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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7304065 No.7304065 [Reply] [Original]

30+ /vr/os: As we all know how taxing moving the thumbs rapidly can be on a decaying nervous system, what supplement stack do you use to combat loss of reflex?

>> No.7304070

try nofap

>> No.7304073

I've never been able to beat any Megaman boss at any age.

>> No.7304087

Pushing 50 here and I have no troubles being competitive in fighting games. If you're losing reflexes at fucking 30 you might just suck.

>> No.7304091

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I just keep getting better and better the more I play, regardless of age. Maybe try not to subsisting on Morning Star veggie patties and lean chicken breast cooked in GMO canola oil you dumb faggot.

>> No.7304096
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Actually I'm way better at games than I was as a kid or even as a 20-something.

I think it's mostly about being a bit more patient though

>> No.7304101

37 here. I used to cheat all the time or play on very easy as a child so I'm actually a better gamer now by comparison.

>> No.7304103


>> No.7304105

>be 20yo zoomer
>can't beat megaman
>30yo friend can
>seethe and cope on the 4chin
Slow reflexes are one of main symptoms of tidepod poisoning

>> No.7304110

I'm 29 and I'm much better than ever.

>> No.7304113

What do you eat?

>> No.7304119
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If your nervous system is decaying in your thirties, you probably just have MS or some shit. At 32, I just keep getting better at everything I play as long as I'm actively engaging with it. What fucking games did you grow up playing and how did you play them to end up so shitty at them? Also, do you eat fast food or otherwise heavily processed food for most of your meals? Sounds like you speedball Big Macs and Monster, so you're probably fucking yourself up there too.

>> No.7304121

I haven't noticed my reflexes getting worse. I eat pretty well, get enough sleep most of the time, and have other hobbies that involve the use of my hands so that probably helps. Feels like I do even better in games now because I can come up with better strategies. But I like snus anyway.

>> No.7304128

Chinese Qi cultivation to halt the aging process.

>> No.7304139

I mean that's not all that impressive lol all you have to do to win in fighting games is mash buttons and spam cheap attacks

>> No.7304142

>I'm bad at fighting games.

>> No.7304143

Why are you here if you aren't having any fun?

>> No.7304170

fish oil, ginseng, gingko biloba, and creatine

>> No.7304201

>i won one round in street fighter once

>> No.7304212

Serious answer: Turmeric pills have helped me a lot in reducing joint pain.

>> No.7304225

50 here too. My reaction time is 120~140 msec. Same as i was 20. If your reaction time is declining around 30, you either never were that fast to begin with,. Or you need to check what meds you might be taking.

>> No.7304230

Lmfao buttmad autists
All I ever do in fighting games is mash buttons and spam cheap shit and I rarely ever lose
I even went to a local tournament before Covid and got to grand finals with this strategy in both Tekken and SF

>> No.7304246

Go back to /v/.

>> No.7304253

>larping buttmad austist

>> No.7304264

TurnChads win again.

>> No.7304270

>Actually I'm way better at games than I was as a kid or even as a 20-something.

Same. My younger self would always get suckered into traps by being too aggressive and eager, and wouldn't pick up on mechanics that weren't spelled out to me.

The only thing I can't do any more is dedicate 10 hours a day to getting gud.

>> No.7304275

You don't get faster. But with age your control gets better.

>> No.7304339

Factual. It’s more annoying than strategic. I can see why people say once you understand the weaknesses it trivializes the experience. The game preys on lack of knowledge and attempts to derive its enjoyment out of that learning experience. You have to willfully deny yourself access to info to make it fun.

>> No.7304361

I'm 36, when I was a kid I could best Castlevania games without issues. Went back to them recently and really fucking struggled with them. I also can't hear the whine from my crt anymore. Getting old blows

>> No.7304365

>You don't get faster
Not necessarily true. With practice you can learn to different stimulus and develop new reflexes. All those are massively faster than how you start out, watching the screen processing what's happening and reacting to it.

>> No.7304451


>> No.7304454

I had no idea that children were allowed to post here. Fuck off, cum squirt. Irritating little unlikable shit.

>> No.7304462


>> No.7304479

It's real funny, he's parroting what he said in another thread claiming he plays lots of "top players" and easily beats them with random mashing and fireballs. Then when I told him he should go to Evo to kick everyone's butt and make easy money his response was "what's Evo?" Good times when someone doesn't even know how retarded they sound.

>> No.7304505
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>> No.7304593

Literally what the fuck is Evo lol

>> No.7304614
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55 years old.

>> No.7304620
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Hello fellow boomers. Being in your 30s sure is tough.

>> No.7304663

Perfect response.

>> No.7304696

I think it goes mostly to lack of motivation. I cannot beat Cheap'n'Dale 2 in one go anymore just because it is too boring to repeat. Circa 1993 it was a one morning deal. This days I just savescum away hard parts or apply cheats if savescum doesn't help. I attribute it to lazyness, it is too hard to find a motivation to spend an hour on a single Megaman-X boss. I see the patters and know that I can do this after some hours training, but why bother. It is getting worse actually, I was replying Full Trottle recently (point and click that was always on easy side back then) and found myself savescumming all timed parts. Just getting old I think and the problem is inside, not in reflexes.

>> No.7304742
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Isn't having this thread once good enough?

>> No.7304824
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I don't have the patience anymore. I openly use save states/rewinds. Fuck this shit

>> No.7304826

i'm over 30.....
Should I do a Megaman run? 1-6 NES in order?

>> No.7304842
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That seems super fast especially for 50. Where have you tested it? Here? https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime
I get like 190-220 at 29. I've used this site for awhile and can see it hasn't changed since I was like 21, at least.
Overall I'm not too worried about reaction speed. However, I'm quite depressed about a lack of neuroplasticity that makes it impossible for me to get truly good at things like chess, or playing the piano, or whatever else.

>> No.7304893


>> No.7304897

Ok but like what is it lol

>> No.7304908

Megaman is 90% rote memorization, so you'll probably get better the older you are.

>> No.7304909

>plays GTA3 for the first time since 11
>Aces missions that gave me trouble and that I was stuck for days on like Smack Down and the mission where you assassinate Kenji
I've gotten better over age I've noticed. It's actually nice being an older gamer in my experience. :)

>> No.7305007

use rewind

>> No.7305015

Not retro, noob

40+ and my reflexes start to suffer.
PS: former martial artist

>> No.7305028
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Red light/green light pages likes yours, with a crt. Now using a large ass LG LCD. And after 30 years of playing games i can tell you this... reaction time means nothing in games. Everything is based on memorization. With very little exceptions. Even platformers have a certain window in how to react. Which is usually in the 200 to 600ms somethings. Games will punish you if you are too fast, or too slow.

>> No.7305154

How the fuck have you "degraded" at 30? I am 33 and I can still excel at games I was excelling at 15. Have you ever considered you were always terrible at games?

>> No.7305281
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found the LG gaming mode

>> No.7305283
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git gud or git rekt

>> No.7305292

Thats biologically not possible lmao

>> No.7305313

...Can we ban 6th gen consoles again?

>> No.7305434 [DELETED] 

Granted, you're probably still not as mentally deteriorated as Joe Biden so take heart.

>> No.7305976

Tried playing Streets of Rage 2 and 3 a few months back. My thumb hurt for two weeks after.

It's over.

>> No.7305984

try metal man in mega man 2. his weapon makes the rest of the game easier.

>> No.7306009

I'm 35 but objectively I'm pretty sure you "degrade" in some ways after 24 or so, you don't have people our age winning sprint races for the first time. As hard as these games can be they're still 99.9% about knowledge rather than the sharpest reflexes. You could be 70 and have decent enough reflexes to beat most games but that doesn't mean they haven't deteriorated. You'd be surprised how much of games are about knowledge rather than reflexes even when a game seems really heavy on reflexes.

