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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 385x289, ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7294273 No.7294273 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing is more overrated than pic related but you can try anyway.

>> No.7294276

OP. Oh wait, people would have to like you first to be overrated.

>> No.7294280
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>> No.7294286

if you dislike goldeneye it's because you suck at video games

>> No.7294289

Shit. I guess you are right

>> No.7294290

If you think this game is overrated, then you simply are not from the era. There's was nothing else at the time that was so easy to just jump in and have quick adversarial fun with three other people.
It's so fondly remembered because of that.

>> No.7294310

I think it gets heralded so highly because it took a long time to get it playable on an emulator. Obviously its fucking awesome on pc, but besides that, you need a physical n64 to even play it. Its not playable on wii and last time i checked its still iffy on rpie stuff. I still dont think its necessarily overrated, its still fun to play today, though some doom hacked shit has it beat by a nice margin.

>> No.7294313

>disliking sub-20fps blurfests means you suck at video games
If you like Goldeneye you suck at having standards

>> No.7294314

Well that and the singleplayer design. The game was revolutionary for FPS games, and a number of studios took inspiration for it.

>> No.7294317

/v/ thread

>> No.7294328
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*blocks your path*

>> No.7294331
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I was from the era but already playing superior FPS elsewhere that were superior in every way. The only other group of people that were as obnoxious as 007 N64 fans were pic related fans. babby's first online choppy shooter, terrible netcode, etc. "muh strategy" "muh it's real yo!"

>> No.7294403


>> No.7294407

Back in 1997-98 the only thing that compared to Goldeneye was Quake II. You had to be rolling in dough to enjoy 3D accelerated PC shooters back then, and had to be lucky. If you bought a top of the line PC in 1995 you were shit out of luck within 2 years. Yes Star Wars Dark Forces II and Half Life blow Goldeneye out of the water in terms of graphics, game-play and frame-rate but these games came out after Goldeneye and like i said not many people could afford computers to run those games when they came out. I can't think of any fully 3D shooters that looked as good as Goldeneye when it came out, and it ran on a cheapo Nintendo. Everyone and their mom could play this game.

>> No.7294418
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>ywn shit all over your buddies with proximity mines on complex again
take me back bros

>> No.7295003

Isn't this a retro game board? The fuck is it with you retards?

>> No.7295017

There are plenty of retro games that aren't nauseating blurry slideshows. Not my fault your favorite game is shit, but you can keep riding that knot though

>> No.7295036

Remember when you and three bros would jokingly race to see who could select oddjob first? Or not seriously arguing about which map or weapon selection to choose?

Aztec and golden gun is absolute worst combo btw

>> No.7295207
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hated the controls. Maybe I just needed to git gud but didn't have the patience

>> No.7295548

>Friend mained Oddjob and always played remote mines
Fuck you, Derrick.

>> No.7295556

Not only that but you could then instantaneously play the game with your other friends which not even top of the line PC games offered.

>> No.7295563

It was a work of the time, much like: >>7294328

Technically, for what it was and when it came out it was very impressive, but sadly it hasn’t aged all that well. The physics that were once very impressive feel clunky now and more frustrating than anything else at times.

>> No.7295580
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Jon was right.

>> No.7295586

every time we would get together to play aki wrestling games there was always one fag that wanted to play 007

>> No.7295606
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What value is there in calling something as arbitrary as a video game overrated? All you accomplish is making yourself sound like a manchild.
>Waaah, people like this game I don't like too much!
You are useless. Look forward to seething for the rest of your life over things only a 5 year old would be bothered by, you pathetic loser.

>> No.7295616

You act like you nevr had a PC back then. Console FPS were shit back then compared to anything on PC, but if you didn't have a PC, I'm sure GE seemed like a good game.

Now if GE had gotten the same remaster that Perfect Dark got, then it would probably be amazing, both games were ahead of their hardware too much to be good on N64, however.

