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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7317521 No.7317521 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best Star Wars games

>> No.7317562

jedi academy
star wars battlefront 2
kotor 1 and 2
episode iii: revenge of the sith

>> No.7317564

Dark Forces 1 and 2.

>> No.7317576

Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars (arcade 1983)
Return of the Jedi (arcade 1984)
The Empire Strikes Back (arcade 1985)
Return of the Jedi (Atari 2600, 1983)
Rebel Assault
Rebel Assault II
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (PC)
Rogue Squadron
Rogue Squadron II
Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III

That's the best of the SW games, all the rest have horrible problems or are not truly the best.

>> No.7317585

Left out two of the best ones:
Star Wars Arcade (later put on the 32X)
Star Wars Trilogy (arcade 1998)

>> No.7317619

>Shadows of the Empire
I tried playing this recently for the first time since < 2000, and I really enjoyed the ship missions, but the ground levels felt really rough due to how it felt controlling Rendar.

>> No.7317642

Star Wars never spawned anything good.

>> No.7317647

>but the ground levels felt really rough due to how it felt controlling Rendar
Fair enough, but to be fair there are different controller styles you can pick and of course there's a world of difference between a keyboard and a controller, so there's that. For whatever reason I'm about the opposite, I just get sucked into the Star Wars world in the in person missions more than any other game, with Boba Fett's level being my favorite part of the entire game fight and all.
Thanks for reading my SotE blog.

>> No.7317654

This post is so edgy and interesting. The anon who made it must be super cool.

>> No.7317662

Well you definitely aren't I can tell.

>> No.7317671

>I am so cool and smart!
Just contribute the to the thread or leave, trannyfurry.

>> No.7317675

dark forces 2 easily has as many problems as outcast.

>> No.7317679


>> No.7317683 [DELETED] 
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This is you

>> No.7317684

the snes ones were good but hard as balls

>> No.7317689
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>No love for Galactic Battlegrounds
I get that it was a pretty much just AOE2, but all good SW games are just "X with Star Wars paintjob".

>> No.7317694

(((you)) seem to be lost: >>>/tv/
Btw I love TLJ, but I hate TroS.
Love the prequels too.

>> No.7317721

Forgot KOTOR/2.
>inb4 not truly the best bullshit lie

>> No.7317726

>no Galaxy At War
>no KotOR 2 RCM

>> No.7317727

I stand by my statement.

>> No.7317731

I never played a good SW game

>> No.7317737

>t. has exclusively played the horrid snes ones

>> No.7317743

No, just all games on PC since the early 90s

>> No.7317747

Battlefront II is probably the best one

>> No.7317752

>no academy or outcast
I'm gonna need an explanation.

>> No.7317757

I was just doing a best list, not a mediocre list.

>> No.7317792

I forgot the good pinball games:
Star Wars (Data East 1992)
Star Wars Episode I (possibly the best pinball ever)
Star Wars (1997 Special Edition)

>> No.7317820

This but unironically, Star Wars might actually be the most negatively influential piece of entertainment ever

>> No.7317838

The original trilogy is objectively good.

>> No.7317850

>Disney-Marvel capeshit is actually the most negatively influential piece of entertainment ever

>> No.7318072

>a world of difference between a keyboard and a controller, so there's that
Which do you prefer? I was playing with mkb and it felt strange (the ground levels anyway, flying was good), maybe I should try again with my controller.

>> No.7318085

Tie Fighter IS the best Star Wars game (and I am amazed that neither it, nor X-Wing and X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter were on this list when I got here).

>> No.7318556

Play Kotor, discard rest

>> No.7318835

Rogue Leader for gamecube
star wars sega arcade trilogy for arcade
rebel assault on floppy disk
star wars podracer for n64
star wars the clone wars for gamecube
OG battlefront II for pc
Empire at War for pc
the facebook stars wars rpg back in 2009 but now facebook sucks and is gay

>> No.7318840

Battlefront 1 > 2

>> No.7319269

>Which do you prefer?
Controller. Hard to explain why, I don't know, it feels like I have less control with a keyboard and mouse, and I realize that's counterintuitive.

