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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7319291 No.7319291 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7319293

Because theys is stupid

>> No.7319298

>comes one year too late
>looks very weird
>no games
>can't read DVDs

>> No.7319302

The GC sold well. I got one just because of the Zelda collector's disc.
Why is revisionism rearing its ugly head in gaming?

>> No.7319309

>The GC sold well
It was the worst-selling console of its generation lol

PS2: 155 million units sold
Xbox: 24 million
GameCube: 22 million

>> No.7319316

So that ESLs could shitpost about it.

>> No.7319320

>two million more units sold BTFOs Nintendo
Ok? It still sold well. I didn't say it was the number one console.

>> No.7319326

>>can't read DVDs
There was a very odd DVD fetish that took hold in the early to late 2000s, and I blame the movie Robocop. It's complicated, but people just wanted the novelty of spinning up a disc and producing images better than VHS with great zeal in every single trinket possible.

>> No.7319331

n64 was a piece of shit and the hype for the chadstation 2 was massive

2001 was very good for the game releases on PS2, it further cemented the obvious lead it was going to have

mario sunshine was like a fucking beta game, it's insane how unpolished it was, which was really weird to see for a nintendo mainline
game, it just showed how clueless they were

even after getting assfucked for using bad media on the 5th gen, these japanese kikes still decided to go against the DVD and paid the price for it, fuck nintendo cultists

>> No.7319337

>t. DVD consortium

>> No.7319339

Both the Xbox and the GameCube got BTFO. But the GameCube was the worst of the three. You can't pretend it sold well while the Switch already sold, what, three times as much?

>> No.7319341
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>> No.7319342

>Both the Xbox and the GameCube got BTFO.
Let's pretend that the GC got btfo'd.
but saying the Xbox did? lol come on, lay off the pot for a while.

>> No.7319345

Which console is going to work in 50-100 years?
That's what I thought.

>> No.7319350

Yeah, I was an outcast for not having a DVD player in 2002.

For many people the PS2 was also a DVD player, which explains its success I guess.

>> No.7319351
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My 2002 fat PS2 is still working.

>> No.7319352

>selling 7 times fewer units than your direct competitor and losing one billion dollars in the process is not getting BTFO

>> No.7319353

But we all know that long after we're dead most games will be forgotten, but the ones that will endure will 100% be Nintendo games, I assure you.

>> No.7319358

peepee poopoo

>> No.7319362

>I was an outcast for not having a DVD player in 2002.
Truth be told I would have looked at you funny too,(got a player in '99, three years after it came out) but to expect a DVD device to be in every electronic piece of equipment always struck me as asinine.

Do you not know English werr? I said it sold well, I didn't say they were #1, Chang.

>> No.7319367

>noooo what do you mean Need For Speed and Madden NFL 2005 will live eternally in the mind of humans

>> No.7319368

Quick name 10 PS2 games that are classics that will endure across many devices over the coming years.

>> No.7319369

No DVD player + kiddy games (most of Gamecube's library) were abhorrent in the 2000's; that cartoony Zelda didn't help

>> No.7319372
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Kek, I didn't come to argue console wars with manchildren, just answered your OP with facts and logic to make you seethe eternally

>> No.7319378

Nice answer.
I take that as your contrition.

>> No.7319379

don't forget to guzzle that sóy

>> No.7319387

pretty much this

>> No.7319389

>y..y--yer like me!

>> No.7319403

Anyone else was freaked out by this controller? I mean the non-standard layout of the buttons (while the standard was partly created by Nintendo itself)?

It doesn't look serious.

>> No.7319495

Because DVD players were expensive at the time and normies only buy about four games per system. The PS2 was absolutely perfect for them.

>> No.7319503

difficult to pirate, piracy sold the PS2

>> No.7319508

being a dvd player sold the ps2, piracy sold the ps1

>> No.7319518

piracy sold both

>> No.7319530

>retarded purple lunch box aesthetic
>kiddie games and Zelda for babies
>no edgy "grown-up" games like Halo and GTA
>Resident Evil 4 dropped way too late in its lifecycle and the PS2 port was already announced before then- even
>can't play DVD's
>no online multiplayer besides PSO and workarounds for LAN games
>Rare sold to Microsoft, alienating their fanbase and even convincing them to go with an Xbox in some cases
>piracy wasn't really an option until the autists invented the SDGecko years after the console was already discontinued

>> No.7319546

pretty much this, the GC was actually a good console but the PS2 was more bang for my buck and jrpgs were still good around that time which PS2 had in droves.