>> No.7295626

What value is there complaining about people who complain about a video game? Unless you're trying to get some angry yous, there's not much point arguing on the internet in the first place. But I don't know if you just want some yous or you got baited super hard and are venting your assmad.

>> No.7295638

Who? You mean ProtonJon, the fat "not a furry" hipster streamer, or what?

>> No.7295662
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I agree Goldeneye is overrated only because a lot of people say it still holds up today which it absolutely does not.

It was great when it came out and I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'bad', but people do overrate the shit out of it.

>> No.7295835

goldeneye was forever a shitty game
nah, it was bad in the 90s as well. i bought it new and was very disappointed by the garbage graphics and garbage frame rates. after completing all missions i rarely ever played it again. last 20 years has seen an explosion of zoomer retard revisionists of history.

>> No.7295840

>23 years straight of seething about a game from 1997 you didn't like but others did

>> No.7295864


>> No.7295884

if you actually had family and friends to play this game with is hard to stay fully objective because the memories of sharing time with your loved ones will be more valuable than anything. I really don't think i had a single acquaintance with whom i didn't played this so it will forever impress on my opinion of it.

Birthday parties, christmases, farewell parties, etc with cousins, your school friends, everyone you give ashit about in the world around you. Hard to top that for nostalgia specially when you start getting older and a lot of the people in those memories are not even on your life or even on this realm anymore

>> No.7296263 [SPOILER] 
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Works done, we can all go home gents

>> No.7296332
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Off topic but fuck it.... The one thing i really loved in Goldeneye was how you could shoot enemies and they would react differently depending on the exact area you shot them. Even after 50 hours of play i was still finding new reaction animations. Some other games of that era also did this, but they were more basic and nowhere near to the same extent. There's fucking tons in Goldeneye.

Games don't even have that today, and on the rare occasions that they do, they'll have just one or two animations. It really is fucking embarrassing and just ludicrous how we've regressed.

Back in the 90's i expected all games in the future to do this, and take it even further, like having 100+ specific areas you can shoot an enemy with each tiny spot having it's on reaction animation, with the effect being permanent, not having the enemy magically recover. So something like shooting someone in the leg would permanently cripple that leg and they'd then try to escape by limping or crawling away.

Anyway, that's enough autism for today.

>> No.7296384

back in the late 90's every online game had dedicated servers to, amazing how we've regressed into host always have the advantage P2P crap that they expect people to pay for the privilege of using.

>> No.7296505

i still play this game on my phone (with touchscreen controls), fucking amazing lad. you people just suck at it.

>> No.7296628

>Not having just as much fun wrecking those same buddies in Timesplitters 2 and Red Faction

>> No.7296745

OP here, Timesplitters 2 is still an amazing game because it actually had a framerate that wouldn't trigger an epileptic

>> No.7296771

When I was a teenager, I used to buy consoles and games with a buddy of mine.

We were poor fag so we'd put pockey money in common, sell old games, etc, to buy new consoles and games.

We fell for the Goldeneye hype. We sold several games and consoles and bought a N64 with the game and 2 controllers.

We thought the game was so ridiculously bad and we had so much buyer remorse we actually burst out laugh and were in tears.

The next day we sold the game back to the store and bought Super Smash Bros. No regrets.

>> No.7296773

>these games came out after Goldeneye

Quake 2 released mere months after Goldeneye and the PS1 version actually has a constant double-digit framerate.

>> No.7296797

now that's overrated. and gay af

>> No.7296804

2021 and counting...

>> No.7297017

I think I see the problem anon
You see, Goldeneye is beloved by people who remember endlessly deathmatching with friends, so given that you have never had friends, you naturally think all the praise is undeserved and "revisionist"

>> No.7297091

I'd say you were right fifteen years ago but for years now whenever people bring up Goldeneye it's to shit on it for not aging well.

