt used by X2 or X3, so they probably intended for it to be included in more games instead of as just a random, throwaway gimmick in X2 and X3.

Also the X3 staff roll is one of my favorite songs in the series, fight me.

>> No.7327523

the music is great, I have no idea why people think it isn't. There are some great tracks.

>> No.7327530

vocal staff roll was great

>> No.7327564

https://youtu.be/u_t7zG-eMig so dumb and so cool at the same time
I agree the SNES ver music is great, fuck what people think

>> No.7327581

>not posting the much better JX remix that you can actually play on real hardware

>> No.7327584

Meant to reply to >>7327081

>> No.7327628


>> No.7327670

It's the best of the original trilogy despite all of its flaws; because stages and basic enemies are actually slightly challenging and their placement varied.

>> No.7327685
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it's in there because X2 used it and I assume X3 is heavily based on X2, code wise at least.
There is a model viewer/editor for the wireframe models of both games so that seems correct.

it's also in there because it's cool as fuck, fuck you

>> No.7327726

All the music uses the same BWAA BWAA sound

>> No.7327861

I've only ever beat X2 and this one a single time each. This one had a lot more personality for me even though it doesn't feel as polished as its predecessor. On the topic of music, much like Mega Man World 2, the soundfont never bothered me since the compositions are good for the most part. X2 had one of approximately six composers from the first one to return, yet I can barely remember any of the OST. On the other hand for X3, you had the composer of the original Castlevania, so it's bound to be good. Also try the Zero project.

>> No.7327875

Dropping a few of these here for anybody who liked the OST or wanted it to sound better.

>> No.7327884

Or Capcom/Minakuchi forgot to even transcribe them right.
Prototype: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia2B7Getp1c
Final: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpkDA4jeSgQ

>> No.7328008

>it's also in there because it's cool as fuck, fuck you

>> No.7328025

Has some of the best tracks in the entire series, regardless.

>> No.7328038
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Actually my all time favourite X game. Almost every aspect of it is objectively superior to every other X game, and I love all the other ones as well except one or two on the PS1/PS2. It has so much fun collecting in it, as well. It seems a lot of plebs/zooms can't into it because they impulsively can't wait for the gold armor and Z Sabre. Those two things right there are like the magnum opus of Mega Man, amazing things that will never be repeated in the series for some random reason, just like using Super Sonic in any level in Sonic 2-3K is for the Sonic series. The Zero Project hack is also really good, but the base game is still one of the greatest games on SNES imo. PS1 port (especially PAL version) butchered the soundtrack and desolate mood.


>> No.7328046

>Also the X3 staff roll is one of my favorite songs in the series, fight me.
Yeah I'm thinkin extremely based.

>> No.7328552

"Shoehorning" is Mega Man X3's design philosophy in a nutshell. They just crammed so many ideas into the game and let those additions step all over each other. Two sets of miniboss rooms and end boss explosions on those minibosses fuck up the pacing. An entire second set of capsule upgrades turn out to be useless because you can get all of them at once if you just wait a bit. Those second upgrades themselves are largely useless. Some of the upgrades are awkward to use (up dash, crossover charge shot) or exist only to get other upgrades (most of the mechs). And Zero may be playable but he's a lumbering giant only useable in 1/3 of any given level. And most of those levels are filled with boring giant square rooms you have to wind through filled with nothing but bullet sink stationary enemies that are just there to slow you down more.

>> No.7328558

X3's compositions may not be terrible but the instrumentation is grating as hell.

>> No.7328572

It was outsourced and clearly rushed, the level design is bad, they overuse the same 2 enemies on every stage, the exploration mechanics with the ride armor are clumsy. It's also quite buggy.

And the music is definitely shit, Mega Man X1 arguably has the single best video game soundtrack of all time, X2 isn't quite at that level but still has some amazing music in it. X3 isn't NEARLY up to the par set for the series at this point.
That apparently falls on the dev team who repeatedly asked for stupid changes to the soundtrack, the composer is amazing (she did the first Castlevania 1 and even already rocked the SNES soundchip with Power Rangers)

>> No.7328581

>It was outsourced

Bad meme

It was "outsourced" to devs who had already developped many MM games

>> No.7328585

Didn't they do some of the shittier ones though? Like II on Game Boy?

