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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7321564 No.7321564 [Reply] [Original]

what is the ultimate "you had to be there" game?

>> No.7321570

What do you mean? Did you get filtered by the difficulty?

>> No.7321580

no, it's an easy game. I mean a game that to get its full impact you had to play it at the time of release, a game that it won't feel the same if you play it after all these years for one reason or another. I guess you could add Goldeneye to the list too.

>> No.7321585

99% percent of the time you have to ask this question the answer is yes.

>> No.7321595

no, i disliked the game even the year it came out. "I would rather watch an actual movie" was my first reaction to it.

>> No.7321598
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>> No.7321638

Exactly the same for me.

Proper "you had to be there" games are Street Fighter II, Sonic, Final Fantasy VII, Mario 64, Resident Evil, etc.

>> No.7321647
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>ultimate "you had to be there" game?
Mortal Kombat

>> No.7321650

there is no difficulty in Metal gear, solid you listen a 30 minute long audiobook, move two feet, watch a 20 minute cutscene , hide from some guards with the shallowest stealth mechanics ever, listen to another audiobook call with more exposition , repeat.

MGS is vid related, except is the entire game.


>> No.7321653

So you don't think the boss battles are difficult? I'm sure you've beaten the entire game of course.

>> No.7321654


BADASS! They think the critically acclaimed game is OVERRATED!!

>> No.7321657

>So you don't think the boss battles are difficult?
they really arent, and if you're having difficult with them, there's the in-game walkthrough (codec calls)

>> No.7321660

Not this one. It's like one of the only "cinematic experience" games that holds up.

>> No.7321662

Goldeneye 64, Banjo Kazooie and final fantasy 7

Not that their are bad but their impact owes a lot to experiencing them in their context as a kid

>> No.7321672

why would they be difficult? if they were to you your bar for videogame difficulty is low as hell.

>ohhhhh but psycho mantis, switch controller port bury smort gimmick, Kojima best director

>> No.7321683

Based game, way less of an embarrassment than its sequel but
>look at the CD case for the code!
fuck you

>> No.7321717
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>> No.7321728

this is a good example, people treat it as shit now but damn if it didn't blow your mind at its time

>> No.7321735

Socom for ps2

>> No.7321740

emulatorfag spotted

>> No.7321756

Super Mario 64
>>7321717 this
Final Fantasy 7
Grand Theft Auto 3
all are still good games but unless you experienced how totally different and mind blowing they were compared to everything that came before AT THAT TIME, then you have never truly experienced these games
the move from 2D to 3D was insane. nothing has come close and nothing will until we reach star trek levels of virtual reality

>> No.7321763

imagine actually paying for MGS, even the couple bucks i payed back then for the burned bootleg were a ripoff, mine had the code actually written on the cd case btw.

>> No.7321765

Not "overrated", it's just that I didn't like it at all and didn't care.

>> No.7321773

>the move from 2D to 3D was insane. nothing has come close and nothing will until we reach star trek levels of virtual reality

>> No.7321780

not that, for sure

Id say probably ff7

>> No.7321791

then why the fuck are you complaining

>> No.7321810

No sir, we only go by the common lowest denominator consensus on hames over here

>> No.7321816

not the same person, i did have the code, still a bad game

>> No.7321831


>> No.7321873

fixed that for you.

>> No.7321914

Honestly, I think most games are like that.

>> No.7322067


>> No.7322079

Street Fighter II, you cannot understate its impact in and outside video games.

>> No.7322150

mgs1 has borked difficulty sadly. normal is just boring, you can coast through the bosses without ever needing to pay attention to any of their mechanics that the codecs will exhaustively explain. hard mode gets the bosses to a point where they offer a decent challenge but it has no radar something the game obviously wasn't designed to handle.

>> No.7322370

Yep. And remember that special moves were actually secrets. How do you do fireballs? It's written nowhere, and no one knew. You had to find it out by yourself. Or listen to the rumors in town from people who seemed to know... This sense of mystery cannot be replicated today.

>> No.7322392

Why are people listing games that hold up great and continue to captivate players new and old? Like yeah, someone playing Super Mario 64 or Final Fantasy 7 in 2021 won't feel that exact same technological leap, but the games themselves are still excellent and appealing at the core.