>> No.7297168


he's right. computerfags were the original contrarians autists who hated on everything not PC, especially goldeneye (HaLf LiFe's BeTtEr! REEEEEEEEE). Zoomers are just carrying their old baggage.

>> No.7297206

Goldeneye got outdone by nightfire IMO.
Better multiplayer, better gunplay, and arguably better story mode with more variety and challenge.
The only thing nightfire really lacks is good gadgets and map variety in multiplayer is pretty low.

>> No.7297215

Perfect Dark is a thousand times better than Goldeneye, why doesn't anyone ever talk about it?

>> No.7297225

It was too late. By the time perfect dark came out everybody was already satisfied. Happens to a lit of games, which is sad, cause most late release games take better advantage of the hardware a console has to offer.

>> No.7297239

Nah it’s pretty fun. Good single player. The performance is obviously garbage by today’s standards, nearly everything on N64 is like that. It might be overrated but it got to be that way by being pretty good in the first place.

>> No.7297243

As I told anon in another thread, RE4 is overrated.

>> No.7297671

you never smashed with your boys? are you a faggot?

>> No.7297692

That's one of the gayest comment I've ever read. No I've never smashed my bros cos I'm not gay

>> No.7297721


>People bash games they haven't played - the thread

>> No.7297745

I'm the guy who posted Halo and I played it a bunch. It's super overrated now as it was when it came out. Everyone acted like it was so groundbreaking and exciting but people actually into shooters back then had already been playing Medal of Honor, CS and the like for years. It got all the hype because it was accessible especially for xbox bros.

>> No.7297813


Halo introduced a wider audience to online multiplayer FPSs. As an FPS it isn't anything special other than that.

>> No.7297880


A game that does something that groundbreaking (don't forget having a co-op campaign, which was rare at the time) and establishes the "genre" of Multiplayer FPS, cannot really be overrated. Just its achievements make it great. Not the best, but great. Certainly not overrated.

Same thing goes for Goldeneye, but for the n64 era

Ditto for MGS as well, it literally established a trend for stealth/tactical shooters (fps or 3ps)

>> No.7297886

>Hi I was born before 1998

>> No.7297971

man, i loved everything about that game but the giant boss guys filtered me so hard. i think i got stuck at boss 3.

>> No.7297986

friendless incels

>> No.7298114
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Nah, it's actually this one.

>> No.7298116
File: 27 KB, 425x234, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, its actually this one

>> No.7298126

That game is a legitimate piece of art, you uncultured buffoon.

>> No.7298151


Hello, homosexuals

>> No.7298184

>likes OoT
>calls others homo
Big-brain /vr/ logic in action, frens.

>> No.7298201

Ummm, no. Its not. I dont hate it, but its just not that great. The overworld is literally vomit inducing, though. I just remember how in the late 2000s early 2010s, everyone praised the shit out of this game. I like final fantasy ive played 2, 5, 7 and 8. so, i gave it a shot. The only thing i enjoyed was the music and i guess the character portraits. I tried, its just meh and because of all the praise it was getting at the time, i just said fuck it. I tried playing it again recently but i just dont care enough, i guess.

>> No.7298226

>I'm an uncultured buffoon

>> No.7298229

>7 & 8
Wew lad - it's better than those.

>> No.7298232

>hasn't played 1
>hasn't played 4
Wew. Just wew.

>> No.7298351
File: 51 KB, 250x342, Super_Mario_Bros._box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is so shit, its 2d.

>> No.7298459

Final Fantasy 1 is absolute dogshit lol

>> No.7298508
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>> No.7298626

you seem pretty gay to me

>> No.7298659

How old are you? It's a great game (NES). Remakes can suck my fat cock.

>> No.7298794

It's straight awful lol
Sure, when it came out we didn't have anything like it since DQ wasn't dropped in the west until 89, and I can see how that plus nostalgia would make aging millennials think it's good, but it isn't - it's dogshit

>> No.7300524

There were already far better FPS games when it came out, but Nintendo fans live in a world where only things that come out on those systems count so Goldeneye blew their tiny minds. It wasn't great then and it's still not great now but those Nintendo kiddies still fawn over it.