>> No.7328587


>> No.7328591

Subpar Gameboy ones.
Not even the chads who did the amazing Xtreme.

>> No.7328608

Arrangement is half the battle and might be the single most important part of the music-making process. Straight up bad composition is a whole different story, but you can still salvage quite a bit as long as it's passable enough and you make up for it with the arrangement part. You could take a meh composition and really flesh it out and make it interesting, or at least make it enjoyable to listen to.

>> No.7328610

I'd be salty as hell if I composed Castlevania 1's soundtrack and watched it become legendary while I stay just some random person. Like imagine if nobody knew who John Williams was despite composing the Indiana Jones theme. How do people work in video games without being deeply resentful?

>> No.7328614
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That's the classic one Minakuchi Engineering did not make.

>> No.7328645

They did MMV which is the best GB(C) one, and which influenced the main series by introducing the shop which became a standard afterwards

>> No.7328704

There are a handful of memorable tracks, like Gravity Beetle, but largely the tracks aren't memorable. For a series that consistently turns out great soundtracks, X3 is comparatively mediocre, and I believe that's why it gets the hate that it does.

>> No.7328735

Adding a dozen new instrument voices doesn't make it good. Those orchestra hits in Gravity Beetle are fucking awful.

>> No.7328812

Did they do Mega Man 7? Because that one feels more like the Game Boy games than the NES ones.

>> No.7328821
File: 2.22 MB, 2405x3493, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM7 was made by he chore team, many of which had worked on MM2

>> No.7328846

Not a bad meme. X3 has a different dev team than the first two games and it shows.

>> No.7328892

she also composed this incredible soundtrack

Also there's a few that don't. The absolute legend Tim Follin stopped making video game music and moved to film because he needed more money. Tommy Tallarico spent decades in obscurity despite making the fucking OOF sound and having loads of great soundtracks under his belt and having a G4 show and being Steven Tyler's cousin, only recently with Video Games Live has he become popular

>> No.7328912

You know that's ripped from X1, right?

>> No.7328926

Minakuchi would have done absolutely better on SNES and Genesis if they were tasked to do more than one on each. Same with Biox, the devs of II, they deserved a second chance, Capcom was extremely picky.

>> No.7329171

That changes nothing. You seem to be thinking that my argument is about orchestra hits in general. They could have used the instrument set from any of the X games, and those orchestra hits In Gravity Beetle would still be out of place. X1 used those hits just fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWuVlELmLuw

>> No.7329548

it's also said that they had to bring in an external team to help them finish the game. many people suspect that it was minakuchi.

i don't really trust inafune interviews anymore.

>> No.7329685


Yeah, there's something about the stage layouts that feel so much like the Game Boy games. Not to mention Mega Man's size and physics and the 4/4 robot master system instead of 8. I'd find it hard to believe that nobody associated with the Game Boy entries was involved.

>> No.7329713

From Grace

>> No.7330101

good taste, that shit's so crunchy

>> No.7331818

IV and V were amazing. I'd argue that III would also be amazing if it weren't for the bullshit level design.

>> No.7332248

Yes baby

>> No.7332598

X1 - Based
X2 - Based
X3 - Based
X4 - "We want the edgy shounen anime watcher audience"
X5 - "Let's take X4 and strip away everything that made it seem like a big, high quality production for that bargain bin knockoff aesthetic"
X6 - "People are still buying these? lol"
X8 - "Well it isn't X7"

>> No.7332601

>X4 - "We want the edgy shounen anime watcher audience"

That was X1 you fool!

>> No.7332610
File: 12 KB, 300x300, I_..._I_am_....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but X4 was when they could finally pull it off, for better or worse. The aesthetic of X4, from the background to the music to the plot to the cutscenes are what is so memorable. The gameplay itself is a downgrade from the SNES trilogy. Air Force is my favorite level in the game, but that's because of the fantastic music and awesome art - the actual level is bland and easy. The overall control just doesn't have the tight acrobatic feel of the first three games. I really think people who remember the game so fondly first played it when they were like 10-13 and were overwhelmed by the edgy shounen anime "maturity" of it.

