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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 208 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (60).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7314672 No.7314672 [Reply] [Original]

You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like:

>highly interactive world
>NPCs more or less as convincing as modern ones
>branching storyline which can be completed in non-linear fashion
>tons of easter eggs and side quests
>positive and relevant moral messaging even after all these decades

>> No.7314723

God, maxresdefault 60 never gets old. Fantastic game. Huge improvement over maxresdefault 59 and they never recaptured its magic again in maxresdefault 61 and later.

>> No.7314732


Maxresdefault 60-2 is actually genuinely good though, if you can get past the fanservice.

>> No.7314737

It's a gold standard in open world RPG design. It's depressing to think how far open world games have regressed since 1992.

>> No.7314739

the bar is very low, western rpgs are fucking awful

>> No.7314763

Agreed, but japanese RPGs are even worse.

>> No.7314770


>> No.7314806

>slideshow graphics

>> No.7314816

where can i find maxresdefault 60

>> No.7314821

Imagine being a grown man and liking JRPGs

>> No.7314854

The ultima games are little lame and sexless.

>> No.7314876

This kind of graphical projection should be illegal.

>> No.7314884
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>> No.7314887
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>> No.7314890

imagine liking western rpgs at any age

>> No.7314962

These pictures are making me want to play Tibia again

>> No.7314990

Many of the story lines aren't finished. The whole murder line is only solved by getting an artifact that makes people confess.
The amount of side content is fairly low in comparison to the rest of the series.
The interactivity was actually missing aspects from U6 such as milking cows or churning butter.
The dungeons are absolute crap and the combat is extremely poorly done.
Overall the game feels unfinished. Not as badly as SI or U8 but there's still various spots where more time was needed.

>> No.7315110

all jrpgs have the same setting and plot. they're all grindy boring nightmares. not even challenging cause they're made for nip brains.

>> No.7315123

far from true, jrpgs tried lots of aesthetics and settings meanwhile all crpgs are literally the same boring dnd trite garbage with unappealing art and generic medieval designs, all made for autists, literally skyrim is what sad people who play that genre think is peak imagination, just boring shit after boring shit

>> No.7315232

it's ultima 7

>> No.7315240

Too bad it looks and plays like shit like every warpig

>> No.7317086


Don't spoon feed the zoomers, let them continue to think they're funny while exposing themselves as idiots.

>> No.7317092

It's probably the best DOS RPG ever made and the swansong of the Ultima series, but I've never played it. This was just too overwhelming to my younger self.

>> No.7317094

you forgot
>eye-bleeding perspective and graphical style

>> No.7317102

The art is fantastic. You’re just a JRPGlet.

>> No.7317103

You are better off making Ultima threads on /vrpg/. This board is full of console babies.

>> No.7317104

Also deserves the award for being one of the most choppy games where every 2 seconds the game lags while walking

>> No.7317118

the odd proportions of Ulitima 7 make the world somehow seem smaller than the predeccesors. its just a couple of steps to get from trinsic to britain and britain is spanning the whole of britain bay, it just seems odd

>> No.7317145

I hate most JRPGs too, but you can't tell me this isn't one of the ugliest fucking games ever made.

>> No.7317147

the isometric view gives me nausea.

>> No.7317160

>lots of aesthetics and settings
They all have moeshit aesthetics and fantastical anime settings.
>the same boring dnd trite garbage with unappealing art and generic medieval designs
What do you classify fallout, wasteland, shadowrun, starflight, kotor, m&b, and kingdom cum as then? Even ultima had shit like spaceships, time travel, dimension travel, firearms, energy weapons, and other shits that were replicated by JRPGs.
>skyrim is what sad people who play that genre think is peak imagination,
I know its bait, but skyrim was made when norse mythology wasn't an overused setting to say the least.