>> No.7300873

We always preferred Perfect Dark 4P in my house.

>> No.7300957

One part of me thinks Majora's Mask is better than Ocarina of Time since MM doesn't have that "save Zelda and defeat Ganondorf" and Navi wasn't annoying. The cool thing about MM is the dark element.

>> No.7300980

I don't agree. I don't remember socom moving choppy. Only if you play it now it seems that way. Also socom was good cause you could create your own servers. before the match making craze took over.

>> No.7301043

Agreed, I prefer both 4 and 5 over it.

>> No.7301270

I played alot of socom i was always into online shooters. Imagine if that socom was on pc too. But people have something against 3rd person shooters. I think socom worked well for a 3rd person shooter. Nothing else is like it. The ability that you can beat people that are using the camera to look around walls. It always happened in socom.

>> No.7301627

Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.7301756

Spent an entire summer playing multiplayer tournaments with a group of people who didn't like video games. They were stoners, as well, which meant short attention spans all round. And yet, they couldn't get enough of it. You're profoundly stupid. There's being a contrarian, and then there's being a clueless faggot. You are the latter.

>> No.7301913

>Half Life blow Goldeneye out of the water in terms of graphics, game-play and frame-rate
i'll give you frame-rate but half-life *gunplay* is more rudimentary than GE. Graphics, well there's more to see but they're really not that different. For example Grunts have great new AI but they just have one or two very crummy death animations.
I'm not saying things didn't advance in the almost 2 years between them, they just.. advanced at the normal rate. HL is a bit richer than GE as you'd expect.
Maybe people forget that GE has like, full physics of objects- you can shoot ammo boxes and shit and they will slide around

>> No.7301916
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>red Faction

>> No.7303375

It's amazing how a console shooter had so much more complex interactions than even the average PC shooter of the time. Until Half-Life Quake was still making hedge mazes with keys and then you had GoldenEye giving multiple difficulty dependent objectives.

>> No.7303379

The people who get huffy about 64 games are like the kind of people who boot up Quake 3 and play against some bots and ask "why did anyone like this game?"

>> No.7303452
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OoT is far darker than MM. MM is basically an edgy anime filled with cartoonish nonsense, like Re:Zero. OoT was very melancholic and atmospheric and dark but it didn't need to shove a giant sneering moon in your face to show it to you. And I'm not even talking about the Bottom of the Well or Shadow Temple either. The Forest Temple is extremely spooky, and so is the Fire Temple and the Spirit Temple. You go from a kid having fun adventures to being thrust into a shattered world where the villain already won.

OoT of time is the only game in the franchise that comes close to the original vision the developers had of the series.

>> No.7303480

Katsuya Terada is kino

>> No.7303512

its the most overrated game for people who didn't have any friends

>> No.7303518

I read a thing yesterday by the devs of HL1 written in 1999 about how their glorified quake mod was currently shit and they needed to remake it all. They sort of hunkered down to focus on what makes it FUN and they came up with, among other things, the concept of 'player acknowledgement' which meant that when you do something it should effect the world. and that led to them implementing bullet marks on the walls (decals). Now i was fuckin amazed to hear the contemporary Quake didn't have that. No wonder I never got into Quake because it didn't feel good to me (having started with ge) because GE has fuckin decals out the wazzoo. you get **holes** in the fuckin glass then it shatters.
The HL devs have said on other occasions they had to step it up because they saw goldeneye but i don't remember if this was one of the things specifically. It seems like it might have been.

>> No.7303649

OoT and MM are complimentary peices of a whole so I don't really get the partial vitriolic energy.

>> No.7303652

GoldenEye at a point in history was rivaling and surpassing PC shooters in content and technology.