>> No.7319560

>No! Lies Lies Lies poopoo liar america numbah 1 HAlo Halo GTA Halo

>> No.7319592

Market for video games also increased, cant really make thay direct comparison.

>> No.7319621

The three best-selling consoles of all time were released in 2000, 2004 and 1989.

>> No.7319631

it was a shit console and unlike the N64, it didn't have transcendental/revolutionary games (maybe Metroid Prime, but it's still inferior to Super Metroid). Also the console looked too much like a toy in an era where everybody else tried to appeal to the adult market

>> No.7319663

Sorry no, Transcendental? whats that garbage supposed to mean, fucking game journo trash talking points. Most of the best games in the gamecube library hold up much better than anything on the n64 that isnt Ocarina or Majora and much better than games that came after for ps3/shitbox360/wii. 6th was the last good gen we ever had and that includes the gamecube.

It wasn't as good as the ps2, i don't think any console has come close to the ps2 but saying it was a shit console is being a retard

>> No.7319669

>4kb texture ram
all of my keks

>> No.7319697

Still sold more than dreamcast

>> No.7319702

The GameCube was $99 and even then I didn't want to buy it lol

>> No.7319703

dreamcast could have sold more units had every game been self booting

>> No.7319710
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>> No.7319719

>>can't play DVD's
Could have saved yourself an afternoon typing the rest of that crap out.

70 billion PS2s sold and only one game that sold over 10M? Normies don't buy many video games.

>> No.7319724

nintendo's genre defining n64 games became genre conforming safe games so the meme they sold themselves on in the past became irrelevant. The only people who like the gamecube today were kids who grew up with it because their parents got it for them cuz it was the cheap one with mario on the box.

>> No.7319742

it could have sold more units if it actually had games

>> No.7319743

war flashbacks or nostalgia? i really don't know

>> No.7319758

The Wii U sold more than Dreamcast so that isn't much of an accomplishment.

>> No.7319770

the Wii U is more powerful than the Switch, I don't know how they get away with it

>> No.7319789

By having games lol

>> No.7319790

Didn't double as a DVD player so poors didn't flock to it despite the competitive price point and far greater power. Only had two system selling killer apps for basically the first 3 years of its existence: Melee and Metroid Prime. Maybe you could argue Double Dash as well.

Nintendo's actual first party games from this period really slipped in quality. Mario Sunshine is by such a wide margin the worst 3D Mario and it was very clearly rushed out in a desperate attempt to fuel the sales of the system. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are massive downgrades from the N64 Zelda titles. Starfox was run into the ground with one ill-conceived spinoff and one legitimately bad game.
Most of the best games on the system were outsourced/second party. Thousand Year Door, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX. Something just went terribly wrong with EAD during this period.

>> No.7319797

As someone who owns both, the Switch actually had a system selling exclusive. Mario Odyssey is worth more than every Wii U game combined. I can count the amount of Wii U games I liked on one hand and all but one of those now has a Switch port.

>> No.7319801

Nintendo has cultists, not costumers.

>> No.7319805

>Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are massive downgrades from the N64
Both really good games actually, same as sunshine

>Melee and Metroid Prime. Maybe you could argue Double Dash as well.
Luigis mansion and Pikmen were also really good games. Is everyone in this thread repeating tired meme opinions ? even Starfox Adventure was pretty good.

>> No.7319808

Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion are great games and I like them a lot. But are they system sellers? Especially to an average consumer?
They just aren't, not in the same way Mario 64 and Ocarina were system sellers. Those are the types of games you need to launch a console.

>> No.7319809

your shilling on multiple threads has been pretty annoying. if you're doing this without being paid, you should consider killing yourself asap

>> No.7319817

>Wii U sold 13.5 million
>Mario Kart 8 on Switch (a port from Wii U) sold 29 million

Heh, really makes you think...

>> No.7319827

You're thinking laser disc.

