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7299936 No.7299936 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine waiting 2 year to play an inferior port of the PS1 original.

>> No.7299945
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>play an inferior port
that's were you are wrong kiddo

>inb4 woobly poligons are souls
>the original artists designed 3d models to be wobbly
>i actually use wobble filters when emulating so they look as wobbly as possible

>> No.7299954

It was a perfectly competent port and very well recieved at the time, as well as a tech marvel.

>> No.7299959

>tech marvel

>> No.7299972


>> No.7299979

You may not like it, but this is what peak perfomance looks like.

>> No.7299994

>inferior port
It has more content and better controls than the PSX version. So, nah.

>> No.7299996

Didn't even have an N64 but let them have their fun. It's a pretty neat thing.

>> No.7300002

he really choose the worst example he could have picked. This port even had the FMV cutscenes and is one example of ports done right.

>> No.7300003

>platform that didn't get the original game gets sequel

>> No.7300008

PC got the definitive version, so I don't know what you all are fighting about

>> No.7300031

It was, the N64 wasn't a console known to be able to pull FMVs lacking optical media. How Capcom pulled it off by using the RAM as storage was smart.

>> No.7300053

This. It's a moot point now that you can play pic related on PC.

>> No.7300056
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pic related

>> No.7300061

this was surprisingly good actually. Thought they were gonna fucked it up

>> No.7300065

I meant the original Resident Evil 2 was also on PC, but that too.

>> No.7300073

Get back to me when the PS1 version has 3D controls

>> No.7300107

RE2 classic doesn't really have a "definitive" version. Nightmare mode is exclusive to Dreamcast, whereas N64 is the only one with a built-in randomizer. Graphics-wise, all of them only scale the backgrounds. DC and PC render at higher internal res with I imagine more customization for the latter via patches. Natively, PC has uncompressed FMVs but that's about it. And I think GC is the only one with skippable cutscenes.

>> No.7300154
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>I meant the original Resident Evil 2 was also on PC, but that too.

Yeah, there was a PC port released for Windows 95/98 in early 1999.

>RE2 classic doesn't really have a "definitive" version. Nightmare mode is exclusive to Dreamcast, whereas N64 is the only one with a built-in randomizer. Graphics-wise, all of them only scale the backgrounds. DC and PC render at higher internal res with I imagine more customization for the latter via patches. Natively, PC has uncompressed FMVs but that's about it. And I think GC is the only one with skippable cutscenes.

The Dreamcast version also uses the VMU to show player statue. I had the N64 version of Resident Evil 2. I bought it from a BlockBuster as a previously played title. I did play a little of Resident Evil 1 on the PS1 before RE2. But Resident Evil 2 on the N64 was the first game in the franchise that I completed from start to finish with both player scenarios and reversed order. This version has some short comings. The video had to really be hacked up to fit in this game. I think every second frame is missing, and some sort of interpolation is used. The 2D backgrounds have been resized (down scaled) to fit in the N64's video RAM. Character model textures were simplified. But, 98% of the game is still there. The audio samples can sound compressed. Angel Studios did what they could with 64MB of storage. Also, they had the Factor 5 Dolby Sound engine that took up space.

>> No.7300157

The PC version also has nightmare mode. There are FMV and randomizer mods, as well as graphics mods and total conversion mods.

>> No.7300162

They're clearly twitching in fear. adds to the ambience.

>> No.7300163

well, the FMV is massively compressed and far inferior to the original PSX FMV. But overall the port is still awesome, and at least as good as the original.

>> No.7300183

The 3D controls are a godsend to people who aren't a fan of tank controls. It's a competently made port of the game that has stable 3D.

>> No.7300251
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Imagine not having a PSone in addition to your N64 and Saturn in 1998

>> No.7300264

taking 1.6 GBs and compressing it to fit on a 64 MB cartridge.
>>Not a technical achievement.
You're an idiot

>> No.7300295

By comparison, this is a much more impressive port that the PS2 version of RE4. I'm assuming that's why you created this thread,? But unfortunately during your massive cope crisis, you didn't think this one through.

>> No.7300428

>that face

>> No.7300528

Waiting is the word the 64 wants tohear it got no loading times right?

>> No.7300534

*angel studios

>> No.7301016

I prefer the dreamcast port

>> No.7301127

iirc the colors of backgrounds are somehow changed in DC

>> No.7301152

I prefer the PC port overall due to instant cuts between camera angles it supplies incredible fluidity though i can see why some people would prefer playing on a CRT on GC/N64/DC/PS1

>> No.7301184
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After playing the psx version to death, the n64 randomiser was a real joy. Its an underrated feature. I never played n64 back when so playing a familiar game on the n64 was a great way to get familiar with the n64 controller. In general RE is goat but RE2 stands alone with its scenario narratives, score and playability.