>> No.7332628
File: 19 KB, 256x224, Mega Man X 3 (U) [!]010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler: you don't need the mecha to break the ice

>> No.7332662

Still catchier than anything from X2. In fact, the whole X2 OST sounds like Crush Crawfish's intro.

>> No.7332703

Sorry but Bubble Crab's theme is mino (musical kino).

>> No.7332710

X2's music is just notes salad. There's barely anything memorable. X3 is still catchier than anything X2.

>> No.7332718

Based oldfag that actually played these games rather than of the zoomer raid, who are dependent on letsplays/reviews of them by a handfulmof some faggot e-celebs.

>> No.7332763

i think what he said is pretty much what most people think about X series. people get divided about X4, some hate it, some love it, but that's about it.

>> No.7334043

Wheel Gator is X2's most iconic song imo

>> No.7334064

Bubble Crab alone stomps every X3 tune.

>> No.7334070

I hate those fat ass ladders in X3.

>> No.7334079

For you, brothers.

>> No.7334084


>> No.7334106

MMIV for Game Boy was what introduced the shop.

>> No.7334127

I wish the shop had more value beyond mostly just letting you pay for the same shit you find in the levels with only a handful of actual buffs. Mega Man 8 is the only game that used it well I think.

>> No.7334147

> hate
> weakest of the SNES games?
> bad?
a "bad" MMX game is still a really good fucking game.

>> No.7334152

also i beat it and let my friend borrow the cart back in the 90s... he moved away years ago. RIP muh valuable game. i think i still have the manual actually...

>> No.7334163

X1's music was composed by six people. X2's music was all done by one of those people. X3's music was also done by one person who worked on neither game, who also composed about half of Castlevania 1's music.

>> No.7334169

Right away, that Crush Crawfish intro completely misses the point of the original.

>> No.7334174
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> i think i still have the manual actually...
yep....... fuckin a it works fine on SD2SNES anyway

>> No.7334179

I actually quite like the Crush Crawfish remix. It's better than the original IMO. Can't say the same for the Gravity Beetle remix. That one's definitely the worst of the remixes.
I agree that it would've been better to follow up from Crush Crawfish's cool intro, though.

>> No.7334194
File: 1.73 MB, 639x346, displeasedgoomba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game gets re-released on playstation, meaning these songs can finally have all the kickass metal guitars they were clearly made for
>instead the playstation versions of the songs take out all the original's grit and go for a corny anime synth sound
Who signed off on this shit? They totally blew the opportunity to give Mega Man X3's music the arrangements it deserved.

>> No.7334279

Got you senpai

>> No.7334291

Why did he bother extending the boss theme when Legacy Collection already did it?

>> No.7334294

>You know what our simple run and gun shooter needs? A FUCKING INTRUSIVE AS FUCK BORING GODDAMN STORY
Fuck X.

>> No.7334320

this isn't much of a problem until x5. the zero series having unskippable cutscenes is much worse.

>> No.7334326

Imagine being this delusional. Now, I'll concede that Bubble Crab, Wheel Gator and Crystal Snail don't sound as bad as the rest of X2's ost, but X3's intro stage theme already beats any X2 theme. Honestly, that game reminds me of X-Men vs. Street Fighter in that the composers spent so much time writing intricate songs, but none of them ended up being memorable. It's the definition of riff salad.

>> No.7334338

The story was pretty cool and non-intrusive in X1 really, unless you have ADHD brain and can't handle a "cutscene" that lasts like 20 seconds at most. In X2 and X3 the story got goofier but it was still not really intrusive at all. X4 they went a bit overboard with it, but still not a big deal. X5 though...well, even then, the overintrusive story is the least of that game's problems.

>> No.7334350

The real issue

>> No.7335538

ATATATATATAT-mixer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-WUmkenOrPA

>> No.7335551

Both are sick mixer.

>> No.7335681

>corny anime synth sound
Heh, the PSX Tunnel Rhino theme does sound like something that would play during a "friend is actually a foe" reveal scene in a JRPG.