>> No.7303708

yeah its only this week i'm realizing Quake 2 came out after goldeneye. with the comparably terrible animation i had just assumed it was from a few years before. I mean really, a muddy looking guy that falls down in 3 unphysical looking frames vs guys motion capped flapping about their shot hand, grasping their arm or leg and even getting butt pained from a shot in the ass, etc. i understand quake is more about other things but that's fucking generation-level difference. two generations

>> No.7303714

Console FPS fundamentally suck

>> No.7303791

Neither Medal of Honor nor CS had the ability for you to man aerial vehicles, tanks, and jeeps, nor had the sprawling levels of Halo 1.

Tactical shooters were around years before MGS1, and Rainbow Six came out before MGS1 did, so what the fuck are you talking about in regards to FPS and tactical shooters?

>> No.7303792

I fucking suck at goldeneye and was born in the 90’s just didn’t get my system til the GameCube and now the GameCube is literally the best system and best library ever made. Fuck you faggot

>> No.7303965

Id Software had a lot of raw programming talent and prowess but they were basically still bedroom programmers with money. Rare had access to professional animators and mocaps and things that a lot of PC devs weren't necessarily doing.

>> No.7303975
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>establishes the "genre" of Multiplayer FPS

>> No.7303998

>You had to be rolling in dough to enjoy 3D accelerated PC shooters back then

Nonsense. You could build it yourself for $600.

>> No.7304145

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.7304148

You played goldeneye at farewell parties?

>> No.7304220

im not quite sure what you're basing this on when you say "access" as if they were afforded some privilege that was "unfair". they just decided themselves to do it that way.

>> No.7304223

What in the fuck are you babbling about lol

>> No.7304343

i just said it's not like the pc devs couldn't have done that if they wanted

>> No.7305276
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I'll never get why yanks are so obsessed with this shite.

>> No.7305328

Donkey 1, jr. And 3 are peek arcade goodness. What are you gonna try and tell me some bullshit like there was better arcade games made in the uk when donkey kong released? Only good thing to come from the uk is david braben.

>> No.7305401

Yanks didn't make DK. And there were better Jap-developed arcade games at the time that are mostly ignored mainly because muh nintendo didn't develop them.

>> No.7305630

It's definitely one of the most "you had to be there" games out there.

>> No.7305653

GE still has the most entertaining death animations of any shooter I’ve ever played. Not to mention the satisfying sound of your bullets popping against enemies’ body armor until it turns to a wet thunk as blood patches appear where you shoot them. Why do modern shooters lack this sensual feedback? It gave every gun its own personality.

>> No.7305682
File: 150 KB, 490x345, Super_Castlevania_IV_Capa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piss-easy to begin with
>"Look mom I can whip diagonally!"
Meanwhile, everyone hates on Dracula X because "muh Rondo of Blood that no one ever played was better"
Dracula X has 10 times better gameplay, graphics, stages and music.

>> No.7305693

>Go to Lon Lon Ranch by a huge open green field, on horseback, listening to a tune so sweet it'll give you diabetes
>Get there, just stroll around listening to the godly theme from the place, just larping
Spent so many afternoons of my 12yo life doing that
tldr you're talking absolute and utter nonsense

>> No.7305703

Based. Fuck Super Castlevania Bros. and fuck Trashure.

>> No.7305706

Backflips are godly

>> No.7305726
File: 177 KB, 600x402, Smiling Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 years old when OoT came out
>scared of my own shadow
>literally had repeated nightmares for months after seeing someone perform a fatality on a Mortal Kombat arcade machine
>mfw playing the Forest, Fire, and Spirit Temples in that game
tl;dr you're wrong and fucking retarded

>> No.7305775

> fondly remembered
> for 4 player action at low frame rates and tiny resolutions
i like zoomer revisionists such as yourself. you make dead and decomposing baboons seem highly intelligent.
poor zoomy zoomzoom. maybe you should kill yourself? goldeneye will forever be a complete load of cancer. get used to it :)

>> No.7305802
File: 922 KB, 400x225, 1578183313869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your mom not make you chicken nuggies and now your taking your 12 year old angst out on the poor souls of 4chan? Say zoom any more and youd be a movie theatre with how much youre projecting.