>> No.7319832

>really good
Wind Waker is mediocre and Twilight Princess is downright subpar. A 5 and a 4 respectively and completely incomparable to the actual best video game ever made (Ocarina) and its flawed but great rushed sequel.

Sunshine is fucking shit, go back and play it. Awful level design, annoying missions, mechanics that were obviously left unfinished, and a shocking amount of bugs. It's trash compared to the other 3D Mario games.

>> No.7319836

>your shilling on multiple threads has been pretty annoying
>Oh no my meme opinion its being challenged SHILL SHILL SHILL
cry more zoomer faggot

>go back and play it
i did, and i don't think you played any of these games, memelord

>> No.7319863

The majority of first party Switch games are Wii U ports. The Wii U was never really given a chance. Even a representative of Amazon UK stated in the press that they might sell more units if the gaming press stopped shitting on it at every opportunity.

>> No.7319864

I played them all, for my entire life I've always bought the Nintendo console first then gotten the Sony console at the very end of the generation when it's super cheap. I absolutely played these games.

Wind Waker was mediocre at best. Obviously unfinished with cut content, incredibly lackluster dungeons, annoying ocean mechanics, the Triforce Hunt. How a game can simultaneously have obvious cut content AND excessive padding is a mystery. It has wonderful art direction, good sidequests and minigames, and great music and story. I liked the two co-op dungeons a lot and the bosses aside from the bird are actually really fun.

Twilight Princess I could never bother finishing. I was squarely in the "Wind Waker is kiddy cartoon shit I want my Spaceworld demo game" crowd when I was like 12. I was absolutely stunned by the E3 2004 trailer for Twilight Princess. I spent every weekend looking for new information about the game, in fan communities where foreign language interviews and previews were translated into English. Nintendo Power gave out a DVD with a short trailer that I rewatched so many times I could probably describe the trailer from memory. Miyamoto even said "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever." So now, not only was I excited for the game, I was getting more excited for it every time it was delayed, which seemed like forever.

Then it came out. Unskippable annoying tutorials for hours that make me want to fucking puke in hindsight. Hideous NPCs. The shitty Wolf mechanic. By hour 3 I had given up all hope that the game could be good. In that same time I would have been an adult in Ocarina already.

Sunshine is so obviously bad I shouldn't bother arguing with you on it. The lilypad? The pachinko machine? Noki Bay? It's just shit.

>> No.7319870

all of those game sold well and were and are still highly regarded, but basically your opinion ammounts to:
>windwaker and TP weren't Ocarina , that makes them bad whaaa
>mario sunshine wasn't mario 64 , that makes it bad whaaaaaa
>Starfox Adventures bad, it wasnt Star Fox 64 wahhhh
So you see, hard to take you seriously at all

>> No.7319879

The Wii U had an annoying concept and annoying name. The Switch has a great concept and great name + Mario Odyssey. That's why what happened happened.

>> No.7319898

I think Mario Kart 8 and Breath of the Wild might have something to say about that. The switch was selling like hot cakes way before Odyssey came out.

>> No.7319909

Xtreme Bowling 2006
White Van Racer
VIP Starring Pamela Anderson as Vallery Irons
Street Boyz
The Bible Game
Gaelic Games: Hurling
Biker Mice from Mars
Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys
Gumball 3000
Animal Soccer World

>> No.7319912

I loved the gamecube
And it’s history of an underdog is deserved, Nintendo could have done more - but at least it wasn’t the wii u

>> No.7319947

No games the previous generation, no games that gen.

>> No.7320074

How does that relate to his comment at all

>> No.7320405

>retarded purple lunch box aesthetic
My GC is black, and my Q is chrome.
>kiddie games and Zelda for babies
Eternal darkness is more adult than faggy gore porn like Manhunt.
>no edgy "grown-up" games like Halo and GTA
See above. Also, if you were looking for edge in a game, then you were either 14, or ARE in a state of arrested development.
>Resident Evil 4 dropped way too late in its lifecycle and the PS2 port was already announced before then- even
It's kiiler-app is F-Zero. And I bought a copy of RE4. Everyone who owned a GC did.
>can't play DVD's
Mine does. Again, see above. Oh, and the playback on the PS2 was utter dog shit; £75 standalone players of the day crapped all over it.
>no online multiplayer besides PSO and workarounds for LAN games
No one cared. Most people got their online kicks on the platform that was superior to ALL the consoles - the PC.
>Rare sold to Microsoft, alienating their fanbase and even convincing them to go with an Xbox in some cases
Their output on Xbox was barely above mediocre in most cases. They lost their shine after the N64. Nintendo dodged a bullet.
>piracy wasn't really an option until the autists invented the SDGecko years after the console was already discontinued