>> No.7306186

You're objectively retarded
Average age of Olympic athletes is 27

>> No.7306274

35 here. I recently played through SM64, last time I'd played it seriously was probably over a decade ago. I beat it with 70 stars in about three hours (not in one sitting). Some things were harder to do than I remembered, but I was playing on emulator with an Xbone controller.

I also recently played SOR4 (which is not retro I know, but plays pretty much like the old games and was completely new to me, so I didn't have any "knowledge" or memorization from it). I went for hard mode right away and lost all my lives in the first stage, but after a bit of practice I pretty much had it under control and beat the rest of the game on my first real attempt without having to reload a save.

So overall I don't really feel "decayed" at all just yet. It probably helps that I'm healthier and more active now than I was 10~15 years ago.

>> No.7306290

i was bored so i wanted to start autistic arguments by making this shill thread

>> No.7306347


bruh...vidya is a little different than the olympics

>> No.7306360

>Average age of Olympic athletes is 27

1) I said sprinting, sprinting is particularly for the young. The main handicap of aging sports players is they lose their pace.

2) The olympics has shooting, darts, equestrian etc. that you don't normally consider athletics and could totally skew the average upwards.

3) Experience counts for olympic athletes as well. There's also a lag between when they qualify and when they actually compete.

So those are the three reasons why you're retarded and not me, guess you learn something new every day.

>> No.7306462
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In the Michigan study, scientists measured the response times of adults over age 65 and compared them against those of a group of players ages 18 to 30. Researchers then used a functional MRI to image the blood-oxygen levels in different parts of the brain, a measurement of brain activity. The physical response times between the two age groups was great—there were no significant differences between a thirty-year-old gamer and a teenager. In other words, gamers in their thirties think they can’t keep up with their younger counterparts and lose interest in competitive gaming. It’s psychological rather than the experience of aging.

>> No.7306470

Despite all the factors lessening the role of gaming in our lives as we age, there may be an upside to consciously pushing against those QF trends. It’s not an exaggeration to say video games could actually help keep the brain agile as we grow old. A recent US National Institutes of Health-funded study involving nearly 3,000 retirees showed that video games could cut the risk for dementia by almost 30 percent. For this study, a training exercise was used to test the brain’s perception, decision-making, plasticity, reasoning, and recall. Impressively, those who played video games appeared to have a 29-percent lower chance of developing dementia.

Even more encouraging are the findings of another study from the Université de Montréal, which showed that elderly people can stave off Alzheimer’s disease by playing video games only 15 minutes per day, three times a week. Scientists describe the results of both studies as really promising, but each team noted they had to be replicated.

>> No.7306513

Doesn't matter, Olympics are forever cancelled thanks to China. Video games are the new frontier.

>> No.7306520

>which showed that elderly people can stave off Alzheimer’s disease by playing video games only 15 minutes per day, three times a week.
There is no possible way this could happen. And if it could then playing pinball, sport or something like hungry hungry hippo would also work. Foosball as well. Nobody should play videogames under the impression that will occur.

>> No.7306525

The Olympics actually require skill

>> No.7306529

>I said sprinting, sprinting is particularly for the young
Average age of Olympic gold medal sprinters is 26.
You're objectively retarded.

>> No.7306530

>There's no possible way this thing that happened in a controlled study could hapoen
You're dumb as fuck dude

>> No.7306534

Try exercising and eating something besides pizza and doritos.

>> No.7306993

if he didn't cheat this would mean something

>> No.7307006

based, put the fgc nerds in their place.

>> No.7307026

So if we discount experience I was off by a whole 2 years in a number I stated off the top of my head. I don't know why you even started calling me retarded, what I said was very fai, but this is 4chanr.

>> No.7307035


>> No.7307237

He didn't cheat. He just made a clerical error and submitted his run under the wrong category.

>> No.7307249

Seek a doctor.

>> No.7307251

you got a source for that?

>> No.7307270

Most mega man games make the bosses beatable without their special weapons. 1-3 and MM&B are the only ones with truly unfair robot master fights.

>> No.7307276

Is this stupid aging bullshit going to become the new daily bait thread? The fact that you can be this retarded and still get so many replies just shows how lost this board is. Fuck off.

>> No.7307280

Don't play easy games and talk about losing your edge

Go play "I Wanna Be The Kamilia 3". It's a free game for PC. If you can't make any progress in that. You're too old.

>> No.7307318

>he says about one of the only actual legitimate threads about aging ever on /vr/
It's legitimate to wonder what will happen, arthritis could decimate your ability to play or enjoy games or even type. (though yes the actual text of the op is bullshit it doesn't mean we can't have interesting discussion).

>> No.7307367

can't even look at a video game for two minutes without eyes straining and drying up and going blurry, stressing me out causing even more blur and pain and within a few minutes exasperated rage
so i just post about the games i remember

>> No.7307373

very based

>> No.7307484

MAME runs are accepted as long as they are submitted as MAME runs. His got miscategorized as being on a real arcade by mistake at first.

>> No.7307489

Megaman is one of those games you need to practice at though. When I started playing it 2 years ago I was abysmal until around the 4th or 5th game, then I went through each game barely dying at all and went back to play the originals and enjoyed them to. A big part of it is actually using the weapons you get and finding creative ways through certain levels you are having a hard time with. Hell, once you get the platform gun in 1 you pretty much break the game.

>> No.7307875

So you don't understand averages either
You're objectively retarded
30-year-old sprinters have won Olympic gold

>> No.7307895

Only the African ones. Genetics plays a major part in running. It's a reason why Usain Bolt will never be defeated despite people all around the world trying to best him for almost 10 years.

>> No.7308083

Hey /fit/fag, did you remember to get your morning semen smoothie? You need that protein bro.

>> No.7308105

>I was told that it's impossible to get good at things when I'm 29 so I won't try.

Van Gogh didn't even know how to draw until he spent two years learning at 28.

>> No.7308112

As in he was 30 when he began painting in a somewhat artistic manner.

>> No.7308154

I guess he was waiting until he was 38 to learn how to paint?

>> No.7308213

I was completely shit at videogames as a kid, like, unimaginably shit, but at the age of 28, I've become better than ever at them, starting to become decent in my 20s. For some games, anyway, I like old first person shooters like Doom, Quake, Blood, and Duke Nukem 3D, and I've gotten pretty good at those.

Really? I'm pretty shit at the classic Megaman games, but I've killed a few here and there, and did with some effort make it towards Sigma's final form in Megaman X (though I could never beat him).

I *really* suck at fighting games, and I know that's not true, primarily because I've tried exactly that and the AI of most fighting games will rape you at anything but easy difficulty.

>> No.7308284

Nah, he's a cheat.

>> No.7308530

>I was completely shit at videogames as a kid, like, unimaginably shit, but at the age of 28, I've become better than ever at them, starting to become decent in my 20s. For some games, anyway, I like old first person shooters like Doom, Quake, Blood, and Duke Nukem 3D, and I've gotten pretty good at those.
You've peaked in many ways, you just don't realize it. You can't really be completely aware of your limitations and how much bigger they become until you've pushed yourself, even in video games.
For example to be good at RTS it was a common thing for korean kids to play 16 hours a day and outcompete each other. At 25+ you'll get severe tendonitis and vision problems simply because you're not 16 anymore and can't push yourself to that extent.

>> No.7308534

Never used it yet but i ordered adrafinil

>> No.7308539

I am losing mental abilities in my 30s.
I figured out where to go and what to do better when i was like 12 in video games.

>> No.7308586

yeah, age takes a toll in dexterity. I think my best reflexes were when I was between 12 and 16. no wonder I won some regional quake tournaments back then.
which is why you see shit like tina playing dragonforce solos and a 13 year old winning the tetris tournament or that young teen winning fortnite or young asians playing musical instrument in an impressive manner
anybody saying they peaked later is more of a matter of not practicing enough in their prime

>> No.7308647

>You've peaked in many ways, you just don't realize it.
I feel that I'm getting better and better.