>> No.7317163

no western rpg has been pretty ever

>> No.7317165
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>> No.7317184
File: 44 KB, 436x600, 436px-U8source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 24 years, I'm still mad at EA for rushing the shit out of Ultima 8 development resulting in a glitchy clusterfuck of a game, with severe cuts in content and plot. If it was given more time, I'm sure it could've been on the same level as 7 if not better.

>> No.7317207

Yes, EA has destroyed many IPs.

>> No.7317217

It would have been more like Diablo 1 with enough development time.
I wish they had done a console port of 8. Adapting it to the 3DO or PS1 could have helped streamline the controls and fix the game play.

>> No.7317237

3DO has done literally the exact same thing with the Might & Magic Franchise. If they wouldntve rushed M&M7, then NWC may have still existed up to this very day

>> No.7317260

The 2.12 patch fixes some plotholes/jumping mechanics/other bugs though

>> No.7317291

Ultimate IX was even worse. Series was killed off by greed.

>> No.7317295

>its just a couple of steps to get from trinsic to britain
If you play the game on the original DOS port it feels like a much bigger world due to how zoomed in it feels. Like Britannia to Trinsic feels more like a trek.
>britain is spanning the whole of britain bay
They wanted it to feel like a large capital city location. So they made it ginormous.

>> No.7317296

The main problem with the jumping mechanic is the absurd mouse button combination necessary for jumping that made it easy to move instead. And since falling into water meant instant death you got fucked over extremely easily.

>> No.7317303

>The 2.12 patch fixes some plotholes/jumping mechanics/other bugs though
Huge amounts of the game were cut out prior to release, its why almost all of the dungeons look the same and why most of the enemies are unoriginal. There was meant to be much more roleplaying with the player being forced to choose between doing evil things for the greater good as opposed to the black and white morality of the prior games. The game was so rushed that Richard Garriott said it was his biggest disappointment in life not being able to finish it.

>> No.7317317

>They wanted it to feel like a large capital city location. So they made it ginormous.
They should have included more land in other places to counter that.
Ultima 6 was too vast with huge swathes of nothingness between the locations so you end up teleporting between the cities because it takes too long otherwise.
Ultima 7 is too cramped with cities sprawling entire islands.
Ultima 9 was the only single-scale game that felt right.

>> No.7317345

One of my problems with 8 is that UW2 had already done the same thing but with a far better delivery.

>> No.7317631

You forgot to add
>Worst combat in the history of RPGs

>> No.7317652

can't be since U8 exists

>> No.7318531

We're informing you that you need to communicate, retard.

>> No.7320603

>the harpies and the infant near Trinsic

>> No.7320610
File: 97 KB, 557x415, exile3-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one thread be so wong?

>> No.7320625
File: 1.95 MB, 2016x1512, But_then_EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A villain which is not defeated at the end and is talking to you in your head with a Texan drawl. Also the music was pretty cool too: https://youtu.be/yiQklB7DDqI

Just looking at that map, I remember so much. Spoilers are everywhere.

I remember playing through Oblivion and thought "this is like a 3D Ultima 7".

I remember thinking it was a bit of a deconstruction of typical RPGs. Since you were dumped into the world, and as the Avatar, you do not master the elements. Only earth was gained after horrible atrocities were committed defying the morals of the Avatar. Wind, water, and fire would not be mastered, in fact water and fire could never be attained and the game ended pretty much with the hero character going "fuck this world, I'm leaving". I have not played 9 but 8 was pretty interesting despite being nowhere near as great as the 7s.

>> No.7320632

Is there an engine remake that lets you play classic Exile with an imrproved interface?
I don't mean remakes like Avernum.

>> No.7320639
File: 1.54 MB, 1849x902, exile3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I have to use a VM as they don't play nice on modern OS's, I don't like the remakes either

>> No.7320790

Oblivion wasn’t as interactive. Even Skyrim barely achieved the level of world interactivity that UVII did decades before.