>> No.7336042

The lead instrument is wacky, and the others don't come in until the very end. The only thing worth coming back to this one is the "song extension" only because I bust buckets to those, since they're semi-rare.

>> No.7337364

Best megaman intro.
And that's fucking saying something.
What with all of the boss intro startups to compete with too.

>> No.7337389

I dare anyone in this thread to whistle Sponge Wire's song from memory.

>> No.7337770

X3's Light capsule theme drags down the whole soundtrack all by itself. It sounds like a toddler hammering on a keyboard.

>> No.7337807

i want to shove my dick in zero's mouth

>> No.7337845

Can only remember the Xtreme 2 version.

>> No.7338054

Listen to this >>7327884. Makes no damn sense.

>> No.7338059

Konami was always shitty with their business, /vr/

>> No.7338190


>> No.7338231


>> No.7338246

Rehear again, it beat the original. The wacky part because "SMW" instrumental.

>> No.7338260

The level design, enemy variety and weapons are a downgrade from X1/X2 and that doesn't leave you with much except for the darker tone and chance to play zero.

>> No.7338412

I prefer the "twang" of the X2 instruments over the noisy metal of X3's melodies. Would love to hear X3's music with X2's instruments.


>> No.7338493

It some other goodness



>> No.7338507

Yeah, the "twang"

>> No.7338523

it's the worse snes mmx, it's better than any videogame that came after it, simple.

>> No.7338731

Man that cruel angels thesis sounds like dogshit

>> No.7338904


>> No.7339420

Lads. X1-3 have a lot of competition for the opening stages.
In X1 it's the perfect tutorial. For the first time you're introduced to HUGE fucking minibosses. Yes there was the whale in 4 and the met-whatever thing in 5 but the giant bees were cool.
Also you get to blow the cars to bits as they have several stages of damage. Very cool.
X2 has the high speed breakthrough intro where you're invested in green dude's death and X does the coolest fucking thing any action hero can do, which is slide your motorcycle into something to make it explode.
Plus fuckhuge boss.
X3 has really good music. The level is boring UNITL. And you you know what it is. You get to play as Zero, with his own music. And the coolest part of all is using the z-sabre to cut X down.
Which is it for you, lads? I'm going with 3.

>> No.7339461

This is going to sound stupid.
But I hated the "real" sounding music like that.
I think the fact that it was trying to be as close to real as possible but still sounded muffled made me hate it.
But as I'm listening I really liked the part at 0:52-1:11

>> No.7339532

X1 is the most perfect tutorial in video game history so I'm going with that.

>> No.7339572

the only bad part of X1's intro stage is that you have no fucking dash which makes repeat playthroughs a chore at the start

>> No.7339585

But then you wouldn't:

>> No.7339627

The buster upgrade was garbage

>> No.7340148

I've seen an unusual amount of dislike levied against X3 in recent years.

>> No.7340154

I think it's a result of the direct comparison to the other games and more people having a chance to play it after the various collections. X3 wasn't that popular when it came out, either. It had a very low print run. People were into it "in theory" because of the semi-obscure PS1 port but once getting to play it on the PS2 collection they realized it just isn't as good as the others even if it isn't objectively awful.

>> No.7340156

it's dudes parroting the opinions of minor e-celebs or popular community people online

>> No.7340158

>Bubble Crab
Bubble Crab is good but Counter Hunter stages 1 and 2 is god

>> No.7340160

The X4 hate meanwhile seems like pure salt from X3 fans. Everyone loved X4 when it came out. Even the acting wasn't criticized all that much. It was treated as bad but in a way that was to be expected of video game acting in the era.

>> No.7340178


Tends to be some e-celeb made a video about the series and so people are talking about it. In the best case, you get people playing it and having opinions. In the unfortunately more common case folks just come here and regurgitate the ecelebs take.

>> No.7340192

>X4 hate
don't get this either, X4 was the core of the fanbase for a long time

>> No.7340517

X1 sometimes has an issue where you need to backtrack to trigger the Vile cutscene, and X3's boss is lame. X2 Intro FTW.

>> No.7340545

I loved X4 when it was current. I STILL like it, but the gameplay isn't as great as the SNES games. The graphics and music are absolute top tier, though.