>> No.7320410

Coming from the perspective of a loyal nintendo drone since birth, as a kid and some friends we just enjoyed the console, sure some said PS2 was better but for the most part we were idorts playing games, a game system was a game system for games, if it means vidya time then so be it, I'd play shit like Ape Escape, Ridge Racer and Tomba over at friend's houses even if the TV booted up going BWWWWEEEEENNNG saying Sony Entertainment. I just was more comfortable sticking to nintendo since money was tight and their games tended to be cheaper. The console war faggotry didn't truly start until seventh gen with Wii/360/PS3 since the Wii blatantly targeted non gamers.

I guess now that Im older looking back many older gamers at the time started that console faggotry even during SNES and Genesis, but it was really bad during 6th gen. In america especially there was a niggerific epidemic with youths idolizing gang culture and rap music. Everyone wanted to be the next 2pac. So when PS2 started getting games like San Andreas it became a hotspot for indulging in said culture. Pretty much every nigger in america had a PS2 and really loose pants dragging down to their knees with no belt, shaggy hair or dreads and glocks on their persons. We were pretty oblivious to it when we saw older grade school kids trying to copy it but it has become apparent in retrospect. When Nintendo by that point is known for being family friendly and averse to mature titles and liked censorship, it didnt help that the gamecube looked like a purple lunchbox wirh colored buttons like some fisher price toy in the baby section. Then you had really gay looking games like Pikmin, Wind Waker and Sunshine complete with a cringe environmental "clean up the earth" kiddy ad for the former. Nintendo did try to fight back against this image by making black and silver Gamecubes, pushing Metroid Prime, Geist, RE4 and Killer 7 and having tryhard ads like WHO ARE YOU and going on Jones soda rock tours

>> No.7320438

>Mario Kart 8 and Breath of the Wild
Both were released on Wii U and no one wanted that console. It's just that the Switch itself is more attractive.

>> No.7320456

ironically i think the only consoles worth getting nowadays are nintendo's , everything can be played on PC and is better on PC and xbox has always been garbage. If only Sony didn't horde a few exclusive titles each gen their hardware would be absolutely superfluous. I don't think there would have been a need for more consoles after the Ps2, every other console since has only existed because exclusives keep being locked to them and nothing else.

PC should be the only console with whatever Nintendo is doing on the side. PS5 and Xboxone don't have a reason to exist

>> No.7320727

Because a lot residual bullshit from the N64 era
>Nintendo continue to stick to small storage mediums
>third parties still put off by them
>controller design that works with first party games but sucks for third party games
You also had shit Nintendo ignoring online multiplayer when it was a big deal on other platforms.
That's because DVD was an objective improvement over VHS, zoom zoom
>discs came packed with extra features
>chapter skip
>no longer needed rewind movies after watching them
>discs didn't degrade over each viewing unless you were a tard who left them out of their cases

>> No.7320735

Good comment. vhs tapes and cassettes are two things i have never in my life been nostalgic about. cds and vhs felt like a gift from heaven compared to them,

>> No.7320957

It's just simply not true.

>> No.7320989

>Both were released on Wii U and no one wanted that console
The entire world seemed to be on Miiverse. I seldom posted, but had close to 11k followers. All I did was post crappy retro pixel art, and be obnoxious to far leftists and religitards. Got about 100 people banned just by winding them up. It was fun watching them flip the fuck out. More fun wishing them a nice two-week "holiday" on their posts... I miss that place. :D

>> No.7321000

dreamcast sold worse

>> No.7321396

That's true, but remember the DC's release was closer to the N64 than the GameCube was. It was already discontinued when the GameCube appeared. Thus DC is more "5th generation and a half" than fully 6th generation.