>> No.7320802

>skyrim is deeper than oblivion
jesus fucking christ that is the most zoomie shit ive heard all month

>> No.7320805

You know how the console adaptation of 7 ended up being, right?

>> No.7320808

An action adventure? That's just what Pagan was.
And with Sony or 3DO they wouldn't need to censor anything.

>> No.7320816

I mean garbage with numerous cuts, not just censorship

>> No.7320903

Is that what I said? No. You're probably too young to have played any retro games when they were current anyway.

>> No.7321109

How is that different from the original version of 8?

>> No.7321123

the art looks like fucking shit, mate

>> No.7321240

Ultima Series lover and TES Morrowind appreciator here.

I get some good vibes from Kenshi now.

>> No.7321245

I hope I'm not replying to a skin-bandit

>> No.7321270


just started a man with a dog, nothing more

>> No.7321465

>zoomer detected

>> No.7321480
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>> No.7321503
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>> No.7323340

Best game ever made.

>> No.7323351

Which Ultima games are worth playing? Also, should I start from 7?

>> No.7323365

You should start the main series no later than 4. That's where the actual continuity starts and crucial concepts such as the virtues are introduced.
You can start with 1, it's a short and simple game that can be completed within a day.
3 is also a reasonable start since it feels more like a conventional RPG than its predecessors.
Don't waste too much time on 2. Richard Garriott attempted too much and wasn't capable of realizing it.
The best Ultima experience is the trilogy 4-6.
Ultima Underworld is a game everybody should have played but it doesn't completely fit in the setting since it was kind of shoehorned in.

>> No.7323369

I think I'll start with 4. Any tips for a beginner?

>> No.7323387

Play it via xu4/ScummVM or the SMS. That way you don't have to deal with things like mixing spells one at a time.
Get copies of the manual and cloth map.
Talk to everybody about everything. Depending on your class you will end in different places, try to get around to get a feeling for the world. Try working with the moongates to reach different locations.
Lord British will give you details on the quest and heal you when required.
Always have cure spells prepared.

>> No.7323389

Thanks, anon. I'll give the game a try.

>> No.7323391

What's wrong with the remakes? I've been meaning to get into this guy's games. How's geneforge?

>> No.7323405

The remakes simplify the games quite a bit.
For Exile 1 it's probably not that big of a deal since the game wasn't complex but Exile 2 and 3 are missing some of the cooler stuff.
And the graphics in Avernum aren't really that much more attractive.
The most obvious change is reducing the party from 6 to 4 which limits your options. Magic was also drastically altered with all the mass target effects missing.

>> No.7323414


That's Paws you nigger. Trinsic is south of Paws.

>> No.7323423

Any protips for beginner in ultima 4?
Starting from 4th one and play my way through to UW2.

>> No.7323424

>They all have moeshit aesthetics and fantastical anime settings.
Look at Dragon Quest, any FF, and SMT next to each other, reevaluate your statement, then jump off a bridge once you realize how retarded it was.

>> No.7323426

dude... your nostalgia is showing. I'd bet a lot that you were around ten when you first played Oblivion. The game's utter shit mate.

>> No.7323429

Kenshi was a massive disappointment to me. Bought it after some youtuber gushed about it, turns out that all the shit he said you could do in the game was just pretty much akin to shooting all kids in Deus Ex and hyping up how you can play as a child murderer. The game is just an empty wasteland with not much going on, and then you can do a few select things and pretend there's more going on.

>> No.7323574

Oblivion is fucking great, you have no soul faggot. I bet you followed the questline like a good little NPC instead of murdering puma men in their sleep and fist fighting elven dykes.

>> No.7323581

Aside from the aforementioned stuff, don't rush expanding your party.
In the end you need all 7 companions but before that having a large party mainly makes navigating the dungeons more difficult.

>> No.7323616

Why would anyone make that picture? Is here some nation or culture out there that thinks being older equals having worse opinions?