Street Fighter 2 vanilla is a good one, simply because it's a mess and there are much better revisions that make it redundant. Something like Gran Turismo 1 would also work. There's no spectacle or appeal anymore beyond nostalgia.

>> No.7322396

I was born in 1992.
I had an N64 growing up, LOZ and Super Smash Brothers were massive parts of my life.
I didn't play SM64 until about 2015, and it's phenomenal. Super great game that I regret not playing when I was younger. I've now 120 starred it multiple times. It's not held back by its age at all.

>> No.7322415

The move to 3d wasn't that exciting.
My first console was the Genesis so the best 3d on that console was doom tier in Toy Story.
The move to the PS1 and N64 wasn't that mind blowing for a kid at the time. I was far more impressed by memory cards.

>> No.7322535

>basic character functionality was a secret
That wasn't a good thing.

>> No.7322554

It wasn't, but it added to the mystique

>> No.7322563

You basically had to have the DC as your first console, not just being there. Those are the only people who defend SA, because for them it was their SMB, and a formative memory regardless of quality.

>> No.7322573

>move to 3d wasn't exciting
it opened up so many more possibilities

>> No.7322576

it's pearls before swine when it comes to neophytes and children

>> No.7322654

What you're referring to sounds more like it's something that "hasn't aged well" or some shit

The thing that I think best fits having to be there to appreciate it culturally is pokemon red n blue, and honestly metal gear solid 2.

>> No.7322752

Sonic Adventure
Sonic & Knuckles 3
Splinter Cell

>> No.7322813

I never fully appreciated MGS until completing it on Extreme. The Vulcan Raven fight in the cold room was one the most intense boss fights I've experienced. The relief you feel surviving the extra mandatory torture room sessions on Extreme was also very satisfying.

>> No.7322827

Nah, still great.
Yep. Adventure 2 holds up amazingly well though.

>> No.7322829

>Final Fantasy 7
>Grand Theft Auto 3
These hold up perfectly.
Street fighter, Mario 64, FF7 and RE 1 all hold up.

>> No.7322836
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>Win98, CRT display, in the late 90s.
Imagine the feels...

>> No.7322894
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Nothing comes close

>> No.7322902
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Based. It's been a long while since I went for a Big Boss rank on MGS1. Have a Twin Snakes run instead.

>> No.7322918

No, it was soul, you just had to be there to understand.

>> No.7322928

>ywn experience the magic of playing this game for the first time again
It hurts.

>> No.7322942

Played MGS on my PS1 for the first time last November and it became one if my favorite video games. Don't know what you mean.

>> No.7322972

This applies to all wrestling and skating games

>> No.7323141
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You can emulate the games but you cant emulate the pokemania that swept the US for a solid 2-3 years following them. It was a fad that transcended a fad.

>> No.7323152
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nigga this was 1990 and it was either you put your quarter into the claw machine to get a stuffed animal, or you put your quarter into the SFII cabinet and got to virtually beat up someone else. And as you mash and flail the buttons suddenly a fireball comes out and everyone is amazed, what the fuck was that? And suddenly now everyone is curious about this game and is swarming the arcades 24/7 trying to find out more about different fighters. Next day someone figures out the spinning piledriver and a community is born that is still alive today. It wasn't just a good thing, it was genius.

>> No.7323163
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I recently tried getting into 64 and it more annoys me at times that amazes me. Getting mario to do what i want to is a struggle and the camera makes me want to hurl.

>> No.7323173

SM64 was my first game and when I went to my cousin's house he showed me this and I still thought it was mind-blowing.

>> No.7323180

>And remember that special moves were actually secrets.
Just for Americans? Or did Japs also not get the movesets?

>> No.7323186

earthbound, since no one bought it, despite all these skids crying its the best shit since sliced dick, which means they either pirated it or rented it, both things ninty is staunchly vehemently against, which means it's based of ninty to punish fagbound fanfags by constantly denying them a localization of fagbound 2, they don't deserve to get a localization of it in the slightest, should've bought the fucking game when it was actually on the market, enjoy your 1000 dollar unboxed no label fagbound cartridges, you shitters

>> No.7323192

nah, it sucked ass back then too, jizzdroolers still sucking its cock to this day despite it being shit doesn't fit OP's criteria

>> No.7323193

this is the comprehensive list of "Had to be there" half of these I legit can't go back to now despite really loving them still.

