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File: 29 KB, 340x197, SFA3_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7299375 No.7299375 [Reply] [Original]

Best sf game

>> No.7299389

My favorite fighting game of all time, although I feel like it's a guilty pleasure.

>> No.7299406

Holy fuck no what a garbage fuckin SF
V-ism is pure cancer

>> No.7299419
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That may be the best sf game, but this is the best fighting game

>> No.7299439
File: 311 KB, 266x375, Street_Fighter_III_3rd_Strike_(flyer).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha 3 ain't even better than Alpha 2.
GOAT SF is 3rd Strike.

>> No.7299440

worst sf game, not really.... but its in the flop 5

>> No.7299526

It's up there, but scrubs hate it.

t. v-sodom player

>Alpha 3 ain't even better than Alpha 2.


>> No.7299530


Too many literal who's. Hugo and Dudley have no soul.

>> No.7299563

>It's up there, but scrubs hate it.
Other way round buddy. Street Fighters are known for their zoners and grapplers which 3S is lacking.

>> No.7299612

they have plenty of soul compared to that literal claymation character

>> No.7299729

i hate fighting game but the sprites here looked dope

>> No.7299809

I'm still fucking mad that 3 characters are locked behind a PSP exclusive port

>> No.7300000

>Too many literal who's.
>Oh no, my roster is TOO ORIGINAL!

>> No.7300009

>predates SF2
>literal who

>> No.7300113

Very good game

Very good games

>> No.7300218
File: 106 KB, 497x427, d9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SFA3 feels like an experimental game. The character portraits are bengus'es worst artwork till date. The extremely annoying announcer never shuts the fuck up. Nor is there an option to disable him. The whole presentation is worse than before. The music is supposed to be exciting but its just out of place and annoying. Hitboxes are shorter. Giving most characters less range. The delicate balance between offense and defense is fucked. Making SFA3 an idiotic rushdown game. V-Ism was a mistake. Despite of all these shortcomings its still a decent SF game. But far from the best.

>> No.7300221
File: 79 KB, 1000x424, bill_ted_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent anon

>> No.7300228

No it isn't V-ISM is great, im sorry you are too much of a casual to use it but that dosen't make it bad.

>> No.7300231

Fuck you A3 announcer is the GOAT

>> No.7300239

>Hitboxes are shorter. Giving most characters less range. The delicate balance between offense and defense is fucked. Making SFA3 an idiotic rushdown game
Absolutely false, you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.7300260

Disprove me faggot. Fucking waiting.

>> No.7300394
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here, friend, you can say what you want about the presentation, you can complain about Vism all you want, but now will not, NOT badmouth our lord and savior based Greg Irwin.

>> No.7300552

Kek this is how I know you're trash at sfa3, anyone with even the slightest understanding of high-level sf thinks V-ism is garbage

>> No.7300556

Every single thing they said was true lol
A3 is booty butt doodoo

>> No.7300591

this is bait

>> No.7300598

And this is how you spot someone who has never played A3 and has no idea how the game is played

>> No.7300605

No they dont, top A3 players LOVE Vism. Why are you lying?

>> No.7300608

Obvious samefag is obvious, you are factually incorrect and know nothing about the game.

>> No.7300630

Yeah, top A3 players, who are to the broader SF playerbase as most of you faggots on this board are to people with friends who take showers lol

People who play at a high level in any SF title recognize that V-ism is dumb bullshit so they play other sf titles. Weird fucks who like dumb bullshit stuck with sfa3. And all of you dumb drones sit around parroting them because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about lol

>> No.7300645

So you admit you know nothing about the game have never played it and are just shitposting, good to know.