>> No.7323617

For it's the dumb 45 degree angle, it's supposed to simulated depth but it looks weird since it's constant on every single object.

>> No.7323618

It's interesting that you mention soul and Oblivion in the same sentence since that game is utterly lacking in soul. It's a broken soulless piece of shit that people only enjoyed because it brought in kids that had never played an open world game before.

The game was changed to medieval fantasy France because LotR was popular, hared to get much more soulless than that.

>> No.7323868

What button with do I enter the first castle on the map?

>> No.7323902

E for Enter, check the quick reference card.
There is no first castle. If you start as a Bard you will begin near Castle British, if you are a Mage you might end up walking to the Lycaeum. As a druid you could end up at Empath Abbey.

>> No.7324228

All the things you said are great, but these games turn me off immediately from that odd overhead but not quite perspective. It's disorienting and I can't play them.

>> No.7324232

Ultima 6 as well?

>> No.7324239

Maxresdefault unironically sounds like some shovelware jrpg name. Bravely MaxResDefault.

>> No.7324245

Which max res default mod do I use

>> No.7324251

I recommend the Keyring mod. It adds some fanfic content but most of the other additions make it worthwhile.

>> No.7324280

in your opinion, what's the best Ultima game then? I never played one, but I got intrigued, and I dig the aesthetics.

>> No.7324430

My personal favorite is Ultima Underworld 2. It takes Ultima Underworld's gameplay and the setting from Ultima 4-7 and refines them to a great package

>> No.7324604

Yep, faggot identified.

>> No.7325070


>> No.7325263

It's a big toss up between VI and VII.

>> No.7325278

The Underworlds are the only good Ultima games.

>> No.7325298

Zoomer tier opinion.

>> No.7325313

The mainline games are easier to play.

>> No.7325665

First of all, ignore: >>7323365

Either start with the Sega Master System version of 4, or skip ahead to 6. Make sure you use the Nuvie source port for 6. Then for 7 (and 7 Part 2) use the Exult source port. Underworld 1 and Underworld 2 are both great as well.

>> No.7326134

>Sega Master System version of 4
That's fucking stupid. It should be played on the Apple II.

>> No.7326146

Apple was so non-existent on my island that I honestly wouldn't know how to even operate an Apple II

>> No.7326454

I didn't want to kill a thread and this is the closest I could find.

I am looking for an old game. It was an RPG. Crappy graphics. Had dungeons.
The people and monsters were based not on voxels but individual triangles. There was limb damage. Any ideas?

>> No.7326457


>> No.7326463

I can't play a girl in the earlier ones, so I don't care, but yeah, those graphics are disorienting, too.

>> No.7326478

Dead franchises general?

>> No.7326480

this isnt a sonic thread

>> No.7326483


>> No.7326490

This %100
No wonder crpgs are deader than Jimmy Hoffa.

>> No.7326503

Correct, it's a WRPG thread.
Dead franchise /gen/.

>> No.7326529

You can download an emulator, the retarded Sega port isn't the same game at all. Never play a console port of an Ultima, it's just pointless.

Frankly looking at games these days and how U8 and U9 turned out, it's quite fine with all true Ultima fans that it died.

Lord British's new game is some gay virtual real estate scam that nobody played so they finally released it for free on Steam.

>> No.7326536

Where my nigga Sadler at?

>> No.7326543

make your own thread

>> No.7326553

Jesus christ wtf happened in that pic

>> No.7326560

>he hasn't played the game

>> No.7326562

that is your introduction to the towns local intrigue, I don't want to spoil it for you

>> No.7326570
File: 370 KB, 2048x1365, t55m7y4haz951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game is really creepy

>> No.7326689

Ultima 4's SMS port is literally identical besides the dungeons and it has arguably better music/visuals. Still an odd thing to port.

>> No.7326709

Wrong on all counts.

>> No.7327167

What are you babbling about? Ultima 1-7 all allow you to choose your gender. Ultima 3 even allows a third option.