>> No.7305815

>to mention the satisfying sound of your bullets popping against enemies’ body armor until it turns to a wet thunk as blood patches appear where you shoot them.
well, the first part is true, and PD fucked up bad by removing the sound (silent hits from squishy sounding guns, very unsatisfying) but i don't think that enemies in GE have ever had body armor that you 'get through'

>> No.7305817

golden eye is still cancer btw. cope harder.

>> No.7305819

Obvious zoomer faggot larping as an old head is obvious lol
If you think Goldeneye sucks it's proof positive that you weren't alive when it dropped, everybody and their momma played the fuck outta multiplayer in that game

>> No.7305823

Im going to play golden eye with your dads butthole.

>> No.7305829

>Obvious zoomer faggot larping as an old head is obvious lol
poor zoomy. you can tell you never had an n64 or a copy of goldeneye.
>wow! look at the frame rate, granny! 4 FPS!

>> No.7305830

is for >>7305653
oh wait do you mean some of the boosted enemies like Baron Samedi who takes 50 hits before it starts actually damaging him? in which case yes i fully agree with your post about how satisfying that is. yeah the bullets start 'going in'
That's where GE was never beaten for me, the way with a few polys a sound and a white smoke flash it somehow feels like the bullets are *going in*

>> No.7305850

I played that on my 64 recently and its a perfect game even today despite the low fps.

>> No.7305851

lmao someone is mad

>> No.7305969

Is this what trolling has been reduced to on four channel dot organization?
Zoomers were a mistake

>> No.7306005

Goldeneye is reaching that point of being meme'd into underrated territory. You can't take a breath without idiots trying to tell you how overrated, aged, and unplayable it is to the point of stamping out all attempts at discussion.

>> No.7306390

I just meant that PC gaming was a lot of "self made men" who could do everything with textures and optimization but didn't necessarily worry about things like presentation and animation like in the more formalized console industry. You can see this in all of the PC greats like Quake, Thief, Half-Life or Deus Ex. They're all ambitious and systematically impressive games but their animating was laughably primitive compared to what people were achieving on the 64 or even PS1.

>> No.7307134

ITT: people judge old games they didn't play at the time of release by today's standards and are confused why others appreciate said titles

Honestly, if you're under 30, why are you even posting?

>> No.7307386

I know what you're saying but i'm just not sure about its implication that goldeneye is good because of a "formalized console industry". the dev team was people half of who never made a game before and most of them never 3D, and they wanted to make something like virtua cop because they just thought it seemed awesome. and by their own "self made" initiative they (programmers) rigged up a motion capture jig and jumped around in it.
It's not like they just booked some time with actors in their company's mocap animation facility.
It's not different.

>> No.7307404

(so we're just talking about different priorities and sensibilities. two different takes on what would "be cool", I think what you're actually picking up on, what you mean by "self made" is Carmack et al were American nerds, and hollis/ge team a more relaxed middle class British nerds.)

>> No.7308181

The bosses defo had a lot of armor, but even with some of the tougher standard soldiers, like the ones that flood the levels if you trip an alarm or get spotted by a cam, I noticed that the first few shots would cause them to flinch and the impact was like a spark, but eventually the shots would begin to trigger those glorious animations and cause blood stains to appear. So satisfying, beats the hell out of rag doll any day.

>> No.7308467

multi is good. single player is fucking boring copy pasta level design and snorefest of a story.

>> No.7308527

>original vision
>pretends Terada's art wasn't made after the fact for US marketing

>> No.7308708

Truly based. Dracula X is hands down the most underrated Classicvania.