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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 312 KB, 672x604, RetroArch-0528-041322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
732370 No.732370 [Reply] [Original]

Sure, you might have known there were a handful of 3D and pseudo-3D games for the GBA, but did you know there was actually a pseudo-3D game for the original Game Boy?

Faceball 2000 was a port of the game MIDI Maze, originally for the Atari ST. Sure the framerate is almost unplayable, but it's an impressive achievement nonetheless, made even more impressive by the fact that it supported up to 16 simultaneous players.

Show me some more retro technological achievements, /vr/

>> No.732382

Driller was among the first true 3D games ever released, and IIRC had the very first ever licenced 3D game engine. Included is mouselook, ability to fly over the map, movement of 3D objects, and much more. And it was released in 1986.

>> No.732385

>Freescape engine
I still have the full boxed 3d construction kit for C64 (gold vhs included)

>> No.732386


I remember playing this on an emulator when I was like 12...I have no clue why I downloaded it in the first place.

>> No.732392

Holy shit. They even allowed you to move in the z-dimension? Not even Wolfenstein had that. That's amazing.

This is probably the best example of "ahead of its time" I can think of


>> No.732407

Looked as good as Star Fox, played at twice the frame rate, and was made 10 years earlier? What the heck, game developers? Why didn't you capitalize on this technology?

>> No.732457

Wolfenstein is hardly a benchmark. The main virtue its engine had was that it was fast as fuck. Games such as Ultima Underworld are also known as having superior engines before it, if we take the engine capabilities into account.
It was an arcade game.

>> No.732552
File: 3 KB, 160x144, t-tex_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was also T-Tex, an unreleased game for the Color, that promised smooth 30 FPS 3D gameplay. Unfortunately, the game's only programmer and the one man who could understand the machine code the game was written in hopped the border and was never seen again. All that is left is a very incomplete proof-of-concept build.

You can read more about it here: http://www.nintendoplayer.com/unreleased/tyrannosaurus-tex/

>> No.732564

It tends to get overshadowed by Virtua Racing Deluxe and totally forgotten about in lieu of Star Fox, but the regular Virtua Racing on the Genesis was pretty damn impressive in my opinion. Some of the animations were a bit choppy, but it was pretty damn impressive and a lot of fun. F-22 Interceptor was quite impressive in a lot of respects too, but was pretty much unplayable.

>> No.732589

Holy fuck, that looks like an early 90s game and it looks fun as fuck to play, how did they even do that? I knew arcades were powerful but not THAT powerful.

>> No.732601

Don't know why I saged.

>> No.732602


>> No.732603

Cannon Fodder for the Game Boy Color had full color video by exploiting it's color pallete.

>> No.732613
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>> No.732691


>> No.732706
File: 19 KB, 351x359, MHHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my mind has just been blown.

>> No.732729
File: 15 KB, 350x208, 1620742673_532dd66d_mind_blown_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That should not even exist. That intro alone must have been pushing the GBC to the very brink of it's hardware limits

>> No.732741

Because it proved unpopular at the time and the video game market crash happened at the same time.

>> No.732754
File: 23 KB, 388x271, 1361319347480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even remember those video cartridges for the GBA looking as good as that!

>> No.732797
File: 16 KB, 160x144, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race Drivin' for original GB. Fully 3D solid-polygon racer, with multiple courses and stunts, and it's more playable than the SNES and Genesis ports. No fucking clue how they pulled that off. You can't just raycast this shit like Faceball.

>> No.732805


its not that impressive when you think of it as a series of images compressed and played in order, much like an animated .gif

>> No.732807

Yes it fucking is.

>> No.732808

Perhaps it's just me, but Dragon's Lair for GBC looks pretty impressive.

>> No.732809


he's now coding shovelware for the mexican video game cartels

>> No.732815


No, I don't think you understand what an incredible achievement in programming that is.
Do you know how much larger even a highly compressed .gif is than sprite data?
And then, we have actual sound files, not created using a soundfont or other trickery, actual recorded sound, on a fucking Game Boy Colour.
That video, even if it was compressed using arcane wizardry, would have taken up the vast majority of the cartridge's memory, and it's a wonder it fit at all.

>> No.732821

I, Robot for the arcade.

Using polygons ahead of its time, etc. Such a new dimension that no oneknew how to approach it.

Kinda like those Collaseum (sp) hologram games without the suck.

>> No.732835


Shit, didnt see this. Good call, sir.

>> No.732851

Voice acting in SNES game impresses me


>> No.732905

>faceball on SNES
>kick everything's ass as a bottom half of a face

>> No.732903

Atari Star Wars


That is pretty impressive.