>> No.7327220

They aren't source ports because the source isn't available.
xu4 is a good alternative to the SMS for people that prefer a traditional shortcut interface over menus.
Skipping 4 is a terrible idea.

So you get worse performance and need to swap floppies regularly?

>> No.7327291

>the retarded Sega port isn't the same game at all

This is absolute horseshit.

>> No.7327294

>So you get worse performance and need to swap floppies regularly?
The kiddified console port isn't even remotely the same game.

>> No.7327307

That's the crappy NES port. Nobody should play that.
The SMS has the full dialog system and virtues and allows you to have the full party. It doesn't allow you to ask about keywords you haven't heard and there are no 3D portions in the dungeons.
And there are options aside Apple II and SMS.

>> No.7327335

So I'm OK playing the SMS port? I'm getting conflicting recommendations.
Personally I would prefer SMS as Apple II is alien to me

>> No.7327419

Get xu4 which is now integrated into ScummVM. It gives you a bunch of options to finetune the experience while retaining elements such as the 3D dungeons.
You could in theory play the other computer ports like FM Towns, Amiga or C64.
If for some reason you insist on playing the IBM-DOS version you need to get the fan patch that adds music.

>> No.7327619

bird eye isometric is awful

>> No.7327627

you are both fucking retarded

>> No.7327759
File: 242 KB, 640x400, beren1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima 7 isn't isometric. Ultima 8 is.

>> No.7328489

any way to make the game playable, I can't stand the combat, everything else is pretty kino, I just want to get through the game without my party going full retard against some random ambush. Any useful tips?

>> No.7328640

A good game, but I still can't get over the isometric angle they used. Why couldn't they be like the others, SimCity 2000, XCom, Transport Tycoon...

>> No.7328667
File: 22 KB, 320x200, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason is Ultima 6.
That game was still based around tiles so they added the shifted perspective to add some depths instead of rotating the whole grid.
Then they kept the perspective for 7 even though the grid was no longer relevant.

>> No.7328927

I googled it and it says gender options were only in 4-7.

>> No.7328932

Wait, the wiki is confusing, since the character is Stranger for 1-3, then Avatar for 4-7, so you're right.

>> No.7328936

How about you stop google and play the actual games?
In 2 the gender actually altered your stats.

>> No.7328947

>>highly interactive world
>>NPCs more or less as convincing as modern ones
>>branching storyline which can be completed in non-linear fashion
>>tons of easter eggs and side quests
That's Divine Divinity, which is retro now.

>> No.7328952

Moraff's World is fantastical.
/vrpg/ is literally /v/ shitposting now.

>> No.7328960

They look like trash, this is why I tried 7, hated it immediately and moved on. I'll stick to jrpg's, since they took Ultima and improved on it.

>> No.7328982

>I'll stick to jrpg's, since they took Ultima and improved on it.
True. But as a true RPG pundit, you gotta play all the westeros games that influenced JRPGs!!!

>> No.7328998

Don't believe that 'Stranger' bullshit. Ultima 3 let you create a party of 4 characters.

>> No.7329385

Don't have to imagine.

>> No.7329406

I avoided Ultima because of how grotesquely self-conceited Garriott is

>> No.7329648

At least play Underworld. He wasn't really involved with that beyond voicing one character.

>> No.7329657
File: 111 KB, 512x512, 1213210_screenshots_20200620221807_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll stick to jrpg's, since they took Ultima and improved on it
the fuck am I reading

>> No.7329806

>the others, SimCity 2000, XCom, Transport Tycoon
All of those came out later.

>> No.7329812

Ultima 8 is dimetric, like most games

>> No.7329816

It's an unwashed philistine
pearls before swine

>> No.7329817

Western rpgs are pure unredeemable garbage. Deal with it

>> No.7329821

the stranger and the avatar being the same person is a retcon

>> No.7329826

You come over as sub 80 IQ midget

>> No.7329871

Huh, I could swear Ultima 7 came out a few years later.