>> No.7300648

Wow check out all that stuff I literally never said lol
Whatever faggot, if you've reached the point where you're just going to hallucinate shit and pretend I said it because you don't have any rational response you can make then whatever lol enjoy your shitty SF game

>> No.7300669
File: 103 KB, 200x300, Chun-li 1991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot to like about SFA3. It oozes style and I totally dig the hyper-saturated design they went with. Its still my favorite way Street Fighter has ever looked and sounded.
That said, when I want to play a Street Fighter game with really tight gameplay, I always put in Third Strike, and when I want to play a Street Fighter game with a really good roster, I put in CvS2. There's no one "thing" that SFA3 does best in my book that makes me want to really get into it, at least in my book..

Chun-li's ass is coom-worthy regardless of game or version.

>> No.7300960

My favorite too OP. I'm partial to the ps1 version with the world tour rpg-lite mode and the co-op dramatic battle. Best roster and score to boot. Pink Dan, Gen, yellow Ken and Rolento ftw.

>> No.7300991

ISMs > Grooves

>> No.7301161
File: 212 KB, 600x600, 1528928441_20f947c0a41e6ed495867441e9d2c16c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Alpha 3 ain't even better than Alpha 2. GOAT SF is 3rd Strike."

>> No.7301179

i do not play fighters but i had some of the capcom artbooks and i love how it looks. This is very much a game i prefer to watch other people playing because is so fun to just look at.

>> No.7301186

A reminder this is Daigo's favorite Street Fighter.


>> No.7301207

Daigo is a has-been literally who cares what he thinks

>> No.7301216

Daigo even says in the video that he doesn't like V-sim

He still the most successful competitive FG streamer and a top player in SFV.

>> No.7301219

he's currently the strongest SFV player in the world and was everyone's favorite to win capcom cup before it was canceled.

>> No.7301221

No he doesn't he says its a bad mechanic for beginners and that pro players like it.

>> No.7301243
File: 1.09 MB, 644x1080, a3 the god game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daigo even says in the video that he doesn't like V-sim

No he says that v-ism is too difficult for casual players because it's too high skill and that's why it's only for hardcore players. Stop lying.

>> No.7301252
File: 154 KB, 1339x843, Daigo ism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7301260

Whom is Daigo and why should I care?

>> No.7301263

imagine trying to pretend you dont know who Daigo is lmao

>> No.7301268

Yeah I'm pretending

>> No.7301291
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>> No.7301308
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You have gone too far now, anon!

>> No.7301320
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>> No.7301371

alpha 3 is even more of a turbo-meme than 3s. even less of the people who say they play it actually play it.
like, jesus fucking christ, the majority of the playerbase on fightcade isn't even good enough to use V-ism.

>> No.7301407

Literally who gives a fuck about FG streamers lol that's like bragging about being world yo-yo trick champion or some shit
>strongest SFV player
Lol, no. Not even close
He's just a bracket gatekeeper at best now, he's washed as fuck

>> No.7301408
File: 85 KB, 226x158, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hugo and Dudley
>no soul
get outta here

>> No.7301416

In your opinion.

>> No.7301419

Imagine thinking anyone gives a fuck about people who are good at street fighter outside of the hardcore autistic "competitive" crowd
Kek go jerk off to moment 37 and cry

>> No.7301473

>like, jesus fucking christ, the majority of the playerbase on fightcade isn't even good enough to use V-ism.

That's why you ignore the south american retards and play the 5 or so people that actually know what they are doing.

>> No.7301492

considering picking up v-karin bros, might have to drop v-sodom

>> No.7301528

Zero 2's multi-layered meter management was always better competitively than Zero 3's V-Ism. I don't know about the skill ceiling citation but it does dumb down options compared to its prequel but there was more risk in using custom combos before Zero 3 eased it.

Third Strike is a game for Third Strike players. It's completely fine casually but it is super boring when you fight someone competent. You have no incentive for most options when defensive options have so much priority to the point where you're punished for punishing the player for fucking up. It's a bit backwards.

That say, V-Ism in CVS2 does work better in its A Groove form but that's because of an unintended glitch. Nothing wrong with that. Glitches in SF2 are mainline strats, too. Js.