>> No.7323205

soft brain take

>> No.7323207

You can't go back to Mario 64 or FF7? I think they've aged well, Mario 64 especially (minus camera controls)

>> No.7323251

Don't know how MGS1 falls into that definition but MGS2 does. The uncanniness to the ending, the allusions to a digital age that was going on but not yet integrated with the video game medium itself to the extent that it is now, the references to the internet that console manufacturers had only just dipped their toes into. Playing MGS2 in the early 2000s on a piece of hardware from back then was a unique experience you could never have again.

>> No.7323267

>The move to the PS1 and N64 wasn't that mind blowing for a kid at the time
Yes it was, unless you have autism. The N64 and PS changed video games forever

You missed the point entirely. Playing GTA3 for the first time now will never ever compare to playing it for the first time when it was new. There's just no way to experience how revolutionary it was for the time

>> No.7323272

The camera controls ruin Mario 64 for me. I played the PC port when it happened and the gameplay is still great, but that fucking camera...

>> No.7323308

You madman

>> No.7323320

>The move to the PS1 and N64 wasn't that mind blowing

...for you

>> No.7323326

This. You just had to be there to understand it. You can't replicate this experience in mame, no matter what filters you are using.

>> No.7323328
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>The move to the PS1 and N64 wasn't that mind blowing for a kid at the time

I couldn't say, but I can tell you it was certainly mind blowing for an adult

>> No.7323330
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>"how the fuck did you do that special move, Anon?"
>"I can't tell you man, it's my secret"
>actually I mashed buttons randomly and had no idea

>> No.7323335
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I'd go one further and say arcade games generally. The experience was entirely different to the way it's preserved and recreated today- no savestates, no guides or cheats, just raw, spontaneous skill, and a real world social element due to the competitive aspect of 2-player games and sharing of nebulous information.

>> No.7323343

And the fact that graphics were so good compared to home consoles, and you could try these beauties immediately for chump change.

>> No.7323379

Even if you came in at the end of the arcade era, when they were mostly empty and the machines were beat up and shitty, there was a vibe you don't quite have now in places where coin-op survives. Maybe it's like the difference between a concert for a band that's on top of the world versus one on its reunion tour years later, it's still entertaining but there's an acknowledgment we're doing this for the memories and it's more of an individual thing than a shared experience. Or something I'd have to think about it more

>> No.7323383

I agree it can't be recreated but
>no savestates, no guides or cheats
just don't use them
what terrible arguments

>> No.7323393


You missed the point.

>> No.7323395

He meant that it wasn't even a possibility or a temptation. You had to get gud or lose all your money.

>> No.7323401

It's only popular because of Smash. Literally, that's the only reason there's more than 10 people that know about it.

>> No.7323528

hmm for me it seemed almost every game to come from the N64 and Playstation era were the ultimate you had to be there game. the jump from 2d to 3d for me was such a revolution that it cannot be understated.

>> No.7323538
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Even the first Virtua Fighter with its humble polygons was mind-blowing in 1993 (just when Street Fighter II' got released for the Mega Drive).

>> No.7323560

But the original Metal Gear Solid has aged perfectly. Story wise, presentation wise, gameplay wise, everything matches what a current game genuinely sets out to do and does it well and with style.

>> No.7323578

I was more impressed with Sega's racing games than Virtua Fighter. Street Fighter was too big for anyone to notice.

>> No.7323607


This is kinda true, but I distinctly remember arcade fighters having the moves written on the cabinet somewhere. It might’ve been MVC2 or Soulcalibur.

>> No.7323626

I did a swap over the summer with a friend at college. N64 / PlayStation. I completed MGS in a week. When we swapped back, he couldn't believe that I had completed it until he checked the save on the memory card.

>> No.7323675
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Obligatory Dual Shock/Psycho Mantis fight praise for it doing something with the players' experience of the game that basically has never been matched. I wonder how many people actually experienced the effect back in the day? Way less have experienced it since, since who knows if the feature even got translated in the ports. It'd be nice if there was a video showing it, I'm really not going to search yt for it. And no, I'm not talking about the 'unplug/replug controller into port 2' or whatever.

What game other than this masterpiece has ever moved your fucking controller across the floor/desk/whatever surface you sat the motherfucker on?