>> No.732917

And i thought the Spectrum was a useless piece of garbage.

>> No.732937

You know the spoken intro on most sega games? Took up almost a quarter of the cartridge.

>> No.732939

WOW! I thought that was a hack someone put in there.

>> No.732946

>And i thought the Spectrum was a useless piece of garbage.
What sacrilege

>> No.732979

That reminds me. Apparently there was a demoscene conversion of Stunt Track FX for the gameboy that I stumbled across at some point


It's actually fairly impressive

>> No.733019

music 10/10
grayfix 10/10
level design 10/10

>> No.733038


Not that impressive, when you consider the audio capabilities of the Super Nes:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Nintendo_Entertainment_System#Audio
DSP generating a 16bit sound @32KHz. Man that's almost an audio CD!

>> No.733046


That was even on proprietary cartridges.
They could make their own cartridges to whatever specifications they wanted, and the intro still took up a huge amount of space.

>> No.733042


Only people who never used one/really searched for informations on the system say this.

>> No.733059


it's more about space constraints than anything else
a sound file reproducing a recognisable human voice is gargantuan in filesize for a fourth gen console

>> No.733070

This game is 96 KB big.

>> No.733091
File: 59 KB, 306x384, X_Game_Boy_game_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure, you might have known there were a handful of 3D and pseudo-3D games for the GBA, but did you know there was actually a pseudo-3D game for the original Game Boy?

No. But I know there was an actual polygon 3D game developed by the same people as Starfox.


You disappoint me, /vr/ ;_;


>> No.733095


and that's why it's an incredible achievement

also it's nearly impossible to achieve that kind of size with more than a single person working on a project, not to mention an entire dev team
trimming down the code would take longer than developing the game

>> No.733104

>They could make their own cartridges to whatever specifications they wanted
They were limited financially. No one wanted to buy a $200 slab of ROM chips to play one game (see: Neo-Geo AES).

>> No.733108

Bouncers were ridiculous. How do you even beat them? Or you don't?



>> No.733109


The 2:32 of speech weight 736Kbit or 92KBytes when compressed in ADPCM at a rate of 8kbit/sec. It's less than 1 Mbit. Maybe 1Meg is fuckhuge for the NES, but it isn't for the Super Nes. Also, Tales of Phantasia have a 48Megabit cart, so they had all the space they wanted to store samples


>But I know there was an actual polygon 3D game developed by the same people as Starfox.

That's Starglider 2 you're talking about, on Amiga, have a floppy of this game, it's wonderful

>> No.733120


What I meant was, the development team for Cannon Fodder had to work with what they were given, whereas Sega actually own the technology they're using and can change it to suit their needs.

>> No.733124


Fuck, it's not 736 Kbit it's 1216Kbit. But still, it's almost 1Mbit, and 1 Meg is nothing for a SNES game.

>> No.733130

>That's Starglider 2 you're talking about, on Amiga, have a floppy of this game, it's wonderful

No I am talking about X on the fucking Gameboy.
Can't you read?

>> No.733138


Oops, I only read "actual polygon 3D game developed by the same people as Starfox"...

>> No.733142

When I saw this thread, I honestly wondered how that wasn't the first post.

This is impossible. There's some dark, satanic magic in that cartridge to make something like that happen.

>> No.733149

Good old X. First and only 3D turkey-based games on the original GB.

>> No.733168

There was on old Sega Arcade title called Time Traveler. It used a huge concave mirror and a CRT to simulate a holographic display. The characters appeared to be free standing and about five or so inches tall. The gameplay was a pain in the ass at best, and if you did not hit the button at just the right time, you were killed., No health bar, no timer...just shot and killed. If you fired too soon, they would dodge, and you still got killed. To see it firsthand was pretty cool. The graphics were pretty impressive since it came out in 1991 during the beginning of the live action video game craze (think oldschool Mortal Kombat) and laserdiscs.


>> No.733174

Question : Is there a Gameboy emulator out there for windows that can display gameboy games like in OP's picture? I love that effect.

>> No.733178

It's a filter for retroarch. I haven't gotten it to work, personally.

>> No.733182

Ah I see, I thought that was just for Android, thanks.

>> No.733408

They probably used a flicker effect trick. have two colors alternate to produce a new one for that frame.

>> No.733438
File: 40 KB, 640x443, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.733479

One of my favorites back then. Played the crap out of it. The 3D was admittedly part of the draw for me.