>> No.7301556

>Third Strike is a game for Third Strike players. It's completely fine casually but it is super boring when you fight someone competent. You have no incentive for most options when defensive options have so much priority to the point where you're punished for punishing the player for fucking up. It's a bit backwards.

You could have just written "I'm garbage at third strike and don't understand it" and saved yourself a lot of time

>> No.7301570

I know it's hahafunny to equate dislike to scrubbery but I don't even lose often at locals and I had a decent winning streak in the re-release with online. I know the game deeply enough after all these years. Playing lame is the best way to suceed and that's not my groove.

On the reverse, I get handed on Turbo a lot but it's actually fun to challenge the other player's mind because we're not centralized to predictable patterns.

>> No.7301581

>get handed on Turbo a lot but it's actually fun to challenge the other player's mind because we're not centralized to predictable patterns.
yeah boxer throw loops and old sagat zoning are so unpredictable

>> No.7301586

My side of the woods are Honda, Chun, and Long players and then the occasional Hawk and Gief guys.

Not that we're gonna have the same exact experiences anyway.

>> No.7301589


>I know it's hahafunny to equate dislike to scrubbery
That's not even it, you just literally don't know what you're talking about and have obviously never played third strike at anything even approaching a resemblance of high level

>> No.7302112

>Daigo is a has been
I'm sure you could take him.

>> No.7302194
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm much prettier than that.

>> No.7302221

Daigo also prefers Vampire Hunter to Vampire Savior.

>> No.7302282

I whipped his ass on sfv netplay when I was over in Japan on business, dudes washed

>> No.7302445

love this game

>> No.7302486

Daigo also likes the guard break mechanic cancer and he thinks rounds should be 30 seconds. The retard also thinks charge characters should charge forward.
He's Great fighting game player but awful at recognizing what makes one good.

>> No.7302492

>Exposing yourself as a SFV player
Daigo does it for money. Whats your excuse?

>> No.7302514
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>> No.7302531

lol marvel and anime are garbage and only trannies play that shit now hahaha

>> No.7302573

I didn't know what better shit might be populated in Japan so I just went for the lowest common denominator

>> No.7302589

Your garbage crying about game mechanics of the greatest fighters. Go back to Bloody Roar or whatever the fuck it is you find good.

>> No.7302619

Marvel and anime shit are far from the greatest fighters lol

>> No.7302641
File: 2.02 MB, 764x442, here your hitbox bro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That said I like A3, people complain about V-ism and then go play against a hundred Claw players in ST with no problem. Every game has bullshit, it's up to you to decide if you want to be the bullshitter or the bullshited.

>> No.7302676

>hundred Claw players in ST
Vega was strong but not everyone picked him like you're making out.

>> No.7302680

Okay, should have mentioned boxer, chun, and ryu too.

>> No.7302961

SF5 is the game where scrubs can beat pros from its randomness. It was specifically designed to be this way.

>> No.7302981

He’s a legend but god some of his opinions. He genuinely thinks SF5 is a great game which I’ll never understand if I live to 100.

>> No.7303176

Cope. Daigo is washed

>> No.7303251

So you DO know who he is

>> No.7303361

>Hugo and Dudley have no soul
opinion discarded

>> No.7303390

I will send the hammers tonight

>> No.7303393


watch this video since you guys all don't know that v-ism is aids and everyone that is good at the game knows it sucks dick >>7301186

>> No.7303432

I doubt Daigo would ever bash Capcom since they probably give him free shit.

>> No.7303610

watch this because you have no idea about the level of mind games in 3s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N2CIULTwCI

>> No.7303618


>> No.7303625

unironically that fixes a lot of things with charge characters and doesn't promote defense and in a fireball battle you would always win since you are moving forward

>> No.7303634

don't forget saggot

>> No.7303643

Even people like Nuki that love 3S have articulated in detail why most people don't. There's objective problems with the game which even its biggest, most knowledgeable fans will point out.