>> No.7319445

>Phantom Menace for PC even decent
Had it as a kid, absolute dogshit.

>> No.7319452
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>0 results

>> No.7320714
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This. Part of the greatness of Tie Fighter is not only the gameplay and visual improvements, but just the perspective shift to playing the other side. X-Wing pretty much introduced me to the franchise but I wasn't fanatical about the series as the media portrayed others seemed to be. At least the two KOTOR games were mentioned.

>> No.7320984

for me its shadows of the empire and rogue squadron

>> No.7321418

>Dark Forces 1
Is this just a Doom clone with a SW skin? If so I am interested

>> No.7321469

it basically is a Doom clone in SW universe, yes

>> No.7322021

lotta 80s anime ripped off star wars in cool and interesting ways. but you're probably a brainlet

>> No.7322026

what are they?
honest question, it's my favorite game of all time so i am very much blinded by nostalgia

>> No.7322191

You are a gentleman.

>> No.7322203
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>> No.7322207

It's too hard to be fun, but I respect anyone who can endure it.

>> No.7322210

the akira manga is basically star wars, with even a chewbacca stand-in in the form of a large burly woman gun expert.

>> No.7322228

Such as? I want to watch a few

>> No.7322230

>No KOTORs, no The Clone Wars, no Bounty Hunter, no Republic Commando, no Jedi Academy
Suicide. Now.

>> No.7322238

>no zoom no zoomity zam zoomier zoomer zoom zoom zooooooooooom!

>> No.7322263

Your post reeks of zoom. Go back to /v/ you dumb child.

>> No.7322394

It's good

>> No.7322436

>All too easy

>> No.7322519

>Star Wars Episode I (possibly the best pinball ever)
I remember playing this at an arcade. It was really incredible

>> No.7322981

Yes, not only is it very challenging, it's balanced too in its table gameplay and the digital video stuff is fun, not too hard and keeps you coming back for more.

>> No.7323128

not playing star wars games is the best star wars game money can buy

>> No.7323135

the actual edgy contrarian opinion is to think star wars is anything but dumb gay shit for fat gay retards

>> No.7323172

Careful, honey.

>> No.7323187

>Star Wars Episode I (possibly the best pinball ever)
that seems like a real stretch to me. the tv is a neat gimmick and makes the game very unique but the playfield is a little oversimplified as a result imo

>> No.7323197

I realize I'm biased because it's SW, but it's an extremely well-designed pinball and tons of fun to play. I can't say that for 75% of pinballs.

>> No.7323594

Yep, it's fun

>> No.7324585

>Jedi Outcast & Academy

Are you high on crack? Raven Soft were master developers, don't think they made a single bad game.

Does it give you the feeling that it's essentially a controller clumsily mapped to KB&M? Lots of bad ports do that.

NPCs genuinely "think" it's some sort of Western masterpiece. The truly enlightened opinion is that it's derivative emotionally manipulative slop. Games are still fun tho

>> No.7324620

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
TIE Fighter
Star Wars Rebellion

>> No.7326494

The NAMCO Jap SW is actually pretty good, better than the American JVC/whatever abomination.

>> No.7327491
File: 1.07 MB, 1784x1160, Star Wars Episode 1 pinball flyer both pages jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pinhead and the vast majority of us prefer Revenge from Mars (the other hologram pin) to SWE1
RfM is ranked #60 on pinside, SWE1 is ranked #205.

Also you guys haven't heard of the 2017 Star Wars pinball machine. And let us not forget Star Wars Home Edition, a cheaper model a few years later.

>> No.7327515
File: 1.88 MB, 910x1180, Star Wars Stern Pinball Flyer back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problems with episode 1:
No auto-lancher (sucks for muitiball)
Multiballs are generally lame
No fun shots, just two longish and steepish symmetrical ramps.
Side loop is dubious.
You can try the skill shot again if you undershoot it, making it completely mindless.

George Gomez agrees with me.

>> No.7328734


>> No.7328750

I agree, sprinting ruined map design. Also EA BF1 > BF2. At least the first one was unique despite lacking content. EA BF2 is just a shitty cluster fuck, a watered down modern Battlefield instead of being it's own thing. Old Battlefront was watered down classic Battlefront but was fine for it.