>For example to be good at RTS it was a common thing for korean kids to play 16 hours a day and outcompete each other.
That would be for competitive play though, which I think is in a bit of another ballpark than playing just for fun, yet looking for challenge.

Also 16 hours a day would be kind of ridiculous for something like Doom, where in that kind of time frame I'd be getting through a three or four megawads, and that's just me liking to explore the levels a bunch and using a lot of defensive tactics, as well as playing sets in like 30 minute to 2 hour bursts with occasional pauses in between. If you really hurry you'd easily do Doom 2 in less than 1 hour as just a moderate player, and that's not even pro territory, where people have gotten that down to about 18 minutes last time I checked.

>At 25+ you'll get severe tendonitis and vision problems simply because you're not 16 anymore and can't push yourself to that extent.
My vision was never great, and I find that I'm using more comfortable and less straining input methods these days. Besides that, a bunch of the elite speedrunners in the Doom community are way older than me, and they're still pretty close on the heels of younger talent.

To a very substantial degree, a lot of this stuff is a matter of practice. I don't have any designs on being some upper echelon speedrunner or pro or anything, I just think I've honed my skills well enough that I can handle fairly challenging level sets, and I'm confident I can keep them up for the foreseeable future.

>> No.7308664

By peaked I meant past your prime, but whatever.
Also, speedrunning is a bit of a running joke as far as skill in vidya goes. Different game for every special snowflakes needs and preferences. Even 60 year olds can do it because the skill barrier is entirely arbitrary aside from select few popular games (sm64).
Yeah, no shit you're going to improve, except what takes you half a year to learn and play at a semi-optimal level is going to take a competent 16 year old 1/3 of that time.

>> No.7308691

>By peaked I meant past your prime
That much is obvious.

>Even 60 year olds can do it because the skill barrier is entirely arbitrary aside from select few popular games (sm64).
That kind of depends on what you're speedrunning. I don't think you could do Plutonia on Nightmare with carpal tunnel syndrome going.

>except what takes you half a year to learn and play at a semi-optimal level is going to take a competent 16 year old 1/3 of that time
Yeah but I was fucking retarded as a teenager, I don't feel I'm in the same boat.

>> No.7308698

Why would you assume every 60 year old has carpal tunnel retard. s.mh

>> No.7308712

32 here. My reflexes aren't bad but my memory is getting worse.

Yesterday I needed an item for a quest. I had to go back into the quest log multiple times to verify what item I needed because I kept forgetting.

Might be me getting older or the amount of molly I did in the past couple of years, either way it fucking sucks.

>> No.7308714

carpal tunnel is treatable, maybe all 60 yr old americans without free healthcare have it

>> No.7308721

Because it's something that would affect your ability to play a fast game, like the loss of reaction time with high age.

Free healthcare where I live has not been very good in my experience, if I got carpal tunnel, I would not have high hopes of getting any kind of functional treatment or medical attention for it.

>> No.7308725

>or the amount of molly I did in the past couple of years
I would say that's the main culprit here.

>> No.7308727

Yes, depressants will do that to you. You're basically maintaining low brain activity that leads to degeneration. Old people get told to solve crosswords to stave off dementia for a reason.

>> No.7308732

God you're such a retarded fucking zoomer with an early mid life crisis. You should shut the fuck up and piss off.

>> No.7308738

>Old people get told to solve crosswords to stave off dementia for a reason.
Would playing vidya and modding help me keep my mind active in that sense?

>> No.7308740

Fuck me, guess it's time to play Brain Age

>> No.7308742

I'm a millennial, not a zoomer. Why so upset?

>> No.7308747

i live in a third world shithole and even here it would be very inexpensive. More time consuming than anything but is not unmanageable to get your exams and get your treatment.

>> No.7308749

Because you talk like a retard and fish for (You)'s
that's the last one. retard.

>> No.7308761

Random surveys already proved millennials will be like 30% less prone to dementia because of video game. They're literally prescribed by doctors to alzheimer's patients.
Obviously it varies on the activity though. If you want to sharpen your memory, pick up a speedrun. There's a lot of short term and long term memory memorization involved so you basically train everything.

>> No.7308772

>40 a month ago
>Family has a history with arthritis
>Already getting some symptoms
>Hurts it I have to mash one button for to long
>Thumbs "click" occasionally
>Stretching helps

Well at least I can play RPG's

>> No.7308782

if only we weren't like 9000% more prone to other mental disorders

>> No.7308785

>why would a retarded zoomie assume retarded things

>> No.7308789

this guy fucks

>> No.7308801

if you have only played against other 12 yr olds from your school, yeah, sure

>> No.7308812

>They're literally prescribed by doctors to alzheimer's patients.
Any games specifically or just gaming in general?

>> No.7308823

Ah, I see it now, I wasn't making the assumption that every 60 year old had carpal tunnel, I just brought that up as a comparison.

I live in a place that's becoming 3rd world, it's really not easy to get help for any kind of chronic problem, doctors and hospitals really hate it when you ask them for help and will basically try to brush you off.
>Hey, I sometimes get serious problems with being able to breathe, and it really affects my ability to work and do things at home, can you help me?
>You just have a sore throat! Go home and drink some tea with honey :^)
Because that obviously did nothing, what follows is then about a year of me having to constantly badger them to actually examine me and test me, having to frequently remind them that I exist and I do in fact still suffer, doing things like making me do breath exercises and chest X-rays, until a nurse gets the idea to do the very simple thing of taking a blood sample from me and see if I'm allergic (which was it).

Free healthcare has not been very good here, and I'm not alone in that experience. The only time I feel I've gotten really good healthcare was from my dentist, who did fantastic work, and I had to pay him quite a lot for that.

Oh well. I was interested in talking to you, I'm sorry you feel the way you do.

>> No.7308827

I'm 32 and I'm better than I've ever been at video games. Shoot em ups seemed impossible to me when I was younger but now I'm gathering 1cc. I'm in the best shape of my life, eat healthier and have my adhd under control with adderall. It's probably just the adderall. Picking up an instrument seemed to help a lot too.

>> No.7308829

>If you want to sharpen your memory, pick up a speedrun.
I suppose I might do that. I don't think I could compete with people like Zeromaster, stx-vile, or 4shockblast, but I guess trying to best my own times on Doom maps just for the fun of it may be a good exercise.


>> No.7308832
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Im sure anything would help for different areas. Rpgs/rts/simulators = resource and stat management, platformers/fps/shmups/fighting games = reflex and quick thinking, puzzle games = problem solving, beatemups = ? (Into the trash they go)

>> No.7308846

Aww, so I couldn't git gud at Splatterhouse to keep my mind sharp?

>> No.7308850

Imagine still doing molly in your 30s lol jfc

>> No.7308870
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>guys, my memory is bad now, am I getting old? btw I've engaged in lots of recreational drug use lol

>> No.7308907

Yeah unfortunately I used to be one of those DARE kids. I didn't really smoke weed till I was 25. And then I tried molly and other drugs when I was 28 or 29.

It was a good couple of years but I'm over it now

>> No.7308927

literally the same for me, totally clean and didn't even like drinking, spent 2 years as a dudeweed lmfao stoner after i turned 26 or so, then i am back at clean again. I just got bored and realized it was retarded but needed to get it out of my system or something, i guess i just needed to feel some freedom after university and once i started making my own money.

>> No.7308950

I've never done any hard drugs like that. I used to cut myself when I was younger because I hated myself and liked the endorphin rush, but that's about it.

>> No.7308996

My God, just what the FUCK have you been doing with yourself, anon?
I'm 35 and I'm SMFC in csgo owning noobs left and right, finished the first Ninja Gaiden last week and I play fighting games competitively on local tourneys and online all the time.
The fuck? "Decaying nervous system" at 30yo, what are you on, krokodil????