>> No.7321409

(I must specify that I was easily able to purchase a new DreamCast in 2002, more than one year after it was discontinued, though)

>> No.7321412

>ignoring the winner to take a swipe at second place who was an unproven newcomer to the market

>> No.7321525

>not the most popular means failed.


>> No.7321576

It didn't fail but it didn't sell well. It performed mediocrely.

>> No.7321587

Devs fucking hated competing with Nintendo first party titles.

>> No.7321624

Too bad they did it realize most Nintendo sixth gen titles were gonna be dogshit

>> No.7322118

Meds. Take them.

>> No.7322129

GameCube isn’t retro.

>> No.7322134

>very odd DVD fetish
There was nothing odd about there being a push behind the new storage medium. That's like saying CD ROM or VHS itself was a "fetish." It's not a fetish, it was an all around improvement.
>I blame the movie Robocop
You're an idiot.

>> No.7322139

You're the fucking idiot, rude asshole.
DVDs didn't need to be in every device.

>> No.7322142

It is now. Time marches on metallica.wav

>> No.7322151

>the actual best video game ever made (Ocarina)
Imagine actually thinking this. You thinking OoT is the best game of all time is more than enough proof that your alleged dislike for all those other games is just you parroting opinions that you didn't come up with yourself

>> No.7322163

Nobody here actually cares about you sucking your own dick

>> No.7322184
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They're right, though. The fishing game alone is worth the purchase.
t. caught a loach when catching them was a myth

>> No.7322281

It didn't have GTA

>> No.7322438 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a lot of soulless Nintendrone fanboy nigger bullshit to me. You might have liked your Lamecube but people in the real world don't give a shit.

>> No.7322473

>2001 was very good for the game releases

How could you be worried about games in such a year when 9/11 happened

>> No.7322478
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>> No.7323042
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I feel like Nintendo peaked at the Gamecube before succumbing to casualization with the Wii but I will be completely crucified for saying it.

>> No.7323054

no that seems to be a pretty precise observation, I doubt there will be anybody who will defend the Wii as not for casuals, gc as a peak might upset the DS people, but consoles and handhelds have a clear divide, you can have peaks in both

>> No.7323056

You're right as far as their designs for games, but system-wise, no.

>> No.7323057

they did

>> No.7323061

Gamecube was their peak home console, handhelds is a whole other discussion entirely but the DS was totally nintendos saving grace in that era, no question.

>> No.7323070

the system was a flop itself but the games I felt were the best nintendo ever put out, basically the closest they ever got to achieving what they envisioned with the n64 but didnt have the tech to get to.

>> No.7323075

I lived in 2001, I’ll tell you. It was a piece of shit purple lunchbox that had stupid mini discs, couldn’t read DVDs (big deal at the time), awful controller, didn’t have GTA, didn’t have shit going for it but Smash Bros and a few Capcom games. Big fucking deal. You think I’m going to play Custom Robo, Pokémon XD or some shit? Nope.

>> No.7323078

Yeah I agree. Don't get me wrong, I like the Wii, but except for Wii Sports the motion control games were a gimmick and not fleshed out for real.

>> No.7323086

>Mario Sunshine is by such a wide margin the worst 3D Mario
ur mr gay
ur mr gay 2
and everything after
imagine getting filtered by sunshine, maybe 3d platforming just isn't your thing

>> No.7323091

>I lived in 2001, I’ll tell you. It was a piece of shit purple lunchbox
I got a sleek black one with the digital out.
>couldn’t read DVDs (big deal at the time)
Only if you were dirt poor and didn't already have a DVD player. Fuck, 2001? I thought I was a mutant for waiting almost three years to get mine.
>Perfect controller, though
True. True.

>didn’t have GTA
omfg muh gta.

>didn’t have shit going for it
Except for the best SW home games ever devised.
Seethe more, it's fun.

>> No.7323095
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Going from the gamecube to the Wii was one of the biggest disappointments of my adolescence. I remember being insanely hyped for the Wii and how it was going to revolutionize gaming, and it ended up being a complete gimmick. Ended up using it as a family bowling machine and going back to playing GC games and never using the Wii except for like 3 good Wii games. Then the Wii to WiiU was an even bigger letdown. I feel nintendo utterly alienated its core gamer market fpr casuals to make up for the gamecubes mistakes when it had one of their best libraries on any home console.