>> No.7324884
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>> No.7324895

Street Fighter II was my passion, but as soon as I saw Virtua Fighter in the arcades, I immediately thought: "This is the end for Street Fighter and all the games I know."

>> No.7324929

Imagine trying to be a functional person with this level of reading comprehension.

Windows 98 was peak comfy. Downloading and successfully running Doom Knee Deep in The Dead and other shareware was a unique experience.

>> No.7325316

mgs1 wasn't really able to translate the promise of the stealth in the abstract vr missions to the levels in the campaign. Outside of a couple exceptions everything has the problem of the tank hangar, big open area and a couple gaurds with patrol routes so unthreatning that you'll usually avoid them completely without needing to make any adjustments on your part. The very first bit of gameplay at the port is probably the most involved stealth segment in the game.

>> No.7325338
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If you weren't a kid when this dropped and never had hours upon hours of 4-player split screen deathmatching with your friends, you will never understand the

>> No.7325465

you need a good condition OEM controller, and for the camera try using the R + downC mode

>> No.7325580

>rare footage of Daigo actually angry

>> No.7325609

Oh wow he mashed parry a bunch so ebik

>> No.7325617

CS came out a year later the simps back then finally got their multi player also for the guys who played doom and quake back then suck it up your community was dead because it wasn’t a basic FPS like CS but thanks for open gl

>> No.7325645

based rikasneed

>> No.7325854

It felt a bit forced. Just because it was now affordable for consoles to do basic 3D, companies shoved it out there for the novelty and, of course, profits.

There was this attitude that 2D gaming was suddenly "invalid" and 3D was somehow obligatory. I don't think customers demanded it anywhere near as much as companies wanted to supply it - a lot of early 3D (as in the mid 90s console scene) has aged badly, it wasn't ready. Another generation of 2D machines with mid 90s tech would have been beautiful - and then for the next generation, 3D's introduction to the console market would have been more graceful.

Back then I was also excited by 3D and remember the hype and anticipation but after the machines came out I definitely felt something was amiss - and kind of mourned the look and the mechanics of 2D games.

>> No.7325889

>3D's introduction to the console market would have been more graceful.
On a visual level, maybe (though probably not a 1:1 improvement). But the growing pains of controls and knowing what to expect from the player would have just been delayed. Many early 3D games feel dated not because of low polygon counts but because the developers underestimated how quickly the audience would acclimate to 3D. Even good, evergreen games like SM64 and OoT sometimes suffer from being too conservative.

>> No.7325931

>kind of mourned the look and the mechanics of 2D games
This was definitely true for me too. But 2D suddenly felt irrelevant and it was clear there would be no coming back, ever. 2D became a beautiful thing of the past.

Some games mastered 2D at this point (the Street Fighter Alpha series, the later SNK games, etc.) and they were extremely enjoyable, but they also looked a bit niche. The innovating and exciting games were 3D. And the fact that 3D was still a bit wonky was part of the excitement, because progress could be made and new things could be invented (regarding graphics, controls, concepts, etc.), while 2D could show nothing new as it was perfect.

>> No.7325943

I was there, and I agree.

I thought the game was fucking amazing at the time, but looking back, it's atrocious and barely playable.

>> No.7325952

The only difficult boss is the first sniper wolf fight.

>> No.7326914

really trying to push this "mgs1 isn't good" meme, aren't ya.

>> No.7326934


>> No.7326997

Maybe not ultimate, but the AKI wrestling games. WWF No Mercy, WM2000, Revenge, all of them. It was absolutely mind blowing how good those games were and still are. We’re talking about going from Pro Wrestling on NES to WWF Raw on SNES, WM Arcade to fucking WWF War Zone, an ungodly piece of shit. The idea of ALL of your favorite wrestlers and then some was a new thing at that time. Previous games typically featured about 6-12 wrestlers, usually popular ones, such as Hogan, Andre, Austin, HBK, etc. Now WM2000 had everyone from Austin to The Blue Meanie. Top on all kinds of matches, story modes and create a wrestler features, it was a marvel. The gameplay, of course, is the best part of these games and why they hold up today. Games like WM Arcade, War Zone, Royal Rumble, all featured retarded inputs for very simple moves, like a body slam. In the AKI games, you just press A to grapple, A again and you do a body slam. So simple. VPW2 is the best one of all.

>> No.7327843
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For me, this is still the dividing line between retro and modern games.