>> No.7303859

What the fuck is with /vr/ fighting game threads and linking youtube videos as responses? If you actually played these games you should be able to put it into your own words.

Most likely you like 3S and have never played Alpha in your life.

>> No.7303870
File: 60 KB, 447x532, 1610405386932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom vs SNK 2 is the best street fighter.
It's also the best KOF

>> No.7304056

Not an SNK game so it doesn't count.

>> No.7304180

Only because of Karin

>> No.7304265

You'll never get brain damage from Chun-Li crushing your head with her thighs. Why even live?

>> No.7304791

Vism isnt even All that strong A3 compared to 2 were if your caught in a string wish about most of your life gone. People think cause you can pull infinite s its automatically the strongest option when the execution for Crouch cancelling is very tight

In A3 the the most you can get is a fullscreen carry and juggle but the damage is not even close to vism in a2 and if you drop a combo in vism and is hit wish your most of your meter good bye.

>> No.7304852

3rd Strike isn't even the best game in the Strike series... Counter Strike is better

>> No.7304856

2nd impact

>> No.7304859

>Capcom vs SNK 2 is the best street fighter
Yeah, but the music and the background scenery aren't as good as classic Street Fighter II.

>> No.7306509
File: 23 KB, 579x765, 6850-18013-22060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 characters
>no boss
Far from best fighting game, buddy

>> No.7306514

you are literal scum, don't ever play street fighter again

>> No.7306895

You’re coping. SF5 is a coinflip game, winning at it is almost meaningless. Literal nobodies top SF5 due to it’s randomness and removal of skill indexing.

>> No.7306907

Dudley’s good. Hugo is fucking shit. Even his name is a retard pun. Haha, get it? He’s huge!

>> No.7307024

nice job not responding to any point

>> No.7308857

Daigo is washed, live with it

>> No.7308932

My favorite would be 3rd strike, but they really, REALLY messed up the sounds on it.
Every button you press, every attack that's defended or connected, the game emmits a screeching sound that could make a dog go insane. The music is a mess, that annoying announcer screaming over everything.
I get it, arcades were meant to be bright and noisy, but 3rd strike took it to a whole new level.

>> No.7308971

Daigo keeps randomly rambling about literally everything that comes through his mind at any given time.
As a SFV player it's pretty noticeable he just opens his mouth and lets everything pour out of it at random. Guy's been playing fighting games for 18 hours a day for the last three decades, so he obviously needs to put in a LOT of effort to keep his content going.
Then noobs who idolize him but never heard of other players like Fuudo, Haitani or Sako take every word he says like it's God sending down the ten commandments.

>> No.7308995
File: 19 KB, 346x300, imconfus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many ports of this game. What is the best version of Alpha 3?

>> No.7309004

Arcade as in literally every other fighting game ever
There are fightcade torrents out there that come with the full romset and you can download it in like 4 minutes

>> No.7309112
File: 81 KB, 720x405, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alpha 3 max on psp has the biggest roster with extra single player shit. or you can emulate the arcade version if you want to play online against others.

>> No.7309158

CVS2 is a SF game with the correct grooves selected. And then you're looking at a far superior game.

>> No.7309173

unreleased sequel is cooler and better with its claymation transform fighting mechanics

>> No.7309286

>players like Fuudo, Haitani or Sako
Literally who

>> No.7309680
File: 419 KB, 1122x1600, sf_2_hf_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha 3 is alright but for me its hyper fighting.

>> No.7310331

It always makes me laugh my ass off when a3 was a smash hit in Japan competitively and still gets played to this day and whenever you say you like the game some /r/kappa kid always buts in and says

>uhh you know only casuals like that game for the backgrounds and large roster right, VISM ruins the game!

Every game from back then had stupid shit so if you pretend like any other game like 3s or ST is that much better you are a fucking retard. Without VISM the game would just be Dhalsim and maybe gen, guy, the shotos, and gief. It actually makes the game interesting and executionally demanding, without VISM it would just be another boring street fighter game where your only use of meter is just doing short short super.