>> No.7323102

Harvest Moon ToT/AP for Wii changed my life forever

>> No.7323105

Was ToT better than Wonderful life? I enjoyed that and Friends of Mineral town but never played any of the sequels.

>> No.7323117

>Going from the gamecube to the Wii was one of the biggest disappointments of my adolescence.
Hasn't considered that, sorry anon. My expectations were far muted I have tell ya. I just knew that Nintendo chose a different road immediately after the N64, which is a great system, but it's probably the last time Nintendo ever pushed the envelope in a serious way that no one else could do and too bad they didn't add a CD unit over here, but that owed to N's biggest weakest and their greatest saving grace: they're conservative as fuck. They save money even when they shouldn't.

>> No.7323121

*biggest weakness
So if Nintendo spent just a bit more on the N64, they could have murdered Sony.
Fast forward to the GC, same thing.
The Wii: even worse really, no matter how much I like it.

>> No.7323124

Wasnt the miniDVD a choice made to prevent piracy? I feel like they had their priorities in the wrong place at the absolute worst time in the industry and it cost them dearly against the ps2.

>> No.7323127

>Then the Wii to WiiU was an even bigger letdown.
That's a perfect example of their inept marketing department. Who the fuck made the call to name it the "Wii U"?!
I thought it was a steering wheel peripheral for the Wii with a cheap screen add on for years. Years. I hadn't considered getting one because one I heard that the specs weren't much different I said no thanks.
Glad I waited for the Switch.

>> No.7323138

>Wasnt the miniDVD a choice made to prevent piracy?
Yes and was not a bad idea since it mostly worked.

>I feel like they had their priorities in the wrong place at the absolute worst time in the industry and it cost them dearly against the ps2.
Yup because Nintendo has a money-saving fetish and they didn't want to pay the DVD consortium royalties (that is a thing).
The DVD functionality can be re-enabled on the Wii with maybe two lines of code, so they almost came around that time.

>> No.7323164
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can't say, only played BtN, I say ToT<AP=BtN. AP expands on ToT but with a new village and has frame rate issues. art direction in AP is great, and they never tried it again in later games

>> No.7323206

By the time the 6th generation rolled around, Nintendo's image to the public was negative and they burned too many bridges to make the Gamecube stand out.
>The GC sold well
The Gamecube was the console that nearly made Nintendo go out of business. It was a complete flop and the only people who fondly look back at it are Gen Zers who had it as their first console or manchildren obsessed with Nintendo.

>> No.7323213

>The Gamecube was the console that nearly made Nintendo go out of business.
wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7323221

Very simple:
Small amount of people bought N64 outside of US. Majority went for PS1.
PS1 is a superb console. N64 toddlers acknowledge this fact and become more likely to switch to Sony in the next generation
PS2 released.
Guess what all the PS1 owners gonna do ? Of course buy a PS2 to carry on the amazing memories provided by the PS1.
Guess what N64 toddlers gonna do ? Wait for NGC ?! Of course not.

>> No.7323229

Can people stop with the "NGC" thing, just say GC. Is there something else in gaming that's a GC?

>> No.7323234

>nearly made Nintendo go out of business.
Handhelds saved Nintendo during N64 and NGC failures.

>> No.7323237

Yes I know, but they never came close to going out of business. When I say that the GC sold well, I mean just that. If you want to talk about terribly selling consoles at the time, you have to look elsewhere. Not talking about Microsoft or Sony obviously.

>> No.7323256

>Sounds like a lot of soulless Nintendrone fanboy nigger bullshit to me
>I will provide no context for the faggy bile I'm vomiting. I'm also not a fanboy. You can tell by the complete lack of vitriol in my post

>You might have liked your Lamecube but people in the real world don't give a shit
You mongoloids never fail to amuse

>> No.7323259

I had ALL the consoles and handhelds back in the day.

>> No.7323262

What, you want to suck it for me? You're definitely the right little pansy bitch for the job. On your knees, silky boy. HERE COMES THE MEAT TRAIIIIIIIIN! Aw yeah. I'm gonna fill you 'til you burst, you cum slut.