>> No.7327865

MGS2 is a prophecy.

>> No.7327870

inorite? FF8's transitions into cutscenes from gameplay was fucking amazing.

>> No.7327876
File: 177 KB, 800x1125, 208729-halo-combat-evolved-xbox-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Halo

>> No.7327886

and thence the cancer spread

>> No.7327913

Fors such a long game ff8 was very short on cutscenes, they were always impressive and short. The average modern game has more cutscenes before ending the tutorial than all of ff8 in three discs

>> No.7327915

>I don't think customers demanded it anywhere near as much as companies wanted to supply it -
you clearly were not there

it was always just a shitty gimmick.

>> No.7327921

Your opinion is shit.

>> No.7328119

This. Along with Doom and Half Life changed the way games are approached.

>> No.7328126

for the worst

>> No.7328247

you really couldn't hold yourself from throwing a generic 4chan slang on someone despite the fact that it doesn't fit to the topic huh. Have sex, seek help

>> No.7328510 [DELETED] 

I say after Halo dudebros became a main target demographic

>> No.7328514

I say after Halo dudebros became a main target demographic of the console gaming segment

>> No.7328742

I get why people blame Halo for ruining shooters but honestly most games that came out soon after it didn't really copy its now over done elements (regen health, two weapons). I can't even think of another shooter off the top of my head the same gen that had regenerating health.
It wasn't really until CoD4 that every fps needed to suck, even Halo decided to copy the shit in that game.

>> No.7330280

> 1999
> Be 14
> Poorfag, still stuck with a Genesis
> Walk into a Toys R' Us with some cash I earned washing neighborhood cars to buy a game
> See a Dreamcast demo kiosk
> It's running a gameplay video of Sonic Adventure
> Crisp 3D graphics
> Insane sense of speed
> Bright colors everywhere

It blew my mind straight outta my ass

>> No.7330586 [DELETED] 

Does it even get more "you had to be there" than Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast/Gamecube? I don't know very much about it, but it really interests me.

>> No.7330598
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>> No.7330615
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Does it even get more "you had to be there" than Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast/Gamecube? I don't know very much about it, but it really interests me.

>> No.7330636

Playing PSO on an actual Dreamcast using dialup was a blast. It (and a few other games) are still playable online on the DC. I used to run a Dreamcast Quake III server back in the day.

Good times.

>> No.7330993
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Its been almost 20 years and i still love it.

>> No.7331015

I hope you got a Dreamcast soon after.

>> No.7331156

Nah, I wasn't able to pick one up until a couple years later when Sega was up against the ropes and stores were blowing them out. I picked one up brand new for $49.99 and a bunch of games for dirt cheap and loved the shit out of it.

>> No.7331192
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>> No.7331301

Wellmit was very impressive at the time. And now it's not. So... yeah.

>> No.7331694
File: 39 KB, 600x191, 465822ec0b8948eebf50c54590424575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every beat em up from Final Fight onward left this pile of shit in the dust.

>> No.7331705

Pac-Man is still fun as fuck, though.

>> No.7331707

WoW, back before any of the expansions came out

>> No.7331715

>putting the voice actor name below the character name
i know this is just Kojima pretending to be a hollywood director but i always thought this was a classy detail

>> No.7331941 [DELETED] 

going back through 6th gen stuff recently, and not many were even close to him outside of team silent, maybe square or japan studio, mgs1 with the bobble heads still was better than pretty much everything from the 6th.

>> No.7331957

THIS. the game was made for multiplayer, the campaign is good, but online made the game truly special

>> No.7332024


>> No.7332026

Loved it but the third person camera exploits poison all of them.

>> No.7332287


This, not to mention Championship Edition and CE DX+. Probably the beet retro game revivals I have ever played. CE 2 sucks dick, however.

>> No.7332293

*best, not beet mother fucking god damn piece of shit touch fucking screen typing bullshit

android/gboard licks my ass

>> No.7332321

>CE 2 sucks dick, however
I dont understand what people hate about it. I like the first CE more, but I still thought CE2 was solid for something different.

>> No.7332329

>something different

This is the problem. It is TOO different. Strays too far from the Pac premise imo

>> No.7332747

The screen blinking out to the hideo screen messed with me more than anything, as the display color and font were identical to my tv's.

>> No.7332764
