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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.731767

I love this dude. Really informative stuff. I had no idea how rampant bootlegs were in Russia.

>> No.731773

Not only in Russia. Any market that could only afford the Chinese pirates was flooded with these carts like Latin America

>> No.731790

Maybe he should have used his black and white input, that is not too different from the GB version

>> No.731786
File: 171 KB, 828x625, hellonearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's great.

>> No.731953

It was the same shit here in Argentina. Hell one of my buddies had one of those soldered gamepad famiclones. What a piece of shit.

>> No.731962

I know someone who became popular with the kids on his class, after he bought a pirate cart that had the second Captain Tsubasa game

>> No.732063
File: 242 KB, 980x735, NES Comboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea had the same problems too. To make matters worse, the Korean gov't made it illegal to import Japanese games (and other bits of "culture"), so not only did we get knock offs, but most games went underground.

We did get "official" systems, via the US and released by Hyundae (sort of a technicality around the law), though Japanese stuff was still accessible if you knew someone who knew someone...

I'm just glad Nintendo finally is legal in Korea now (heh), so we're finally getting official, authentic systems. Too bad I'm in the US anyways.

>> No.732069

That is a bizarre NES, alright. Did games cost a lot because they were imported from the west?

>> No.732094
File: 35 KB, 640x480, NES-ZL-KOR_Cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorta? I never really thought of it, I was like six at the time.

My understanding of the story was that they were built locally and licensed from Nintendo of America (versus Nintendo of Japan), which I assume kept the cost down. The same goes with the game. But my family was sort of well off, so there really wasn't much complaint from my Dad when I discovered that Nintendos existed. We only had a few games though...

Nowadays though, you can find all kinds of old games in places like Yongsan for super cheap.

Looking back, it was a weird time. I'm just glad Korean kids are finally getting authentic systems released by Nintendo proper, which seems like it's still more than Russia and Central/South America is getting anyways.

>> No.732106

That is a cool cart. I figure it will work on a NA NES top and front loader. Does it have a huge change like Korean text?

>> No.732113

Current gen consoles are now commonly sold in Russia and SA because lolglobalisation. But 90s were still the magical time when nothing outside of North America and West Europe existed on Nintendo map and when reversely nothing but South America and East Europe existed on Sega map and if you wanted to play the "other" system in given "domain" then you were fucking out of luck.

>> No.732147
File: 20 KB, 256x224, zelda1(k)0000_konan0326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's not a picture of the cart *I* own, just one I found online...

As for whether it's in Korean... yeah, it was. I remember the way they did the Korean was really weird; because of the way the Korean writing system was set up, but because of how the NES doesn't seem capable of implementing the character input system found modern Korean games, they left a lot of characters out. :(

>> No.732156

That is horrible, but now I'm curious to find out if a rom of the Korean edition has been dumped by '13

>> No.732160
File: 11 KB, 251x235, Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 2.33.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Current gen consoles are now commonly sold in Russia and SA

Ah, but are they Russian/SA-region systems, or merely imported US/EU/etc region systems?


> RE Zelda in Korean
Here's a screenshot of the character system. You could write Korean words fine, but I remember foreign words being difficult to write...

>> No.732163

Must have been for someone whose name starts or uses the letter Q anywhere

>> No.732168

They are standard PAL or NTSC systems, same as the ones other PAL/NTSC regions have. There aren't any regional systems anymore.

>> No.732172

> I'm curious to find out if a rom of the Korean edition has been dumped

Hahah, I was just about to post a link to it:
> oldgamebox.tistory.com/2346

PROTIP: Go to the section which is clearly the download section. The yellow sidebar to the left says:
> North America
> Japan
> Europe
> World (which is empty)
> Korean
> Etc.

>> No.732174

Korean is traditionally written in 2-3-4 letter "Words"

You see each of those shapes? Each one is a different sound. The individual shapes insidethem are the letters

>> No.732181

Well, regional in the sense that the games are written in Russian/Cyrillic, Latin Spanish or Brazilian Portuguese, etc, and their online features are specifically geared towards people within said country?