>> No.733496

it wasn't the first to do it

>> No.733490

Gimmick for Famicom had an extra chip in the the cart that added extra sound channels.


>> No.733696
File: 29 KB, 334x225, 194034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth a note, Rescue on Fractalus

I remember as a kid reading an article noting it uses 256 somethingsomething distinct hoohaa points to define the fractalfarvle landscape. I had no idea what that meant for a few more years, but it sure sounded cool.

Looking up games, seems the early 80s was a cool period
1979 FS1 Flight Simulator (herpderp70s)
1983 Stellar 7 (my first memory of 3D)
1984 Elite
1984 Sundog: Frozen Legacy

>> No.734003


absolutely fucking incredible

>> No.734028

>Although the Game Boy Color is limited to showing only fifty-six colors simultaneously, T-Tex‘s cutscenes would be able to handle over two thousand thanks to an in-house-developed workaround that could switch color palettes mid-chunk on the screen.
mother of god

>> No.734036


I guess they did that per scanline?

You could do that on the GBA, at least.

>> No.734062

>i thought the Spectrum was a useless piece of garbage.

C'mon son.

>> No.734074

That's the least impressive thing about Gimmick!.
What's more impressive are the physics, the technology, the variation in everything, and the obvious love that went into every facet of the game.
It even has a bad ending, which is sad as hell.

>> No.734082

not to mention that it was expensive as fuck to make at the time

>> No.734097

Seriously. The spiny guys moving you with their feet when you flip them over... that is more noteworthy than an extra sound channel that isn't used.

>> No.734134

Not to mention completely unique areas that are there purely for scenery and environment.
The game is 385k, I didn't even know they could get that big on the NES.

>> No.734250

I just decided to play this because it gets mentioned so often..
I don't really care for the star thing you have to build up before you shoot... will I eventually get used to it?

>> No.734258

Kirby's Adventure was 6mbits

>> No.734264

Loved me some Faceball.

ishootu2 says: Have a nice day!


>> No.734297

Prepare to have your minds blown.

>> No.734306

>drive tword building
>Pass through wall unharmed

>> No.734307

Resident Evil 1 for the GBC

>> No.734321

So, this is basically using a variety of "facing" sprites plus scaling based on screen position? Like a point and click adventure?

>> No.734336

You will. You can do some pretty pro shit with those stars, too.
Also, explore everything. If you miss a single hidden item, you can't get the good ending.

>> No.734369

It does make the great soundtrack possible, but I'm more impressed with the aesthetics of the game

>> No.734426

http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/demos/groups/farb-rausch/kkrieger-beta.zip&fileinfo Download for the game for the interested

>> No.734446

Had this on PC. Didn't think much of it back then.
Didn't even know it was on the SNES. Now.. That is amazing. Just looked up a Gameplay Video for it and just... Snes Graphics.... just makes me think about how lazy game devs can be :\

>> No.734576

does an english rom translation for this exist?

>> No.735626

How do they even have that much room for sprites in a GBC cartridge? God damn.

>> No.735632

>awesome graphics for gba
>that awful music
well, okay then...

>> No.735671


Dragon's Lair uses no sprites whatsoever.

>> No.735704



looks pretty awesome (and ugly)

>> No.735730

Completely unlike the shit-tastic one on the NES.

>> No.735774

How the fuck did they manage to put a near-current gen game under 1MB?? Too beyond me.

>> No.735779

The GBA had the unfortunate need to have such a tradeoff for every game. Better the graphics, the more the sound had to suffer, and vice-versa.

>> No.735786

this music is awesome!

>> No.735801

Star Ocean (similar game, think it's made by the same people) has a fully voiced intro cutscene


I don't know why it's in English though

>> No.735803

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sXgFmZ-tM0 megadrive doing starfox style 3D, fuck yeah!

>> No.735850

Star Ocean was made by the people that left Wolf Team because of disputes regarding Tales of Phantasia's development, so it makes sense they look very similair. Both Wolf Team(as Namco Tales Studio) and tri-Ace still exist.

>> No.735872


>> No.736668

Is it true that there's a SNES game out there with full voice-acting? I heard about it on a podcast. Some kinda JRPG?

>> No.736682


>> No.736693

Star ocean was a pretty damn impressive game. It had a special chip to process the graphics and voice acting, and the whole cart was a whopping 48 megs

>> No.738334

1987 is years after the crash. What are you referring to? Or did it come out back in 1982 or something originally?

>> No.738340

He's referring to I, Robot which was a 1983 arcade title.