>> No.7329873

you mistake me for someone who things wrpgs are good

>> No.7330370

The guy did go from bedroom coder to astronaut

>> No.7331582

Currently around what I suspect is the 75% mark through Ultima IV. Getting good guy points for virtues is kind of gratingly slow with some. Not even sure if you can be stripped of gaining partial avatarhood in a virtue if you do wrong in it.

Rampaging through the dungeons exploiting the fact I can use the underground system to quickly get the altar stones from below.

I'm still trying to figure out what the one pure axiom is supposed to be. Can't be something dumb like "infinity" or something, right?

Quite surprised I'm also tolerating keeping a logbook of all my city encounters and acquisitions, ect.

>> No.7331595

what game si this

>> No.7331617

can't you read, it's maxresdefault (60)

>> No.7331792

Ultima and Wizardy exist, are then taken and turned into Dragon Quest. That was kinda shit so they made it better with Final Fantasy, but it was still kinda shit. So they made Chrono Trigger and the entire genre peaked there.

Ultima is the Wolfenstein 3d of rpg's. It's interesting to check out for historical purposes, but not for actual enjoyment as a game. Wrpg's weren't really worth playing until Fallout.

>> No.7331829

Just finished Ultima 1. The game has aged like milk, but I kind of liked it.

>> No.7332276

>The game has aged like milk,
What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.7332316

It might have been revolutionary at the time but now it feels extremely dated, primitive and lacking. Still an OK game in my opinion though

>> No.7332351

How is it no longer revolutionary? Was there another game that did overworld exploration like that inserted before it?
It was primitive in 1981, it was written in BASIC. If it wasn't lacking then the sequels should have turned out differently.

>> No.7333127

No one else made RPGs for the Apple][ until Lord Britty made one. He was the pioneer.
No nihonese did it, no real britbongs did it, no other murikan fag did it. It was LB. He was the first.

But yes, it aged like milk. That's what the term means.

>> No.7333129

Ultima Underworld: Labyrinth of Worlds.

>> No.7335136

Geneforge is pretty solid since it was designed from the ground up as a solo player game, so no dodgy 'rebalancing'.

>> No.7335149

>what's the best Ultima game then?
I'll go left-field and say the two spin-offs.

>> No.7335230
File: 683 KB, 1920x2697, ultima alternate cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is factually correct
>didn't get into RPGs until the late 2000's
>eventually find out about Ultima 7 and end up playing it
>sudden disappointment at realising that the genre hasn't progressed at all since fucking 1992
Sure, there have been games that were better at certain things (Baldur's Gate has better combat, Planescape has a better story, etc) but ultimately they are all aping Ultima in a way and don't surpass it as an experience, in scope or in technical prowess.

There's also a certain charm in Ultima that I don't find anywhere else: it's the only RPG series that really makes you feel like a hero. Usually "open world" games make you want to steal shit, bully npcs, create chaos, etc. But in Ultima being virtuous and helping people genuinely feels rewarding (in a role-playing sense, not a "you get more gold for doing the good guy route in this quest" that some many games do), which helps put you in the shoes of the Avatar. It has moral themes but is never preachy about it, it just immerses you in the beliefs and culture of this world, and it feels good to play the role of the character that embodies these beliefs, especially if you have played Ultima 4 and understand what it really means to be the Avatar.

On a side note, Ultima Online was the absolute peak of MMOs as well, and had a magic that will never be replicated, as it really was a product of it's time in a way. The internet has changed too much.

>> No.7335245

Ehh, you'll get over it. The fantasy TBS genre has not advanced one step beyond Master of Magic (and the squad-based tactics genre hasn't managed to even reach Jagged Alliance 2/X-Com: Apocalypse), but trying the different flavors is still a worthwhile experience.