>> No.7310364
File: 184 KB, 709x709, SFA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has the extra chars and World Tour mode.

>> No.7310590
File: 45 KB, 222x312, Street_Fighter_The_Movie_game_flyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry retard, you're wrong
>can cancel any special into another special, "muh vism" without the retard "you can have fun" bar
>no retarded anime bullshit, real digitized people, including JCVfuckingD
>juggling on par with the superior western fighting games at the time, almost as good as UMK3
>arguably the most balanced akuma has ever been in any of his iterations
But /vr/ is too busy fellating youtuber garbage like 3rdshit and sf2turdbo to understand.

>> No.7310679
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1596293946640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh alpha 3 bros it looks like our lord and savior DSP doesn't like alpha 3 so you know what that means right? Yup, it's shit and should never EVER be talked about again

>> No.7310695
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, EYMCUI_WkAEONLo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DSP is a fat ugly pig with diabetes. LTG is my lord and savior.

>> No.7310725

but has LTG ever been the 2004 best US super turbo player for the ps1 port? That's what I thought

>> No.7310743

What's a good fighting game to you then retard?

>> No.7310752

Anon you need to make your bait less obvious if you want anyone to take it

>> No.7310762

>Hugo and Dudley have no soul
Of all the characters you could complain about you pick those two? You think they're worse than fucking Remy or Sean?

>> No.7311078

>tfw hit the ryu VISM infinite against a gief player then dropped the combo when he had 10% and lost to gief's retarded buttons

VISM isn't good enough when retarded characters like gief can just mash and rob you

>> No.7311090

That's why "professional" gayming is retarded, a pro player would never drop that combo and would win 100% of the time. The higher the level the more limited your choices become.

>> No.7311623

You dropped the combo and then got outplayed. You lost on your own inability to take that last 10%.
You have literally never watched real compeitive A3 then. Even the best A3 players drop shit in matches. Players will simply do a combo, should they even get an opportunity too, for as long as they can and rarely ever actually get a kill with it since you eventually reach a point where you do only one damage a hit and you're likely going to fuck up the timing before their health runs out.

>> No.7311641
File: 138 KB, 683x817, 9cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professionals are 100% perfect 100% of the time.

>> No.7311689

Sure those other japs are able to take games off him but Daigo has the longest track record and is an OG god. Theres plenty of footage of Daigo completely wrecking evo 1st place "champions" in long sets.
>You have literally never watched real compeitive A3 then
Unless you've played it at a high level you shouldn't expose yourself as a donating twitch zoomer.

>> No.7311771

If you needed to a expert to talk about something no one would be able to talk about anything. I'm not saying I understand the game on a complex level, I just watch it from time to time and know some stuff. Infinites do not always kill, even the best of the best drop them because they're hard as fuck to actually do. Crouch canceling has a 1 frame window, now keep repeating that over and over. If you think infinites suck from a design perspective that's fine, I do too, but I can acknowledge that doing them here is hard as fuck and a show of skill.

>> No.7311815

The Dreamcast port of Alpha 3 is so good it (along with power stone) convinced capcom to start publishing their games on NAOMI.

>> No.7311862

>If you needed to a expert to talk about something no one would be able to talk about anything.
Not necessarily. If theres still a scene jump on friday/saturday night lobbies and you can face off against your countries top players.
>If you think infinites suck from a design perspective that's fine
I don't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD4fi3pyrf8

>> No.7311917

SF3 > SF4 > SFA3 > SFA2 > ST > SFV

>> No.7312182

Honestly, I believe the best is either Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold or Street Fighter 3 Third Strike. Overall the entire Alpha/Zero series and 3 Series are the only ones worth playing from that franchise nowadays imo.

>> No.7312625


normally I'd agree, but gief and chun are straight up brain dead and can just mash their busted normals all day

I guess you have to dp all of gief's jump ins, normal anti airs lose or trade every time