>> No.7309061

Yeah, for sure, we are all losing quite the chunk of our concentration and focusing abilities because of how we interact with media nowadays.
Back before the start of the smartphone I was always reading books like a motherfucker, now I take a year to read one book because I simply cannot focus on reading it for more than 20 minutes.
Playing an instrument sure is one of the best workouts for the human brain

>> No.7309089

OP is either a zoomer or a talentless boomer and is really struggling to cope with his ineptitude.

>> No.7309117
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Meat+hot sauce

>> No.7309135

Nice meme. Perhaps if you truly are feeling those effects you might want to stop taking Zinc supplements for a while.

>> No.7309136

Why would he stop training his right hand?

>> No.7309142

A Fifty Five year old fraud.

>> No.7309145

imagine the heartburn

>> No.7309152

I simply can't read the screen fast enough in bullet hell games anymore, that's the only genre where I feel OLD

>> No.7309153


>> No.7309191

>calls someone /fit/fag for simply asking if someone eats fast/processed food for MOST of their meals
>implies someone is gay for not eating like a garbage disposal
Fatass diabetes risk confirmed. Price of insulin just keeps going up, my dude. Unironically drink more water, cook for yourself, and walk for like 15 minutes a day minimum. If you want to put some /vr/ in there, play some DDR.

>> No.7309206

His secret to anti-aging is his hot sauce.

>> No.7309239

You can't say you're a mega master until you can beat the game by doing the stages in a random order though.

>> No.7309246

>cook for yourself
As someone who's not exactly the most functional adult, it's kind of shocking to me that so many people don't ever cook their own food.

>> No.7309275

Imagine playing Megaman and not having fun. Imagine having enough of a commitment to a hobby to seek out and post on a degenerate board about it just to tell everyone you're not good enough at one of its totems to even enjoy it.

Do you even like retro games? Are you even good at them? This isn't about not liking Megaman; that's a known contrarian stance to take, though sometimes people have legitimate reasons (and yours isn't one of them). I think this is about only having one thing you can use to identify yourself because you never did anything else with your childhood or adult life, and you weren't good at that thing either.

>> No.7309346

imagine the arseburn

>> No.7309370

Yeah I have no idea why so many legal adults are totally incapable of preparing their own meals
It's kinda pathetic honestly

>> No.7309376

Spot on. I'm not very good at Megaman, but I do actually mostly enjoy it, the games are fun.

>> No.7309401

Thats not normal get that checked out.

>> No.7309568

Dated a woman in her mid-30's when I was in my late 20's. This bitch was blown away that I could cook a fucking omelette and other simple shit as she subsisted on McDonald's and store-bought shit any time she wasn't with me (same with this other chick I fucked with around the same time). Got mad pussy for watching eggs and cheese cook themselves, and that's the only reason I didn't break up with her for a while*. To tie it back into /vr/, I went to a retro gaming convention a few cities over without her one weekend and had one of the best times of my life. At the end of it, I looked back on it and thought, "I would absolutely not have had nearly as good of a time if she were here", then broke up with her a week later. Married a girl who has been fun to take to things like that years later, and who also knows how to cook.

*inb4 "lol yea roastie pussy", shit was fucking good just not good enough to justify keeping someone I wasn't compatible with around for. Besides, this is a 30+ thread, we're all probably tapping 30+ pussy if any at all. Though, I would like to turn that coin over and say that without a doubt that millennial roasties are fucking worthless and hopeless; nearly all I've met are like the girls I described above. Good news is that it doesn't take much to impress them if you want a cum dumpster.

>> No.7309597

Also, I don't want to imply that she was a bad gf. She was actually pretty great in terms of being fun enough to hang out with, not starting shit for no reason, and being a good fuck. We were just very obviously trying to achieve different things in life, in that I had my own interests, goals, and aspirations in life that I found impossible to talk about with her, and she didn't really want to achieve anything. So, we're both well on our way on our own paths, these days.

>> No.7309647

>we're all probably tapping 30+ pussy

haha...yeah..... all of us...

>> No.7309715

If you need pussy, don't be afraid of the roasties /vr/o. Most of them are fucking retail workers or some bullshit, and everyone's seen a checkout clerk or shelf stocker they'd fuck into oblivion. Just check their hands for rings and ask them out after you've been to the store a few times and had a conversation or two with them. They'll probably say yes if you're not being creepy about it, and if they don't there's plenty more.

If you're trying to say you're tapping younger pussy then good on you, but age isn't everything. Best pussy I had in my life was 24, worst was 18. Second best was 33, second worst was 26. Shit's all over the place, so don't let fucking internet memes keep you out of some good pussy.

>> No.7309719

What if I want a short and skinny goth?

>> No.7309791

Be 40 in a few months, I stick with RPG's (repay BOF3 right now) Was never a fan of them action side scrolling games

>> No.7309797

It's not unthinkable that a 30+ dude could get a younger or same-age skinny goth, but there are things to consider. Being good-looking helps but isn't everything. As cliche as it sounds, the most important things are washing your ass and having confidence. Like, you like retro games, right anon? Brainless stream-cons00ming bitches are all about that shit, these days, especially ones trying after some type of alt aesthetic like goth etc. If you see one in the wild, just strike up a conversation and start talking about retro shit when you see a natural window for it, and when you do don't get all fucking "*twiddles fingers* well, uh, I, ahem, *cough* really like Zelda, but, like, uh, you know, the old ones." Say that shit with your chest -- like you're talking to someone who you know would be interested in it. She'll be fucking captivated if you play it right.

Realistically, though, while everything I said is totally fucking feasible, you should just taper your expectations and stop hunting unicorns. Not to say that the girls I was just talking about are necessarily rare, but your request smacks of having an idealized image of a person in your mind that may not exist in reality. Going from a guy who gets zero pussy to a guy who gets the best pussy is not a one-step process.

>> No.7309876

This isn't your blog

>> No.7309889

32 here. I can still play through the MM/MMX/MMZ games just fine, even though my hands are stiff, but that's from work. Good ol' Bakery, it's good stuff, but god damn it gets hard on the hands.

>> No.7309916

Fair point. tl;dr, I'm still good at games in my 30's because I keep my nerve endings engaged.

>> No.7309971

>fishing for roasties

No I have standards

>> No.7310149

I have found being out of practice with games leads to a better play experience so long as I do not become so invested as to become frustrated. It's a lot better than beating it effortlessly in terms of quality of enjoyment.

>> No.7310194
File: 170 KB, 459x600, openparenthesisyoucloseparenthesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No I have standards

>> No.7310314
File: 120 KB, 688x320, 2021-01-19 18-59-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat blueberries

>> No.7310353

I'm not following any advice given to me from that gay of a site.

>> No.7310397

Doesn't sound like a peer reviewed study.

>> No.7310501

I've gotten better at games since I've got older...... I'm 40 and just beat Battletoads for the first time a couple years ago

>> No.7310564

>older...... I'm
Those ellipses told us all we needed to know about your age. Bet you can't wait to qualify for senior day at Golden Corral and Shoney's. Make sure you've got your colonoscopy scheduled for this year, by the way.

>> No.7310893

This guy samefags

>> No.7311009
File: 2.20 MB, 2000x1125, 1603337736813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35 here, just got better at fighting games now. I fap everyday btw.

>> No.7311410
File: 21 KB, 396x210, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just play different games

>> No.7311423

Stop drinking.

>> No.7311796

>dude weed lmao

>> No.7311857
File: 15 KB, 1166x1122, db84b14cd07ad0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gif
jogger-tier demeanor

>> No.7311928
File: 196 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210120-030430_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.7313417

Don't even need a trip to know what 40yo brain damaged alcoholic shitposter this is

>> No.7314042
File: 6 KB, 352x103, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is good?
I'm a 35 year old dad who doesn't sleep enough nightly.