>> No.7335252

the fuck is wrong with the framerate?

>> No.7335262 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself tranny faggot. There are no women on this board, I have a bridge to sell to any Anon who believes there is a single one.

>> No.7335284

Trannies are the ones coding my emulators and translating japanese exclusive roms. I am not autistic enough and suck with tech stuff, it all seems so boring and dull, so i appreciate dedicated trannies for their efforts to the community

>> No.7335301

I mean, I can still appreciate other RPGs for what they are (I really enjoyed Pathfinder: Kingmaker recently, for an example), but it's sad to think about how much untapped potential the genre has.

>> No.7335303

Basado. Trannies are often autistically dedicated to weebdom, thus their efforts to localize obscure nip stuff should be cherished.

>> No.7335313

That's applicable to pretty much all genres apart from FPS and 4X. Even RTS have been treading water in the past several years. Nobody has tried integrating Achron's timewarp into an actually functional game.

>> No.7335361

Found the zoomer.

>> No.7335457

Remember how big of a splash Katamai Damacy made? Yeah it was great and all, but more importantly, it was something NEW that wasn't just the same old thing but with slightly improved graphics and loot boxes.

>> No.7335916

WTF, I love tranny furries now! Kidding, I haven't used Higan or MAME in ages....

>> No.7335924

The jungle one and the one where you travel to the moon are also "spin offs".

>> No.7335928

Looks like shit

>> No.7335931

That's what I was referring to. Savage Empire and Martian Dreams.

>> No.7335949

without trannies who else would host all the cool ovas from the late 80s and 90s in the best quality with multisubs and dual language? someone has to be dedicated enough to host and catalogue all the obscure retro media in the world for free, if trannies are the ones to do it, well hey! is all the same to me.

>> No.7335973
File: 111 KB, 500x703, EhqfzEuWoAIYfkA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was this whole East vs West thing always prevalent on this board was it until the entry of the 6th gen with the influx of /v/ posters?

>> No.7335981

Can I be a lesbian in any of the games
what games let me be a lesbian lol

>> No.7336085

They neutered the jumping mechanic so much it may as well not exist.

The worst part of the game was the pixel perfect placement of items for making the pyro spells.

>> No.7336198

Wait on Geneforge, it's getting remade this year.

>> No.7336259

>Ultima Online was the absolute peak of MMOs as well

It's the only even slightly interesting MMORPG. Though even it feels like a time sink, unfortunately. The genre by nature is just a waste of time.

>> No.7336262

>The internet has changed too much.

Yeah, this basically killed UO.

>> No.7336396

If Skyrim, Oblivion or Witcher 3 had the interactivity with the world as Ultima 7...

It'd be the best thing ever...

>> No.7336419

they'd still be boring and unimaginative wrpgs so they would still suck balls

>> No.7336435

>of /v/ posters?
You sound like a >>>/v/

>> No.7336439

UW1 and 2 are spinoffs. And better.

>> No.7336467

Aww because no Lolis with antler whipsticks and a retarded protagonist like Snow?

>> No.7336608

Are those really that good? I never see people talk about them

>> No.7336614

They're a lot of fun especially if you like Ultima VI, which of course they are built on in terms of the game engine. Both are charming. Maybe the first "steampunk" media.

>> No.7336938

I will check them out eventually then, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Ultima 6 due to it's UI.

>> No.7337030

Have you tried nuvie/ScummVM?

>> No.7338619

I have played with nuvie, it is definitely a good quality of life improvement but the game still feels somewhat awkward to play. It probably doesn't help that I played U7 first, and the UI in that game is so much more intuitive.

>> No.7338667

What part of U7 do you want that nuvie doesn't offer? It has GUMPs, drag&drop, paper dolls etc.

>> No.7339793

to whoever got me to play Ultima 4 on SMS the other day, thank you, I really liked it, he wasn't from this thread but he might still be lurking.