The first game to use shaded polygons ever

>> No.738359


The biggest one that comes to mind is Harmony of Dissonance for GBA. Great looking and MASSIVE game, low quality music

>> No.738375

If only those tunes were made with better sound patches. That soundtracks composition fucking rocked, but no one ever talks about it

>> No.738379


No doubt there, the melodies themselves were fucking awesome, I found a revamped version of the marble corridor


Not bad

>> No.738382

The game came out between Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow which had arguably better soundtracks, add that to the sound quality and you find yourself with a bad recipe for interest.

>> No.738396

>Circle of the Moon and Aria
>Arguably had better soundtracks
>than Harmony of Dissonance

There's no argument.

>> No.738402


Circle of the moon's tracks were just remixes of already pre-existing tracks. Harmony only suffered because the quality was poor, the composition was fucking amazing

>> No.738403

Interestingly, at the time, everyone I spoke to said Circle of the Moon was shit and that Harmony of Dissonance was a way better entry in the series' library.

Not disagreeing with you guys, as I really liked CotM, but just pointing out something interesting. I really like HoD also.

>> No.738408


We're arguing over sountracks right now though, gameplay wise Circle of the Moon was pretty bad, very sluggish and grinding for cards was a bitch, and jesus christ was it HARD

>> No.738412

I kind of wish they would have made this into a series instead of making Starfox...

>> No.738419

Heh, Jorge D Fuentes arranged this. That guy's one of the mods of the CVD, where I spent way too much time of my teenage years.

>> No.738545

Oh yeah, right. Sorry. I thought he meant Freescape games.

>> No.738629
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, catchemall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 players
This guy came close

>> No.738630

>Jorge D Fuentes

Oh man, that bring me back to when I was really big into Castlevania. I still am, but much less so. I remember loving his rendition of Opposing Bloodlines.

>> No.738639

The intro song of Plok. Apparently Miyamoto refused to believe it was coming out of an unmodified SNES.


>> No.738652

My brother and I were absolutely stunned by Plok's intro when we first booted it up a few months ago when we got it.

Plok is also a really good game. I'm surprised it isn't talked about more often or considered a classic. Its gameplay is pretty damn good.

>> No.738660

Wait a minute. How the fuck? Is there a custom chip in the cart?

>> No.738664
File: 84 KB, 899x677, gb4pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he realize that only the original game boy links and game boy 4 player adapters are compatible with FB2k?

As in this thing right here.

>> No.738669

Plok is a great great game. I'm honestly surprised that we don't hear more from it in general. I remember getting it as a kid and i was just like.

>Dat Harmonica

>> No.738679

It had an amazing amount of effort put into it. The turn to black and white, the change in music, and the mustache on Granddaddy Plok had us laughing our asses off.

>> No.738696

It's a game that i'd love to see a sequel to. Or atleast a HD Re-Make. It honestly didn't get enough attention

>> No.738701

>Original GameBoys
>GameBoy Colors
>GBA Link Cables
pants on head retarded

>> No.738719

I'll agree with the GBA Link cables as retarded, but you can link GBs, GBCs, and GBAs together as long as you're using old GB/GB pocket cables and old GB games.

>> No.738725

Apparently, the creators still hold the licenses for Plok:
>The brothers also produced Plok, which remains one of the few titles in which they still have the intellectual rights for.

>> No.738726

well yeah, like I said here (Not same as retarded caller)>>738664

You need four of those babies and then 12 original link cables I think, I can't even imagine what the setup looks like.

>> No.738746

Maybe we should go to their house and make 2spooky ghost noises to get them to make it.

>> No.738805

I'll bring the big wobbly sheet of metal

>> No.738832


like this?

>> No.738869

so was there ever any 16-player rounds of that game recorded

>> No.739225

How could Atari make a game this graphically advanced for its time and fuck up so hard with the Jaguar?

>> No.739594

By that time the Atari moniker had changed hands, right?

>> No.739668

Atari was always one of those companies that pioneered the industry but usually never got enough praise for the work they did. Then other companies refined the Ideas atari started and used better advertising so they became more popular wtih a more refined product. The Jaguar was massively over-powered for the time, think n64 polygon capability with 16 bit color textures. But it failed why? It was impossible to code for and therefore, no gaems.

>> No.739691
File: 12 KB, 242x359, coming5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peach rings

>> No.739773

Procedural generation, just about everything in the game - textures, models, sound, music - is created from within it.

>> No.739826

I remember hearing the SNES had the capability of high-definition sprites, but the only game that used it was a shovelware Batman game. Anyone remember the details?

>> No.739828

I've heard that a large proportion of the capabilities the Jaguar had "on paper" weren't actually usable due to various hardware bugs.