>> No.7314898
File: 110 KB, 1903x1651, Screenshot_2021-01-21 Reaction Time Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having more than 1 frame of lag
Are you an emulator?

>> No.7314912
File: 61 KB, 750x1000, bummerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lot better at games than I was as a kid except with fighting games due to developing arthritis in my early 20s. Beat-em ups are also rather painful to play.

>> No.7314950

im 37 and way better at video games than i was as i kid

>> No.7315001

I just turned 31 and the only issue I have is with raw reaction time challenges like Samurai Kirby/Quickdraw Kirby. Also occasionally odd types of timing challenges like SMRPG Super Jumps

>> No.7315192

>right hand

>> No.7315253

honestly aside from the faggy dragon boss in 2 with the stupid endless pits I never have too much trouble with any of the 8 bit Mega Man games.
As a kid I always got more fucked up on the puzzle segments that required you to conserve your ammo than the actual reflex stuff.

>> No.7315260

If you can't beat the Mega Man 1 bosses when there is literally an infinite damage exploit that is as simple as pausing the fucking game you are just retarded

>> No.7315747

im just as good if not better at fighting games
git gud op

>> No.7315754

zoom zoom

>> No.7315780

That's not even a zoomer thing, you had scrubs insisting on that back in the 90s.

>> No.7315886

i was better at platformers, but absolutely dogshit awful at fighting games until i hit 30

>> No.7315931

Yeah if anything it was a more common thought back then. It's tough to tell if he's an idiot scrub or just plain baiting. Though the Evo stuff makes it come off more as bait.

>> No.7316070

It's just a fact lol
Fighting games are all about button mashing, they have zero depth
I've never heard of whatever the fuck Evo is and neither has anyone I know so whatever it is, you fighting game autists greatly overestimate its importance lmfao

>> No.7316078

Frame rate's just a hair too low to support the illusion of motion. Especially for her tits, which basically just look like they're vibrating at random.

>> No.7316092

You don't sound like the same guy at this point but either way it's awful bait. What the appeal is in making yourself look totally ignorant I don't quite get.

>> No.7316712

It's not bait lol its just facts. Fighting games are about who can mash the most buttons more than any kind of skill or strategy. Like I've played people who say they're good and all I do is mash buttons and usually win, and they get all pissed because I'm "not playing the game properly" or whatever lol

>> No.7316717

That's why you should go to Evo and make yourself some easy money lol

>> No.7316737

Unfortunately liberals put an end to EVO but hopefully it'll be back again.

>> No.7316747

What did liberals do to evo?

>> No.7316807

Accused some guy of being a pedo or some shit

>> No.7316808

Cancel culture ruined EVO's leader's life so because of what one guy did 25 years ago that has no effect on video games the whole thing had to be shut down. For some reason.

>> No.7316816

Maybe that's a good warning people can't get away with being shitty.

>> No.7316824

yasssssss slay queen

>> No.7316825

If even the law won't prosecute you then twitter has no authority to.

>> No.7316828

Yeah god forbid people have to face the consequences of their actions. How communist!!!

>> No.7316831

It was 25 years ago, let it go. No one got hurt. It's not like he killed a guy.

>> No.7316840

The only problem I have is my shoulders get sore after playing too long.
That's literally it. You just don't decay into a feeble husk and stay that way for 60 years. It's much slower

>> No.7317206

Sure but like what the fuck even is that lol
You keep dodging this question for some reason

>> No.7317230
File: 60 KB, 398x371, zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.7317243
File: 13 KB, 362x118, 1597691356980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, zooms are seething, as usual

>> No.7317245

I'll pretend for a moment you're being serious and just too lazy or stupid to Google. You're saying the equivalent of

>Football is about who can run around randomly the most more than any kind of skill or strategy. Like I've played people who say they're good and all I do is run around randomly and usually win, and they get all pissed because I'm "not playing the game properly" or whatever lol

Implying that you know what you're talking about and are serious when you say you've played "top players." To which I reply,

>Well you should join the NFL, win the Superbowl and make yourself some easy money lol

And all you can muster is
>What the fuck is the Superbowl lol. You keep dodging this question for some reason.

You're either trying way too hard to troll over something that doesn't come close to making sense or you're literally one of the most ignorant, lazy people to ever even pretend to play a fighting game. The end result is the same though lol.

>> No.7317253

That's dumb as fuck lol
There are plenty of behaviors which are (rightly) not illegal that (also rightly) are subject to social penalty
It's not illegal to be a cunt to people but it is behavior that is justly punished with ostracism and rebuke
It's not illegal to snap your fingers two inches from a stranger's face and yell "I'M NOT TOUCHING YOUUUUU" but if people decide not to associate with you over that behavior they are 100% justified

>> No.7317270

What so Evo is the superbowl for fighting game autists? You actually think anyone outside your retarded little bubble knows or should know anything about that? Lmfao wow dude
Your football analogy doesn't hold up in the slightest because football is about more than running around randomly but fighting games are literally only about mashing buttons lol. They have exactly zero real depth, which is why virtually nobody plays them and why they're not competitively relevant

>> No.7317351


>> No.7317543

Not associate with you is one thing, but to fire someone and jeopardize their way of life is another. Keep work and leisure separate.

>> No.7317595

Actions have consequences kiddo
Sorry nobody taught you this yet

>> No.7317649

Would you say the same for people seeing such persecution over their religion, their sexuality, or their race?

>> No.7317691

Nah I'd fire someone who acted like that real fast.

>> No.7317702

What'd he actually do?

>> No.7317706

Being black or gay is different from acting like an asshole.

>> No.7317718

In the example that anon gave, "snap your fingers two inches from a stranger's face and yell "I'M NOT TOUCHING YOUUUUU" if any of my employees acted like that it reflects very badly on my business which has potential financial repercussions. Also I have no interest in continuing to employ people who act like annoying children.

>> No.7317839

You open yourself up to some edgy replies with that one.

That would obviously be indicative of some sort of behavioral disorder, but I meant the whatever guy got cancelled, not his hypothetical example.

>> No.7317862

Well it's not to imply black or gay people can't be assholes, but judging someone because they act like an ass regardless is different from doing do because they're black, gay, trans whatever.

I didn't pay enough attention to whatever the original situation was, just saying there are plenty of firable offenses that aren't technically illegal. Just being rude to a client in really any way counts. Sure you're not going to jail, but you're also not coming to work tomorrow. It's the same with friendship and other relations as it does business.

>> No.7317949

The dude used to go to an arcade and pay underage boys in quarters to get naked in a fountain

>> No.7318052

So someone finds your furry porn archive and you get fired over it because your boss thinks you're a sick fuck. That's fair?

>> No.7318056

"underage" being 17 which is legal in most of the US except for Commifornia where he was, so it's a technicality really

>> No.7318101

dude everyone knows fighting games are for retards (with the possible exception of SSBM) but you are making a fool out of yourself and several levels more retarded and disturbed than the fighting game community.

There is no way anyone could be retarded enough to think they're going to beat a professional fighting game player by mashing buttons, so stop pretending it. I mean this is the internet equivalent of you walking around smearing your faeces on people in public, just stop and neck yourself if your only purpose is to annoy other people.

>> No.7318126

It's still pretty creepy.

>> No.7318216

Yup. Fuck furfags

>> No.7318234

40 year old fag here. Age 27 is when reflexes begin to slip, so you can stay in your senile mind as long as you want and reflect on the "good old days".