>> No.7301249

>No Resident Evil 1 on the N64
I guess the live action videos were too much for the N64 cartridge to handle.

>> No.7301294

>I guess the live action videos were too much for the N64 cartridge to handle.

Capcom and the director of RE2 were actually developing Resident Evil 0 for the N64. The N64 game looked better than what ended up on the Nintendo GameCube:


>> No.7301306

>only for Nintendo 64

>> No.7301307


>> No.7301314

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrJig54ptAY [Embed]


That prototype dialouge!
*GAAAASP!!! How are you?"

>> No.7301331

this, the cutscenes were made to play at 15fps. Soul! It's kino!

>> No.7301348

>The N64 game looked better than what ended up on the Nintendo GameCube:
No it doesn't

>> No.7301409

>No it doesn't

I don;t mean visually. Ofcourse the GameCube game looks better. But Hideki Kamiya was the lead designer on the N64 game, and was replaced by Koji Oda. The N64 game looks like it would have had a lot more action/ gunplay. Which to me, makes it look better.

>> No.7301453

I love how the famous voice acting in RE1 was actually completely unintentionally bad. This 1996 GameFan interview with Shinji Mikami explains:

GF: Resident Evil was really popular in the US and Europe as well. When you were developing it, did you think at all about foreign markets?

M: Well, actually, no. I didn't think about the foreign market. And because of that, I've been told that the dialogue in the game was very strange (laughs). I've heard that a lot. I'll do it properly next time.

GF: We thought it was a bit odd, too. Was the voice recorded in America?

M: No, we recorded it in Japan.

GF: But, American voice actors, right?

M: Well, the voice actors were American, but the translator was Japanese, so people ended up thinking the dialogue was very unnatural. The other thing is that at first, the actors didn't speak very clearly. The US version doesn't have subtitles on the screen, like the Japanese one does. So in the English version, if you miss hearing an important message, that's it. There's nothing you can do. To fix that, we asked the voice actors to speak very slowly and clearly, but that ended up being a negative itself. Since I'm Japanese, I didn't realize how strange it was for them to be speaking so slowly. I was disturbed when I finally noticed that much later.

I theorize that REmake's voice acting is in response to the original game. I think they probably instructed the voice actors to sound as bland as possible that time so people wouldn't make fun of it.

>> No.7301509

>well, the FMV is massively compressed and far inferior to the original PSX FMV. But overall the port is still awesome, and at least as good as the original.

The game is close to being 100% intact on the N64. It is missing a couple seconds worth of FMV that gets cut out later in the game. Like an exchange with Ada and Sherry's mother. The video was cut down to 15fps and lots of compression was used. It is also missing the extreme battle mode unlockable. But Hunk and tofu unlockable games are president on the N64 version. The N64 version does also support the RAM pak, and the randomizer does add additional replay value. One of the developers of the game did say, that in retrospect they could have made a few changes and upped the quality of the video, But for a port that was on a six month development cycle. Angel Studios did an incredible job with minimal cuts in content as the core game is still there.

>> No.7301656

If the N64 version had Battle Mode, it would be perfect. I love that this game had 3D controls way before REmake HD released.

>> No.7301725

This, no Chris showing Leon how to use a remington like a true man is a huge downer.

>> No.7302160

>If the N64 version had Battle Mode,

I think the reason why it doesn't is because the Extreme Battle mode was made as exclusive content for the Duak Shock version of RE2 for the PS1. The N64 game is a port of the non-Dual Shock version. The Extreme Battle Mode uses all the maps from, the main game, and doesn't add any new voice dialogue, and adds a few additional character models. They probably could have just made their own version of the battlemode.

>> No.7302215

Was it still going to have the 2-characters gimmick? If so it would've still been shit.

>> No.7302219

It still is a technological marvel. They cut down the size by porting most of it to assembly and just kept the C code as glue. The comments for the original code were all in Japanese too.

>> No.7302290

>It still is a technological marvel. They cut down the size by porting most of it to assembly and just kept the C code as glue. The comments for the original code were all in Japanese too.

Here's a really old Gamasutra article from 2000, which has a post-mortem for the N64 version of RE2 written by one of the game developers.