>> No.7341175

Best MM boxart for sure

>> No.7342126


it's deserved. X3 sucks.

>> No.7342816

I hate that dust buster arm cannon though.

>> No.7342843

>I'd argue that III would be amazing if it weren't for the bullshit level design
I was about to argue that, then I remembered the fucking Wily stage. If it wasn't for that level having really good music, I might've rage quit.
Also doesn't help that the stage is like one long ass giant level instead of separate ones. I have mixed feelings about that.

>> No.7342875

The only thing wrong with III is that red platform from Shadow Man's stage. Especially on that one screen in Drill Man's stage.

>> No.7342876

There's also Dust Man, where you're constantly making BS, uber-precise jumps that have you scraping the top of the ceiling constantly.

>> No.7342887

Yeah, that stage is #2 for most deaths for me when I play the game.
Drill Man's is #3. Wily is #1.
I don't think I could ever do a no-death run of that game.

>> No.7342892

It's a choice between music that fits better but with godawful instrumentation that rapes your ears, or music which sounds better but doesn't fit the game.
I'll still take the latter, or alternatively the remixes from X-Treme 2 (if only they weren't cut down).

>> No.7344041

I'll take X3's return to straightforward and challenging level routes over X2's bipolar halfway-between-open-and-gated style progression, anyday.

>> No.7344140

I think everything else makes up for it. But I never realized how fucked the scenario is. Zero fighting a Maverick in mid-air at Niagra Falls while X is standing there doing a photoshoot

>> No.7344150

>quality drop
What? 5 has amazing tracks. Gravity Man, Crystal Man, Wave Man, Proto Man Stages, just to name a few.
I think 2's over rated for doing so good so early in the series' inception that people don't give the rest of the classic series it's due.

>> No.7344158

God, the F-Zero X soundfont sounds amazing. It really feels it's what the lady composser was aiming for. Too bad she wasn't involved with the CD-version's remixes.

>> No.7344538

Supposedly, according to Takuya Aizu, Inti Creates was funded by the people who were making X2 and 7, all of them just-graduated programmers who hated the crunch and general work conditions of Capcom.
After those two games finished production, Aizu took most of them with him to fund Inti Creates, which is why Capcom had to outsource X3.
Supposedly, this is why Capcom has a coporative bad blood with Inti, with Inafune (being Aizu's friend) being the sole reason Capcom let Inti work on Mega Man again as subcontractors, but with Inafune out of the picture, they've gone as far as to remove all references to Inti in the Legacy Collection version of 9, 10, Zero and ZX.
And if you notice, their interview with MMZ-people were only with people no longer affiliated with Inti Creates as employees like Makoto Yabe or Toru Nakayama.

>> No.7344608

Does anybody else have a gut feeling these guys did 5 and 6 as well with their credit being extremely downplayed?

>> No.7344613

Oh shit do you think that's why the resolution is fucked up in 9 and 10 on the legacy collection? They scaled them wrong and its easy to tell just by looking at the lifebar. Did someone deliberately fuck up the port as a fuck you?

>> No.7345019

If you mean X5 and X6:
X5 and X6 were outsourced to codemonkeys of a now-defunt company called Valuewave that were valuewave, Inti (or the folks who would become Inti) had nothing to do with it. VW also worked in X7, X8 and CM, X8 being the one game they were credited as such, but you gotta read the staff list to see they were involved prior. When VW went bankrupt Capcom absorbed their coding division.

If you mean classic 5 and 6, nope, but apparently the Planner for 5 became the Director for X1.

>> No.7345023

I doubt it was deliberately as a fuck you, but probably Capcom didn't had the complete sourcecode for 9 and 10, and something went wrong during the development of the port for the LC.

>> No.7345089

i didnt mean music, i meant gameplay.

>> No.7345187

No way.

>> No.7345234

Are you thinking this because of some devs mentionned as special thanks?

The main reason why old devs would be given a special thanks in a new game is because the new game's devs looked at code and generally how the old devs did things to make the new ones. It makes dev time faster especially if the new team is less experienced.

It's not an uncommon thing at all and it also happened a lot with Nastume and Konami. You'd find lot's of uncanny ressemblances between 2 NES games and quite often you'd find the entire dev team of what the new game looks like in the credits.