>> No.7318235

>professional fighting game player
Lmfao this is one of the silliest phrases I've ever come across in my entire life
Who the fuck has so little going on in their life that they willingly claim the title of professional button masher lmfao
Anyway you're the retarded one lol I have consistently time and again beaten self-proclaimed "top players" at fighting games by literally just mashing buttons

>> No.7318252
File: 14 KB, 300x495, 1590881681286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7318257

go to the gym and stop masturbation

>> No.7318278


>> No.7318476

>Who the fuck has so little going on in their life that they willingly claim the title of professional button masher lmfao
People do it as their job so they're professional. The best make hundreds of thousands of dollars from it, just like any other competitive genre of game.
> I have consistently time and again beaten self-proclaimed "top players" at fighting games by literally just mashing buttons
Again "self-proclaimed" - but what competitions did they win? What prize money did they get? What ranking do they have?

How fucking retarded and clueless are you? Did you wake from a twenty year coma?

>> No.7318498

I'm 35 and I can beat battletoads, mega man, the ninja gaiden games, holy diver, etc. I think you're just a memeing zoomer to be desu.

>> No.7318502

If you make a living doing something, it means that you're a professional at that thing, brainlet.

>> No.7318575

try using a keyboard dumbass

>> No.7319065

Kamilia 3, nigger. You're playing the easy games.

>> No.7319113

>People do it as their job
Holy fuck that's absolutely pathetic lol imagine your contribution to society being a professional button masher and nothing else. I believe I'd just rope if I were that useless to the species lmfao
>The best make hundreds of thousands of dollars from it, just like any other competitive genre of game.
Uh, no lol. The best in actual competitive genres make millions
Like according to you, "the best" button mashers are bringing home less in total earnings than the prize pool of one rando league event
If that doesn't illustrate the total irrelevancy of button mashing idk what does lol
>Again "self-proclaimed" - but what competitions did they win? What prize money did they get? What ranking do they have?
Imagine thinking anyone outside your autistic little tribe knows or cares about any of this information lmfao

>> No.7319118

have a pity (you). cringelord

>> No.7319121

Imagine actually defending """professional""" button mashing and having the utter lack of self-awareness to call other people cringe lmfao

>> No.7319404

Is this actually true, or did someone just claim that?

>> No.7319462

It's actually true. It was well-known among people who were in the scene at the time, just didn't become a problem until the FGC had its metoo moment

>> No.7319471

That's different though, because fuck furfags.

>> No.7319472

>everyone knows fighting games are for retards (with the possible exception of SSBM)
Take a shower.

>> No.7321519

That's almost certainly the same guy just trying to drum up (you)s. There's no way he's been genuine this whole time and now that his initial shtick has gone he's trying to keep the bait going.

>> No.7321835

yeah... no. I'm pretty sure you're the one obvious troll here, the only guy with this "I can beat professional fighting game players by button mashing" stuff, now please fuck off and die.

>> No.7322224

Lol you should go to Evo and make some easy money.

>> No.7322721

ITT: People in their thirties still don't know that everyone's body is slightly different and act confused when some of them are starting to fade in some respects but not others

>> No.7322758

fuck megaman. ill be 40 in march and ive still never beaten abadox

>> No.7323502

41 here.
Exercise, as in powerlifting. I started in June 2020 during lockdown and I feel like 15 years younger.
Look up SBD or just go to >>/fit/plg and nag them into giving you a program.

>> No.7323513

I'm a reasonably fat fuck who should do some exercise. What are some basic exercises to shed some of this lard?

>> No.7323516

Not him but lose weight first through fasting and diet then build muscle. Trying to do both at once is counterproductive and what leads to most people giving up when they don't see results.

>> No.7323519

I wasn't going to reply because I already told you what to do but then this idiot chimed in with the usual dumb "durr don't eat too much" advice >>7323516
Just start fucking lifting. You don't need to start with a stupid-heavy amount of weights but lifting will use up a ridiculous amount of that stored energy aka fat.
Yes if you want to go slow-mode then just do the "durr eat less" thing. But if you want quick effective results which also boost your quality of life in other ways, start fucking lifting faggot.
The hardest part is the cost of the actual weights now, thanks to rona.

>> No.7323525


>> No.7323530

I gave the most practical fastest way to get the weight off. Sorry if it hurt your feelings lol.

>> No.7323532

>implying I have any
I just think your method is slow and inefficient. I assume most gaymans want shit done quickly and effectively, not to take the long road.

>> No.7323540

I'm honestly not interested in eating less, I enjoy the food that I cook immensely, so I'm fine with just shedding weight with exercise, my main problem is laziness.
I think I have some dumbells around here somewhere, I guess doing some reps with those every day would be a good start? Anything I should know for stretches, any warning signs of doing anything wrong?

>> No.7323545

The method I mentioned is by far the fastest, that's why I did.

>> No.7323546

Look you fat fuck, I told you where to go to get a program. No, dumbbells won't take you very far. Get a weightlifting bar, like a 4ft-7ft one, olympic-grade (2") if you can afford it otherwise just get a non-olympic (1").
You will then obviously need to get weights appropriate to the bar size. /fit/ will explain more.

>> No.7323554

You're going to be fat forever.

>> No.7323557

Also the method I mentioned will both get his weight off quickly and then his dumbbells will be an okay start without having to spend money on olympic grade weight set ups. But he'll probably never do either, laziness and wanting to eat more than wanting to be fit is the real problem.

>> No.7323571

Meh, dumbbells are trash and he's better off selling them and saving for a proper bar. Correct equipment leads to good results. Dumbbells are for low IQ dudebros. But yeah you're prob right, it depends on willpower and motivation more than anything.

>> No.7323606

I literally cant get lower than 230. Am I retarded?

>> No.7323641

i liked your blog post. was an enjoyable read. what con was it out of curiosity?

>> No.7323659

That's about average. Keep in mind that all these people who are claiming <200ms are trolling or larping. The impossibly low ones are obviously not supposed to be taken seriously. But people claiming times of 150 or so are just retarded larpers. One of the top results on google when searching for reaction times gives gives some ridiculously low times as typical. These faggots just googled and picked the lowest numbers they saw. Their actual reaction times are about 250ms which is slow of their actual age of 12.

>> No.7324362

Idk why facts make you so mad lol
Fighting games lack depth, there is no strategy to them, I win the vast majority of games I have against literally anyone and all I do is mash

>> No.7324385

No dumb dumb. Some people have the genetics for 150 and under reaction times. There are some in competitive esports like modern iterations of call of duty.


There's some kid that plays the above piece of shit browser game that has around 125 ms reaction time.

>> No.7324572

>no i'm dumb dumb. i don't even know what this thread is about
zoom zoom

>> No.7325569

please return to facebook expeditiously

>> No.7327041

I don't play webgames with shitty controls

>> No.7327109
File: 297 KB, 1500x850, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so bad at videogames you blame on your age for your failure, LOL


>> No.7327492

Age is a pretty big thing. At 25+ you need to start caring about better ergonomics and not shit on your body as much as you'd have in your teens or it's gonna give out. My hands sure as hell can't take as much strain as they used to, especially with cold hands.

>> No.7327502

If you'd become a basement dwelling virgin vegan soi boi 5 years earlier that would have started when you were 20.

>> No.7327507

It's not a webgame. It is standalone. Coded by a jap guy. The controls are very responsive, precise, and entirely customizable. Its platforming is geared completely toward skill and precision. It also includes many creatives puzzles inspired by other fangames and popular platformers.
It is overall an extremely high quality platformer if you can appreciate that it was made for veterans of the genre.

>> No.7327509

False I used to play all the freaking day with terrible peripherals that I didn't mind. I wasn't even noticing that clicking / typing with cold hands hinders you.
Guess what, eventually age catches up and you can't go full retard anymore.

>> No.7327909

>i used to be young, poor and have low standards
>now i'm old, poor, have low standards and have phytoestrogen induced early onset parkinsons

>> No.7327961

You should go to Evo and make some easy money lol

>> No.7328958

You can cite better examples than the "competitive" AoE2 scene where you can pretend you can still be a rockstar at the ripe age of 35. Have a go at any zoomer dominated esport where talent and age actually matter and that won't be the case anymore.