Some exerts:
> 3. Compression
While we achieved a tour-de-force of compression overall, we didn't anticipate all the assets that would need to be compressed. Audio and video received most of the attention and were pushed and squeezed until they fit. Our focus on these assets, however, caused us to neglect other areas such as the animation data. We did manage to cage these beasts, too, but on our final burn we had to shave another megabyte off the video. This last megabyte took us under the critical point where the video suddenly went from very pretty to just a bit too obviously compressed.

> 5. Not Making Audio a High Enough Priority
At the beginning of the project,-- a nightmare for conversion to cartridge. Angel Studios simply did not have the know-how to execute this area of the project. this was the most underestimated and underbudgeted task. We quickly realized the scope: at least 200 pieces of music, many short, but there nonetheless with each MIDI piece having its own unique samples

> Chris Huelsbeck was involved in the MIDI conversion process. The result was better than anyone expected. Finally, using their sound driver on the N64 allowed us to use Dolby Surround Sound to place sounds in true 3D space, making the in-game sound far superior to its PSX predecessor.

Chris Huelsbeck worked on the audio conversion for this game at Factor 5. Capcom paid Angel Studios 1million dollars for 12 months of development time to make this port. There were 9 people who worked on it total .

>> No.7302342

Excellent article - thanks for posting

>> No.7302351

angels studios were the same people who did that ken griffey jr game right? probably the only sports game that i have ever liked and i hate baseball.

Those guys were alright

>> No.7302361

>only put resident evil 2 on 64
wtf was their problem

>> No.7302516
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for me, it's tofu

>> No.7302684

yup, now they make the red dead games

>> No.7302716

>implying a kid would notice that
I remember struggle my ass with the tank controls and puzzles, let alone grasp the concept of framerates, texture filtering and video compression atm.

>> No.7303159

>angels studios were the same people who did that ken griffey jr game right?

The two N64 baseball games, yes. `They also made Midtown Madness, Smugglers Run, Midnight Club. Rockstar bought them because of their technical abilities as a company and they develop the RAGE engine and the Red Dead Redemption games.

>> No.7303475

They're both very kino in their own ways.

>> No.7305149

Imagine waiting 9 months to get an inferior version of the man you love.

>> No.7305210

Spot the retard,tank controls are easy to use.

>> No.7305483
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>> No.7305523

i don't really like Rockstar games but glad to see they did alright. They obviously knew their shit very well.

>> No.7306434

>They obviously knew their shit very well.

Yeah. Rockstar lost the ability to license the renderware toolkit from Criterion after EA bought Criterion out. All of Rockstar's games were heavily reliant on the Renderware engine. GTAIII, VC, SA, The Warriors, Bully. But at that point, Angel Studios had their own openworld game engine called AGE, used in Midtown Madness, Smugglers Run and Midnight Club. AGE was developed into RAGE and used with Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis , GTA IV, GTAV, Max Payne 3, the Red Dead games. Rockstar were really lucky with that acquisition.

>> No.7306539


Agreed. The PC is the best way to play the Dreamcast version.

>> No.7306701

thought it was gonna be another case of a 90s studio who suddenly shay their pants in the 00s and went belly up, like Acclaim/Iguana or became irrelevant like Id. Guess anyone who didn't fail ended up getting bought by one of the big publishers

>> No.7307138

>thought it was gonna be another case of a 90s studio who suddenly shay their pants in the 00s and went belly up, like Acclaim/Iguana or became irrelevant like Id. Guess anyone who didn't fail ended up getting bought by one of the big publishers

I wouldn't be surprised in Angel Studios owner was looking to sell, since they already had an engine that fit what Rockstar needed. And developed that even further. Angel Studios did a lot of contract work for other companies.

>> No.7307139

>No daddy, you ain't making me teen pregnant!

>> No.7307254

If he was smart he probably did, being a contributor to a larger publisher was a better position than having to compete against them in a time when gaming standards started needed ridiculous capital and bigger teams. They probably kept their team tightly knit and nothing changes drastically in their routines.

>> No.7307692

I don’t have to imagine it. I lived it.

>> No.7310052
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I first played Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation and N64. It was pretty great

>> No.7310165

>Finally, using their sound driver on the N64 allowed us to use Dolby Surround Sound to place sounds in true 3D space, making the in-game sound far superior to its PSX predecessor.
Did other ports get this? That's a pretty good feature.

>> No.7311605

>Did other ports get this? That's a pretty good feature.

That's a good question. After looking it up, I don't think any other port of RE2 has doubly surround outside of the N64 version. This was a result of Angel Studios using Factor 5's audio engine. The remake has Doubly Atmos and Surround as well.