>> No.7323268

I never said I had everything. Never owned a Dreamcast, or Neo Pocket. Also never owned a PC.

>> No.7323279

I realize that, I was making a point. Technically I didn't have all of them either, but I had all the ones that mattered and then some. The point is that This Vs. That culture in gaming started as a joke back then, but now zoomers take it seriously.
Damn you, Chad Warden!

>> No.7323283
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>complains about San Andreas being too violent and niggerish
>complains about Nintendo's first party games being too gay

>> No.7323292

ABAP baby!

>> No.7323407

unironically kill yourself lmao

>> No.7323437

>the actual best video game ever made (Ocarina)
That's a very odd way of spelling Chrono Trigger.

>> No.7323445

They didn't. This is evidenced by the millions of zoomers who have nostalgia for the likes of Melee, Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker. And it probably has the longest lasting legacy of any 6th-gen console, as Melee is the only 6th-gen game with a strong and prominent playerbase to this day.

>> No.7323498

>Nintendo's image to the public was negative
? lol

>> No.7323505

>Is there something else in gaming that's a GC?
Graphic Card?

>> No.7323526

>DVDs didn't need to be in every device.
What do you mean? What devices could even play DVDs other than dedicated players, video game consoles and computers? Did you have a fucking microwave that could do it?

>> No.7323603

IDK. I remember getting a ps2 and loving it. Didn't even really know much about the other 6th gen consoles. One time I went to a friends house and he had a gamecube and we played melee. I loved it, but I didnt really ask for one from my mom because I had a ps2 already and would feel guilty asking. Then she surprised me with one when for my birthday because she heard me talking about having fun with the gamecube at my friends house. Melee and susnhine were my favorite games too, but there was other stuff I had that I liked like Luigi's mansion and mario golf. The ps2 and the gamecube are my all time favorite consoles.

>> No.7323701

I didn't like WndWaker at all until the HD version cane out.

>> No.7323832

You can suck me too, you worthless worm.

>> No.7323851

the only 3D Mario that I could consider worse than Sunshine is 3D World. Even then at least that game is polished and not insanely buggy and rushed.

And yeah, I tend to hate 3D platformers because most suck. The only ones I consider actually outright great are Mario 64, Galaxy 2, and Odyssey.

>> No.7323894

How did third party games sell on Gamecube?

>> No.7323926

I was Gamecube that generation and I had a great time. I honestly don't equate the Gamecube to Nintendo stuff in my mind (though I certainly played alot of F-Zero GX and Starfox Assault, shame Nintendo seems to have dropped those two) but with Resident Evil. It was my first exposure to the series, and by the end of the generation my library consisted of the whole set. Remake 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, 4, and 0.

Killer 7 was also a big game for me, I hadn't played anything like it. Eternal Darkness to keep the horror games going. P.N. 03 a smaller but still great Shinji Mikami "joint" to compliment Resident Evil 4. Monkey Ball. Tales of Vesperia. Not exclusive but I squeezed every last drop out of SSX Tricky. Maxed out all characters, etc. Oh the Mario Kart as well that was fun, especially with linked Cubes. I never went "professional" but Melee was fun.

I never thought I was "missing out" or that I needed more games to play.

There are two games I've always wanted to add though. Cubivore and Gotcha Force. And I've seen them, but I've always thought, "$100 is way too much for a Gamecube game." Not one of my best calls.

>> No.7323998

Context, anon. No one is going to think of a graphics card when I say "Rebel Strike is a good game on the GC."

>> No.7324003

>What devices could even play DVDs other than dedicated players, video game consoles and computers, dildos, grandma's robo-hip
You just proved my point.

>> No.7324672

Guess I touched a nerve with the GTA part based on your reaction image of choice, niggerboi

>> No.7324693

> PS2 was released a year earlier
> DVD player was very desirable
> Library ended up way bigger
> Nintendo screwed themselves with the tiny discs because ports were not easy due to much more limited space

>> No.7324697

That's a big dildo for a big boy

>> No.7324731

They didn't throw any bones to anyone. Nothing they released is what people wanted besides melee and prime. It's super easy to look back and love the cube a lot but it was a bit rough to own one at the time.