>> No.7329696

I’m in my mid 30 and I’m way better at video games now than I ever was, and I hardly even play anymore. Shit that was impossible as a kid is now easy as pie.

You may have some sort of early onset neurological degradation going on to get checked out

>> No.7329709

i dont even want to play megaman games they suck

>> No.7329793

Yeah let me waste my time and energy going to some no-name autist convention nobody's ever heard of and win fifty bucks lol
I'm good chief, I have a job lmfao

>> No.7329827


>> No.7330472


>> No.7331083

Whatever you gotta tell yourself anon
Enjoy mashing buttons and pretending to yourself that what you're doing is deeper than that lol

>> No.7331383

I'm not even a competitive fighting game player, I'll just repeat that random button mashing only works on easy level AI, and that you'll not get far against an experienced player who knows the game well.

>> No.7331615

It barely even works on shitty easy AI. The fun bit of his whole shtick is that on the off chance that he's serious it means he's only played the worst possible shitters who somehow convinced him they were "top players" and then got upset when he beat them with random mashing.

>> No.7331639

I almost never lose against people and literally all I do is mash lol
"Knowing the game well" is a meme, fighting games have zero depth beyond mashing
I mean all the self-proclaimed "top players" I have beaten claimed to have made top whatever at alleged big regional tournaments, and none of the other autists standing around the cabinets on any of these occasions said anything to contradict these claims
I can see why you're desperate to make stuff up and pretend it's true though, you probably spent way too much time you'll never get back trying to "get good" at button mashing games and the truths I'm telling are emotionally painful, so you delude yourself to cope
It's not exactly healthy though lol

>> No.7331645

My eyes get tired before my fingers though

>> No.7331772

I'm gonna guess that it feels like your character has zero weight and just sort of flitters around like crazy. I'll give it a shot when I have a chance and confirm my suspicions.

>> No.7332089

I think you replied to the wrong post kiddo. I was just making fun of a larping soi boi who was complaining about getting cold hands at the ripe old age of 25.

>> No.7332494


>> No.7332801

does anyone here know of a nickreboot or CNreboot, toonamiaftermath type 24/7 streams equivalents to watch while playing old vidya? ignore if don't know

>> No.7332974

Your puny shitpost was perceived perfectly clearly and easily refuted. Good luck with your online bully shtick though.

>> No.7332989

>I can see why you're desperate to make stuff up and pretend it's true though

Projecting is such a beautiful thing. We all totally believe you lol.

>> No.7332996

>a shitter who thinks he's good but isn't, being beat by a bullshitter who thinks there's no skill to fighting games
Amazing, but hardly inconceivable.

Trying to predict and react to your opponent's moves is a big part of all competitive gaming, including fighting games. If you're just doing random moves, that means you aren't putting any real effort into countering your opponent, which gives them lots of openings.

>> No.7333013

It's totally possible for someone who has clueless shitter friends to convince him they're great and would be why they accused him of cheating when he won with mashing. But >>7331639 makes it pretty obvious it's all larping which is super funny.

>> No.7333668

Video games is a children's hobby. You don't need muscle whatsoever to click a lot of things on the screen rapidly.
You. will. not. become skilled at a competitive level from building muscle. That's why adults pick up hobbies for grown ups where upper body strength actually matters like weight lifting (and even still current world's strongest man is a 20 something ukrainian).
It will however help you become disciplined which does help but you will still be an inferior competitor compared to teenage asian kids because in video games only 3 things matter:
- composure under pressure
- discipline
- age
Age is the most important of the 3 because it lets you play 16 hrs a day without RSI developing and process information while developing habits faster (competing at any video game is always learning new ways to outplay everyone else and it is common knowledge teens learn faster).

>> No.7333749

He wasn't talking about getting more competitive, he was talking about losing weight.

>> No.7333787

when you see someone like arino from gamecenter cx beating megaman you have no excuse

>> No.7333798

>i actually meant to post a nonsensical unrelated rant and believe it refuted your post that merely restated what I already said about me being a puny soi boi nu-male

>> No.7333967

No he wasn't retard. Learn to read >>7323502 is a response to the OP about his own way to improve vidya skills in spite of age.

>> No.7333970

Zoom the fuck out of here cumstain and learn into post chains. tl;dr - your shitposts factor into them

>> No.7333996

>puny soi boi nu-male
Despite what you may have projected about me, I'm utterly unfazed by the existence of talent and superior players than me. Moreso I enjoy the show and respect the genetics of people who can do what others can't even if it's a children's hobby like video games.
I would've said that's the opposite of what you halfassedly called me but your shit is just a bunch of meaningless buzzwords that don't mean anything in the first place.
None the fucking less respecting somebody's talent is the opposite of accepting everyone's the same and basically everyone is a fucking special snowflakes and made out to be #1 at the age of fucking 60 like some inclusive morons would like to tell you. I wouldn't ever do that because I'm not delusionally retarded.

>> No.7334063

Well you linked a post by me and I was replying to a fat fuck wanting to lose some lard. I simply pointed out rightly so that there are far faster and easier ways to accomplish that than power lifting.

>> No.7334131

If he knows how to cook, the chances he's obese are slim. That means he's already bulked up and ready for resistance training. Your advice is basically fucking stupid.

>> No.7334201

He says he wants to lose lard. I'm just stating basic facts.

>> No.7334210

>i posted another retarded nonsensical rant
>i'm literally bat shit crazy
>and then i posted another retarded nonsensical rant
>i'm literally bat shit crazy

>> No.7334296

Stop using thumbs like a retard.
If it's NES, place controller somewhere and tap buttons with other fingers. For other consoles get an arcade stick.
If you are emulating a keyboard is fine too

>> No.7334393

You forgot your wojak faggot

>> No.7334425

I'm 50 and can still beat all the games I could when I was a kid. Stop wasting your gaming ability on shitty new games and keep playing old, quality games and you won't lose your ability.

>> No.7334491

Kamilia 3 nigger. Then you can talk.

>> No.7334514

>shitty IWBTG artificial difficulty autism pseudo-game

>> No.7334518

Based. Fuck zoomers, I hope all of them die very painfully, including gay OP and his gay bait thread

>> No.7334520

>I'm 50 and can still beat all the games I could when I was a kid.
You were a kid before the NES, what games were even beatable then? As opposed to going on forever and just encouraging players to get a high score.

>> No.7334525

Well, when I say "kid" I meant "younger". When you're as old as I am, you understand that "kid" means "anyone under 30".

>> No.7334578

Lmfao you're fucking pathetic if you can't press buttons at fucking 30 years old.

>> No.7334585

Imagine thinking being an out of shape piece of shit is a good thing. Honestly just kys and do the world a favor.

>> No.7334951

>If you're just doing random moves, that means you aren't putting any real effort into countering your opponent, which gives them lots of openings.
And in a genre with depth this actually matters
In fighting games it does not

>> No.7335062

Your Dunning-Kruger is so strong you don't even realize how retarded you sound.

>> No.7335103

>played through X4 as Zero Saturday and got through without much of a hitch (except the boss rush and sigma phase 3, fuck them)
Still mostly got it.

>> No.7335106

I'm not even 30 and I already feel lag inputs from my brain to my thumb when pressing on the button to advance text boxes
Oy vey my old bones can't take it anymore it's too much

>> No.7335451

Speaking of petty, spiteful and mean-spirited pathetic old men, I found out today that Pat has been hiding my comments on his youtube videos. I grew suspicious when I noticed that my comments didn't seem to be getting any likes or replies in a while, even really good ones. So I went incognito and to my surprise Pat has literally ghost-banned me, damn. I know it was petty and mean-spirited because I never say anything hateful or terrible - it must have been something like about how Ian doesn't have good taste in games or something so innocuous like that, I am never mean, and Pat felt he had to do the sneakiest most underhand, most evil thing known to man - the shadowban. Screw you Pat and your shitty channel. No wonder you don't see any criticism in the comments as Pat just bans them all.