>> No.7328881

No absolutely not
Jedi outcast is the best dark forces game
Bf2 is not the holy grail you remwmber it as im replaying it right now
Kotor 1 and 2 absolutely correct
Ep3 is a joke im assuming
Republic commando is up there somewhere
Rogie squadron 2 rebel leader
Empire at war

Honorable mentions go to
bounty hunter
Ep 1
Force unleashed previous gen version

>> No.7328886

>Horrid snes ones
Guess they were too hard for you bitch pu$$i

>> No.7328913

Thriumohantly based post
Old bf1 had better balance between classes
No sprinting
No op heroes that all play like ass
Galactic conquest was simpler but better (no buying bonuses)
Maps were not just wide open spaces and allowed for actual tactics and lanes
Capaign is nothing slecial but at least its short and sweet and teaches you how to play
Bf2 campaign is the worst campaign mode ive ever played in a sw game

Ea bf1
Let you customize your own class
(I played a medic who threw bacta bombs to heal teammates, spawned medical droids, and gave addrenal stimmulants)
Kept some continuity with no multi generational heroes running all over the place
Actually had more maps than ea bf2 even though less planets
Did not bother with awful campaign

>> No.7329049

You thought the brainlets on this board can into flight sims?

>> No.7329235

>tie fighter
>star wars chess

>> No.7329239

>raven software
>no bad games
they work on the new cod games nowadays

>> No.7330747

They're just too repetitive to be much fun, fag, but they look good. And the jumping sequences are a joke. Literally bad design.

>> No.7330758
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and pussy test
I said "best" not mediocre. Learn to read, guy.

>> No.7331839

So you got filtered by the platforming, got it. I beat all 3 games, you just suck.

>> No.7332025

>you don't enjoy diarrhea therefore you're bad
OK, kid.

>> No.7332807

Im am ashamed ti admit i could nit beat super empire without cheats
P-please don't hate me uwu

>> No.7333825

>calls games he's bad at names

Just because you can't play it doesn't mean it's bad, maybe try to get better at a game before throwing a tantrum that you can't beat it instantly with no effort. Maybe LEGO Star Wars is more your speed. (I am shit talking, but LEGO Star Wars is unironically good.)

>> No.7333901

>Maybe LEGO Star Wars is more your speed.
That's hard sometimes, though.
All the same I'm enjoying your talking down to me.
t. crawling up the leaderboards

>> No.7335405
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The Pod racer arcade game was the main reason I went to the movie theatre in my town so often.
off the top of my head I can still remember some of the cheat codes like 20 years later. Also unlocking the Naboo Starfighter before seeing episode one came out felt pretty special.

>> No.7335421

>The Pod racer arcade game was the main reason I went to the movie theatre in my town so often.
God, I know that feeling.

>Also unlocking the Naboo Starfighter before seeing episode one came out felt pretty special.
That one too.
t. anon who came up with the DEADDACK code originally which is weird because it's the only code for any game that I've ever guessed first or ever.

>> No.7335441

Btw, ever ask the staff to let you in the arcade to play their games even though you're not going to watch movies or buy anything else? I did. Did that for SW Trilogy.

>> No.7336034

Is the Steam version of Rogue Squadron any good?

>> No.7337320


>> No.7339256

The arcade in our theatre was in a partition off of the lobby which was huge, you only needed a ticket or whatever to get into the area with the screens. I tjink this was kn purpose to milk to local kids of their quarters.

>> No.7340137

Jedi Outcast and Academy
Rogue Squadron and Naboo
Republic Commando

By actual /vr/ standards, you're left with Racer and Rogue Squadron.

>> No.7340389

That why I asked because I was amazed that my local (and long since closed) theater just let me in to play games. Their arcade was right by the doors, in a little corner, so they could see that I wasn't budging from there, except maybe to get a snack.

>> No.7340492


Surely Soul Calibur IV but that's not appropriate for this board

>> No.7340870
File: 96 KB, 536x674, Tie Fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the original with the gouraud shading and iMUSE, it's the best Star Wars game ever made.