Like, the official Korean versions of the 3DS is all in Korean, and the 3DS eShop store has their own Korean-specific downloads (which includes a LACK of Virtual Console games)... as opposed to it simply being the exact same service/store from the Japanese/NA/EU console...

>> No.732196

Manuals and box stickers are usually translated but that's mainly because they have to be translated if they want to sell them in brick&mortar store. I know that PS3 and Xbox 360 have multilingual firmware to begin with but I have no idea if offerings on online store are any different. I think that Russian store is the same as EU one, no idea how about SA.

>> No.732208

I should know, I speak the dang language! ^^;

Some characters are left out in the game, like the individual ㅍ (only 포 is available)... meaning if I wanted to call myself "Pagoda" (파고다) or "Fail/Ruin" (파탄), I was shit out of luck.

>> No.732214

Yeah so... while they're not knockoffs anymore, they're not exactly localized. Sort of an inbetween thing. At least, based on what you're saying...

>> No.732215

Are you trying to make people hate the fucker or something?

>> No.732229

seconding this, don't post it too much or you'll get on peoples nerves and ruin the fun

>> No.732235

Thank you, I uploaded a mirror here


>> No.732243

Many games (usually, most populat ones) are translated into Russian. The biggest problem here is quality of translation which varies from good to incomprehensible. And you are not allowed to change the language back to English in many games.

>> No.732262

That's really the same for whole Europe. You don't get specific localisation for specific country, only broad ones (English, German, French, sometimes Spanish or Italian) and that's it.

PC games usually get pretty good localisation in Russia.

>> No.732321

How was the official Russian translation to the first Sakura Taisen games?

>> No.732778

The last thread was created more than 23 days ago, and that OP ruined it by steadily posting and deleting more than 300 posts. It's far past time for a new thread.

>> No.732972

>Video-ass Dendy

>> No.733026

yeah, is that what that drama was about? I was surprised to see it was still up the other day and then the few 'visible' posts were all drama about post deletion.

On-topic, where do you go to even get a Dendy these days? And does anyone know the exact model that Kinaman uses? I'm surprised it has DB-9 ports (or appears to)

>> No.733039

>and that OP ruined it by steadily posting and deleting more than 300 posts
That's why the new thread should not exist.

Streams and letsplays are bannable for a reason. Quit whoring your shit, it's very annoying. Make a thread and see if it floats, if it sinks - so be it. If nobody is interested enought o make a enw thread, let it go.

>> No.733041

Dendy is just a famiclone pseudobrand. It's not an actual thing.

>> No.733125

>That's why the new thread should not exist.
No, that's why a new thread should've been made a week or two ago. Nobody did, because people were "tolerating" the first OP's bullshit... for a while. That thread is now far past 700 posts, counting the deleted ones. We now have this thread, and we'll see if it can stand on its own.
>Streams and letsplays are bannable for a reason.
Have you watched any of the videos? They are neither of those things. They are funny, documentary-style videos about the ridiculous counterfeit games which flooded Russia throughout the '90s.

>> No.733157

There's no reason to pimp them and shove them down everyone's throat like this, though.

The original /vg/ thread about him in /vg/'s early days was more than enough.

>> No.733189


Please tell more about Korean /vr/
I know enough about Russia now.
I had no idea a Korean Zelda existed. Really fascinating. Any more games actually got translated?

>> No.733195

how about we only make threads about stuff you want to talk about?

this topic is fine, hide it if it bothers you that fucking much

>> No.733215

Can't you just, like, do it phonetically?

>> No.733239

I'm curious about the SECAM version, if it would convert to RGB properly. I already got a false thrill the other day over the French NES. It has a Nintendo multi-out jack, it even says RGB on it and it does output RGB but when I found a video of a guy disassembling one it just has some composite to rgb transcoder slapped on the board.

>> No.733268

How about you don't spam the board with youtube channel ads.

>> No.733283

How about you stop being a faggot and fuck off

>> No.733354

Where did all these self-appointed guides to the spirit of /vr/ come from?

>> No.733387

I hope-- HOPE-- it's only one delusional idiot. Goes around whistle blowing any mention of a Dreamcast, calls any OP that uses sad-frog a troll, insists that /vr/ is magical land somehow separate from 4chan