The RAM/ROM map may be different, yet a lot of the logic will be similar. Some things will be completely new and improved sure, but other things will be almost identical with only RAM/ROM pointers being different.

I've seen this myself, I spent a lot of time hacking MM5, then when looking at MM4 a lot of things looked familiar. These things may even date further back too.

The most obvious thing about it in MM5 is the enemies. 80-90% of them are reskin of MM4 enemies with only SLIGHTLY different behaviour.
This is also true to a lesser extent in MM6, for instance Colton (the cowboy enemies that shoots bullets) = Crystal Joe.

>> No.7345273

I can understand a lot of those criticisms, but your opinion of the up dash outed you as a faggot. Every other of your criticisms is "game is too tedious" then you brought up "game is too easy" with up dash, indicating you are trying to hate this game simply because it's now trendy to do so and you want reddit gold. You desperately need to dilate.

>> No.7345274

Biox did II. Minakuchi did the universally-loved

>> No.7345278

the universally-loved IV and V.

>> No.7345489
File: 977 B, 85x33, COLTJOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle sized stationary enemy
>fires a single shot
that shot could be on a timer right? But instead the routine goes like this
>check if there is already a shot on screen
>shoot if there isn't

The only difference between the two is that Crystal Joe charges up his shot, and Colton has twice as much HP.

The worst part is that they're derivatives of Sniper Joe, against simplified. This is the mentality for a lot of enemies in MM5 and 6: re-do the same thing, but not as well. Sniper Joes' shots were a bit harder to predict and to doge, he had his shield, could jump...

This is true for a lot of enemies.

>> No.7345557

The up dash has this start up to it that makes it awkward to use compared to dashing normally. If it had you go up the moment you used it it would be a lot better.

>> No.7345584

Pretty sure this was done for balancing reasons so you can't just dodge every boss attack by a quick up dash

>> No.7346013

No, I suggested it because I always felt 5 and 6 felt off and since they were released late in the console's lifespan, I still don't think Capcom would have cared to do it themselves.

>> No.7346095

>Giant spike pit with an enemy on the other side
>Can't use Rush Jet because you get that AFTER the stage
>Ceiling's too low, so if you try Rush Coil, you'll smack your head and land too soon to your death
>Only way across is to time your jump as the enemy shoots so you get hit on the descent, then run for the other side and kill the enemy while you're flashing
MMIII GB was THE shittiest of the Game Boy games. Even II wasn't that bad.

>> No.7346595

Where's your tin foil hat

>> No.7346682

What's wrong with the gameplay? it's the same as 3. In Mega Man 1 and 2, Mega Man skids after you stop pressing the button like if you were on perpetual ice physics, which makes some of the more precise platforming a pain.

>> No.7346685

You really don't know how spiteful and "muh honor" japanese corporations are, do you?

>> No.7346754

... but they were still working at Capcom then weren't they

>> No.7346809

Weak theory anon. It's more likely that the people who worked on DuckTales 2 did those.

>> No.7346841

With all the added stuff like air dashing, it should be better than X1, but something about it just makes it feel worse somehow.

Still fun af though.

>> No.7346906

Don't badmouth one of my favourite childhood's game now I warn you

>> No.7346909

Megaman was never good desu

>> No.7347082

>"Some of the upgrades are awkward to use (up dash, crossover charge shot) or exist only to get other upgrades (most of the mechs)."

>"Then you brough up "game is too easy" with the up dash

Are you able to read? Where in the hell do I say that?

>> No.7348450

Shut up

>> No.7348693

Don't start this meme

>> No.7348838

Been edging a cum. Anyone want me to on my MMX3 cart? Can post pics

>> No.7348980

You have X2 instead?

>> No.7349016

I think it was neat, not a lot of enemy variety and enemies dealt a lot of damage on early game, but otherwise it was pretty fun, the level design was mostly good, and the ost has some bangers, like Neon Tiger and Gravity Beetle

>> No.7349028

Final version is better. Sounds surreal, on the border of cute and creepy. The prototype is generic jrpg lounge music.

>> No.7351231

x2 is good