>> No.739859

I remember seeing this game advertised in Tips & Tricks. Always wondered what what happened to it, kind of sad to hear it was never finished or released.

>> No.739907

Character screen for Seiken Densetsu 3 used a high-resolution mode.
It wasn't used very much for actual gameplay because of technical limitations.

>> No.740312

i though that was part of the translation hack!

>> No.740363
File: 226 KB, 834x906, 1341606679602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filter

Where'd you find that, OP?

>> No.740656

It was made by a guy over in the emulation general on /vg/. You can find it here: https://github.com/HarlequinVG/shaders

It's in cg format and as far as I'm aware RetroArch is the only emulation related thing that supports it. There are options in the files to tweak the contrast just like on a real Game Boy, and you can replace the background image with whatever you want.

>> No.743324

bump this was an awesome thread and hope people could add to it

>> No.743332
File: 651 KB, 1920x1080, Plok2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Part of the reason I'm making a fan sequel to Plok is to convince the Pickfords to make an official one themselves.

>> No.743345

Link to your blog? Also does he go limbless like the original? Oh and you should go play Never Dead, it's practically an edgy version of plok at least gameplay wise that is.

>> No.743350


>Link to your blog?

Don't have one. I post on AGDG, that's it.

>Also does he go limbless like the original?


>Oh and you should go play Never Dead, it's practically an edgy version of plok at least gameplay wise that is.

I did. It was okay.

>> No.743359

>Game Boy Advance
>"hey that's pretty impressive but it's not like it's the only ga-"
>oh wait I read that wrong, Game Boy Color

>> No.743361


>there will never been a version of MG: Ghost Babel with FMVs

>> No.743362

I guess the reason why I told you about it is because why don't you handle the health mechanics that way?

>> No.743365

Some similar shit going on here.


>> No.743370


Depends on how difficult the final game is. If it's too easy, I'll give Plok 1 HP. If not, i'll implement something like NeverDead.

>> No.743380


>> No.743483

>NES physics

I don't know much about the technical limits of the NES; is Solar Jetman technically impressive?


It's got, like, gravity and inertia and shit.

>> No.743710

so how do you get that shader to work? I installed retroarch and selected the shader in the options, but the emulator wont even start any games.

>> No.743764
File: 1.01 MB, 1252x960, BraveFencerMusashiGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a dope filter. Last time I tried it, it didn't work on AMD cards, but now it's working just fine. For the hell of it, I tried to see if it would work on other systems. Could be cool if I could actually see shit.

>> No.743783

Yes I own solar jetman. It is not only a great Rare game but the smooth scrolling graphics are really nice and its a lot of fun. It's a good looking NES game.

>> No.743785


Yeah the guy that was working on it did a lot of troubleshooting with myself and a couple other anons to work out the bugs for amd cards and then changed the system so it wasn't game boy only. Obviously it was never actually meant to be used with any other system, as you can see right there. IMO you're best off running the window scale at X.2 and without the default background.

>> No.743792

I had it set up that way, but it boarders weird with PS1 games, so I tried to do some arbitrary sizing. That said, I don't really plan to use it outside of Gameboy games, so I'm sure it'll be fine (and I have the pixelate shader for everything else). Still really cool to see. Glad you guys got things worked out.

>> No.743874

Someone fucking track down the programmer.
Think of it: .cfv video files. A full-length movie at 4kp would fit on a CD.

>> No.743917
File: 246 KB, 582x415, 1344461172206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming from an snes

>> No.744036


SNES was all samples. Tim Follin was just really good at picking them.

>> No.746536

Holy crap, gamers really missed out.

>> No.746542

Bullshit it's 3d. Back then they used polygonal algorithms to fake it.

>> No.746556

Looks like it's just a series of brief moments where you have to get the exact right button and then everything else is predetermined. I don't think it looks that fun or that impressive

>> No.746562

made me chuckle

>> No.746582

I want that song.

>> No.746606


>> No.746614

Youtube downloader program
Convert/Save in VLC
Set MP4 to output only audio channels
Save as c:\path\filename.mp3

>> No.746646

Wow, that's a really complicated way of saying "go to listentoyoutube.com, put in the url, and wait five seconds"

Of course this'll take more time than that since I gotta cut out the actual song part. I think there are a few of em total, and one that's repeated a lot

>> No.746663

True, but this method doesn't rely on another website that may or may not get shut down eventually. Also, the MP4 setup only needs to be done once, it literally takes about 6 seconds for a 2 hour OST.

>> No.747050


I love that man