>> No.7335473

Who is Pat and why do you care?

>> No.7335824

Who the fuck is Pat? Why do you assume we know who he is and that we care? Why do YOU care?

>> No.7335910

Pat is one of the original retro e-celebs. I just found it incredibly petty of him to do that to my comments and thought someone might get my feels.

>> No.7335939

28 here and I'm playing better than I ever did.

If you're declining at 30 I'd get worried, not gonna lie, that's not that old.

>> No.7335947

Well if you act like as big a retard on his channel as your little whine fest here I'm not surprised he'd auto ban you. Maybe try not being a tool.

>> No.7337261

Who needs a wojak when I've got you? You're more cringe than any wojak

>> No.7337269

>that's not that old
What the fuck, that's not old at all.

>> No.7339456

Oldfag cope
30 is early middle age aka introductory old

>> No.7340457

>im 30 and a half years old
kids. lol

>> No.7341147

I'm 24, nigger

>> No.7341456

Sorry, post got cut off for some reason. Meant to say
I'm 24, nigger, and gay.

>> No.7341514

That's cheating, anon. Most people who play retro, play honestly.

>> No.7341537

It's fine, man, but there's no need for projection.

>> No.7341857
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>no u

>> No.7341862

haha yeah man NYAN CAT am i right brosef

>> No.7342215

I remember my dad beating Mega Man 2 in the very early 90s. He would have been 40 then. No excuses now.

>> No.7342226

The answer is to

And get some CBD.

>> No.7342327

31 here, no noticeable decline in reaction times but i do know in general i am worse at games than when i was younger due to not spending as much time on each game before playing a new one.

maybe if i liked online multiplayer focused games this wouldn't be the case as you can easily sink hundreds of hours into those and perfect your skill at them, i just find it too repetitive.

>> No.7342429
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>> No.7342453

True facts. They always seemed like the poor, gimmicky, rambling cousin of classic platformers like Sonic and Mario. And there are like 8 of them somehow??? I couldn't even tell you what platform they released on.

>> No.7342486

hell yeah man hit me with an advice animal

>> No.7345012

Crippling arthritis

>> No.7345579

I'm going to wager that you never beat Megaman as a kid either.
You're just shit at games and it's just taken you this long to figure out.
Which is kinda pathetic.

>> No.7345583

Stop taking drugs.
Stop watching porn.

>> No.7345671

Don't need reflexes when you are capable of using your superior, wizened memory, and know what's coming ahead of time.

>> No.7345967

We told you before, you fucked up your brain with ecstasy, which you used heavily by your own admission. It's not indicative of your age at all.

What if you're not playing the exact same game with the exact same levels over and over?

>> No.7346548

>What if you're not playing the exact same game with the exact same levels over and over?
He's retarded. While memorization is important, focus trumps it. Memorization is never perfect, and focus enables to make up for those drawbacks.
Of course one can never be focused 100% of the time without burning out quickly therefore top level play is a mixture of focus with the right timing while never underappreciating improvements in memorization whereever they're applicable.

>> No.7347052

same. I didn't play a lot of games through most of my 20s, but when I was a teenager I remember I'd try something, fail, then try the exact same thing but be faster (which usually would result in a lot more failures, till I finally lucked out and got it by brute force). Now I'm better at learning from my mistakes and instead analyze why I failed and try a whole new different approach based on why I lost.

>> No.7347556

You basically squandered your prime years because you grew up around slackers and retards.
It's like learning to play piano, kids are taught correct techniques from the age of 5.
Video games is a new medium and to be the most successful competitor you also need to set the standard at the same time in each game and that takes dedication, but rarely can do you do it without help from your peers.
That's why koreans get so good at starcraft, they inspired one another to push the game as far as they could and take it seriously, much like a sport.
But yeah what you experienced is exactly what happens when dumb kids undertake a sports activity without proper coaching to guide them towards going pro. They develop a shitton of bad habits and burn out. You may eventually wisen up and correct the errors, but you will never get the prime years of your life back.

>> No.7347675

This. I fucking sucked at videogames until I was about 13 or 14.

>> No.7347762

Is weird because i was a really smart kid and even in martial arts, arts, swimming and general competitive activities always did well, except when i played videogames , i was the worst kid at every single game there was, multiplayer or singleplayer, didn't matter. I was normie as it gets.

i just didn't understand game logic at all, it never clicked for me that videogames have a set designed way to play and never picked up intuitively how the games told you to play them, i was game-autistic so to speak, until i was in my late teens, early 20s and started to actually be able to beat single player games and went back and beat games from my childhood easily.

I still don't like competitive games to this day though, but thats mostly lack of confidence from growing up always being the worst at every game i played with friends. Realistically i do learn them quite easily but get so stressed out to perform and beat people that is not fun. What i do miss from the time i was horrible at videogames is the wonder, i was really immersed in the fantasy aspect of games, so much i just couldn't into the gameplay at all because i guess focusing on mechanics takes being able to get out of the immersion and realize that is actually a game with predictable actions and reactions

>> No.7348027

Real talk it's probably because you had a variety of focuses that video games didn't click as well. It's far better to be bad at games and skilled in real world activities than the opposite.

>> No.7348096

This isn't your blog

>> No.7348107

What sort of mentally fucked up nitwit are you?

>> No.7350194

your reflexes get worse if you dont train them. you may be just rusty because you spend more time doing adult shit

>> No.7350795

I mean, that's basically any game played against a computer (i.e. not a human opponent)

>> No.7351078

Protip: for mega man x1-4, put dash and shoot on the shoulder buttons.
You spend most of the early X games charging and zipping around, and going it with face buttons simply makes no sense.

>> No.7351917

The shoulder buttons are by far the most uncomfortable though, that makes no sense.

>> No.7352143

It's harder to rapidfire, but easy to hold/release charge while jumping and dashing at the same time.
In X games, you're far more likely to be doing that than rapidfiring.

>> No.7352213

I would map dash to shoulder but not the shoot button. I just play everything on arcade stick these days though.

>> No.7352234

Funny, I could never beat the first megaman until a few weeks ago, and I'm over 30.

>> No.7352241
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>try this Russian PsyOp to radicalize incels and make them more malleable

>> No.7352256

Dash is the obvious one (I don't know what possessed them to have it on a face button as a default), but shoot is better on the shoulder than having to straddle two face buttons with your thumb.

>> No.7352267

The buttons are so small I never had a problem with that, but I use arcade stick for the same reason you just listed. Also because holding controllers for extended periods of time hurts my hands.

>> No.7352273

I grew up on keyboard, so I know what you mean. (When I first played X4, I preferred playing it on arcade stick rather than controller too)

>> No.7352292

Same I also used to use a lot of keyboard for my warez emulation back in the day.

>> No.7352301

>couldn't dash+jump off walls while charging because keyboards couldn't handle that many simultaneous inputs

>> No.7352338
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>> No.7352864

>being too young to remember when fully mechanical AT/PS/2 keyboards were a thing
wew lad

>> No.7352896

Yeah I'm 34 and I'm better at video games than I ever was. People on /vr/ just suck dicks.

>> No.7353000


Sports..... an actual physical activity.

>> No.7353012

You are a salty faggot. I tried megaman on the Megaman collection on the 3DS and he feels so fucking stiff, it's like, Mario had already came out and controlled a million times better, why not replicate that feel? It's the same reason I despise The Ghosts N' Goblins series, the main character in the stiffness in Megaman alone was enough to make me sell that game. I may try to emulate the Megaman X series and but those carts eventually if I like them, and I remember when I was a teenager there were a bijillion games on the GBA for it that I may give a try as well.

>> No.7353061

If you can't beat mega man at 30+ it's coz you're using an emulator on a shitty TV and the input lag is fucking you, not your reflexes.
Also mega man is terrible.